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Coming up sunday night Football with the cuz. How is it almost week ten yet? Can't believe it.


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The Ringer Podcast Network. I have a new rewatchables coming out on Monday night. It is the start of a theme month. The theme month is called Wait a second. That movie made how much money?


Yeah. I'm not going to tell you what.


Movie we're doing on Monday night, but that's the theme for the month. Stay tuned for that one. Our music pods in the Ring are really awesome. We have Dissect, we have bandsplain. We have every single album with Nathan Hubbard, Nora Princiati, which has kind of turned into a Taylor Swift podcast because she's the most interesting celebrity in the world. That break down her music and the culture of Taylor. We also have 60 songs that explain the 90s by Rob Hervilla, which is a fantastic podcast and now is a fantastic book that is coming out very soon. It's got a cool cover. It's got a lot of great writing from Rob. And you can pre order it right now because it is coming out shortly later this month. So check that out when you have a chance. Coming up, the Cuz Sunday night, NFL. First, our friends from Pearl Jam, cousin Salis. Here is a conflicting Sunday night for him because his Cowboys shat the bed again. But he hit all of his picks on the Ringer Wise guy show. And I guess the question is, what do you care more about being right and winning money or your favorite team in the laundry that you've rooted for your entire life?


I thought it was being right and winning money because like you said, I made money today. I went five for five. I was up, like, 14 units on ringer. Wise guys. My fantasy teams were good. I called the exact score simmons of the Colts Panthers game. I only gave out one score, and that was 20 713 Colts. And I'm beyond miserable because my team.


Let me down again.


I fucking can't stand it. I really hate it. It's the same thing over and over. You're at a nice spot because you have low expectations. That's exactly where you want to be as a fan.


I'm in a great spot because I have one of the best tanking weapons that I've had in a long, long time. And his name is Mac Jones. And when in doubt, he can always count on some sort of pick. Today's game ending pick wasn't his fault, but for the most part, he's just going to miss throws all over the place. He just had a classic Mac game, I guess. Here's my problem with you guys with the Cowboys. So today you have 27 1st downs. You're over 406 yards. I didn't think the Eagles played that well. Right, and yet at the end of the game, when you had a chance to grab it by the balls. I just didn't think it was going to thought I didn't think Dak was going to do it. And he steps out of bounds on the two point conversion. It's like, oh, man, that happens. I see that happening.


But you see it happen with a defensive end. You see it happen.


You should have nifty or feet.


And Dak, I just don't know what happened.


Yeah, that's the thing. It's just the little moments like that. It's like the delay a game at the worst possible time. It's the stepping out of bounds when he didn't really need to. On the two point, it's missing the guy over the middle. On the key third down, he's not quite there. And sometimes it feels watching on the Giant TV, like the moment starts getting big for him. Like you kind of see it in his face. Am I imagining that?


No, I think you're right. And he had a great game by all counts, if you look at those numbers, and I don't know what to compare it to. But he had, like, 35 decisions to make, right? He probably had more. When you really break it down, like, within plays, he had three decisions, and the last three are always bad. It just sucks because I want this team to prove to me, like, one thing, like, all right, they could hang with the big boys. All right, they were out physical by the 49.




Is the same thing going to happen with the Eagles? You're probably right. The Eagles didn't play their best game, but at least they did hang with them. They didn't go away after the first half where it seemed like they would, but it's always the same damn ending. I've seen this ending like Mike McCarthy come out with a new album. I'm bored of these songs already. Enough we've seen it. So they didn't prove anything to me other than they could blow a game at the end, which I already knew.


Well, there was that fourth down play where it seemed like he had Ferguson wide open over the middle. And Ferguson, the entire game was getting open for seven, eight yards just over and over and over again. I'm like, oh, they're going to run the play where Ferguson or CD Lamb goes over the middle and catches it, and instead he goes to your fourth receiver who's completely has a guy draped all over him. And it's just I don't know, man. It felt like talent wise, you're right there. Because this Eagles team, they're eight and one, and I feel like I've watched, I don't know, 80% of their games, maybe 85%, and I never feel like they're awesome. It always feels like even there reminds me of those Patriot seasons where they would have a good record, but I kind of knew it wasn't a Super Bowl team. They have these little holes. They never seem to have momentum. It's always like they're laboring through these games. Teams are always hanging around and they feel really beatable. I think in general, I think the NFC is as winnable as it's been since you had Dak, at least.


Right? There's no breakaway.


I just hate I think being disappointed is the worst feeling probably for anything as a parent or anything else, but as a fan, I'm disappointed in these guys and know because I know he has talent. I know he's like, you can't really be disappointed in Derek Carr or Baker Mayfield.




Like, guys like that, like, oh, boy. Right. You're not going to overvalue. They don't disappoint you.


They're okay.


But DAC, you see all the potential.


It's like, damn, it.


Two bad decisions again. Why is he running? Why is there a quarterback draw with 27 seconds left and no timeouts?


You got a gift.


First and goal from the six, or.


You could have even gotten a first.


Down at the one. It just disgusts me. I don't know what to say anymore.




He's like those movies that you feel like, oh, man, that movie was pretty close to being really good.




And then they just cast the wrong person in the spot. Or they had this stupid subplot that went sideways. I guess if you're going positives, I.


Thought your defense played well.


Ferguson and him emerging as like, a real guy, I think is the most important thing that's happening to you as you head to the second half of the season.


Because my question with you is always.


All right, if I double CD limb, where are you going? And Ferguson now is turning to this guy who can make these eight to ten yard catches and get open. I think DAC is starting to trust him. You're playing them again in Week 14 on Sunday night in Dallas, and if you're hanging around and you're within a game there, you can start talking yourself back into it. But the question is, does Dak have it? Does the Dak McCarthy combo have it? Do you trust the two of them to it's going to have to be four straight rounds in the playoffs because it doesn't look like they're going to be able to pass Philly at this point. Yeah, that's the thing. This nucleus to win four straight games.


And then I'm like, exactly. I'm like, what am I getting excited about? There's only one team that gets a buy. Everybody else plays January 14 weekend, right?




All right, we're five and three. They're eight and one. I start looking at the schedule. We should really should win the next three giants, Carolina, Washington on Thanksgiving, philadelphia schedule, I know you've looked at it miserably hard. Chiefs Bills at the Chiefs, Bills 49 ers, and then back at the Cowboys and then at Seahawks after that. So I don't know, even though if we want to catch up, I'm just sick of this feeling of getting right there on the doorstep and getting kicked in the teeth.


Well, you caught a huge break with the giants game next week. Yeah, it's because their season got massacred. We'll talk about it later. Then carolina Bryce young threw two. Pick sixes. I can't it seemed like they were trying to tank today, but the Pats kind of out tank them. And then Seattle seems like they're headed the wrong way. So you might be nine and three by the time you put you what's your record now? Five and three.




Five and three.




You might be nine and three by the time you see them again. And then as you said with Philly, maybe that buffalo game isn't as hard as it seemed two months ago, but the at KC. Is going to be tough. Home san Francisco is going to be tough. Maybe they blow one of those. So you might be hanging out flipping to the eagles for a second. What's missing with them? You had to root against them and the whole thing. What were you afraid of today? And what were you not afraid.




We're on a text chain.


Raheem said it the like, you know, unless hertz gives you a gift like he did to the jets, the game's to they're just gonna pound you.




I know we had a chance at the end, but I do feel like it's first and eight. It's first down and eight or first down and seven.


Right. They need eight yards and three down.


That's it.


Maybe even seven now because it's been second and three. They're just going to pound away and push away and everything else. And four guys are going to move at once a half a second early and no one's going to call it. Yes, I'm bitter, but yeah. So I think they're fine. Maybe a better running game beyond Hertz, but I don't know. They still went over 100 yards between, like, four guys. So I don't know. I'm not sure. I guess the pass rush wasn't there.


Did I say that right?


They only got five times. Five.


Well, you gave them the ball back with, like, six minutes left. And I thought it was a really interesting moment for the Eagles because it's like, all right, two first downs, the game's over. They immediately three and out, gave it back to you. Then that comes down, you give back to them again. It's like, all right, now this time they're going to end it. No, another three and out. And I just thought we have learned over the years not to overreact in early November yet, but I just thought it would have been nice for this eagles team to just have that, like, five minute drive to close it like, all right, not only we stopped these guys, we fucking ran the ball down their throats. We finished the game. And that was one thing.


That's what I was expecting.




They didn't do it.


I just don't think there's a great NFC team this year. And even though there's going to be some stuff that some teams will get better, detroit, now that they'll have all their weapons back for the second half of the season, they'll be a little more interesting. San Francisco, you figure they'll be healthy at some point. NFC south, everybody out of there. But it's really probably we're down to four teams. Unless Minnesota is just the miracle team this year.


Yeah, I think as fans, if you don't root right, so the Eagles, as a fan, you deserve to see them in the final four in the NFC. That's the only team I'd put in there right now because the 49 ers are struggling. Maybe throw the Lions in there in the AFC, we'll get to it. But Cincinnati, Baltimore, Kansas City I think they need to be in the final four. Everything else, Miami, Buffalo, whatever, let them sort out who's good. I can't even tell anymore between those teams.


So can you walk us through what your text chain is like with your close Dallas fans? Are you texting during the fourth quarter? What's happening? Yeah, it's not you have your couple of Dallas fan friends you've had for.


Like 30 years par like kids with me.


What's happening on that thread?


It's bad.


It's mostly complaining about referees, I'll say that holding calls that didn't work out. You know me, I'm like a child. So I'm like I will say, though, I used to think the pylon was the one thing I wanted to change when the balls fumbled at the pylon. As far as rules, please figure out Uncatchable. You got referees calling pass interference and the balls landing eight yards over the head out of bounds, that's uncatchable. You know what else is uncatchable? A running back who's four yards past the hold. That guy's uncatchable. The guy being held theoretically is not.


Going to catch him.


So let's redefine uncatchable and really make it work for the fans.


I would love to figure out the defenseless receiver thing if we're just trying to figure out stuff, because there's times where I just don't know what the safety is supposed to do. If you're going to throw the ball over the middle right into a safety, guy's probably going to take a hit. And if the guy's going to hit him with his shoulder into the chest and he nails them and the receiver didn't see it coming, they're now calling that an unnecessary roughness defensive defenseless. I just don't get it. At some point, the safety has momentum. He's going forward. I don't know how you're supposed to tackle.


There's nothing they could do. You talk to these players, it's like there's absolutely nothing we could do. Moving warp speed and the quarterback lowers his level and it's going to seem like a helmet to helmet, even though the defender didn't mean to launch at his helmet.


Well, the most entertaining NFC game today was Vikings, Falcons, yeah, which I had the Falcons minus three and a half. I was so delighted to bet against the 25 year old BYU quarterback. And he gets nailed trying to get in the inside. It's so funny how the guys who don't play that much always end up taking the worst hits. It's like they forget how to protect themselves. He gets nailed, you know, immediately. And it's like, Here comes Josh Dobbs. Craig Horrible on the Ringer fantasy football show. He had a joke this week about how Josh Dobbs is like the evil being in a horror movie that needs to find a host body to keep living. And he's was he was living in Cleveland, and then he found Arizona's host body and now he's found the Minute. So this guy gets nailed and it's like, oh, my god, he's found the Minnesota host body. He comes in and I'm immediately like, I'm going to lose my bet. I don't know why I didn't just live bet Minnesota. Josh Dobbs, he hasn't been there all week. He said after the game he didn't know everybody's name. He hadn't had a rep with a single receiver.


He didn't know any of the plays. None of it mattered. He's just bringing them up and down the field. He has seven scrambles for 60 yards. They lose Osborne during the game because he gets killed in the aforementioned. The guy hits him, knocks him, and he goes down. They call it, but he doesn't come back. Justin Jefferson's gone. They can't run the ball. And none of it matters because they have Josh Dobbs. And he's just coming down late. Not only does he spoil the Falcons cover, but they win. And they are now five and four. And you could make a case they might end up being the 6th seed with Josh Dobbs. Jefferson, we talked about it last week, right?


Yeah, we talked about it last I thought it was going to be Colt McCoy because he had dealt with O'Connell for like three years. But Josh Dobbs, I was like, all right, that's serviceable. I have the Vikings to make the playoffs. And by the way, before this week, it was plus 225 to get that seven seed. All they're going to compete with is Tampa and Atlanta, who we saw today.


We think nine win, nine win.


New Orleans.


Seven seed, right? Nine and 835 and four and four.




I don't know what the ODS are now, but Josh Dobbs is definitely you look at his numbers, they're as good as Derek Carr and Baker Mayfield. Know those guys he's going to compete against. I think the thing that you forgot is Taylor. Heinecke is on the other side no matter what, no matter who the Vikings put in.


So no matter who Atlanta has a quarterback, the guy's going to have at least one horrific turnover that's going to sway the momentum of the game. Minnesota has home New Orleans at Denver home chicago in a bye week. And honestly that feels like at least seven and five. And maybe they even beat New Orleans then after the bye at Vegas at Cincinset home, Detroit home, green Bay at Detroit, and that Detroit game might mean nothing. Yeah, Detroit might be locked into the number two seat at that point and that might don't they're not playing anybody. I do think it's possible. I got to say, I love the Josh Dobbs story. I think it's my favorite great story. If the Pats had signed him five weeks ago and he was leading the Pats out of the top five in the draft and tore the 7th, I'd be going nuts right now. He's so much fun.


Look, we need an inspiring quarterback story.




It was Gino Smith last year. So yeah, let it be Josh Dobbs this year. We crap all over the bad quarterback. We saw some bad performances today. Arizona put up zero. The Giants put up six. It's a laughable situation there. There's so many teams that almost got shut out. The Rams put up three. So we might as well embrace a Josh Dobbs. It's fun to watch him.


I'm going to throw this out. Kyle, turn the TikTok camera on. Is playing quarterback overrated like, Josh Dobbs, like, literally didn't know the names of any of his teammates and just goes down and wins a football game on the road in Atlanta.


Is it overrated?


I think memorizing he's basically playing pickup. Just goes right in. Maybe we over it. We always say, oh, quarterback, it's the most typical position to play it's. So, like it's like flying a plane.


Maybe not.


Maybe super easy. Maybe you just have to know. Like, you go in and they just say in your headset, like, all right, Josh, you're throwing Addison on this one. He's going to be on the left side. All right, cool.


Next play.


All right.


You're going to hand off on this one.


Cool. Great.


He did it. Maybe it's easier than we think.


I think so. I think that and Cal smoothies all the time. 24 hours, seven, take huge pay cuts to benefit the team and make your coach look good and that's it. And all that other stuff. Yeah, they said what they say today, joe Burrow Collins worth us praising him. And it's like, you know, he goes to bed at 08:00 at night and I don't like that. That to me, turns me off. I was like, Joe was super cool until I found out he's missing so much good TV. Going to bed at 08:00 at night. 08:00.


Like he can't bang out like, I don't know, season one of Mad Men.


Before he goes not having nothing, not unless he just wakes up sleep.


Does he need yeah, that's a good question. When does he wake up?


So do you think these people that get crazy amounts of sleep like that they actually have it figured out and we don't they sleep longer, but then when they're awake, everything moves way slower for them. So that time slows down because I only like 6 hours. Maybe I should flip it around.


Well, we always think that the CEOs, the popular Disney CEOs, you have a theory?


They wear nice shoes and they wake.


Up at five in the morning.




Yeah, like 430. And then they go and that's like a rowing machine and watch sanitation. CNBC yeah, right.




So I guess it depends when you wake up is the answer to that question.


Maybe that's what Josh Dobson is doing if he's sleeping.


08:00 p.m. To noon. I think there's a problem.


Well, that game was, I'm going to say a bad beat for me. I've been on the wrong side of a lot. The Falcons game.


Oh, I'm sorry.


Yeah, I've been on the wrong side of a lot of those. I did have, though. I did win the Philly game today because DAX stepped out of bounds in the two point. We always do the bad beats, like whatever. And I feel like I'm batting 80% on being on the wrong side of those.




Houston, today was another one.


We'll talk people very upset with Houston. Yeah, people are very upset with that.


Staying in the NFC. Raiders, giants. I think that you called that.


Good call by you there.


Very nice.


Well, I mean, Daniel Jones blew out his ACL. New coach theory hits again after Jeff Saturday. I'm just betting that blindly for the rest of my life. It's just like when somebody comes to your house and they say, I made a sweet potato casserole, it's like I'm eating it. That's all you needed to say. I'm blind in on sweet potato casserole the rest of my life. New coach theory. Especially when you read all week about how much they hated the old coach. Jay Glazer had a story today about how Antonio Pierce gave this whole did you see that whole thing? Antonio Pierce gave a speech about the seven Giants and blah, blah, blah, and how they showed heart and we should show heart like that. And he finishes the McDaniels like, don't ever talk about the patriots that way again. And the team got mad and it just seemed like people just absolutely hated McDaniels.


The team was already mad at McDaniels. He made that speech on behalf of McDaniels to kind of curry know, get him back on the side. And even after that, he's like, we don't want to hear about there was.


Seven Patriots like, all right, jerk. Unbelievable. I think he lost the job when he started Brian Hoyer over O'Connell a couple of weeks ago. So when he did that, that was just like, you have no foresight at like, what are you trying to do? Is Brian Hoyer going to bring you to the AFC championship game? Find out what you have in the young guy who looked great in the preseason. So O'Connell plays today, and he's great. On the flip side, Jones blows out his ACL, so now that takes him probably to next year, where it's November now. That's like a 1011 month injury. He might not be ready for any part of training camp. Tommy DeVito goes to get his shine box. He comes in and they fall apart. I think the Giants have had the worst season from hell of any team. They've had the worst losses, they've had the worst luck. They're the least fun to watch. Their season started with you guys killing them 40 to nothing or whatever that final score was. They've lost two games they should have won in the last four weeks, and now they're in the running for Caleb Williams.


But who the hell wants Caleb Williams? He's falling apart.


Right? I think you're right, and I want.


To say there are worse teams than the Giants, but with not the same story. I don't know that there are worse teams than the Giants. I don't know the Bears or the Cardinals are worse than the Giants. The Panthers, I guess we'll see soon enough. But yeah, that is a train wreck of an organization there. And it's funny how it worked out for the Raiders. How often does an owner he's out $55 million mark Davis, on this deal? If you had to give your pool guy, like, two weeks severance, we'd never hear the end of it, right?


Well, Vegas is four and five, and they play the jets at home. Next week, there might be five and five. They have Miami and Casey. They have Minnesota. The Chargers casey again. Indy and Denver. There's some of that lingering in the playoff race. This team looked like they were rock bottom. I thought they looked pretty good today. Offensively. I thought O'Connell was good. Like, I know Daniel Jones went down.


But I guess so. I don't know how much you can count it, but you're right. You called it. I think that's a good theory, the new coach theory. I also think we traded everyone we're giving up theory, which is what Washington did against your team. They trade Montez Sweat, they trade Chase Young, and everyone's like, oh, they're giving up on the season. Well, you know, it's not giving up. Everyone else who's on the team steps up usually in that situation. That's what the Commanders did.


That was the first ever double tank game where I was convinced both teams were trying to lose it. And we had Mac Jones, who now has ten touchdowns and ten turnovers on the year, but we had ramandre was running the ball. He had nine carries for 87 yards. They just stopped handing off to him. Today was the first day I was like, we might actually be trying to lose these. The Pats gave up 432 yards. They gave up 23 1st downs. They suspiciously benched two of their cornerbacks for the first couple of plays.


Really? JC.


Jackson was like, I have no comment.


I don't know.


Keep an eye on the Pats. They're now two and seven. Let's take a break, and I want to talk about Cincinnati, Buffalo, and CJ. Strad.


All right, so in the AFC you.


Mentioned, we have Baltimore and Casey and Cinci kind of levitating above everybody else right now. The day starts off at 630 in the morning, Pacific Time, with one of the best matchups we've ever had on foreign soil. A bizarre game. Chiefs go up 14 nothing. Tyreek this weird fumble that gets returned for a touchdown, that Raheem has this theory. Raheem, who you're on wise guys with, who's on the ringer gambling show. He doesn't think things are fixed, but he does feel like there's A, side teams and B, side teams, and that the calls go certain ways for the Marquee, certainly. We certainly got to feel it with the Pats a few times over the years when we had Brady, but it was one of those where it was like, this gets overturned every single time. How is this a touchdown? It didn't seem like he had the ball long enough at all. The fumble was dubious. So 21 nothing. Then Miami comes back. They shut down Casey completely, and they have a chance to win, to tie the game. It was 20 114, and the Chiefs finally get a stop. This was a defensive struggle between two teams that we thought had these potent offenses.


I didn't know what to make of it. What did you make of it?


Mahomes thinks this is in the post game interview said, and whatever, this is what you're supposed to do in support of your current team. But he said this is the best defense he's ever played with, and he might be right. I mean, when you hold this Dolphins team to what, 175 passing for Tua and 117, like, less than 300 yards, this Dolphins team, that's just been dynamite. I think he might be right about that.


I don't know.


This is a good team, this Chiefs defense, for sure.




I don't know what the competition is for. That title would be the only kind of slightly dickish thing I would say. It's not like he was on the 85 Bears before this. Yeah.


He had Chris Jones and Frank Clark.


Think it stops? This is different. I said last week to you I thought the Pats defense did pretty well against Miami. I don't think they have a good offensive line. I think they figured out how to gimmick it in a lot of ways, but the longer the game goes on, you can really push on them. 35 points. What was the over under for that game?


I'll find it in a second.


It was over 50, right? Wasn't it?


Like 51 and a half.


51 and a half. A close on Fandel.




Never was close to getting there.


I like miami. I. Like watching them. I don't really take them seriously as a Super Bowl contender. I don't think they have a good enough offensive line, and we really haven't seen them beat got they lost Casey. They got waxed by buffalo. I don't just ramsey came back. So maybe that's maybe like well, their defense yeah, they're bullies.




They're Daniel LaRusso and the Cowboys are who's another bully, who's another TV.


They lost to the Eagles by 14, too.




The Cowboys are the NFC version of the Dolphins. At some point, they're going to have to beat one of the best six teams before we start having real conversations.


They should be in the Cobra Kai division. Cowboys, dolphins just bullies. And then when terry Silver division.




It's time to get serious. They falter.


Well, the Chiefs to me are like the Eagles. I take them seriously. It wouldn't shock me if they were in the Super Bowl, but I continue to be unimpressed every game compared to where my standards were for where I thought they would be. It just doesn't seem like guys are open enough. Kelsey was just he looked like he was 34 years old today, and I thought they got really lucky in that call, but he hit well.


The only thing with that call is I know what Raheem is saying and everything, but do you really want people tuning out of that game? Why would they call that? Right then it's 21 nothing and half people go on and do something else. But Mahomes, you're right. Hit nine receivers or pass catchers. None of them had more than three receptions.


It's just so weird.


You want him to lock into somebody, but it doesn't seem like it's going to happen.


They don't have the guy know mahomes, there was a play that with Justin Watson today when he had Watson deep and Watson just wasn't fast enough. He had a step on the guy, but not three steps. And the pass was there, but they were still able to break it up. And I thought that was symbolic of this. Don't. They're not fast like they used to be.




And then those special teams, I think, has taken a, like, hardman as a punt returner is a nightmare since he looked better than them, since he is rounding into shape, since he beats Buffalo. This was my favorite pick of the week. I just think they have Buffalo's number and I think they're too physical for big. Before we talk about cincy there's, a real Buffalo might miss the playoff scenario and play. Now they're five and four. Their defense has been decimated. They lost Bernard today during the game. He got a concussion, which means he's probably not playing next week. They're just running out of guys. And this was a 20 418 final, but it didn't feel that way. Like Burrow. He had Chase deep on that touchdown. He underthrew him. That was easy. Seven. He was five yards past everybody. Chase dropped the other one. It felt like they should have had, like at least 35 points in this game. They ended up with 24 and Buffalo got the late TD. They made it interesting, but not really.


I'm with you. I felt like from ten minutes in, we were like, all right, now we're just watching this game to see if the Bills cover on a teaser, right, totally.


I was, like, preparing for our was. There was no drama in that game. It was like, the Bengals are winning this game unless somebody gets hurt. I never felt. And then Josh had his weekly interception now, which is like, I guess his new thing and everybody's, ah, Josh Allen. Oh, my. Like, this is kind of who he is. People are trying to figure out what's wrong with Josh Allen. It's like, I think this is actually who he is. I think he's a big dude. He makes great throws. He'll have a couple of dumb plays each game, and he doesn't have the same weapons that he used to.


So for them to not make the playoffs, the Bills and I agree with you, it's a possibility for sure. The AFC north runs the get. You get all three.


Although I guess well, so right now.


The jets win it. I'm sorry, the Dolphins win it and all AFC North teams make it. Or do you see, like, the Chargers sneaking in? They'd be a game and a half behind at this point.


Well, so you got Baltimore and Casey and Jacksonville. Baltimore, seven and two. Casey, seven and two. Jacksonville, six and two. I'm going to put them in I think I'm going to put in Miami at six and three just because I think what they're doing is sustainable against bad.




Pittsburgh or Cleveland, that would be five. Cinci five and three, they're in. So that's six. And then it comes down to the Houston at four and four, buffalo at five and four. And the other one of Pittsburgh or so right now there's basically nine teams, and I didn't even mention the Chargers.




So I do think nine and eight might be the seven seed. And now you get into like three way ties and all that shit unless somebody could get to ten wins. But I thought Houston won today.




The next two for Buffalo are Denver and the jets. So favorite in both games, both home. So they'll be at seven wins then.


But Denver is playing pretty well. I don't think that Denver game's in, do you?


I mean, they have to take care no, I don't. I'm just saying, like, if they were to get past those and they're favored, then you just have to find two more on their schedule. They're home for the Patriots late. That at Dolphins might not mean anything.


I don't know.


We're going way too far down here.




But there's Philly, Casey, Dallas and Miami still in their schedule. Those are four games that they might not be favored in any of the games except yours. Plus they might lose a dumb one. They already lost to the jets, not inconceivable. They haven't looked good for five weeks. The other thing is the defense got banged up and people are pointing that, oh, my God, so many injuries. But the defense only gave up 24 points. The offense didn't get the 20. What's the offense's excuse?


Same thing last week, right? 20 418. They beat the Bucks like they should be scoring 30. Against the Giants. They lost 14 nine. Like, where are these points? Just score already. They won 14 nine, but score in some of these games.


Feels like Burrows back even though he missed that long throw to Chase.


His bloody finger. He's sucking on that bloody finger. I'm going to go gauze it up. Mike, you could take care of the rest of this game, right?


He's going to bed at eight. He turns off the snooze button. Mike, he just sleep.


He just bites his finger until he falls asleep. I've never seen anything like it.


I liked when he talked, when Chase missed that pass, that burrow under, threw the 50 yarding land on his back.


And he was like, Mike, let me.


Tell you, you crawl out of bed the next day, Mike, you crawl out of bed.


Nobody call him early. Nobody call him. By the way, I thought Colinworth was great tonight.


He went after that. He was too.


He went after the referee. Official the guy in the booth at the dean Blandino. I know it's not Dean Blandino, but yes. Let's tackle these terrible rules one at a time. If a quarterback is not in trouble and he throws it 20 yards over receiver's head, you could be sure that the guy ran the wrong route and that he wasn't trying to down it for no reason, right? I mean, come on.


That was bad.


Well, since he's a nightmare, four or.


Five matchup now, because however this plays.


Out, the fifth seed in the AFC is probably Miami or Cincy. If I had to put money on it. Now, I know we have two months left and a lot of injury potential, but they would be playing Baltimore, Casey, Jacksonville.


Well, we don't even know.




So it could be whoever wins the east. Yep. And since he's just looming as like, oh, shit. Now you got to go through them in round one. Do not want to see them. And then the other one from the AFC, Baltimore.




I call those the get us off the TV games. There were seven games. Somebody had to blow out somebody so I could get my six games. And it was like going back. It's like, I'd kind of like to see some Arizona, Cleveland, but I don't have a spot. And then Baltimore is like, we got you. This game's going to be watched.


This is what you get for calling us a marquee matchup six days ago. We're going to kill this team. They look so good. I mean, they've throttled now. Two good NFC teams, the Lions and Seahawks. 75 to nine. Yeah, 75 to nine. They're so physical. They're so good. They're playing January football and they're going to get better when it gets cold. They're scary as hell.


Did you see some of the stats from this game? They had 29 1st downs and Seattle had six. They had 515 yards. Seattle, 191. They had 298 yards rushing and 41 carries. I mean, this was like an ass kicking to the point that if you're Seattle, you almost have to recalibrate what the ceiling of your season is like. They traded their second round pick for Leonard Williams five days or six days ago. And then you watch a game like that and you're like, we're not even close. Gino has not looked right. This whole have gino might have had what was that? Case Keenum Vikings year when he was great? That one year. And then all of a sudden he went back to being Case Keenum. That might have happened to Gino.


I'm glad he got paid. The one thing I'll say is they're not doing it defensively in the typical fashion. They're not walking away with four interceptions in this game or against Jared Goff.




Like they only had one pick today, had four sacks, but good pass rush.




I think it's just constant pressure is forcing these guys to make dumb decisions and just throw incomplete passes.


Is Lamar the MVP favorite now?


I didn't even look.


Is he?


No, I would say take. It takes a lot to throw Mahomes off the perch these days.


You'd think so? I'm looking there. Oh, my God. Plus Lamar's.


Lamar's third.


Yeah. So on.


FanDuel mahomes. Plus 250 Hz. Plus 340. And Lamar is plus 472.


Will move down a lot borough move a little bit.


Looming at nine to one all of a sudden.




Baltimore. If you're going to give the first half who looked the best in the first half of the season, I think Baltimore takes it as we head to the second half. Doesn't mean they'll keep it, but it just feels like their offense is finally the right kind of offense. For I don't I'm not smart enough about football to understand what they're doing, but people have been saying how they're trying to have them to throw over the middle a little bit more and there's a lot more motion and things happen. It doesn't seem to matter who the running back is.


They look complete and I feel like they have a home field advantage, which is OD. I mean, go ahead and add that extra half full point to a home field. When they play well and also with.


The lead, they're tough. If they're up ten, you just feel like, oh, man, this is done. And then on the flip side, seattle seems like they're kind of headed the wrong way. Last AFC related game. The CJ. Stroud was just spectacular and unbelievable. We were on it. I remember I said before the draft, me and Solak and Danny Kelly did some draft stuff and I don't know, nothing. I barely follow college football. You follow up, but I don't. I was just like, CJ. Straud? I don't see it. I don't see a quarterback with an initial name. We've had AJ. Feely. And we had AJ.




I was like, We've never had it.


PF. Chang had, like, one good year.


PF. Chang. It was great that year, but we knew within two weeks, we were like, this guy. We were saying it on the pod.


This guy has it today.


30 for 42, 475 touchdowns. Had two game winning drives in the last, like, five minutes for the season, 14 touchdowns, one interception. And I went and looked up, does he have a chance to have the best rookie QB season ever? There's not a lot of Merino.




Who else but Merino? So I looked that up in my head. It was Merino in 1984, but it was actually the 83 year. He only started nine games. He threw 20 touchdowns, six picks. Yeah, minshew had 21 touchdowns, six picks. Russell Wilson had a great one. He was 26 TDs, ten picks through for 30, 118. Your guy dak 23 touchdowns, four picks, 36, 67, RG three.


Yeah, that's the 120 touchdown.


Five picks, 3200. And then Herbert had a shockingly good rookie season, which I had forgotten. He's the only one that threw for.


Over 4000 RG, like, 800 yards rushing, too, and seven touchdowns that year.


Yeah, Herbert was 31 and ten, but Stroud is now on pace for he's not going to do this, but 28 touchdowns and two picks would be the pace.




And when you watch it, they're great throws. This isn't like a machine of an offense. Like, he's hitting dudes over the shoulder catches, hitting them deep. He's scrambling out, finding people. It's like jaw dropping how good he is as a rookie. And it's hard for me to believe we spend this much time on the draft and people didn't know. People were like, hey, he might be a bust Ohio State. And then Will Levis, who was really good on Thursday, again, I'm in on that guy. Just we cannot figure out the draft.


I know.


I don't know why we can't at this point, but should we be better at this? We should be. Either that or there shouldn't be 15 more experts.


Every year, it seems like more draft.


Experts than ever, and yet we don't know if Will Levis is good or Young is better than Stroud. And, yeah, Young just looks like a college quarterback right out there.


Well, they can't block for him. It's hard for me to know what he is yet, because it just seems.


He makes them late.


He's running for his life half the time. Team's not very good.


I have to say I'm numb to what's a good quarterback anymore.


I think.


Like Gardner Minchew is good. Like somebody like, oh, no, that guy's good. That guy's a good quarterback. Really? Or is everybody bad? Like, no, he's good. I can't tell. We watch 10:00 a.m games on the west coast. It's like, this is awful shit. Why can't anybody step up?


At least Minshew has some sort of performance history where he's been competent for longer stretches.




Where somebody like Trubisky just never had it. But yeah, if I had to say, who does CJ. Well, I'll ask you first and I'll give you my answer. Who does CJ Strad remind you of.


When you watch him? I think like a more poised RG three.


That's why I kind of brought him.


Up after you brought him up.


But that's why I would say and just runs a little less, but a more poised RG three.


What would you say?


He reminds me of Russell Wilson in probably, like, year four, year five range, when he started to get more of a command of flinging it around, where.


That'S a great yeah.


Where you just feel like if he has time to throw, he's just going to Zing it and find people. But for the most part, he's not that big of a guy. I don't feel like I like Nico Collins. I like, don't their receiver. I mean, their running backs are pretty below average because Pierce has been kind of out for most of the season, but I'm blown away by that dude. For them to be four and four, they were, what, plus 950 to win or plus 20 to one to win the AFC South before the season. The other weird thing, they're going to.


Grab that seven from the Bills, aren't they?


It's really possible. Here's the other thing. They had almost 500 yards, 496 yards, and they went three for eleven on first down. Explain that to me. How do you have almost 500 yards? You have three third down conversions.




Something happened in this game that was unbelievable that I missed because we had all the games going on. They go for two.


Not really.


And it's like, what the fuck are they doing? They don't get it. Then later on, same thing. It's 23 22, they go for two again.


I'm like.


This is analytics. Running them up. Don't realize their kickers hurt. But then later, some guy comes in who was that guy who kicked the field goal for them?


They showed him. Yeah, they showed him.


Number 30 field goals.


Right. And so they line him up because it was fourth and too long to go for it.


He would go on the ten, and.


Then he kicks the field goal.


Right. He made it.


It was the most exciting moment of the day.




I don't understand. I'm going to do a bigger thing about this on Cousin Sal's winning weekend.


But why is the punter not the backup kicker?


What the hell are punters doing? What are they doing? First of all, everybody goes on fourth and five now, so the punter's job is diminished. I think you could help out and learn how to kick an extra point while you're doing nothing.


Can you make a 30 yard something just in case?




Is it an ego thing? Like the actual kickers get mad if the punters try field goals in practice because it seems like the punters should be the go to guy and you don't get the backup running back in there kicking.


What's more exciting for you? The non kicker taking a 30 yard field goal in a pressure game or a position player coming in in like, the 19th inning of a playoff game because the team ran out of pitchers?


I like the field goal thing. I mean, didn't you you have the best example ever with Doug Flutie did it and it wasn't out. He was just showing off.


Well, the other piece was I bet I didn't have them in million dollar picks, but I had them in real life. The Texans minus three.




And once there's two point conversion chicanery, you're just like, I'm going to get screwed. I just wonder how it's going to happen. They score to take the lead, they go up two, and there's like 6 seconds left. And this was the right move because God only knows what's going to happen when you don't have your field goal kicker to try to kick the Pat. They just decided to kneel. So they went by two and then rooting for the lateral fumble touchdown for the COVID at the end. Don't get it. And it's like, I was right about this game and I still lost. Like, what happened?


We just a good CJ. I know you have a thousand yards passing today, but no, you can't be out here for this play.


Go sit down.


Warm up for next week.




What an amazing game. And then on the flip side, Bryce Young throws the two pick sixes against the Colts, which kind of a winnable game for them. Tough one for the CJ. Stroud versus Bryce young thing. I'd be interested. I know we can't do this, but if you just flip those guys what.


It would look yeah.


Like if Bryce Young was on Houston.


Are they four and four? I would say no.


No, I don't think he's I know what you're saying. It's too don't they don't block for him, but his timing just seems way off for NFL standards.


Yeah, he seems small. All right, we'll take a break and we'll do Guest Alliance. So before we did Guest Alliance, I was going to give you my top 15 worst dak Prescott fourth quarters, but I decided I didn't know if you're going to walk off the podcast I'm not going to do that.


I'm going to roll. What's the worst one for you? Well, this wasn't it.


No, it wasn't it.


Was this like a top 1015?


I think three San Francisco games are probably in the top five. I don't like what was the one.


When he ran down the middle but then they ran out of time and couldn't spike it.


Why are we doing this? We spent like 30 seconds on your terrible patriots.


My team.


Which one?


I'm in a great spot with the Pats. You are looking at Drake May highlights. Yeah, I'm ready. We're like number four in the rankings now. We're tied for third in the rankings now. Worst record.


I didn't think it was. I thought he had a great game. I honestly did. That's why I'm disappointed.


That's my feeling here with Dak.


If you could say Dak dak was listening and you could tell him one thing, what would it be?


Go play for the Panthers. We'll take Bryce Young. No, I don't know. I don't know what to say. We might see Tony Romo this week.


He's coming town. Should I ask him?




Romo's doing the Chargers lions game.


Oh, wow. You around. I'm around.


I'd love to see Romo.


All right.


Guess the Lions week ten. You getting sad yet? We're halfway through. We're almost halfway through.


I am sad.


Well, this is going to make even sadder. Thursday night. Bears at home for the Panthers. This could be an Al Michaels pretending that he is having some medical issues and can't go. He can't do the get. He has vertigo. This could be an I have vertigo game for Al Michaels.


What's worse than bears?


Panthers. They said Fields might play. It might be Fields versus Bryce Young. See, I think they had to.


I think that's why he sat this week, right? I think he was ready this week and they're like, we need you for that Thursday game. For God's sakes. We've put David Chang on so much, but I still don't know if people are going to tune in to see him cook up Chicago wieners.


David Chang's making Korean macaroni and cheese today.




Some chili flakes on it. Put sausage in it. We love you, Chang. Bears Panthers in Chicago. Well, Chang probably is going to this.


I think so.




Maybe he's doing like a deep dish thing. We don't know. We don't get invited. He doesn't invite us.


Never invites.


Friggin brought Joe house.


Can he take snaps for the Panthers? Need him to step up even more. I got this exactly right. You're going to be mad. I got this one and the next one. You're going to do the Germany game. But you could get both of them, too.


I had bears by three. There you go. All right. So we tied there. That's what it is. That's what it is. Yeah. Wow.


I don't mind this bajant. He has a weird cockiness to him and he throws sidearm and stuff and he gets mad at the right times. But he also seems like he's got a know I thought that was an encouraging bears loss.


And they have their first and they have Carolina's first.


So this is the rare they could.


Actually win and it's still good for them if they win the game. So made me kind of like the bears minus three. So even if they're tanking it doesn't matter if they tank this because that's true. Somebody's got to win this. I'm going to try not to watch this game.


I'm just telling you now.


No, this isn't one of those where I tell Kyle on Thursday night, like we've got to hold the podcast. I got to save my front segment for bears, panthers. Probably not happening Thursday night. All right, sunday marquee game, would you go ravens, Browns, Bengals, Texans or 49 ers jags?


I'm most intrigued in 49 ers jags.




I had that as well.




So we'll make that the Sunday marquee game. 49 ers at the Jaguars.


And I put this right in the tic TAC zone.


I threw a bag of tic TACs all over it. I have 49 ers by one and a half.


I went two and it's two and a half.


So I get that one.


But people really want us to put the jaguars amongst all those giants we.


Named in the AFC and I don't know, a win.


How about this game?


I think they'd have to do that.


Let's see it. Yeah. Win this game. I've been meaning to tell you this.


We've been gambling a long time, the two of us, even before we met. I came to La. In September of 2002 because your cousin was trying to turn me into his cousin as well and hire me for a show. So I came with my lovely fiance and we met on a Friday and it was with all the man show guys.


What happened with that woman?


Oh, you're my wife. Within five minutes of us knowing each other, you had a USA today out and we were going through the Friday and I was like, this guy. I know if I move to La. This guy's going to be my friend. There's a reason I'm telling you this.


Story because I know everything you've already.


Said up until now.


Why did I start telling you this? Are you kidding me? What was the impetus?


Oh, you have dementia. You were going to tell me you had dementia. That's what you're going to announce.


There was a real reason I was telling you this.


Jacksonville, San Francisco? I don't know.


Jacksonville, San Francisco.


49 ers beat red.


Right now we almost have to leave that story.


Something with betting.


We've bet for a long time. I've bet for a long for a long time.




I guess that's the end of the story.


Well, that's great. If you ever go on a talk show.


You got to your mid 50s.


Yeah, that's a good one.


Is this why they have segment producer for talk shows? Oh, I remember what I was going to say.


Oh, damn it. I was hoping you wouldn't.




So back in the day, it was always the lines was minus three. And if it was like you want to do the money line, it was like plus 160 for the underdog. They have just figured out how to remove all of the value in all these different ways. And one of the ways they've done it is they make the line like minus two and a half or minus two. And if you like the underdog and you're like, you know what, I'll just bet the money line on the underdog. It's like plus 118 or plus 120. And it's like, well, then I'll just take the points at that point. But the points don't. They've just basically shorted the value of the underdog, which was not what it was like when we started gambling in the late 80s, early ninety s. I think we got to know each other 20 years from now. I feel like there's less value than there's ever been.


Yeah, I agree with that. Case in point, your team this week, I love the commanders. Plus 140. That line didn't move. The line didn't move itself, but the odds moved. When I gave it out this morning, it was like plus 118.




Like what, did they shrink that or are people just pounding that or what? I don't know. It doesn't seem like people are betting the underdog money lines much more than they used to do.


That for the straight up and also for the parlays to not have the same kind of value either. It reminds me of when in Vegas when the blackjack tables, they started getting rid of the three to two for blackjacks and they made it six to five. And it's like, this is one of the only edges we had. You're going to make this six for five. I feel like they're doing this with the underdog money.


I think so, too. Let's make a promise. As long time gamblers have known each other that duration, let's try to never get in business with these ODS providers. Yeah, let's do that. If they ever they come knocking.


Well, they have to mention now because I just started a story and didn't finish it. Definitely leave that in.




Carrie said that's Bill Simmer, she calls it fading out of you got it, though.


You caught up.


Yeah, I got it. I brought it back.


Nice comeback.


That was the watchables. So let's do Ravens Browns first. I don't know what to make of this Browns team. They've had some convincing wins this year. Deshaun, he might play, might not. He's okay. He's not okay. That doesn't really ever look good. Has touchdowns that bounce off other guys before they get to the guy.


I think.


Maybe is he just smarter than the rest of us. He like, circled this game against Arizona on the calendar. And it's like I'll make it like I'm practicing the three weeks leading up to this, but I'm only really going to play this game because there's no way my defense is going to make me look bad. And that's kind of what happened.


He was right.




I tied that Browns game to a.


Lot today, money line wise, which I.


Had done in the last couple of weeks. But I was like, what are the ODS the Cards are going to do? Anything gets the Browns defense. The play was I think the Cards was 13 over under for Cards points in the game. That under was sitting there.


By the way, we got to mention I bet Cardinals on Bringer Wise Guys to be the lowest scoring team of the week at plus 470.


You nailed that one.




And I had a lot of competition from some teams that just did not want to score this week. The Rams.


But that's not your great gambling achievement of the year. This is one of the great things you've ever done.


What's that?




The Steelers. Not to win the first half, but then to win the game you hit. It used to be ten to one. Now it's like six to one on FanDuel because there's like real value in that. But the Steelers have done that, I think four times this year.


I think it's only three. So they did it against the Ravens, they did it against the Rams, and they did it this past Thursday night. So that's 26 units plus minus the other five games they played. And it's going to happen. It's going to keep happening. So just keep pounding that.


Maybe not this week, but over the.


Course of the rest of the year, you'll win.


The Steelers exist just so the analytics community can't feel good about themselves.




They're like this and here and this means this. And then it's like and here are the Steelers who make no sense whatsoever, and week after week are just throwing a curveball at us. All right, so Browns are at Baltimore. I do not like this spot for think. I had this in the Vegas zone and I have it as Ravens minus five and A.


Exactly. We tie there. And that's exactly what it is. Damn it. I thought I'd at least pull that from you.


Yeah. Five and a half. That goes up, right?


Yeah, I think so.


If anyone's smart, I think that's it.


You know what? We don't see any I feel like we could blame all these quarterbacks. And name recognition has been the worst ever in terms of these quarterbacks. Have we ever seen eight sack games? This many eight sack games from teams? Are the offensive lines just falling apart, too? Or the quarterbacks just not nimble enough to avoid a sack and then we see eight and nine and seven sack games from like six teams a week.


I remember 20 years ago, we had like a point guard shortage in the NBA where there just weren't enough good, pure point guards. And even like in the All Star Game, you could feel it. There weren't enough guys that could everybody was like a shoe first point guard and was like, where'd the point guards go? Then they came back. It feels that way with the offensive lineman. Every game we watch the announcers. Well, you know, and there's Bob at left guard. And they weren't expecting him to play this season, but he got signed in the practice squad. And now it's their left, know? And it's like, who is happy with their line other than Baltimore? Baltimore seems like the only one. Uh, and they had guys hurt early in the year, but at least I got some guys back.




And I don't want to be negative about quarterbacks and offensive lines all the time. So then I'm like, all right, maybe the pass rushers, the edge rushers are better than ever.


Maybe they're maybe they're bad.




Maybe there's, like maybe too many edge rushers.




They'll change the rules.


Speaking of that, Garrett's the best defensive player I've seen this year. Just I'm talking nine weeks, guys jumping off the page. It was Parsons, but I think it's Garrett now. But it's close.


Very similar.


Yeah, I would say it's one of the two, but I think it's a good argument.


By the way, fandel thinks it's real close.


They're both plus Parsons plus 190. And Garrett 190. So I thought that bore out. But TJ Watt at plus 250, I thought was interesting odds as a dark horse for that because he's the other one that's been jumping out of the TV in these Steelers games. These guys are over impact guys.


I'm looking at the ODS and there's like eight or nine that are just like, must see defense, right? Like Max Crosby. So Max Crosby is awesome. TJ watt, like you said, and Garrett and Parsons and even Hassan Reddick today played great.


So that Ravens Browns game, that's one of those either bet the Browns money line or bet the Ravens. That's not one of those where it's like, oh, the Browns got a late TD for the COVID Like, they're either going to lose by 30 or have a chance to win. Next one watchables. We got two more Lions at the Chargers. Just a super fun game. And you know, something weird is going to happen at the end. We'll see what happens tomorrow night with the Chargers. Who do you have tomorrow night? Chargers jets.


By the way, I'm going to take the jets.


I like the jets, too.


I think that pass defense, you could get right against them. The Chargers, like, 31st in the league. Zach Wilson everyone wrote them off for dead because that was a terrible win. Last week against the Giants. I think they could win again.


I have lions at the Chargers. Lions by three.


I said two and it's one and a half.


Oh, tic TAC zone.


It's a fun one.


That's too low. Why do the chargers are getting way too much credit, I think.


Yeah, I just don't think they're that good. I mean, no home field, short week. Yeah, maybe you're right.


Maybe it should have been more.


Maybe it'll be Lions fans at this game. Like forty k. Oh, God. 35.




They're already coming out here to thaw out last watchable.


Who could have guessed this would have been a watchable in the beginning of September? Bengals, Texans in Cincinnati. The CJ. Straud versus Burrow. Yeah, I think the Texans are a live dog in this one. I have Bengals by five.


Oh, it went up. I said seven and a half and.




Yeah, that's too high. They're not screwing with this.


They're not screwing with this.


Well, let's think about this. They couldn't get it to three against Buffalo.


I think the cheap touchdown potential with the Texans, like, you have eight. They could be down 14 with two minutes left and CJ. Will just take them down right. That line is a little too high.


They're not buying into the Stroud magic.


Well, they didn't see the game today. He was incredible. Fairly watchables. Saints at Vikings against host body Josh Dobbs. He might just jump into a Saints body during the game. He might just start playing for the saints.




Take over for know. I really wanted to have the Vikings favorite in this game, but I think Vegas values the Saints and they trust their defense and their infrastructure. So I have saints by one.


You called it at least better than I did. I had Vikings by one. It's Saints by two and a half.


Oh, wow.


I was even off on my Saints thing.


Man, it's tough giving points with the Saints. It really is.


What they do.


My son has Derek hard quarterback and can't understand why he's taken out at the three yard line every single time.


Like, I don't know what to tell you. It is hilarious.




I like the Vikings in that game. The Vikings could be six and four after that game. And by the way, the crowd's going to be nuts. Did you see the video of Josh Dobbs going to the Vikings locker room after?


Yeah, it was great. Like a regular awesome.


They love him.


He knows nobody. He's like, thanks, Kenny.


No, no.


My name's John.


He shouldn't get to know anyone. This is working for him. But this could be like a preview of the seven seed. Is it possible whoever wins this gets the seven?


It's possible. The Saints on paper if you're not watching any TV and it's like, all right, defense is good. They got some playmakers. And Kamara and Alabe Taysom Hill, they're good inside the ten. And then you bet on derek carr in the wrong game and you just hate yourself. I could see this game flores who's done an awesome job as the DC of the vikings. He's going to be sending the house on car trying to rattle him. And we've seen carr the last couple of years where if you start hitting him, he starts looking a little punch drunk. I like the vikings in this game. I'm in on josh dobbs.


I do, too.


I love it.


That's our guy.


Steelers packers. Speaking of things and teams that I love, I've really enjoyed this season. I think this has been a fun season. The steelers with a real chance to go six and three. I don't know how much of that packers rams game you saw. The packers are abominable.




They stink. Steelers by three is my pick.


You got it. Exactly. I said mean.


I agree with you.


The packers are terrible. The steelers win every game in stupid fashion.


Why is it three?


I think jordan love is kind of pretty close to mac. Like that level of QB, it feels pretty hopeless with him.


He came around at the perfect time, I think where there's like ten guys beneath him that everyone's screaming about how terrible they are.


But he's like one level above.




He's like, oh, please don't look at me. Just I want to distract yourself with the bret rippins of the world.


Like I have watson on one of my fantasy. Like he's a borderline might wave him and try to pick up somebody. Like today he was wide open and love just missed him and underthrew it. And watson is never going to make a play. This feels like another classic. Maybe this is the one where you go tie first half steelers to win the game.


I'll do both it up.


That's a great I mean steelers will win this great ODS for that.




Did you see any of the george pickens stuff?


I just saw that he couldn't drag his damn foot like everybody else to score a touchdown. For all the fantasy, he's starting to.


Get a little surly.




Next one fairly watchable is bucks titans. I did this out of respect to baker, mayfield and the bucks because I think they've been pretty entertaining as a bad football team. That's a team I did not expect to ever have on a TV. They've hung around. I like watching will levis. I think he's fun. I think he throws a good deep.




And and I like this game. And this feels a little loser leaves towny to me. Right. Bucks are three and five, right?


Three and five.


Three and five.




Both three and five.




Well, whoever gets the six losses, write them off.


Can I share a secret with you?




I'm enjoying these interconference south versus south matchups more than I know I know.


My name is sal and I have a confession.


I thought the Bucks and this will be another good one, I think large screen, I don't know.




I have Bucks minus two and a half.


I had two and it's one and a half, right?




You win that, you might beat me this week.


What is it you winning? 23450.


Yeah. Six to four.


Let's do it.


Let's keep it going.


I'm going to nail this one. Seahawks home for Washington. God only knows what Washington wants to do. They trade both their pass rushers seem like they're tanking and then somehow beat the Pats. I have seahawks by now.


You get this. I had four and a half at six. You're not going to tease that?


You're not going to tease that at all?


No, I was going to say to the fledgling gamblers out there, I would not tease the Seahawks offensively doesn't seem like they can block and Gino doesn't seem right. Something seems off with this team. They should have lost last week, too. They won that stupid Cleveland game because PJ. Walker threw on third and three. Or Austin have a little losing streak.


You talk about on paper they're like a mighty version of the Saints that you just laid out.




Metcalf Lockett. Kenneth Walker, who never gets no carries, know defense is still some nice pieces. Gino Smith's, better than Carr.


I don't know.


Three poop fecta games. First one is the Pats versus the Colts. The pats are.




This is despicable by the.


Great rivalry.


No, that you don't recognize this game's in Germany.


What do you mean? Oh, this is the game. Oh, yeah, I forgot.


How sad is you've lost so much, so you should be at this game.


I should be in Germany?




Is that a spotify headquarter?


No, there it's a train.


Right away you want to change?


You're going to have to change your line now.


No, I'm not going to change because I don't feel like the Pats have a home field advantage. They might have a home field advantage in Germany because I forget who was telling me. But they're like the Germany's team because they only show one game a week in Germany. That's what I think it was.


The Pats. Yeah.


The Chiefs and New England.




I think that's why they chose yeah.


I'm going to say Pats by one.


Oh, you went the wrong way.


I said Indy by one and it's Indy by one and a half.




You got to go to this game.


You could power walk through the streets, give your of.


Honestly, I can't think of anything worse.




If I go anywhere over the next two weeks, it will be to go see Victor Wembidyama again because somehow I went last week to that Clipper game sucked and they were terrible and they've been super fun ever since. They're never going to lose my one game, the bad spurs game. Falcons at the cards. The Falcons just over and over again. It's either three or three and a half or two and a half. They're just in every week. They're favored. I don't understand why they play the easiest schedule ever. You never feel good about it. I'm going to say Falcons by three.


I whip completely on this. I thought Falcons by five and a half.


I think Arizona is irretrievable.


It's one and a half.


Wow. You get it.


It's only one and a half. So this is the last week the Cardinals can take Kyle Omari off the pup list.


They're not they won't, right?


Well, they lombardi laid this out on his podcast a few weeks ago. If he got hurt or something, then they'd be on the hook for the next couple years. It's actually smarter for them not to play him if they feel like but.


It'S just weird that he's working out and stuff like that.


I don't know why.


Hope he plays because I need the Cardinals to pass the Patriots so we can get a top two pick.




You don't like this? Name that tune. You're not a big fan, Clayton?


No, I'm not.


One in eight Cowboys, Giants in Dallas.


And this is in the running for.


Biggest line of the year. Tommy's going to have to get his shine box again and it's not going to go too well for him either. I have Cowboys by 14 and a half.


Damn good job. I had 13 and a half. It's 15 and a half.


Oh, my God.


How high is that?


Does that get to 17, you think?


Well, let's see. They beat him, what, 40? Nothing with Daniel Jones. So I think you could make it like 46, 46 and a half.


Would you fake a health issue?


You may not have to. You might get attacked by some boneheads. Honestly. Did we talk about it? Was it you and I talked about that's? Like the Madden curse. The Coach of the Year award. You lose all your faculties. The Browns coach one, stefanski and Dave all. If you look at them, it's like.


Something happens to these the maybe the trophy something horror movie. Yeah.


If I was Dayball, I'd be like, I'm having major issues. I just need to take a couple weeks away.


We're tied. We're tied. I think you're going to beat me. There's two left and I didn't do well on them.


The Sunday night game is Raiders home for the jets. And I have jets minus I'm sorry, raiders minus two.


Oh, good. Okay.


I put it as a pick. Them and it's jets by one and a half.


You got that?


I got that.


Why the fuck are the jets favored?


I was sick of thinking about it. Well, think about it. The Raiders were barely favored over the Giants today, and then they beat them up.


But yeah, I don't know. All right, monday night I was off.


By two points in this one.


You're going to time me Monday night.


Bills, broncos. I'm going to say Bills by eight.


Oh, I said eight. Also, it's six.


Oh, you beat me off the win.




Bills minus six over the Broncos. Jesus.




How did I win those last two? Or tied that last one? Wow. 923-45-6789 to eight.


I'll take it.


What a so what's our teaser? What's our teaser? Bills.


And I'm not touching the bills.


Really not touching them.


Bills and raiders.


I'm afraid of CJ Stroud. I didn't have a tease this week, and it was a really nice what was that like?


It was great.


I had a moneyline parlay that I enjoyed, but other than that, I actually had a winning week for once. All right, let's take a break to some parent corner. We're supported by NFL Sunday Ticket on YouTube and YouTube TV. Don't change your team when you change your town. Get NFL Sunday Ticket on YouTube and YouTube TV, where it's easier never to keep up with all your favorite teams on Sunday afternoons that you can watch up to four preset games all at once on My favorite new Friend Multiview, now available at a lower midseason price point. We've reached the halfway point of the season, so it's great. Now you can get the midseason price for NFL Sunday tickets starting at $174. I mean, you got midseason storylines like this week. Heading to week ten, you have Browns, Ravens. Are the Ravens going to continue to lay the SmackDown as the best team in AFC and maybe the league 49 ers? Jaguars. The 49 ers really going to go five and four. The Jaguars for real. We have the Texans Bengals game. Can CJ Strav keep it up. He might be having the best rookie QB season in the history of the league.


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I got a couple know I'll do the one from yesterday.


So I talked to you about my son.


He's a freshman in high school. He's wrestling. He's been going to this wrestling school for offseason, and now the season is about to start. So now he's got about eight months under his belt of wrestling practices, and we have a mat in the garage. And I'm like, my big moment was, all right, show me what you got, kid. And I told my wife, I'm like, we're going to go in the garage and we're going to wrestle live for probably an hour, hour and a half. I want to see what he's got because he has a tournament coming up next week. And she's like, oh, you're going to hurt your back. I was like, oh, stop it. So we go in there and we go over a couple of moves, and I'm like, here's a trick you could use. Went from the down position, this little roll here her, and that gets boring. After about seven minutes, I'm like, all right, let's go live now. And I got, I don't know, 70 pounds on the kid, and we're going live. And from the top position, I could hold him down pretty easily because I got all that weight on him.


And then I let up. And then from the bottom position, it's just too much work for me. I'm getting winded. And when we're both standing, I'm getting winded.


And eventually I'm like, all right, I.


Just got to be on the top position and just lean all my fat on you. And after about ten minutes of that, he's like, dad, I'm not really learning anything. I mean, you're just a lot bigger than me.


I was like, I know, but I'm.


Going to have an effing heart attack here if we do standing on the feet or if I'm in the down position. So which is it? He's like, well, we could go inside. I go in and my wife's like, that's it.


That's it.


I was like, yeah, that's it. You almost lost me for good. So now I got to figure something out. I don't know what happened. Like, either I got to get in shape or he's got to take up golf. I'm not sure what the answer is, but what the hell happened? I used to be able to do stuff like this.




I think we need to create a show where guys in their early mid 50s compete against 9th graders in various things. Let's say count me out. Let's say he was 25 pounds heavier. Who would be favored in that wrestling match? Because how long are the rounds?


It's like they're three two minute periods and it stopped.


So you don't think you three two minute periods? You would get worn out.


There's always a weight that I think I can handle. So I could go with, like, 125 pounder, probably, but I think a good one, it would be tough.




Do you think Pete Sampras could beat, like, a world class 9th grader?


Oh, interesting. See, that's pretty good.


Washed up against haven't made it yet. Would be I would at least try a couple episodes.


Washed up versus watch out.




Like, could Jalen Rose beat one of the best 6th graders in the country?


Didn't Scalabrini take on someone in a gym? But that kid was a high school player already.


I don't know.


I still say third grade Arthur McGee.


Could kick my ass right now.


He was a very tough kid.


My son turned 16 a couple of days ago.


Yeah, I saw that.


And it's exciting because he's going to be driving now. Oh, no, he's not going to be driving because he failed the permit test twice and hasn't passed it yet. When I turned 16, all I wanted to do was drive. It was like I would have walked across hot coals to be able to get in a car and get away from my house. Of course, now he's fine because he's got those little fucking green birds that you can go around la in, and he can always hop in some Uber X or get a ride from somebody, and there's just no urgency at all to want to drive around. Where do we go?


Can I defend them for a second? Is he taking it at home or is he taking it at the DMV? They don't make it easy at all. First of all, you never get to see what you got wrong. My son failed it twice, too. And you could take it from home, but there's a camera on you, and if you even move a little bit out of frame, you're disqualified. But they won't tell you're disqualified. They'll just tell you you failed. Like a disqualification is a failure. Just like getting one wrong more than you need to is a failure. So there's some weird shenanigans going on at the DMV, I think.


Well, here's what I don't get. So we live in this giant city, right? And it's a city full of potholes and terrible roads and roads that haven't been fixed in a while. And some of the worst drivers I've ever seen in my entire life. Like, just all over the place, just horrible driving. So if the test is this hard to pass, how is there so many bad drivers? It just doesn't add up. So if the test wasn't this hard, we'd have even more horrible drivers. There's horrible drivers every minute of the day here.


So he must be mad, though.


He's mad that he's, you know, because he's competitive.


He failed the second time, and now.


He'S doing the he just doesn't want to take it because he feels like a loser that he didn't pass it the two times. Meanwhile, he's at Travis Scott tonight. He went, how did you travis Scott concert tonight?


My wife drove him.


Yeah. Not that he would have driven anyway. But on the other hand, I was thinking, he's only 16. People are nightmare drivers when they're 16. This might be better for everybody that he's not in the wheel. Nice little maybe it take an extra year. It's almost like we're red shirting him. He's like a red shirt freshman for driving.


You know what? I'm going to give him a nice wrestling mat. I'm going to send it to your house to congratulate him on failing twice. Not only because I just don't want it in my garage anymore.


Well, we went to for his birthday, we went to Dantana's, which I think is one of the great spots in La. And they're super nice. But we had his best friend and his girlfriend come, but he didn't know, and she showed up and he was, like, really touched and he couldn't believe it. And it was a great night, but they want us to do Guest Alliance from the back room in Dantanas.


They do? Yeah.


They're, like, all excited about it. They gave him in the car. They're like, you got to do it. I was like, that actually sounds amazing, because we would eat heavy Italian food. I would definitely meet you and guess the lines. No, you would 100% lose because you would have, like, Ville Parmesan, three meatballs and some Caesar, and you'd just be, like, throwing crazy.


Let's do it.


I got a nice little lead on you now, five to three to two after ten weeks, so I'm happy to.


Give you a week.


Yeah, I've been here 20 plus years now. There's, like, some OG great restaurants that it's all about, what the new restaurant is. Meanwhile, there's some awesome ones that are just, like, eternally awesome. Dan is one of them. I have a quick nephew corner.




So last night, Kyle's dad is in town, and Kyle and his wife and his dad and his grandmother, my wife's mom, they all come over and we have dinner outdoors. Kyle's been out for a few hours. Like, it's pretty clear he was at the Frolic Room pretty early. First he said it was 03:00, but then later he let it slip. It was 01:00, so you could see he was very happy. There were four bottles of red that were imbibed during the dinner, and there was only, as far as I could tell, six people drinking. And I only had one glass. We were finishing the fourth bottle, and I'm watching Kyle, and it's like he's, like, pouring soda. And I'm like, how do we go through four? Like, I was just kind of amazed because I was like, only one glass and she had two. And Carrie's mom was drinking white wine and his dad had two. And so we're going around the table and Kyle goes, I had three glasses, and he definitely had, like, six or seven. I was thinking when you drink with Kyle, it's like when somebody cheats at golf, it's like a par five.


And you're like, what'd you get? And he's like, One, two, three, bogey. I got a six. Meanwhile, it's like you were in the trees and then you were in the trap, and I saw then you hit it over the green. You got a six and no, no, I got a six. That's Kyle. He's like the lion golfer of sharing wine.


Is this true, Kyle? Kyle, are you nervous around these people? Is that why you drank a little more.


Than you.


I took it on myself. I was opening all the bottles for everyone. I made sure we didn't run out. I was checking to make sure everyone was okay. I was just taking my tax off.


Of that, that's all.


Taking his tax off. Well, luckily Kyle failed his permit test, so he didn't have to drive home.


Well, and then we had a fight with my mom and my mother in.


Law at the end with my wife.


And my mother in law.


Because they're like, we're going to clean.


Up at the end of the night. And my wife goes, you know what, I'm just going to clean up tomorrow. That's what my mother in law does, just put everything in the sink. I'll get it tomorrow. And her mom's like, no, you can't do that. And then my wife's like, no, that's what I want to do. I want to do that.


And my mother in law is like.


No, we're not going to do that. And we just flee because they start going at it. We get out of there, her mom goes in the kitchen and just starts cleaning all the dishes. And I'm like, is my wife going to clothesline her from behind? How is this going to end? She kind of just let her have it. But Kyle, that was a little weird too.


Oh, yeah, I got out of there. I got out of there.


Kyle doesn't remember the upstairs bathroom.


I was out of there. After his 8th glass of wine, he disappeared to a guest bedroom and then we didn't see him for ten minutes. As my wife and my mother in law, that is such always great, though. When is the family stuff not always lively?


I know. And thank God football rules a day on Thanksgiving, because otherwise it would be a series of what you just described with my family, my wife and mother.


Is your family clean the dishes right away or away till the next day?


Right away. And my wife is like, your wife, I'll wait till tomorrow. It's therapeutic. It gets me I just want to relax. Yeah, right.


I don't know.


All right, that's it for Parent Corner.


All right, cuz.


So you have against all ODS. You have Cuz South's winning weekend on Friday, and then you have the wise guy show on Sunday. So you're red hot, you're on fire, like flames are coming out of your head.


I really do.




And I know it's going to disappear. It's all going south. But yeah, ringer wise guys start you off every Sunday. Cousins house winning weekend. Ricky Williams sits down with me. We're going to talk about he thinks Kyle has a problem, a drinking problem. So we're going to discuss that and Tate on through the ringer Monday night. Well, Tuesday morning, you'll see that on FanDuel TV.


You know what's going to happen in Tate? It's like when NBA starts for me, when the college hoops start. We kind of lose tate.




Tate starts getting quarterbacks confused on different teams. Like he just goes sideways with football. He's just going deep watching.


I love it.




He's also going to join us on against the ODS. We're going to try a college basketball preview.




It starts november 6. It starts tomorrow or Monday. There's a game.


Cooper flag going to duke was the funniest thing that's happened in the last couple of years that I've known tate.


You like that?


Well, no, tate didn't like it.


I'll tell you that know? I know he's not a fan.


All right.


Because as always, good job by you. Good job by you, buddy. That's it for the podcast. Thanks to cousin sal. Thanks to Steve cerudi and Kyle creighton, as always. Don't forget new rewatchables coming tomorrow night. It is the start of wait, that movie made how much money? Month. Got to work on this title. Pretty good title. And I will see you on this feed almost definitely on tuesday.


Don't see them on a waste I don't have here. Live with him on the wayside on the first side. I don't.