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Please be warned that the following report contains a lot of distressing images. The silencing of guns hasn't come soon enough to stop Gaza's pain. The talk of peace and ceasefires hasn't stopped the bombs and killings yet. Even where the hostage deal agreed, there's been no let up in aggression. Instead an orgy violence, homes flattened beyond recognition. This was dear Al Bala in Central Gaza Hospital. Authorities say 128 bodies were recovered after multiple strikes here through night and day.


As soon as I just closed my eyes to sleep, we woke up in the rubble. Black dust, gunpowder and the sound of screaming.


Every crushed child's body, every grieving parent, is emblematic of nearly seven weeks of failure to stop this bloodletting. There's nothing that can prepare a community for this and no truce which will erase the suffering. More than a hundred corpses are in this grave, many recovered, badly decomposed from Al Shifa hospital. The horror of what's happening here goes on and on. The only way out of this hell is still through the Rafa crossing in Egypt. Small groups of dual national families, the mothers clutching their babies to them, are the only ones we saw who've been able to escape, along with the elderly. And infirm surviving's tough. Leaving everyone else behind in the Gaza war zone is even tougher.


I left my children behind and I'm so scared for them. I left my daughter, and she's a cancer patient, but my son said I should go to him in the US. But I left my daughter.


Her life packed up in four bags. But she survived where so many haven't. And it took a human rights lawyer to demand answers to some key questions.


Stop the war. Stop the war now. 6000 children, 4000 women. Which Hamas are they talking about? They should solve their issues with Hamas away from the civilians.


But there's going to be no relief for civilians, it seems, until the ceasefire kicks in and at least some hostages held in Gaza walk free.


There have been small groups of dual nationals like this coming out all day. They've either got relatives in Gaza or they were working in Gaza. And this is the same gate, the.


Rap of water crossing, that the hostages.


Will come out, and the real hope.


Is that that will lead to something completely fresh and a much more positive in the future. There are lines of aid trucks waiting to go inside the strip. With countries like Egypt and Saudi Arabia pushing the UN to break Israel's stranglehold on the delivery. They want UN agencies and not the Israeli Defense Forces to clear the aid coming through Rafa. Failure to agree on this, the Arab countries warn, risks the UN being complicit in what they view as war crimes and collective punishment. Saudi Arabia is going further, urging a ban on selling weapons to Israel.


If any country in the world doesn't utilize the weapons in the riot rules and doesn't follow the international law, then one has to think, do they have the right to receive those weapons? To those who control the corridors, please. Corridors, open the corridors. Open the corridors. Let's save the life of children and women and the elderly people.


The pause will bring some respite, but so many are hoping it can be used to build so much more. Alex Crawford, Sky News, on the Egypt Gaza border.