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Hey Bible readers, I'm Tara Lee, and I'm your host for The Bible Recap. What will we do next year? So many of you have been asking that question, and I love that you're curious about that because it means God is using the Bible recap in your life to draw you near and bring you joy. So thank you for caring about what's next. It encourages me so much. Whether you've been with us since Genesis 1, or if you jumped in at Luke 1, or even if this isn't your first trip through the Bible with us, we have some exciting things on deck for next year and we want you to join us. We try to add new things along the way with each new trip through the Bible to keep you engaged and growing at a different level. So buckle up. I've got ten things to tell you about in this episode. Number one, current content. We are not pulling down this year's episodes at any time in the foreseeable future. They'll still be there in case anyone is working their way through them. So if you have friends who aren't up to date with our episodes, let them know they don't need to panic.


Number two, next year. Starting in 2024, our YouTube video recaps will be embedded into our reading plan on the Bible app. Hooray. That means if you use the Bible app for your reading, you can also use it for your recapping. You won't have to switch over to a different app anymore. This change will launch when we start our 2024 reading plan on January first. For the first few days of the year, until you get the hang of things, we'll put all the info and instructions into the first tab of each day. The Bible app calls that the Devotional tab. So you'll want to read those instructions carefully. We're so excited for how this new update will hopefully be more user friendly for you all. And for our podcast loyalists, we will continue to upload the podcast each day per usual, so feel free to stick to that format if you prefer audio over video. By the way, we know that 2024 is a leap year, and we have a plan for that. If you prefer to roll with the punches, we'll keep you informed as we move through the year. But if you're the person who likes to know the details in advance, we've got it all outlined for you on the start page of our website.


Number three, prep episodes. We're reloading our six prep episodes today for all our newcomers and all the friends you've invited to join us. But also, we'd encourage you to listen through them too, either again or for the first time. And you know what they say? You have to hear something eight times to retain it. So if it's been a year since you've heard them, it might be nice to have a refresher. Sure. Number four, Next Level. Did you know we have another daily podcast that goes along with this one? That's right. Here's how it works. Let's say you did the one year plan or the New Testament plan with us this year and you want to step things up a bit next year. If you want to deepen your commitment or increase your challenge level, we'd love for you to join our recap in family for our 1 minute daily prayer podcast. These episodes will correspond to each day's Bible reading and each day's episode of the Bible recap, which means it will help us pray through the Bible in a year. The episodes will load right after you get TBR episodes each day, and they'll be based on that day's verses, themes, and God's shot.


Our daily prayer podcast is called The Bible Knee Cap. Get it? Knee, like kneeling in prayer? Cool. Moving on. The Bible Knee Cap is available to our recaptons at the Bible Knee Cap level or above. That's right. You can get another daily podcast that helps you respond to what you're reading God's Word and what you hear in the Bible recap. It's easy to set up a recaptins account, and you can unsubscribe or change your support level at any time. When you join the recapitons at this tier, you'll get a personalized private link to embed into your podcatcher, and the daily podcasts automatically load into it every day. Number five, visual learners. If you're a visual learner or you prefer a tactile experience, we've got two options for you. First, you can pick up the Bible recap book. It's the podcast in book form. You can find it wherever books are sold, or you can get it directly from us at thebiblerecap. Com on our store link. Or let's say you prefer the full transcript or you only need the content from one day, we've got that available to you in our store too. And one last option for the visual learners, you can join our Recapton's family.


If you join at the transcript tier or higher, we'll send you the transcripts for each week as we move through the study. Number six, the Daily Study Guide. We've designed this guide to not only help you dig deeper into each day's reading on your own, but to help you learn how to study the Bible. This is just for you to do at home by yourself. There are roughly five questions a day that focus primarily on research and study. We have this available for the whole Bible and the New Testament. You'll find it in our store, and it also partners well with number seven, the Weekly Discussion Guide. This guide has about 10 questions per week, and they're totally different questions from the daily study guide. But again, they work together perfectly. The weekly discussion questions are more reflective and they'll help you guide your friends or home group through a conversation each week. It's designed to help you build rich relationships as you work through scripture together. You can find it in our Web store at thebiblerecap. Com. Number eight, TBR in other languages. We're so thankful to have TBR in more languages than just English.


We currently offer it in both Spanish and American Sign Language, and we pray that more languages will be added to the list by this time next year. Thanks to the help of our friends at Sunshine Interpreting, our daily recap videos are available in American Sign Language on our TBR YouTube channel. And as for Spanish, we have the Spanish language podcast, the Spanish reading plans on the Bible app, the Spanish language book, and the Spanish podcast episodes on YouTube. The Spanish name is La Sanopsa de la Biblia, but heads up that you may have to change your language settings in some apps before searching for it. Please let all your Spanish speaking and/or deaf friends and family know that TBR is available for them. Check out the Languages link on our website for more info or at the link in the show notes. Number nine, Precap daily emails. Starting in 2024, we're going to have a new email you can sign up for. You may already be signed up for our monthly email called the newscap, but this one is a daily email and we're calling it the Precap. Many of you have mentioned that you want a daily reminder sent straight to your inbox with links to that day's reading and recaps.


So we'll have that all lined up for you every day, and it'll come to you before you recap. That's why we call it the Precap. It'll include links to the audio podcast and the YouTube video so you can click and choose your own adventure. If you want to get the daily Precap emails, check out the homepage of our website to sign up. That's thebiblerecap. Com or click the link in the show notes. Number 10, D Group. Finally, I'd love for you to join us in D Group. This is where we really dive deep into books of the Bible and specific areas of theology. There are options to meet in person or online. You do not have to be a woman to join D-group. We have men's D-groups too, and Spanish D-groups. We'll link to a map of all our current D-group locations around the world in the show notes, or you can find it at mydgroup. Org/map. If there isn't a D-group near you, you can always start one. All you need is one more person to join you. Maybe you think you don't have what it takes to be a leader, but if you've been reading through the Bible with us, I can almost guarantee you that you do.


Because first of all, our leaders have hearts for the Lord and His Word just like you. And second, D Group leaders are primarily facilitators, not seminary grads with PhDs on their wall. Third, you've already demonstrated a God-given motivation to pursue the Lord, humble yourself, read His Word, and do what it says. Those are the marks of a great leader/facilitator. If you decide you want to lead, our team will train you online, we'll send you the info and resources you need to get going, and your future D group can launch during any of our upcoming sessions. We do four studies per year and we launch new sessions every six weeks. With TBR, we move pretty quickly through the word, and I know some of you are itching to dive deeper. That's exactly what we do in D group. So if you like what you're getting from reading the Bible with the Bible recap, we'd love for you to join us in D group to study the Bible. So many of you want to dive deep into the Gospels when we're moving through the New Testament. We decided to create a study series just for you. If you join D group, you'll be able to join us in a series of studies on the Gospel.


We'll be spending 12 weeks in each of the four Gospels looking through each unique lens of the Gospel Writers. We'll start 2024 with a study of Matthew, knowing Jesus as King. Then we'll move on to Mark, knowing Jesus as servant, followed by Luke, knowing Jesus as savior. Then we'll finish the year with a study on John, knowing Jesus as God. Our full schedule is on the D Group website, mydgroup. Org/schedule. If you want to join or start a D group either in person or online, visit mydgroup. Org/join. To wrap it up, here's a quick overview of those 10 things one more time. Number one, we're not pulling down our current episodes. Number two, we're reloading the episode starting with day one on January first, and the videos will also be available with the reading plan on the Bible app. For more info about this or about how we're handling leapier, head to the start page of our website for all the details. Number three, check out the prep episodes again or for the first time, we're reloading those today. Number four, join us for the Bible recap, our other daily podcast where we pray through scripture.


It follows our daily reading plan and will be available only to recaptans at the Bible kneecap tier or higher. Number five, visual learners can pick up a copy of the Bible recap book in our store. It's basically the podcast in book form. Or you can find single day transcripts while you're in the store. If you want transcripts for every day, join the recaptans at the transcript tier. Number six, pick up our daily study guide to help you dig deeper into each day's reading on your own. Number seven, grab the weekly discussion guide as a tool to walk through TBR with your friends or home group. Number eight, let all your Spanish speaking friends or family and deaf friends or family know that TBR is available for them. Check out our TBR YouTube channel or the Languages tab of our website. Number nine, sign up for our daily precap emails on the homepage of our website. Number ten, join or start a D group. We've tried to give you as much information as possible here, but we may have missed some things. So if you have questions, check out the websites that correspond to what you want to know.


For instance, if you want to know more about what will happen with the Bible recap next year, visit thebiblerecap. Com and check out our Start page and our FAQ page. If you want to know more about the Bible kneecap, our podcast that goes along with the Bible recap, go to the recaptons link at thebiblerecap. Com. Finally, if you're interested in finding out more about D-group, visit mydgroup. Org. There are lots of helpful links on that site that walk you through how to find, join or start a D group. There's an FAQ page on the biblescap. Com and on mydgroup. Org. If for some reason you can't find the answer to your question on one of the sites, drop it into the contact link and we'll aim to respond to you as soon as possible. We're blown away by all God has done in your lives, in your hearts this year, and in ours. We're beyond excited to see what God has in store for you next year. He's just going to keep building on the foundation he's already laid. We believe it's going to be your best year yet, and we can't wait to join you for that.


We love being on mission with you to know and love God more because He is where the joy is.