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I'm not exactly sure the essence of the question, do human beings have tails? Do you have a tail? You know, I have never met anyone with a tail. I'm not exactly sure the exactly, but fetuses have tails. Kind of proves that at that phase, they are not a human being. They got tails. Humans don't have tails. We're not dinosaurs. Let me even show you a photo, if I may. Okay. Do you truly, in your heart of hearts, truly believe that this is a human being? This. Without a doubt. Without a doubt. Yes. This is a dolphin fetus. So let me. Without a doubt, a dolphin fetus is a human being. This is a human fetus. Look how similar they look. But quite different dolphin. You just confirmed that a dolphin in life. Do you confuse dolphins for human babies? Often? So let me ask you a question. You go to SeaWorld and you're like, someone's got human babies in that aquarium. Get the human babies out of the aquarium. Well, you labeled it as a human fetus. No, I did not. Dishonest? No, I did nothing. He didn't. He didn't label it as a human fetus.


I went back and rewatched the tape just to be sure.