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I just want to thank you all for what you've done, your hard work. You have helped rebuild our party. You've helped ensure that the liberal Democrats are winning again. You have helped us get our and the best results for over 100 years. I really want to thank you, and I want to thank the millions of voters who want change and who've looked to the liberal Democrats to deliver that change and who've put your trust in us and our candidates, now your MPs.


They will be your local champions.


They will fight for the fair deal that you deserve.


So thank you for putting your trust in us.


Trust is a very precious commodity.


It's hard one. Sometimes you've lost it, you lose it, and you have to work very hard to win it back. I want to thank people for trusting us again. We will not let you down. We will honor your trust, and we will keep working so you keep putting your trust in us. I like to think we've done that by listening to you, by hearing your concerns. That is why in this campaign, we fought a really positive campaign about your concerns, about how we wanted to make sure you got help with the cost of living and the difficult economic circumstances. We listened to you on the environment and your concerns about the appalling sewage scandal, and that's why we have policies to tackle that. And above all, we listened to you about your concerns about the crisis in our system, in our care system. And that's why we put solving that, fixing that right at the heart of our agenda. During this campaign, I've told you about my own story of caring and being a carer for much of my life. And I want to thank all the people who've come to me and responded in such generosity, telling me that my story is your story.


And I want to make sure that we represent the millions of carers out there as we rebuild our health system and do something special to support carers and care workers. I think if we do that, we can earn your trust. I promise you, having put it at the heart of our agenda, we are now going to work on health and care. We're going to go to Parliament to represent you. Our first campaign that starts today is a campaign for emergency budget this month for health and care. Every one of our record number of liberal Democrat MPs is going to go to Parliament to campaign for that emergency budget for health and care.


They're going to stand up for their local health service, their local care service that you rely on.


They're going to stand up for the policies, whether it's getting more GPs, more NHS dentists, free personal care that will fix the system. Every Liberal Democrat MP will be a voice for carers, and we are going to make sure that your voice is heard like never before. That is the fair deal that we fought on. That is the fair deal that all Liberal Democrat MPs and our whole party want to deliver. So thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve you. And my invitation to you is come and join us and help us turn around our country and transform our health and care system, transform our political system, and bring the better, brighter, fairer future our country so desperately needs. Thank you.