Transcribe your podcast

Hi. Hi. It's Smartless, everybody.


You want to go around and introduce yourselves? We haven't done it in a long time.


We haven't. Yeah, go ahead.


I'm Sean Hay. I'm Sean Hayes.


I'm Will Arnett. I'm Jason Bay. What's your porn name, Sean? Middle name and street you grew up on.


Patrick Valley.


Patrick Valley.


That's actually pretty good.


That's pretty porny. J. B, what about you? It is porny. Kent Emerson. Emerson. No way. Sounds like he's got a strong mustache, right? Guess what?


Mine is Emerson Edgar.


Oh, my God. Wow. Did you guys do a porn together?


Are we going to do porn together? Yeah. Let's do it after an all new Smartlist. Smart. Smart.






Sean, were you... When we had dinner Saturday night, all of us at our friend's house in New York. We did. Then at a certain point, Downey was wearing that t-shirt that he wore for JB, and he said, I want to give it to you. He said, Okay, He said, Let's switch now. All of a sudden in the middle of this dinner party, J. B. And Downey stand up and they go tarps off and switch.


Wait, I didn't see that.


Did you see that? We did a little top swap.


Wait, but you had a sex pistols T-shirt on.


Right, that was his. He gave it to him.


Down he walked in with that. Yeah.


Oh, I thought that's what you showed up with.


No, I was just in a just a generic blue tea, a nice tea. Sure. I didn't know that. I said, You know what, Robert, we're looking for beautiful vintage rock T-shirts for this idiot character I'm playing. Man, that looks like a good one.


He had the sex pistols on?


Yeah. He goes, Oh, yeah, I paid a lot of money for this. He told me the number. I was like, Good Lord. He said, You want it?


For a T-shirt? He paid a lot of money for a T-shirt?


Oh, buddy. I said, Yeah, I want it. He goes, Well, here, let's step over here and I'll give it to you. I said, No, you're what? And then he said, Yeah, no. I said, Well, we don't need to step anywhere. Let's just do it right here.




So we just did a little top swap, and now I'm going to work it into the show, but we're trying to get clearance on sex pistols. If we don't get clearance on it, then I'm just going to put it in my wardrobe, my closet It at home.


Wait for Danny to forget.


Yes, but I can get you a thousand of those for $5.


You can get me a thousand T-shirts for $5?


Like vintage old '70s, '80s, '90s bands.


Where are you getting these?


You just get them online.


Or in vintage shops. I went vintage shopping with Franny yesterday because she wanted to do some shopping here in New York. While she was looking at her stuff, I went looking at the old rock T-shirts there in this incredible store called Metropolis down on Broadway. God, they got a great site. I bought five great old rock concert T-shirts, and man, they're expensive.


You know Alessandra had a T-shirt business, there's not a bit, for years. Really? Yeah, she has a warehouse full of incredible vintage tees that she procured over the years. Boxes upon boxes upon boxes.


Why is she holding on to them? Why does she sell them to places like ?


It was hard for her because they don't do the business anymore, so they got to figure out what they're going to do with the stock. Yeah.


Well, I can take a lot of that off her hands. Yeah, same.


Me and Sean will help her out.


Unless it's New York, you can take a look at it.


Great. Where's she at? Is she still here? She is. Does she come back with you?


No, she is. She's there. I'll tell her to call you after. Great. J. B, I don't cut of your jib.Likewise and ditto. Thank you.First off. All right. I like that you're in Los Angeles. That increases our odds. That's true.I think probably your kids are older than mine, so that decreases our odds.That's true. Although mine can train yours.I pretty much only see people with kids my age at this point.But Jason, you're in luck because we're going to get to know Andy right now. Oh, my God, you're right.We're going to start at the beginning. I don't know, Sean, if you've ever listened to our podcast, but we don't We're not known for our fucking good questions.We don't like the guests talking much at all.Letting our guests talk a ton. Listen back to your parts.Yeah, so Andy, you take a five. You take a five.That's fine. Can I just say, Andy?Guess what?I know you a little bit, probably better than the other two guys over the years.Yeah, we've hung out a lot.We have hung out a lot over the years and a lot, lot. Then Andy was also, first of all, JB, you know this so that you don't embarrass yourself. You know that Andy was in Arrested Development.What?It was a blip. Wait. It was a blip. I believe it's how I got in the sag.We what? We talked about it on the DVD extras of season 2 as well. That's how long ago it was.I didn't even know there were DVD extras.You were participating in it.Did you know you were in the show?Tell me the name of the show one more time.It was season 2, and I had just seen Andy. Andy and Kiva and Yorma had just done, the Lonely Island Boys, as they're known, had just done a pilot called Awesome Town that was produced by Phil Lord and Chris Miller. I want to see that.Right, Andy?Yes.For Fox.It was really good. For Fox, it was a sketch, comedy, variety. I don't even know how to describe it. Special.Before SNL?Yes, pre-Yeah.The year before. What year was that, Andy, that you guys did that? Do you remember? '04. '04. It was so funny. I was like, Oh, my God. I was just obsessed with that pilot. I was like, These guys are fucking awesome.I want to know about that, Andy. So the lonely-Well, hang on.No, wait. I want to know what fucking episode he was in in Arrested Development. Where was I? Now, don't tell me I was in the scene with him. How did he go?No. I think it was me and Cross, right, Will?Yeah, it was you and Cross.Which, first off, Arrested Development was our favorite show. Me, Keevan Yorm sat around talking about it. It was how it was like, this is the first time ever on American television that comedy has been allowed to move this fast and be this funny, and every single person on it destroys.We were obsessed with it. British Office was our inspiration, or at least Me and Will. Yes.Which showed, but it felt super different. We were super big fans of Mr. Also. The cross-pollination of those things was making our brains explode. I was not in SAG. Really? I was doing stand-up, and we were shooting our own videos and trying to cobble it together. Then I got the call to come do this one line. I think I was an usher at Blue Man Group. No way. It was the next week on the show thing that's not real. It was me talking to Cross. I think I had one line.Were you in Blue Man Makeup? No.No, I don't think I was.No. You were in an usher's outfit or something.Yeah, and my hair was just massive. Seth Meyers said, When he first met me, he looked like my hair was trying to eat my head.Man, I got to Really, remember how we used to sit and watch the show? We'd watch them when they were on on Sundays, right? We'd sit there like a couple of newbies just like, Here comes our show. Our show is coming on. We'd watch it, and then we'd go outside for smokes during the commercial breaks, and then we'd go back Then we check online to see what the comments were, and then the next morning, what the ratings were.Television.Without TV without Pity. Yeah, exactly. It was like a message board. Up at your old house. Yeah, I do remember that. I remember, you know what? Yesterday, I was going through some of my stuff upstairs, and I found the New York Times TV. Remember they used to put it like the New York Times TV guy, what's coming up in the week and whatever. The rest of the film was on the cover. It was November of 2003. Jesus. They didn't really know what to make it. They're like, This is Andy. Who knows? Anyway, I'm just getting your frame right now.Wait, what show are you guys talking about?It's called Arrested Development. I know. Anyway, so Andy comes and does that. That was like 2004. That was the spring of 2005.Mary Lou Henner on the podcast. Well, I think.Crazy with the dates. Because it was like one of the last episodes of that second season. That was like 2005. Then when was it that SNL... How did it How did SNL happen? You guys had done the pilot that did not get picked up by Fox.Yes. Then we tried to sell it around town. We thought for sure we were going to get snagged by MTV 2 or something. Yeah. No dice. We were like, We're cooked. That was our shot. We were writing together, splitting a single writing check, working on the MTV Movies Awards for the second year. The three of you? Yeah.Wow.The first year we wrote for it, it was Lindsay Lohan, and then the The second year we did it, it was Fallon. Fallon came in hosting, and he brought all the SNL people with him, and we just hung out with them, basically, for three or four straight weeks and loved them and hit it That's why they offer a 100-night trial and a 10-15-year warranty. How will you know which Helix mattress works best for you and your body? Well, their team created a Helix sleep quiz to help you find your perfect mattress in under two minutes.And your mattress is shipped straight to your door free of charge. I took the quiz, and of course, as I mentioned, I got the dusk lux because I wanted the perfect night's sleep. For me and my body and the way I sleep and the temperature I run, I run a little hotter. I like it cool. So it's actually perfect for me. It's like they read my mind. Helix is offering up to 30% off all mattress orders and two free pillows for our listeners. Go to helixsleep. Com/smartlist. That's helixsleep. Com/smartlist. That's helixsleep. Com/smartlist. This is their best offer yet, and it won't last long. With Helix, better sleep starts now. Smartlist is brought to you in part by Audible. Listening on Audible helps your imagination soar. Whether you listen to stories, motivation, expert advice, any genre you love, you can be inspired to imagine new worlds, new possibilities, new ways of thinking. Find the genres you love and discover new ones along the way. Explore bestsellers, new releases, plus thousands of included audiobooks, podcasts, and originals that members can listen to all they want with more added all the time. Audible makes it easy to be inspired and entertained as part of your daily routine without needing to set aside extra time.There's more to imagine when you listen. I've been listening to Dune. Why? Because I love it. I love the movie so much. I was like, I actually want to go back I've never read the book. I've never heard the book, I should say. It's really cool. They have all these people narrating it, different characters. It's really cool. If you're a fan of Dune and Arrakus, I'm learning about Arrakus. Frank Herbert, who wrote it, is like... It's It's much more descriptive than the movie, even though the movie's fantastic. But to hear all the words and how he describes everything and you go, Oh, yeah, I remember that. It's really, really cool. As an Audible member, you can choose one title a month to keep from the entire catalog, including the latest bestsellers and new releases. New members can try for 30 days. Visit audible. Com/smartlist or text smartlist to 500, 500. That's audible. Com/smartlist or text smartlist to 500, 500 to try audible free for 30 days. Audible. Com/smartlist. Hey, Smartlist crew. I've been drinking AG1 since 2020. It's become my daily go-to foundational nutrition supplement. Really, I trust AG1 because it's not just about what's in it, but what's not.Catch my drift. Ag1 is rigorously I've tested for 950 impurities way beyond the industry norm. Seriously, it's a game changer for me. I feel the difference daily. What I love about it is it's so easy. You can make a smoothie and just dump it in with all the other stuff in your smoothie, or you can just mix it with water and take it on the go, and your body It's getting all the vitamins and minerals that you could possibly need. Instead of taking a bunch of supplements and buying all that healthy food that you'd have to eat, it's just AG1 all in one drink. Now, let's get into the good stuff. Why or Todd Graves, who grew his fried chicken restaurant Raising Canes into one of the most successful fast food chains in the US. All of these great conversations can help you learn how to think big, take risks, and navigate crises in life and work from people who've done all of that and more. Follow How I Built This on the WNDRI app or wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen to How I Built This early and add free right now on WNDRI Plus.


cut of your jib.


Likewise and ditto. Thank you.


First off. All right. I like that you're in Los Angeles. That increases our odds. That's true.


I think probably your kids are older than mine, so that decreases our odds.


That's true. Although mine can train yours.


I pretty much only see people with kids my age at this point.


But Jason, you're in luck because we're going to get to know Andy right now. Oh, my God, you're right.


We're going to start at the beginning. I don't know, Sean, if you've ever listened to our podcast, but we don't We're not known for our fucking good questions.


We don't like the guests talking much at all.


Letting our guests talk a ton. Listen back to your parts.


Yeah, so Andy, you take a five. You take a five.


That's fine. Can I just say, Andy?


Guess what?


I know you a little bit, probably better than the other two guys over the years.


Yeah, we've hung out a lot.


We have hung out a lot over the years and a lot, lot. Then Andy was also, first of all, JB, you know this so that you don't embarrass yourself. You know that Andy was in Arrested Development.




It was a blip. Wait. It was a blip. I believe it's how I got in the sag.


We what? We talked about it on the DVD extras of season 2 as well. That's how long ago it was.


I didn't even know there were DVD extras.


You were participating in it.


Did you know you were in the show?


Tell me the name of the show one more time.


It was season 2, and I had just seen Andy. Andy and Kiva and Yorma had just done, the Lonely Island Boys, as they're known, had just done a pilot called Awesome Town that was produced by Phil Lord and Chris Miller. I want to see that.Right, Andy?Yes.For Fox.It was really good. For Fox, it was a sketch, comedy, variety. I don't even know how to describe it. Special.


Before SNL?


Yes, pre-Yeah.


The year before. What year was that, Andy, that you guys did that? Do you remember? '04. '04. It was so funny. I was like, Oh, my God. I was just obsessed with that pilot. I was like, These guys are fucking awesome.


I want to know about that, Andy. So the lonely-Well, hang on.


No, wait. I want to know what fucking episode he was in in Arrested Development. Where was I? Now, don't tell me I was in the scene with him. How did he go?


No. I think it was me and Cross, right, Will?


Yeah, it was you and Cross.


Which, first off, Arrested Development was our favorite show. Me, Keevan Yorm sat around talking about it. It was how it was like, this is the first time ever on American television that comedy has been allowed to move this fast and be this funny, and every single person on it destroys.


We were obsessed with it. British Office was our inspiration, or at least Me and Will. Yes.


Which showed, but it felt super different. We were super big fans of Mr. Also. The cross-pollination of those things was making our brains explode. I was not in SAG. Really? I was doing stand-up, and we were shooting our own videos and trying to cobble it together. Then I got the call to come do this one line. I think I was an usher at Blue Man Group. No way. It was the next week on the show thing that's not real. It was me talking to Cross. I think I had one line.


Were you in Blue Man Makeup? No.


No, I don't think I was.


No. You were in an usher's outfit or something.


Yeah, and my hair was just massive. Seth Meyers said, When he first met me, he looked like my hair was trying to eat my head.


Man, I got to Really, remember how we used to sit and watch the show? We'd watch them when they were on on Sundays, right? We'd sit there like a couple of newbies just like, Here comes our show. Our show is coming on. We'd watch it, and then we'd go outside for smokes during the commercial breaks, and then we'd go back Then we check online to see what the comments were, and then the next morning, what the ratings were.Television.


Without TV without Pity. Yeah, exactly. It was like a message board. Up at your old house. Yeah, I do remember that. I remember, you know what? Yesterday, I was going through some of my stuff upstairs, and I found the New York Times TV. Remember they used to put it like the New York Times TV guy, what's coming up in the week and whatever. The rest of the film was on the cover. It was November of 2003. Jesus. They didn't really know what to make it. They're like, This is Andy. Who knows? Anyway, I'm just getting your frame right now.


Wait, what show are you guys talking about?


It's called Arrested Development. I know. Anyway, so Andy comes and does that. That was like 2004. That was the spring of 2005.


Mary Lou Henner on the podcast. Well, I think.


Crazy with the dates. Because it was like one of the last episodes of that second season. That was like 2005. Then when was it that SNL... How did it How did SNL happen? You guys had done the pilot that did not get picked up by Fox.


Yes. Then we tried to sell it around town. We thought for sure we were going to get snagged by MTV 2 or something. Yeah. No dice. We were like, We're cooked. That was our shot. We were writing together, splitting a single writing check, working on the MTV Movies Awards for the second year. The three of you? Yeah.




The first year we wrote for it, it was Lindsay Lohan, and then the The second year we did it, it was Fallon. Fallon came in hosting, and he brought all the SNL people with him, and we just hung out with them, basically, for three or four straight weeks and loved them and hit it That's why they offer a 100-night trial and a 10-15-year warranty. How will you know which Helix mattress works best for you and your body? Well, their team created a Helix sleep quiz to help you find your perfect mattress in under two minutes.And your mattress is shipped straight to your door free of charge. I took the quiz, and of course, as I mentioned, I got the dusk lux because I wanted the perfect night's sleep. For me and my body and the way I sleep and the temperature I run, I run a little hotter. I like it cool. So it's actually perfect for me. It's like they read my mind. Helix is offering up to 30% off all mattress orders and two free pillows for our listeners. Go to helixsleep. Com/smartlist. That's helixsleep. Com/smartlist. That's helixsleep. Com/smartlist. This is their best offer yet, and it won't last long. With Helix, better sleep starts now. Smartlist is brought to you in part by Audible. Listening on Audible helps your imagination soar. Whether you listen to stories, motivation, expert advice, any genre you love, you can be inspired to imagine new worlds, new possibilities, new ways of thinking. Find the genres you love and discover new ones along the way. Explore bestsellers, new releases, plus thousands of included audiobooks, podcasts, and originals that members can listen to all they want with more added all the time. Audible makes it easy to be inspired and entertained as part of your daily routine without needing to set aside extra time.There's more to imagine when you listen. I've been listening to Dune. Why? Because I love it. I love the movie so much. I was like, I actually want to go back I've never read the book. I've never heard the book, I should say. It's really cool. They have all these people narrating it, different characters. It's really cool. If you're a fan of Dune and Arrakus, I'm learning about Arrakus. Frank Herbert, who wrote it, is like... It's It's much more descriptive than the movie, even though the movie's fantastic. But to hear all the words and how he describes everything and you go, Oh, yeah, I remember that. It's really, really cool. As an Audible member, you can choose one title a month to keep from the entire catalog, including the latest bestsellers and new releases. New members can try for 30 days. Visit audible. Com/smartlist or text smartlist to 500, 500. That's audible. Com/smartlist or text smartlist to 500, 500 to try audible free for 30 days. Audible. Com/smartlist. Hey, Smartlist crew. I've been drinking AG1 since 2020. It's become my daily go-to foundational nutrition supplement. Really, I trust AG1 because it's not just about what's in it, but what's not.Catch my drift. Ag1 is rigorously I've tested for 950 impurities way beyond the industry norm. Seriously, it's a game changer for me. I feel the difference daily. What I love about it is it's so easy. You can make a smoothie and just dump it in with all the other stuff in your smoothie, or you can just mix it with water and take it on the go, and your body It's getting all the vitamins and minerals that you could possibly need. Instead of taking a bunch of supplements and buying all that healthy food that you'd have to eat, it's just AG1 all in one drink. Now, let's get into the good stuff. Why or Todd Graves, who grew his fried chicken restaurant Raising Canes into one of the most successful fast food chains in the US. All of these great conversations can help you learn how to think big, take risks, and navigate crises in life and work from people who've done all of that and more. Follow How I Built This on the WNDRI app or wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen to How I Built This early and add free right now on WNDRI Plus.


That's why they offer a 100-night trial and a 10-15-year warranty. How will you know which Helix mattress works best for you and your body? Well, their team created a Helix sleep quiz to help you find your perfect mattress in under two minutes.


And your mattress is shipped straight to your door free of charge. I took the quiz, and of course, as I mentioned, I got the dusk lux because I wanted the perfect night's sleep. For me and my body and the way I sleep and the temperature I run, I run a little hotter. I like it cool. So it's actually perfect for me. It's like they read my mind. Helix is offering up to 30% off all mattress orders and two free pillows for our listeners. Go to helixsleep. Com/smartlist. That's helixsleep. Com/smartlist. That's helixsleep. Com/smartlist. This is their best offer yet, and it won't last long. With Helix, better sleep starts now. Smartlist is brought to you in part by Audible. Listening on Audible helps your imagination soar. Whether you listen to stories, motivation, expert advice, any genre you love, you can be inspired to imagine new worlds, new possibilities, new ways of thinking. Find the genres you love and discover new ones along the way. Explore bestsellers, new releases, plus thousands of included audiobooks, podcasts, and originals that members can listen to all they want with more added all the time. Audible makes it easy to be inspired and entertained as part of your daily routine without needing to set aside extra time.


There's more to imagine when you listen. I've been listening to Dune. Why? Because I love it. I love the movie so much. I was like, I actually want to go back I've never read the book. I've never heard the book, I should say. It's really cool. They have all these people narrating it, different characters. It's really cool. If you're a fan of Dune and Arrakus, I'm learning about Arrakus. Frank Herbert, who wrote it, is like... It's It's much more descriptive than the movie, even though the movie's fantastic. But to hear all the words and how he describes everything and you go, Oh, yeah, I remember that. It's really, really cool. As an Audible member, you can choose one title a month to keep from the entire catalog, including the latest bestsellers and new releases. New members can try for 30 days. Visit audible. Com/smartlist or text smartlist to 500, 500. That's audible. Com/smartlist or text smartlist to 500, 500 to try audible free for 30 days. Audible. Com/smartlist. Hey, Smartlist crew. I've been drinking AG1 since 2020. It's become my daily go-to foundational nutrition supplement. Really, I trust AG1 because it's not just about what's in it, but what's not.


Catch my drift. Ag1 is rigorously I've tested for 950 impurities way beyond the industry norm. Seriously, it's a game changer for me. I feel the difference daily. What I love about it is it's so easy. You can make a smoothie and just dump it in with all the other stuff in your smoothie, or you can just mix it with water and take it on the go, and your body It's getting all the vitamins and minerals that you could possibly need. Instead of taking a bunch of supplements and buying all that healthy food that you'd have to eat, it's just AG1 all in one drink. Now, let's get into the good stuff. Why or Todd Graves, who grew his fried chicken restaurant Raising Canes into one of the most successful fast food chains in the US. All of these great conversations can help you learn how to think big, take risks, and navigate crises in life and work from people who've done all of that and more. Follow How I Built This on the WNDRI app or wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen to How I Built This early and add free right now on WNDRI Plus.


or Todd Graves, who grew his fried chicken restaurant Raising Canes into one of the most successful fast food chains in the US. All of these great conversations can help you learn how to think big, take risks, and navigate crises in life and work from people who've done all of that and more. Follow How I Built This on the WNDRI app or wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen to How I Built This early and add free right now on WNDRI Plus.