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Hi, my name is Father Mike Schmitz, and you're listening to the Bible in the year podcast, where we encounter God's voice and live life through the lens of scripture. The Bible in a year podcast is brought to you by ascension using the great adventure Bible timeline. We'll read all the way from Genesis to revelation, discovering how the story of salvation unfolds and how we fit into that story. Today, it is day 190. We are reading from two kings, chapter 24, two chronicles, chapter 35.


We're also reading from proverbs, chapter eight, finishing up that chapter with verses 22 through 36. The Bible translation that I'm reading from is the revised standard Version, second catholic edition, and I'm using the great Adventure Bible from Ascension. If you want to download your own Bible in a year reading plan, you can visit bibleinaear. And if you want to subscribe to this podcast, you can by clicking subscribe. As I said, it is day 190.


We have, including today, we have two . Also, we had Jehoiakim and his son Jehoiakim, which, once again, thank you, namers of people in the Bible. But they were both. What did they do?They both did what was evil in the sight of the Lord, that they were the successors of Josiah, and they turned away from the faith of their father and grandfather. And what happens is Nebuchadnezzar, he had come in and what God had promised that, yes, because of the sins of Manasseh before, like, and we're going to hear about these crimes of Manasseh as well later on in the prophets. Because of these sins, Jerusalem is delivered into the hand of the Babylonians. We're also going to see the beginning of the exile, where here's Nebuchadnezzar. Who comes in to the land of Judah, Benjamin, Jerusalem.And he's going to bring into exile the servants of the king. So he's first going to take away the people who are the strongest, right? So he takes away Jehoiakin. He gets brought into Babylon, as well as the princes, the mighty men of valor, 10,000 captives, all the craftsmen and smiths, none remained except the poor people of the land. And as well as Jehoiakim and his entire family, his entire cabinet, all the chief men of the land, all of them are going into Babylon.And when he does that, the king of Babylon, NebuchadNEzzar, he makes JehoIaKiM's uncle, MataniAh, the king. He becomes a puppet king, basically there. And his name is Zedekiah. We're going to hear about Zedekiah more tomorrow. But, yeah, we have the beginning of the exile.And the first thing that the king of Babylon does is exiles, those who are most powerful. He takes away the power out of the people of Judah and Jerusalem. And we're going to see tomorrow that he's going to take more people away, and he's going to exile even. Even more. And what's going to happen is the people of Israel will find themselves away from their land.The day after tomorrow, we're going to go into Isaiah and the Book of Tobit, and we're going to continue to hear from those prophets. And what we're going to do is basically going to go back in time to when Isaiah the prophet was preaching, when Ezekiel the prophet was preaching, when Jeremiah was preaching. And all the whole story that we just heard is going to be the time that the prophets are preaching against. Right? So when we hear about these bad kings, we hear about these people who are falling away from faith, then we'll hear what Isaiah had to say to them.Because if you recall in these last couple chapters, as they're being brought into exile, one of the claims that the Lord God gets to make Isaiah, I sent you the man of God. I sent you my word. I sent you the prophets. And we're gonna actually hear from those prophets for the next bunch of days. And so that's gonna come up very, very soon.So we are done with this narrative book tomorrow, the narrative books of two kings and second chronicles, and we're launching into the prophets the day after tomorrow, which is gonna be. It's gonna be an incredible journey. It's gonna be a challenge, because we have to constantly be reminded of what was going on when Isaiah was preaching, when Jeremiah was preaching when Ezekiel was preaching. We have to be reminded of this whole story. So hopefully, up to this point, the story has gotten into your bones.Hopefully, up to this point, you get what's going on in the northern kingdom of Israel, the southern kingdom of Judah, and the fact that they're so, so unfaithful, even though God continues to be faithful. So that's our next steps after tomorrow. Tomorrow when we conclude this book of two kings and this book of Second Chronicles. Ah, I can't wait because I'm praying for you. Please be praying for me.My name is Fr. Mike. I will see you tomorrow, and I can't wait. God blessed.


. Also, we had Jehoiakim and his son Jehoiakim, which, once again, thank you, namers of people in the Bible. But they were both. What did they do?


They both did what was evil in the sight of the Lord, that they were the successors of Josiah, and they turned away from the faith of their father and grandfather. And what happens is Nebuchadnezzar, he had come in and what God had promised that, yes, because of the sins of Manasseh before, like, and we're going to hear about these crimes of Manasseh as well later on in the prophets. Because of these sins, Jerusalem is delivered into the hand of the Babylonians. We're also going to see the beginning of the exile, where here's Nebuchadnezzar. Who comes in to the land of Judah, Benjamin, Jerusalem.


And he's going to bring into exile the servants of the king. So he's first going to take away the people who are the strongest, right? So he takes away Jehoiakin. He gets brought into Babylon, as well as the princes, the mighty men of valor, 10,000 captives, all the craftsmen and smiths, none remained except the poor people of the land. And as well as Jehoiakim and his entire family, his entire cabinet, all the chief men of the land, all of them are going into Babylon.


And when he does that, the king of Babylon, NebuchadNEzzar, he makes JehoIaKiM's uncle, MataniAh, the king. He becomes a puppet king, basically there. And his name is Zedekiah. We're going to hear about Zedekiah more tomorrow. But, yeah, we have the beginning of the exile.


And the first thing that the king of Babylon does is exiles, those who are most powerful. He takes away the power out of the people of Judah and Jerusalem. And we're going to see tomorrow that he's going to take more people away, and he's going to exile even. Even more. And what's going to happen is the people of Israel will find themselves away from their land.


The day after tomorrow, we're going to go into Isaiah and the Book of Tobit, and we're going to continue to hear from those prophets. And what we're going to do is basically going to go back in time to when Isaiah the prophet was preaching, when Ezekiel the prophet was preaching, when Jeremiah was preaching. And all the whole story that we just heard is going to be the time that the prophets are preaching against. Right? So when we hear about these bad kings, we hear about these people who are falling away from faith, then we'll hear what Isaiah had to say to them.


Because if you recall in these last couple chapters, as they're being brought into exile, one of the claims that the Lord God gets to make Isaiah, I sent you the man of God. I sent you my word. I sent you the prophets. And we're gonna actually hear from those prophets for the next bunch of days. And so that's gonna come up very, very soon.


So we are done with this narrative book tomorrow, the narrative books of two kings and second chronicles, and we're launching into the prophets the day after tomorrow, which is gonna be. It's gonna be an incredible journey. It's gonna be a challenge, because we have to constantly be reminded of what was going on when Isaiah was preaching, when Jeremiah was preaching when Ezekiel was preaching. We have to be reminded of this whole story. So hopefully, up to this point, the story has gotten into your bones.


Hopefully, up to this point, you get what's going on in the northern kingdom of Israel, the southern kingdom of Judah, and the fact that they're so, so unfaithful, even though God continues to be faithful. So that's our next steps after tomorrow. Tomorrow when we conclude this book of two kings and this book of Second Chronicles. Ah, I can't wait because I'm praying for you. Please be praying for me.


My name is Fr. Mike. I will see you tomorrow, and I can't wait. God blessed.