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Hey there, Will Arnett here from Smart List. It's the podcast where Jason Bateman, Sean Hayes and I interviewed somebody. Two of us don't know who that person is because one of us has brought on a surprise guest. That's the whole conceit. I wish I could describe it better, but I'm I'm not that smart. So it's smart lists and it's starting now.


Smart, Smart is presented by AutoZone, America's number one battery destination. Make a donation to St. Jude the next time you visit AutoZone as part of the St. Jude thanks and giving campaign going on all November and December.


You never did a guest spot over on the Mork and Mindy, huh?


No, but I would have. What was your best guess spot when you were a kid? Nightrider. Yeah, of course. Nightrider just made my year. I was 15 and so I couldn't drive yet. So this was an opportunity not only to guest on the best show in the world, but also drive a Trans Am owned by the Hoff and see how they do all the tricks over there. They had like a little guy sitting behind the seat that was like looking through this mesh sort of headpiece in the seat.


I loved all the movie magic.


I was going to say you would have made a good computer if they already had. You would have been a good I would have cast you as a computer. I'd still cast you as a computer.


Wait, because. Because I know that about you. It was on the other day, not your episode, but Nightrider and skiting. I turn it on and they did this like super fancy interior shot of the car. And I'm telling you right now, it was disgusting in there.


It was like there was like dust and like wrappers all around it and like all the scratches on it, like it was not pristine at all or the onset dresser was not great.


Thirty 35 years later, you're taking shots at, you know, transpo and picture cards.


Right. We'll have the logo on your ass by Monday.


Hey, guys, I'm so glad that we're here today because we have a guest on our show and we say this a lot, you know, deserves no introduction. But but this is just another example of that.


This is a person who has won almost every award it's possible to win in. Well, you know what? I'll let him tell you about it. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Ricky Gervaise. Oh.


Oh, nice shot of the yours in the back. Look at these guys. It's not all of them. It's half of them, as they thought through walls.


Wow. I really laughed a couple of times when I was way in here. So what did you win? What did you win the guitar for? I didn't I didn't win.


That's that's just something for the ladies when they're looking at the awards. Let me play little, too. Oh, God. Oh, my God. Look at your. Oh, what a joy this is.


Yeah. It's so nice to meet you. I've never met you. I'm a huge, huge fan. Thank you. How's it going, man?


Good man. You guys don't know each other? No, no.


You know, there's one time I saw you standing outside of the Beverly Hills Hotel crepe and there was nobody else. And I was like, oh, my God, that's Ricky. I'm a huge fan. Should I say something? And then I fast forward in my head if I just go, hey, hey, Ricky, I'm Sean. And I didn't know if you knew who I was and then you'd be like, hey, and then it would just end.


And so it's like maybe I should step back. It's kind of how it's going now. It's going to happen. Well, you know, God, one time I was at a Christmas party at Meg Ryan's house.


This is decades ago and Steven Spielberg was in there. And I'm talking and I've never met him. He's like, oh, my God. And I couldn't believe he knew who I was. We're talking and talking to him for like two hours is awesome. And then I made this huge goodbye. I was like by Steven. Nice to meet you. I go out to the valet in front of the house and nobody's there. Right. And I'm waiting for my car, waiting for my car.


And then Steven Spielberg walks up and it's just us two. And we already had a massive goodbye.


So then I was like, hey, how are you? And it was just awful.


It would have been better if he had just said, Hi, how are you? I'm Steven. In that moment.


If you just said, bye, Benjamin. Bye, Benjamin.


Ricky, do you remember a few years ago you were walking across the street and here in L.A. and I saw you imagine walking across and I pulled up my world, my window down, and I said, hey, can I get. And at first you're like, oh, fuck, yeah, how are you doing?


I realized when you went, don't give me the fucking wave as well. And you go out.


We're going to let the guest talk here in a second. But how many times have you guys been in the car and you, like, honk at somebody and then you pull up alongside them and you know that person? Oh, yeah.


Oh, you mean angrily. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Sorry, Americans honk just anything but any. If an English person honks, it's like in a front, it's like people get out what the.


But in America it's just like home for anything. Right.


Yeah. I thought if you've really devalued the home now, especially in your home. Yeah.


I think you're right. We should take it back.


I think that you're right that so a home is like it's like a finger or something. What the fuck. We should take them out of home.


Hold on. Hold. I say what about a time differences. So you're in England. I'm in in L.A., so I'm drinking coffee.


Was that ale I just saw? I oh is that what you people call it. Yes, forsooth. It was a Scio. Look at that.


God that looks the beer as opposed to a lager. What is.


It's an API and indeed I guess. And what is that, by the way, that that came in after I stopped. So what is IPA?


Oh, am I the only drink here now.


Well, Sean, I know Sean is a big Sean still up from last night.


Yeah, but what is so the Indian pale ale. Do you know what that is.


I can't be more specific.


I mean, this is a three word description and I don't know why the other drink that's got three words already to really specify what it is. Oh yeah. Oh well wait a second though is when. Wait a second. The Indians were not known for making beer when I was last drinking beer. So where did that come from?


So are you saying Indian in the real term, the subcontinent of India, in Asia or what you call Indians, which are Native Americans? Just thought what you arrogantly called Indians.


Yeah, I just want to say, Rikki, just give Jason enough rope. He's about to hang himself. Just my career. No, leave some slack on it.


But but I'm assuming the Indian of Indian pale ale means people from India. Yes. Yes, I think.


I think so. I think OK. So it was probably something equally racist and that's a British colonial history. Yeah. So we said, well I mean that is India by that resolved itself. I don't I honestly, we've gone into rounds beyond my knowledge of what I'm drinking it. All I know is, is five. Percent alcohol at six p.m.. That's all I need to know. And do you have. Is this a daily thing about this time that you have an opinion?


Yes. Is it I mean, are you only good for about 20 minutes? Is this an intervention? This is intervention. The podcast. I don't know. Come on in, Jane. Jane, come on in. I mean, I'm going to jack up in a minute. It's not right. Oh, that's fine. It's just drinking.


We don't mind. Yeah. So did you just you know, you're rewarding yourself because you've just probably probably just popped out of the gym. You probably in and out. Have Yeah. Have you. Would you. Oh of course. You look at that showing us as guns and that's all natural.


People say to me, hey you on the juice. I fuck you. Yes. Yes.


That's why they think rage is outrageous.


You know, you do have a build wreck.


You always have. Was there a time in your life when you were when you were a gym rat and you just love to just blast buys and back blast?


They said you must have because that's that you're not born with with pipes like that. Are you know? I don't know.


It's just a shame this is only audio because they can't see me. They can imagine I was in the moment and I've got so much like mine is dripping off me, like with a guitar and an IPA.


Yeah, I do. I do. I work every day. I try to I'm sure it's getting harder and harder, you know, but I and I probably shouldn't be because everything is absolutely fucked on me. Now I've got to sprain that ankles which are terrible. I still I'm not terrible knees I can't bend without Breaking Bad back. My shoulders are fucked up. Tennis elbow. Yeah, absolutely. I refuse to stop doing anything mostly from street fighting.


Is that right. Because I guess I'm like yeah. Yeah. Had to hand.


Yeah I'm punch drunk. But how, how old are you. Fifty nine.


Yeah I'm about to be fifty two and everything hurts.


You're older than me. Yeah. Oh well I tell you this hair's real look.


Well yeah I know what I don't have to body wax. Is it that way. That fuckin botox you twat.


I'm on swim team. I can't have any hair on my body.


Your only is only fifty two. Is he telling the truth.


Well no I won't be fifty two till January. Rice. He won't turn to the side because then you'll see the scotch tape and all the rubber bands and stuff. But he from the front he looks amazing from the front.


Ricky do you have a place in L.A. or do you only live in a place in New York for a while actually especially this year. I've spent most of my time in leafy Hampstead, which has been here. It's beautiful.


It's it's a great spot. And you live next to the vicar. I know. Yeah, yeah, yeah.


Who is that? It's just a vicar. He said the vicar, but it's a vicar. There's a thousand I think, next to one of them.


What's a vicar. A vicar. Yeah. You don't know what a vicar is. Oh.


Allow Ricky to relieve you of your ignorance. Go ahead, Ricky. Vicar, it's a deep list. Like a preacher. Like a preacher. Like a local priest.


Yeah, yeah, I guess so. You live next to a priest, a very chair. Ah, you live next to a priest house.


This podcast is that I mean it's like it's like I'm teaching you English and I don't have to explain it.


I mean we spend three minutes on what's in the empire line, what's important, what's the big fucking you. Well, listen, you've spent time with Bateman before, for Christ sake. You know what you're getting into. I have. I couldn't believe my luck. I was it was a huge fan of Teen Wolf, and I'm sure too. Too. Oh, I haven't seen to know you are.


Can I. So so can I tell you. So the first time, Ricky, that I became aware of you was from watching the office and Janine Gruffalo had videotapes at the time of the office and she brought them back and she gave them to Amy and me. We watched them. We were about to start Arrested Development. And Jason and I started watching both obsessively. And we were just absolutely obsessed with the office. We just thought we'd never seen anything like it.


It was just brilliant. And I remember about you were coming you would come to L.A. for maybe the Golden Globes or something in and we met briefly and we exchanged numbers. And you were going to come to the set of Arrested Development.


You remember and I remember saying to the set P.A., I said, can I get a drive on at the lot? And she said, yeah, give me the name. And I said, Ricky Gervais. And you weren't yet a household name in this country still. No.


And she said, well, and she said. What is it I said, Ricky, and she said, Can you spell it for me?


And I actually stopped and I said, I want you to remember this moment of this night because you're going to be really embarrassed when you look back at it.


And she was like, OK, whatever. And then and you came. And that was our first experience. And we were just Jason, you remember how blown away we were.


We couldn't I couldn't get enough of that show. And I still it's uncomfortable for me to even talk to Ricky. I'm a little star struck the was.


Oh, I ended up getting enough of it. I ended up getting enough of you it. That was at the very beginning of the show. It that and Jeffrey Tambor shaped, at least for me, the whole comedic tone of Arrested Development. And I kind of knew that there was that kind of funny, but I'd never seen it executed so consistently. And that was just sort of my North Star.


What I was trying to, you know, point towards it was it was a weird way to say this, but it was liberating to watch you in that show. It really was. It opened up a whole other for me anyway. It felt like it opened up a whole other way, like, OK, this this is a possibility to go.


If he's not acting well, we can all get away with it. Then I can do it. Yeah, I mean, he's just mumbling and not looking yet.


He makes me look like a genius.


I mean a comedy of discomfort and and and awkward pauses and and loss of dignity with just sort of a look or a moment as opposed to jokes or anything like that. And that the length of those episodes allowed for that kind of that editorial page to is something that we sort of tried for. I don't think we could with with our format.


But well, I think it was lucky the format allowed me to do that with a fake documentary because I was emulating something. I was trying to emulate a very ordinary man and wanted to be famous. So it was sort of it was easy to not be a trained actor doing that, you know? I mean, yeah, of course.


But what was the genesis? We've never really I'm sure you've had to explain it before.


It was the impression I used to do off like buses and stuff. I worked in an office for like ten years. So it was like a Frankenstein of people like met growing up. And you, me and I was always I was always the idea. I was always trying to make people laugh. And, you know, I was that guy. I was sort of that guy without ambition or rather without without nerves. I think I've lost my nerve.


I've just been a failed musician after like five years of trying, I've got a normal job. And then I worked my way up to sort of middle management and an office got, in fact, the little pre paida that we shot. I went back to the office I used to work in and I used meIt's as extras. And I just I just I've lived around this character showing off to the camera and that the seed of that was we have ten years of these docu soaps in the nineties on British TV.


The new big thing was talking. So we had one called airport, we had one called hotel, we had one called liner was the sound of it, and it was just normal. People filmed and they'd become sort of stars for ten minutes. And of course nowadays they become stars forever and make millions. But then it was that was their fifteen minutes of fame and you know, you will about me. So it was ordinary people wanting to be famous.


And was it the same type of format? Would they address camera? Would there be testimonials and things like that? Yeah, that was usually a narration as well, but we didn't do that. But that was often it was things like the cement for the swimming pool was late and I have to open it.


And I know it was stuff like that.


Right. It was it was sort of a Michael Apted. Was it inspired by the Up series at all, do you think?


Well, that was that's the the greatest. That's incredible. I mean, that's still going in and. Yeah, yeah. But that's that really is beautiful social commentary. Sure. They've got watered down, you know, and then people would be doing them because I think well I could be famous. Everyone says I'm a lost idol now and it's like that was suddenly too much, you know. So then it was people trying to be famous. And so that's what I picked up on with Brian, that he he was he was a bit sad.


He was forgotten and he thought, now's my chance. And if it wasn't, in fact, documentary, it wouldn't work. Yeah, because once you know why David is acting like that, it's it's it's so tangible. It's it's so great that he just wants to be loved and famous.


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It's great because the holidays are dramatic enough. Right on. The last thing you need is more drama from a dead battery. We don't need it. No, I know this. Like what if your family just disappeared. You all alone, maybe you get in the car to drive around trying to find the car doesn't start at battery, more drama that happened. You know, I was thinking more like you're getting in the car to head to work harder and start.


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That's total drama. You don't need a dead battery making you miss your chance.


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Have you had that is so really good.


So like a restaurant, like restaurant and all the ingredients come fresh and then you just make it and then you kind of look like a bit of a genius. Yeah.


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That's Blue apron dotcom smart less. All right, back to the show, I think that one of the things that I certainly I personally really connect with with what you do is, is it that desperation so many of your characters have this sort of misplaced or just they're so desperate for whatever it is.


It's so funny. It's so funny and sad at the same time that I think the funniest characters and obviously in real life, you know, the documentary aspect that we like real life is the most dramatic on the funniest comedy and fiction can only try to emulate all those things in real life. So but someone trying to be funny and successful isn't as funny as someone who doesn't want to be funny and wants to be taken seriously. Right. So my favorite character is for those people that demanded being taken seriously.


So so it undermines everything. Someone being pretentious and then slipping on a banana skin is funnier than the clowns like banana skin because we know the clown doesn't care if he wants to sleep. So I think when someone wants to be taken seriously or says things like, I am a comedian, that's funny. I remember I remember getting a laugh soon after the office by someone saying right into that part. And the letter started, Dear Mr. Juvies, I am a brilliant actor and I thought it was assigned to Sean.


Hey, when you got it, you got it. Because I didn't I still haven't heard.


I don't know if you got it.


Yeah. Desecrations by the Angas. Funny people with no sense of humor is funny. People with no sense of humor is the best.


One of the things I think is so admirable about you and there's no question here. So don't feel the need to respond because I know your humility will keep you from doing that. But you're all the vulnerability that you put into all the vulnerability that you put into David Brent and many other characters that you play is really the root of the of the comedy. The man is so broken and and a mess inside that that is what I find so heartbreakingly hilarious about it.


Yet on your standup, it is almost the polar opposite of that in that there's so much confidence and judgment is sort of the character that you play and you can still get equal laughs with that.


So the fact that you're able to make people, you know, double that is very interesting because I don't think you need to stand up slightly different. Standup is slightly different to fix in the sense that when you do a sitcom or film, whatever, you do your best and you try and you try and make the plot work and the characters work and the and you do that and then you put out and there's nothing you can do about it with standup.


You do it every night. And the audience, it's more like evolution by natural selection because they choose the bits for you. It's more like a science because it either works or it doesn't. And by the end, you've got a in the works every night to everyone around the world because it's tried and tested. It's you know, they've they've chosen before you start slightly different. So what you don't want with standup is an audience to feel sorry for you because you haven't got to don't want and know.


You don't want that. No, because OK. Because it's the pure it's got the pure desire because it's the purest. Because jokes are more of an intellectual pursuit. You don't really need a context for joke again, because they work or they've done a joke and sort of work on the page. You can read a joke and it's still what you don't need someone telling you. Obviously, you add to that, I think my favorite standup do up to that.


They've got a context. They build character props. Yeah.


Props in a bag. Sure. Those are your favorites that you love a prop comic pianism. They are being humble here.


What I'm trying to say is that you're the comedic flavor, right? Your comedy comes from vulnerability, let's say, and David Brent. But with the stand up, it comes from sort of this thayn brash arrogance and and that you're able to do both so. Well, I find just incredible.


Well, that's just because it's another character and you commit to it and that evolves as well. But you can't just write a bunch of jokes and anybody can say them and they're going to get the same laugh.


No, but you can't because like, by the time humanity came around, I sort of hit that sweet spot where the audience had known me for 15 years. So they knew what I was doing and I knew the irony. They they understood without me having to explain it so I could come out and hit the ground running. The important thing is this behind the scenes, right. I think with the standup is traditionally it's a low status thing where a court jester, we go out there with the other peasants and we tease the king and everyone knows what comedians earn these days.


So I can't really go out there and pretend to be struggling. I, I think that would be it would be nauseating and dishonest. I would like to see you try, though.


So I keep my low status in two ways. One, I invite the behind the. I say what you think it's you think it's plain sailing to you being bitch about? Well, look what happened to me when I met so-and-so or first I took a private jet. I thought I was the cook. So I do all that right. And the other way I do it is I talk about things where I'm worse off than them. I talk about being fat and old and in pain.


I'm going for food. And, you know, I mean being hated by.


I don't know what you mean. I don't know what you mean. But let me. Do you think I mean, Ricky used you started as a step you were doing stand up before you'd been doing stand up often on. Yeah. For years.


No, I started I started before the office but I only started in about nineteen ninety nine I'd say was my first try.


And then you started doing that ninety nine. Then the office hits and then over the last ten years, fifteen years as you've grown and done more and more stand up, you kind of you build that currency right with your audience like that. That's the thing. You build the momentum of that sort of relationship that you.


Yeah, I have to go out there and and I want to be the one that says the wrong thing. Whatever whatever the current regime is, I have to say the wrong thing. I have to go against the grain, which is why it was hard for the last few years. You know, I didn't realize how the people would agree with those things on face value. So irony was put in danger.


Yeah, I remember I remember going to that small little theater you were working stuff I remember like a couple of years ago. I came up there. Yeah. And you're working out jokes in the audience. And I remember you. First of all, the relationship was the new you. They came because they were huge fans. You had a limited number of seats. It was basically free, but you were working stuff out and the relationship was, hey, I'm trying stuff.


And some stuff was, you know, over the line for them or whatever. But, yeah, figuring out, well, that's the thing.


You know, you do have to find the funny, but you have to go for it and you have to be able to play. And that's the problem again with today as well, because I've done shows that I'm trying stuff out and it's been reviewed and I'm a guy that's mad. You can't do that. You can't. To someone who's just started a painting, it's rubbish. I haven't done it yet. I've just done that. But, you know, it's yeah, it's crazy.


So you have to fight against that. And I try to keep politics, politics out of comedy, because I think if you're relying on the audience, agreeing with you and getting around round applause, it loses something comedically. I want my jokes to be like, I don't care whether they're right wing or left wing or whatever the jokes are, the works or it doesn't and it actually shouldn't matter is meaningless anyway.


Nowadays, left and right wing is a meaningless term, but I think it's important that you evolve, but not with those reasons you don't evolve because it might be taken the wrong way. You don't evolve because you might be bullied by a reviewer. You don't evolve because you want everyone to like it. That gets you nowhere.


When did that happen for you? Because that's a certain fearlessness that I think you have to achieve. You can't I'm sure there is part of you when you were much younger that you didn't have that right.


I've probably got more fear now, but you have to fight. You have to you have to know the answer is being brave, is being brave and putting out that because you've got more to lose now, right?


Well, it just makes me angry. It makes me angry. And people don't get something or so that makes me work harder to still get the same joke out there. And everyone like I'll be able to defend it and sleep at night, which I always have done. There's this myth that I've got there and I say what I want and I don't care about what people think of me. That's just not true. It's it's it's a hell of a challenge to I do love it.


What you do say at the end of it, I don't care, you know. Yeah. And that's that's marketing.


Right. And you have to be militant about it. You have to act like you don't care. Right.


But actually, you know, annoys me when I, you know, any sort of someone thinks that you've done this or you've gone too far or I want to go. Well, I've worked that joke for a year with like hundreds of thousands of people. You thought about it for three seconds and you've got it wrong, right? I think because reviews now are so fast and people don't think there's no nuance on social media. Like ten years ago, twenty years ago, if someone complained about something, it would make me think I've got oh, God, you know, really.


Now, someone says, I'm not sure what it is. It doesn't matter.


Yeah. I brought this up before you had that great tweet that's been shared millions of times, I think. Now, would you say just because you're offended doesn't mean you're right.


I know people even understand that and they still fall for it. They still think, no, this is different. I did a tweet when I was doing the warm up for this new show. I said, guys, are there any things I should never joke about?


And of course, everything people said was funny. Yeah, I've read that people said it's funny. They seem to think that one person said losing two children, which I thought was just an amazing. Amazing thing to tweet, just amazed as opposed to one. Yes, I was so specific, so specific. It's better than one but funnier than three.


I mean, that's that's a definite for sure.


I remember I said something similar years ago on Twitter, but something along the lines like apropos of nothing like I hope you're not offended or I was. And all these people immediately got on me, a few people sort of saying like, well, what is it you're talking about? They were pretty offended. Yeah. And I hadn't even said anything. Yeah. Yeah. Cool. So, yeah.


So you're right. It's watered it down. Who gives a shit because it amplifies it.


You know, Twitter is like reading every toilet wall in the world, OK? And when you look at it like that, you shouldn't ever be offended by anything on Twitter.


But it's also depends on the messenger. Like I think you are a messenger of that, like you said, like it's all branding and marketing. That's who you are. It's kind of like Don Rickles, who I thought was always hilarious. He was so offensive to everybody he met.


But because it was Don, it was almost OK. But if it's somebody else trying, it's not going to work.


Well, that's the other thing is. Wow, it's I'm I'm offended by the comedian says sorry because I usually got a film coming out or something.


The last the last big venue stand up I went to was you at the Hollywood Highland. I don't know how many years ago that business of big venue for stand ups.


Ricky would text me from time to time on his way to an arena, just like I got 18000 tonight. I don't even know a big number. Sorry, I've lost perspective. 1000 people are waiting. Sorry, I've got to dash.


Wait, Ricky, can I ask you something? Because I don't know if I'm I hope I get to see you again. I just so far it's not looking great. I'm good at I think you're brilliant. But, you know, I always wanted to ask you, like I always find it interesting, you and I share several things in common. Like I started out really early wanting to be a pop star like you, but you kind of succeeded with an album and everything.


And we're both gay. Right.


And he was ready for that. I know that's a case for that. Got this episode is about to go huge.


We've both slept with Batman and lived to tell about it.


I know, but can I go and get a beer? Oh, yeah, go get a beer. Hang on. Let him go get a beer. OK, good.


Hi guys. Hi, Jamie. What happened? Your hand.


Oh, I was pulling my golf bag out of the back seat of my Tesla. Oh yeah.


Is that where did all of that she was so far and I sprained the tip of my ring finger. Yes, well, I'm glad you are ill, so maybe we can get back to my question about music. So listen, Jesus, Sean, I keep us on the rails, Sean.


I'm actually I'm actually interested just because I find it interesting that you are also very seriously like I've seen those music videos. And I just thought it was interesting that you pursued that and were you all in on that and then it didn't work out or were you pursuing that and acting at the same time or whatever made you famous, you know, and then you had all in all it.


But but in retrospect, did it all wrong? I was in a band because I love those songs, by the way. Thank you. It was it was very fast. It was it came and went very, very quickly. And I think you already know about it now because I'm famous for something else. And those pictures videos pop up on your show. So like anyone else. Every generation I think it was.


Yeah, I find it fascinating because I was pursuing the same thing and I also then went into comedy.


OK, so it started at college and we did a demo tape and we got signed and we did two singles and then we were dropped and it was like it started and finished within a year. And that was oh wow. You know, I think even if it had been a success, then in 1994, whatever it was, it would still have been over quickly.


But there are some bands that were good back then that are still around like. And would you and Rick Astley have done a duet?


Do you think you and Rick would have WAMM or it would have certainly been. You know, we started with it. So the hair and makeup and synthpop. But this bit of the mistake I made, the mistake I made was I wanted to be a pop star and I should have wanted to be a musician. And when I started doing this, I realized that, you know, I consciously, militantly called myself a writer director. So people didn't think that I just wanted to be on telly because I didn't.


And I came to it very wary. I came to this very, very wary, not because of the music thing, but because of, I think, the press in England. And I never were there. I never I've never asked for an autograph. I've never been impressed by seeing if I and I and I thought I thought that of myself. I thought the people I admire, I admire because they've done something absolutely brilliant right here. I was like scientists, things like that, you know.


And Andrew Ridgeley. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. So right.


So I feared fame. I did want to I did sign that deal with the devil made me famous. You can go through my bins. In fact, I probably fed it too much. I was probably two minutes and now I'm sort of chilled and and and it's fine.


Don't you think people that have fame wanted it? What, to a certain degree. Yeah. But the other thing is it's a bit ambiguous when you're an actor, isn't it? Because I think you're allowed to really want to be an actor and because it's fun and it's great and it's interesting and it's better than most jobs without saying I want to be famous, I think he can be, because if you're a successful actor, you're probably a famous actor.


But thank you. And certainly that was easier routes to being an actor than actually writing and directing a sitcom for three years where there's easier way. In fact, it annoyed me once when the office broke and it seemed like I was I was just famous overnight without all the work someone on the red carpet said to me, and what advice would you give anyone else who wants to be famous like you? And I said, go out and kill a prostitute.


And they looked at me like I was Bentall. It just really annoyed me like that.


Like, there's so much easier ways to be famous than actually writing a sitcom from. Right. Right. You know.


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Do offers come to you and you kind of flirt with that, or do you only create your own things and only want to create your own.


The I think the offers of dried up because it's been no. For like ten years that I've used to be busy and and staff. And your flight, I remember I think the the second episode of the office have gone out in like twenty one and my agent got a call from a studio making this movie and they sent me the script and I said, what am I. And I said the lead. And I said it says I was twenty six and I was thirty nine at the time sort of forty.


And they went we can change that. And I thought, OK, and I said, I think you need I said, who's going to go and see this. No one knows me. And they went quiet and I went, You need John Khoosat for this. And they still said, OK, well thanks for the call. And in my head, I was it was an integrity and they were going, what a guy. But actually they probably went, well, fuck it.


The only thing he has turned down a lead movie is not going to go.


That's interesting. And so it was no, because I was busy. It was no way the first one that I said yes to because I read the first one I read, actually, Jane would read it and say, no, no, no. Oh, my. And the first one I did the I, I thought, if I don't do this, I'll never do what was GhostTown. And it just I was reading and I was laughing. I thought, this is me.


Yeah. I love it. I love this, this is this is written for me. And so I did and I loved it, but it still it still doesn't feel like mine. The things I've done, loads of things I've popped up in, things I've done, the Golden Globes, I've done this and that. But if I say, what have you done? I placed, you know, three or four sitcoms, a couple of movies and my standup.


That's what I'd say was mine. Right. Right.


You know, I mean, is Jane your filter of pretty much like is she your go to barometer of of everything?


Yeah. Now, I don't even I say no to everything because I'm so busy, but when I'm working stuff out. Yeah. I run things by I if I go for a run and I've got an idea for a routine, I'll come back and I say, what do you think of this. And she says, please don't do that.


And I know it's, I know it's good.


I know I love how many times we've we've been fucking around her having dinner or whatever and how many times Jane has said, you guys have to keep your voice down the window shop window.


I have one more question about the office. So it is an incredible success on its own. And then when it got brought here to America, another incredible success in Feather in your cap with that, was it comfortable or uncomfortable to watch it take? It's, I don't know, necessary or unnecessary slight comedic tone shift to an American pacing and whatnot?


I you've got to think that it's not your baby.


You I think, you know, Ricky just include in. Because I'm sort of going off with Jason saying it was such a huge shift when it changed the way, certainly in this country, people started making comedies for sure there was such a direct effect. I remember watching somebody on a very famous who created a very famous successful sitcom here saying, you know, and then we decided in the pilot, why not have the characters talk to the camera?


And I thought, shut up.


Well, the thing is, I didn't invent the genre. In fact, my biggest influence, I think there was someone else's work with Spinal Tap, which is a fake documentary. That's just I mean, no one owns fake documentary, I suppose. What was different, slightly different about it was that it was some we left the boring bits and David made bad jokes and no one laughed. I, I want it that I want to explore that gap.


That's social because that's the worst thing for me. I don't get embarrassed, but I get embarrassed for other people. If if we're in a group and someone makes a bad joke and no one laughs. I just want to go back in time and go do it like this. And let's do this again then.


Ricky, what you guys did so well on the show, and I remember this kind of reminds me of when when Mitch Hurwitz was putting together the pilot of Arrested. What you've done so well is anyone listening.


Arrested is your Arrested Development, a TV show. He just he leaves off the last word. It's just that we have a limited time. If we I worked out if we said Arrested Development every time, we'd be three months of our life. Great.


Now we've got to go cut that out.


But you by the way, Ricky has called me on that, like, out loud in a restaurant, Arrested Development. Yeah. So but but you what you did such a great job is when you put that show together, you recognized you'd have David Brent do the worst joke or do something super embarrassing. And then you always made sure to anchor that by looking at the reactions of the people around him, you whip hand or whatever. And that's what happened.


Yeah, I remember with Arrested Development, but that Mitch said that when he's putting the pilot together of Arrested Development that he had, he was like, it's not working. And he realized that he needed to have all these crazy characters do stuff and he needed to see Jason's reaction to it because that put it in the context.


Well, that to me is that to me is the comedy. Someone doing something weird is one part of it, but it's how does it fall? What's the what's the fallout of it? That's that's what's always interests me. And again, I learned that from Laurel and Hardy. So stand doing something stupid was funny, but affecting Ollie was the joke for me. And that's what comedy some comedy didn't have before, that there was no fallout. No one got hurt in the wake of someone doing something ridiculous, like people would be acting and they'd be saying stupid, but they'd be acting like it said somewhat normal.


And so you have to react to that people.


Yeah, there's nothing weird about Martians on Mars. You put a Martian on Earth. That's. Yeah, that's interesting.


Well, that's another good very good point, because that's why again, David Brent was the boss. Yeah. And so he shouldn't have been acting like that. He should have been the grown up, but he was acting like a child. So again, he was the big thing. There was, you know, men as boys and women as adults, which again I think is reflected. But again, Laurel and Hardy did that, the Laurel and Hardy, they were children and their wives to catch them doing naughty things.


It was it said steal from the best. And I certainly have enough, you know, Laurel and Hardy and and Chris Gastón, those guys.


So, Rikki, what what do you because I'm like, this is going to be over and then he'll never talk to you again. And we're going to go right. And in my mind, you go off and you start writing and creating and doing all of these things. But what is the reality like? What is your days consist of? What do you what do you do? Like what will you do tonight?


I'll I'll go and watch. ARRESTOR arrested a Scandi Noir serial killer or spy thriller on Netflix or Amazon Prime or Well or Presents or BBC four. I want European or Middle Eastern or South American drama. I've just found I've just found now that with all these scripts that I can find the best dramas in the world. And why don't you be in one?


Yeah, because I can't I can't speak any languages and also no English RC. My favorite thing right. This has got to be drama is like series three. And suddenly an Englishman or an American pops up and I go, oh, fuck it now. Yeah, I just I just ruined it. Yeah, I just fucking ruined.


Have you watched long, long. Manaj otherwise known as Spyro, that French cop show.


It's it might be one of the best programs ever to amaze another one, as well as only one thing that might even be better than that. And that's the bureau. Have you seen it live? Because it's an incredible it's incredible.


There's a great Belgian show is well called The Break. Right. Have you seen about this amazing ABC?


Oh, the well, another about the twelfth that was. Oh, my God. Wait, did you. Have you guys seen Quincy? And what about Chicago Fire guys, these guys? Jason spends all his time trying to figure out how IPA is made some time.


Well, that's that's so so OK. To quit the answer, I get up, I have a coffee breakfast.


We go for a long walk, which is which is habit. Now, we got that where we used to do that when we were allowed to go out. One our dogs. Cats.


I know you have pickle. You don't walk a cat, you stupid ass. Well, I might. My cat died beginning a long time. We just got a new. And you see what you've done, Sean. Where to go find a dick. Go on. Sorry. So you're walking the cat now?


We go for a walk. I went for a walk and I was walking a dog.


Ricky, why don't you and Jane have a dog? Because I know you love dogs. I know. But why are you guys more? Are you consider yourself cat people or why don't you have a dog?


No, I absolutely love dogs. I love I love animals. I think to me, all animals are unconditionally perfect. View of the only animal that I think you can ethically keep is is is a pet, a domesticated animal. I love all animals, but the reason I have a dog is we travel too much and I can't.


You can have a cat said it doesn't care like a dog. I can't stand the dog. The dog doesn't understand. They have an emotional intelligence beyond some people. I can't bear that I have to travel so often with a dog. So what then?


What happens with the cat? The cat just stays home. You leave that a big, big bowl of milk and no people look after that.


We feel like the flip. So yeah. Yeah.


So your guess is that cats are so emotionally stable and secure that you can go travel around doing all your shows for a couple of weeks and they're good. But a dog, your guess is that they're just emotional basket cases. They need you. They're a little bit more often than once every couple of weeks.


Well, it's it's it's it's based on it's based on knowledge.


No, no. Because because of all the interviews they've done with the cats and dogs. Yeah. Jane, is Jane a dog or a cat. Jane's a woman.


Oh no I'm kidding. It's she'd like the independent like you can go away and I don't, I don't need to see you or she adored like where she's like I I'm going to miss you. I need you back. Oh I see.


Oh I see. Yeah. I was trying to elevate Jane's got some sexy indifference like a cat. Right. It's like she, she doesn't really need you. She's all fine by herself, you know, right now.


Jane, Jane, Jane, Jane. She needs I'd like to, I'd like to think we can you get through that one more time without laughing.


That would be great. Well we're still rolling. She needs you don't want she does need you.


And and you could bring the dog, you know, because you you you're only gone a couple a night here, a night there, because you've got to go and do these arenas and God God bless you. And I feel the same way. I need to do arenas too.


But let me ask you this. So what do you what do you think you've been at home, you've been working on?


I know you're working on your body three. I'm working on my body now. Yeah. That's why you can't see my eyes. Oh, he's doing he's doing your leg lifts. He's doing leg lifts under the table.


But you've written serious three of your.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean I did that quite quickly. Yeah I'm serious. Three is season three. Three Season three. Sorry we're European and that's ready before sort of workshopping and you know and and all that. And I've basically cast it in my head and that's ready to go with filming in April. So I feel like I feel the gap. I can't do gigs at the moment. Again, that's ready to go. In fact, all my gigs this year have been postponed to next year.


So I do that after I film, so that's ready to go.


What about the jokes in that that might be topical? They are not going to work next year. You just kind of update those.


Luckily, when you're still doing stuff about, you know, Hitler and Fomin, I'm sure it's pretty fucking timeless.


Evergreen's yeah. Yeah, yeah. Good for you will always. Luckily we will always have killer diseases and fascism.


Yeah. So they're just going. How do you think that looks.


So you're ready to go back on the road. You've been working on your standup sort of non-stop and refining it.


I will have to change it slightly. I would have to I think depending on what happens, because I think if a vaccine comes in it, I think people who want to forget it. And so it wouldn't be it wouldn't be timeless. And if I was doing it now, I'd start with it. In fact, I did a couple of little warm ups when we were doing such a distance gigs and I started off again. It's great to be gigging.


I haven't I haven't gig this year. The last time was Christmas, wasn't it? Was the last time with friends and family. And we don't we didn't have a traditional Christmas. You don't move with the times. Be multicultural. We have bands. We have a lot of bands.


Oh, you. So I started off as going. Shit, we should talk. Jason, this is a cold, hard fact. You ready? Yep, 66 percent of men start to lose their hair by age 35, is that right? Yeah. Once you've noticed thinning hair, it can be way too late. But the best way to prevent more hair loss is to do something about it while you still got some.


Well, I got an idea for those fellas for him's dotcom. It's a one stop shop for hair loss, skin care and sexual wellness. Oh, yeah. I'd like to think of them as a wellness brand that helps men be the best version of themselves.


So for him offers men access to high quality medical products for issues all men face but rarely take care of, which is stupid. They should because they've got stuff like hair loss or acne or a sexual wellness and beyond. And don't make me explain beyond because, you know, beyond getting out of this is a family podcast.


You know, Jason, your hair is a big topic of conversation here on the show. I don't know why I just have normal hair.


Well, no, you have normal great hair.


Great hair is like somebody who's just got, like carrot tops, got great hair. Carrot Top does have great hair, signature hair. You know, I just have just regular middle aged white guy hair sitting on top of my head. You can grow it out. It gets quite luscious. I know that Amanda gets really mad at you.


When you think it gets too heavy and big, it makes you mix it.


Does it does it get too thick? Yeah, that's what I'm talking about, man. Yeah, I feel like we're organically just promoting good hair. Here's a cool thing for him. Was created by a guy who was a primary physician for 30 years.


He always used to notice that people would bring up and my hair is thinning or I can't tell my wife, you know, that they were leaving you what he wanted to erase the awkward in person doctor visits with all that nonsense or the long pharmacy line.


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Yeah, they're going to have questions about hair and box. Yeah, yeah. Well, there's probably a better way to say that it's right. And both prescription and non-prescription solutions can be purchased at forums dot com.


You know, I'm going to tell you a true story, Jason. You know Bennett who works on the show? His dad.


Yes. Bennett's dad, Jeff, who is a hell of a guy. Let's just say that he's smooth sailing up top, right? Yeah. It's hereditary, huh? I don't think I've ever seen Bennett without a hat on. That's right. Do you think the hair that I am seeing on the edges of the hat, do you think he just shows that into the rim?


Yeah, it's attached that he comes with the hat, huh? It's built into that poor bastard. He's a cueball under there. I don't think he's got anything to be ashamed of. But if he did want to do something about it, he's got for him dotcom now. That's right.


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Ricky, who makes you laugh, I know you get asked this a lot, it is like one of those standard questions, but fuck it, who who makes you laugh? Will you? Do you know? Well done. Well, present company excluded present company.


We got what we wanted to print. Oh, you have to you have to categorize it. You have to control.


I mean it's I mean are there people who the way that Larry David. Yeah. I think I think Larry David is the right. I know he did the biggest sitcom of our generation, but I think is a 10 stories of Curb Enthusiasm and the quality just hasn't changed and is remarkable. And he's private. He's funny and he's a great performer. He's fearless.


You guys are very similar. That self-effacing to.


Yeah, I think I think he's the comi all round comedic creator of the past twenty five years.


I think Chris Guest, it sounds like Chris guest. You like a lot to you Chris Guest. Probably the biggest single influence on me is both the sort of the style a friend and a mentor because I knew no one in the industry. And when the office went out Chris guess that said why I could see it and said you've got to watch this. And he loved it. And I can see why a must have seen his influence, but he called me up and just want to say I was blown away, of course, and we became friends and then I'd call him when I wanted advice.


I remember a early film I didn't want to do is one of those screenings where 40 people give you notes. And I said, I don't want to do it. And he said, Why would you? He said, if you're the next time, why don't you write it with them? And I just thought that was such a lovely wow. And then he told me a story that the director of Rainman did one of those things. And his favorite comment was, I enjoyed the film, but I was disappointed that the little guy didn't snap out of it by the end.


And so he gave me that those those little nuggets to spare about TV by committee.


And this is just lovely. And he's still funny. I remember he asked me once, he said we'd just be mucking around like idiots, kids, and he said if we're not suddenly not funny, no one finds it funny. How will we know? And I said, who cares?


Who cares? And yeah, sure about Ricky.


I have a semi serious question here. I don't want you to cry when you answer it, but with all of the information we've heard about how you started and what you thought you were going to be and the music and whatnot, you're in your mid 50s. Have you exceeded your expectations of flunking out?


Cause course I fucking up. Well, but I mean, I'm I'm assuming there is a higher place. We always sort of reset our goals as we start to approach them, right? Yeah. Where where are you at right now. Are you satisfied and yet still want more or have you hit. Ah I'm where I'm past where I ever wanted to be and I could get, I could get happy with retirement even and know that I've. Yeah. Yeah.


Before you answer that you just know how great it is to hear how Batman's brain works. Go ahead.


And I, I think you, you hold and how do you keep folding the samurai. You keep holding it and what you like and what I like is no interference and only doing things I absolutely love. So I want to do less and less. I'm just more the thing that I absolutely love. And that that's come down to I suppose if I'm doing a sitcom, it's just doing the no compromise with no compromise. Yeah. And standup is already there already.


There's already no stand up compromise with standup. I think standup is like just about the purest form outside the novel where what you think is what you can say and it's what they hear and that that's pure because even with someone like afterlife, you know, I get final that I do it. Oh, but they're still sixty people involved. You still have to go. They have to give it to someone and they still have to go out on this site is where a stand up.


I said I want to do this, find you on this site, sell the tickets, tickets. I go, I'm doing this. This is a and I and I did. And every single step of the way is absolutely as I want it. So it's more and more how do I get to that? And I've always known that the most important thing is being so happy with it. I've always tried to cut out the middleman.


Just wanted to be I say to that a story that sums it up. I think it must be in nineteen seventy one. I was like ten in ago and there was a big, there was a big thing in the early seventies where a lot of unskilled or semi-skilled workers were getting money to go on oil rigs. So you got kabita that they were suddenly going to oil rigs and where they were earning about 50 quid a week. They were. Like, you know, five quid a day, these oil rigs.


It was a big thing, there was a big thing in the paper. Remember the teacher doing a thing to the class saying, OK, kids, what would you do with the money if you could earn 500 pounds a day? And it went round and the kids would say, not buy my my my house. I buy a car, I buy a horse. And it came to me and I said I'd work one day a week.


And I remember thinking, that would be amazing because I could have the other six days. Yeah, yeah, yeah.


I'm with you, man. I really admire. First of all, you know you know, I'm a huge fan of your stand up and I think it's so I watch in awe because I think it's so scary to you know, it just seems like the scariest.


It's like you say it is. So it's just you. Yeah. And your relationship with the audience and everything that's coming out.


And but it's it's not it's not scary. It's this thing that you do it. I think I think driving the car scary because I because I can't do it. But when you realize that you've got that safety net for the first, you go out there and you try stuff out. And if it's not working, you don't you don't put the tickets on sale. I've done 50 gigs before. I set out a real gig, and I know what it's going to be like.


It's going to be the same as the you know, I mean, the scary thing is, you know, recently the scary thing is, you know, this council thing in council, if you say the wrong thing and suddenly, you know, Netflix can take you off their platform or, you know, so that's the scary thing.


But how do you vet that then? How do you really go through your stuff and who's going to be the arbiter? Well, you can't.


You can't because you don't know. You could be the most politically correct standup in the world at the moment, but you don't know what it's going to be like in 10 years time. You can get counsel for things you said ten years ago because you don't know it's going to be like in ten years.


And it also seems like the people that try to you specifically because I remember that the Golden Globes were all of them, they're so fucking funny, but they were so great.


But I remember the same people, it seems that try to cancel. You are also your fans are also the people that hire you and also the people that still work with you.


The thing is about this. I think the misunderstanding about counterculture is, you know, some people think that you should be able to say anything you want without consequences. And that's not true because we're members of society and people are allowed to criticize you. They're allowed to not buy your things. They're allowed to burn your DVDs, and they were allowed to turn the telly on. What they're not allowed to do is to bully other people into not going to see you or there's some people that are the doctors or great doctors.


They're getting fired from a hospital because of a bad joke I made on Twitter. I'm OK with that. That's not relevant to what they do. So I don't think I don't think you what's being cancelled. It's having no platform, is there? And what can they do to me? Because I've got I've got this now who's going to cancel my Twitter YouTube if I have to walk, go to Hyde Park and stand up on a bench and shout shit.


So I got in a lot of shit. They almost can't me because because I, I killed a hobo and I said that's nothing to do with my job. No, that's something that I did on a weekend where that's the other thing as well.


If you don't break the law. Yeah. People just cannot not buy your material, whereas some people get cancer because they've they've actually broken the law. I talk about this in my new standup about, you know, what what is being cancelled. And I suppose that's a scary thing because it's a real consequence, right? No one looks at the argument anymore. They look at saying and they make their decision. There's no nuance. And some of it's down to politics.


Some of it's down to social media because it's too fast. It's way too fast. Say, twenty years ago, if you were offended by some on television, you got a pen of paper, you went to BBC. Oh, I can't be bothered. Now, you fire off a tweet and that tweet goes on the fucking news because someone else argued with it. So it's it's this road rage. It's things happening too fast that you can't take back.


And people dig in and people want to be heard. People want to feel that they had an effect. It's why people heckle a comedian. They want to feel they were there. I was here. And so now people are heard and the microphone is the same volume.


Everybody has access to it. Yes. An idiot stands next to a genius on Twitter and it looks the same if the same font and. Exactly.


Yeah. And that's what's so dangerous. And the geniuses are the idiot has it. And yet people don't they don't make that distinction at all anymore.


Well, it comes back to the beginning. Just because you're offended it doesn't mean you're right. And in recent years we've had this thing where people would say, my opinion is worth as much as the next person. And that's true. But recently we had my opinion is worth as much as you a fact. And that's simply not true. Now, people are offended by facts. People now know that when I do Happy Birthday, Earth, four point six billion years old, I'm having a fundamentalists and I know they go, why are they?


Because they take fat. People take it personally, I could talk to you about all that stuff for like nine hours straight. I love that. I loved everything, man, but he's looking forward to that.


And I mean straight.


No interruptions, no sleep. That jerk that you talked about, you said that sort of that idea of people being offended or online or on social media was the equivalent of running down to the town square and all where people that yeah, I do it in humanity.


When this woman's arguing with me, getting offended by a tweet like I was tweeting them, like I'm just tweeting, I don't know who's following me. That's like going into a town square and seeing a message, says guitar lessons. And you go, I don't fucking want guitar lessons.


I say, black people, it wasn't up to you.


People jump in the way of Ebola and say, why are you shouting at me? I love that people have done the purpose. They've tried to give ideas a human rights. That's why it's so if you criticize Christianity, people say, why are you criticizing Christians? Go, Well, no, I'm the ideal. I'm you know, I'm discussing an idea. It's like me getting offended when someone hates maths. It's not my maths isn't mine. It's a it's a concept.


It's an idea.


So but anyway, this is for I from nine, our podcast, and it's going to be a real hit until tell you what, hard part two through 12.


When are you coming to Los Angeles or when when Will always gets to see you. Always gets to hang out. I want to and I won't bring Sean.


Oh I see. I do. I do actually see for people but I mean I don't I can be smaller before and I will admit we always invite you, but you always you are always having a body wax or something. Yeah.


Hurry out here please or I'll come see you there. Don't make like you know when I go you'll never come to me. I want to go. What did you call it. Leafy. Where do you live.


Will's been will will calls me up. I mean I'm around the corner. I go what is there all the time back and forth between Salisbury. So yeah.


Hopping off yachts and shit. I never go to see Emirates are only you stock. So listen I'm not even say it right now.


You did. Well listen. Yeah I do. I do miss, I do miss hanging out. I do miss going over. I love spending time in the UK and I love spending time with you.


All right. Goodbye. We love you. Goodbye, Ricky. We thank you so much, man. Guys, but I remember well, we tell the other guys, if anyone asks, is he in the SAS? No, he's just a comedian. Right.


OK, I've got it. I got it. OK, we play us off with something with that grab that guitar players off with something.


Just a quick just a quick little. Just a single chord. Oh, we didn't have the song. Here we go.


Here we go. Pretty girl on the end of a Cadillac.


Yeah, it's broken down on freeway nine.


A tickle. Get the engine starting occurring and a roll on. Bye bye bye. We love you love freeway love is free freeway's long got some love.


How are we going home. Because my baby's gone. She's gone. Ricky Gervais is everybody.


Wow, that's incredible.


Ricky Gervais. Thank you. Ricky the beautiful mate. Ricky, Utah.


Just hey, listen, it's getting late. You're going to have to get those those proper words back to the prop house. OK, buddy.


Oh look at that ipca dad.


Love you. Bye bye. Bye bye. Bye Paul. Thank you. Bye bye. Great fun.


Oh, what a moderate was that? Well, I love that you guys knew him. I've never met him. I said no and I was serious about the influence he he had over me over the show, over. I just I think he's it.


Have you guys ever seen him debate religion with Stephen Colbert? No.


I mean, I've seen him debate religion with lots of people. He does it online. He does. It is really interesting.


Wait, does Colbert is Catholic and and Ricky saying he's an atheist. Yeah. Really? Yeah.


It's really fascinating, isn't it. Anyway, I'm a huge fan of his. I think he is has a brilliant mind, is an incredible guy.


He's so, so funny and he's such a sweet which is funny because like Jason, you were saying, you know, some of his characters, he can be very confident, even though he can be self-effacing. You also be very confident. But he and he is confident. He's just a smart guy.


He's a very levelheaded and sweet, sweet guy and super smart, which is why it was good to have him on our show because he was able to help us.


I love that thing at the beginning when he's like, wow, you guys just idiot. Yeah. And smartly, we go ahead and give you a big hint, right? Yeah.


I mean, the bar is low and it's and it's it's advertised, you know, it's like I want to meet Jane, I want to hang out.


Have you talked about what I've matter, but I want to hang out with her. I'm fascinated to see will include you guys.


I'll include you in the dinner. Yes, please. I would love this song. Yeah. Yeah. The one thing he didn't say though as he was signing off was mamby.


Smart. Smart bombs.