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.. We are in a critical moment for the democracy that is moving to prevent war and the stop of the Israeli aggression. The trips to the foreign countries, with the heads of the foreign leaders, and the leaders of the foreigners, and the Arab brothers, who were deeply in view of the danger of the situation of the Lebanon and the climate and its danger on the security of the region. And especially, what we're getting from the war and the stop of the fire is the stop of the Israeli attacks on Lebanon and and what is left from destruction, and murder of a woman from the world in general. And said the country, We, in the government, still raise the voice, and give him the deep of the attacks, and we're doing the right to be able to, and we're not going to be in the right, and we will not be in the need to employ all our skills and our talents to protect our country, and to punish the crimes of Israeli events, and raise the voice to destroy the world's conscience. So the Israeli people, they are in the midst of the war, and they are not in the weight of the initiatives of the God's Welles.


The country,. But this is not a result of the terrible, as we heard it and we heard it from the people. What does the government do? Is to prevent the collapse of the public and to keep the production of the public institutions. However, to get rid of this file is a bit too much and is not allowed. And to get rid of this more than the too much in this terrible situation. I decided to take the fund that is related to the full of the land in some of the manages until now. But this is not possible because the management is in need of the full of the fields that threaten its production. In addition, we are also confirming that the economic stability is one of the We work with them according to plans, and regulations, and real estate, and we also warn the risks of the use of the conditions to deal with the prices, and to increase the school, and the university, and the security systems, which are contrary to the increase of the public's drugs. We are also calling the role of the security devices, in order to keep the situation, and especially on the side of the discovery of drugs.


We also call the security services, the Ministry of Health, and the Ministry of Health, to immediately stop and economic economic impact on people, and a finalize, because we work for tomorrow, and we prepare a ready schedule for every trip, we will be working on the preparation of the Hiccup, and the Commission of Trauma, and with the approval of its member, Mr. Nasser Yassin, to be with our people, and to be in their service, and to reduce the pain of the stage and its effects. As well as that the future is a stage of peace and stability, so that Lebanon is ready to be in peace without the fear of the future, without the fear of the. Then, of course, we went to study the schedule of the work. I would like to make sure that the Prime Minister has the right to ensure that the Prime Minister has the right to return to the resettlement, in the sense that it is related to the resettlement.


With me, Prime Minister. Today, the subject is very dangerous and scary, and we haven't reached out to any solution, and the region, after they have been in the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister also revealed that the Lebanon's market, and the money is being.




going to give you the Okay.


I'll answer a bit of a question. We are taking our responsibility in this situation. We are seeing in the south of Lebanon, there is a destruction of a system for the towns and countries of border, and there are daily arrests, and it is increasing the rate of these arrests. The minimum that we are doing, and the least we are doing, is to take our responsibility seriously, with all. We have to take our courage, and with all our resources seriously because we see it in the war in Gaza. We cannot say that this is the half of it we are seeing in front of us. We must take our responsibilities seriously and seriously.. Today, we have to show what is being done in the National Defense of National Defense, which is being done by the government, with all its agencies, and its agencies, and especially on the local level, in partnership with the leaders who have been working with the administration of the National Defense of National Defense. And the management of the crisis and the dangers in each of the provinces, and especially in the south and the south, and the West, and then in the other districts.


We have a discussion on the main things, and we have a way of putting the investments in a gradual way. We are going to say that the investments, and Mr. Mikhata, all are promised to be present in the middle of the protests, but we have opened the trust with the value of 150 billion for the high-level compliance with local governments, especially the defenders, and the furtherance of the transfer is in full transparency, and it includes all the mechanisms and the procedures, the monitoring and the monitoring of this transfer. The government is the one who is going to. But also, Abdel Rhais is open to increasing these beliefs, as a result, especially the related matters, which are: the headquarters of them, the two of them, the two of them, the two of them, the Ministry of Health, the Commission of Health, and also the Ministry of 200 schools, to be a center of the security in the middle of the attacks. There is also a collaboration with the international institutions, and it has been shown how to be able to




I was already, before we got to the session, a request from the political team that I belong to, and a request from the President of the House, to withdraw this fund because there was a conflict between the country and the country. Especially in this special situation that we are living in the country. As a government, I don't like to talk about this, although the Constitution is clear. I wanted to clarify that there is a minister from the team of the Refugee, not the Refugee, but the Refugee, we can call it, let's put it in a quick frame, the Refugee. He was presenting a band with the approval of employees in the manages of the Lebanon. While me, as a Minister of Industry, we were doing a. But a request from the President, and the political team, pulled this subject. I wanted to highlight that there is a summer and winter. In the subjects that are related to a political team, it becomes summer, and only for the government and the interests, it becomes winter. Here, I wanted to light, so I took it and took it to look more on the next steps on this subject.


Thank you..