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Hey, everyone. Do you live in Washington, DC? Are you sitting around, fretting about this upcoming election? Maybe you're even working on one of these campaigns. Well, we've got a great stress reliever for you, and that's coming out to see us on May 30th at the Warner Theater for stuff you should know live.


Yeah, we guarantee zero political jokes, 100% zero political jokes. If you come out and see us. We're going to be in Medford, Mass on May 29th. The next night we'll be in DC on May 30th, and then The night after that, we'll be at our old friend, the town hall in Manhattan town, NYC.


That's right. So check out tickets. You can go to stuffyeshouldknow. Com. You can go to the theater websites themselves. Avoid those secondary ticket brokers or check out our Linktree, right, Josh?


Yeah. Linktree/sysk Live.


Welcome to stuffyeshouldknow, a production of iHeartRadio.


Hey, Hey, and welcome to the podcast. I'm Josh, and there's Chuck, and Jerry's here, too. It's just the three of us, Oscar the Grouch in it, here on stuff you should know.


Yeah, I think there may be one more in this semi-sweet that we've been tackling over the years, which is to say the operations of a New York City.


It's fascinating stuff.


I love it because every time I'm there, I'm like, How do they deal with all this trash and deliver all that mail? If mail is interesting enough, I'm going to do a little research and see if New York City mail is worth its own deal. Okay.


We did one on the USPS before.


Oh, sure. That was a class. We'd done stuff on landfills and all kinds of things. But New York City is very specific to its own self.


Yeah. As they say, living it up between the moon and New York City. I can't remember the rest.


Living it up?


Yeah. Isn't that what he says?


No. Living it up between the moon. Yeah. I like that better. It's what he says. It's if you get caught, but I like you living it up.


Yeah, I like living it up better, too.


Oh, goodness.


All right, so we're talking New York City trash, Chuck. I didn't ever really give much thought to it. I've been in New York plenty of times. I've been like, wow, there's a lot of trash everywhere all the time. Some of it in bags, some of it on the street, some of it in overflowing trash containers. But it turns out that it is an enormous issue and has been an ongoing and very long-standing issue in New York. And they now have a mayor and a sanitation Commissioner who's like, enough, it's done. We're cleaning the city up once and for all. Eric Adams, he's got a whole... His whole campaign is called Get Stuff Done. And the trash branch of that is get stuff clean. And Jessica Tish, the new Garbage Commissioner, is from one of the wealthiest families in America, possibly the world. Oh, wow. But who's decided to dedicate her career to civil service, specifically in New York. So she's worked in a few agencies, and now she's the head of the Sanitation Department, the DSNY, and is basically just like steam rolling through with new changes and just being like, Oh, I don't care.


That's the way it used to do it. Apparently, it's wrong because it didn't get it done. We're doing it this way now. So they're actually making huge, enormous changes by leaps and bounds that seem like they actually possibly could clean New York up in the next couple of years.


Do you know how the Tisch family what their deal is?


What their deal is? How they communicated Thanksgiving?


Well, no. You said one of the wealthiest families in the world. I was just curious.


Oh, I get what you mean.


What from or whatever.


Her father is the CEO of the Lowe's Theaters, the Lowe's Hotels. Apparently, they own Distilling Brand, the parent company is the CEO of the parent company. But I have a feeling like Her family is legacy wealthy. That's my impression.


Yeah, New York, NYU has the Tisch School of Arts. I'm sure it's the same family.


Yes, it is. As a matter of fact, there's a really interesting profile on her and the New York Sanitation Department and the New Yorker of all places. They rattled off three different things that are named after her family. So, yes, they've been around for a while. But apparently, that's pretty cool. She's like, I'm incredibly wealthy, but I'm going to go I worked my way up in New York. Trash business. Bureaucracy.


It's really pretty incredible. So should we go back in time?


Yeah, let's.


We talked before about what old New York was like, and when you see movies about old New York, They might grunge it up a little bit. Scorsese's Gangs of New York probably did one of the closest, truest depictions of early New York and just how disgusting it could be. We've talked about the amounts of manure from horses on the sides of the street, but it was really, really gross. New York was a disgusting place back in the day. They did have Allah, and this show has got it all. It's got amazing facts of the episode. Right off the bat, we have a great album title, which was this law from the 1650s that banned tubs of Odor and Nastyness. If that's not like a Stooges' album title or something, I don't know what it is. That's good. But it was gross. I think the first fact of the podcast for me is that about 20% of Manhattan, or really the whole Metro area, is built on land that didn't used to be there. It's literally land that came from garbage fill, from construction debris, dirt from the subway project, like Lower Manhattan, in particular, just kept growing and expanding in size.


And here's another fun fact on that. Ellis Island is 28 acres now. It started out as three acres. Oh, wow. It was literally built from, I guess, just waste.


Yeah. Because if you think about it, if you just go dump one load off of an island, you've just littered. But if you keep doing it, you're developing the land.


It becomes hard. Yeah.


You just got to stick with it, and eventually it becomes an okay thing, right?


Yeah, it's really pretty incredible to think about that. There are overlays that show how Manhattan, Lower Manhattan, grew just from dumping stuff.


Oh, yeah. I bet there's pretty cool maps like that. I love that stuff, too. I love walking around and being like, What was this building originally? What used to be here? I ask that out loud sometimes. The building never answers, doesn't it?




So this is not the first time under Eric Adams and Jessica Tisch that a New York administrator has tried to clean the city up. Plenty have tried, but the last truly successful one was in the century before last. A Civil War, I think, colonel, a Union colonel named George Waring, who became the head of the Department of Street Cleaning, which is what the Sanitation Department was called back then. And he cleaned up the city starting around 1895. But he was not the first head of the Department of Street Cleaning. That department was almost 20 years old by the time he came along. But it had just basically been a place where Tammany Hall and the political machine gave jobs to supporters, political supporters. And it was You don't need to show up to work. You're still going to get a paycheck thing.


Yeah, they either did that or they outright just stole money that was allocated for those cleaning up projects to begin with. I saw a name back then in the 1800s, the sludge of just manure and garbage and cess. Is cess a thing, I guess?


Cess is the best.


I know it says pool is a thing. Is cess the thing in the pool?


I would think so.


All right. Anyway, they called the sludge that lined the streets Corporate Pudding.


So gross.


Because I guess it wasn't getting cleaned up because all that money, like I said, was either stolen or reallocated to cronies. There's someone named Robin Nagel, who's a NYU professor, who is an unpaid position, but has basically worked as the unsanctioned, unsalaried anthropologist for the Sanitation Department of New York, and just has an incredible amount of knowledge about this stuff.


Yeah, we've talked about Robin Nagel before, and George Waring, and the changes he made. So Hopefully, you can look at Harvard magazine between 1893 and 1895, and it's like George Waring came along and waved a magic wand. The difference is so distinct. He created a military type institution hierarchy. He outfitted his people with white outfits designed by Jean Paul Gaultier and Pith Helmets. And they went around and they cleaned up New York, and apparently, they throw parades for them once in a while because they were just so successful and loved and revered because they did such a good job. But you can see the difference between these photos in Harpers Weekly that Robin Nagel I think we talked about all this in the Typhoid Mary episode. I think it was in the beginning of that one.


That makes sense.


I'm pretty sure that's where it was.


Yeah, I imagine George Waring came in on day one. I was like, For starters, how about you get that dead hog off the side of the road?


Somebody's like, genius.


He was famous, by the way, for designing the Memphis sewage system after the Civil War, before New York. They were Hey, you did such a good job working out the sewage, I guess, in Memphis. Come on to New York because we have sewage in the streets. Nice.


He worked his way up. If you can make it in New York's sanitation, you can make it anywhere with Jason, believe me.


As things were going, they had landfills that came along, obviously, but a lot of the trash was handled by incinerators. Still is just great controversy, as we'll get to later. But a lot of these smaller apartment buildings had their own incinerators. They would just burn their trash. The city was like, this is an air quality nightmare. I can't imagine. Let's ban these things. I thought it said 1889, but they were banned finally in 1989.


Yeah, that tracks. I mean, it wasn't until the '90s that New York really started to turn around some.


No, it's true.


One of the other things they did, aside from banning individual buildings having incinerators, which just seems like madness in retrospect. You know what I mean?


It does, yeah.


They also started slowly shutting down the landfills that were within the city limits. And finally, the last one, Fresh Kills on Staten Island, was famously shut down in 2001. And one of the reasons it became famous is it was the landfill that accepted a lot of the waste from the Twin Towers after the World Trade Center attacks. And that was it. It's fitting, you know what I mean? In a really weird, bitter sweet, poetic way.


Yeah, like a turning of the page.


I guess so. Yeah. But that was it. So the thing is, is New York still has tons of trash that they accumulate every day. I mean, just as we'll see, a mind boggling amount of trash is generated by New York every day, and they have trouble getting it off the street. But then also they're starting to find We are having problems identifying where to send this trash.


Yeah, for sure. So getting back to Waring, back then, he was like, All right, we got to figure out a way to get this trash. People just threw it in the street. Waring was like, That's not a good system. I don't know if anyone's noticed, but just throwing your trash literally out of your window, sometimes, of your apartment, isn't the way to go about things if we want to live a healthy life as a city. Waring Why don't we get trash cans? You mentioned Oscar the Grouch. They were just the standard metal Oscar the Grouch cans for a long, long time until 1968, when there was a sanitation strike that was only nine days long But it doesn't take long for a sanitation strike to really, I guess, get a little steam.


Not in New York.


A little steam going because there were 100,000 tons of garbage on the city's streets by the end of that nine days, and it was just a mess. They said, All right, how about this? These trash cans were working for a long time, but you're just dumping your trash right in these cans. Why don't you put it in trash bags inside the can? And very sweetly, they thought that that might help the rat situation. I know. Contain the smell enough where rats wouldn't get to it, which is kooky to think about. Of course, rats will get to trash anywhere. For sure. It was better than lifting up these the heavy trash cans because they could just pick the bags out of the trash cans and throw them in. And then finally, just a few years later, in '71, they said, Let's just get rid of these cans and just put it in bags and put it out on the sidewalk. Yeah.


One of the greatest, most important cities in the world, just leave our trash laying around in bags for hours on end, multiple times a week, every week. Let's do that instead, because you can stick them anywhere. They'll fit anywhere. That's one of the challenges that New York has, is it lacks a lot of the alleys and a lot of the little side... Well, alleys, I think, is good enough, to where people in other cities store trash cans and trash bins, like sane people. So instead, they have to use these trash bags and basically tuck them wherever they can, out of the way, and very frequently, not out of the way. You have to walk around them on the sidewalk pretty often, too. So that's the state of New York trash collection now. People leave their trash out in bags on the sidewalk. The sanitation Department workers come along and pick up the bags and throw them in the trash manually, throw them in the garbage trucks manually. And this is staggeringly behind the times. Like, garbage technology has advanced by leaps and bounds since then. In New York, just because of some of its unique characteristics and traits, has had a really hard time implementing them like other cities have.


Yeah, absolutely. But like you said, there's good news on the horizon. You want to take a break now?




All right, we'll take a break. Good little setup. We'll come back and talk about just how much trash there is right after this.


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Something that makes me crazy is when people say, Well, I had this career before, but it was a waste. And that's where the perspective shift comes, that it's not a waste that everything you've done has built you to where you are now. This is She Pivots, the podcast where we explore the inspiring pivots women have made and dig deeper into the personal reasons behind them. Join me, Emily Tisch-Sussman, every Wednesday on She Pivots, as I sit down with inspiring women like Misty Copeland, Brooklyn Shields, Vanessa Hudgens, and so many more. We dive into how these women made their pivot and their mindset shifts that happened as a result. It's a podcast about women, their stories, and how their pivot became their success. Listen to She Pivots on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.


The Therapy for Black Girls podcast is an NAACP and Webby award-winning podcast dedicated to all things mental health, personal development, and all the small decisions we can make to become the best possible versions of ourselves. Here, we have the conversations that help Black women decipher how their past inform who they are today and use that information to decide who they want to be moving forward. We chat about things like how to establish routines that center self-care, what burnout looks and feels like, and defining what aspects of our lives are making us happy and what parts are holding us back. I'm your host, Dr. Joy Harden-Bradford, a licensed psychologist in Atlanta, Georgia, and I can't wait for you to join the conversation every Wednesday. Listen to the Therapy for Black Girls podcast on the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcast, or wherever you get your podcast. Take good care, and we'll see you there.


All right, so we promised talk of just how much trash New Yorkers produce. I don't think per person, they're creating an exceptional amount of trash, not picking on New Yorkers. Sure. There's just a lot of people there, more than 800,000 residential apartment buildings, and they produce about four and a half million tons of just residential trash every a year. So 24 million pounds a day or about 12,000 tons per day of just residential people trash from apartments. Yeah.


So every day, they generate an equivalent weight of trash to 50,526,316 Big Macs.


I knew something like that was coming.


That's a lot of Big Macs. Imagine all of that being produced every day.


Is that net weight after cooking? Sorry.


Yes, that's the completed weight. That's what you get when they put it on the tray. Okay, got you. What's interesting is eating either one has about the same impact on your health.


That's good.


Thank you.


It's morning for us, which is unusual, so I'm a little slower.




And a little less giving with my laugh count.


As long as I'm getting a little bit of it. A little bit goes a long way.


You've had plenty. You got me right off the bat there with the... What was that first joke that really got me?


The Oscar the Grouch one?


No, that was okay, though.


Oh, the mistaken living it up in New York City.


Yeah, that got me going right off the bat. So you would not be surprised to learn, dear listener, that the DSNY, which is the New York City's Sanitation Department, is the largest in the country. One reason is obviously because there are so many people and so much trash. But also, New York is a little bit unique among large cities in that they are responsible for more trash than other large cities are.


Yeah. A lot of other cities, they'll handle some, maybe houses or something on the outskirts of town or in neighborhoods. But the apartment building things and commercial stuff, all that's handled by private companies. And then in other cities, it's all private companies these days, in some cases, too, especially suburbs. But with New York, they're like, No, we're going to handle it. If you're a resident, we're going to take care of your trash.


That's right. And as we'll see, on the private side, they handle the commercial trash. That's coming up shortly. But as far as the residential stuff goes, they collect from each residential building two or three times a week. There are 59 different districts that cover New York, each having its own garage that house more than 2,000 collection trucks over those 59 districts.


Yeah, and that's just the collection trucks. They have other kinds of trucks, too.


Yeah, I I saw that... I was trying to find out about maintenance of these things, but collectively, just the garbage trucks of New York drive about four and a half million miles a year.


That's crazy.


Yeah, it's a lot of miles.


Yeah, they have all sorts of different trucks. This is where the part of me, who was once a little boy who loved looking at picture books of caterpillar earthmovers and those giant Volvo dump trucks, really came back to the surface. But they've got some dual bin models, and if you look at them, they're Basically, do what it says on the tin. There's half divided into half for trash and the other half for recycling, so you can pick up both on the same day at the same time. They have top loaders that go up to a dumpster and just pick it up and shake it like an enemy you might on the street who weighed much less than you. And then they also have just the regular kind that are called the white elephants. And those are just so incredibly massive massive. Each of the New York City regular single bin garbage trucks can hold 12 tons of waste. That's incredible. A full size American standard school bus weighs 14 tons. So they fit almost a school bus weight of trash in just one single truck at a time.


How many big backs is that?


I didn't do that one. Okay.


This is the other fact of the podcast for me, is that every garbage truck in New York has two sets of steering wheels and pedals on both sides, so either person can drive. And no matter who's driving, each break pedal is live. So If someone doesn't see somebody and the person that's not driving, see someone dart in front of the garbage truck, they can hit the brakes as well.


Yeah, it's a good idea. They also have street sweepers, AKA mechanical brooms. And I should say, I've seen those are starting to be rolled out in electric versions, but apparently, they're trying to slowly electrify their entire fleet. It seems like street sweepers were one of the first to be electrified. Salt spreaders, snow plows, front-end loaders, basically everything you could possibly need to clean up and clear trash, the New York City Department of Sanitation has it.


Yeah, for sure. And if you're like, Well, why do they have snowplows and all that stuff? It's because Besides trash and recycling and composting, which is a newer program, and it came about because it's a big problem. I think about 20% of New York City's garbage is food waste. Man, it's a lot. They can really, really They're not going to cut down on that with a good composting system in the city, but they're working on that. We'll get to that later. But they have to clean vacant lots. They're the ones who remove the snow. Here's another fun fact. If there's a car on the street that has the license plates torn off of it and someone has just dumped it and it's worth under $1,250, the police say, That's a garbage car. It's not our responsibility. So the DSNY has to take care of it.


Yeah. So I looked up a little bit on that, and I couldn't find how they make that assessment of how much the thing is worth.


Kelly Blue Book?


I guess. I would think just by virtue of having the license plate removed and it being abandoned on the street would indicate that it was worth less than $1,250.


Usually, the $50 is what kills me. That's where they landed instead of just 12 or 1,300. But, hey, I guess it was a formula.


Similarly, they also clean up abandoned bikes that are chained to public property. If the bike can just no longer be ridden because it's so bent or it's missing some essential parts, they will take care of it. They'll clip that chain and throw the the whole thing away. But if you have a bike that you want to get rid of, you don't have to abandon it. In New York City, you can take the wheels off, put them in with your trash, and then you can put the bike itself out with your recycling. Oh, very nice. Yeah, I thought so, too.


And as if that wasn't enough, last year in 2023, Eric Adams, the mayor, said, All right, you also now have to regulate and enforce street vendors. You got to clean up the highways and take care of the graffiti in New York. And I'm sure they were like, Great. It's not like we didn't have enough to do already.


Well, what's interesting is that's creating a lot of grumbling because there's a lot of jobs from other agencies that are just being taken. Oh, I'm sure. And the justification is like, Hey, you're doing other stuff. You have other stuff to focus on. So this part has become low priority. So it makes sense. The Department of Sanitation would clean up graffiti. We're cleaning up the whole city. And apparently, there is a backlog of a thousand requests for graffiti removal. They cleared 800 of them in one month. So they're doing some amazing work there.


That's awesome. I mean, I like good graffiti, like graffiti art.


Yes. So if you're a resident of New York, you put in a request for graffiti removal. You can also request that graffiti be left alone. And there's this whole procedure and process, but they give you a certain amount of time between the time you say, I want this graffiti removed, and then the time they come out, I guess, to give you a chance to really think about whether you want it removed If they're not, then they'll remove it.


Yeah. Do you want the vulgar tag, just spray-painted across the front of a business, removed? Or is it art?


Exactly. Depends on who did it.


I guess so. 8,000 sanitation workers total, 2,000 other employees. Well, yeah, so I guess that's 10,000 total. But 8,000 actual bag slingers and cleaner uppers. They're known New York's strongest. They are 90 % male right now. So props to that 90 %, and really, props to that 10 % of these ladies that are getting in there and getting their hands dirty because it is tough, tough It's a dangerous work.


Yes. So one of the things, one of the reasons that it's particularly dangerous for sanitation workers in New York is, again, because they use bags. They're not in cans. If you've not been to New York, just imagine bags of trash just piled everywhere. The problem is when they're grabbing them and throwing them in the truck, they're probably trying to avoid garbage juice, which is a very distracting thing. It's very gross. It's rarely harmful, but you don't want it on you. But it can distract you from things that can harm you, like some rusty, sharp thing poking out of the bag that you put your hand on. There's a lot of hazards. Sometimes the stuff that's in there could pose a hazard to you in other like garbage juice would. There's an article I found from 1996 where a sanitation worker named Michael Hanley died because some jerk threw hydrofluoric acid away in with the regular garbage. And when it was compressed in the hopper, it exploded, and Hanley inhaled it and died, basically on the spot.


Yeah. I mean, that's the thing that happens when that hopper, squishes all that stuff down. There's going to be stuff that sprays out. They try to get out of the way, but sometimes they can't. Olivia found this another fun little factoid here that apparently enough of that garbage juice is coffee-related, that whatever season it is, if it's pumpkin spice season or whatever, the sanitation workers just like, Oh, God, here comes the pumpkin this fall.


Yeah, I can imagine that just gets really old, really fast.


Can you imagine?


Yeah, because it's the worst version of that coffee. It's not hot fresh and in the cup. It's cold and runny and mixed with other stuff and leaking out of a garbage bag.


Like hydrofluoric acid.


It's also just hard. A lot of this stuff is very heavy. You can fit a lot of stuff into a trash bag. Apparently, residential places with compactors use what are called sausage bags, where you can fit multiple compacted rounds of trash into one single bag. You need two people to toss those in. And then the cans, they're also in charge of the cans, right? I think those little, very famous mesh wire New York City trash cans that open a door, I think, at the base. Yeah. Am I making sense here? Sort of.


Just street corner trash cans.


Let's just call them that.


Those weigh 30 pounds empty. I've never seen a New York City trash can that wasn't absolutely overflowing. That's a lot more weight, and they're doing that by hand. Some of these routes can have as many as 400 of these.


That's so crazy, dude.


That's just really, really, really hard, strenuous labor.


You said that there's never a New York City corner trash can that is empty. I found a study from 1987 that estimated that a 60 pound can, so a trash can with about 30 pounds of waste, you can imagine this is probably pretty average. To lift the 40 inches into the hopper and dump it requires three and a half horsepower from the sanitation worker. And then, like you said, there might be 400 of those on a route. I just can't imagine how just tired you would be at the end of this.


Well, and all the stuff you're breathing in, too, especially if you're a street sweeper, all kinds of respiratory issues can pop up before COVID, before people are like, Hey, maybe we should wear masks and sanitize things. Thousands of New York City workers got sick during the early COVID days. Nine of them died. About a hundred sanitation workers died from illnesses cleaning up ground zero. So not only is it a strenuous job and can be dangerous because of sharp and rusty things, but it's just hard on your body, period.


Right. Unfortunately, they have a really good union. They're members of Teamsters Local 831, the Uniform Sanitation Men's Association. And thanks to the union, when are an entry-level sanitation worker, you start out making $43,305 a year.


Not great.


Which is no, especially in New York. It's hard to live on that. But if you stick with it for five and a half years, it more than doubles to $88,980. 179. That's pretty great. Yeah. And once you reach that point, there are plenty of New York City sanitation workers that are making $100,000 or over from all of the extra pay that can come from bonus work. They get triple over time for snow removal and stuff like that. So you can make a pretty good middle class income for New York City as a sanitation worker just from sticking with it for a few years. Plus, also, you can retire in just over 20 years, too, with full It's a little benefits.


Yeah, that's a big deal. You get about 18 days of vacation. But if you start in your early 20s, you put in your 22 years, they don't have an age thing where you have to work to a certain age. So if you start in your early 20s, you could potentially retire with your full pension in your early to mid '40s, and you can do a lot worse than that.


For sure, yeah. Because you can be like, Well, I want to keep working, but I'll go over here and take this other job, but I'll still get paid for my old job because I retired.


Exactly. You do have to pass a civil service exam. You have to get your CDL, your Commercial Driver's license. There's about a month of training, and then you have Once you get that license, they have a little practice area where they practice a little obstacle course, basically. You practice driving that garbage truck because driving through New York is, I find it enjoyable and fun and exciting. But driving a garbage truck, I imagine, is tough. There's stuff all over the place, and you can't just Mad Max it through there.


No, you can't because people get killed like that because there's a lot of people walking and running and riding bikes New York that you have to look out for.


Yeah, increasingly distracted people, we should add.


Right. Yeah. So we said that they shut down all of the landfills within New York's borders, but that means that they have to ship this trash one way or another outside of New York, some of it gets diverted to incinerators. They're like, We don't want incinerators in New York because it contributes to poor air quality, but we'll pay you to burn it for us elsewhere. Fortunately, they've now converted some of those incinerators to waste to energy plants, so you're actually getting something out of burning the trash.


As far as these waste to energy plants go, if you're thinking like, What do you mean they burn trash and get something out of it? It basically works just like coal would. Any energy creation like that is just burning something to create steam, to boil water, to create steam, to spend that turbine. And in this case, they just burn trash instead of coal, which you think is like, oh, that's great. Maybe this should be a whole episode at one point, but there are a lot of people say, these are an environmental nightmare. You are creating energy, but you're also creating a landfill in the sky by what you're putting into the air. We might want to look into that as a full one at some point.


Remember, we did our plasma waste generator episode, and that thing was flawless in its design and execution, but I don't think that's what they're using for these waste energy plants. I don't think so. Some of the garbage is being diverted and incinerated, but from what I understand, the vast majority is sent outside of New York to landfills in places like Virginia or South Carolina or Ohio. And the way that they get there predominantly is by rail and by barge. And so New York set up five what are called Marine transfer stations that are amazing. Did you look into them at all? Because they're crazy awesome.


I did. And they They are crazy awesome. Yeah, those Marine stations, I think they built those over about a 20-year period starting in the early 2000s. There's five of them. The neighborhoods where these were going to be near, we're obviously not too excited about them when they were first proposed. But apparently, they've done a pretty good job as far as the smell goes. They aren't too stinky. I think it's noise more than anything because you constantly just have trucks going in and out of there. But they've done a great job with deodorizing and venting this stuff. Even have Hawk calls being played on loudspeakers to keep seagulls away because that would be a nightmare. Oh, yeah. But apparently, they're not as bad as everyone thought they were going to be.


No. Plus, also the neighborhoods that they're in are already ports, and there's other industry nearby anyway. And they set up, essentially, access road so that when the trucks start backing up, they're not on the street, they're off of the street. And then The whole thing is enclosed, right? So garbage truck goes into the building, sealed shipping container comes out the other side. And inside the building, like you said, they've taken all these measures to keep the smell down and just keep it from being gross. But what happens is a garbage truck comes in, backs up to the tipping station, tips its contents all the way down to the next story down. Next story down is just basically like that trash compactor in Star Wars, the first one. It's essentially like that. But rather than having that pneumatic arm crush everything, they have front loaders that basically push all the stuff into shipping containers. And a shipping container can hold just over about two full truck's worth of waste, I think 25 tons. They top that thing off, seal it, and say, Here you go, waste management, take over from here.


Yeah, and you mentioned some of this goes to different states. I saw that almost all of Manhattan's trash goes to New Jersey. Oh, nice. Sorry, New Jersey. Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Ohio is where most of the rest of it goes as far as landfills go. And then, weirdly, Staten Island trash goes to South Carolina.


That is a little weird.


I don't know why, but I guess they just worked out an exchange program or something.


Yeah. I guess it's totally up to private companies. Like I said, waste management is a good example of taking possession of the shipping containers, stacking them up on barges. I think you can fit like 48 full on a barge and taking it on a slow boat to South Carolina, or taking it upriver to Niagara Falls. I think that's where one of the incinerators is, Niagara, New York.




And then also if it's somewhere like Ohio, it's very tough to sail a barge to Ohio. So you just take it to a rail station and the shipping containers get shipped by rail to Ohio, where it gets dumped.


All right. Maybe... Or actually, right before we take a break, let's cover this one more thing, I think, which is if you've lost something and you want to get it back in the trash, it It's probably not going to happen, but it really depends on how good of a looker you are, because what you'll do is you'll call up, you'll say, I lost a wedding ring in the garbage. I'm pretty upset about this. And they say, Oh, great. We have a program called the Loss Valuable Search. Just come on down to the Marine Transfer Station. We'll work with you to determine which truck is yours. Then there's a huge pile of trash, and you have 90 minutes to go through and find it by yourself, or I guess, with whatever friends you are able to talk into coming with you.


People have. They found all sorts of stuff. Sure.


It happens.


Yeah, it does happen. Apparently, also, there's people who are like, That's what I have to do. Just forget about it. I'm good. Thanks, anyway.


Yeah, I'll get a new wedding So let's take a break, and we'll come back and talk about some of the shady business that goes on in the private industry.


All right. Cool.


Hey, I'm Rachel Martin. You probably know how interview podcasts with famous people usually go, right? There's a host, a guest, and a light Q&A. On NPR's podcast, Wild Card, we have ripped up the typical script. It's part existential deep dive and part game show. I ask actors, artists, and comedians to play a game using a special deck of cards to ask some of life's biggest questions. Listen to NPR's Wild Card on the iHeartRadio app or wherever you get your podcast.


Something that makes me crazy is when people say, Well, I had this career before, but it was a waste. And that's where the perspective shift comes, that it's not a waste that everything you've done has built you to where you are now. This is She Pivots, the podcast where we explore the inspiring pivots women have made and dig deeper into the personal reasons behind them. Join me, Emily Tisch-Sussman, every Wednesday on She Pivots, as I sit down with inspiring women like Misty Copeland, Brooklyn Shields, Vanessa Hudgens, and so many more. We dive into how these women made their pivot and their mindset shifts that happened as a result. It's a podcast about women, their stories, and how their pivot became their success. Listen to She Pivots on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you got your podcasts.


The Therapy for Black Girls podcast is an NAACP and Webby award-winning podcast dedicated to all things mental health, personal development, and all of the small decisions we we can make to become the best possible versions of ourselves. Here, we have the conversations that help Black women decipher how their past inform who they are today and use that information to decide who they want to be moving forward. We chat about things like how to establish routines that center self-care, what burnout looks and feels like, and defining what aspects of our lives are making us happy and what parts are holding us back. I'm your host, Dr. Joy Harden- Bradford. A licensed psychologist in Atlanta, Georgia. And I can't wait for you to join the conversation every Wednesday. Listen to the Therapy for Black Girls podcast on the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcast, or wherever you get your podcast. Take good care, and we'll see you there.


Okay, Chuck. So we said that the city picks up residential trash, but for the most part, commercial trash like stores, office buildings, industry, that's handled by private companies. And that's not actually new. That goes all the way back to, I think, the mid to late '50s, 1957, I think, when the city was like, Hey, we could use some help collecting trash. How about private companies get involved? And the Mafia sat up and said, Yes, let's do that. And apparently, the Gambino and Genovese crime families were really big into what's called carding. It's private trash collection. For decades, it was extraordinarily corrupt. And finally, in the '90s, New York did something about it, got the crime families out of the carding business. But the companies are no less shady than they were before, and they're just shady in different ways, whereas before they were screwing over the customers, now they're screwing over the workers. Because back then, at least they were mob run, but they were in really good unions. And as these private companies came along, they don't have very good unions. So I saw somewhere that a worker at a private company today makes less as a driver for a truck than a helper made in 1985.


Wow. $16 an hour. They make less than that. 1985 to 2016. Isn't that crazy?




That's what happens when you have a union that's good, that goes away in favor of a union that's bad, and that's in cahutes with the ownership.


Or if there is no union, at all, which is the case sometimes.


Yeah, true.


Wasn't Tony Soprano in Sanitation? Or didn't he say he was?


Yes, he was in carding.


Yeah, I remember that. I also remember when I lived in New Jersey, the Italian, I'm not saying it was a Mafia truck because that I would be wrong to assume, but whoever picked up our trash had a big Italian name on the side of the truck. It was during that time of the Sopranos where I was like, What's going on here?


Oh, you know what's going on there. But supposedly that was after they cleaned things up, although that was Jersey, so yeah, they probably didn't. That was probably Mafia run.


Well, and it was also mid '90s, so I think that's when they were cleaning it up.


Got you.


There are about 200 50 private handlers that are now overseen by the business integrity commission, which may as well be called the Don't Let the Mafia Get Involved Commission.


Except sometimes.


Yeah, exactly. You mentioned just bad conditions in some of these private companies, like very long work hours, maybe safety training, maybe not, maybe safety gear, maybe not. If you hear of a story about a pedestrian that's killed in New York by a garbage truck, chances are it's a private company, not always, but there are much, much higher incidents of, I didn't say incidences. Somebody called us out on that. You remember that?


Yeah. Yeah, it's a nice work. We're really progressing here in year '16.


We're trying to, but many more incidents from the private companies running over somebody than the DSNY, and largely because of training, but also because they're working too long, they're too tired, and they have too much to do in general.


Yeah. A investigative journalist named Kyra Feldman wrote an article for ProPublic called Trashed. I don't remember what came after the colon, but it It's really eye-opening. I mean, even if you don't care about trash collection or New York City, just the fact that people are being treated this way is just nuts, man. It's definitely worth a read if this episode piqued your interest at all.


Yeah, there's an African immigrant named Mouktar Diallo, and I don't think we mentioned that some of these private companies will just pick up the dude in the parking lot that's looking for day work. So they're not covered at all or insured or anything like that. They'll just like, We'll pay you under the table to run out in front of the truck and get bags out to where they can be collected easier. Mouktar was one of these guys, and he was crushed under a truck. When it came time to talk about this. The company said, We don't know this guy. He's a homeless guy that ran out in front of the truck. And of course, it later came out what really happened. So in 2019, a New York passed a law that said, All right, we're dividing this into zones now. There can be no more than three companies picking up in each zone, just trying to rein in the chaos a little bit. If you want to do this, you have to sign a contract that meets certain standards of safety and working conditions. It's being implemented now, so it is still currently changing for the better.


Yeah, and you mentioned all the miles that the DSNY travels just on their routes every year. These commercial haulers might be driving from one spot to many, many blocks over to the next spot and just wasting so much time and burning so much gas. Whereas if it's like there's only three companies in this one quadrant, They're going to be driving a lot around, a lot less, and they're also going to be burning a lot more, a lot fewer fossil fuels and releasing fewer emissions, too. So it's altogether a pretty good plan. Of course, the companies are like, Can't do that. What about competition? But New York is not really listening, apparently, and that's what's happening right now. And that's just part of another, again, this larger push for reforming the whole place under Eric Adams and Jessica Tisch. And one of the big ones is getting rid of the black bag in favor of containers, the same plastic bins that you see in basically every other city in the world in one way, shape, or form, or another. New York's finally being like, We're going to get in on that.


Are they black bags? I didn't think they were blue.


There's blue, too. Oh, okay. Yeah, they have all different colors, but there's definitely blue as well, yes.


Okay. I wasn't sure. It's been a while, but I just have a visual in my head of mountains of blue bags on trash day. If you've never been to New York at all, or you haven't been many times, you would probably be shocked to come out on trash day on a hot summer, rainy trash day, because it's quite a sight and quite a smell. But like you said, they're moving toward Benz Just a few months ago, in February of this year, they said, All right, here's our new plan. If you got a smaller apartment building, you're going to have those little wheelie bins like almost every other city in the United States. If If you are in a really big apartment building, it's basically a dumpster, but it's plastic, but it's like a large container. You mentioned the fact that there aren't a lot of alleys in New York. It's a movie trope when you've seen alley scenes set in New York City, probably not being filmed in New York because most of the buildings on a block are just crammed right next to each other. So these dumpsters have to go somewhere, and they said, All right, we'll make them small enough to fit in a parking spot.


We'll lose 150,000 parking spots all over the city, but we have to do it, and it'll also help us reclaim some of this sidewalk space that we're losing.


Yeah, and apparently parking spots is one of the most politically charged issues in all of New York politics.


I'm sure.


So that's really gutsy to be like, 150,000 parking spots are going away, so we can put these bins there. And it's not even across the board. There's some blocks I read that are losing a quarter of their parking spots.


Oh, I'm sure.


So it's definitely going to take an adjustment for sure. But there won't be bags of trash everywhere. They'll just be different colored bins that are on the street, just off the sidewalk. A truck comes along and picks up, that it doesn't require human hands to throw bag after bag into the truck anymore.


Boy, New York City, the residents really have to get on board with this to make that work.


Well, they did a pilot study of it in Harlem, and this back in September 2023, and apparently, it was extremely successful. Rat sightings were down 68 %.


Where did they go?


I don't know. I think they just- They went somewhere. Disappear. They go poof into nothingness after they don't eat for two days.


Oh, boy. That means they're organizing. This could get really scary.


But supposedly, the people of Harlem were like, This is cool. We can definitely deal with this. So they're rolling it out to the rest of New York.


Yeah, I think they will see the benefit to people get on board, because what would really screw up that system is that truck is going using the mechanics to dump those cans, but then there's four or five bags that wouldn't fit in the can just sitting there.




So you're still going to have to have some people down there slinging bags.


Definitely, for sure.


But it should speed up the whole thing and clean it up if everyone chips in.


Yeah. Isn't that what living in New York is all about? Everybody chipping in.


A little bit, for sure.


You got anything else? No.


Just another mention of composting. They're getting that going, I mentioned earlier. Still pretty new program since 20% of that total waste is food waste. If they really got a pretty efficient compost system going, then it would do a lot to reduce trash and do better things for Mother Earth.


So you did have something else?


I did.


Well, if you want to know more about New York Trash Collection, go to New York and just walk around and you'll find out everything you need to know about it. And while you're booking your flight, how about it's time for a listener mail?


I'm going to call this... What is this? Oh, Arson Investigation. Okay. Hey, guys. In 2019, I moved to Saint Paul with some friends from college. It was really fun. I made many new friends. In fact, two of my roommates I had never met. One was a local rapper, the other was a firefighter EMT.


Saint Paul is the arson capital of of the country.


Is it really? No. It wouldn't surprise me after listening to this story. This guy said it was a glorious era of my life filled with healing, fun, and young adulting. Within a few months, I got a job at a discount movie theater, and I was working one day when the theater got a call from our boss and said, Hey, your house is on fire. Oh, my God. You should come by. The firefighters walked me through the burning home. I saw no flames, but it was S-M-O-K-E-Y. Went up to my room. Nothing was burnt there, which is great, but it did smell like a bonfire for about a year after that. Man. Everyone was gone at the time, so nobody was heard. About a month later, my landlord/boss same person, which is why that sounded weird earlier, mentioned that there was a big break in the fire investigation, but made me do a little work to figure out who it was. It turns out the firefighter, EMT, that I live with, decided he didn't want to live with us anymore. So a week before, he moved a couch to the basement and set it on fire and walked away.


Oh, my God. What a twist.


I only found out because he admitted it to me. My life went haywire for a while after that, but I'm happy to report that I'm settled in full on adulting with love. That is Tegan Torres.


Fantastic. What a great story. Thanks a lot, Tegan. Who saw that coming? Not me. That was a twist that you'd find at a discount movie theater. Right. Well, if you want to be like Tegan and send us an amazing story about something we talk about, we love that thing. You can send it via email to stuffpodcast@iheartradio. Com.


Stuff You Should Know is a production of iHeartRadio. For more podcasts, My Heart Radio, visit the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows.


Hey, I'm Rachel Martin. You probably know how interview podcasts with famous people usually go, right? There's a host, a guest, and a light Q&A. On NPR's new podcast, Wild Card, we have ripped up the typical script. It's part existential deep dive and part game show. I ask actors, artists, and comedians to play a game using a special deck of cards to ask some of life's biggest questions. Listen to NPR's Wild Card on the iHeartRadio app or wherever you get your podcast.


Something that makes me crazy is when people say, Well, I had this career before, but it was a waste. And that's where the perspective shift comes, that it's not a waste that everything you've done has built you to where you are now. This is She Pivots, the podcast where we explore the inspiring pivots women have made and dig deeper into the personal reasons behind them. Join me, Emily Tisch-Sussman, every Wednesday on She Pivots. Listen to She Pivots on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.


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