Transcribe your podcast

Hey, Will, what's your middle name?


My middle name?


Yeah, quick.


It's Emerson.


That's right. You don't sound sure.


It is Emerson. No, I just thought that you knew. I thought you knew everything about me.


No, I didn't know. I don't. Sean, your middle name.


Patrick. Really?


Oh, yeah, you're right.


Sean Patrick Hayes. Yeah. J. B, what's yours? Let me guess yours. It's something it's very... Here it comes.


It's hurtful. No. It's not. It's my dad's first name. So if he's listening, careful.


Oh, Missing?


No, I know what it is. I know what it is.


That's Sean, you dick. My dad's name is- It's Kent. Kent. Kent.


You can't ever forget it.


So you're Kent Jason Bateman?


No, Jason Kent Bateman. Dumb fuck middle name.


All right. Welcome to SmartList.




Smart. Lies. Smart.




I never showed you this I have a video. I have a video to show you.


Hang on. Open the book.Oh.


Wait, here it is.


Have you seen this? Is that you and Scotty? God, I hope that's you and Scotty. Yeah.


Is it? Yeah.


Why? Where? When? Listen, we have Sean and Scotty in one of these self-propelled It's called Locomotives Going Down a Track.


Yeah, it's awesome. It's called rail.


Redwood Forest.


Like a little paddle boat you'd ride in a lake on.


It's through the forest. It's called rail biking.


Where was that? Was that on a second Honeywood?


That was up north, north of San Francisco. We went last weekend, was it? Or two weekends ago or something like that?


Why were you guys up there messing around on the trail?


Because I saw it on Instagram or something, this rail bike that you just pedaled on the railroad tracks.


So you're like, Scotty pack an overnight bag?


Yeah, we just went up there. We just did it.We.


Got to do this?Yeah.


It's amazing.I.


Can't imagine being as spontaneous and happy-go-lucky as that. Just like you're scrolling through.


It was planned a little bit.


But it still came from just scrolling through Instagram. Hey, that looks fun.


Hon, what are you doing next weekend?


Why not? I mean, there's a whole world out there. You know what I mean?


I just feel like it's so disruptive to pick up and leave the place there where you're settled. Yeah. I just have zero wanderlust. I'm not proud of it, but-You don't, huh?


But you love the outdoors and stuff, don't you? It was so beautiful.


From the inside of an air-condition car.


Say when we were flying in New York, I was like, I I pointed out the window, I go, There's a whole world out there.


Yeah, exactly.


I was saying to somebody yesterday, I want to get into the world. It's all I want to do.


Wouldn't it be fun to all go, the three of us and our significant others, to go do an adventure like that just for the weekend?


Yeah, but can it be higher end than paddleboarding down a rail? It's not paddleboarding.


Yes, we can do something a little more significant.


One of the things that we should talk about, but probably not on the podcast, but I'm going to do it anyway, is Sean and I were talking with the ladies, i. E. Your wife, JB, and my significant other, Alessandra and the ladies.


We can include Scottie in there as a significant other.


No, Scottie was there, too. Then our other female friend who's an advisor to the podcast who has a lot of opinions. Amanda. No, no, no. The other one.


Oh, that person, yes.


I said, We We got to go to... Because they want us to come, then we can talk to our buddy, Mitch Rose. We ought to go to Australia at Christmas, which is their summer, which I've never done, and do the tour and do Sydney Opera House.


I've never been.


I would like to do that, but Can we go? We did skiing last year. Can we go beach this year?


This is what I was going to say. We go there and then we do a beach.


They don't have any beaches in Australia. They don't have beaches.


Are you crazy?


No, it's all landlocked.


We go to We go to the Gold Coast somewhere and we do a week of incredible beach.


Why do we have to be working when we're vacationing?


We do a little bit of both. But, Will, my thing is you get the beach here on the West Coast. Wouldn't you want to go somewhere different?


Without the 17-hour flight.


What beach?


What do you mean? Have you looked at a map? It's all we're on the edge of the water.


You mean the California beaches? I'm talking about tropical beaches. First of all, Sean, nice try. You might as well still live in Chicago, okay? Because you go from your fucking house to fucking Larchmont, and that's it. Give me a fucking... You could live. It could be anywhere. You might as well move into a mall inside, okay? Then you and Scotty can do the fucking laps to the food court. What I'm suggesting is. I'm so white.


It's true.


We go to Australia or somewhere like that, and we go somewhere that we wouldn't normally go that's out of our comfort zone, that's why. Then we do a full beach experience.


I actually would like that. I've never been to Australia.


I love Australia. I can't even tell you.


We do have to go somewhere. But guys, listen, I don't want to keep our fancy guest waiting. So rude to talk about in front of the guests. But you guys, she's sitting in there waiting from overseas. She's in the UK right now. What? Yes, but you'd never know with her flawless American accent that she does, she can act, she can sing. Boy, can she sing? Wow.


In her most recent film- You wrote that part, too.


I'm writing, I wrote all this. In her most recent film, she can even swim the English channel, which I tried to watch last night, but the links they send you. Forget it. This effervescent young lady's middle name is Jazz. Remember we were just talking about our middle names? She has been a hot ticket- Annette Benning or Jodie Foster. Which one? No, it's not either. She has been a hot ticket in the film industry for almost a decade, starting when she joined one of the biggest movie franchises of all time. Apparently, her Duolingo score in French is pretty impressive, too. It's the Radiant, Daisy Ridley.


Daisy Ridley.


I know Daisy a tiny bit.


Hi, Daisy. Hi, guys. Oh, my God. What time is it there?


It's 6:27.


That's all right. It's not that crazy. It's 6:27.


What do you think?


She's on Mars? Daisy Ridley, welcome to SmartList.


It's so great to have you.Thank you.Thank you. I'm so excited to talk to you and meet you. I'm a massive fan.


It's so weird. I've listened to it so much, and I'm like, I'm here.


You're here. Have you really? No, you haven't.


Of course. I'm sorry. It's sounding a little bit like drive time radio this morning. We're a little too chatty. Sorry. We'll calm down.


We'll calm down. Daisy, do you think we should go to Australia for Christmas with our families?


I got back from Australia 10 days ago, shooting a movie there. Had a great time. Can't recommend it enough. Really?


What are you doing in England right now? Do you Do you live there?


I live here, yeah.


And you grew up there.


All right. You're cozy at home right now?


I'm cozy at home. I grew up here. I've never actually lived anywhere else, bar for work. I'm a real homebody.


I love London.


I always like-You find a nice place to stay there, Sean?


I do know. The Whitby hotels are amazing. Right? Okay. Anybody? No? I like the color. But London is great. I love it. I always wondered what it would be. Do you appreciate it like we appreciate it? We appreciate it, or are you just like, There's the big van, there's the blah, blah, blah. The history, it's so old and beautiful and gorgeous. Yeah.


Every time I go past the House of Parliament, I'm like, Oh. Then I walk into town. Parks are beautiful. I mean, summer in London is really nice. I'm very happy to be here right now.


Have you ever desired to live somewhere else?


Me and my husband were going to move to LA for a few months just before lockdown. So we had a place booked and everything. We were just going to see what it was like for a few months. Try it on. And then lockdown.


Now, why were you going to try it on? Were you getting pressure from the adults in your life that say, Can you please be closer to the studios?


No, not at all. It was just, I guess, a curiosity. And then we It didn't happen. And then we didn't. But my husband, who is in, based on a true story, obviously.


And his name is Tom, and his last name is... Tom.


The best.


The best name ever.


Yeah. I mean, does that just not roll right off the tongue?


Yeah. That's the time, man.


Because of that show, he's now lived there. Well, he's about to live there for the second time.It's best of both worlds.It's best of both worlds.


Then what are you going to do? Are you going to join him or are you going to be busy on another project? How do you guys work all that stuff?


We do what we can.We do our best.That's pretty nice. We do our best. That's pretty nice because Young Women in the Sea now wonderfully has a theatrical release. I get to do some work for in LA, so we'll be there together. That's so nice. Then, yeah. But we work it out pretty well.


He's so good on that. It is called Based on a True Story. I know Sean and Will, it's probably in your queue there. Go ahead and enjoy that. Thank you. It's on the peak of it.


You've got no skin in the game on this one?


Oh, yes, sure.


No, sure I do. Oh, do you? Well, explain to us just for full disclosure.


Well, I get quite a bump if a couple more people start watching it.We're just two away.


Wait, did you producing? He's executive producer.


Oh, I didn't know that.


Listen, this is your guest. I am not trying to get to my future.


No, we have to watch it. You kept winking at Daisy. That's a tick.


Be sensitive.


That's a tick. Now, listen, Daisy, tell us about growing up there because, first of all, five girls in one family.


Oh, yes. But my two half sisters are a lot older because there's an age gap with my parents, so we didn't grow up with them. But three of us was still a lot.


That's a lot. That's a lot. Father was a photographer. Mother worked at a bank, nobody else had the bug to get into the business.


Well, my mom actually worked in picture publicity for a long time. I think worked on Friends. She worked on some really cool stuff. Oh, really?


What did she do with Friends?


Well, she was the picture publicist at channel 4. When all those big shows were going on and she was the pictures, that was a great time.


That show was so related because we all knew that that thing of when your job's a joke, you're broke, your love life's DOA. You feel like you're always stuck in second gear? It hasn't been your day, your week, your month, or even your year.


Or even like a year.


Oh, my God.


Can we hold there for a second? Yeah. Will, you're familiar with those lyrics because you watched that show religiously?


No, that song is omnipresent. It was in the 90s. No, it's not. Inescapable.


No, it's only inescapable if you watch the show religiously. This is a big, big thing I'm learning about you is that you're a closet, a friend's friend.


I want to say closet. I love friends. I love the friends. Daisy, you love Friends, too, right?


Don't stop the bird.


I do love Friends, yeah.


All the Brits love Friends. I love all the Friends, and I love the show, and I love our Friends. I'm embarrassed. I haven't actually watched a ton of the show, but I know that song because it was everywhere.


But that's your ringtone, I guess.


No, but I have dropped that on the girls before. I have done that to Jen and gone like, I know. I feel your job is a joke. You're broke. You're in love life's DOA. She's like, Fuck off. Sorry, Daisy. Wait, wait, Daisy. Let's go back. So your mom worked in publicity, maybe did some stuff for channel 4 or the thing. But so what was the moment you go, you're like, mommy, I need to...


Oh, my God. You can't do that nowadays.


You did.


Not me. What was the first thing? At primary school, I was slightly misbehaving. What? We used to go because three girls-We'll come back to that.


Is this the Tring Park School or is this before Tring Park?


This is before Tring Park.


Don't show up. Guys, just so you know, Tring Park, it looks like Doubton Abbey. It's like unbelievable. I can't believe you went to school there.


Oh, yeah. It was literally, and I'm a huge Harry Potter fan. It was literally Harry Potter.


It was so good.


Yeah, I love it. I was quite naughty at school as a child. Then my mom, to keep us busy in the summer holidays, used to send us to this music thing where kids would go and, I guess, camp for you guys. I had a friend there who went to boarding school. I was like, Boarding school sounds amazing. She thought if I was busy, I would behave better. I auditioned for this performing arts school, having never really done performing arts, and then ended up staying there from 9:00 till 18:00. Over the course of that time, fell in love with all of the performing arts.


That's amazing.


Can I ask you what your flavor of misbehavior was?


It could have been that bad if I was fairly young. But just if I wasn't busy enough, I would start distracting other kids and that.


With humor or throwing shit at them? I don't know. I'm asking for a friend. I had a few different encouragements not to return, shall we say. I I mixed it up quite a bit.


I went to boarding school and I was not kicked out. I make this distinction. I was asked not to return.


Yeah. Very good.


That's what they liked. My first ever job, actually, I was asked not to return for the second week. It was honestly fucking soul-crushing.




What happened?


Well, the worst thing was it was a workshop thing to do a play. It wasn't even a play. It was like a table read It was even recorded. What? Yeah, so we were doing the workshop for two weeks, and on the Friday, they were like, You don't need to come back next week. Oh, my God. It was hideous. Obviously, I had taken time out of my job because at the time, I was working at a pub, and I thought, Oh, my God. Because I was terrible, honestly.


Really? No, I don't believe that.


No, seriously. They were like, You bring nothing to this.


Were you good at working at the pub?


I actually was, yeah.


Really? That Was that pouring the... Doing the... What's it called? The drap. Doing the pints.




Doing the drap. Doing that. Then you do the little haircut off the top of it?


A well-poured... Actually, I shouldn't say that. I mean, pouring pints in London, you don't do that thing.


Why? You just let it drip over. I don't know.


You let it cascade.


But you were good. If somebody wanted to come in for a cheeky pint, you could just serve them up nicely and then send them on their way.Cheeky.


Pint.yeah. I We had a very strange thing recently where I was in the 11th, the Rondissement of Paris in a hotel doing some press for a tiny movie I made a couple of years ago. A guy at breakfast comes over and he goes, Are you Daisy? I was like, Yeah, you're so familiar. I used to serve him at the pub. Oh, wow. He's a photographer, did a book on Bowie and was there promoting the book. He was like, Literally the last time I saw you, you were pouring me a pint saying, Oh, I have this audition, hopefully. It will go well.It.


Was Star Wars.That.


Was the last time I saw him.


That's crazy. What's Bowie?David Bowie.Oh, Bowie. Bowie. I thought you said Bowie.


A lot of Brits say Bowie. I'm here to translate for you, Daisy.


Wait, so that's what I'm going to ask. You dropped out of college to take Star Wars, right?


I dropped out of university, yeah. But it wasn't like you had to be enrolled and be on campus thing.


Right. You could do it online or something. Yes. But was there any hesitation at all?


It wasn't Trump University, was it?


No. Because there is a class action so you can get involved.


You can get a piece. I'm just saying you can get a piece. You can wear your beek on it.


Was there any hesitation at all in accepting that role at such a young age because being in school or whatever for fear that it might... Did you even think about it might change your way of life forever, or were you more like, Get me the hell out of here. I want to work? You know what I mean? Did you ever think about how much it would change your life.


But JJ is so convincing. You get inside those of what those eyes, that vortex there. Jj will talk in anything.


You melt.


I actually have a hilarious text from him. The best. He used to say to me, Your eyes are so big. I was watching something I did last year and my eyes were so massive in the thing I took a picture and sent it to him. He's literally sent me a birthday text with just my eyes everywhere.


That's funny.


There was zero hesitation, no. I was desperate for the role and had been waiting seven months from my first audition, so I was like, Give me please.


You auditioned seven months before you got the yes?


Yeah, I did a number of auditions over a seven-month period.


Oh, my God.


Did you just tell the pub, I can't work anymore because I'm going to be doing Star Wars. See you guys later?


I said, I've got a job, so I'm going to have to go buy-by's. Really? Yeah, but then I didn't Did they say, Why are you speaking to us like a four-year-old.


They didn't say. Yeah.


They have to make bye-by's. They were like, What's wrong with you?


Yeah, no, I was just like, Oh, I just got a job. I have to go. No one knew what was going on for a few months anyway. I didn't tell anyone, but on my family.


What part of town was that pub?


Just in case they're listening.


It's the Union Tavern in West Bourn Park.


Union Tavern in West Bourn. Why? Do you know it? Are you going to go visit?


I'm going to go there in two weeks. When I go over there, I'm going to go say hi for a day's- By the way, it's It's a really gorgeous pub.


It's right on the canal. It's right by Porta Bello.


I love Porta Bello on a Saturday. On a Saturday? Yeah. One of the funniest things I've ever seen in my life was a guy. We were walking down Porta Bello Road on a Saturday.


Who's he?


I guess it was Chappee and me, probably. Yeah, there we go. Got it. Because he lives up in Queens Park. No, I know.


Just need to get Chappie in one more time.


I know. This is my friend, Mark Chappell Chappee. They know he's a friend of the podcast. That's two, that's three. We're walking along and we see a guy, beautiful Saturday. We see a guy in an orange, like an orange Sherbert-colored Lamborghini with the top down. You know that road is so packed on a Saturday, right? And those stop lights just before you start getting down into Porta Bella Road. This guy comes along, he's at the stop light in this orange thing, and everybody's looking, and then the light goes green, and he guns it. He's only got about 70 yards to go, and the next light is red. He has to stop. Everybody collectively laughed at this guy in his face. It was so good. It was so, so good. Anyway, Union Tavern. Okay.


We'll be right back.


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You didn't tell your family when you first got it, or you only told your family, nobody else?


I only told my family.


Wow. Just because you didn't want Why weren't you like, Why didn't you tell the world? Like, Oh, my God, everybody, I got this fucking thing.


Oh, no, I wasn't allowed. Oh. No, I wasn't allowed. I took that very seriously. I know John Boyega said he got in a cab and told the cabby straight away, but I was so scared to say anything. No, I told my dad was asleep when I told him and he went, Jesus Christ. I told my mom and sister when I walked in. That's why he was just screaming. Yeah. Then I kept it It's a secret.


I mean, it completely changed your whole life. It's so exciting. Obviously, if you listen and these guys are so sick of me and you're probably so sick of talking about it. I'm sorry, but she's a massive fan of the franchise and you. No, of course. I'm excited.


Jay-z, he wants to know if she's not too embarrassed to ask, which of the planets is real? Which is your favorite planet? Who is your favorite/slaheronabard?


But wait, I'm excited for the new one. You're going to do one or three or we don't know yet, but you're playing I'm doing one for now. Can you tell us anything about it?


I could tell you I was surprised.I made a movie.That's.


Not enough information. I want to know what happens.


Well, I made a movie with my husband called McPie, and I had one day off shooting, and I was invited to breakfast with Cathy Kennedy. I was like, Sure, because we occasionally take a meal together.


For my sister, Tracey, Cathy Kennedy produces those films? Yes.


Head of Lucas film. Thanks, Sean. There you go. That's my sister. I thought we were just having breakfast, and my friend was like, Oh, imagine if they're doing another right thing. I was like, I doubt it. Halfway through breakfast, she said, We are. How do you feel? I was surprised. So cool. Yeah, it's very cool. Different writer, different director. It will be quite a different feeling, I imagine.


He was writing his directing.


Yeah, he's writing his directing.


Steven Knight is writing. Oh, nice. Directing is Sharmine O'Boy-Chinoy, who has made some unbelievable documentaries. It's very exciting. I shall be reading a script soon-ish.


That's so cool.


Do you have to go to a secret vault to read the script?


No, I think I'm going to... Not a secret vault. Just send it to you. No, I think I'll have to go somewhere.


Will you send it me after you read it?


Oh, yeah.


Can you just double-clicked that over.


I'll take a picture of every script page? Please.


And then just... Yeah, and a PDF, please.


I'd imagine that you are somewhat self-prepared for all of the attention, the profile after Star Wars came out. But did it match your preparation and expectations? Tell me how you dealt with being unable to walk down the street overnight. Wait.


I didn't know what to expect, and everyone had made it out to be crazy, crazy, crazy. Obviously, as you all know, when things come out, there's a flurry of activity, and then things calm down again. It was confronting because it was strange initially for people to want to chat because I'm not that chatty. I'd be like, Um. Then it goes away But people are very nice. Yeah, it took its time to come.


Yeah. But tell me, I mean, I've said this before to other people, other people who've been in the franchise, like JJ, or not JJ, but other actors have been in Star Wars. Is like Adam Driver, whoever. What is it like to be... If it was me, I'd wake up every day going, I can't fucking believe I'm in this movie. How do you, at such a young age, cope with or stuff you're excited because you can't show them.


You'd have a tough time. They'd have a tough time shooting around your boner, I guess.


No full shot. Wide angle.


Guys, we're going to go a little tighter again. We're going to pick up all the Whites at the end of the shoot, I guess. Fucking first six weeks were just coverage shots.


No, but at such a young age, that's so funny. At such a young age, I know you can't... Holy shit. Then John Williams, talk about that. You have your own theme written by John Williams, which is-I mean, one of my favorite things ever is me and John Williams are pen pals.Oh.




So cool.


Yeah, I really...


That's crazy. What was it like to hear that for the first time.


That was crazy. I mean, so much of it was honestly overwhelmed at the beginning. I can't remember a large chunk of everything. Oh, shit. But I mean, even with filming, I can't remember specifics. But also I had a group of people to hold on to. And JJ, as you all know, is amazing.


J. J. Is okay. Well, we don't want him to get too far over his skis because we know he's listening It's just like, J. J, cool it. All right. Just cool it.


Then I was in awe preparing for this to go through YouTube and hear your unbelievable singing voice. I don't know that a lot of people know that, that you can sing so un... When did you first realize that? And why haven't we seen more of that?


Well, I have had no shame in asking anyone to put me in a musical. Like, literally no shame. I've done it on national TV. It's going to happen. Everything has not happened yet. It will. No, the Barbara Streisand thing, which is another crazy thing. Occasionally, I'm like, Oh, my God. That was JJ. Jj introduced the two of us. And Initially, I met her because she was meant to be doing Gipsy. So that whole thing was so... Like the movie? Yeah. Oh, wow. Yeah. So there was a potential of testing to be in it. Oh, wow. I went to her house, and That was insane.


I heard the house is crazy. There's a mall underneath the house. She has a shopping mall. Yeah.


But I just sat with her. I was like, Wow, you are Barbraish Chisland. That effervescence and power from someone is-Did you have to sing in front of her? Well, we sang together.


You recorded? Yeah, they recorded at the ballet from a chorus line. With Anne Hathaway. It's a hard song to sing, and you guys knocked it out of the park.


It was so overwhelming. And that weekend, I also presented... That was one of the craziest things. The film had come out. It was all nuts. And then I presented at the Oscars with Dev Patel, which was wonderful. But the day before, I'd recorded with Barbra Streisand, and that weekend was one of those, What the fuck is going on? This is insane. That was one of those weekends.


I had old Tommy Bateman do through all that.


Oh, we went together then?


Yeah. No, really?


No, we met on, murder on the Orange Express.


A great movie.


What do you think he was doing that weekend?


Yeah, I'll tell you what he was doing. He was learning his lines based on a true story. You can see it on Peacock.


You think before they wrote it, you think he was-Of course.


Yeah, no. He's all baitmen's work ahead. Shani, let's ask her about murder on the Orient Express, and if she can give us any tips about... Hang on. Cool it will. You're not on this trip. Shani and I are going to go on the Orient Express at some point, and we'd like a little bit of research from you.


Are you kidding? You guys won't even go to fucking La Cienaga. You think you're going to go to the Orient Express?


It's like five blocks away.


If anybody's going, it's me. Go ahead.


Yeah, tell us about the Orient Express. Patrick Doyle is a wonderful friend of mine. He did the music for that movie.


Thanks for starting the interview for that.


Thanks for the heads up. In case we pop into him.


I wish I could tell you about the actual Orient Express. I got I don't have a freebies, but I gave it to my parents. So they've been and had the most amazing time.


What did they say? I really want to do that.


You're not coming. I mean, it's unbelievable. You have to fully wear a suit to dinner or evening attire.


Sorry, Shonda has a question. No, not tracksuit. Keep going busy.


Wait, for what? You have to dress- You have to be fancy.


Yeah, I just wanted to...


Wait, listen to this. The first time I was ever in London. This is my... Will's laughing.


Will's having a tough time.


Jason keeps going, Okay.


He's so him to always prep us for every sentence.


Each one. Here we go. But speaking of that, the first time I was ever in London- There's another one.


What I just want to say is, but wait.


Go ahead. Wait.


I love you. God damn it. I could do a whole day with you. This is all going to be-Not two, just one. Keep going.


In a fish market. Are you kidding? So listen. Here it is.


Here's another one. So listen.


Never mind. It's not going to be that great of a story.


Don't tee yourself up. Just say the thing. Okay.


I The first time I was in London, I had to go out to- God, you feel so naked without the pinup? I'm sorry, we'll get back to your career, Daisy.


We're new at this, Daisy. Sorry.


No, but take me about dressing up. The first time I went to London. I went to this restaurant, and they required a jacket for you to go sit down. You're talking about the Art Express. I didn't have one on. I had like a... No kidding. I don't know what I had, like a dress shirt.


Can I take a guess? What you had? Hoodie. Hoodie and a Chicago Cubs T-shirt.


Yeah, with a cardigan underneath it.


Exactly. I walk in and they're like, Sorry, sir, we can't serve you without a jacket. They said, We have a closet full of jackets for you to choose from. I was like, Wait, what? I'm like, The table we're sitting at is three feet away from us. Can I just walk to the table and sit down, please? I was like, No, you have to pick a jacket. They have these jackets in storage for people who show up with no I put this oversize jacket from the 1980s or '90s. Completely ruining your outfit. It was a long way to go for that story. Sorry, Daisy.


Were you with Scotty?




Scotty had a jacket on?


He did have a jacket on. You bet he It's good.


Yeah. He knows how to read.


Anyway. Sorry, Daisy. I'm so fucking sorry. This is just-Let's start over.


I want to know. Let's just start over. So, murder on the Orn Express. Brilliant. I love that movie. Sometimes I think about dying. I saw that fucking great American accent, great character, so into you. I can take my eyes off you every scene.


Talk about the American accent, Daisy. When was the first time that you can remember doing it? Maybe not even in a role. Do you remember the first time you tried it?


No. I mean, as Brits, the American accent one thinks of with LA is the like, oh, my God, thing. That is the thing. But I actually met my- That's really accurate.


Yeah, that I met my dialect coach through Tom Holland, who has been a guest on this.


Oh, yes.


We love Tom. Any time a break comes on, we always talk about American accents because we're fascinated to hear ourselves.


Well, his was so good. I was doing an English accent in that film that In lockdown, I was like, Well, I want to use my time wisely. So I started just doing American accent lessons. It served me well because I did three films with an American accent right after each other. Wow.


Does it feel comfortable enough to you? You don't even have to think about it. You can just think about the acting?


Well, the strangest thing was that I don't really have a process as such, and I want to be one of those people that does. But with an American accent, it does give you that because I have to sit down and go through the whole thing and have someone with me making sure I sound right. It does feel like a process in a way. But I did two films in an English accent last year and thought, I cannot remember how to do this. Then I just did a film in an American accent and thought, I cannot fucking remember how to do this.


Now you're lost It's in between.


Yeah. I'm like, who am I?


You could go into mime work maybe instead. Is that a fix?


When you work on an accent, so were you doing it? Well, obviously, like you said, you did during lockdown, and then you work on it as you're leading up and then work every day on that scene as you're getting ready, working with the dialect coach?


No, and I think that's a COVID thing. I've only done one film with a dialect coach on set, and she was doing everyone. Usually, I prep on the Sunday, and then I do the week as is, alone, I suppose. Then ADR is obviously helpful.


Daisy, do you lean on an acting coach or any acting thing personperson for each role? Or are you like, You know what? I got this. I did the work. I studied. I went to school for it. I know what I'm doing.


I do not lean on anyone, and I've not worked with an acting coach. That's not to say I think- You don't need it. I mean, I'm sure I do need it.


No, because some actors do, some actors don't.


Even those that use them might not need them, they like the interface. Yes, exactly. They like that partnership, I think.


I like to be very... I do all my thinking and all my work, and then I like to come, and I'm quite a... I take my work very seriously. I do not take myself very seriously. I'm quite a messer abouter on set, I suppose. I'm never interrupting anyone else. Obviously, there are times where we can't do that. But I like to really just have a great time on set.


You haven't worked with Tom yet, have you?


Well, just the film we met on.


Yeah, there's that.


Oh, yeah.


But we were not together then. No. Then he wrote the film we made last year, but he was filming based on a true story, and we were filming here. I think that would have been very difficult for him to have been on set because I was acting and he was writing, and I was like, Oh, my God, I think that would have made me very self-continent.


You guys are doing the movie together. How early on in the film did you start to see the first spark? Walk us through it because I know Will loves a good rom-com. He just likes to know the meet-cutes and everything. So just go slow for him.


I love a meet cute.


Yeah. Well, another of your guests, Penelope Cruz, takes credit for us being together.


Does she? Yeah.


It was we were best friends. That's how it starts. Then we were together. Then when we came back together for the premiere, Penelope, I'm not even going to try and do her accent, but she said, your connection was so strong. Do it. Try it right now. Your connection was so strong. That's great. Terrible. I'm so sorry. No, that's great. All Spanish people.


That's really good.


But we were best friends immediately.


Okay, so your best friend's on set. Do you get the sense that he is starting to feel like maybe things are maybe going to be better than friends? Oh my God, I've never talked about that. No, we're going to walk right through this. Yeah, we have to. Jesus, girl. And then we did the first... Was the first declaration of like, Hey, I like... Now, you're talking to a guy, I've been married for 25 years. The last relationship, it was like school, right? Where you're passing notes, for Christ's sake.


I don't know how this stuff happens.


I like you.




Will you go with me? Or whatever the hell we used to say.Go with me. How did it happen? Did you pass him a note? Or was it a little giggle after a take? What are we doing here? What are we doing? Yeah, let's get out of here.


What's happening? Oh, my God.


Do you want to share a ride to the hotel? Tell me what happens, Dazy.


If you don't kiss me right now.


Was it that clear?


Dazy, come on.Dazy.Oh.


My God. I'll call Tom right now. I'll get it from him.


Or Dazy, how about this? Who asked who out first and what were the circumstances? Thank you, Sean. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.


Tracy does not need to know me.


Tracy loves this. Are you kidding me? Wisconsin's on fire right now in this story.


The only thing we've never had to explain to her, this is how much she loves it.


Oh my God. I've literally read.


It's very cute. All right, so let's just... We're going to fill in for you. Okay, so we're going to assume that we're midway through the shoot. It's about a 30-day shoot, so we're in second week or whatever. Somebody's got a little issue with maybe a scene that's coming up. Maybe it's Daisy, and she says, Tom, would you ever want to work on this? Maybe just talk about it over coffee or dinner or something like that. Just with a straight face, you could not care less, right? Because you're an actor, you're a professional liar. You're making him think you couldn't care. Like, he's not your type. Then you guys get to the dinner, you're walking through the scene, you're running, you both brought your pages, whatever. Then you just start laughing about growing up as kids and what a great last name he's got. Have you ever met him? Oh, my gosh. Did it go like that? I bet it did.


The thing is, it's not that crazy. Oh, my God. We were just best friends, and then we were together, and now we're married.


Who made the first move?


He did.


He did.


Of course, he did. Good for him.


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So I want to talk a little bit about Young Woman in the Sea, which I tried to watch and I couldn't. But tell me about the prep for that. Then I want to talk about projects. How do you choose what's important to you?


The prep for Young Woman in the Sea was I could not swim a full length when I first started swim training. Then three months later, I was plonct in the Black Sea for nine days while we filmed the swim. In fact, the two attempts that Trudy made.


You shot that in the Black Sea? Yeah. Off the Coast of?


Bulgaria. Bulgaria.


Okay. Does that track well?


That tracked, yeah. No, Sofia is the capital. Keep going. Yeah.


Two and a half months swimming prep and then a shoot, which obviously was not all swimming, but a lot of swimming, and then ending with those nine days. I was pretty tired after that.


Yeah, you think you're in shape until you start swimming, right? I mean, swimming is just the hardest thing to do.


I think you're enduring. I can't do it. I can't do it. I run out of breath so quickly, even from one lap in the pool. Is that right, Charlotte?


Oh, yeah. I literally came up halfway and was the first time and said, I don't think I can do this. But my swimming coach is also an Olympian. She won silver at Rio. So the whole time I was like... And now because we're friends, I introduce her as an Olympian, and every time she's like, Can you just not? But she's so amazing.


Why did she not want to be known as Olympian?


Because she's so sweet and so modest.


What's her name?


Siobhán Marie O'Connor.


Siobhán Marie O'Connor. If you see her on the street, approach her and congratulate her on the Olympics. That's so cool. When you're working out with somebody like that who is quite legit, like an Olympic swimmer who's won medals, do you feel... Do you get motivated by how good she is? You're like, I'm exhausted, but I don't want to let her down, so I'm just going to keep going.


Yeah. Also, she retired early because she got ill, and she was still swimming with her illness. So that's like a double whammy of unbelievable. Oh, wow. Yes. Also, I knew you get to set and you're like, Well, this is what I signed up for. I also didn't want to let anyone else down, and I wanted to be able to do the thing even though it was- Sean got ill once swimming, but it's because he ate a pound of gummies too soon before he went in the pool.


Full pound.


Yeah. He couldn't sleep that night either.


Sour patch.


Hey, Daisy, what's it like just bobbing in the open ocean? Yeah, that's great. Having to do a bunch of work for days and days and days? Didn't you think the odds of you having a little bit of a nudge from a large fish were pretty big, right?


Well, I knew there were no sharks, but there are jellyfish.


How did you know that? Who told you? What are they, calling sick?


The Black Sea specialists told me that there were no sharks, but there were actual unexploded mines, which was- Wait, is Is that true?


There's no sharks in the Black Sea?


No, but there are jellyfish and there are mines. We were told that where we were, the mines had been exploded, and that was not comforting.


That was-Wow. I've been exploding mines for a long time.


Oh, mind.




Got it.


Each time it was really cold and very overwhelming because you're fighting against the current. Then I had to keep pace with the follow boat that's in the film. Then I had to keep pace with the camera boat that's on the other side. Also, I was afraid of open water. It's Gerry Brookheimer that produced the film. I did say to the producers and the writer and director, I am afraid of open water, and I think they thought I was joking, but I wasn't joking. Each time I got in, I had to... I had to.


Yeah, me too. How did you not just pass on the movie, being that that's one of your fears? That seems like a very hard yes.


Because I really wanted to do the movie. Yeah, I did a film just before Christmas where I am a window cleaner. We were calling it Die Shard.


Were you scared of windows?


I'm terrified of cleaning windows.


Heights, I bet. I'm terrified of heights. There it is.


Wait, Daisy, what were you calling it? You were calling it what?


Die Shard. Die Shard, that's so good. What does that mean? It goes on. Well, I have to fight my way into the building and save the day, Ella Die Hard. But yeah, I'm afraid of heights. At that point, I thought, Why do I keep doing this? But the roles are so good, and it's a great time to overcome something. Good for you.


I love that. That's great. Were there moments where you're like, and I'm not kidding, were you like, How do I get out of this? Or were you never?


Yeah, there were. Then The scariest moment of Young Woman in the Sea was when we were flying home after wrap, and the director, Yokem, said… Basically, after the shot was over, I would have to get on a life raft, and then the safety boat would grab the life raft and pull me to safety, essentially. Yokem said, Oh, there was a time where your leg was dragging right under the propeller, and I thought your leg was going to be cut off.Oh.


My God.It's.


Like, Well, I guess it's better to know after the fact. Yeah. But no, it was all pretty scary.


You're looking for a nice sitcom right about now, yeah? Yeah.


A multi-cam studio audience. Yeah, I'm looking for something more. Yeah, sitting down, having a nice time.


Just the trajectory of your career is so impressive from From that pub to getting Star Wars and now just working constantly with such impressive work and being around so many people that know what they're doing and top of their game. Is there, of Out of those people he worked with so far, is there some advice somebody gave you at one point where just like, wow, and it really stuck with you or something that moved you in a way? They're like, I got to hang on to that.


I had a dinner with someone who's quite big in the film world. And he goes, Your career is so interesting. And I was like,. And at the time I thought, Is that a good thing? But actually, I am not someone who has planned things out. I just know what I like, and I go with what's available and that I like. So I'm trying not to look sideways and doing my own thing.


Yeah. So, quote, your career is interesting, wasn't great advice. It was just a comment.


Well, it was a comment, but it made me think, Oh, I mean, should I be more strategic? Actually, I thought, no, because the stuff I've got to do has been very wide-ranging. Sometimes I think about dying. We made in 23 days with a tiny budget, and it was as enriching as Star Wars, which is a massive many, many, many times that both budget and filming-wise.


That's interesting.


Whatever you're doing, it's right. I mean, you're doing things that are challenging you. We can't do anything about who's going to see something, who it's for, where it's going to be, when it's going to be released, all that stuff. We just got to do our job and do the things that feed us. It sounds like you're making all the right decisions.


Actually, Ben Mendelsohn said something because I used to feel more, I suppose, like it was my fault how something was going to perform or not. Ben was like, We just do the work we do, and then what more can you do?


As Jason Bateman said to me decades ago, none of this is up to you. That stuck with me forever.


You only have one part in it all. Yeah.


What is Daisy Ridley doing in between gigs? Because she works so much. What do you do with your time off?


This week, I'm going to see, though it's supposed to be a surprise, Sarah Snuck in Dorian gray on Thursday.


We won't tell her. We won't tell her.


Okay, wow.


I read, watch movies. We went to go see Monkey Man on-Oh, I hear that.


That's great. I want to see that.


What is that? I haven't heard of that.


Dev Patel, director, actor.


Director, star.


That's his first film he directed, right?


The action is sick. Oh, Monkey Man. It's really an impressive film.


I have seen that. Yeah.


Lots of hanging out, seeing my family a lot.




Seeing my nephews A lot.


Kids have bigger family in the future for you. Well, maybe some kids.


She's a really good person. Maybe.


I know. I'm like, Wow, how am I thinking about that? I don't know. Just ask him. I'm obsessed with my nephews. Love them so much.


How old are they?


The little ones are two and a half and six months, and they're just delightful little Squishy boys.


I love that. So fun. Well, Daisy, it's now much later in the UK. You've It's been such a joy to be here today.Thank you for doing this.I know. You're so generous. Huge fan, like crazy fan.


Sean, one Star Wars question.


We'll let you have one.


You know what? Go wake up Scotty and tell him to get over here and ask a question.


Don't worry, he beamed Scotty up a while ago.


Hey, oh.


Hey, oh.


No, I mean, I had tons of Star Wars questions.


Well, then let's see your one. Which is the best one.


Well, okay, let me just look.


Oh, my God, you really have them all written down.


I do. I wrote them down.


When you on Endelor.


Okay, so I have a question about the test process, but you talked about that. I have a question about... Oh, here's one. It has a massive fan base, Star Wars, obviously, I'm one of them. But how does it feel to be part of such a beloved franchise? Do you feel a responsibility towards the fans? Did you feel the weight of that? And were you a fan before?


I would not have called myself a fan from before. No, I had seen some of them. Then when I was auditioning, I was like, Oh, this is everywhere. It was one of those things of suddenly there was-So you didn't know that before.


You were like, Oh, this is everywhere.


You're making Sean angry.


No, it was... I I was aware of it. But when you're auditioning for something, it is very present in your world that it's there and you want the thing. I remember seeing a Princess Leia T-shirt. I thought, Oh, okay. Then every book I read, there was a reference. In every film I watched, there was a reference. It was one of those things, and then the love grew. But also I think that was good because I was- Cool.


Yeah, easy.


I was so wondrously happy to be there, but because I didn't quite understand how far-reaching it was.


Did you know that he's not Baby Yoda? He's actually a different name, but everybody calls him Baby Yoda.


By the way, can you see it? Have you got one on there? Can you see him up there? In the back, up there?


Oh, sweet.


What's he called, Sean?


His... Oh, God.Birdname.Grogu.Grogu, yeah.


It's actually Grogu.


I was put on the spot. I was so nervous.


I know you are, angel. Careful of your heart, okay?


Can I ask Can I ask you one more question about it?


Where are the paddles?


Can I ask you one more question about it?


Please.we're so sorry, Daisy.


No. After it came out, were you like, the rush of it? What was the downside after it? Because the announcement of it, the announcement of the cast, and then the shooting of it, and then it came out, and all of it was so massive. Then you rapped. Then what is that moment like?


I mean, the rap at the very end was... Someone has it recorded somewhere. I was crying so much. It was hilarious. I couldn't speak. I was going, I'm having such a good time. I was one of those wailing people that was looking around at these wondrous people that had been there for 18 months of my life. Oh, my God. That was very emotional.


But was there a sense of like, What the hell am I going to do next? What am I going to do now? Oh, yeah.


Yeah, yeah. Because that January after we were all... Oh, yeah. The January after they were all done, it just felt so quiet. You just spend all your time with... And particularly on press stores, when you're with people all hours of the day, that was Very strange. And then we went into lockdown. So that was all a very strange experience of having to sit quietly.


Must have just been like, the sets and the costumes. It's just amazing. And then last one, can you give me anything at all that Cathy Kennedy told you about the movie? I know you haven't read the script yet, but any nugget, anything, anything about Ray in the next movie. I'll be in it.




How about this? Would you Would you be possibly open to, subject to the rules of the set and everything, of Sean, and maybe me and Will. Stormtrooper. No, no. Showing up on set, doing a bit of a remote episode of a very special Star Wars smart list on set. That's a great idea. We interview you, maybe JJ can pop by. I mean, whoever else. That'd be funny. Yeah?


I mean, I feel really bad because the only person I ever had... Oh, morning, Mr. Mcpie. I I had visit in a friend through work way was Josh Gad, and he came the day... The scene was that I was Palpatine's granddaughter, and he literally said, You ruined my fucking life. It was like, Why did you bring me today? Because why, Sean? And I just didn't think.


No, I get it because I was like, Wait, you're pelping your trans out of it.


It was a crazy moment.


I felt so riddled with guilt.


Riddled with guilt?


Yeah. I was riddled with guilt. Now I'm so scared. I don't want to ruin anything for anyone.


Wait, no, but you can't say anything about Ray. Don't get her fired. Sean, no. But there's got to be something that you can give that doesn't give anything.


Look, I won't press. Some time has passed.


Some time in the past. Wait, something in the past?


No, no. Some time has passed.


Oh, some time has passed.


Yes. She said, Some time in the past. I think it is in the past. Oh, really? I think we might film next year.


Might film next year. Okay. We've got it.


We made news. That's enough. That's at least something. But anyway, Daisy- Start laying out your outfit now, Sean.


I feel like she- I think I have part of it on.


I have underroos on. Star Wars underroos. Daisy, you're such a pleasure. Thank you for being here. You really are.


Thank you so much for doing this. You're having me. It's a joy. Please say hi to Tom.


Thank you. I will do. Absolutely love you and love everything about you. Thanks, guys.


Thanks, Daisy.


Bye, bye, bye.


Bye. She's the sweetest. I love how cute she was when we asked her about how they met and how her husband met. She was shit-flushing.


Certain things are private. Things are private. Then you get to just fill in the blanks like I did. We wrote our little airport romance novel.


We did cry for sure.


But yeah, it must be... I love watching what she's doing after ASW, after Star Wars, to create a career for herself and all these other-It doesn't need an acronym at all.


It's not a thing.


But all of these movies that she's done is really stretching her skills. It's awesome to see because she knocks it out of the park every time.


She's balancing that big, huge global commercial thing with these great small independent films as well and the stuff in the middle.


It's like these prestige films in between. Like, yeah, it's a way to do it.


Sweet girl. Maybe the best name in Hollywood, right?


Is Ridley.


That's a It's a hard one to beat.


Daisy Ridley. It's so tremendous. What a name.


Isn't it? Oh, by the way, you guys, Young Woman in the Sea is in theaters right now.


I'm excited for that. I do want to see that. I'm scared as well of that. Open Water, even watching somebody like those films.


Did you ever see the movie Open Water?


No. What was the one?


What was the one? That is not Nicole Kidman.


Nicole Kidman, Sam Neill.


No, that was- What was that one from years ago?


Below Dead.


Dead Calm.


Below Dead on Bravo. No.


Oh, it's below Deck. Sorry. B-e-l. Sorry, I thought it was below. Okay, sorry. It was a different show.


It's about a guy named... I The guy I dated named Deck. All right, so no, but Open Water, the movie. Did you ever see the movie Open Water? It's based on a true story about the scuba divers, and the scuba divers all go down, and they all come back up, and the The boat counter is like, Okay, this couple is back, this couple is back, and the boat takes off and they leave a couple in the ocean underneath snorkeling still or whatever. They come up and they fucking... They're in the middle of open water. Rude.


It's just rude. It's just rude. What do they do? What happens, Sean? Walk us through.


They meet their demise by sharks and everything.




Yeah. I think it's based on a true story.


I met a lot of them. How do they know?


How do they know what happened? Oh, how terrible. You sit there, you watch them bobbing in the ocean for an hour and a half, and then they get eaten and go ahead roll credits?


Yes, but it's really It's really scary. Wow. Anyway. I could skip that.


How did they have a time to write the screenplay before they died? Because if they say it's a true story, how the fuck do we know?


They had an iPhone. They had an iPhone. Nice try. But thank God, Daisy Ridley is all good from the Black Sea, and nothing happened to her. Yeah. But anyway- Who's working on a buy?


I think everybody's always working on it, but don't ask why. Everybody's working on a bi.


Yeah. Then I got to look on- Since the dawn of time.


You know where I read it? I read it in the Bible.


Oh, nice. We've never used that. Amen. Bible. Smart.


Smart. Lass.


Smartless is 100% organic and artisanally handcrafted by Rob Armjarff, Bennett Barbeco, and Michael Grandterry. Smart. Smart. Barber Co. And Michael Grandtary.




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It was the biggest scandal in pop music. The stars of Millie Vanille, the Grammy-winning multi-platinum R&B phenomenon, were exposed as frauds, but none of this was their idea. So whose idea was it? Enter German music producer Frank Farian. He saw the success of acts like Michael Jackson and Prince, and he wanted in no matter the cost. So he devised the perfect pop heist. Two once in a lifetime talents who were charismatic, full of sex appeal, and phenomenal dancers. The only problem? They couldn't sing. But Frank knew just how to fix that. Wndyr's new podcast, Blame It On The Fame, dives into one of pop music's greatest controversies and takes a never before heard look at the exploitation of two young Black artists. Millie Vanille set the world on fire. But when the truth came out, Robin Fabb were the only ones who got burned. Looking back now, it's hard not to wonder, why did everyone blame them and not the man pulling the strings? Follow Blame It On The Fame, Millie Vanille, on the WNDYRI app or wherever you get your podcasts. You can binge all episodes of Blame It On The Fame early and ad free right now by joining WNDYRI Plus.