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Hi, my name is Father Mike Schmitz, and you're listening to the Bible in ear podcast, where we encounter in media? Are you acquainted with that region? The angel replied, I will go with you. I am familiar with the way, and I have stayed with our brother Gabael. Then Tobias said to him, wait for me, and I shall tell my father.And he said to him, go, and do not delay. So he went in and said to his father, I have found someone to go with me. He said, call him to me so that I may learn to what tribe he belongs and whether he is a reliable man to go with you. So Tobias invited him in. He entered, and they greeted each other.Then Tobit said to him, my brother, to what tribe and family do you belong? Tell me. But he answered, are you looking for a tribe and a family, or for a man whom you will pay to go with your son? And Tobit said to him, I should like to know my brother, your people, and your name. He replied, I am Azarias, the son of the great Ananias, one of your relatives.Then Tobit said to him, you are welcome, my brother. Do not be angry with me because I tried to learn your tribe and family. You are a relative of mine, of a good and noble lineage. For I used to know Ananias and Jathan, the sons of the great Shemaiah, when we went together to Jerusalem to worship and offered the firstborn of our flocks and the tithes. Of our produce.They did not go astray in the error of our brethren. My brother, you come of good stock, but tell me, what wages am I to pay you? A drachma a day and expenses for yourself, as for my son. And besides, I will add to your wages if you both return safe and sound. So they agreed to the lives of my father and mother to the grave and sorrow on my account. And they have no other son to bury them. But the angel said to him. Do you not remember the words with which your father commanded you to take a wife from among your own people?Now listen to me, brother. For she will become your wife. And do not worry about the demon. For this very night she will be given to you in marriage. When you enter the bridal chamber.You shall take live ashes of incense. And lay upon them some of the heart and liver of the fish. So as to make a smoke. Then the demon will smell it and flee away. And will never again return.And when you approach her, rise up, both of you. And cry out to the merciful God. And he will save you and have mercy on you. Do not be afraid, for she was destined for you from eternity. You will save her and she will go with you.And I suppose that you will have children by her. When Tobias heard these things, he fell in love with her and yearned deeply for her.The book of proverbs. Chapter ten, verses place where we see the truth that here is God himself, who is so good, who is so beautiful, who is love itself, who is holy. And in stark contrast, we realize the truth about ourselves, that we are made to be good, we are made to be beautiful. We are made to be wise. We are made to be holy. But we fall short all the time.It is like when, remember when Jesus got into Simon Peter's boat and have this big catch of fish? And Peter realizes, he falls to his knees and he says, depart from me, lord. I'm a sinful man. And Jesus lifts him up, essentially, and says, from now on, you'll be catching men. Like, this is a big moment where here we realize our lack, we realize our need, we realize his goodness.And yet God doesn't run away from us. He calls us near to himself. And this is what happens to Isaiah. Isaiah sees this reality of God's presence, the reality of God's goodness, his holiness. Woe is me.I'm lost from a man of unclean lips. I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips. And yet my eyes have seen the king, the Lord of hosts. This is God's call to Isaiah. And he realizes, I'm going to go preach to a bunch of people who are a mess.They are a mess, and I'm a mess. And again, let's go back to the moment of the mass. M a s s, not emess the mass. And we say, holy, holy, holy. And we then in that moment, if you're not Catholic, what we do is in the catholic mass, we.We fall to our knees. And that moment we say, holy, holy, holy. And we have this whole prayer and we fall to our knees. And what happens to Isaiah? Well, an angel takes some tongs and he goes over to the altar.And he takes a coal from the altar, and he touches Isaiah on the mouth with it, and he says, behold, this has touched your lips. Your guilt is taken away and your sin forgiven. That's the early church fathers. Now, this is the crazy thing. In the early church, like the first couple centuries of Christianity, the early church fathers saw this as a type, as a foreshadowing of what happens in the mass is that we say, holy, holy, holy, fall to our knees.And then what happens is the burning coal of the Eucharist. Right? The burning coal of the EucharIst, the flame of God's very presence, is taken from the altar and placed in our mouth. Placed on our lips. And we experience this transformation by the very fact that we get to come into contact, like contact with the Lord God himself.Ah, it's just incredible. Incredible. And then when, not only then, God asked the question, who will go for me? Who will go for us? Whom shall I send?And Isaiah says, here I am. Send me. And he says, okay, go and say to this people, etcetera, etcetera. At the end of the mass, what happens at the end of the every mass? The priest says, okay, go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your life.Basically, yes. You've come into God's presence. Holy, holy, holy. You've fallen to your knees. That, that burning ember, burning coal of the Eucharist has touched your mouth and filled you and transformed you.And now go and declare Jesus to the nations. This is just, ah, blows my mind. It's amazing. It's incredible. And just next time you go to mass, realize this is, this is the reality.This is for Isaiah, it was a type. It was real, but it was a type for all of us. It is the fulfillment of this. And, ah, what a gift. What a gift to not only hear God's word proclaimed and declared like this, but also to be able to participate in a unique way every time we go to mass.Also the book of Tobit. Hopefully that made sense yet last yesterday about the deuterocanonicals. And so incredible, we have this Archangel Raphael, who is leading Tobias to find his wife and Sarah. These worlds are colliding with the life of Tobit, who had been praying for death, life of Sarah, who'd been praying for death. And now here to the Lord's action.God is bringing their stories together, and we're going to find out what happens with them tomorrow. So keep praying for each other. I am praying for you. Please pray for me. My name is Fr.Mike. I cannot wait to see you tomorrow. God blessed.


in media? Are you acquainted with that region? The angel replied, I will go with you. I am familiar with the way, and I have stayed with our brother Gabael. Then Tobias said to him, wait for me, and I shall tell my father.


And he said to him, go, and do not delay. So he went in and said to his father, I have found someone to go with me. He said, call him to me so that I may learn to what tribe he belongs and whether he is a reliable man to go with you. So Tobias invited him in. He entered, and they greeted each other.


Then Tobit said to him, my brother, to what tribe and family do you belong? Tell me. But he answered, are you looking for a tribe and a family, or for a man whom you will pay to go with your son? And Tobit said to him, I should like to know my brother, your people, and your name. He replied, I am Azarias, the son of the great Ananias, one of your relatives.


Then Tobit said to him, you are welcome, my brother. Do not be angry with me because I tried to learn your tribe and family. You are a relative of mine, of a good and noble lineage. For I used to know Ananias and Jathan, the sons of the great Shemaiah, when we went together to Jerusalem to worship and offered the firstborn of our flocks and the tithes. Of our produce.


They did not go astray in the error of our brethren. My brother, you come of good stock, but tell me, what wages am I to pay you? A drachma a day and expenses for yourself, as for my son. And besides, I will add to your wages if you both return safe and sound. So they agreed to the lives of my father and mother to the grave and sorrow on my account. And they have no other son to bury them. But the angel said to him. Do you not remember the words with which your father commanded you to take a wife from among your own people?Now listen to me, brother. For she will become your wife. And do not worry about the demon. For this very night she will be given to you in marriage. When you enter the bridal chamber.You shall take live ashes of incense. And lay upon them some of the heart and liver of the fish. So as to make a smoke. Then the demon will smell it and flee away. And will never again return.And when you approach her, rise up, both of you. And cry out to the merciful God. And he will save you and have mercy on you. Do not be afraid, for she was destined for you from eternity. You will save her and she will go with you.And I suppose that you will have children by her. When Tobias heard these things, he fell in love with her and yearned deeply for her.The book of proverbs. Chapter ten, verses place where we see the truth that here is God himself, who is so good, who is so beautiful, who is love itself, who is holy. And in stark contrast, we realize the truth about ourselves, that we are made to be good, we are made to be beautiful. We are made to be wise. We are made to be holy. But we fall short all the time.It is like when, remember when Jesus got into Simon Peter's boat and have this big catch of fish? And Peter realizes, he falls to his knees and he says, depart from me, lord. I'm a sinful man. And Jesus lifts him up, essentially, and says, from now on, you'll be catching men. Like, this is a big moment where here we realize our lack, we realize our need, we realize his goodness.And yet God doesn't run away from us. He calls us near to himself. And this is what happens to Isaiah. Isaiah sees this reality of God's presence, the reality of God's goodness, his holiness. Woe is me.I'm lost from a man of unclean lips. I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips. And yet my eyes have seen the king, the Lord of hosts. This is God's call to Isaiah. And he realizes, I'm going to go preach to a bunch of people who are a mess.They are a mess, and I'm a mess. And again, let's go back to the moment of the mass. M a s s, not emess the mass. And we say, holy, holy, holy. And we then in that moment, if you're not Catholic, what we do is in the catholic mass, we.We fall to our knees. And that moment we say, holy, holy, holy. And we have this whole prayer and we fall to our knees. And what happens to Isaiah? Well, an angel takes some tongs and he goes over to the altar.And he takes a coal from the altar, and he touches Isaiah on the mouth with it, and he says, behold, this has touched your lips. Your guilt is taken away and your sin forgiven. That's the early church fathers. Now, this is the crazy thing. In the early church, like the first couple centuries of Christianity, the early church fathers saw this as a type, as a foreshadowing of what happens in the mass is that we say, holy, holy, holy, fall to our knees.And then what happens is the burning coal of the Eucharist. Right? The burning coal of the EucharIst, the flame of God's very presence, is taken from the altar and placed in our mouth. Placed on our lips. And we experience this transformation by the very fact that we get to come into contact, like contact with the Lord God himself.Ah, it's just incredible. Incredible. And then when, not only then, God asked the question, who will go for me? Who will go for us? Whom shall I send?And Isaiah says, here I am. Send me. And he says, okay, go and say to this people, etcetera, etcetera. At the end of the mass, what happens at the end of the every mass? The priest says, okay, go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your life.Basically, yes. You've come into God's presence. Holy, holy, holy. You've fallen to your knees. That, that burning ember, burning coal of the Eucharist has touched your mouth and filled you and transformed you.And now go and declare Jesus to the nations. This is just, ah, blows my mind. It's amazing. It's incredible. And just next time you go to mass, realize this is, this is the reality.This is for Isaiah, it was a type. It was real, but it was a type for all of us. It is the fulfillment of this. And, ah, what a gift. What a gift to not only hear God's word proclaimed and declared like this, but also to be able to participate in a unique way every time we go to mass.Also the book of Tobit. Hopefully that made sense yet last yesterday about the deuterocanonicals. And so incredible, we have this Archangel Raphael, who is leading Tobias to find his wife and Sarah. These worlds are colliding with the life of Tobit, who had been praying for death, life of Sarah, who'd been praying for death. And now here to the Lord's action.God is bringing their stories together, and we're going to find out what happens with them tomorrow. So keep praying for each other. I am praying for you. Please pray for me. My name is Fr.Mike. I cannot wait to see you tomorrow. God blessed.


the lives of my father and mother to the grave and sorrow on my account. And they have no other son to bury them. But the angel said to him. Do you not remember the words with which your father commanded you to take a wife from among your own people?


Now listen to me, brother. For she will become your wife. And do not worry about the demon. For this very night she will be given to you in marriage. When you enter the bridal chamber.


You shall take live ashes of incense. And lay upon them some of the heart and liver of the fish. So as to make a smoke. Then the demon will smell it and flee away. And will never again return.


And when you approach her, rise up, both of you. And cry out to the merciful God. And he will save you and have mercy on you. Do not be afraid, for she was destined for you from eternity. You will save her and she will go with you.


And I suppose that you will have children by her. When Tobias heard these things, he fell in love with her and yearned deeply for her.


The book of proverbs. Chapter ten, verses place where we see the truth that here is God himself, who is so good, who is so beautiful, who is love itself, who is holy. And in stark contrast, we realize the truth about ourselves, that we are made to be good, we are made to be beautiful. We are made to be wise. We are made to be holy. But we fall short all the time.It is like when, remember when Jesus got into Simon Peter's boat and have this big catch of fish? And Peter realizes, he falls to his knees and he says, depart from me, lord. I'm a sinful man. And Jesus lifts him up, essentially, and says, from now on, you'll be catching men. Like, this is a big moment where here we realize our lack, we realize our need, we realize his goodness.And yet God doesn't run away from us. He calls us near to himself. And this is what happens to Isaiah. Isaiah sees this reality of God's presence, the reality of God's goodness, his holiness. Woe is me.I'm lost from a man of unclean lips. I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips. And yet my eyes have seen the king, the Lord of hosts. This is God's call to Isaiah. And he realizes, I'm going to go preach to a bunch of people who are a mess.They are a mess, and I'm a mess. And again, let's go back to the moment of the mass. M a s s, not emess the mass. And we say, holy, holy, holy. And we then in that moment, if you're not Catholic, what we do is in the catholic mass, we.We fall to our knees. And that moment we say, holy, holy, holy. And we have this whole prayer and we fall to our knees. And what happens to Isaiah? Well, an angel takes some tongs and he goes over to the altar.And he takes a coal from the altar, and he touches Isaiah on the mouth with it, and he says, behold, this has touched your lips. Your guilt is taken away and your sin forgiven. That's the early church fathers. Now, this is the crazy thing. In the early church, like the first couple centuries of Christianity, the early church fathers saw this as a type, as a foreshadowing of what happens in the mass is that we say, holy, holy, holy, fall to our knees.And then what happens is the burning coal of the Eucharist. Right? The burning coal of the EucharIst, the flame of God's very presence, is taken from the altar and placed in our mouth. Placed on our lips. And we experience this transformation by the very fact that we get to come into contact, like contact with the Lord God himself.Ah, it's just incredible. Incredible. And then when, not only then, God asked the question, who will go for me? Who will go for us? Whom shall I send?And Isaiah says, here I am. Send me. And he says, okay, go and say to this people, etcetera, etcetera. At the end of the mass, what happens at the end of the every mass? The priest says, okay, go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your life.Basically, yes. You've come into God's presence. Holy, holy, holy. You've fallen to your knees. That, that burning ember, burning coal of the Eucharist has touched your mouth and filled you and transformed you.And now go and declare Jesus to the nations. This is just, ah, blows my mind. It's amazing. It's incredible. And just next time you go to mass, realize this is, this is the reality.This is for Isaiah, it was a type. It was real, but it was a type for all of us. It is the fulfillment of this. And, ah, what a gift. What a gift to not only hear God's word proclaimed and declared like this, but also to be able to participate in a unique way every time we go to mass.Also the book of Tobit. Hopefully that made sense yet last yesterday about the deuterocanonicals. And so incredible, we have this Archangel Raphael, who is leading Tobias to find his wife and Sarah. These worlds are colliding with the life of Tobit, who had been praying for death, life of Sarah, who'd been praying for death. And now here to the Lord's action.God is bringing their stories together, and we're going to find out what happens with them tomorrow. So keep praying for each other. I am praying for you. Please pray for me. My name is Fr.Mike. I cannot wait to see you tomorrow. God blessed.


place where we see the truth that here is God himself, who is so good, who is so beautiful, who is love itself, who is holy. And in stark contrast, we realize the truth about ourselves, that we are made to be good, we are made to be beautiful. We are made to be wise. We are made to be holy. But we fall short all the time.


It is like when, remember when Jesus got into Simon Peter's boat and have this big catch of fish? And Peter realizes, he falls to his knees and he says, depart from me, lord. I'm a sinful man. And Jesus lifts him up, essentially, and says, from now on, you'll be catching men. Like, this is a big moment where here we realize our lack, we realize our need, we realize his goodness.


And yet God doesn't run away from us. He calls us near to himself. And this is what happens to Isaiah. Isaiah sees this reality of God's presence, the reality of God's goodness, his holiness. Woe is me.


I'm lost from a man of unclean lips. I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips. And yet my eyes have seen the king, the Lord of hosts. This is God's call to Isaiah. And he realizes, I'm going to go preach to a bunch of people who are a mess.


They are a mess, and I'm a mess. And again, let's go back to the moment of the mass. M a s s, not emess the mass. And we say, holy, holy, holy. And we then in that moment, if you're not Catholic, what we do is in the catholic mass, we.


We fall to our knees. And that moment we say, holy, holy, holy. And we have this whole prayer and we fall to our knees. And what happens to Isaiah? Well, an angel takes some tongs and he goes over to the altar.


And he takes a coal from the altar, and he touches Isaiah on the mouth with it, and he says, behold, this has touched your lips. Your guilt is taken away and your sin forgiven. That's the early church fathers. Now, this is the crazy thing. In the early church, like the first couple centuries of Christianity, the early church fathers saw this as a type, as a foreshadowing of what happens in the mass is that we say, holy, holy, holy, fall to our knees.


And then what happens is the burning coal of the Eucharist. Right? The burning coal of the EucharIst, the flame of God's very presence, is taken from the altar and placed in our mouth. Placed on our lips. And we experience this transformation by the very fact that we get to come into contact, like contact with the Lord God himself.


Ah, it's just incredible. Incredible. And then when, not only then, God asked the question, who will go for me? Who will go for us? Whom shall I send?


And Isaiah says, here I am. Send me. And he says, okay, go and say to this people, etcetera, etcetera. At the end of the mass, what happens at the end of the every mass? The priest says, okay, go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your life.


Basically, yes. You've come into God's presence. Holy, holy, holy. You've fallen to your knees. That, that burning ember, burning coal of the Eucharist has touched your mouth and filled you and transformed you.


And now go and declare Jesus to the nations. This is just, ah, blows my mind. It's amazing. It's incredible. And just next time you go to mass, realize this is, this is the reality.


This is for Isaiah, it was a type. It was real, but it was a type for all of us. It is the fulfillment of this. And, ah, what a gift. What a gift to not only hear God's word proclaimed and declared like this, but also to be able to participate in a unique way every time we go to mass.


Also the book of Tobit. Hopefully that made sense yet last yesterday about the deuterocanonicals. And so incredible, we have this Archangel Raphael, who is leading Tobias to find his wife and Sarah. These worlds are colliding with the life of Tobit, who had been praying for death, life of Sarah, who'd been praying for death. And now here to the Lord's action.


God is bringing their stories together, and we're going to find out what happens with them tomorrow. So keep praying for each other. I am praying for you. Please pray for me. My name is Fr.


Mike. I cannot wait to see you tomorrow. God blessed.