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Coming up part 2 of the Draft of Paloozapod with Ryan Rosillo. We're going to cover round one with the NBA draft next. We're also brought to you by the Ringer Podcast Network. Put up a new Ringer Podcasts on Monday night. We did Bad News, bears. Have another one coming from the Rewatchables 1999 feed that we're going to run on the Rewatchables on Thursday night. It is Big Daddy. You can watch at least one of those on the Ringer Movies YouTube channel. We had an action-packed week here on the BS podcast. I did a podcast on Sunday night with I did one on Tuesday. We did a draft preview with Kevin O'Connor and Jay Kyle Mann, and then Eero Hawani came on, and we broke down all UFC 303 and had a really fun MMA conversation. If you missed that, you might want to listen to it before you watch UFC 303, if you're into that thing. Then last but not least, Roussel and I did a podcast earlier today, part one, where we talked about the Mikael Bridges trade, what the Rockets and Suns were up to, and all of the NBA machinations from that.


Then this podcast you're about to listen to, which we did live on YouTube. Both of the ones we did today were live on YouTube. This one covered round one of the NBA draft. We started drafting around pick 20, and we were still... I'm sorry, we started potting around pick 20, and then we were still potting when the Celtics were on the clock at number 30, and there was a guy I really wanted them to take. For once, they actually took the guy I wanted them to take, and we were recording. That was super exciting. Anyway, you can listen to it right now. First, our friends from Pearl Jip. All right, we're doing this live. It is 7:18 Pacific Time. We are midway through the first round draft, and then some. Pick 21 is up. We've gone through 20 pics. Ryan, Rosillo is here. This is part two of the BS podcast. Rosillo, let's do a draft. Your single favorite thing that happened in the first 20 pics. Go.


I hope it's not too many rounds. I like Minnesota getting back in and taking Dillingham.


Okay, explain.


I'm about scores, throwing as many scores as you can out there. With, granted, cat not making shots doesn't help, and the go bear stuff we've talked about for years, but it became pretty clear to me, I almost feel like everybody needs another score. But when ants running into the Berlin Wall, reference for the middle-aged listeners. That's what I saw. That's what I saw. 52 now. Not 52, but look, I just think if Dillingham, the best version of him is somebody that gets free on his off the dribble. If he's not that, then maybe it's somebody develops into a Jordan-Clarison type. So anybody trying to compete for a championship, I love anyone looking at scoring talent and saying, Let's add another one of those guys because they're hard to come by in free agency.


My first pick actually ties into what you just said. There was a moment there when it seemed like the Spurs were going to get Steph Castle and Dillingham. I was so excited. I was frantically taking notes, and I was like, Let's go. Defense with Wemby, and then Dillingham, just this incredibly fun offensive player who could just be like their crunch time, end of the game guy, irrational confidence. I was like, This is perfect. I love it. Then all of a sudden it's like, We have a trade. Minnesota is trading into the spot. Then it was like, Oh, I think I love this, too, because this is the guy Minnesota was missing last year. Like you said, things would slow down, and Towns had five fouls on him or was doing his careening into five guys routine. I was Man, it would be fun if they had one more guy who was just a weird heat check guy. Him with Edwards, I think that combo from a swag standpoint, from a chest bump, from a yelling at each other after big three standpoint is going to be incredible. I could see him playing for them next year, couldn't you?


Couldn't you see him being like an eighth man for them next year? Am I crazy?


No, I don't think you're crazy. Now, he's going to keep the shot going. There's probably going to be moments where it's like, Hey, dude, you can pass to other people. Some of these heat check guys just don't always have that in them. I mean, Clarkson's assist numbers in the beginning of his career, it's really funny when you look at his assist percentage, not just total number of assists, single digits, it gets scary. But San Antonio didn't want them. Are they thinking, okay, do we need another small perimeter guy that's already behind the sell? And then however, they're going to use Castle and then Sohan's minutes, and they still have Keltin's contract. Whenever you're not very good, I don't want to get too into somebody being in the way in a depth chart of a team that isn't that good. But if they're looking at Dillingham, and here's the thing, despite what we've said about the Rudy trade over the years, Conley and Lloyd are really good at this. So for them to be motivated to get back in and trade another first, by the way.


A first and a half because there's a swap, too.


Yeah. So who knows? The 20, 30 ones with that trade in there, it's like, We really don't want these picks. But I I like that because if you're going to try to find scoring in guys that can get buckets, it's really hard to find a free agency.


Well, and also they're way over every threshold that makes it hard to get extra guys. So they're probably looking at this like, this is probably our one chance over the next three years to add one more talented scorer. We're not going to be able to get this guy in free agency. It's going to be really hard to trade. When it came through that, Minnesota was getting the eighth pick, walk me through that next 45 to 60 seconds when you were wondering what they gave up because I got to say, there was 20 of those 45 seconds for me where I was like, holy shit, did they trade towns? No. Is this happening? Is this towns number eight for Vassell? I was just trying to figure out because I forgot that they had any first-round picks left to even trade. I forgot about the 2031 thing. So I was like, what else could it be? They're not trading McDaniels. Edwards, obviously not trading. Spurs don't need to go. I'm just going through the roster and I'm like, Did the Spurs just trade for talents? And I almost had a connipption. But then the trade was actually a first and a swap, which leads to the second thing that I was so confused by is, why would you want to, if you're the Spurs, why Who wants swap rights with Minnesota when you have Wembe N'Yamma on your team who we would assume by the year 2030 is going to be the best player in the world unless something horrible happened?


I mean, he'd be a minus 300 favorite to be the best player in the world in 2030. So why do I care about a swap?


It's probably just the asset math, bad draft. We just took a guy at four. We all know it's bad. Let's not fall in love with it. I'm sure the Knicks are probably sitting there thinking there'll be one team that'll want somebody that they can't believe the drop of 24 and 25. So maybe we can just wait this out and the urgency of the moment will turn to it. And it feels like that's what San Antonio did there a little bit. And even when I think about Belichick almost going out of his way whenever They had picks. I just think the patient people that are really secure about their job position, which is basically everybody in San Antonio, go, Hey, the asset math tells us this is a really good pick, and they probably just had lower grades and all the other guys available.


Well, I wonder if they looked at this draft the same way we did, where it's like, All right, slice out the top six. The first pick in this draft is actually seventh of the normal draft. So once we get to our eighth pick, that's really the 15th pick. And if we could turn that into a Minnesota pick down the road, who knows? Gober will be in his late 30s by that point. Who the hell knows what's going to happen? Who knows?


Yeah, who knows? Whenever we're looking at like, Oh, okay, in three years, can you imagine how different things will actually look? Go back three years ago. Yeah. Oh, that team would be good or whatever. So to know that you have a chance at it, even though Ant's likely going to be there in six years. But I don't- I wouldn't bet on anything. Yeah, I think front offices that are really secure are more likely to do something like this. I think your point is good, though. It's like, why not just take two swings at the lottery of four and eight if you have Wemby right now? Why would you care about moving the asset six, seven years from now?


I wonder, do you think... So Klingon falls to seven, but there was a split second there where I was like, Well, Portland's not going to take them. They have two centers. And I was wondering like, Oh, my God. San Antonio got both Yukon guys, and they're just like, Come try to score on us. We're going to put out Wemby, Klingon. We're going to put out Castle, Sohan. Good luck. Come at us. But then Portland took him and blew it, which we're getting off track. Oh, with the San Antonio, one other thing. Slightly stealth tank move You have the two swings at the apple, and if you take Dillingham at eight, maybe he swings five wins for you next year in this draft. That's going to be awesome. I'm just flagging it. It made me wonder, are the Spurs just going to one more year before they start making their moves. We talked about this in part one. Listen, if you don't have a chance to win the title or come close, I don't know why you would get crazy. The only thing with Wemby is we just wanted him to have good teammates that he could play with, like a point guard who would know how to run an offense and people to throw him an entry pass and just simple things you need if you're about to be the next best player in the world.


I hope they at least gave him that this summer, but I'm okay with them punting it toward '25. It really seems like there's a lot of jacking already for that 25 draft, which is a little bit of an unprecedented draft. There's only been a couple of these this century where you just see teams already shifting their focus toward it.


Well, that's probably the second thing I like the most is that if you look at the potential tank teams for next year, because even with San Antonio, I get what you're saying, but Wemby is probably too good to even really think that. But the way the odds have been flattened where it gives you a 14% chance, Detroit is probably still sitting there be like, We just went through all that, then 8, 60 million. Amani went in with a fifth pick. So maybe that led to something we were talking about in part one with teams just maybe not tearing it down and tanking the way that we've seen in the past. But if you're looking at the tank suspects, I like what Washington did. Because Denny Abadie is a good player. He's not awesome, but he's a nice player, makes Portland better. And that's somebody that Washington is probably competing with in the tanking part of it.


If you're getting picks from them- They got the 14th pick, which turned out to be Bob Carrington. They got a 2029 pick that's like a second best pick. It's probably in the middle of the draft. And then they got Brogdon, who they're going to be able to spin for something. Both of us like Avdia, though. I think he's a winning player on a good team. Unfortunately, he's gone to Portland. But that trade made sense to me, I guess. I was okay with it. I actually had Washington as one of my favorite things. Washington loading up on first in the worst draft in I just thought it was hilarious. I was making fun of house for hours. Of course, this is the draft. Washington is going back for seconds. Can we get more pics here for this awful draft that nobody wants to be in? I thought that was pretty funny. Then they took Alex Sahr with the second pick who... It's funny, and I got to work with Billis twice, so I feel like I have a pretty good Jay Billis decoder. You could tell when he's just hedging his words because he doesn't love the player, which was the for both Risa Shay and then Sahr.


Then when it got to Sheppard, it was like Jay Billis had chugged 20 ounces of Red Bull. He was like, Reid Sheppard, best shooter in the draft, and he goes into Billis Mode. But with Sahr and Risa Shay, it was just like, Well, good athlete, not great. It was a lot of back in a couple of it stuff. But anyway, what did you think of that?


Yeah, I did notice that. But I think anybody that's like, their life is in college basketball. I watched a couple of different preview shows today. And anybody that's making a living in college basketball is telling you how amazing Zack Eady is, which I knew we're going to get to a little bit later. But Billis is a college basketball guy first, so he's going to be more excited about Reid because he's a Kentucky guy as opposed to two French dudes, one that was playing in Australia. I did see a tweet, it was making the rounds. I don't know if it was a Wizards media member or something. I don't even remember what it was, but it was just like a lot of intriguing players for the Wizards this upcoming year. And they just started listing all of them. And you go, dude, when people say intriguing, it's actually such a an insult. Whenever somebody would say, Oh, yeah, I met with ESPN about a potential job, what did they say? Oh, they said they were intrigued by my tape. I'm like, Oh, that's a no.


Yeah, I spent two hours talking to this girl last night. How did it go? She said she was intrigued.


It's the nicest possible way to say it's not happening. I think I discovered that. I knew that before because I'd met a couple of people be like, Oh, you met with talent? Yeah, what they say? They were intrigued with my demo.


So you think Washington was intrigued by Sarr's defensive premise?


I think they were intrigued by a lot of stuff with Sarr, but to have somebody list all of those names, and it was Jordan Poel in there and Kulabali. I would say Kulabali. Let's not even use the word intriguing. I'm excited about what Kulabali could potentially be. Sure. Kisper. And then it was like, Johnny Davis was still in the tweet. I thought they were going to run Johnny Davis Night Highlights.


I'm going to draft one more piece of the Minnesota thing.


A lot of T-wolves here. I like it.


No, with the Dillingham part. You mentioned the Irrational Confidence guys, sometimes it takes a while to figure it out. It's a fun roller coaster ride to go on. Sometimes the first team that draughts them ends up not being the team. We saw this with Deion Waiters. We saw this with Malik Monk.


Was there ever a for Deion Waiters? Really?


We saw it with... Well, there was when he went to Miami, remember? He had that nice little run on Miami. Jordan Crawford bounced around. Sometimes these guys take a little while to find themselves. It's just going to be interesting. I already wanted to watch Minnesota anyway because they aren't, but now it's this extra guy that they added to the movie. This is basically Fast and Furious 5, and it's like the Rocks in this one. I'm like, Whoa, not good compared to pair it with The Rock. But it's just a movie cast That's more interesting because I just thought they were bringing back the same team. I do think they're going to need him. I think they're going to need his scoring. What else did you have for favorite things?


I just want to share this, though, too, because Dillingham's size, because it's not just the 6'1, it's that he's weighting at 164, and the wingspan isn't necessarily that much bigger. But maybe they're thinking about with their defensive numbers, especially with the regular season, they can hide them a little bit better. I also think it's a backup plan to Conley, who just look... I think he was hurt, he was a little worn down. When you look at his synergy on catch and shoot. It's 1.42 points per shot. He was in the 98th percentile. So it's not just his creation off the dribble and getting into his shot and some drives that you're like, man, he really got creative on that. But at that size, finishing the NBA is a whole different challenge. But then when you factor in that catch and shoot number where he's essentially, based on this number, one of the best guys in college basketball this past season, that tells you that Minnesota probably looked at him and said, even if we don't have him on the ball with all the attention that Ant gets with the space that cat and Nas provide, that maybe he could just be somebody else at spacing.


We don't even need to just hand him the keys as much as you probably wouldn't want to a kid a year out of high school.


Yeah, Kyle Mann has been really good on this with all of our draft stuff the last month, talking about the two Kentucky guards and how they just weren't like spot up shooters or guys that had to come off screens. They make all kinds of threes and all kinds of shots.


Reid makes all of them.


It's scary. He makes that little Mark Price, one-legged, 12-footer in traffic, going sideways. He has all of those.


If you run Reid Sheppard off a high screen and you're not there to meet him immediately, it's over. I don't know that there's been a kid I've watched in years where his misses were all awesome. Just rattling around soft on the rim. It's like, I can't believe that didn't even go in. That's how good of a shooter Reid Sheppard is.


We didn't hear a ton about Dillingham. It was interesting because Rich Paul was his agent, and Rich Paul was on the or Clutch was his agent, and they were on the Bronnie James PR tour. I actually felt like Dillingham became a little underrated by the time the draft started. What else do you have for a big picture draft night stuff that you loved? What's your next thing?


I just think it's the concept of right and wrong with this, and ultimately what you're tasked with doing and how hard it is to predict who's going to be better and who's going to buy in. I mean, there's automatics. It's not just the number one pick in the previous years, but All the time that I spent watching the guys in the lottery, I'm like, Find the guy that's going to be an All-Star. There's going to be two of these guys in the being All-Stars, and all of us are going to look stupid. And I just had the hardest time with it. Risa Shay going one. I get what the high side of it is, but I imagine there's teammates of him in France being like, I cannot believe that guy was the number one pick in the NBA draft. And maybe he turns out to be great, but based on what he is right now, it's the story of this draft. You just think, okay, he's huge, he can shoot. He's not a crazy athlete, and there's just not very much on the ball that he's doing. Now, I don't know if that was the team, because I went back and watched His team play Solange's team.


So it was like his team against Chalet. And for the first half, Risa Shay doesn't even do anything. He's in the corner the entire time. And then he had this incredible baseline floater drive. Then he had another drive where it looked like something had clicked for him being like, I need to get us back into this game. So I thought that was a positive. But whenever you're thinking about him as the number one player, you're going like, What is he going to do in Atlanta this first year? And for Hawks fans, you probably have to prepare your sofa a number one pick that may be an afterthought offensively the first season.


And that's why it's such a dangerous pick. And we've been talking about this for the last couple of weeks on different Ringerpods. The baggage that comes with being the number one pick for better and worse, if you're not good right away, I think, especially in the culture we live in now, that's so much more 24/7 day-to-day than it used to be back in the Michael Olo Candy era, where he'd be like, Man, Olo Candy sucks, and he's 24. Why did they take him over Paul pierce? But there wasn't a vehicle to just discuss this constantly. Now you look at this. I had it marked down the first time Castle plays him, the first Spurs This Hawks game we have, what do you think is going to happen with Castle in that game? Do you think he'll have that one marked? He'll be like, Oh, finally, I get to play the French guy. I'm just going to try to ruin his life for two and a half hours. I do think you have to factor that in a tiny bit. They showed in the beginning of the draft, they had those two Hawks fans wearing berets.


You just think like, Man, this franchise can't buy breaks. They have fans drinking beer and wearing berets in the stands. I don't know, Billis. This is two Billis quotes I wrote down. He's not a spectacular athlete, but he's athletic. Actual quote from Jay.


I missed the diary, man. I missed the diary.


Then he said, I wrote down this one, too. He's not really a creator. That's definitely true. All right, so let's just unpack those two. Not really a creator, good athlete, not great. What am I getting with the number one pick? I would either want somebody that's a good creator, an incredible defensive player, or a spectacular athlete. And I went over three. So I don't know. That pick, it set off a lot of bus signals. I'm always hesitant to be like, It's going to be a bus or that guy's going to be great, because with the draft, you never know. But it just it checked a lot of bust red flags that we've just seen over the last 30 years. It really concerned me.


Yeah, very concerned. But to the original point, if he went seventh, we'd all like them.


Right. It would be like the guy Charlotte took. Oh, good value. Number 6.


Solange is just a completely different player. I mean, I said it in part one.


They didn't even know how to show highlights of them. Do you see the highlight package they had? It was like, What is this?


I was waiting for somebody to talk about his handle because I was like, I want to see if somebody's going to lie up there. I want to see if somebody's going to say, Oh, he's pretty good off the dribble. It's like, No, he isn't. But I cannot tell you how many clips I'd be like, Wait, what did he What did he just do to that guy? He got mad at somebody and then just decided, I go, I'm going to ram my shoulder into you on this drive, and I'm going to get called for an offensive foul, and I don't care. And it's exactly what he did. He just murdered this guy because he was mad about some other thing. I'm not talking about him as a Draymon or a Kenneth Farid thing because he's clumsy, but he's going to be a lot of fun for Charlotte fans.


What football player would you compare him to? What is he?


I'd say when Gronk has his MCL or ACL blown out but gets another 10 yards. Because I think I go, Is his feet enormous? He's just huge. And is he clumsy? No, he's not clumsy. He had one play where he was on the other side of the hoop and he read it perfectly, and he came over and pinned it on the glass in help and then grabbed it, and then he wanted to take it Coast to Coast. And then he was like, wait a minute. Then he just a pirouette and stops himself and gets it to someone else. What he'll do, likely, and this is where LaMelo is going to be really good with him, is he'll stick him in the corner. Hopefully, he makes enough threes that you have to feel. But at the minute you turn away from him, he was just living on these baseline cut lobs and trying to rip the rim off the backboard. So I would imagine there's going to be other young players on the Hornets going, Why are you taking this so seriously? And it's probably somebody you need to wake everybody up, all these other young guys.


I don't know if he's going to be good, good. But I can't wait to see him play.


You got me excited about him because you were so excited about him that I watched some of the highlights. It reminded me of an eighth-grade game when there's the kid who's bigger than everybody in the eighth-grade game and the parents are like, How old is that kid? He just hasn't really fit into his body yet. He's wearing the wrong sneakers, and he's just flying around doing stuff. You're like, What's going on with this guy? That was his vibe as a 19-year-old.


I remember reading Fall River Dreams the first time. Then Lee Montville is essentially quoted because Chris Heron's team, his older brother, Michael Heron, was playing for Fall River, and they were playing in the garden because it was the state championship. Basically, Lee, who's decades in the NBA, going, I cannot keep my eyes off Michael Heron. It's what I kept thinking about when I was talking to you, when I was watching Solange.


We'll take a break for the podcast. All right, I'm going to draft the next thing. We have three French guys drafted in the top six.


Can you imagine how pissed off Gilbert Arenas' podcast this week?


Well, it's a red flag because they list all the French guys ever, and they start with Wemby. It was like, Oh, Wemby, that might end up being one of the greatest pics of all time for what we know. But then, the Wizards are trading up as we're talking. But then they some of the other French guys, and you're like, Oh, and they just show that list. But it got me thinking, Reid Sheppard was the first American drafted. So I was like, When was the last time a white guy was the first American drafted in the NBA draft? What year do you think it was?




White guy, first American in the NBA draft.


Sean Bradley was two. I'm going to say late '70s.


Kent Benson, 1977. I was going through all the drafts of basketball reference, and I'm like, Come on, there had to have been one. I keep going back. Oh, my God. Just going back for a half hour, going through these draughts. And that was it. Kent Benson, 1977.


The only reason I came close is I just went through the internal Rolodex, the hard drives up top here, going through every single number one pick of the last 40 plus years.


There's been some Van Horn, there's Sean Bradley. There's been some close ones, but Reid was the first one. But I just think the way we think back to that Goofy 2013 draft with Bennett going first and all the other things, it was like, man, What happened that year? That draft was crazy. Then Yannis ends up getting picked and becomes the superstar from it. I do wonder if this draft is going to be exactly like that. We're like, What was that draft? What was the name of that French guy who went first? Rizache. Then he just went back to France five years later and then became awesome in France. I could see, to me, all bets are off with this one. What else do you have for Things You Loved? Let's see here. Give me another one. I have more if you need- No.


Yeah, go ahead. Why don't you go ahead now, and I'll make sure I do one that I really want to do?


Well, I have a tie because we had two teams triple down on something that wasn't really working to begin with, Portland and Detroit. Portland had DeAndre Ayton and Rob Williams at center, two guys they traded for last year. Then at number seven, they took a center. They took Clingin. I thought that was just weird because I don't think Aten's... Really, I don't think there's a ton of trade value for him. I can't imagine he's happy. Remember there were some weird Ayton quotes during the end of the season where he's like, Finally, people are getting to see what I could do because he's putting up big stats. Now it's like, Oh, by the way, just drafted a center instead of a wing that can get you the ball.


Aten quotes, by the way, never make me feel good. Yeah, they're rough. Yeah, great point.


It'd be a good Twitter account, just somebody just tweeting DeAndre in quotes. But I thought the worst one was Detroit. Now, I actually liked Ron Holland. But if you're going to do a draft of teams that shouldn't take yet another non- shooter, Detroit would have been the runaway first team. They just said, Fuck it. Now they just said, fuck it. And now They have Holland, they have Asar Thompson, and they have Ivy, who we both really like, but I wouldn't say he's a dead eye. I don't know how you played two of those guys together, much less three. The Knicks just took George, by the way, from Miami. What do you think of that, though? What was more egregious, Detroit or Portland tripling down?


Probably Detroit, even though I probably like Holland more than other people seem to. I'm not saying I put the best effort in this year, but he's just so good downhill. He's so aggressive.


He's young.


Everybody has been around him. I mean, depending on the recruiting services you want to look at, it was either he or Collier, a US Sees point guard is the number one player coming out of their high school class, which I do like that move. I'm not saying it always bears fruit, but looking at some of these guys that were huge high school guys and then maybe have a bad year. The G League Ignite team was a disaster this year. But his shot looks like it's actually broken, but they brought in Vincent, the shooting coach. So that's probably part of it. So I like the pick, but you're right, because I'm still holding out hope for Ivy, and Cade needs spacing. For Cade Cunningham, him to be the best that he can be. But then at the same time, what are they supposed to do? Just take Dalton Connect, who is his own story with him falling tonight. So when you're not good, don't draft on need, even though it would have been nice if they could have got some spacing there. But I still like the pick. Here I'm saying I'm being critical of it.


You like the pick, not the team.


Yeah. You know what? I'm fine with it. I'm not outraged by it. When you're not any good, I'm not going to sit there and be like, Oh, my God, you guys need a power forward that can stretch you forward. It's like, You know what? You win 20 games before we start worrying about this stuff.


To me, it speaks more of the decade they've had where now you have this other... You just had these four lottery picks that make no sense together. If Kade, Ivy, Thompson, and Now, well, yeah, Durn, I guess they traded for it, but then you take Holland today and it's like, Well, that's not your foundation for a winning team.


What would you have done, though? Would you have looked at the roster? Even though we completely agree on the Kade thing needing spacing, do you go, okay, well, cool. Now I have to take a shooter way higher than I want to have five?


Honestly, I would have traded back because I think Klingon had more value than anybody at five or six, and I would have tried to trade back. What's weird is once they get on the clock, these teams always seem I'm like, Wow, it's so fast. We pretty much knew. I thought there was a chance Klingon could go to three with Houston because just from a trade possibility, but we pretty much knew the top four was the heavy favorite to be the top four, like on Fandle, the way it went with Risa Shay, Saur, Sheppard, Castle. They had to know that was the most likely scenario in that five. They must have just loved Ron Holland. But to me, I don't really understand how that helps. Cade.


No, but you never know with Charlotte.


Now, Cade's in just purgatory.


I don't know if Charlotte would have taken another wing with Miller and the fact that LaMelo is going to have the ball as much as he is, and then is Holland not enough spacing? And then did Charlotte think, well, we can't move down because we like Solange so much, and they're worried that San Antonio is going to take them at eight. So maybe San Antonio is more willing to move the pick because they wanted to draft him just to have...


But where's Memphis in this? Where's Memphis? I don't know. Where's Memphis in this? So Memphis takes Ed at nine. Why can't they move up from nine to five and get a clinging and give Detroit stuff?


See, this is a great question. I love that you asked this because there was a team this week that was like, Memphis is just going to look at the Excel spreadsheet and they're going to take Ed. I was like, come on, dude.


And I sent a guy a text. So you think they had a mark down.


I was like, wow, he nailed that one. I have to imagine as much as everybody talks about Memphis being involved in all these different things, what was really the price to get in front of Portland? Where that had to be Clingon's floor? What was the price to get up to six there, or was Charlotte so in love with Solange?


But if you're Detroit, don't you feel like Ron Holland's probably there at nine? You have to love him so much that you can't risk it, that over the next four picks, he's not going to be there. I just, I would have taken that as an asset. Can you imagine?


All right, but say they have Holland rated the third best player.


Obviously, they did.


Can you imagine? Right. Can you imagine how sick you would feel then somebody else is moving up and then they say, Chicago goes, let's move up two spots. Yeah, but come on.


We both know this draft, at least from the standpoint of nobody could have had Holland. This draft wasn't good enough to be that attached to really anybody, I don't think. It's like, Oh, we didn't get Ron Holland. We're fine. We'll get somebody else. This isn't the 2003 draft where it's like, Wade to Cayman, massive drop off. We can't risk This is like, we'll be fine.


You're right, but I don't think that's human nature. I think they spend an entire year thinking about this. You fall in love with somebody, and then you start. Everybody started agreeing in the room, and it's going to be exciting. You would have thought the Atlanta Hawks front office drafted Wemby. They had that shot of them freaking out, grabbing each other. I was like, I hope this works out for her. This video is going to live in infamy.


What would your strategy be for the draft room if you ran a team? How many people would be in there? Would you allow the video of everybody celebrating? Would it just be three people? You're a pretty private guy. You're not a big numbers guy. It's just like it'd just be you, Sourudi and Kyle, and that's it.


I mean, me being by myself would be pretty.


Maybe one of the Kings, maybe the fourth defenseman on the LA Kings, just the four of you guys. Chris Long shows up halfway through.


Yeah, I'd be like, Oh, you guys are already picked? My bad, dude. What would you do? It would be you and your dad?


I would not have the giant room because if the pick sucks, then that video lives on forever, right? Everybody high-fiving. It's like, remember? Remember we took that guy who We took Johnny Davis, who's now out of the league. There I am high-fiving Ted Leon as his son. This sucks.


Now, I'm just thinking of how funny it would have been if there was just general indifference, like the Wizards draft room, it's a winger just going like... Just awkward.


Just people looking at each Don't celebrate. What should we do? Can you go get me a coffee? The Portland, what happens with their center position now? Because they're going to have Aten and Rob Williams and Well, Rob is always hurt, so that problem is all. Maybe they just factored that in. They're like, Rob's a bonus. If he could play 20 games. See, I thought that was a weird pick.


I think the motivation behind the Rob acquisition tells you that they still wanted a pair a big defensive anchor to make it easier for Aiton. Or, now look, if somebody's going to go small, now Aiton has something. The great thing about Aiton when he first came out was that he could switch on these smaller players. You were thinking This is going to be one of those guys, a big... We were talking about him in '21, you're thinking, this is a big that you don't have to take off the floor. There's a bunch of these bigs you get worried about, these picking roles, and he's not going to be that. But I just don't know that he's as motivated to be the player that he should be, considering his physical gifts.


But it might- The next just took your French guy.


Oh, dude, Dattier. I don't know. Do they trade Bridges?


That's it. Do they cancel the Bridges trade? They don't need them.


Is it too late? Have they done the paperwork on that one?


Espn tried this new thing this year with the positions where they put W for wing next to the guys. I would have liked to have at least been consulted and maybe have them run it by us. It's too confused in me. I see the W and I I don't know what it is. It's always been guard, forward, center. Maybe they should make it wing. I don't know. I don't love it. Do you like that pick for them? They got him and they got the Miami three-point shooter, the Knicks on 24 and 25.


I really like Daddy. I couldn't believe that he was... I thought we would be surprised and see him go a little bit higher. The competition for him wasn't as good, considering the league that he was playing in. And there's not a huge sample size on these numbers because he's playing 15 minutes a game. But when you look at the possessions and the way synergy does it, and it's one of the biggest things that I do before I would drive, is look at his tendencies and then look at his points per shot and then look at where he is percent-wise amongst other players that you're comparing him to. And he spots up 37% of the time, transitioned 14% of the time, off-ball cuts 11% of the time, pick and roll ball handling 8% of the time, offensive rebound 7% of the time, ISO only 6% of the time. But Every one of those basically graded out as very good or excellent, except for transition, which is a little surprising, considering how athletic he is. You can do, well, I'm not saying with the Knicks next year, he probably barely... Like, Tibbs isn't going to exactly run them out there and play them a ton.


But the foundation of what you saw, you went, there's not this glaring weakness. It seems like they used him in a bunch of different ways, and he excelled in all of them. The fact that he was that good in the pick and roll ball handling stuff, which was still a small part of his offense, just shows you. Because you keep watching him going, All right, these shots are going in towards the end of the season. Oh, wait. Now he's running some high ball screen and he's seeing some things. People were talking about him a lot the last few weeks. You love the French?


I think you're the most pro-French you've ever been.


Hey, man, the PR has been bad on the French for about- You might have to bang out some French history books this summer.


I don't know who's left.


Look, without them, we're all eating black gravy and crumpets.


Kyle says the Knicks are trading the Miami three-point shooter to Washington. Oh, true. Washington is loading up. I have two more things I really liked.


Johnny Furphy is still available.


The Sixers got Jared McCain, who, as you know, is my favorite outside the top 10 guy in the draft and somebody I watched for a couple of years here in LA, and I just love that kid. I know he's going to be good. It's a home run pick. I'm just telling you now, feel free to cut this clip out and try to haul it with me forever.


Sell us on it.


The guy went to Centennial in LA, and all he did was play in big games, and his team just always beat the other teams, really until last year's senior year of Harbor West, finally beat them. But just your classic incredible, like charisma, leader, personality, better in the last four minutes of games, makes the biggest shot with a minute left, just like a fucking gamer and a great guy. Then he went to Duke, struggled for a month. Then as the season went on, became the best part in the team by the end of the year. I just think that's the perfect guy for Philly. That guy will definitely play for them next year. There'll be one out of every 10 games that he'll look like shit. But I'm telling you, that guy, he has it. Then you have him and Maxi as your backcourt. It's like the all-time feel-good personality backcourt. Those are two great guys. We'll see what else happens. There's a lot of Paul George buzz, which we didn't even talk about yet. It just seems like he's leaving the Clippers now. We did a lot on this on Sunday, but it really seems like it's headed that way now.


If you're Philly, they got a rotation guy, they're going to spend a bunch of cap on Paul George, potentially. Ogie's out the window, even since we did part one, the next signed Ogie. But this is somebody that I think could play for them. Did you study him at all or no?


Yeah, I did. I think it's beyond numbers with him. It's this composure, this trust, and you watch him and he's so comfortable in the biggest moments. I think the best part is that you can play him on and off the ball. I don't know, though, they're going to be closing games with he and Maxie right away.


No, I'm not. That won't be next year. But he'll be in the mix for them. He's the Trent Dilfer grab the car keys thing. I think he's a grab the car keys guy. He's just the guy that... I thought they needed a guy who could play right away. I thought Miami did, and I thought the Knicks did. It was interesting. All in a row, McCain and Connect were available there for basically 13 on. Thirteen, Sacramento got Carter. They're basically, even though it didn't work out with Mitchell, I guess he just slides into that Mitchell spot as that energy defensive, just throw him out and have him go nuts. He has so many tricks.


He looks like a kid that... I think I already said this, so I'll just say it again. But he looks like somebody whose dad was in the the NBA and spent years in the driveway trying to figure out how to score on his dad. That has molded him into this. Now, I don't know with Sacramento if he's going to get the offensive opportunities, but I feel like the complete version of him is still more offensively advanced than what Mitchell was.


Fun guy to have on a team that already has a bunch of scoring, right?


Yeah, because I don't think you ever have to worry because the biggest reason why a lot of this stuff doesn't work out is the guy shows up and you're like, Oh, this guy isn't even that into it. He was 6'10, and now we have a problem. And Devon Carter is the complete opposite of that. They call him a great athlete. I know he tested really well, and it's absurd that he averaged nine boards a game because of his standing reach and the wingspan. It's 6'9 for 6'3 guy. But I don't even know if it's his athleticism as much as it's just his want to.


If you're under 6'4 and you average nine rebounds a game in college, and it's division one, I'm just impressed. I don't need to really know I don't need to know anything else about what happened. It's just a lot of rebounds. We have big guys in the NBA who can't get to eight rebounds a game. So I like that pick. I thought at 15, Miami, gets this year's possible Derrick Lively, rim protector, lob guy. And then at 16, Philly gets McCain. And then at 17, Connect falls to the Lakers. And it's like, I can't think of a better pick for them. They It had to have been. They showed the war room, and it was one of the War Room videos where it was like, Oh, those guys are actually euphoric. They can't believe this guy fell to them at number 17. He's going to immediately be able to play for them. He's exactly what they needed from the draft, like another shooter and a little bit of a heat check guy. He's going to have a chip on his shoulder now because he had to sit there for an hour as all these other guys got taken.


But I thought that was incredible by them.


The teams hate old guys. They just do. I remember all the years with Vitel on the draft, he just losing his mind being like, How is Keith Bogan still there? The numbers do back it up. If you want to search for this stuff, and I've looked at it, when you start projecting out, you really don't want to be drafting guys 23, 24 years old despite what the numbers- It's the Wesley Johnson corollary. Yeah, but if you're sitting there at the Lakers pick and you have a better chance, especially with this with LeBron and AD- You need somebody to play next year and not be scared with LeBron and AD.


Because basically, they missed this a year ago with Haukez, where he's somebody that I think could have played for them, and they went with the young point guard instead. So this year, they got somebody who could play right away, and I think he's going to play. Why do you think he fell? People were thinking he could go to Charlotte at 6:00. It was the most dramatic fall of the draft.


Yeah, there was a lot of people telling me the range was probably 7-10, and that his gap was very narrow. Givoni brought it up, and I thought it was great on the broadcast. It was funny because it was this emotional story moment in the draft, and Givoni's going on TV, and you could tell none of it was scripted. He's going, I have GMs texting me being like, What's wrong? What's wrong. And remember now, too, teams have way more- Paul pierce, remember Paul pierce, 1998?


What's wrong? What happened? What's this guy hiding? Yeah.


And Givoni was like, there isn't anything. And there is more access to the medicals now with the new rules that they have. Now, they don't just blindly give every medical to every single team. So it might have been funny for some of the teams maybe still thinking about Connect. Maybe they didn't have access to it because I think they do it in a tiered way. But I'd still say overall, the access is just better with some of the new rules that they've implemented. So when I think about Connect, you can look at his background and story, but he's another one of those guys who just grew really late. He grew five inches since his senior year in high school. So that's why I didn't have offers at a high school. That's why in Juco, you're like, okay. And then you go to Northern Colorado, it's like, all right, now you're in the SEC, and he went player of the year. He went as player of the year, and he was a force. I thought he was awesome. Some of those big games built at the end of the year. We're not talking about just some white guy you're going to stick in the corner either.


No. He's a shot creator. It would have been fun if the Spurs took him. Great pick for the Lakers. I thought it would have been hilarious if they took Bronnie at 17 over Connect. It just would have been amazing.


Imagine if they asked LeBron, Hey, you want to just do this? What you were thinking about, it's just taking your kid. You're like, Connect still on the board. Are you nuts?


I had some other notes, but let's take another break for the podcast. Okay, some notes I had from on telecast. Givoni called Alexar a unicorn big man. I'm just going to gently push back on that.


Gently tell me how.


I just think unicorn to me, it's like, I've never seen anything like this before, and we should just be a little more careful with the phrase. I'll do respect to Givoni. I think he does a good job, and I read everything he writes. But I don't want us to get too comfortable with the word unicorn. To me, unicorn is like, Chris Stapp's Porzingas, Ricky Year, what the fuck is this? It's Yannis as a point guard, growing from 6,9 to 7 feet with his giant fucking plastic man body in hands being like, What the fuck is this? Let's just Let's not go crazy with a seven-foot-one guy who can protect the rim and shoot threes. I've seen that before. He's not a unicorn.


I would agree that unicorns at that size, it's usually something where you… Like, Durant is a unicorn. Wembenyama is a unicorn.


Durant is a unicorn. Yeah. I saw- He was like, I've never seen a scoring forward like Kevin Durant in my life before. This is a unicorn. And by the way, I haven't seen it since he was in the draft.


Right. If there's any glimpses where you're like, Did we just take a bigger Bizmak Biambo? You can't be called a unicorn.


Wembeyawnah, unicorn. Totally good. A good one. I didn't think of that. Totally good with throw the unicorn for Wembeyawnah. All right, next thing I had written down. That Houston team is It was fun on paper. I just wrote down all the names. I just stared at it. Vanvleet, Jalen Green, Sheppard, Dylan Brooks, Thompson, Eison, who comes back, Whitmore, Jibari, Schengen, and Steven Adams. What a Why are they so desperate to try to trade for Kevin Durant? Just ride this roster out. Let these guys get good together. I think they're in a great spot to settle down, Houston. This worked out really nice for you. Sheppard will be really fun for them. Great Van Biet insurance. They'll have a nice... If Sheppard is really ready right away, don't they have that team option on Van Biet? Can't they get out of that after a second year? I think they can, or they can double down on it. I thought that's what it was.


Yeah, I just want to double check, too, because Jocq-Landell- It was like 125 for three years.


Oh, yeah, Jocq Landaou. I forgot about him.


Four-year deal. So, yeah, I'll look up Vanbleet, but I think you're right about that, that there's an earlier option because it was one of those deals with the way it was reported. You're like, What? They had to pay him that much, and then they don't have any control over it.


The only thing I don't love for Sheppard is there's a lot of clear-out guys on this team, and I wonder if it'll If he had gone to the Spurs, I thought that would have been an amazing fit for him. Houston, I'm not sure. I'm not sure there's just a slew of shots there. Would you say?


Yeah, there's an out after the second year for Van Cleet. Club option, $45 million. You know what it might mean, though? It might mean that Sheepard is going to have a lot of open looks. Oh.


Minnesota just took Terrence Shannon Jr, 27th. That's another old guy. That's my guy is still on the board, Shierman, who I know the Celtics won't actually take, but...


But the same thing with Connect. You talk to teams about Terrence Shannon, and they go, Well, he's... What does he turn? 24. He turns 24 in July.


Yeah. He's going to be a 24-year-old summer leaker. Next thing I wrote down. Bill is calling Steph Castle a bigger Drew holiday because Bill doesn't say stuff like that. If he says it, he really means it and you put thought into it. When he said that, first of all, I was like, I'm super jealous. I wish I had thought of that. Then second, it's like, if he's a bigger Drew holiday, that's going to be the best pick in the draft. I really wonder if we're just going to look back at this draft and be like, Atlanta should have just taken Castle. What were they doing? Same way we looked at that Ola Dippo draft in 2013. It's like, No, you can't go for it. Then it's like, You know what I mean? You should just take an Ola Dippo. It was the safest bet on the board. I think Castle was the safest bet out of the top seven guys to be good.


Yeah, I think other teams would argue Reid, but I can understand the argument against it for it.


Well, but Atlanta didn't need Reid is the problem because of the- I have no issue with that.


I have no issue with that. You're saying about Castle. It's totally possible. And Hurley, whether he was on the broadcast tonight or on the podcast with me or wherever he's been, because he's been in a lot of places, just look, you got to sell your guys a little bit for the lottery, but just raving about him. And the stuff that I saw, especially when I went in person and watching it up close, I just I couldn't believe how invested, how competitive he was. He still cared about off-ball defense up 40 against Stetson. I said it several times because I just couldn't believe watching it. I'm a few rows back going, look at this guy. He's this into it the whole time. I would say, though, based on when Drew was coming out at UCLA, the pace and understanding of running an offense where Drew was at at this stage versus where Castle is, I wouldn't say those are close.


Yeah, but I think Castle ends up being a wing, right? Drew, we always felt like he's a guard. Maybe he could be a point guard, he'll be a guard. Castle, I would assume is a wing. Next thing I wrote down, Givoni said, Saloon was, His skill level is a work in progress. I thought that was accurate, and you probably agreed. That was the version of intriguing. How's the skill level? It's a work in progress. It sounds super positive.


If anyone ever asked you about me, How's Ursula been with you guys? He's a work in progress. That's worse than intriguing. I guess that I have the job. That means it's better than I'm intriguing.


But... Okc trades five second rounders to the Knicks for the 26th pick, Dylan Jones. That's fine. Oh, God. Denver took Ryan Dunn. Oh, my Lord. We should have predicted that pick.


Just so you're aware, the way people talk about Ryan Dunn's defense is light. Just they cannot believe how good he is defensively. Maybe the impressive defense is matched only by- How bad his offense is?


Yeah. But 6'6 and basically American thieball would be what you hope for with this? As you know, I love when... If I'm in the late '20s and I can get somebody who has an elite scale, I'm pumped.


Wait, what's the OKC trade?


It's five second-round picks for the number 26 pick.


Oh, so that's to Washington, right? Yeah.


Okay, sure.


We had 23 of them.


Another thing I wrote down. Did we talk about Edy on Memphis enough?


No, not at all. Go.


Yeah, I'm sure Ja is not doing back flips because it's just this big guy that's going to be in his way. But it goes back to what we've been saying all week. It's like, I still... That guy's a rotation player to me. You can bring him in for two eight-minute stretches in both tabs and the other team's like, Fuck, they brought E. D. In. It's just a pain in the ass. There's going to be nights and teams that he just torches. I'm a huge fan, and I've been talking about it all week, but I just think he's, worst case scenario, a 15 to 20 minutes a game guy who's almost like in football where it's like, Oh, we already have a tight end. Why need another tight end? Because now we can do this three tight end shit and it'll be super cool. Can't do it all the time, but sometimes. Now it says done is going to the Suns. Not Denver. Too bad.


But yeah, I just- Big wing. Is Durant on the move now?


Maybe this was the gateway to a Durant trade. But anyway, I just I like the Memphis team that I think we both think is going to be pretty good. He's definitely a rotation guy, and I like everybody else in a rotation. I don't really like him.


Maybe they just got so sick of all their bigs being hurt. They were like, Let's get one that will never get hurt. I think he will clearly play in the league a long time. I actually think that he will, but look at post-up numbers, and nobody does it anymore. I remember I went back and looked at the last guy that had huge numbers. I think Al Jefferson led the league with 19 post-ups a game.


He made an All-NBA one year.


Yeah, you can sort through all that stuff and then look at how many players are averaging more than six post-ups a game in today's NBA. I don't even think it's 10 players. So even if he's really good at it and he gets the other team in a foul trouble, that means you're taking the ball out of all these other guys' hands in the three-point part of it. And the other part with Ja, I don't really understand why you'd want Edi in there It's like dragging more defense in. I like a five-out option for Ja. But look, they didn't want to keep Alan Shunis, even though he was the better player. They wanted a defensive anchor like Adams. And then he gets hurt, and they flip that It's a Houston.


I like the idea of him and Triple J together. I want to see it. Maybe it'll be a disaster. By the way, the USA- By the way- Go ahead. What? Usa kid just went to Utah. I'll call you. Danny. That was the next thing I had written down. Danny with pedigree guys. He took Cody Williams at 10, who some people thought was the best high school player last year. Then it's Collier at 29, who was the number one ranked guy heading into his senior year in high school. A couple more pedigree guys for Danny.


Unless they move them. But I don't know why you would take this specialty player, Edy9, even in a bad draft. Who knows? It could end up being wrong. But there was something that I was watching in one of the other preview shows, and I couldn't believe it when it was said, it was like Zack Eedy had zero transition points all season long. And I went, there's no way. There's no way that's true, considering all the minutes that he's played. And it was almost like presenting him as somebody who can't keep running. I'm like, the best thing about Edy is that his energy doesn't really fall off. And he plays that many minutes. He takes that beating.


He's terrible.


And he's still playing the entire time and putting up these kinds of numbers. I looked it up on Synergies. It's not true. I'm not telling you he's got a ton of transition buckets. But he has some. But he has some in there. So that was making the rounds because as soon as I saw it, I went, there's no way. There's no way.


Chicago gets Buzellas, who is from the Chicago area. So it was an emotional time for the family.


How confused are people about that?


Lithuanian GM.


This guy's from Lake Forest? What?


His name was Mike Bays.


If you watch Buzellas for Bulls fans, if you haven't If you just watch the clips, you will not believe that he landed there.


It's a good value at 11. I have no idea if he's going to be good. We've seen versions of this guy fail in different draughts, like the 6'8, 6'9, 6'10, forward, who is like, he can't shoot yet, but he's a crafty offensive player, and it just never happens. I was thinking of that Korolev on the Clippers. It was one of my favorites of those. It's like, oh, man, when do you see him? He's got size, he's a slasher, he can shoot. Then you watch him, you're like, This guy sucks. Yeah, a lot of times this guy fails. Franz was the opposite. Franz made it. Then the only other one was, okay, he took Topich at 12, which passing on Connect, which I got to say, I was surprised. I thought Connect seemed very Sam Presty-ish to me, but I'm never sitting on a Presty pick. No, I just thought because they're pretty close to winning a title and that's somebody you could stick in a corner and make some threes or run some plays for. But it just feels like they were pushing this draft off and they didn't want to use cap space on it, basically.


Topich is good. Some were calling him the Servian Gitty. He's 19 in August, so He's another really young guy, which I think would be more along the lines of what Presty wants to do. If he doesn't suffer the ACL tear in May, he's probably going up a few spots higher.


He's in the 7-9 range, probably.


But the more you watch him, the more you like him. He's just good. The shooting is clearly an issue because he's had 28 games in the last three years in the EuroLeague and the Adriatic League, where it's also called the Admiral Bet, ABA. But he's 25% from three in those 28 games. But with mega, he shot it a lot better. He's 87% in all these games from the free throw line. But his passing really is that good. And the cool thing Again, in that pressy mold, the multiple guys. Can you have the ball in your hands and you can play off of the ball? And despite his passing and running the pick and roll and all the stuff that's really good with him and all the numbers for him, it's basically 40% of the possessions were out of pick and roll, ball handler, and they were off the charts numbers. He was really good off of the ball and wasn't running back to it. When I watched Collier play, when he didn't have the ball, he was almost annoying. Right? That makes sense based on Presti's multiple guys.


That's your least favorite basketball quality, I think.


Off-ball disinterest, I hate it.


Off-ball disdain. I also hated playing with those guys back in the day. It's like, some of us can have the ball, too, in this position. What are you doing?


Well, I don't even care if you talk, but if you're not ever doing anything off of the ball- Yeah.


Do stuff. Move around. Switch the corners.


Make the team think shit's going to happen.


One other thing with Topich, it was one of those things that never occurred to me. Okay, so he was going to take them, and then it made so much sense when they did take him. He's also 6'7. He's one of those, they just love those dudes with size Who had these multi-skilled, whatever. It just made a ton of sense. Well, the Celtic pick.


You got it? You got it in guesses?


I was hoping for either Sherman or the Marquette Center. Is it either of those?


I don't know yet.


This is it. This is the last pick. So the Bronnie 10 to 1 going in the first round. Everyone lost that bet. I had I recommended some bets. I hit one, I hit a McCain one. But one of the ones that I really liked was Clingin to go top five with Edy to go top 15. It was plus 125. And then Clingin, I'm shocked he fell out of the top five. I thought for sure somebody was going to trade up and grab them because of the value.


There was a stretcher we thought it might go number one, but that was clearly not the case.


How did you feel about Adam Silver's performance tonight?


I think as I get older, I just enjoy it because he just seems excited.


He really does.


He just loves it. He really seems like he's into it. They took my guy. Furphy?


They took Shireman. I've been calling for him for two months. I'm so excited.


Wing, W.


Lefty, crazy, Sam Hauzer, basically. This is great. What if they take it for any? I'm so glad we got this live on YouTube. This was the guy I wanted. Look, he's got a mustache. They're showing the video now. He is a lights-out shooter. First team on Big East last year? No, he He's a freaking shooter. The thing is, all they want are shooters, right? That's why it made sense, because the whole concept of the team is we want everybody to be able to shoot from three. That's Missoula's life goal is just to have all shooters. Well, great stuff. What a way to end the pot. I'm really just delighted. I might have to have a beer. I might have to have a Michelobultra. What about a Jersey?


Is it too early to order one? You better make sure because I think the tax hit on this is significant.


Kyle's Drake made a jersey showed up.


The real one?


Yeah, he got one on Fanatics, right? Kyle, what did you get? Was it a triple figures spending or did you get the replica? It was a T-shirt jersey.


I'm not- T-shirt?


Oh. Well, you know what happened? You know what this is? There's been some trauma from the Mac Jones experience.


Or the Josh Gordon Jersey.


And the Cam Newton and Josh Gordon.


Order the real one with stitching summer bonus. I'll Venmo you the money. We can't have you walking around.


Can I split? I'm going to split that with you, Rasilla. Let's get him.


Some should say you should pay 60, 40. Yeah, get the fancy one. It should be like north of 200 bucks. We can't have you if Drake May is going to be the face of the franchise walking around in a T-shirt jersey. You can't be at the mall smoking cigarettes outside.


But listen, Kyle was hurt. Kyle had some misfires. I think there might be an Antonio Brown jersey in his closet somewhere. I want to be a part of this investment.


Let's make this investment right because Drake may deserve it.


The only problem with the real, real jerseys is they're pretty thick and heavy, and they fire-retard in suits. Some of the cheaper jerseys are actually more fun to watch. They're like Kevlar. What was the last jersey you bought? Do you remember? Wow.


That's Now, there was a thing known long, long time ago that if you showed up to my place late night, gathering of the dudes, that there were enough jerseys for everybody to throw a jersey on. There was all these crazy, obscure ones. Oh, you had a pile of jerseys? Yeah. There's been this pile of jerseys I've moved since Vermont. There's a Moses ABA one.


A Moses ABA one?


Yeah, St. Louis spirits one. The arm kit-Oh, my God. Cut out of it is down to your waist. So it's not the hottest thing you could ever wear. I have a UMass Cambi one that I did buy when they made the final four run in '96. I think I got it from the Sports Authority. It's a great one. Yeah. So that one doesn't fit, but it doesn't stop me from putting it on. I think the last thing I grabbed was, I did grab an LSU one a couple of years ago just because it was so... But I haven't... What am I going to do? Wear it out?


Although I could be I had a lot of jerseys back in the day, and it's funny. Every time you move, they just end up in a box. I gave a couple to Kyle. I gave Kyle my Irving Freier $250 Pats Jersey. Thought that was a good one. I loved Irving Freier. It was one of those The first batch is a throwback.


It's a good one to love.


I think I've told you this, but my worst one, the one that really burned me was when the Pats got Tony Simmons at receiver. They drafted him in the second round, and I was so excited that they had a receiver named Simmons. I was in my 20s. I was like, This is it, man, me and Tony. I drove to Foxborough, went to the pro shop, and spent $190 on the Tony Simmons real jersey. By the way, I did not have money at the time.


You didn't have to be in Foxborough and you drove there?


I drove to the Patriots Pro Shop to buy a Tony Simmons jersey. No, I soloed. I probably listened to W-E-I, and I probably wasn't working. I didn't Probably didn't have that many hours going on from a work standpoint. Yeah, drove all the way down. Tony Simmons, and then his career just could not have gone worse. I think he was out of the league in two or three years.


But think how great because there's these different things. I have a cowboy up long sleeve T from '04. It's 20 years old now. I kept almost throwing it away, almost throwing it away. I'm like, I'm going to break this out one night. Now it's probably too old for the joke to even be relevant. It would have been funny or 7-10 years later. But there's a bunch of jerseys that I just can't. I think I had an Ed Coda one that I saw at Marshall's when I was 23. That's a good one. Yeah, I went, I'm just going to get this. But it wasn't like I would ever really... I might wear it at the pool or something, and I knew I looked like an asshole.


But you were more of probably a basketball jersey guy, right? Because you could show off the guns. I was more like a football hockey jersey guy. I had a Neely Jersey. I didn't even know how long I had it. It had to have been at least 12 years. Dating back to '87, '88 range, and had that all the way through until there were cigarette burns on it and all kinds of awful shit.


Just with stains. Yeah, because you were going to Pats games. You were going and you're putting on your uniform. I totally understand. It's a very normal thing to do for NFL games, especially. Just throw everybody.


Going to Pats games is not having a good time almost every time. Going to Pat's games, the worst stadium in America, and just they would probably lose most of the games you went to. It wasn't great.


But everybody was friendly, at least.


Everybody's drinking. I remember, I think I wrote about this once. My buddy Jeff and I went to a Pats Denver game during the Elway era, during when it was early Parcels, but the Pats hadn't really turned it around yet. Right before the game started, the kid right behind us threw up like Exorcist style and just leaned over and threw up. It was like a spilled soda, but it was puke. Then it just slowly dripped down underneath our feet during the next three hours as the game was going on, as the pats were getting killed by the Broncos. It was one of those. Those are the people's memories of the old Foxborough Stadium. Everybody has stories like that.


I went one time, I went to a Jets game, and it was awful. It was just awful because everybody was yelling. We had somebody else's tickets, and then there's just never enough room. The bench seating doesn't work. Somebody shows up and they have the seat, but everybody's already cozy up. Then everybody gets mad. Then some lady started yelling at me and my friend. She's like, You're not even seizing a ticket, hold us. I know whose tickets you have. You're like, Well, what are you paid for eight fucking games? Like, congrats. You want to name a street after you? Oh, Charles Barkley. I have an Auburn Charles Barkley jersey that I have been known to wear in the past.


That's a really good one.


It's great. I ordered that, I think, when I was like, 30.


Well, we're Cade and Kyle a really nice Drake May jersey.


Yeah, 60/40 split.


What's the toughest item that a member of the Opposite Sex stole from your room and wore home and said they were going to give it back to you and never did?


There's a couple of things, but I would say there's one in particular. It was a UVM lax like Zip-up, and the girl was like, I'm stealing this. She's like, I'm stealing this. I was like, Good one. She's like, No, I'm stealing this. I was like, No, it's hilarious. Then she stole it. And I actually never saw her again.


I had a Red Sox double XL sweatshirt that I bought my sophomore year in college because it was freezing and I needed a sweatshirt, and they didn't have an XL. And I was just like, Just give me that one. And I had it for years and it was my favorite sweatshirt. Then in the mid '90s, somebody wore it and I was like, I know I'm not getting this back, but you'd be chivalrous. And it's just everyone has one of those. I don't know that I've- The sweatshirt that got away.


Hey, that blouse, I'm going to just throw this over the top of what I'm wearing now. The T-shirt. The walk home.


The sweat pants. Can I have those? All right. It's officially time to end this YouTube trip. Thanks to Kyle Creighton and Steve Cerruti, as always. Thanks to a pretty weird and goofy NBA draft. We're not doing a Sunday pod. The next time, you and I will pod as well after for each day, it'll be like a week from now. But you're doing your pod Friday morning, the Rusillo podcast. Then I'm going to come back on my podcast on Sunday. Rusillo, enjoy the rest of the week. Great pod I'm with you.


Yeah, today was a lot of fun. Thanks.


On the wayside, I don't have a few years with them. On the wayside, on the Great, great pod in with you. Yeah, today was a lot of fun. Thanks.