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Hi. Hello. Welcome to Utsbridge and South Ryselef. I'm Danny Bills, Labour's candidate for this constituency. It's an honor and privilege to stand here in my hometown. People here are desperately crying out for change. The story is the same every time we knock on the doors. People are terrified about the next bill coming through the door, worried about rising waiting lists, the state of the local hospital after 40 years of no progress under the Conservatives, terrified about what the future holds for their children and whether they'll ever get on the property ladder. Well, there is There is change available. There is change on the ballot this July, and I'm delighted to welcome the team leading that fight for change. Please give a fantastic, a warm welcome to Angela Reina, Keir Starmer, and Rachel Reeves.


Thank you. Thank you, Danny. It's so great to be in Oxbridge. I know you'll be a fantastic MP for this area because I've worked with you for a number of years now and I've seen your dedication to the local area. This is what this general election is about. It's about putting the country first. It's about giving people that hope and opportunity that 40 For 15 years, the Tories have taken away. They've crashed the economy. Nothing works anymore. People can't get appointments for their GP. People waiting on hospital NHS waiting lists. We've got to turn the page. We've got to have change in this country. On the fourth of July, we can make that change happen together. I'm going to really enjoy He's been out and about up and down the country on our bus. I've been looking forward to this day. Keir is going to have all the pictures of me up and down the country on the bus. He's going to have on every stop because we want to send a message to the people of this country is we are a changed labor party in the service of working people. We will never ride high and rough shot on the economy because we know we need a strong economy.


Because when you ride loose with the economy like Liz trusted with Richie as the Chancellor, it's working people that paid the price. We will not not allow that under a labor government. Now I'm going to hand over to the woman who's going to make sure we get our economy back on track, the fabulous Rachel Reeves.


Thanks so much, Angela. It's great to be here with our brilliant candidate in Oxbridge and Southrisland, Danny Beels. Danny, I know how hard you work, and we here are going to do everything within our power to make sure you are the next MP here. No complacency, fighting for every vote, focusing relentlessly on the issues that matter to voters. If we do that, I know we can win here. If we win here, we will get a Labor government. As Angela says, our country is crying out for change. Time to turn the page on 14 years of chaos and decline. And nowhere is that more important than on the economy. For 14 years of our economy stagnating, the first ever parliament where living standards will be lower at the ends than they were at the beginning, taxes at a 70-year high, and yet public services on their knees. I will never play fast and loose with the public finances in the way that the Conservatives have, because when you do, you put family finances at peril. At peril. That is why we will bring stability back to our economy, because after what the Conservatives done, stability is change.


Stability so that families and businesses can plan their future once again. That's what our plans about powering up Britain are all about. Powering up Britain to ensure that wherever you come from, wherever your staff is, opportunities and potential, and powering up too, so that our economy can fulfill its potential, so that everyone can contribute wherever you live. That's what our New Deal Working People is all about. That's what our Green Prosperity Plan is all about. That is what this Change Labor Party is all about. Labor is ready, ready to serve, ready to lead, and ready to rebuild Britain. It's time for a government that is on the side of ordinary working people. That government is a Labor government, and with your help, that government is coming soon. It's now my great pleasure to pass on to my great friend, the leader of our party, Keir Starmer.


Thank you, Rachel. Thank you, Ange, and thank you, Danny. You'll be a brilliant candidate and an even more brilliant member of Parliament. We look forward to electing you in. And thank you all. It's great to be here for the launch of the bus, Angela's Bus. And doesn't it look fantastic? All week, she's been showing me photographs of her bus, and now I've come to see this fantastic bus. And it's rather like Tauri defectors. You wait for ages and then three come along in a row. But this one, Ange, I'm reliably told, has got a fridge in the back of it. So check that Boris Johnson isn't in there. He used to be around these parts. But what Angie is going to do with this bus is take our message to every single doorstep across the country, 5,000 miles, one simple message. This election is What about a choice, a choice before the country, a clear choice. More chaos and division with the Tories after 14 years of failure, more of the same, or change, hope, turn the page and rebuild with labor. That is the choice because there's been a huge cost of the failure of the last 14 years, a human cost, that up and down the country, people are paying in their own households, up in the northeast of England, £5,400 worse off under the Tories.


That is money people can't afford. In the southwest of England, £4,300 worse off. Money that working people cannot afford, the price that they are paying. And think how they feel when Richie Sunak says, We've turned the page. We've turned the page. Think how they feel when their mortgage is going up, when Liz Trust is parading round, ready to try and form the next leadership when Rishi's booted out, when they see those that advised a swanning round in the House of Lords because Rishi Sunak was too weak to do anything about it. So this is a choice at this election. Powering up with labor, rebuilding with labor. They're saying today about some leveling up. I remember them saying that five years ago. Have they done it? No. Fourteen years, have they done it? Are they going to do it now? And they're using the same... There's nothing... They say in politics, the worst thing you can do is pray on people's fears. What they're doing with this is praying on people's hopes. Their hope that things will level up on the non-delivery. And what they've done today with this another unfunded commitment, there's one a day, they're using the same money that last week they said was going to pay for the teenage dad's army.


The They are shredding their economic credibility. The Taurus cannot be trusted with the finances of the country. We need Rachel, we need a stable economy, and we need to give working people the foundation that they need for the lives that they want to build. So this election is all about change, a changed Britain. That's a huge ambition, a huge transformation. And like all ambition, it starts with the first steps. And that's why we've set out our first steps. They're here on the card that Angela will be delivering to doorsteps, out the back of the bus, the front of the bus, distributing. I'm going to give her so many of these cards. She's going to take the first step, economic stability. As Rachel says, stability is change after the chaos of the last 14 years. Economic stability, so we can keep our finances under control. Cut NHS waiting The list now, nearly eight million. It's never been that high. It's shocking. When labor left office, we had the lowest waiting lists on record and the highest satisfaction in the NHS. They've turned that completely on its head. So now the highest ever waiting list and the lowest ever satisfaction.


The lowest ever satisfaction in our NHS. I don't care what political party you support. If you leave your country, you leave your NHS, worse than when you found it in government, you don't deserve one day more in government. Third, a new border security command because the tours have lost control of our borders. Ten A thousand people have crossed the channel this year already. That is a record. And nobody but nobody should be making that journey. We won't waste more money on a gimmick that Raji Sunak himself doesn't believe in, £600 million for something he didn't believe in. And now he's called an election before it can be tested because he knows it won't work. £600 million down the drain. We need a border command that will smash the gangs that are running these vile trade. Step four, Great British Energy. We enjoyed being in Scotland yesterday, where we made it absolutely clear that Great British Energy would be based in Scotland. This is publicly owned, the taxpayer owns this, making money for the taxpayer and keeping your bills low, making sure we got the security and the jobs of the future. Step five, cracking down on antisocial behavior.


Don't tell me, because I've been told so many times before, that this is low level, that it doesn't really affect people. It massively affects people. If you feel you can't go out of your front door down your own street in your community, if you feel that you can't be safe in your own environment, if you're a young person that can't walk down the high street because you're worried about antisocial social behavior, it massively makes a difference. That's why we'll have 13,000 new police, neighborhood police, making sure everybody, but everybody, feels safe and secure in their own community. Then finally, step six, 6,000 1,500 teachers, much needed in our secondary schools, because I know the power that knowledge and education gives, and I want every single young person, wherever they come from, whatever their background, to feel that success belongs to them. So Ang, six steps on this card to take to the country. Here's the first one. I think you're setting off today off to the east of the country. So take this with you. We got plenty more in the back, distribute them everywhere because this is about a choice, a clear choice. More chaos, more division, because they're not going to change.


They're not going to change. They've already failed. They'll fail again, and it will be costing every single person in this country. Or turn the page, renew, and go forward with Labor. Let's do it. Let's vote Labor for change, for renewal. Vote Labor. Thank you very much.


The labor leader there, Sakeer Starmer, unveiling that new battle bus, the conservative Party doing the same, too. Today, they're doing theirs in Middlesbrough. That's in Uxbridge in London. Join there with Angela who has in her hand the card with the six points that Labor is centering their focus of their campaign. Like I say, we'll be hearing more from both parties throughout the course of the day with our correspondent, Darren Macafrey, as well, following the Conservatives up in Middlesbrough. But that was Labor and Sakeer Starla. Let's turn our attention to politics in South Africa, because the ruling party there, the African National Congress, is on course to lose its majority for the first time in 30 years. Most of the results are now in for the country's election, and it's clear the The Party, first led to victory by Nelson Mandela, will have to form a coalition to stay in power. Our Africa correspondent, Yusra Al-Ghaber, reports.


This is the eye of the brewing storm, South Africa's National Result Center. With each update that comes from here, sending the country deeper into uncertainty. All eyes in South Africa on this dashboard, and it is not looking good for the ANC who will have to partner with at least one of the parties on this board if it wants to continue running South Africa. The ANC is set to fall well short of a parliamentary majority. With every update, the projections are becoming a reality.


We are still the largest party that is leading in the polls. So that is where I would like to start off. It is a deep, and it is also a sign that democracy is at work in South Africa.


The ANC aren't just dealing with declining support, but the wild a card of their former leader and President, Jacob Zuma's party MK, splitting votes with celebrations in his home province as the six-month-old party, climbs up the leaderboard.


Politically speaking, we believe that he has already subtracted himself from the African National Congress.


But to survive the blow of this election, the ANC may have to turn to Zoom as MK Party to form a coalition.


When it comes to the ANC, the question is, will we partner with the ANC of Cyril Ramaphosa?


Anc of Cyril Ramaphosa? No. The ANC has presided over South Africa's 30 years of postapartheid democracy, but its President, Cyril Ramaphosa, may not see another term.


It's fine.


It will be a lesson for them.

