Transcribe your podcast

I just want everybody to know, I don't want a relationship with anybody that's a criminal or that practices witchcraft, regardless of whether they're my relative or not, and regardless of their position title, where they work, where they live. So if you're a criminal or you practice witchcraft, I don't want a relationship with you.


On this episode of the commercial break, and I take my hand and I start pressing on that muscle that they were talking about, which they said is like five inches into your body, right? And I start pressing on it, pressing on. It hurts like a son of a bitch. It's so tender. It hurts, it hurts, it hurts. And I keep pushing and pushing and pushing and pushing. I mean, I am digging.


Give me the pain.


Give me the pain.


More ass pain. I need more ass pain. The next episode of the commercial break starts now. 30 in the morning. Oh, yes, it is, cats and kittens. Welcome back to the commercial break. I'm Brian Green. This is my dear friend and the co host of the show, Chris. Enjoy. Holy. Best to you, Chris.


Best to you, Brian.


Best to you out there in the podcast universe. Anything interesting happen this weekend? What'd you do? Wow.


I know that's a lot going on.


I mean, so did 7 million other people, but wow. Okay. All right, so here we are, fresh off the weekend. I mean, fresh ish off the weekend. It's Wednesday when you're listening to this, but fresh off the weekend. And, you know, big news. Last week when we didn't have a chance to talk about it, Richard Simmons died.




Yeah. Richard, huh? I know a lot of people passed Bob Newhart.


Passed Bob Newhart, Shannon Dougherty, Richard Simmons, Shelley Duvall. Duvall.


And somebody else we're forgetting about when.


I just texted you that somebody else.


We are forgetting about. But anyway, Richard Simmons passed away after, like, remember there was that pod.




Finding Richard Simmons.


When I first started really listening to poor me too.


That was like, back in 2019 or something. Yeah, 20, something like that.


Yeah, something like that. And it was word because the guy was on a mission to try and figure out what happened.


What happened to Richard Simmons in like, 2018? He, like, dipped out of private life and public life. Excuse me, to just go to be. Oh, Lou Dobbs. Okay. Yeah, I didn't watch much lose Dobbs, but I know him and I've seen him certainly on tv.


Doctor Ruth.


Doctor Ruth, that's right. We talked about her last.


Anyways, go back.


But Richard Simmons, I know, like in 2000, I want to say 17 or 18, he dipped out of public life just all of a sudden, he just, like, went away. That guy was everywhere all the time.


He was on talk shows. He was obviously selling all of his videos. He was just part of, like, the.


Mainstream culture of american culture. And, you know, whatever you think of Richard Simmons, he did a lot of good for a lot of people. By all accounts, a very, very sweet man who helped a lot of people tackle weight. But then, like, psychologically, I think, confidence.


Regain confidence and really, you know. Yeah.


I was reading a story about a woman in Oklahoma in the late eighties. Excuse me. And she had. Her weight had ballooned to over 400 pounds. Didn't know what to do. Stuck almost bedridden. Just basically had no will to live. And then that whatever it was. Rocking to the oldies. What was it?


Yeah, something like that.


Rocking the oldies, something like that.


Something about the, like a dance exercise for people that don't know about it.




And you got to.


But, yeah, and just like, you know, lifting your arms or lifting your legs, like, simple, simple movements that could help people who really had a weight problem start to lose some of that weight and get some cardioactive. And so this lady was telling the story. This is, you know, after his death, but this lady was telling this story how she bought the vhs tape.




And then wrote a letter to Richard. After a couple months of using it, losing, like, you know, 2030, 40 pounds, whatever, she saw some results. She wrote a letter to Richard, explained to him how she. He was changing her life and how she felt a connection through him with the tv when she had mainly, when she had basically no other connection to anyone in life. Her family had told her for a long time to lose weight. They didn't want to talk to her anymore. Her friends had long since abandoned her. She couldn't go out and meet new people, whatever. It was like, her and her dog, and he. And she. She something like that. I don't know what he calls anyway. I call it a throat dive. Let's call it that.Yeah.All I managed to do was scare the dog in the chair. I bet one of my kids was like, what are you doing? And I said, I'm doing my throat dives. And then they said, oh, like in the pool? And I go, no, not quite like that. This is practicing for dick sucking later on down the road on onlyfans when I need to make a couple extra books. Oh, man. Chrissy.Whoa. Strider.Wild Strider. Anyway, that's the instagram takes you through, you know, doctor telling you how to do it to chiropractor, telling you how to do it to kooky dookie, telling you how to do it. Guy that one time had back pain that now is sure that he knows how to fix everyone's back pain. I mean, it takes you down the rabbit hole and then you get distracted. Strider. I mean, hey, listen, if it works, Mister Strider, have. Oh, I think he's got quite a way more than we do. Let's put it that way. Oh, no, he's only got 232.Okay.But this one particular post has, like, 10,000 likes on it, which is, you know, I think we've gotten that accomplishment, but not by much.Yeah.All right, so let's do this. Let's take a break and we got lots more to talk about. It's an exciting week here at the commercial break.Oh, yeah.We'll be back.What's up, haters? Now let's get down to business. If you've got something to say, say it to our faces. And by that I mean text us or call us at 212433 TCB. That's 212-43-3822 you can and should also find us on Instagram, hecommercial break and on TikTokCBpodcast, unless you want to fight me, in which case, don't. And if you're just desperate to see our shining faces in person, keep your ears peeled for ticketing information about TCB live. As always, don't forget that you can find everything you could possibly need to find on our beautiful website, bye.Hey, I'm Rhett. And I'm link. Maybe you know us from our daily YouTube show good mythical morning, but this is a little trailer for our podcast Ear biscuits, where two lifelong friends talk about life for a long time and nothing is off limits. We talk about our sex lives, our mental health journeys, but we try to never take ourselves too seriously. So we invite you to not do the same or to do the same. We invite you to listen, follow, and listen to ear biscuits now for free on the odyssey app and everywhere you get your podcasts. Ah, yes, christina. Christina's out of town this week.I love christina saying, let's fight me.Yeah. Yes. You don't want to fight Christina. No, I'm telling you. I mean, I don't know, but she doesn't look at the kind of person you want to have fisticuffs with. She, she looks like she can handle her own, but she's out of town this week. Here's the weird thing that's going on on the messages right now.It used to be on our messages.On our message, okay? It used to be for the, well, used to be for the longest time, no one contacted us. But then people started contacting us sporadically. Right. And I would answer directly. I would just say, hey, Brian, or what? I wouldn't even, sometimes I wouldn't even say. I just, you know, respond. And then as the messages, you know, a year and a half ago, two years ago, the messages started to get a little bit more frequent. Then other people would answer the messages, but they would always be like, I love tcb, chrissy and Brian. Mainly about chrissy. Brian's an idiot. You know, all this other stuff Brian doesn't know he's talking about.Well, thank you for the, thank you for the love. Thank you for the love and for contacting.Yes. No, thank you for sure. And, but I mean, what, here's the point I'm trying to make. It's always about how much people love chrissy. And, I mean, there are people who certainly have said nice things about me, too, but I'm kind of the punching bag of the show, which is fine. That's the character that I, it's just like life in real life. I'm the punching bag of my real life, too. But now, all of a sudden, we're starting to get, like, christina fans, people who like what Christina says in the liners, and they 50 but mine.I don't know. You've got all the kids, so I think that keeps you exposed.It does. To all kind of drama.Yeah. So I think would with me not having that exposure all the time, I was vulnerable.I really feel bad for you. I do. And I hope this doesn't last much longer. You know, I have, there's people in this. This.You were just scared I was gonna have roid rage like you had.Well, I was pretty bad off. That was an ugly week. That was an ugly week. It was an ugly week. But it's, like, unavoidable and it worked. So that's it. Something about those steroids really does make you feel a whole fucking shit ton better.Well, they did not make me feel better.But you're on the Z Pac now, right? Yeah.Well, they gave me the Z Pac and they said if this doesn't, if the steroids don't work, because this ? And I'm like, well, it feels like a big deal in the moment to tell your children. No one wants to tell their children. No, but, you know, okay, I get it. I get it. But I still do it.Yeah.Still do it.I know it's hard not to do.We have a friend, Allison. This brings up a point. We have a friend, Allison Hare, who's a longtime friend, supporter, fan of the show. One of the reasons why I think the podcast even exists, quite frankly. We love Allison, and she's been podcasting for a long time, maybe a year and a half, longer, say a long time, a year and a half longer, long time in podcast years. And she had this episode one time, and she called me before she put it out there, and she explained, I'm about to put out a really controversial episode. I'm a little bit nervous about it. I said, well, I've heard your show. How controversial can it be? And she said, I'm going to talk about how I don't like playing with my children, how it feels like a task to me, and I don't like it. And she had on, like, a therapist, and the therapist said, this is not an uncommon phenomenon. Lots of parents don't like to play with their children. They do feel like it's a task. So maybe the thing to do is to get involved with their lives in a different way. Right.And play when you can. Of course, you've got to play with them at some point. But she had a really good explanation for what to do. I am the exact opposite. I love to play with my children. What I don't want to do, what I like, what is not interesting to me as a parent is I'm not like a, like, I'm not a huge fan of sitting there and watching some video that they're interested in. You know what I'm saying?Oh, yeah.I'd much rather be, like, interacting, doing some kind of, like, being around them, hanging out with them, because that feels interesting to me. But I love to play with them, you know?Me, too.I think I'm a kid at heart. It's hard not to be a kid at heart when you have those damn kids. And I got so fucking many of them, man. Tell you what. And now we got to buy new car seats for some of them. It's a real pain in it. They're really fucking expensive.Yes, they are.If anybody know if anybody's, like, works at a Mercedes dealership or a nice van dealership, can you send over, like, a tv, ten person van customized with televisions and a cooler and a toilet and all that other stuff. If you could just donate that to me, I would appreciate. I would be forever in your grace. So let's go to the list of things that the commercial break needs. We need a private plane. Private plane rides two, and from all of our live shows. And we will be going. Every majorca is where we're going to be going next month for two months. So if there's a pilot or a guy, somebody, guy, girl who's got a private plane, somebody out there who has access to a private plane, could you donate that plane for rides to and from our private shows? We need a van. We definitely need a van. And we just need money. Like, if you just want to cash a check, like, cut a check to us, we'll be totally okay with that.A driver.A driver.Driver and a chef.Yeah, driver and a chef. That's what Chrissy needs. Somebody once wrote us and said, how do I financially support the show? That was like the one. One.One person bank account details.Yeah, one. Zelle. I know. You know, I was like, honestly, I'll give you our Zelle account information right now. You feel free to support us, however financially you, however financial you want to get. Get there with that. Zelle. They never responded to me. Yeah, it was a nice thought. It was a nice thought. This is also like the, you know, end of the first season of the commercial break, and I am positive that no one gave a shit. I think we barely did.Yeah. No, we haven't.Oh, my gosh. What a day. What a weekend. What a couple weeks.Yeah.Unbelievable.It's just been. The news is fast and furious.Yep.While I'm laying in bed.I know. Well that it's good. I mean, I guess in some sense it's nice that you have at least some interesting stuff to watch. I know you don't love watching news, but at least it's something interesting to watch, right?Yeah, I didn't really watch the news.Yeah, the RNC convention with Hulk Hogan, which was.Did he show up? Huh?He literally introduced the president.Oh, okay.The former president, I think.I don't like to watch the news.Oh, my gosh, Chrissy. I was like, is that actually Hulk Hogan up there? Ripping his shirt? Ripping his shirt.I didn't see this headline.Yeah, then they had pictures of him at some bar afterwards and people were swarming him and. Wow. Okay. All right.Yeah, yeah, that's all right.I wish he just had stayed ambiguous. I liked Hulk Hogan when I was a kid. Who didn't like Hulk Hogan when they were a kid? But whatever. Anyway, everyone's got it. Everyone's got an opinion these days. Everyone. And now it's wall to wall coverage of. There you go. I guess as it as it should be. As it's going to be. All right, that's where you go to find out more information about the show. You can get your free sticker there. Also go to the contact us button drop down menu. I want my free sticker. Give us your address and a wait, it will go. You can also watch wee, yeah, you can also watch all the video, listen to all the audio. All right there one location follow us on our instagram for all the up to date information, the comings and goings, funny clips, all that stuff. If you would please follow us on Instagram. TCBpodcast at TCBpodcast oh, I'm sorry, at the commercial break I'm sorry, on Instagram at the commercial break and TCV podcast on Tick Tock 212-4333 TCB. That's 212433 TCB. You can text us or leave us a voice message.Questions, comments, concerns, contents, ideas, ask Tcb. We take it all there. Just send us a text message. So many of you do. We really appreciate it. Thank you so much. And thecommercial rank all right, Chrissy, I know that's enough. I know that's all you can do today.I think so.But I love you. Best to you.Best to you.Best to you out there in the podcast universe. Until next time, Chrissy and I always say, we do say and we must say goodbye.Check your patties.


something like that. I don't know what he calls anyway. I call it a throat dive. Let's call it that.




All I managed to do was scare the dog in the chair. I bet one of my kids was like, what are you doing? And I said, I'm doing my throat dives. And then they said, oh, like in the pool? And I go, no, not quite like that. This is practicing for dick sucking later on down the road on onlyfans when I need to make a couple extra books. Oh, man. Chrissy.


Whoa. Strider.


Wild Strider. Anyway, that's the instagram takes you through, you know, doctor telling you how to do it to chiropractor, telling you how to do it to kooky dookie, telling you how to do it. Guy that one time had back pain that now is sure that he knows how to fix everyone's back pain. I mean, it takes you down the rabbit hole and then you get distracted. Strider. I mean, hey, listen, if it works, Mister Strider, have. Oh, I think he's got quite a way more than we do. Let's put it that way. Oh, no, he's only got 232.




But this one particular post has, like, 10,000 likes on it, which is, you know, I think we've gotten that accomplishment, but not by much.




All right, so let's do this. Let's take a break and we got lots more to talk about. It's an exciting week here at the commercial break.


Oh, yeah.


We'll be back.


What's up, haters? Now let's get down to business. If you've got something to say, say it to our faces. And by that I mean text us or call us at 212433 TCB. That's 212-43-3822 you can and should also find us on Instagram, hecommercial break and on TikTokCBpodcast, unless you want to fight me, in which case, don't. And if you're just desperate to see our shining faces in person, keep your ears peeled for ticketing information about TCB live. As always, don't forget that you can find everything you could possibly need to find on our beautiful website, bye.


Hey, I'm Rhett. And I'm link. Maybe you know us from our daily YouTube show good mythical morning, but this is a little trailer for our podcast Ear biscuits, where two lifelong friends talk about life for a long time and nothing is off limits. We talk about our sex lives, our mental health journeys, but we try to never take ourselves too seriously. So we invite you to not do the same or to do the same. We invite you to listen, follow, and listen to ear biscuits now for free on the odyssey app and everywhere you get your podcasts. Ah, yes, christina. Christina's out of town this week.


I love christina saying, let's fight me.


Yeah. Yes. You don't want to fight Christina. No, I'm telling you. I mean, I don't know, but she doesn't look at the kind of person you want to have fisticuffs with. She, she looks like she can handle her own, but she's out of town this week. Here's the weird thing that's going on on the messages right now.


It used to be on our messages.


On our message, okay? It used to be for the, well, used to be for the longest time, no one contacted us. But then people started contacting us sporadically. Right. And I would answer directly. I would just say, hey, Brian, or what? I wouldn't even, sometimes I wouldn't even say. I just, you know, respond. And then as the messages, you know, a year and a half ago, two years ago, the messages started to get a little bit more frequent. Then other people would answer the messages, but they would always be like, I love tcb, chrissy and Brian. Mainly about chrissy. Brian's an idiot. You know, all this other stuff Brian doesn't know he's talking about.


Well, thank you for the, thank you for the love. Thank you for the love and for contacting.


Yes. No, thank you for sure. And, but I mean, what, here's the point I'm trying to make. It's always about how much people love chrissy. And, I mean, there are people who certainly have said nice things about me, too, but I'm kind of the punching bag of the show, which is fine. That's the character that I, it's just like life in real life. I'm the punching bag of my real life, too. But now, all of a sudden, we're starting to get, like, christina fans, people who like what Christina says in the liners, and they 50 but mine.I don't know. You've got all the kids, so I think that keeps you exposed.It does. To all kind of drama.Yeah. So I think would with me not having that exposure all the time, I was vulnerable.I really feel bad for you. I do. And I hope this doesn't last much longer. You know, I have, there's people in this. This.You were just scared I was gonna have roid rage like you had.Well, I was pretty bad off. That was an ugly week. That was an ugly week. It was an ugly week. But it's, like, unavoidable and it worked. So that's it. Something about those steroids really does make you feel a whole fucking shit ton better.Well, they did not make me feel better.But you're on the Z Pac now, right? Yeah.Well, they gave me the Z Pac and they said if this doesn't, if the steroids don't work, because this ? And I'm like, well, it feels like a big deal in the moment to tell your children. No one wants to tell their children. No, but, you know, okay, I get it. I get it. But I still do it.Yeah.Still do it.I know it's hard not to do.We have a friend, Allison. This brings up a point. We have a friend, Allison Hare, who's a longtime friend, supporter, fan of the show. One of the reasons why I think the podcast even exists, quite frankly. We love Allison, and she's been podcasting for a long time, maybe a year and a half, longer, say a long time, a year and a half longer, long time in podcast years. And she had this episode one time, and she called me before she put it out there, and she explained, I'm about to put out a really controversial episode. I'm a little bit nervous about it. I said, well, I've heard your show. How controversial can it be? And she said, I'm going to talk about how I don't like playing with my children, how it feels like a task to me, and I don't like it. And she had on, like, a therapist, and the therapist said, this is not an uncommon phenomenon. Lots of parents don't like to play with their children. They do feel like it's a task. So maybe the thing to do is to get involved with their lives in a different way. Right.And play when you can. Of course, you've got to play with them at some point. But she had a really good explanation for what to do. I am the exact opposite. I love to play with my children. What I don't want to do, what I like, what is not interesting to me as a parent is I'm not like a, like, I'm not a huge fan of sitting there and watching some video that they're interested in. You know what I'm saying?Oh, yeah.I'd much rather be, like, interacting, doing some kind of, like, being around them, hanging out with them, because that feels interesting to me. But I love to play with them, you know?Me, too.I think I'm a kid at heart. It's hard not to be a kid at heart when you have those damn kids. And I got so fucking many of them, man. Tell you what. And now we got to buy new car seats for some of them. It's a real pain in it. They're really fucking expensive.Yes, they are.If anybody know if anybody's, like, works at a Mercedes dealership or a nice van dealership, can you send over, like, a tv, ten person van customized with televisions and a cooler and a toilet and all that other stuff. If you could just donate that to me, I would appreciate. I would be forever in your grace. So let's go to the list of things that the commercial break needs. We need a private plane. Private plane rides two, and from all of our live shows. And we will be going. Every majorca is where we're going to be going next month for two months. So if there's a pilot or a guy, somebody, guy, girl who's got a private plane, somebody out there who has access to a private plane, could you donate that plane for rides to and from our private shows? We need a van. We definitely need a van. And we just need money. Like, if you just want to cash a check, like, cut a check to us, we'll be totally okay with that.A driver.A driver.Driver and a chef.Yeah, driver and a chef. That's what Chrissy needs. Somebody once wrote us and said, how do I financially support the show? That was like the one. One.One person bank account details.Yeah, one. Zelle. I know. You know, I was like, honestly, I'll give you our Zelle account information right now. You feel free to support us, however financially you, however financial you want to get. Get there with that. Zelle. They never responded to me. Yeah, it was a nice thought. It was a nice thought. This is also like the, you know, end of the first season of the commercial break, and I am positive that no one gave a shit. I think we barely did.Yeah. No, we haven't.Oh, my gosh. What a day. What a weekend. What a couple weeks.Yeah.Unbelievable.It's just been. The news is fast and furious.Yep.While I'm laying in bed.I know. Well that it's good. I mean, I guess in some sense it's nice that you have at least some interesting stuff to watch. I know you don't love watching news, but at least it's something interesting to watch, right?Yeah, I didn't really watch the news.Yeah, the RNC convention with Hulk Hogan, which was.Did he show up? Huh?He literally introduced the president.Oh, okay.The former president, I think.I don't like to watch the news.Oh, my gosh, Chrissy. I was like, is that actually Hulk Hogan up there? Ripping his shirt? Ripping his shirt.I didn't see this headline.Yeah, then they had pictures of him at some bar afterwards and people were swarming him and. Wow. Okay. All right.Yeah, yeah, that's all right.I wish he just had stayed ambiguous. I liked Hulk Hogan when I was a kid. Who didn't like Hulk Hogan when they were a kid? But whatever. Anyway, everyone's got it. Everyone's got an opinion these days. Everyone. And now it's wall to wall coverage of. There you go. I guess as it as it should be. As it's going to be. All right, that's where you go to find out more information about the show. You can get your free sticker there. Also go to the contact us button drop down menu. I want my free sticker. Give us your address and a wait, it will go. You can also watch wee, yeah, you can also watch all the video, listen to all the audio. All right there one location follow us on our instagram for all the up to date information, the comings and goings, funny clips, all that stuff. If you would please follow us on Instagram. TCBpodcast at TCBpodcast oh, I'm sorry, at the commercial break I'm sorry, on Instagram at the commercial break and TCV podcast on Tick Tock 212-4333 TCB. That's 212433 TCB. You can text us or leave us a voice message.Questions, comments, concerns, contents, ideas, ask Tcb. We take it all there. Just send us a text message. So many of you do. We really appreciate it. Thank you so much. And thecommercial rank all right, Chrissy, I know that's enough. I know that's all you can do today.I think so.But I love you. Best to you.Best to you.Best to you out there in the podcast universe. Until next time, Chrissy and I always say, we do say and we must say goodbye.Check your patties.


50 but mine.


I don't know. You've got all the kids, so I think that keeps you exposed.


It does. To all kind of drama.


Yeah. So I think would with me not having that exposure all the time, I was vulnerable.


I really feel bad for you. I do. And I hope this doesn't last much longer. You know, I have, there's people in this. This.


You were just scared I was gonna have roid rage like you had.


Well, I was pretty bad off. That was an ugly week. That was an ugly week. It was an ugly week. But it's, like, unavoidable and it worked. So that's it. Something about those steroids really does make you feel a whole fucking shit ton better.


Well, they did not make me feel better.


But you're on the Z Pac now, right? Yeah.


Well, they gave me the Z Pac and they said if this doesn't, if the steroids don't work, because this ? And I'm like, well, it feels like a big deal in the moment to tell your children. No one wants to tell their children. No, but, you know, okay, I get it. I get it. But I still do it.Yeah.Still do it.I know it's hard not to do.We have a friend, Allison. This brings up a point. We have a friend, Allison Hare, who's a longtime friend, supporter, fan of the show. One of the reasons why I think the podcast even exists, quite frankly. We love Allison, and she's been podcasting for a long time, maybe a year and a half, longer, say a long time, a year and a half longer, long time in podcast years. And she had this episode one time, and she called me before she put it out there, and she explained, I'm about to put out a really controversial episode. I'm a little bit nervous about it. I said, well, I've heard your show. How controversial can it be? And she said, I'm going to talk about how I don't like playing with my children, how it feels like a task to me, and I don't like it. And she had on, like, a therapist, and the therapist said, this is not an uncommon phenomenon. Lots of parents don't like to play with their children. They do feel like it's a task. So maybe the thing to do is to get involved with their lives in a different way. Right.And play when you can. Of course, you've got to play with them at some point. But she had a really good explanation for what to do. I am the exact opposite. I love to play with my children. What I don't want to do, what I like, what is not interesting to me as a parent is I'm not like a, like, I'm not a huge fan of sitting there and watching some video that they're interested in. You know what I'm saying?Oh, yeah.I'd much rather be, like, interacting, doing some kind of, like, being around them, hanging out with them, because that feels interesting to me. But I love to play with them, you know?Me, too.I think I'm a kid at heart. It's hard not to be a kid at heart when you have those damn kids. And I got so fucking many of them, man. Tell you what. And now we got to buy new car seats for some of them. It's a real pain in it. They're really fucking expensive.Yes, they are.If anybody know if anybody's, like, works at a Mercedes dealership or a nice van dealership, can you send over, like, a tv, ten person van customized with televisions and a cooler and a toilet and all that other stuff. If you could just donate that to me, I would appreciate. I would be forever in your grace. So let's go to the list of things that the commercial break needs. We need a private plane. Private plane rides two, and from all of our live shows. And we will be going. Every majorca is where we're going to be going next month for two months. So if there's a pilot or a guy, somebody, guy, girl who's got a private plane, somebody out there who has access to a private plane, could you donate that plane for rides to and from our private shows? We need a van. We definitely need a van. And we just need money. Like, if you just want to cash a check, like, cut a check to us, we'll be totally okay with that.A driver.A driver.Driver and a chef.Yeah, driver and a chef. That's what Chrissy needs. Somebody once wrote us and said, how do I financially support the show? That was like the one. One.One person bank account details.Yeah, one. Zelle. I know. You know, I was like, honestly, I'll give you our Zelle account information right now. You feel free to support us, however financially you, however financial you want to get. Get there with that. Zelle. They never responded to me. Yeah, it was a nice thought. It was a nice thought. This is also like the, you know, end of the first season of the commercial break, and I am positive that no one gave a shit. I think we barely did.Yeah. No, we haven't.Oh, my gosh. What a day. What a weekend. What a couple weeks.Yeah.Unbelievable.It's just been. The news is fast and furious.Yep.While I'm laying in bed.I know. Well that it's good. I mean, I guess in some sense it's nice that you have at least some interesting stuff to watch. I know you don't love watching news, but at least it's something interesting to watch, right?Yeah, I didn't really watch the news.Yeah, the RNC convention with Hulk Hogan, which was.Did he show up? Huh?He literally introduced the president.Oh, okay.The former president, I think.I don't like to watch the news.Oh, my gosh, Chrissy. I was like, is that actually Hulk Hogan up there? Ripping his shirt? Ripping his shirt.I didn't see this headline.Yeah, then they had pictures of him at some bar afterwards and people were swarming him and. Wow. Okay. All right.Yeah, yeah, that's all right.I wish he just had stayed ambiguous. I liked Hulk Hogan when I was a kid. Who didn't like Hulk Hogan when they were a kid? But whatever. Anyway, everyone's got it. Everyone's got an opinion these days. Everyone. And now it's wall to wall coverage of. There you go. I guess as it as it should be. As it's going to be. All right, that's where you go to find out more information about the show. You can get your free sticker there. Also go to the contact us button drop down menu. I want my free sticker. Give us your address and a wait, it will go. You can also watch wee, yeah, you can also watch all the video, listen to all the audio. All right there one location follow us on our instagram for all the up to date information, the comings and goings, funny clips, all that stuff. If you would please follow us on Instagram. TCBpodcast at TCBpodcast oh, I'm sorry, at the commercial break I'm sorry, on Instagram at the commercial break and TCV podcast on Tick Tock 212-4333 TCB. That's 212433 TCB. You can text us or leave us a voice message.Questions, comments, concerns, contents, ideas, ask Tcb. We take it all there. Just send us a text message. So many of you do. We really appreciate it. Thank you so much. And thecommercial rank all right, Chrissy, I know that's enough. I know that's all you can do today.I think so.But I love you. Best to you.Best to you.Best to you out there in the podcast universe. Until next time, Chrissy and I always say, we do say and we must say goodbye.Check your patties.


? And I'm like, well, it feels like a big deal in the moment to tell your children. No one wants to tell their children. No, but, you know, okay, I get it. I get it. But I still do it.




Still do it.


I know it's hard not to do.


We have a friend, Allison. This brings up a point. We have a friend, Allison Hare, who's a longtime friend, supporter, fan of the show. One of the reasons why I think the podcast even exists, quite frankly. We love Allison, and she's been podcasting for a long time, maybe a year and a half, longer, say a long time, a year and a half longer, long time in podcast years. And she had this episode one time, and she called me before she put it out there, and she explained, I'm about to put out a really controversial episode. I'm a little bit nervous about it. I said, well, I've heard your show. How controversial can it be? And she said, I'm going to talk about how I don't like playing with my children, how it feels like a task to me, and I don't like it. And she had on, like, a therapist, and the therapist said, this is not an uncommon phenomenon. Lots of parents don't like to play with their children. They do feel like it's a task. So maybe the thing to do is to get involved with their lives in a different way. Right.


And play when you can. Of course, you've got to play with them at some point. But she had a really good explanation for what to do. I am the exact opposite. I love to play with my children. What I don't want to do, what I like, what is not interesting to me as a parent is I'm not like a, like, I'm not a huge fan of sitting there and watching some video that they're interested in. You know what I'm saying?


Oh, yeah.


I'd much rather be, like, interacting, doing some kind of, like, being around them, hanging out with them, because that feels interesting to me. But I love to play with them, you know?


Me, too.


I think I'm a kid at heart. It's hard not to be a kid at heart when you have those damn kids. And I got so fucking many of them, man. Tell you what. And now we got to buy new car seats for some of them. It's a real pain in it. They're really fucking expensive.


Yes, they are.


If anybody know if anybody's, like, works at a Mercedes dealership or a nice van dealership, can you send over, like, a tv, ten person van customized with televisions and a cooler and a toilet and all that other stuff. If you could just donate that to me, I would appreciate. I would be forever in your grace. So let's go to the list of things that the commercial break needs. We need a private plane. Private plane rides two, and from all of our live shows. And we will be going. Every majorca is where we're going to be going next month for two months. So if there's a pilot or a guy, somebody, guy, girl who's got a private plane, somebody out there who has access to a private plane, could you donate that plane for rides to and from our private shows? We need a van. We definitely need a van. And we just need money. Like, if you just want to cash a check, like, cut a check to us, we'll be totally okay with that.


A driver.


A driver.


Driver and a chef.


Yeah, driver and a chef. That's what Chrissy needs. Somebody once wrote us and said, how do I financially support the show? That was like the one. One.


One person bank account details.


Yeah, one. Zelle. I know. You know, I was like, honestly, I'll give you our Zelle account information right now. You feel free to support us, however financially you, however financial you want to get. Get there with that. Zelle. They never responded to me. Yeah, it was a nice thought. It was a nice thought. This is also like the, you know, end of the first season of the commercial break, and I am positive that no one gave a shit. I think we barely did.


Yeah. No, we haven't.


Oh, my gosh. What a day. What a weekend. What a couple weeks.






It's just been. The news is fast and furious.




While I'm laying in bed.


I know. Well that it's good. I mean, I guess in some sense it's nice that you have at least some interesting stuff to watch. I know you don't love watching news, but at least it's something interesting to watch, right?


Yeah, I didn't really watch the news.


Yeah, the RNC convention with Hulk Hogan, which was.


Did he show up? Huh?


He literally introduced the president.


Oh, okay.


The former president, I think.


I don't like to watch the news.


Oh, my gosh, Chrissy. I was like, is that actually Hulk Hogan up there? Ripping his shirt? Ripping his shirt.


I didn't see this headline.


Yeah, then they had pictures of him at some bar afterwards and people were swarming him and. Wow. Okay. All right.


Yeah, yeah, that's all right.


I wish he just had stayed ambiguous. I liked Hulk Hogan when I was a kid. Who didn't like Hulk Hogan when they were a kid? But whatever. Anyway, everyone's got it. Everyone's got an opinion these days. Everyone. And now it's wall to wall coverage of. There you go. I guess as it as it should be. As it's going to be. All right, that's where you go to find out more information about the show. You can get your free sticker there. Also go to the contact us button drop down menu. I want my free sticker. Give us your address and a wait, it will go. You can also watch wee, yeah, you can also watch all the video, listen to all the audio. All right there one location follow us on our instagram for all the up to date information, the comings and goings, funny clips, all that stuff. If you would please follow us on Instagram. TCBpodcast at TCBpodcast oh, I'm sorry, at the commercial break I'm sorry, on Instagram at the commercial break and TCV podcast on Tick Tock 212-4333 TCB. That's 212433 TCB. You can text us or leave us a voice message.


Questions, comments, concerns, contents, ideas, ask Tcb. We take it all there. Just send us a text message. So many of you do. We really appreciate it. Thank you so much. And thecommercial rank all right, Chrissy, I know that's enough. I know that's all you can do today.


I think so.


But I love you. Best to you.


Best to you.


Best to you out there in the podcast universe. Until next time, Chrissy and I always say, we do say and we must say goodbye.


Check your patties.