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I know this is a stupid question, but I don't understand nature.


Do pumpkins mate with other pumpkins?


No, Mary. On this episode of the commercial break.


Man, you got the uncle saluting, dancing. You got the mother. Don't forget about me.


Don't forget about me.


What about the heart, mother? The piano teacher?


Practice your scales, slacker. Don't rave me. Fuck. C sharp, Nate. C sharp. The next episode of the commercial break starts now.


Yeah, boy.


Oh, yeah, cats and kittens. Welcome back to the commercial break. I'm Brian Green. This is the wiener to my frankfurter. Kristen Joy Hodley. Best to you, Kristen.


Best to you, Brian.


Best to you out there in the podcast universe. Thanks for joining us on yet another episode of the commercial break.


They never stop this commercial break.


This the only one you'll ever need. The only one you'll ever need. Fact, news, or fiction? 15 minutes or less, you're not guaranteed. You're the aliens. Ah, they're Boston haters. Just like a cheesecake factory. It's fine. It's fine. If you want me to, I'd go back to that. At least. It kills 15 minutes of the. Of the show to worry about content when Brian's doing an intro for 25 minutes.


Eight times.


Breaking news. Breaking news here on the commercial break. And this is perfect. Commercial break. Father, this guy, Joey Chestnut. We all know him. You remember big Will, the champ?


Yes, of course.


Yeah, you asked about him this morning, and it got us thinking about big Will, the champ, because he was a competitive eater. He was a. He's a fan of the show. He's been around for a long time. He's given us lots of content ideas. Great guy. He even sang us a song one time. Remember that?


Yeah, it was a.


Big will.


Need to check in.


Yeah, I kind of. I took a break from all the chatters. You know, sometimes I'm. I interact with the listeners, and then sometimes you just need a break from. You're talking about it all day long. Da da da da da. You need to take a break from your own voice. Even I get sick of hearing myself talk sometimes, even though our commenters probably don't agree. So big will, the champ, was a competitive eater, and he got us excited about the world of competitive eating, which we did some research. We did a couple breakdown videos. Joey Chestnut is probably the most famous competitive eater of all time. Certainly the best competitive eater of all time. Some call him the goat of competitive eating.


Won 16 championships. 16 in a row, I think.


Yeah. And then, like, five before that. It was like, two years where he didn't win, and then he went on, like, a 16 year run. Hold on, I have some. Let me see here about.


And this is the thing, is Nathan's famous. Nathan's famous hot dog competitive eating, which happens every 4 July.


It does. You're right. And it's like a american tradition for.


Many, many years to gorge yourself on hot dogs.


To gorge yourself on hot hot dogs without puking. It's a rather disgusting event to watch, but I do nonetheless. Nonetheless, because I started watching it once. Will. The champ got all excited. Got me all excited. I was like, okay, let me tune in. It's on fucking ESPN. That's all I got to say. It's on ESPN. Every news outlet does some, you know, kind of fluff piece on. On the. Nathan's famous up in Coney Island, I think is what it is. So Nathan's famous. You've all seen the hot dogs in your local grocery store, and of course they're famous. That's why they call them Nathan's famous. They're hot dogs. And Joey Chestnut has taken, I think, the world record is 71 hot dogs in, like, a ten minute period or something like that. Let me check this out. But crazy, first, I want to tell you what the big drama is about Joey Chestnut. After many, many years of being the undisputed champ of competitive eating, and Nathan's famous, specifically, Joey Chestnut has been banned from the competition. Drama, drama, drama.


He jumped. He jumped sides.


He jumped sides. He's now a sponsor. His sponsor is impossible foods, the, of course, vegan meat processor.


You know, the meat alternative.


The meat alternative. They grow it in a lab in some weird. They grow it in the lab, I guess they can grow Frankie B's hair follicles. They can grow.


They can grow a lot.


Joey Chestnut's hot dogs, huh uh, so Joey Chestnut has a sponsorship deal with impossible foods. It must be for a lot.


Very lucrative.


I read that Joey Chestnut makes somewhere upwards of $500,000 to $650,000 a year from his competitive eating and sponsorships, I guarantee, I'm guessing a million dollar sponsorship with impossible.


They had to make it very attractive.


Had to make it very attractive. Well, Nathan's famous has an exclusivity clause inside of their competitive eating contract. If you want to participate in this competition, then you cannot be sponsored up with a competitor, quote unquote. And they consider impossible foods a competitor. Why? I don't know. Did impossible foods make hot dogs?


I think so.


Really? So they have hot dogs grown in a lab? Okay.


They make everything.


I can't say anything. I had an impossible burger one time. Let me share my opinion on it. It's not meat. It's fine. It tastes fine. It's a pretty convincing alternative.




It's better than most vegetarian or vegan meat substitutes that I've had. Yes. And I agree. It even believes not.


And so it's just not.


If someone had put the burger in front of me, like three burgers in front of me and said, take a bite of each one and tell me which one is impossible foods, it's likely I would be able to tell which one was impossible foods. But since I knew I was getting an impossible burger in the first place, I already was convinced it's not meat and nothing was going to change my mind and I wasn't going to bite into it and go, oh my God, tastes just like, you know, but we're not guys.


But also, too, we're not already vegan. So maybe people that are already vegan, this is a fantastic choice now.


And listen, I have nothing against vegans.


No, no.


I think it's a very admirable way of living.




And so I have nothing against vegetarians. Vegans. I was vegetarian for a while. Lasted about a week and a half, but I did it nonetheless. That was one out of my juice cleanse at $600 per glass five times a day that you had to pick up fresh. So you win $10,000 for first place in this competition. So if you have a big, lucrative sponsorship contract, it's understandable that you might side with whoever's feeding you, right? You can't bite the hand that feeds. No pun. Pun intended. So let's read a little bit about this whole chestnut drama from chestnut drama, hard hitting news here at the commercial break. It's like a mass shooting. What was it?


A mass shooting at a bus that was hijacked situation. Hijacked bus in Atlanta yesterday.


And I'm talking about Joey Chestnut as if the world's going to be crumbling down. Byline ESPN sponsor conflict keeping Joey Chestnut out of the hot dog eating contest Joey Chestnut, the 16 time champion of the Nathan's famous hot dog eating contest, will not compete in the annual 4 July event next month, major league eating announced on Tuesday.


Major league eating, no idea.


A spokesperson for major league eating, also the MLE. MLe, it's so ridiculous. Told ESPN that Chestnut had chosen to represent another hot dog brand, quote unquote, and therefore would not be allowed to participate in the Nathan's contest, which is held annually at New York City's Coney Island. Chestnut, competitive eating's biggest star, who is also known as Jaws, didn't know that one. Jaws has won the event eight years in a row. He reportedly agreed to a sponsorship deal with Impossible Foods, a company that makes plant based hot dogs, and a competing company to Nathan's famous, uh, hot dogs. It would be like Michael Jordan saying to Nike, I'm going to represent Adidas.


Also do say Nike.


I said Nike. As I say Nike. You said, yeah. You said like Moe. Event organizer George Shea said, oh, come on, man. You can't. You're going to compare Joey Chestnut to Michael Jordan? Really? Chestnut, in turn, issued his own statement on X, where everyone goes for their information, saying he is gutted to find out that he wouldn't be able to compete.


I mean, all the.


I know, all the puns keep rolling. You know, the CSPN reporter was like, fucking shit assignments every time. Gotta talk about Joey Chestnut and the MLE, which isn't even a thing. I mean, who's the MLE? Like, two guys from Nathan's famous who cook hot dogs, right? We're like, we're the board of directors for the MLE. You know, they have business cards. You know they do.


Oh, absolutely.


By day, cooking fries by night, MLE board member Joey says, I love competing in that event. I love celebrating America with fans all over this great country on the fourth, and I have been training to defend my title, Chestnut said in his post. Sadly, this decision is Nathan's and major league eating. This decision is being made by Nathan's famous and major league eating, and it will deprive the great fans of the holiday's usual joy and entertainment, acting like he's Jesus Christ on Christmas. What is going on? Impossible Foods told ESPN they support Chestnut in any contest he chooses to be in, and that meat eaters shouldn't have to be exclusive just to one wiener. This is awesome. Major League eating, also known as MLE, said in a statement that it was devastated to find out Chestnut had chosen to represent a rival brand that sells plant based hot dogs. MLE and Nathan's went to great lengths in recent months to accommodate Joey and his management team. Management team? Yeah.


Yeah, he's a big deal.






I guess when you're getting million dollar, I'm assuming million dollar sponsorships, you probably need a manager, huh? Agreeing to the appearance fee and allowing Joey to compete in a rival unbranded hot dog eating contest on Labor Day, MLE said in its statement. For nearly two decades, we have worked under the same basic hot dog exclusivity provision.


Can you imagine these contracts?


I know the wording. Yeah. You are not allowed to eat anyone else's footlong. If you guzzle another wiener, you're out. Nearly two decades, we've worked under the same basic hot dog exclusivity provisions. However, it seems that Joey and his managers have prioritized a new partnership with a different hot dog brand over our longtime relationship. In his post, Chestnut said he does not have a contract with Emily or Nathan's and that they are looking to change the rules from past years as it relates to other partners I am allowed to work with. Chestnut owns the top ten performances at the Nathan's famous hot dog eating contest, including downing a record 76 hot dogs and buns. In 2021, he ate 62 francs and buns. This is too much fun.


Franks and buns.


I gotta talk to the CSPM reporter and say, how many funds did you try and put into one article? 62 franks and buns to win last year's event. Joey Chestnut is an american hero, says Mle. We would love nothing more than have him at the Nathan's famous international hot dog eating contest. Every year, this Nathan's famous hot dog eating contest gets a longer and longer name. Nathan's famous international hot dog eating contest sponsored by the MLE, which has dominated for years. We hope that he returns and he is not representing a rival brand. Chestnut thanks his fans and promised he wouldn't be away from the spotlight for very long.


Well, I don't know enough about this whole industry or profession.


That's where we need big will here.


Yeah, that we need to check in with big will on this before the fourth. Yeah, before big will.


I know you're listening. Get in touch with me or I'll text you. We got a. We'd love to have you on that. You can explain how all of this goes down.


Exactly, because I don't know enough about all of this to comment too much. But I'm very curious as to what a sponsorship entails. Do they have what happens?


I guess you wear the shirt and then you do a couple commercials and.


Then make live appearance.


Make live appearances?


Like activations? Yeah.


Meet Joey Chestnut at the Whole Foods on Market street first, you know, and get your impossible hot dogs. I didn't even know that impossible made hot dogs, but I guess it makes sense.


It does make sense.


It does make sense. And probably much better for you than the actual hot dogs you're eating.


That being said, I had a damn good hot dog at the ballgame.


Did you. Yeah. Astrid's cooking up hot dogs right now. She's cooking up, like, the little tiny, like, you know, franks and beans. Yeah, the franks and beans kind. And she cooks them with rice and eggs like a stir fry hot dog. I'm telling you what, it is fucking delicious. So good. But it's a special kind of wiener. It's not like the long wieners. It's like the tiny little wieners, like sausage fingers kind of wieners.


Micro wieners.


Micro wieners. Oh, this is so much fun. We could do this all day. We could do a whole episode of this. But I always wonder about those competitive eaters in their stomachs.


Like, you've got a one. My God, I bet Joey must be dropping two of. If I ate two of those ballpark franks and buns. I, you know, I'm full.




I mean, you're real full. So I can't imagine, I guess because you're stuffing it down so quickly. But then, yeah, your stomach's gotta just.


Well, didn't will say that you, like, you. You take a. Like, you take a diuretic or something beforehand, or you have to practice and stretch your stomach out. And then, God damn, the morning after, you got to be miles away from Joey Chestnut or anybody else that does think about too.


Like, afterwards when you're like, yeah, one, and start downing some beers. I mean, that'll fill you up too.


I would go home and sleep for three fucking days. I just get up to drop large amounts of diarrhea into the toilet and then walk away. I mean, you have to take some kind of diuretic to help that stuff move through there. Oh, my God. 76 hot dogs.


Probably, like, a thing of Pepto, too, beforehand.


Yeah, you must coat. That's where Joey Chestnut should get his sponsorship money from. Pepto Santech, or what I think is actually taken off the market cancer causing issues. But you know, one of those brands. You're right. Pepto toms, something like that. Tom, Tom, Tom. I'm Joey Chestnut. I got an ass like an elephant. You ever seen those elephants? Yeah. This is totally random, but you ever see those Instagram reels where the people are washing their hands and their face in elephant pee? You ever seen this? No. It's crazy.


Why would I. Why is that a thing?


Because you live in a fucking arid desert in Africa where you have no access to clean water, or you don't have access a lot to clean water. So people actually wash their hands and their faces with elephant urine. So the elephant is peeing and they just go. They just wash their hands in it. It's insane anyway.


Well, that's. Is that close to clean water? That's better.


It's. But I don't know. I mean, I don't know.


I mean, pee and poop are waste.


Well, listen, I'm not the one doing it. I'm just saying I saw somebody do it. I've actually seen a couple people do it on Instagram. I don't know. It's a thing. They're showing it and it's a thing. But anyway, that's what I imagined Joey's chestnut's butt looks like after. It's just, like, just streaming poo. But, I mean, you know, let's be honest about it. That garbage in, garbage out. You're eating fucking hot dogs. It's not like you're. Yeah, it's not like you're eating fruits and veggies. You're eating hot dogs with buns, with dip them in the water and then they throw them down their throat. Ugh. I don't know why.




Yeah, jaws. You could. That's a talent. No doubt about it. But how long can you live doing that? Do you remember that?


Man versus years? Apparently for a while.


What happened to that guy? Man versus food? Do you remember him? Man versus food host? Yeah.


Never reading about that. He did. He had some kind of really strict regimen of what he did. Outside of.




Eating those crazy things. There was a lot of diet and exercise. Outside of that.




You have to.


There's no doubt that you have to. Adam Rickman. And he. And he looks great now. Look at him. He lost a bunch of weight. So I think Adam did quit. My cardiologist has given me sobering news.


I bet he did.


Of course, that guy. Joey Chestnut's champ, no doubt. But making competitive eating and those type of challenges popular, I think man versus food had just as much to do with it as anything kind of came together in a perfect storm.




And that guy Adam, he would take down the crazy amounts of food in. In, you know, short amounts of time.


I know it was a wild show. It's not on anymore.


I don't think it is, but it's a different guy. And I don't think it's called man versus food.


I think man, which is the same people.


Now it's another middle aged, chunky monkey white man that's out there doing these. And he's affable. I've seen the show. He's affable. He's a nice guy. He seems like he's lovely. He doesn't. He doesn't do it quite like Adam did it, but it's different. It's interesting. And I don't think it's called man versus food. I think it's man eats food or something like that. Because legally there was some problem. I mean, imagine Adam died. Imagine Adam had died, and his cardiologist was like, because he has 17 block arteries and you only have four, just imagine. It would have been a nightmare scenario for. What was it? Food channel. Food.


I think it was a food network.


There's so many cooking channels now. Food network, cooking tv. There's, like, a new high end cooking channel. Have you seen this? No, I can't remember what it's called. French word. You can only get it if you pay, you know, an extra $50 on your tv or whatever. But I go to the dentist's office, and they had it on, and it was just like, beautiful shots of a faraway location, you know, Italy, France, Spain, and then these people cooking it. But it was filmed like a movie. It was, like, beautiful. Visually, it was stunning. And they were only making, like, you know, fa fa flea flee, you know? Welcome to Shay Shay Shay. Here we're making you a double bonnet monte du bay with a foo filet sauce. And you're like, wow, that's.


They bring out the blowtorch.


Yeah, exactly. Anytime they bring out the blowtorch. I gotta be honest, some of these food trends have gotten a little nutty because I watched that Instagram and TikTok, and I see those guys, you know, they're all trying to be Salt Bay. They're all trying to be Salt Bay. Throwing salt, you know, making their name for themselves, doing something interesting, preparing a dessert where they bring it out on some platter with sparklers, and the guy.


Comes, oh, there's millions of dance bacon cook offs.


No, no, no. I'm talking about, like, the guys who do the flair when it comes up to the table. So, you know. Do you know Salt Bay is.




Okay, salt bae is the guy who throws salt on the meat before he goes, have you ever seen the guy? And he. Okay, he's very famous. And they call him Salt Bay because he would put on the camera, and then he would be preparing a piece of meat or steak, and he would, like, take the salt, and he would throw it up in the air and then throw it down on the stake like this. And he was wearing sunglasses with a ponytail.


I like it. I want to look him up.


He became so famous that when what's his name, won the World Cup. I can't remember the guy. The famous guy anyway.


David Beckham.


No, not David Beckham. The other guy. The argentinian guy. Messi. Messi, that's right. So Salt Bay all of a sudden was out on the field with him and people were like, what the fuck is Salt Bay doing out with Messi? What are we doing? So now everybody's trying to be Salt Bay with their own thing. Like they. They know how to.


They dash it.


Yeah. They break out a knife and they go. They twirl it around and then they cut.


You like your cake.


Who cares? It's a cake. People videoing it like they did saw something special. You saw a guy cut a cake. That's what you saw. You saw nothing. There was nothing happened. Stop it. You can't be Salt Bay. There's one salt bay. He's always gonna be Salt Bay. Leave it alone. So you come up with your own interesting thing. You just piggyback off of it with a knife and a cake. It doesn't work like that. Ask Joey Chestnut. Joey Chestnut's an original. No other man in the world could take a 76 foot long dong silver down the throat in 15 minutes.


Well, it must be too that there's other. And again, we need will for this. But there must be that. There's multiple eating contests going on. You're making. You're able to. It's like a circuit.




You're going around like barbecue contests.


That's. I was about to say it's like barbecue contest. That seven little Johnson is on right now. One of the sons got into barbecuing.




He want. He did a contest. He won his first contest or gotten second place or something. I got like $150 for it. Right. But it's like one po dunk little barbecue place in south Georgia or wherever they live. And so imagine you just go around every weekend. You just collect a couple hundred bucks. A couple hundred bucks? Couple hundred bucks, yeah.


Or 250,000, which is what the contested Jeff, them just did what? Yeah.




Smokes lamb.




Yeah. Inaugural year, they gave away $250,000 to the winner. Well, it was across different categories of.


Things, but yeah, who fucking cares? $250,000.


It's the biggest in the world.


We've been doing this show for four years. We. No one's given us $250,000. That's a fucking insane. What are we doing here? Why aren't we cooking barbecue? That's crazy. What is the first. What did the first place people get like 50,000 or something like that.


Because I think the first place person also won in, like, another category or whatever. They won over like a hundred thousand dollars.


No fucking way. Jesus, Jeff, why don't you give a brother a heads up? I mean, we could rig this thing, right? There's no, like, betting on it or anything, is there?


But I'm thinking about you.


I mean, I don't know. Is there? For God's sakes, there's a major league game.


We should start betting. We should start. Yes, we should submit that. What is it? Sport geek or whatever? I'm going to tell Jeff that maybe he should introduce an eating contest into this.


Chrissy, you must do this. It's so easy to fuck with those. With all those contestants. I just go run around and pour some vinegar on their shit or something, you know, for some ipecac, make them. Everybody throw up. Like, we can do this. We can rig this eating contest, right? I'm kidding, of course, in case I have to say that I'm kidding, everything.


Goes back to, turns out, the commercial break involved in the scandal at Smokeslam.


Scandal at smoke slam in Memphis. That's 3 million people are made sick after watching Beck and the fugees, massive diarrhea and not enough porta potties. Organizer Jeff Bogley is now in jail indefinitely. And while we're at it, get him for the two live crew thing, too. All right, let's take a break. And when we come back, I have a brand new. It's Friday, so we're going to do a video. I have a brand new psychic. I've had some conversations on the. On the interwebs with some folks about Teresa Caputo. And I thought I would just branch out a little bit to prove that this is not just Teresa Caputo who does these cold readings terribly. There are lots of people who have put themselves out there, and we'll introduce ourselves to a new one when we get back. All right, let's do it. We'll be back.


Well, thank the baby Jesus. Brian took a breath. And now I will use this opportunity to let you know that we've got a brand new phone number. That's right, 212433 TCB. And you can text us anytime you want, or you can call and leave us a voicemail, and we might just use your message on the show once Brian gets through all the messages he missed last year.


Of course.


Anyway, you can also find and DM us on Instagram at thecommercial break and on TikTok, ecBpodcast and of course, all of our audio and video is easily found on dot. Now, I'm going to thank gee one more time that we have sponsors, so thank G. And here they are.


It's the most anticipated WNBA season in history. So you know what that means. Court is back in session with queens of the court, a WNBA podcast. I'm your girl, Cheryl Swoop. And I'm Jordan Robinson. All WNBA season long. We'll bring you interviews with star athletes, analysis on your favorite teams, and lots of hot takes. Order in the follow and listen to queens of the court free on the Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcasts. All right, so I have been chitting and chatting with some people about Teresa Caputo. You know, we have been longtime critics of Teresa Caputo, and let me share something with you. I actually. I think I already shared this with you. Let me share this with you, you.


Critics, in that we think it's a show.


It's. We think it's a shame.




Yeah. We think it's a sham, and it's a scam. And we certainly are not the end all, be all of everything. We don't know for certain, 100% that it's a scam. Could very much be real. And to each their own, if that's what you choose to believe in. I don't think any less of you.


It's just not my personal circus show that's now modern.


Yeah, it's a circus trick. That's what it is. So I went and I asked, AI. Hey, AI, what is Teresa Caputo in the commercial break? How are they related? How do they interact with each other? And here's what chat. Chat GPT said back to me. You ready?




Teresa Caputo, also known as the Long island medium, is a well known television television personality and medium who claims to communicate with the deceased. On the commercial break podcast hosted by Brian and Chrissy, Teresa Caputo is often the subject of their humorous commentary and discussion.


Oh, chat. GPD thinks we're humorous.


Yes. Well, they probably read our website and said, well, they think they're humorous. The hosts frequently bring up Teresa Caputo in their episodes to poke fun at her television show, her Persona, and her claims of psychic abilities. They use her as a source of comedic material, much like they do with other quirky and interesting public figures. This lighthearted and irreverent take on Teresa Caputo adds to the entertaining and comedic nature of the commercial break podcast.




Their discussions about Teresa Caputo are meant to be entertaining and not necessarily an in depth critique or analysis of her work. Instead, they serve as another example of the host's ability to find humor in almost every situation. Okay, so that is what chat GPT OpenAI thinks of our conversations about Teresa. And it's right, it's not meant to be the end all be. We're not scientifically in the know. It's our opinion. But how do we know this is a circus trick? Because you can see it repeated over and over again by almost every psychic who does these type of readings called a cold reading. They start with a very broad brush, and they start to paint in the details as you give them body language or actual words that say you agree with what they're telling, that it says that I'm onto something. I got to go to this person. I got to go to that person. Not the first to do this, Theresa Caputo, and certainly won't be the last.


Oh, it's been going on since like the 18 hundreds, 17 hundreds for a long time.


I think that, you know, kings and jesters.




Courts and, you know, they all had some weird. They throw, I don't know, marbles in a water. Bums.


I think I saw movie one time. They consulted the bones.


Oh, yeah, chicken bones. I think you said bums. And I was like, that's highly sensitive, Chrissy. They're not bones.




I know, I get it now. Yeah, but I thought that's what she said. And I was like, I think we got to edit that out. Actually, there's very little editing out here at the commercial break, but that might be one of them. Okay, so I found this guy named, this gay name. It's a guy. What is going on with us? I don't know, silly.


It's Friday.


Yeah, it is. James Van Praagh is an american, is an american writer in personality. Describes himself as clairvoyant and a spiritual medium. He has written numerous books. He's been on CB's, and lots of people are skeptical of his work. Well, I just found out about this guy a couple months ago, and I've been watching some of his videos, and I think he's just as bullshitting as Teresa Caputo is. Not sure how, where he's getting his information, but he does things a little bit differently as he picks the audience ahead of time and puts them into a room. They're, I think some of them are quote unquote skeptical, and some of them are quote unquote, you know, on board with what?




Yeah. So let's take a listen to James on a local television network. I think this is in Chicago. Look at the guy. Okay, so what we're seeing, what we're looking at right now is James sitting on a couch. And then the two hosts of the show are standing behind him. The guy. There's a guy and a girl as the host. The guy has a look on his face that tells you everything you need to know about his belief in James. He does not believe in James. He looks like. Why are we having this guy on the show? All right, let's take a listen.


Prague. We also have several volunteers from our audience here. James has not met or spoken to any other them prior to this. And James will let you do your thing. Okay? Thank you very much. I'm into it. So I'm gonna stand up.


Thank you very much. I'm into it. Hi. Hi, y'all. It's me, James. Aaron, Prague. Don't mind if I talk to your dead uncle for a second, do you? Okay, thanks. Great. I'm so into it.


That's okay. So a lot of people coming around here, but I want to go with the brother that passes over, and I'm here. Brother Passover, I want to say. And what is your name, please? Cheryl. Cheryl. Cheryl, Cheryl. He wants to make sure he gets it right. And he talks a certain way, and he has to make sure it's always right. He's sorry he did this. I don't know what he's talking about. He's being sorry. He says he regrets he did this.


Because no one's ever had any regrets in life.


Was he saying sorry he did this when he did his hands gesture or. No, he's just in general sorry.


All part of the confusion. He hopes to add layers of confusion so that people just kind of guess right. Sorry he did this. Like anybody has ever died without a regret in their life. You have a brother, and he's sorry he did something.


I got to say that to you. I don't know why he wants me to say he didn't finish things up, and he's sorry about that. He's also talking about his father, and he wants to talk about connection with his father and loving his dad. His dad over there as well, isn't he?




Because he wants to. He's meeting with his father. He's connecting with his father. He's healing with his dad. Can I say that to you? And he wants to tell you that.


Cool. Yeah. Don't believe a word you say. Cool.


He's healing with his father on the other side.


This lady seems really connected. She's like, cool. Yeah. All right.


Much so I guess I'll be very quick. A lot of people here, I feel a mom with you.


There's a brother that's healing with the dad.


Is the dad on the other side? Cuz I don't know that because I'm talking to the dead, but I don't know who they are. Come on, man, you didn't know that?


Okay. Would you hold the microphone, please, Olga?


Okay. She said something about the mother and then the lady said, nope. He moved on to the next lady.


Mother comes in with a lot of beautiful colors on, like dress. She could finally dress beautifully, I need to say. She loved to dress beautifully. Very together. The pocketbook matches the dress and the gloves. She's wearing the gloves. She speaks different languages.


The pocketbook matches the dress, shoes, hair. Is any of this resonating? There's a pocketbook. I see a pocketbook. Has your mom ever owned a pocketbook?


Yeah. Also, he just said she speaks. She speaks another language.


He does?


He's speaking with someone named Olga.




So I would think that there's some kind of other history.


Listen, came right in through my head. Don't even worry about it, Chrissy. You don't need to know the magic of my abilities. I'm clarifying.


Very proud about education. She's finally finishing education, this lady.


She's finally finishing her education.


She's finally finished.


She's gone back to school. She finally got her degree.


She's at God U. She's at Hu. Not Howard University, Evan University. It's a two year school, but she'll get around to getting her advanced degree later.


There's plenty of time.


Yeah, she's working on her graduate degree.


She wants to tell you that. And she talks about two boys. So who's the two boys?




Olga goes, okay, not me boys.


She's telling me. And she's all talking about going to church, going, being at a church.


She's going to church. She's throwing anything at the wall to see what sticks. There's two boys. I see her turning like a spit roast. I think it's double penetration, but I'm not sure.


Oh, wow.


I'm sorry, Olga, I don't mean to diss on your dead mother. Well, not on your.


She doesn't know who the two boys are.


She has no idea. She's clueless. Olga hasn't given one indication that any of this makes sense to her. But she's on tv and she's older, so she's probably like I don't want to call this guy out.




Because it's just like people were different back then. They actually had respect for other human beings to go to church.


And I need to say my prayers. And she wants to thank you for the prayers. She said you have an old photograph of her on a dresser with a framed photograph.


Oh, yeah. No one's ever had their dead mother on a dresser or a picture.


No picture of your mother?


No. No. You have a picture of your mom anywhere, Chris?




Oh, okay. Just check it. I saw it. I saw it in the back of my brain. She came through me.


And she's on a dresser.


Yeah, she kicked me right in the potatoes, which is my sign that the pictures on the dresser.


Left side of the dresser. She's telling me, I also want to tell you that you on a website.


Or on the dresser?


Did he say website?


He said, on the website or on a dresser? On a website.


Night. Her night robe, or you kept it for a long time or nightgown for a long time.




Also she tells.


Right, right. No, I didn't.


For helping. Feeding her at the end. Taking care of her at the end. Because you helped take care of her. Does it make sense?




And you didn't want her to go any place. You want to take care of her as well. She also has some sisters on the other side, so I'm gonna say that there's two. Not two. It's two sisters.




And she's with. On the other side. And she's giving something named Ana or on something. I hear Ana on something. She's watching over.


Not Anna.


Not Anna. I had four sisters, very, very much so.


You gotta watch her eyes. She said recently there was talk about.


You gotta watch her eyes.


She's wearing glasses. No, I think the mother's telling her.


Oh, you gotta watch your eyes. Oh, she's wearing glasses. Yeah, you gotta watch her eyes. Which 80 year old isn't watching their eyes? And how do you watch your eyes? You gotta stare in a mirror. I don't know. This guy is talking just so fast that no one has a chance to respond. Yeah, it's like Teresa. Teresa disarms people with jokes or talks louder or screams toward you or, you know, will tell you that you're wrong altogether if she doesn't think it's going well. This guy just talks really fast, adding a cloud of confusion to the situation where you don't know how to respond even. And he's talking so fast and saying things, throwing things so fast at you that you don't have a chance to disagree with it before he moves on to the next thing.


That could be true.


That's right.


A doctor had your eye checkup. Does that make sense to you?


Yes, it does.


Because you said no.


You've never been to an eye doctor. The lady's wearing fucking trifocals. I think she's been to an eye doctor. Oh, my God.


Make sure you watch your eyes. Nothing bad, but she's have to watch your eyes.




You're a very lovely lady. She keeps on. I appreciate it. I appreciate it. Appreciate it. She also talks about losing a child. There must have been a child early on that she lost a child when she was, you know, when she was younger. And she's with a child over there. She must have a relative sibling that passed over and young. Very, very young. She's with a sibling very, very much. Are you doing good work? She keeps on talking. Sorry, guys.


No, you're the one that's talking. He's doing the same thing that Teresa does. How do you know? How can you even possibly hold on to this conversation while someone else is talking to you? That would be next to impossible. I just don't think it's possible. I really don't.


You have a lot of her books, she said books. You have a bible of hers as well? I want to talk about rosaries. Some kind of rosary beads? Yes, I talked about the candle with either a saint or something religious on it. It must be Catholic. It's very much.


Well, you went rosary and she said yes. So then of course you're going to.


Go candle and you're in Chicago. There's no Catholics in Chicago. There's only Catholics in Chicago.


There's a Carmene. Carmelia. Carmen.




Carmen. She's give you that name? Yeah. Yeah. Is that so? Lots of love from her. Okay. God bless you, sweetheart.


Lots of love. Lots of love.


She's finished up her degree.


Yes, my pretty. Your mom's finishing over. There's a Carmen Carmen.




Hello, sir. Look at you all sparkly. Love that. What's your name?




Nate. Nate. Can I say there's a man behind you? I feel he's a father figure as he comes in here. I also feel there's an uncle on the other side of you. So you'd have an uncle over there who knew you very well. Can I say that to you?




And this man wants to wave to you.


He's a big dancer. He's a big dancer. First he said father and Nate didn't really go for it.


And then he said, uncle, uncle. And then he goes, yeah, yeah.


And he's. Now he's dancing.


I just got to say this, too. He's dancing. He's like. He's dancing in front of me. He wants you to know that the party's going down over here. So come on over. Water's warm. Bring your dancing shoes, Nate. He says they got that good, good. That 70 soul you really like. So come on. There's some barbecue going on. Did you know you could win $250,000 in God credits over there? I see a guy named Jeff having a barbecue contest here.


I like to laugh at this man. And he's waving to you. He's waving to you almost like this. Now, there must have been somebody that.


Makes no sense whatsoever, but okay.


In the military. Yes, indeed, because I'm saluting finally to you here. Okay? And your father is coming.


You should see this guy James the psychic. He is dancing across the stage. He is making all kind of movements. He wants you to be as confused as possible.


So you never would believe this sort of thing. You never. I would never believe this sort of thing is real. But it is. He said it is. And there's a William or a bill. Talking about a William or a Billy. Billy or will young.


Oh, right, right. Willie. Yeah, I once ate it. Willie's barbecue shack down on 7th Street.






William. Who's that? I don't know.


His dad's brother.


Okay. Because I know that he's over there with him. I also want to tell you that there's a lady in the spirit world who knows of you. So a lady in the spirit world knows of you, and I feel like not a mother. Feeling necessary.




Maybe that knows of you.


Narrow it down a little bit.


I know.


I mean, a lady of the spirit world that knows of you, you're famous with dead people. It's like the commercial breakout of fame. I think we're pretty famous with dead people also.


I feel closer to you than that. You have my heart from this lady.


She's a godmother, and she just passed last year, and she was really, like a mother figure.


Okay. Because you have her heart. She's God. You said godmother. Yes, yes, but I want to say heart, mother. Because until she raised you up, she brought you up. She believed in you. You see? She believed in you. And I also want to talk about a piano. And when you were a young boy, was there talking about playing the piano, taking piano lessons.


Actually, I tried to play the piano for a little while, but I had a teacher and she would slap me on my finger every time I didn't hit middle c, so I stopped playing after that.


No kids ever taken piano lessons.


That's rare.


Yeah. And I have a feeling while these people were hand picked from the audience, somebody knows their name, has a Facebook page that's open. James is going off information he already knows. He's taking broad strokes and then he's filling in some general details that he might know from social media or just from. You know, there's lots of websites out there that track this kind of stuff. For a dollar 99, you can pull up all the information about anybody. Old addresses, old phone numbers, relatives that have passed away, names. I mean, there's. All your information is out there to be bought. Go on Google and do it.


This godmother, the heart mother, I'm going to say, is very much around the piano. She's met that Piano teacher. I would not be a bit surprised, sir, if you will find she's met that piano teacher.


Okay, okay. Just checking. I can't stop laughing. She's met.


She met that old piano teacher.


That old piano teacher. You know that one they used to beat you up. She's really very nice now. Changed her tune after she died.


It'll come to you. Something about a piano is coming to your life because they're gonna make it happen. And mother's on the other side as well as she is because I want to say she's the. She's waving here, too. Don't forget about me. She's a little shorter than your father and she's like, wait, don't forget about me.


Man, you've got the uncle saluting, dancing, you got the mother. Don't forget about me.


Don't forget about me.


What about the heart mother, the piano teacher?


Practice your scales, you slacker. Don't read me. Fossil. Latte, C sharp, Nate. C sharp, Nate, Jake. Whatever his name is. Can't remember.


Someone keeps the newspapers. Keeps old newspapers. This lady used to keep old newspapers a lot. And she's reading, she's reading. She's telling me that, no, not me.


Also, he's older and anybody that was older than him probably read newspapers. Might have kept a few clippings.


Yes, believe it or not, CNN is a relatively new thing. It was started back in the late eighties or something like that. I mean, it hasn't been around for very long. If you're older than 70 years old, you remember a time when there was one newscast or maybe two, the national and the local news.


And before Internet, there was the newspaper.


Newspaper that would get delivered right to your home. It was Instacart. Before Instacart, they were delivering bad news right to your door. And it was. I remember. I still remember my father got the newspaper. My grandfather got the newspaper. My dad got the newspaper. I think my grandfather got it, I think, till the day he died. I'm not really sure. But they would keep those newspapers for weeks because they were 700 pages deep. Yes. And you couldn't read it, especially the Sunday. Oh, the Sunday. What's the jam? Look at that Sunday paper. I remember for a period of time, I bought the Sunday paper. Yeah. I was like, oh, Sunday paper. All right, I'll grab it. Why not? And I'd sit on the shitter and just read through it. Now I look at Instagram videos of people watching themselves elephant urine man. I think, yes, I've evolved just to.


Keep a lot of old things. You might have had a hard time getting rid of things. She said she. I kept everything.


Okay, okay. Don't remember that she died without a name. Sing to her name.


I kept everything she's talking about. And, um, I don't know if her father had trouble with walking before they pass over and they had to be bed.


I don't remember.


I don't remember. How do you not remember?


Yeah, I don't remember. Aren't they there telling you?


Yeah, aren't they?


Don't forget about me.


Where are those dead people? They're not right there with you? I don't remember. He says I don't remember because he was studying the notes before he came on. All right, let's take a short break and then we'll be back with more. I like this guy. We're onto something here. All right, we'll be back.


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Okay, let me fill in a little color commentary before we get started. James has actually been in a bit of scandal over the years. In 2008, he told Barbara Walters in a private psychic reading that she may have cancer because he sensed that her white blood cell count was elevated. And after a number of tests, they were not elevated. She went on air to call him a dangerous psychic. John Oliver busted on him just as late as 2019. I'll have to look that up. I'd like to see what John has to say about the JREF foundation, which offers a $1 million paranormal prize to anybody who can prove scientifically that paranormal activity is real and that, or that you have actual psychic abilities. They do tests like, you know, they'll write a number down on a piece of paper, and then they'll try and have the person guess it or whatever, you know? And they, through the Huffington Post, challenged James to a $1 million proof of concept opportunity. They were going to give him $1 million to prove that he could talk to talk to the dead in some way, shape, or form. I've seen these before.


They do them on tv sometimes. And every one of them has failed, has actually collected the $1 million prize ever in the history of the prize, which has been going on since, like, 1970.


Oh, wow.


He announced it on the Johnny Carson show, like, in 1970.


And no one's ever won it.


No one's ever won it. And James?


Well, no, because they can make over a million just going on these shows.


That's true.


And getting people's money.


I think it's dangerous that the media continues to proliferate. My mouth doesn't work. They continue to amplify these people because it can be dangerous. You're giving people false hope and in some cases, telling them that they're sick when they're not sick. Imagine how stressful that must be if you believe in that.


My God.


And then one of those, one thing.


To say, like, your dead mother is behind you saying she loves you. Yeah, but to tell somebody that they've.


Got cancer, and then Barbara Walters, of all people, of all the people you want to take that chance on, Barbara Walters was not one of them. That was one bad bitch right there.


Yeah, she's.


Did she die recently?


She did, yeah. A little while back.


Sure. Before I said, all right, let's get back to James doing a cold reading on a local Chicago television station.


I believe you understand that. So I'm going to take. Your father's able to skip around again. Now I'm going to tell you, when I first got up here, I was skipping.


He's able to skip around again. He's got no body. What? You're talking to the spirits. But they're able to skip around. What are the good groceries are you talking about?


Am I skipping? And your daddy, your daddy wants me to tell you he's able to do that. He's able to do that. I want to say a memory of ball.


He's totally unconvinced, by the way, the guy he is talking to has a look on his face that says, you are full of fucking shit. Who believes in their right mind that after you die, you then can magically heal your body that was broken. Yeah, true.


Like bowling.


Your point, Chrissy boy?


I go back in time with the memory of ball. You understand that?


Back in time with the memory of a ball with you and your father.


No one ever played ball with their dad. I mean, come on. It's like the first word we all learn as a human ball. Oh.


Whatever it was, I was not good at it, okay?


Oh, well, you did your best. You did your best.


Absolutely, absolutely hate sports altogether. Thanks for pointing that out.


Failure at the piano.


Couldn't play piano. Didn't do well in sports. Daddy hated me. But thanks for bringing it, all of it up. I won't sleep tonight. I appreciate your help.


One more thing. Your father is. He said to tell you that some money is coming in or some changes and finances for you. And I don't know if you've been looking for some of the loan. You're trying to get something else with money, but something's coming.


No one's ever looking.


No one's ever looking for money. Yeah, you can say that to me. And I'd be dancing around the house hoping that it happened. I think you're talking about me, James.




I'm skipping around the house. Yes. Waiting for the check to come. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Saluting, waving, all that stuff. That's me.


Makes a lot of sense.


Okay. Because I got to tell you, he wants to tell you that's happening. And I'm gonna leave you with that, okay?


And if I may just say, right before he made his transition, he told me, said, you know, I played the lottery, and most of the time I don't win. He said, but here's some numbers. And I can only tell you, it was some big money that he left for me.


Great, great, great, fabulous, fabulous, fabulous.


Wow. Okay, someone get ahold of him. Tell him to come on the commercial break and give us those secret numbers. The lottery secret numbers. Well, if his dad left him a bunch of cash that he didn't know about, that's crazy.




I wonder how many people win the lottery and then don't tell their family. There's got to be a couple people out there, right? Probably what I would do. I'd be like, sorry, honey, can't afford milk today. I'll be right back. Going to Aruba. I'll be in the mail. I'm going to get milk in the mail. Dimes.


I want to go over here. My mom over here as well. Is it your mom? I want to go right to the mom over here with. Well, what is your name, sweetheart? Rochelle. Great. Lovely beauty.


He's now moving around. There's like a. There's like ten people, five sitting on a couch, five standing up behind them. They say that they're, you know, random audience members he's never talked to. He may have never talked to them, but I have a hard time believing that no producer ever talked to them either. They're all dressed very nicely. It seems like they were ready to come on the show and do this. And now he's picking people, and here's how he's picking them. He's looking for signs that other people believe. Like, they're shaking their head, they're nodding their head. He's looking for the believers out of these ten people, and he's pointing to them.


The woman you are, Rochelle. Thank you. I feel it's a big family on the other side of life for you with your mother. I feel there are big people. There are people a lot. Big family over there. I want to say that your mother didn't know everybody.


Like, they're literally big. They were eaters.


Competitive eaters.


Competitive eaters. Joey Chestnut is here. Is he your brother?


Well, she passed over. That sounds very interesting. But she didn't really realize, certainly certain relatives or certain members of the family until she passed. Does that make sense? Yeah.


People don't know everybody ever that was ever on their family.


Yeah. You know, my dad sent me down once at a restaurant. He, like, called this big meeting. He was like, I need to talk to you. I'm coming to Atlanta. I got you for lunch. I'm paying. I go, okay, great. And he came, and he had a box full of pictures. Those pictures were from, like, 1919. I mean, you know, he starts taking him out. He says, this is your great uncle Dave, and this is a great. He came from Ireland, and this guy came from there, and he did this because, you know, it's all very nice. It was a nice lunch and everything, and it was free. But I was like, okay, what do I care? I'm sure I'm gonna meet some of those people. If there is another side, if someone is over there, I'm sure all those people are just gonna come rallying to my side, because who gives a fuck? Honestly, no one knows all their relatives.


Two different types of families, or shouldn't know everyone till she passed over. Okay?


Does that make sense? She didn't meet any of the other dead people until she herself was dead. Does that make sense? Is that resonating with you? Are you getting what I'm saying?


You have a sister who's living. Yes. Okay. I need to talk to you about your sister. She said, now, go on. Your mother's telling me, go on. She loves your hairstyle.


Go on. He keeps on saying, come on.


She loves your hairstyle.


She loves her hairstyle.


My daughter, she changes her hairstyle all the time. Every day. She changes things up.


The lady is obviously wearing a wig.


Wig? Yeah.


Likes it about you right now. Oh, is that right? I found out the most interesting information. She said, right now, if I go to your place where you live, and I'm not gonna television tell you this, but she shows me that you like clothing very much. And they said, if I house right now. She showed me a pile of clothes on top of a dresser. It's almost like I went to a sale and have some clothes and I put them out of the bag.


Oh, my God.


No one's ever had clothes in their bedroom?


No. We're going to a sale.


You were going to a sale. She's telling me you wear shoes. Sometimes you put on underwear. I see an underwear drawer. Do you have an underwear drawer? I see that you neatly put your socks next to your underwear in the underwear. Draw glee boogly. Go on. Go on. He's talking to the dead people in here. Go on. Oh, that's interesting. Oh, my God. This guy must be a hoot at dinner.


Oh, yeah.


I'd like to have him over sitting there.


Does that make sense to you? Yeah. Yes. She's bringing me to, like, a bedroom area where I see clothes on top of a dresser, and it's almost like I went to get a sale. I went to get some clothes, and.


She'S very smart, taking me to a bedroom area. Where have you traveled to? I've seen you standing right here the whole time. But that's amazing. Yeah, yeah.


She showed the bedroom.


Man, this guy's got some back to the future magic or something. He's got a DeLorean somewhere. I know it.


Loving that. She's. Oh, boy. I gotta tell you, this feels like two fathers, two men for her in her life. Two different men very much at her heart.


Oh, thanks. Call her mama. Ho. Stop it. Stop it.


The woman all of a sudden turned up like, what?


Yeah. She's like, huh? Two men. Two men. What if he says your daddy's not your daddy? Do some homework.


Wow, how interesting. She had two brothers. Two brothers. Yeah, that. Yeah, that's fine.


That's fine. That might be it. Yeah. But what it really is is she was sucking a lot of cock. I just. I don't know how to say it out loud. I don't want to embarrass you here in front of everybody, but I do have to make more money.


But I want to say to you also, though, she's talking about two different fathers here. So was there a father that raised you, and then there was another man who was like you? That.


That sounds horribly racist, by the way. I'm just gonna share that. That I think this guy's making a lot of assumptions based on the color of people's skin, which we've seen Teresa Caputo do over and over again. Yeah, the racist. Which. Anyway, this guy's following the same.


There's a theme, too, where they mentioned their hairstyles. Remember that one?




Teresa was like, yeah, and that guy. And he's got, like, some curly hair and faded on the side.


Black. Yeah. Come on. Now, this feels like a step beyond casual racism. This feels like complete stereotyping. You know, the black lady doesn't have a dad. It's like, dude, you're. Now you've pissed me off. I was having fun with it, but now I see your game here, and it doesn't really sit with me all that well.


No, no, just your dad.


Oh, yeah. No, you racist white man. Now he's embarrassed. Now he doesn't know what to do. He's like, oh, I got caught. I got caught.


And she also is talking to me about. She wants. Okay, the man who was a drinker.


Oh, my God. Really? Really?


Who was a drinker?


I can't believe that this is, like, not out on the Internet somewhere where someone just broke it up by, like, Instagram clips or something. Maybe it is. I don't know. I don't see all the Internet. I just see most of it.


Who drank? You understand about that? My father drank, but he has stopped before. He passed over your dad. But he likes to drink. He likes to have a drink every once in a while. And he's with your mother, and he's laughing. Now she's giving me the light attitude, the funny attitude here. But he's right behind her, staring and thinking, wow, this is something else. Sounds like my dad. He's like, go have a drink every once in a while. He wants you to lighten up and have a drink everywhere. Oh, I do.


Oh, great. Let's just continue the alcoholism. God, dude, the family.


Let's encourage the lighten up and have a drink.


Yeah, lighten up, have a drink. Get lit every once in a while. You ever smoke any of that crack cocaine we've been hearing about? It's not cause you're black. I'm saying that it's cause you're black. It's like, what the fuck, dude? Unbelievable.


You must have been recently having a drink. Cause your daddy was around you.




Yeah. You must like your wine or something. Yes, I do. Yes, you do. Cause he just said wine. She likes her wine, so I like that about you. He also talks to me about your teeth. So you either went to the dentist recently or something about your tooth or teeth. Yeah, to get it fixed. Yeah, to get it fixed. He said he was with you with a dentist thing, and don't worry about that. Your mother's.


You might need to call him in with your tooth.


Don't worry about that rotten tooth in your head. It's nothing to be worried about. But keep drinking. Keep drinking.


Very happy with everything that worked out before she passes over. I feel a bit depressed with your mom. I feel like I'm a bit lonely or I feel like I'm in my own world, and I feel like I'm kind of lost.


Yeah. No one ever feels that way when they're dying. I mean, come on.


My own head. That makes sense to you because I feel like I'm kind of in my own little space here, and I. I don't know if she was in a coma or she was going through an episode. She had just got out of the nursing home with Alexa. Came home okay. Yeah. And I want to talk about falling down. At one point, someone fell down at one point.


No one in a nursing home that has ever fallen.


I want to talk about them falling down. It was me. I'm drunk. It was me last night after my wine. Keep drinking.


Do we want to get something that she doesn't fall down? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. That makes sense because I want to talk about my hip as well. And I also want to talk about? Come on. He said, not anymore. Not anymore. Not anymore. And she's happy. Not anymore. Not named.


Yeah, I'm glad to hear that. No longer have a body. So no more falling down. No more hips, no more dicks. All right.


Who's your daddy?


I. You know, we're not even halfway through this video. I feel like we have a new mark.


Yes, we do.


Oh, James, you're on the bad side of the commercial break. Casually racist, completely bullshitty, and telling people things they obviously could have gone the rest of their life without hearing, my friend. Welcome to the commercial break. Welcome to the show. Welcome to the show. James, as I do with Teresa, I welcome you on the program. I will keep an open mind, and I will be nice to you, and we can talk about it. Yeah, but I don't want a reading. I want you to tell me exactly how this all goes down.




And then Christy and I. I have a secret word that we've told each other that we forgot. But we'll get another one if you can guess that word, you know?




Yes. I will open the show by saying, james Prague is a hero. Every single episode of the commercial break. That's it. But you won't, because you can't. Because that'll ruin the game. So. Yeah. Wow. Unbelievable. Anyway, that was good. I like that. Maybe we should get back to that. Maybe we should do another one. We'll see.


I like it.


Okay. that's where you go. You find out more information about the show. Chrissy and I, all the video, all the audio, everything's there at the website. Go there, check it out. Get your free TCB sticker. You just hit the contact us button. Give us your physical address in that little box where it says, contact us, and Astrid will send you a sticker. Promise you up. Well, you can also dial us up 212433 TCB. That's 121-2433 TCB. Toll free from anywhere in the world. Text us, call us, leave us a voicemail. We would love to hear from you, and so many of you are. So thank you. But, you know, the more the merrier. Jump on in. Who knows? You might even get a response from me. Wouldn't that be special, Kirsten? Special. So do it. Questions, comments, concerns, content, ideas. We take it all. 212-43-3822 also, if you would follow us on Instagram, we certainly would appreciate it. At the commercial break, TCB podcast on tick tock and, they. Commercial break. Another bullshit art. Okay, settle down, everybody. All right, I guess that's all I can do for now. Chrissy.


I think so.


But I will tell you without equivocation, I love you.


I love you.


And best to you, best to you and best to you out there in the podcast universe. Until next time, Chrissy and I always say, we do say, and we must say goodbye.