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God is the villain here. Adam and Eve are in the Garden of Eden, and God is there with them. Okay. I'm sorry, you brought it up.


I'm allowed to do this. I understand.


When it comes down to it, Adam and Eve are in the Garden of Eden with God, and God is omniscient, and God knows the future, and God puts the tree of knowledge of good and evil in spot X. When he does that, he's omniscient, and he knows that Adam is going to eat that fruit. He knows it's going to cause the fall of man, and billions of souls will go to hell, and according to you, babies will start being born with cancer. If he puts the tree of knowledge over here, it doesn't happen, or if he doesn't put it there at all, it doesn't happen. God puts it where he knows with 100% certainty that Adam is going to eat of that fruit. Who made that choice?


God knows the end from the beginning, and he created the universe, and he knew what would happen.


Anytime you want to answer the question.


I'm getting there. But that doesn't mean people don't have free choice. You're saying that God then could not have done that if somebody sins. Well, let me ask you a question.


That's not what I said at all. What I asked you was, who made the choice in the Garden of Eden? Adam and Eve did. Adam and Eve made the choice. Now, let me ask a question. Let me put it this way. God knows with 100% certainty that if I put the tree of knowledge here, billions of souls go to hell and babies get cancer, according to you, which It doesn't follow either, but I'll let you pass on. But wait, wait, wait. But if I put it over here- No, no, hold on, hold on.


No, no, this is the point. There's nothing wrong with babies getting cancer because it's all relative.


You know what? I judge that. I judge that to be wrong. That's just your personal problem. But you're also avoiding the question in a great big way. No, no, no.


If you allow me to continue with my presentation, I'll go into it.


On another video? I want you to answer me. It's not another video. Okay, answer me. When God put the tree of knowledge of good and evil here instead of here, knowing that when he put it here, knowing with 100% certainty- I got it.


Let me answer it. Go for it. Here's the problem. The problem here, David, is that you're assuming that God could have created another universe where nobody sinned. While it's logically possible, it might not be actually achievable with free creatures.


So sin was not an option.


No, sin. If God creates a universe with free creatures, he might not be able to create a universe where everybody freely chooses not to sin. So he creates the universe we're in now, people freely choose to sin. Then his job, the whole purpose of the Bible, and we're not really even here to talk about the Bible, but since you brought it up, the whole theme of the Bible, from Genesis to maps, is one word, and that is redemption. You have paradise lost in Genesis, paradise regained in Revelation.


You are totally avoiding my question.


No, I'm getting there.


Before Adam ate that apple, he was without sin. Yes. Before he ate that apple, he was without sin. God put the tree here. Yes. He knew it would cause the fall of man. God pushed Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden. God made the decision. God made the choice.


Then God made the choice to go in and rescue them. That's what the redemption is all about.


God chose. David, I think they'll clap for anything in this audience. God is the villain here. God is the one- Wait, stop.


There's no villains because there's no good or evil. You've already said so.


Start changing the subject. God is the one who made the choice. I'm not changing the subject. You said evil entered into the universe because of a choice. I'm submitting to you- A choice, yeah. That it was not Adam who made that choice. Who was it? It was God who made that choice.


God made a choice.


God's a villain. God's the one who sent you to hell. God's the one who sends everybody to hell. God's the one who caused the fall of man. He did so with intent, with deliberate. God is an ass.


Nobody sends anybody to hell. You send yourself there.


God sent everybody to hell. But you're not listening to the argument if you're applauding.


David, people who are in hell are there justfully.