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They were queuing at dawn for a rally that wouldn't start for hours, such as the draw of Donald Trump in places like this. These parts of Pennsylvania are Trump country, yes, but in this state and just a few others, the margins are so tight it could swing either way. And I'm proud to be an American. And so, just as he did in 2016 and 2020, he came to Johnstown again to tell them, again, that he will make their lives better.


The American dream bigger, better, and stronger than ever before.


And here, among the faithful, they believe him. Never mind that he never got the factories outside reopened when he was last President. Their lives felt better back then as they have felt even worse through Biden's time. And so to cheers, he warned of worse still if Harris wins.


Did you see her on television last night? This is going to be the President. This is going to be the President of our country. I don't think so.


Let's eliminate all of that.


This week in her first interview, Kamala Harris confirmed that she's U-turning on fracking, no longer wanting to ban it. But here, they don't believe her.


The people of Pennsylvania are smart. They're not going to fall for it. She will destroy. If you don't have fracking, you don't have a Commonwealth.


You know, the enthusiasm for Donald Trump at these rallies is always palpable. These are the diehards, minds made up. He has hooked them. It's the people beyond here who he needs to reach. And so it is interesting that he appears on certain policies to be shifting.


China, North Korea, Russia, I don't know. Just like Kamala Harris from the other side, he is now trying to appeal to moderates whose votes he needs with new ambiguity on issues like abortion and IVF. But outside in this rust belt town built on the steel industry, now struggling so much conversations which reflect a nation.


I am going to vote. Yes, absolutely.


But not for Trump?


No. What do you think of Kamala Harris?


I don't know that much about her other than she's the current vice President.


I think he's a lot of good in him, and I think he has a lot of great business sense, and I think he'll really help our country come back to where it was.


He's an adulterer. Cheated on a first wife with a second wife. Cheated on a second wife with a third wife. Cheated on a third wife when she had a baby with a porn star. These are disgusting morals for a decent human being.


Back inside, Donald Trump was still talking.


In a week from now, week and a half, I look forward to that debate very much.


That debate is 10 days away, a huge test for them both. Mark Stone, Sky News in Johnstown, Pennsylvania.