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Hi, my name is Father Mike Schmitz and you're listening to the Bible in a year podcast where we encounter God's voice and live life through the lens of scripture. The Bible in a year podcast is brought to you precept. Precept upon precept. Line upon line.Line upon line. Here a little, there a little. No, but by men of strange lips and with an alien tongue. The Lord will speak to this people to whom he has said, this is rest. Give rest to the weary, and this is repose.Yet they would not hear. Therefore the word of the Lord will be to them. Precept upon precept. Precept upon precept. Line upon line.Line upon line. Here a little, there a little, that they may go and fall backward and be broken and snared and taken. Therefore hear the word of the Lord, you scoffers who rule this people in Jerusalem, because you have said, we have made a covenant with death, and with Sheol, we have an agreement. When the overwhelming scourge passes through, it will not come to us. For we have made lies our refuge, and in falsehood we have taken shelter.Therefore, thus says the Lord God, behold, I am laying in Zion for a foundation, a stone, a tested stone, a precious corner stone of a sure foundation. He who believes will not be in haste. And I will make justice the line and righteousness, the plummet and hail will sweep away the refuge of lies, and waters will overwhelm the shelter. Then your covenant with death will be annulled, and your agreement with Sheol will not stand. When the overwhelming scourge passes through, you will be beaten down by it.As often as it passes through, it will take you for morning. By morning it will pass through, by day and by night. And it will be sheer terror to understand the message. For the bed is too short to stretch oneself on it, and the covering too narrow to wrap oneself in it. For the Lord will rise up, as on Mount Perazim.He will rage, as in the valley of Gibeon, to do his deed. Strange is his deed, and to work his work, alien is his work. Now therefore, do not scoff, lest your bonds be made strong. For I have heard a decree of destruction from the Lord God of hosts upon the whole land. Give ear and hear my voice.Listen and hear my speech. Does he who plows for sowing plow continually? Does he continually open and harrowlives today, whether they be positive things or negative things, whether they be joyous things or sufferings.Use the moments of this day, the interactions of this day, to call us back to you. Let the joys remind us of your goodness. Let our sufferings remind us of our need for you. And let every moment be a reminder of how much you love us and how much we are yours, how deeply we belong to you. In Jesus name we pray.Amen. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Okay, so chapter 28 of the book of the prophet Isaiah starts this little section from 28 to 35, where the prophet Isaiah is mostly focusing on Judah. But it's interesting because at the beginning of chapter 28, he begins focusing on Judah, right?The kingdom of the south by pointing to the north, by pointing to Ephraim. And remember, the kingdom of Israel in the north also goes by the name of Ephraim. So he begins chapter 28 talking to Ephraim, and he emphasizes drunkenness in the beginning of chapter 28. Woe to the proud crown of the drunkards of Ephraim. And it goes on and on.The proud crown of the drunkards of Ephraim and this recognition of drunkenness and the effects of alcohol. And it's really remarkable because the Bible talks about, in many ways, about the blessing of wine, right? It gives joy to men's hearts. This kind of. That sense of it allows people to rejoice.But drunkenness is not the same thing as the warmth that wine can give to men's hearts. The drunkenness, in fact, is a sin. It's considered to be a grave sin, depending on the degree to which a person gets drunk. Because of the fact that, you know, we recognize that when we were made in God's image and likeness, what are we given? We're given in God's image and likeness.We're given an intellect to think. We're given a will to choose. We're made for goodness and the consequences of the fall. Right back, all the way back in Genesis, chapter three, the consequences of the fall are, among other things, a darkening of the intellect, right? So we can see, but we can't see very clearly a weakening of the will.So we can choose, but we don't choose strongly. We say, I'm gonna get up at five this morning or tomorrow morning, and we don't because we want to do, but we don't do what we want to do, right? So a darkening of the intellect, a weakening of the will. And the third, one of the third consequences is we are attracted to sin. Now, what does drunkenness do?Drunkenness emphasizes all three of those things. It emphasizes all three of consequences of the fall. The fourth consequence of the fall is death. Another consequence of the fall is being cut off from the lord. So there's others, but these three, a darkening of intellect, a weakening of the will, and an attraction to sin.The big fancy word is concupiscence. Those are emphasized by drunkenness, right? Because we don't think clearly when we have drank, drunk, drinking a lot, we do not choose well, and we don't choose wisely when we have drunk. And we also are attracted to things we normally wouldn't be attracted to when we drink. And so one of the reasons why drunkenness is a serious sin is because it emphasizes and accentuates essentially.It makes us even more of a slave to the darkening of the intellect, the weakening of the will and attraction, hope that helps. But here is again Isaiah speaking to Ephraim the north about how this is how you live all of the time. And that weakening of the will, darkening of the intellect and attraction to sin, how you live like that all the time, is leading you away from the Lord. Okay, so that's what is being said here. Now, later on in verse 16, Isaiah says, now he's addressing his attention.He says, thus says the Lord God, behold, I'm laying in Zion for a foundation, a stone, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone of a sure foundation. And St. Peter, in one Peter, chapter two, verse six, he talks about this, this and says, actually Jesus is at the cornerstone. Jesus is that precious cornerstone, sure foundation that Isaiah was talking about. So that's kind of cool, this connection between Isaiah 28 and one Peter, chapter two.But a couple things that you might not have noticed. Just some points where we have some names that came up in 28 and 29 that either you sounded familiar or they were completely foreign to you. So here's an example. In verse 21, chapter 28, it said, for the Lord will rise up as on Mount Perezm. He will rage as in the valley of Gibeon.And do his deed. Strange is his deed. He work his work. Alien is his work. Therefore, do not scoff.bit of sarcasm, we think.Now, last note about Isaiah, before we go to Zephaniah at the end of like we did with Habakkuk, and kind of like we do with Nahum and Joel, all these minor prophets, not all of them, but few wisdom. You haven't looked to me for that. Again, that intimacy in prayer. The third being bad leaders. It talks going to be coming and pray that perhaps seek righteousness. This is verse three of chapter two. Seek the Lord, all you humble of the land who do his commands, seek righteousness, seek humility.Perhaps you may be hidden on the day of the wrath of the Lord. Basically, he's saying, the wrath of the Lord, the day of the wrath of the Lord, the day of the Lord is going to come. So you're going to stop to endure it. But if you seek the Lord, you do his commands. You seek righteousness, seek humility.Perhaps you may be hidden when that day comes. Because at the end of chapter two, and again going into chapter three, this is what you find when it comes to every one of the prophets right there, promising not only here's correction, here's God's justice, but also here's God's promise of restoration. He says in chapter two, Judah, the remnant of my people shall plunder them, and the survivors of my nations shall possess them, meaning the enemies that there shall be. Even though there's judgment coming, even though there's a justice coming, there will be a remnant, and that remnant will be victorious. That remnant will experience God's promise and God's goodness.And this is so important for us because we also are waiting, right? We also are facing enemies. We're also facing the battle of the spiritual battle between dark and light, between God and the powers and principalities of this earth. And so we're waiting, like the people of Israel did in Zephaniah's day and Isaiah's day. And our call is, as we wait for the day of the Lord, that we seek justice and we seek righteousness, and we seek the Lord with everything we have.That's the message of Zephaniah and all of the prophets. And that's the message today, that no matter what happens, no matter what kind of day we have, that we can use this day to seek the Lord with all our hearts. That's what we're doing right now, is we're listening to his word for the last half an hour. My gosh, you guys, this is a long one. I apologize for that.But I want you to know I'm praying for you and want you to ask, please pray for me. My name is Father Mike. I cannot wait to see you tomorrow. God blessed.


precept. Precept upon precept. Line upon line.


Line upon line. Here a little, there a little. No, but by men of strange lips and with an alien tongue. The Lord will speak to this people to whom he has said, this is rest. Give rest to the weary, and this is repose.


Yet they would not hear. Therefore the word of the Lord will be to them. Precept upon precept. Precept upon precept. Line upon line.


Line upon line. Here a little, there a little, that they may go and fall backward and be broken and snared and taken. Therefore hear the word of the Lord, you scoffers who rule this people in Jerusalem, because you have said, we have made a covenant with death, and with Sheol, we have an agreement. When the overwhelming scourge passes through, it will not come to us. For we have made lies our refuge, and in falsehood we have taken shelter.


Therefore, thus says the Lord God, behold, I am laying in Zion for a foundation, a stone, a tested stone, a precious corner stone of a sure foundation. He who believes will not be in haste. And I will make justice the line and righteousness, the plummet and hail will sweep away the refuge of lies, and waters will overwhelm the shelter. Then your covenant with death will be annulled, and your agreement with Sheol will not stand. When the overwhelming scourge passes through, you will be beaten down by it.


As often as it passes through, it will take you for morning. By morning it will pass through, by day and by night. And it will be sheer terror to understand the message. For the bed is too short to stretch oneself on it, and the covering too narrow to wrap oneself in it. For the Lord will rise up, as on Mount Perazim.


He will rage, as in the valley of Gibeon, to do his deed. Strange is his deed, and to work his work, alien is his work. Now therefore, do not scoff, lest your bonds be made strong. For I have heard a decree of destruction from the Lord God of hosts upon the whole land. Give ear and hear my voice.


Listen and hear my speech. Does he who plows for sowing plow continually? Does he continually open and harrowlives today, whether they be positive things or negative things, whether they be joyous things or sufferings.Use the moments of this day, the interactions of this day, to call us back to you. Let the joys remind us of your goodness. Let our sufferings remind us of our need for you. And let every moment be a reminder of how much you love us and how much we are yours, how deeply we belong to you. In Jesus name we pray.Amen. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Okay, so chapter 28 of the book of the prophet Isaiah starts this little section from 28 to 35, where the prophet Isaiah is mostly focusing on Judah. But it's interesting because at the beginning of chapter 28, he begins focusing on Judah, right?The kingdom of the south by pointing to the north, by pointing to Ephraim. And remember, the kingdom of Israel in the north also goes by the name of Ephraim. So he begins chapter 28 talking to Ephraim, and he emphasizes drunkenness in the beginning of chapter 28. Woe to the proud crown of the drunkards of Ephraim. And it goes on and on.The proud crown of the drunkards of Ephraim and this recognition of drunkenness and the effects of alcohol. And it's really remarkable because the Bible talks about, in many ways, about the blessing of wine, right? It gives joy to men's hearts. This kind of. That sense of it allows people to rejoice.But drunkenness is not the same thing as the warmth that wine can give to men's hearts. The drunkenness, in fact, is a sin. It's considered to be a grave sin, depending on the degree to which a person gets drunk. Because of the fact that, you know, we recognize that when we were made in God's image and likeness, what are we given? We're given in God's image and likeness.We're given an intellect to think. We're given a will to choose. We're made for goodness and the consequences of the fall. Right back, all the way back in Genesis, chapter three, the consequences of the fall are, among other things, a darkening of the intellect, right? So we can see, but we can't see very clearly a weakening of the will.So we can choose, but we don't choose strongly. We say, I'm gonna get up at five this morning or tomorrow morning, and we don't because we want to do, but we don't do what we want to do, right? So a darkening of the intellect, a weakening of the will. And the third, one of the third consequences is we are attracted to sin. Now, what does drunkenness do?Drunkenness emphasizes all three of those things. It emphasizes all three of consequences of the fall. The fourth consequence of the fall is death. Another consequence of the fall is being cut off from the lord. So there's others, but these three, a darkening of intellect, a weakening of the will, and an attraction to sin.The big fancy word is concupiscence. Those are emphasized by drunkenness, right? Because we don't think clearly when we have drank, drunk, drinking a lot, we do not choose well, and we don't choose wisely when we have drunk. And we also are attracted to things we normally wouldn't be attracted to when we drink. And so one of the reasons why drunkenness is a serious sin is because it emphasizes and accentuates essentially.It makes us even more of a slave to the darkening of the intellect, the weakening of the will and attraction, hope that helps. But here is again Isaiah speaking to Ephraim the north about how this is how you live all of the time. And that weakening of the will, darkening of the intellect and attraction to sin, how you live like that all the time, is leading you away from the Lord. Okay, so that's what is being said here. Now, later on in verse 16, Isaiah says, now he's addressing his attention.He says, thus says the Lord God, behold, I'm laying in Zion for a foundation, a stone, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone of a sure foundation. And St. Peter, in one Peter, chapter two, verse six, he talks about this, this and says, actually Jesus is at the cornerstone. Jesus is that precious cornerstone, sure foundation that Isaiah was talking about. So that's kind of cool, this connection between Isaiah 28 and one Peter, chapter two.But a couple things that you might not have noticed. Just some points where we have some names that came up in 28 and 29 that either you sounded familiar or they were completely foreign to you. So here's an example. In verse 21, chapter 28, it said, for the Lord will rise up as on Mount Perezm. He will rage as in the valley of Gibeon.And do his deed. Strange is his deed. He work his work. Alien is his work. Therefore, do not scoff.bit of sarcasm, we think.Now, last note about Isaiah, before we go to Zephaniah at the end of like we did with Habakkuk, and kind of like we do with Nahum and Joel, all these minor prophets, not all of them, but few wisdom. You haven't looked to me for that. Again, that intimacy in prayer. The third being bad leaders. It talks going to be coming and pray that perhaps seek righteousness. This is verse three of chapter two. Seek the Lord, all you humble of the land who do his commands, seek righteousness, seek humility.Perhaps you may be hidden on the day of the wrath of the Lord. Basically, he's saying, the wrath of the Lord, the day of the wrath of the Lord, the day of the Lord is going to come. So you're going to stop to endure it. But if you seek the Lord, you do his commands. You seek righteousness, seek humility.Perhaps you may be hidden when that day comes. Because at the end of chapter two, and again going into chapter three, this is what you find when it comes to every one of the prophets right there, promising not only here's correction, here's God's justice, but also here's God's promise of restoration. He says in chapter two, Judah, the remnant of my people shall plunder them, and the survivors of my nations shall possess them, meaning the enemies that there shall be. Even though there's judgment coming, even though there's a justice coming, there will be a remnant, and that remnant will be victorious. That remnant will experience God's promise and God's goodness.And this is so important for us because we also are waiting, right? We also are facing enemies. We're also facing the battle of the spiritual battle between dark and light, between God and the powers and principalities of this earth. And so we're waiting, like the people of Israel did in Zephaniah's day and Isaiah's day. And our call is, as we wait for the day of the Lord, that we seek justice and we seek righteousness, and we seek the Lord with everything we have.That's the message of Zephaniah and all of the prophets. And that's the message today, that no matter what happens, no matter what kind of day we have, that we can use this day to seek the Lord with all our hearts. That's what we're doing right now, is we're listening to his word for the last half an hour. My gosh, you guys, this is a long one. I apologize for that.But I want you to know I'm praying for you and want you to ask, please pray for me. My name is Father Mike. I cannot wait to see you tomorrow. God blessed.


lives today, whether they be positive things or negative things, whether they be joyous things or sufferings.


Use the moments of this day, the interactions of this day, to call us back to you. Let the joys remind us of your goodness. Let our sufferings remind us of our need for you. And let every moment be a reminder of how much you love us and how much we are yours, how deeply we belong to you. In Jesus name we pray.


Amen. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Okay, so chapter 28 of the book of the prophet Isaiah starts this little section from 28 to 35, where the prophet Isaiah is mostly focusing on Judah. But it's interesting because at the beginning of chapter 28, he begins focusing on Judah, right?


The kingdom of the south by pointing to the north, by pointing to Ephraim. And remember, the kingdom of Israel in the north also goes by the name of Ephraim. So he begins chapter 28 talking to Ephraim, and he emphasizes drunkenness in the beginning of chapter 28. Woe to the proud crown of the drunkards of Ephraim. And it goes on and on.


The proud crown of the drunkards of Ephraim and this recognition of drunkenness and the effects of alcohol. And it's really remarkable because the Bible talks about, in many ways, about the blessing of wine, right? It gives joy to men's hearts. This kind of. That sense of it allows people to rejoice.


But drunkenness is not the same thing as the warmth that wine can give to men's hearts. The drunkenness, in fact, is a sin. It's considered to be a grave sin, depending on the degree to which a person gets drunk. Because of the fact that, you know, we recognize that when we were made in God's image and likeness, what are we given? We're given in God's image and likeness.


We're given an intellect to think. We're given a will to choose. We're made for goodness and the consequences of the fall. Right back, all the way back in Genesis, chapter three, the consequences of the fall are, among other things, a darkening of the intellect, right? So we can see, but we can't see very clearly a weakening of the will.


So we can choose, but we don't choose strongly. We say, I'm gonna get up at five this morning or tomorrow morning, and we don't because we want to do, but we don't do what we want to do, right? So a darkening of the intellect, a weakening of the will. And the third, one of the third consequences is we are attracted to sin. Now, what does drunkenness do?


Drunkenness emphasizes all three of those things. It emphasizes all three of consequences of the fall. The fourth consequence of the fall is death. Another consequence of the fall is being cut off from the lord. So there's others, but these three, a darkening of intellect, a weakening of the will, and an attraction to sin.


The big fancy word is concupiscence. Those are emphasized by drunkenness, right? Because we don't think clearly when we have drank, drunk, drinking a lot, we do not choose well, and we don't choose wisely when we have drunk. And we also are attracted to things we normally wouldn't be attracted to when we drink. And so one of the reasons why drunkenness is a serious sin is because it emphasizes and accentuates essentially.


It makes us even more of a slave to the darkening of the intellect, the weakening of the will and attraction, hope that helps. But here is again Isaiah speaking to Ephraim the north about how this is how you live all of the time. And that weakening of the will, darkening of the intellect and attraction to sin, how you live like that all the time, is leading you away from the Lord. Okay, so that's what is being said here. Now, later on in verse 16, Isaiah says, now he's addressing his attention.


He says, thus says the Lord God, behold, I'm laying in Zion for a foundation, a stone, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone of a sure foundation. And St. Peter, in one Peter, chapter two, verse six, he talks about this, this and says, actually Jesus is at the cornerstone. Jesus is that precious cornerstone, sure foundation that Isaiah was talking about. So that's kind of cool, this connection between Isaiah 28 and one Peter, chapter two.


But a couple things that you might not have noticed. Just some points where we have some names that came up in 28 and 29 that either you sounded familiar or they were completely foreign to you. So here's an example. In verse 21, chapter 28, it said, for the Lord will rise up as on Mount Perezm. He will rage as in the valley of Gibeon.


And do his deed. Strange is his deed. He work his work. Alien is his work. Therefore, do not scoff.bit of sarcasm, we think.Now, last note about Isaiah, before we go to Zephaniah at the end of like we did with Habakkuk, and kind of like we do with Nahum and Joel, all these minor prophets, not all of them, but few wisdom. You haven't looked to me for that. Again, that intimacy in prayer. The third being bad leaders. It talks going to be coming and pray that perhaps seek righteousness. This is verse three of chapter two. Seek the Lord, all you humble of the land who do his commands, seek righteousness, seek humility.Perhaps you may be hidden on the day of the wrath of the Lord. Basically, he's saying, the wrath of the Lord, the day of the wrath of the Lord, the day of the Lord is going to come. So you're going to stop to endure it. But if you seek the Lord, you do his commands. You seek righteousness, seek humility.Perhaps you may be hidden when that day comes. Because at the end of chapter two, and again going into chapter three, this is what you find when it comes to every one of the prophets right there, promising not only here's correction, here's God's justice, but also here's God's promise of restoration. He says in chapter two, Judah, the remnant of my people shall plunder them, and the survivors of my nations shall possess them, meaning the enemies that there shall be. Even though there's judgment coming, even though there's a justice coming, there will be a remnant, and that remnant will be victorious. That remnant will experience God's promise and God's goodness.And this is so important for us because we also are waiting, right? We also are facing enemies. We're also facing the battle of the spiritual battle between dark and light, between God and the powers and principalities of this earth. And so we're waiting, like the people of Israel did in Zephaniah's day and Isaiah's day. And our call is, as we wait for the day of the Lord, that we seek justice and we seek righteousness, and we seek the Lord with everything we have.That's the message of Zephaniah and all of the prophets. And that's the message today, that no matter what happens, no matter what kind of day we have, that we can use this day to seek the Lord with all our hearts. That's what we're doing right now, is we're listening to his word for the last half an hour. My gosh, you guys, this is a long one. I apologize for that.But I want you to know I'm praying for you and want you to ask, please pray for me. My name is Father Mike. I cannot wait to see you tomorrow. God blessed.


bit of sarcasm, we think.


Now, last note about Isaiah, before we go to Zephaniah at the end of like we did with Habakkuk, and kind of like we do with Nahum and Joel, all these minor prophets, not all of them, but few wisdom. You haven't looked to me for that. Again, that intimacy in prayer. The third being bad leaders. It talks going to be coming and pray that perhaps seek righteousness. This is verse three of chapter two. Seek the Lord, all you humble of the land who do his commands, seek righteousness, seek humility.Perhaps you may be hidden on the day of the wrath of the Lord. Basically, he's saying, the wrath of the Lord, the day of the wrath of the Lord, the day of the Lord is going to come. So you're going to stop to endure it. But if you seek the Lord, you do his commands. You seek righteousness, seek humility.Perhaps you may be hidden when that day comes. Because at the end of chapter two, and again going into chapter three, this is what you find when it comes to every one of the prophets right there, promising not only here's correction, here's God's justice, but also here's God's promise of restoration. He says in chapter two, Judah, the remnant of my people shall plunder them, and the survivors of my nations shall possess them, meaning the enemies that there shall be. Even though there's judgment coming, even though there's a justice coming, there will be a remnant, and that remnant will be victorious. That remnant will experience God's promise and God's goodness.And this is so important for us because we also are waiting, right? We also are facing enemies. We're also facing the battle of the spiritual battle between dark and light, between God and the powers and principalities of this earth. And so we're waiting, like the people of Israel did in Zephaniah's day and Isaiah's day. And our call is, as we wait for the day of the Lord, that we seek justice and we seek righteousness, and we seek the Lord with everything we have.That's the message of Zephaniah and all of the prophets. And that's the message today, that no matter what happens, no matter what kind of day we have, that we can use this day to seek the Lord with all our hearts. That's what we're doing right now, is we're listening to his word for the last half an hour. My gosh, you guys, this is a long one. I apologize for that.But I want you to know I'm praying for you and want you to ask, please pray for me. My name is Father Mike. I cannot wait to see you tomorrow. God blessed.


like we did with Habakkuk, and kind of like we do with Nahum and Joel, all these minor prophets, not all of them, but few wisdom. You haven't looked to me for that. Again, that intimacy in prayer. The third being bad leaders. It talks going to be coming and pray that perhaps seek righteousness. This is verse three of chapter two. Seek the Lord, all you humble of the land who do his commands, seek righteousness, seek humility.Perhaps you may be hidden on the day of the wrath of the Lord. Basically, he's saying, the wrath of the Lord, the day of the wrath of the Lord, the day of the Lord is going to come. So you're going to stop to endure it. But if you seek the Lord, you do his commands. You seek righteousness, seek humility.Perhaps you may be hidden when that day comes. Because at the end of chapter two, and again going into chapter three, this is what you find when it comes to every one of the prophets right there, promising not only here's correction, here's God's justice, but also here's God's promise of restoration. He says in chapter two, Judah, the remnant of my people shall plunder them, and the survivors of my nations shall possess them, meaning the enemies that there shall be. Even though there's judgment coming, even though there's a justice coming, there will be a remnant, and that remnant will be victorious. That remnant will experience God's promise and God's goodness.And this is so important for us because we also are waiting, right? We also are facing enemies. We're also facing the battle of the spiritual battle between dark and light, between God and the powers and principalities of this earth. And so we're waiting, like the people of Israel did in Zephaniah's day and Isaiah's day. And our call is, as we wait for the day of the Lord, that we seek justice and we seek righteousness, and we seek the Lord with everything we have.That's the message of Zephaniah and all of the prophets. And that's the message today, that no matter what happens, no matter what kind of day we have, that we can use this day to seek the Lord with all our hearts. That's what we're doing right now, is we're listening to his word for the last half an hour. My gosh, you guys, this is a long one. I apologize for that.But I want you to know I'm praying for you and want you to ask, please pray for me. My name is Father Mike. I cannot wait to see you tomorrow. God blessed.


wisdom. You haven't looked to me for that. Again, that intimacy in prayer. The third being bad leaders. It talks going to be coming and pray that perhaps seek righteousness. This is verse three of chapter two. Seek the Lord, all you humble of the land who do his commands, seek righteousness, seek humility.Perhaps you may be hidden on the day of the wrath of the Lord. Basically, he's saying, the wrath of the Lord, the day of the wrath of the Lord, the day of the Lord is going to come. So you're going to stop to endure it. But if you seek the Lord, you do his commands. You seek righteousness, seek humility.Perhaps you may be hidden when that day comes. Because at the end of chapter two, and again going into chapter three, this is what you find when it comes to every one of the prophets right there, promising not only here's correction, here's God's justice, but also here's God's promise of restoration. He says in chapter two, Judah, the remnant of my people shall plunder them, and the survivors of my nations shall possess them, meaning the enemies that there shall be. Even though there's judgment coming, even though there's a justice coming, there will be a remnant, and that remnant will be victorious. That remnant will experience God's promise and God's goodness.And this is so important for us because we also are waiting, right? We also are facing enemies. We're also facing the battle of the spiritual battle between dark and light, between God and the powers and principalities of this earth. And so we're waiting, like the people of Israel did in Zephaniah's day and Isaiah's day. And our call is, as we wait for the day of the Lord, that we seek justice and we seek righteousness, and we seek the Lord with everything we have.That's the message of Zephaniah and all of the prophets. And that's the message today, that no matter what happens, no matter what kind of day we have, that we can use this day to seek the Lord with all our hearts. That's what we're doing right now, is we're listening to his word for the last half an hour. My gosh, you guys, this is a long one. I apologize for that.But I want you to know I'm praying for you and want you to ask, please pray for me. My name is Father Mike. I cannot wait to see you tomorrow. God blessed.


going to be coming and pray that perhaps seek righteousness. This is verse three of chapter two. Seek the Lord, all you humble of the land who do his commands, seek righteousness, seek humility.


Perhaps you may be hidden on the day of the wrath of the Lord. Basically, he's saying, the wrath of the Lord, the day of the wrath of the Lord, the day of the Lord is going to come. So you're going to stop to endure it. But if you seek the Lord, you do his commands. You seek righteousness, seek humility.


Perhaps you may be hidden when that day comes. Because at the end of chapter two, and again going into chapter three, this is what you find when it comes to every one of the prophets right there, promising not only here's correction, here's God's justice, but also here's God's promise of restoration. He says in chapter two, Judah, the remnant of my people shall plunder them, and the survivors of my nations shall possess them, meaning the enemies that there shall be. Even though there's judgment coming, even though there's a justice coming, there will be a remnant, and that remnant will be victorious. That remnant will experience God's promise and God's goodness.


And this is so important for us because we also are waiting, right? We also are facing enemies. We're also facing the battle of the spiritual battle between dark and light, between God and the powers and principalities of this earth. And so we're waiting, like the people of Israel did in Zephaniah's day and Isaiah's day. And our call is, as we wait for the day of the Lord, that we seek justice and we seek righteousness, and we seek the Lord with everything we have.


That's the message of Zephaniah and all of the prophets. And that's the message today, that no matter what happens, no matter what kind of day we have, that we can use this day to seek the Lord with all our hearts. That's what we're doing right now, is we're listening to his word for the last half an hour. My gosh, you guys, this is a long one. I apologize for that.


But I want you to know I'm praying for you and want you to ask, please pray for me. My name is Father Mike. I cannot wait to see you tomorrow. God blessed.