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How do we know you read all these books?


Well, ask me something. I'll be glad to answer any question that you have. How did you break that mirror? That didn't even touch you. Come here. Everybody gather closely. May I use your glasses? What you're about to see is not a trick, okay? It's just, let's call it an experiment in energy. Well, everything there is is made up of some living energy. Now, all this is a dance or partnership between the energy coming from me and the energy of the plastic. Do you know what the largest living organism in the world is? It's a grove of Aspen trees in Colorado. Acres of Aspen. They thought they were disconnected separate, but indeed, they found out that they weren't. There was one giant organism with the same root system. Can you move the table?


How did you feel when you saw that? I think you know more than you're telling. I'm mad. Are you hiding something? Come on. Just put your hands on my boy. Move the glasses some more. Can you bend for me?


George, no.