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Are you getting attacked by Incubus and Succubus spirits in the night? They're demonic spirits that come to defile you in the night. How do you get rid of them? Put up a hedge of protection around your bedroom. Get out your anointing oil and anoint your bed. And I bind every incubus and succubus demon from attacking me, my spouse, in the night. On this episode of the commercial break, you take a little bit of information and some bad hair styling and a frock or two plus boomerangs, and you throw it into the pot. Calling ooh. Oofu.


Brought to you by Ovu.


Brought to you by Oovu. They'll never know who's calling who. The next episode of the commercial break starts now. 230 in the morning. Oh, yeah, cats and kittens. Welcome back to the commercial break. I'm Brian Green. This is the burner to my bishop, Kristen Joy Hoadley. Best of you, Kristen.


Best of you, Brian.


If you pick up that one, you're really a listener of the show. Best of you out there in the podcast universe. Thanks for joining us.


I don't know if I picked it up.


Bernard to my bishop, think about it. I'm not gonna give it away. You'll have to work for this one, okay? You'll figure it out. You'll figure it out. Bernard to my bishop, think about it. Think aboutlove with people more their age. And, of course, almost exclusively, I think.I don't know. I haven't watched a full episode ever. But I think, to nobody's surprise, they picked the younger man. Theym like, yes, we do. All right, so here's Cougar International. This is a commercial for Cougar International, the no longer existing website cougar to legendary Beverly Hills, home of couger, an international social and business networking community online and offline.She's reading a script. She's got a script in her hand. Yes.She's looking down.Looking down. Then back up. Welcome to luxurious Hollywood, California.Beverly Hills.Beverly Hills. I'm here in a drab room with a weird carpet behind it.Very weird room. There's like, yeah, there's a carpet on the wall.I got to be honest, I don't trust people who hang carpets on walls. It's a little weird. It's a little strange. It's nineties is what it is.Confident women with younger men in mind and the men who adore us for a moment my family feel.Not what I'm looking for in a dating website. No, I like that most of my family's in there trolling around.They can all get on there, get.To know each other, and we go to these different events, and it's a party feel, but also like a family that really works for me. And also we have special events for just the ladies, such as coffees and brunches where we can dish like the sex and the city girls do. And that's great.Oh, my God to listen to Brian and Chrissy begatk, so just follow us on Instagram again. That's hecommercialbreak. You can also follow us on TikTok. And of course, you know where to go for all things TCB. That is, baby. And of course, you can always text us or call us and leave us a voicemail at 212433 tCB. Yep, that phone number is no longer new, but it is still around, and that's a win. 212433 tCv. Love you. Bye.Hey, I'm Rhett. And I'm link. Maybe you know us from our daily YouTube show good mythical morning, but this is a little trailer for our podcast, Ear Biscuits, where two lifelong friends talk about life for a long time and nothing is off limits. We talk about our sex lives, our mental health journeys, but we try to never take ourselves too seriously. So we invite you to not do the same or to do the same, we invite you to listen, follow, and listen to ear biscuits now for free on the odyssey app and everywhere you get your podcasts. Okay, ovoo Andre, all Paul, we're here talking about cougars, and I've got another video lined up. This is a more recent video, not much more recent, but more recent than this one. And what we are discussing is how to pick up a cougar.Oh, how to pick up a cougar?How to pick up a cougar. But this is not from the same group. This is from a lady on the Internet who does cougar related content. And this is probably a decade old.So just like, how to pick up her friends.Yeah, how to pick her up, basically.Right? Okay. What she wants.Yeah.Yeah.I thought I'd share something very private. Up until now, I haven't really talked about it on my show. And that is how I actually was picked up by my current boyfriend. As you all know, I'm in a committed life partnership with my boyfriend. We met at a company party. I saw him across the room. He motioned over to come to his vip area where he was at. What?Really attracted.At a company party, there was a vip area.And he motioned.He motioned. He said, hey, go get me.Yeah.Hey, you. Come over here.Hey, you. I'm 21 and rock hard. Get over here. Nothing like dipping in my pen in the company ink when I first met.Him was his drum roll. Confidence. He had confidence to come up to me and say, can I get you a drink? And we started a conversation. Offer me a drink is always a great opening line. It's not a pickup line.It's not an opening line. Here's something for free. You gotta be careful about that, I think.Yeah, exactly.You gotta be careful about just buying women drinks. I think buying anybody drinks, quite frankly, I think you gotta be. You gotta. You gotta feel it out a little bit. It's not for everybody. Right.I agree.Because they think you're. You're think. They think you think that they're obligated to sit there and talk to you because of whatever.Can I get you a drink? But what struck me about him and what he told me back on that night was both of our personalities really clicked together. And it wasn't just about the chemistry or, you know, being attracted to my boobs or whatever else.Look beyond the boobs.Wa baaam.It says on the screen, quantum witch says, that's wrong. Look into the boobs and wham. Instant attraction.He saw that night. Yes. The physical chemistry was there, but it's really about the personality. So what I thought I would share with you is some of the do's and don'ts of trying to pick up a cougar. So many guys have written it to me. Karen Lee, where can I find a cougar like you? If you really think about it, Karen Lee.Karen Lee, where can I find a cougar like you? Oh, look, so many people have written.In my oovu is ringing. Hello? How did pick up chicks like you? I can't look past your boobs. I can't stop staring.Cougars everywhere. There's lots of older women that would love to be with younger guys. It's just that the manner that the younger guy approaches them is the problem. So here are some of the things that have not cougars.Cougar don'ts.Let's get into it, Chrissy.This is when we get serious, the past.If you walk up to Cougar and you say something like, is your last name Campbell? Because you are mm mm. Good. That's one of the worst.What?I've never heard that.Is that, like, an old cigarette reference? I mean, that's.It's the Campbell's soup.Oh, Campbell's soup. I thought she said, if you look like a camel. And I was about to say, cause your toe is. I don't know. I don't know.No, Campbell's.Oh, Campbell.Is your last name Campbell? Cause you're.Mm mm.That's ridiculous.23 year old remembers a Campbell's soup commercial.Oh, so no one says that.Yeah, they're saying Riz on the chuggy in the things you can do. Meet me in the out of face space or whatever. That oculus. Let's get on my oculus and let.Me look at your boobs because'm not looking that up. The government can find the bush. Push, push in the bush is a song. Push, push in the bush is a song by music. What a name.Delta PI epsilon. Apparently, if you drink diet soda with vodka, it intensifies the buzz, and people are not supposed to do that. But why wouldn't you do that?Wait, I don't. What? Why would you put out this video? What's that?Is that a real disclaimer? Apparently, you're not supposed to do that, but you do it.I skipped through this video, and I knew this was gonna be, like, classic shitshow video. And I love it. I love every second of it.I have to do is drunk texting, and I'm gonna do it. Thank God I don't need reading glasses. I'm gonna text my old boyfriend from college. I wonder. I don't even have a number. Shit.Oh, my God. You're only on shot number two. You're only on shot number two.I got root beer intensified thing.Well, that's true. I forgot about that. I forgot you were in the root beer, too. You're in the suds and in the root beer.I was in a sorority called Epsilon. Every Friday, I'm gonna tell you right now what I have on Facebook. I don't like that you find out that you weren't invited to shit on Facebook.Well, Carl, you got your own party going on.This is the musings of an old lady, white lady. This is what? This is the musings of an old, drunk white lady. I don't like when I invited this shit on Facebook. Well, maybe you should jump over to Instagram, where people actually are.You know what it's time to do? Call my kids first. I will call my youngest son.Call my kids.Leave me alone, mom. He's there for four more house. And she's calling him. When I says calling him, I thought she was gonna pick up her iPhone and she's actually yelling for him.Jess. Jess. I gotta leave a message at the beep. Hi, Jess, it's your mother. Hello? I gotta call.My classes are breaking in the class.I was gonna say, are they doing dishes? Off to the Sabbath.Karen Lee's my new favorite. We found a new one.Camp.Hi.Why are you acting so weird? Am I hammered? Yes, I'm hammered. Oh, hold on, Jess. Yes, I'm drunk and I'm not crying. I'm not with anybody. I didn't drink much.Not crying.Chrissy.Holy crap.This reminds me of, like, ten of our friends. I sort of got into it. Her sons are calling her, and she said I got, like, some weird, sultry, sexy voice on. Huh? Yeah, I love you, too.I'm not literally alone. I'm never alone. I got cam out of the line. I'll talk to you later. Love you. Bye. Camden. Yeah. I hate when kids move to California. I'm not hammered.I hate when children go to liberal states. Fuck those lip tars off.I'm not hammered at all. What good is it having kids if they hang up on you? Did I mention that I was in a sorority? I was actually Delta Phi Epsilon in a university for four years. The best time of my life. I always say that the kids, when they go off to college and I mean it, I feel like looking at my college album.Oh, my God. This is like. I feel for the life partner here who has now gone into official, like, I don't know what I'm doing with my life territory. I really hope that whoever her life partner is, is getting, like, a good free ride out of this, because this, if you had to deal with this every single night of your life. By the way, I want to remind everybody who's listening to this train wreck, and it may end up sounding muffled to you, but I want to remind you she's only on shot number two. Two. Chrissy.Yeah, she keeps holding up the glass. You know, it's just empty.Pretending. That's right.When I went to Fort Lauderdale. One of the most fun times in my life. See, I'm so fun.Not when I had my kids or family.No, no, no. Back to college. Fort Lauderdale. I did a four way in Panama City. I knew then I wanted to do hyper sexualized content on the Internet.She started a picture of herself back when she was brunette. Oh, yeah.God, those pictures gotta be in the, what, late sixties, early seventies?It looks like it.Both these guys. Both of these guys treat me like shit. I don't need to put up with this crap. So I'm not looking Don.For that.I'm not looking at college.Wow. Don't. I'm gonna call them later and explain to them what trade reggae really were. Hey, Bob.I'm gonna call him because I don't have his number.I'm gonna call information. You have Bob's phone number? I dated him in college. I was Delta fire salon. The whitest white, the whitest smarty in all of Illinois. And you didn't invite me on Facebook to your fuck a rama. I'm pissed.Elves anymore?Done.I'm empowered. And you know what? I'm gonna do a shot of Cheetah's backup whenever I get empowered.Oh, she had a spill.She poured half the bottle into that chicken hot glass.Oh, my God, Chrissy.Oh, my God. This is you and me, like ten years ago.She put this. She put this out.She put this out and left it out. That's the worst, right? Maybe. Maybe the next morning you're a little hungover, and you go, it's gonna be fun for the people. And now she's left it out. And now the commercial break has found it. She's gonna find new found fame, be fried.Did I mention I love this already? I gotta talk to you about men.Find about menstruation. What did she say?I don't know. She's talking about her sorority again.Oh, God.Benjamin Franklin apparently was into cougars.Benjamin Franklin?Ben Franklin was not into cougars. I think you've got that wrong. I'm not gonna go into what Ben Franklin was into, but it wasn't cougars. I think you've got that one wrong. All right, listen.Oh, Lord. Okay, only so much a surprise sneak attack from Karen Lee.I thought, you know, I did skip through this video. Look at her staring at the camera, high as a kite on two and one half shots of vodka.Well, look, that glass of root beer is gone.Boom.Kicked it in.The root beer is really where you get the. That's really where you get drunk when you start drinking root beer. I've never heard that. I haven't even had heard that. But now people are putting Mister Pib with all kinds of stuff. Sorry, I had to throw my socks away over there. It got so hot, I had to take my socks off. Oh, my God. Karen Lee Poder, you're. You are our new favorite friend on the commercial.We need to explore more of her.Oh, there's ton of it out there, Chrissy. We'll get there. We'll get there. Don't you worry. Frankie B. Karen Lee, over. We found you. We found that you two are a match made in heaven. Maybe we'll just do, like, a marathon. Back to back to back to back. Karen Lee and cranky B. Oh, man. So good. So good. Hey, thanks, everyone who has been texting and calling and leaving nice reviews. We really appreciate it. If you haven't yet, what are you waiting for? How can you listen to this episode and not think? I want to give those guys a pat on the back. Saved you from Karen Lee. We meet her at a bar. Run, don't walk. Run away. You too can get in contact with us. 212433 TCB. That's 212433 TCB. Questions, comments, concerns, content, ideas, we are taking them all right there at the text message or voicemail. I will respond. I promise. I can't get over that face. We've got Karen Lee on pause in the two tvs, in the studio, at the commercial break on Instagram, TCB podcast on TikTok. Please do us a favor. Follow us on Instagram. You can also communicate with us there.You can dm us. And someone on the team will respond. I sound like. I sound like an infomercial. Someone on the team will respond immediately, if not sooner. And TCBP, where you find all the information about the show, including live shows and dates and tickets, video, audio, free sticker at the contact us button. And please do us a favor. If you get a chance, go to thecommercialbreak for all of our guest interviews and selected episodes. Okay, chrissy, I think that's all I can do for today.I think so.But I'll tell you that I love you.I love you.I'll say best to you and best to you out there in the podcast universe. Until next time. Christy and I always say, we do say, and we must say goodbye.


love with people more their age. And, of course, almost exclusively, I think.


I don't know. I haven't watched a full episode ever. But I think, to nobody's surprise, they picked the younger man. Theym like, yes, we do. All right, so here's Cougar International. This is a commercial for Cougar International, the no longer existing website cougar to legendary Beverly Hills, home of couger, an international social and business networking community online and offline.She's reading a script. She's got a script in her hand. Yes.She's looking down.Looking down. Then back up. Welcome to luxurious Hollywood, California.Beverly Hills.Beverly Hills. I'm here in a drab room with a weird carpet behind it.Very weird room. There's like, yeah, there's a carpet on the wall.I got to be honest, I don't trust people who hang carpets on walls. It's a little weird. It's a little strange. It's nineties is what it is.Confident women with younger men in mind and the men who adore us for a moment my family feel.Not what I'm looking for in a dating website. No, I like that most of my family's in there trolling around.They can all get on there, get.To know each other, and we go to these different events, and it's a party feel, but also like a family that really works for me. And also we have special events for just the ladies, such as coffees and brunches where we can dish like the sex and the city girls do. And that's great.Oh, my God to listen to Brian and Chrissy begatk, so just follow us on Instagram again. That's hecommercialbreak. You can also follow us on TikTok. And of course, you know where to go for all things TCB. That is, baby. And of course, you can always text us or call us and leave us a voicemail at 212433 tCB. Yep, that phone number is no longer new, but it is still around, and that's a win. 212433 tCv. Love you. Bye.Hey, I'm Rhett. And I'm link. Maybe you know us from our daily YouTube show good mythical morning, but this is a little trailer for our podcast, Ear Biscuits, where two lifelong friends talk about life for a long time and nothing is off limits. We talk about our sex lives, our mental health journeys, but we try to never take ourselves too seriously. So we invite you to not do the same or to do the same, we invite you to listen, follow, and listen to ear biscuits now for free on the odyssey app and everywhere you get your podcasts. Okay, ovoo Andre, all Paul, we're here talking about cougars, and I've got another video lined up. This is a more recent video, not much more recent, but more recent than this one. And what we are discussing is how to pick up a cougar.Oh, how to pick up a cougar?How to pick up a cougar. But this is not from the same group. This is from a lady on the Internet who does cougar related content. And this is probably a decade old.So just like, how to pick up her friends.Yeah, how to pick her up, basically.Right? Okay. What she wants.Yeah.Yeah.I thought I'd share something very private. Up until now, I haven't really talked about it on my show. And that is how I actually was picked up by my current boyfriend. As you all know, I'm in a committed life partnership with my boyfriend. We met at a company party. I saw him across the room. He motioned over to come to his vip area where he was at. What?Really attracted.At a company party, there was a vip area.And he motioned.He motioned. He said, hey, go get me.Yeah.Hey, you. Come over here.Hey, you. I'm 21 and rock hard. Get over here. Nothing like dipping in my pen in the company ink when I first met.Him was his drum roll. Confidence. He had confidence to come up to me and say, can I get you a drink? And we started a conversation. Offer me a drink is always a great opening line. It's not a pickup line.It's not an opening line. Here's something for free. You gotta be careful about that, I think.Yeah, exactly.You gotta be careful about just buying women drinks. I think buying anybody drinks, quite frankly, I think you gotta be. You gotta. You gotta feel it out a little bit. It's not for everybody. Right.I agree.Because they think you're. You're think. They think you think that they're obligated to sit there and talk to you because of whatever.Can I get you a drink? But what struck me about him and what he told me back on that night was both of our personalities really clicked together. And it wasn't just about the chemistry or, you know, being attracted to my boobs or whatever else.Look beyond the boobs.Wa baaam.It says on the screen, quantum witch says, that's wrong. Look into the boobs and wham. Instant attraction.He saw that night. Yes. The physical chemistry was there, but it's really about the personality. So what I thought I would share with you is some of the do's and don'ts of trying to pick up a cougar. So many guys have written it to me. Karen Lee, where can I find a cougar like you? If you really think about it, Karen Lee.Karen Lee, where can I find a cougar like you? Oh, look, so many people have written.In my oovu is ringing. Hello? How did pick up chicks like you? I can't look past your boobs. I can't stop staring.Cougars everywhere. There's lots of older women that would love to be with younger guys. It's just that the manner that the younger guy approaches them is the problem. So here are some of the things that have not cougars.Cougar don'ts.Let's get into it, Chrissy.This is when we get serious, the past.If you walk up to Cougar and you say something like, is your last name Campbell? Because you are mm mm. Good. That's one of the worst.What?I've never heard that.Is that, like, an old cigarette reference? I mean, that's.It's the Campbell's soup.Oh, Campbell's soup. I thought she said, if you look like a camel. And I was about to say, cause your toe is. I don't know. I don't know.No, Campbell's.Oh, Campbell.Is your last name Campbell? Cause you're.Mm mm.That's ridiculous.23 year old remembers a Campbell's soup commercial.Oh, so no one says that.Yeah, they're saying Riz on the chuggy in the things you can do. Meet me in the out of face space or whatever. That oculus. Let's get on my oculus and let.Me look at your boobs because'm not looking that up. The government can find the bush. Push, push in the bush is a song. Push, push in the bush is a song by music. What a name.Delta PI epsilon. Apparently, if you drink diet soda with vodka, it intensifies the buzz, and people are not supposed to do that. But why wouldn't you do that?Wait, I don't. What? Why would you put out this video? What's that?Is that a real disclaimer? Apparently, you're not supposed to do that, but you do it.I skipped through this video, and I knew this was gonna be, like, classic shitshow video. And I love it. I love every second of it.I have to do is drunk texting, and I'm gonna do it. Thank God I don't need reading glasses. I'm gonna text my old boyfriend from college. I wonder. I don't even have a number. Shit.Oh, my God. You're only on shot number two. You're only on shot number two.I got root beer intensified thing.Well, that's true. I forgot about that. I forgot you were in the root beer, too. You're in the suds and in the root beer.I was in a sorority called Epsilon. Every Friday, I'm gonna tell you right now what I have on Facebook. I don't like that you find out that you weren't invited to shit on Facebook.Well, Carl, you got your own party going on.This is the musings of an old lady, white lady. This is what? This is the musings of an old, drunk white lady. I don't like when I invited this shit on Facebook. Well, maybe you should jump over to Instagram, where people actually are.You know what it's time to do? Call my kids first. I will call my youngest son.Call my kids.Leave me alone, mom. He's there for four more house. And she's calling him. When I says calling him, I thought she was gonna pick up her iPhone and she's actually yelling for him.Jess. Jess. I gotta leave a message at the beep. Hi, Jess, it's your mother. Hello? I gotta call.My classes are breaking in the class.I was gonna say, are they doing dishes? Off to the Sabbath.Karen Lee's my new favorite. We found a new one.Camp.Hi.Why are you acting so weird? Am I hammered? Yes, I'm hammered. Oh, hold on, Jess. Yes, I'm drunk and I'm not crying. I'm not with anybody. I didn't drink much.Not crying.Chrissy.Holy crap.This reminds me of, like, ten of our friends. I sort of got into it. Her sons are calling her, and she said I got, like, some weird, sultry, sexy voice on. Huh? Yeah, I love you, too.I'm not literally alone. I'm never alone. I got cam out of the line. I'll talk to you later. Love you. Bye. Camden. Yeah. I hate when kids move to California. I'm not hammered.I hate when children go to liberal states. Fuck those lip tars off.I'm not hammered at all. What good is it having kids if they hang up on you? Did I mention that I was in a sorority? I was actually Delta Phi Epsilon in a university for four years. The best time of my life. I always say that the kids, when they go off to college and I mean it, I feel like looking at my college album.Oh, my God. This is like. I feel for the life partner here who has now gone into official, like, I don't know what I'm doing with my life territory. I really hope that whoever her life partner is, is getting, like, a good free ride out of this, because this, if you had to deal with this every single night of your life. By the way, I want to remind everybody who's listening to this train wreck, and it may end up sounding muffled to you, but I want to remind you she's only on shot number two. Two. Chrissy.Yeah, she keeps holding up the glass. You know, it's just empty.Pretending. That's right.When I went to Fort Lauderdale. One of the most fun times in my life. See, I'm so fun.Not when I had my kids or family.No, no, no. Back to college. Fort Lauderdale. I did a four way in Panama City. I knew then I wanted to do hyper sexualized content on the Internet.She started a picture of herself back when she was brunette. Oh, yeah.God, those pictures gotta be in the, what, late sixties, early seventies?It looks like it.Both these guys. Both of these guys treat me like shit. I don't need to put up with this crap. So I'm not looking Don.For that.I'm not looking at college.Wow. Don't. I'm gonna call them later and explain to them what trade reggae really were. Hey, Bob.I'm gonna call him because I don't have his number.I'm gonna call information. You have Bob's phone number? I dated him in college. I was Delta fire salon. The whitest white, the whitest smarty in all of Illinois. And you didn't invite me on Facebook to your fuck a rama. I'm pissed.Elves anymore?Done.I'm empowered. And you know what? I'm gonna do a shot of Cheetah's backup whenever I get empowered.Oh, she had a spill.She poured half the bottle into that chicken hot glass.Oh, my God, Chrissy.Oh, my God. This is you and me, like ten years ago.She put this. She put this out.She put this out and left it out. That's the worst, right? Maybe. Maybe the next morning you're a little hungover, and you go, it's gonna be fun for the people. And now she's left it out. And now the commercial break has found it. She's gonna find new found fame, be fried.Did I mention I love this already? I gotta talk to you about men.Find about menstruation. What did she say?I don't know. She's talking about her sorority again.Oh, God.Benjamin Franklin apparently was into cougars.Benjamin Franklin?Ben Franklin was not into cougars. I think you've got that wrong. I'm not gonna go into what Ben Franklin was into, but it wasn't cougars. I think you've got that one wrong. All right, listen.Oh, Lord. Okay, only so much a surprise sneak attack from Karen Lee.I thought, you know, I did skip through this video. Look at her staring at the camera, high as a kite on two and one half shots of vodka.Well, look, that glass of root beer is gone.Boom.Kicked it in.The root beer is really where you get the. That's really where you get drunk when you start drinking root beer. I've never heard that. I haven't even had heard that. But now people are putting Mister Pib with all kinds of stuff. Sorry, I had to throw my socks away over there. It got so hot, I had to take my socks off. Oh, my God. Karen Lee Poder, you're. You are our new favorite friend on the commercial.We need to explore more of her.Oh, there's ton of it out there, Chrissy. We'll get there. We'll get there. Don't you worry. Frankie B. Karen Lee, over. We found you. We found that you two are a match made in heaven. Maybe we'll just do, like, a marathon. Back to back to back to back. Karen Lee and cranky B. Oh, man. So good. So good. Hey, thanks, everyone who has been texting and calling and leaving nice reviews. We really appreciate it. If you haven't yet, what are you waiting for? How can you listen to this episode and not think? I want to give those guys a pat on the back. Saved you from Karen Lee. We meet her at a bar. Run, don't walk. Run away. You too can get in contact with us. 212433 TCB. That's 212433 TCB. Questions, comments, concerns, content, ideas, we are taking them all right there at the text message or voicemail. I will respond. I promise. I can't get over that face. We've got Karen Lee on pause in the two tvs, in the studio, at the commercial break on Instagram, TCB podcast on TikTok. Please do us a favor. Follow us on Instagram. You can also communicate with us there.You can dm us. And someone on the team will respond. I sound like. I sound like an infomercial. Someone on the team will respond immediately, if not sooner. And TCBP, where you find all the information about the show, including live shows and dates and tickets, video, audio, free sticker at the contact us button. And please do us a favor. If you get a chance, go to thecommercialbreak for all of our guest interviews and selected episodes. Okay, chrissy, I think that's all I can do for today.I think so.But I'll tell you that I love you.I love you.I'll say best to you and best to you out there in the podcast universe. Until next time. Christy and I always say, we do say, and we must say goodbye.


m like, yes, we do. All right, so here's Cougar International. This is a commercial for Cougar International, the no longer existing website cougar


Welcome to legendary Beverly Hills, home of couger, an international social and business networking community online and offline.


She's reading a script. She's got a script in her hand. Yes.


She's looking down.


Looking down. Then back up. Welcome to luxurious Hollywood, California.


Beverly Hills.


Beverly Hills. I'm here in a drab room with a weird carpet behind it.


Very weird room. There's like, yeah, there's a carpet on the wall.


I got to be honest, I don't trust people who hang carpets on walls. It's a little weird. It's a little strange. It's nineties is what it is.


Confident women with younger men in mind and the men who adore us for a moment my family feel.Not what I'm looking for in a dating website. No, I like that most of my family's in there trolling around.They can all get on there, get.To know each other, and we go to these different events, and it's a party feel, but also like a family that really works for me. And also we have special events for just the ladies, such as coffees and brunches where we can dish like the sex and the city girls do. And that's great.Oh, my God to listen to Brian and Chrissy begatk, so just follow us on Instagram again. That's hecommercialbreak. You can also follow us on TikTok. And of course, you know where to go for all things TCB. That is, baby. And of course, you can always text us or call us and leave us a voicemail at 212433 tCB. Yep, that phone number is no longer new, but it is still around, and that's a win. 212433 tCv. Love you. Bye.Hey, I'm Rhett. And I'm link. Maybe you know us from our daily YouTube show good mythical morning, but this is a little trailer for our podcast, Ear Biscuits, where two lifelong friends talk about life for a long time and nothing is off limits. We talk about our sex lives, our mental health journeys, but we try to never take ourselves too seriously. So we invite you to not do the same or to do the same, we invite you to listen, follow, and listen to ear biscuits now for free on the odyssey app and everywhere you get your podcasts. Okay, ovoo Andre, all Paul, we're here talking about cougars, and I've got another video lined up. This is a more recent video, not much more recent, but more recent than this one. And what we are discussing is how to pick up a cougar.Oh, how to pick up a cougar?How to pick up a cougar. But this is not from the same group. This is from a lady on the Internet who does cougar related content. And this is probably a decade old.So just like, how to pick up her friends.Yeah, how to pick her up, basically.Right? Okay. What she wants.Yeah.Yeah.I thought I'd share something very private. Up until now, I haven't really talked about it on my show. And that is how I actually was picked up by my current boyfriend. As you all know, I'm in a committed life partnership with my boyfriend. We met at a company party. I saw him across the room. He motioned over to come to his vip area where he was at. What?Really attracted.At a company party, there was a vip area.And he motioned.He motioned. He said, hey, go get me.Yeah.Hey, you. Come over here.Hey, you. I'm 21 and rock hard. Get over here. Nothing like dipping in my pen in the company ink when I first met.Him was his drum roll. Confidence. He had confidence to come up to me and say, can I get you a drink? And we started a conversation. Offer me a drink is always a great opening line. It's not a pickup line.It's not an opening line. Here's something for free. You gotta be careful about that, I think.Yeah, exactly.You gotta be careful about just buying women drinks. I think buying anybody drinks, quite frankly, I think you gotta be. You gotta. You gotta feel it out a little bit. It's not for everybody. Right.I agree.Because they think you're. You're think. They think you think that they're obligated to sit there and talk to you because of whatever.Can I get you a drink? But what struck me about him and what he told me back on that night was both of our personalities really clicked together. And it wasn't just about the chemistry or, you know, being attracted to my boobs or whatever else.Look beyond the boobs.Wa baaam.It says on the screen, quantum witch says, that's wrong. Look into the boobs and wham. Instant attraction.He saw that night. Yes. The physical chemistry was there, but it's really about the personality. So what I thought I would share with you is some of the do's and don'ts of trying to pick up a cougar. So many guys have written it to me. Karen Lee, where can I find a cougar like you? If you really think about it, Karen Lee.Karen Lee, where can I find a cougar like you? Oh, look, so many people have written.In my oovu is ringing. Hello? How did pick up chicks like you? I can't look past your boobs. I can't stop staring.Cougars everywhere. There's lots of older women that would love to be with younger guys. It's just that the manner that the younger guy approaches them is the problem. So here are some of the things that have not cougars.Cougar don'ts.Let's get into it, Chrissy.This is when we get serious, the past.If you walk up to Cougar and you say something like, is your last name Campbell? Because you are mm mm. Good. That's one of the worst.What?I've never heard that.Is that, like, an old cigarette reference? I mean, that's.It's the Campbell's soup.Oh, Campbell's soup. I thought she said, if you look like a camel. And I was about to say, cause your toe is. I don't know. I don't know.No, Campbell's.Oh, Campbell.Is your last name Campbell? Cause you're.Mm mm.That's ridiculous.23 year old remembers a Campbell's soup commercial.Oh, so no one says that.Yeah, they're saying Riz on the chuggy in the things you can do. Meet me in the out of face space or whatever. That oculus. Let's get on my oculus and let.Me look at your boobs because'm not looking that up. The government can find the bush. Push, push in the bush is a song. Push, push in the bush is a song by music. What a name.Delta PI epsilon. Apparently, if you drink diet soda with vodka, it intensifies the buzz, and people are not supposed to do that. But why wouldn't you do that?Wait, I don't. What? Why would you put out this video? What's that?Is that a real disclaimer? Apparently, you're not supposed to do that, but you do it.I skipped through this video, and I knew this was gonna be, like, classic shitshow video. And I love it. I love every second of it.I have to do is drunk texting, and I'm gonna do it. Thank God I don't need reading glasses. I'm gonna text my old boyfriend from college. I wonder. I don't even have a number. Shit.Oh, my God. You're only on shot number two. You're only on shot number two.I got root beer intensified thing.Well, that's true. I forgot about that. I forgot you were in the root beer, too. You're in the suds and in the root beer.I was in a sorority called Epsilon. Every Friday, I'm gonna tell you right now what I have on Facebook. I don't like that you find out that you weren't invited to shit on Facebook.Well, Carl, you got your own party going on.This is the musings of an old lady, white lady. This is what? This is the musings of an old, drunk white lady. I don't like when I invited this shit on Facebook. Well, maybe you should jump over to Instagram, where people actually are.You know what it's time to do? Call my kids first. I will call my youngest son.Call my kids.Leave me alone, mom. He's there for four more house. And she's calling him. When I says calling him, I thought she was gonna pick up her iPhone and she's actually yelling for him.Jess. Jess. I gotta leave a message at the beep. Hi, Jess, it's your mother. Hello? I gotta call.My classes are breaking in the class.I was gonna say, are they doing dishes? Off to the Sabbath.Karen Lee's my new favorite. We found a new one.Camp.Hi.Why are you acting so weird? Am I hammered? Yes, I'm hammered. Oh, hold on, Jess. Yes, I'm drunk and I'm not crying. I'm not with anybody. I didn't drink much.Not crying.Chrissy.Holy crap.This reminds me of, like, ten of our friends. I sort of got into it. Her sons are calling her, and she said I got, like, some weird, sultry, sexy voice on. Huh? Yeah, I love you, too.I'm not literally alone. I'm never alone. I got cam out of the line. I'll talk to you later. Love you. Bye. Camden. Yeah. I hate when kids move to California. I'm not hammered.I hate when children go to liberal states. Fuck those lip tars off.I'm not hammered at all. What good is it having kids if they hang up on you? Did I mention that I was in a sorority? I was actually Delta Phi Epsilon in a university for four years. The best time of my life. I always say that the kids, when they go off to college and I mean it, I feel like looking at my college album.Oh, my God. This is like. I feel for the life partner here who has now gone into official, like, I don't know what I'm doing with my life territory. I really hope that whoever her life partner is, is getting, like, a good free ride out of this, because this, if you had to deal with this every single night of your life. By the way, I want to remind everybody who's listening to this train wreck, and it may end up sounding muffled to you, but I want to remind you she's only on shot number two. Two. Chrissy.Yeah, she keeps holding up the glass. You know, it's just empty.Pretending. That's right.When I went to Fort Lauderdale. One of the most fun times in my life. See, I'm so fun.Not when I had my kids or family.No, no, no. Back to college. Fort Lauderdale. I did a four way in Panama City. I knew then I wanted to do hyper sexualized content on the Internet.She started a picture of herself back when she was brunette. Oh, yeah.God, those pictures gotta be in the, what, late sixties, early seventies?It looks like it.Both these guys. Both of these guys treat me like shit. I don't need to put up with this crap. So I'm not looking Don.For that.I'm not looking at college.Wow. Don't. I'm gonna call them later and explain to them what trade reggae really were. Hey, Bob.I'm gonna call him because I don't have his number.I'm gonna call information. You have Bob's phone number? I dated him in college. I was Delta fire salon. The whitest white, the whitest smarty in all of Illinois. And you didn't invite me on Facebook to your fuck a rama. I'm pissed.Elves anymore?Done.I'm empowered. And you know what? I'm gonna do a shot of Cheetah's backup whenever I get empowered.Oh, she had a spill.She poured half the bottle into that chicken hot glass.Oh, my God, Chrissy.Oh, my God. This is you and me, like ten years ago.She put this. She put this out.She put this out and left it out. That's the worst, right? Maybe. Maybe the next morning you're a little hungover, and you go, it's gonna be fun for the people. And now she's left it out. And now the commercial break has found it. She's gonna find new found fame, be fried.Did I mention I love this already? I gotta talk to you about men.Find about menstruation. What did she say?I don't know. She's talking about her sorority again.Oh, God.Benjamin Franklin apparently was into cougars.Benjamin Franklin?Ben Franklin was not into cougars. I think you've got that wrong. I'm not gonna go into what Ben Franklin was into, but it wasn't cougars. I think you've got that one wrong. All right, listen.Oh, Lord. Okay, only so much a surprise sneak attack from Karen Lee.I thought, you know, I did skip through this video. Look at her staring at the camera, high as a kite on two and one half shots of vodka.Well, look, that glass of root beer is gone.Boom.Kicked it in.The root beer is really where you get the. That's really where you get drunk when you start drinking root beer. I've never heard that. I haven't even had heard that. But now people are putting Mister Pib with all kinds of stuff. Sorry, I had to throw my socks away over there. It got so hot, I had to take my socks off. Oh, my God. Karen Lee Poder, you're. You are our new favorite friend on the commercial.We need to explore more of her.Oh, there's ton of it out there, Chrissy. We'll get there. We'll get there. Don't you worry. Frankie B. Karen Lee, over. We found you. We found that you two are a match made in heaven. Maybe we'll just do, like, a marathon. Back to back to back to back. Karen Lee and cranky B. Oh, man. So good. So good. Hey, thanks, everyone who has been texting and calling and leaving nice reviews. We really appreciate it. If you haven't yet, what are you waiting for? How can you listen to this episode and not think? I want to give those guys a pat on the back. Saved you from Karen Lee. We meet her at a bar. Run, don't walk. Run away. You too can get in contact with us. 212433 TCB. That's 212433 TCB. Questions, comments, concerns, content, ideas, we are taking them all right there at the text message or voicemail. I will respond. I promise. I can't get over that face. We've got Karen Lee on pause in the two tvs, in the studio, at the commercial break on Instagram, TCB podcast on TikTok. Please do us a favor. Follow us on Instagram. You can also communicate with us there.You can dm us. And someone on the team will respond. I sound like. I sound like an infomercial. Someone on the team will respond immediately, if not sooner. And TCBP, where you find all the information about the show, including live shows and dates and tickets, video, audio, free sticker at the contact us button. And please do us a favor. If you get a chance, go to thecommercialbreak for all of our guest interviews and selected episodes. Okay, chrissy, I think that's all I can do for today.I think so.But I'll tell you that I love you.I love you.I'll say best to you and best to you out there in the podcast universe. Until next time. Christy and I always say, we do say, and we must say goodbye.


my family feel.


Not what I'm looking for in a dating website. No, I like that most of my family's in there trolling around.


They can all get on there, get.


To know each other, and we go to these different events, and it's a party feel, but also like a family that really works for me. And also we have special events for just the ladies, such as coffees and brunches where we can dish like the sex and the city girls do. And that's great.


Oh, my God to listen to Brian and Chrissy begatk, so just follow us on Instagram again. That's hecommercialbreak. You can also follow us on TikTok. And of course, you know where to go for all things TCB. That is, baby. And of course, you can always text us or call us and leave us a voicemail at 212433 tCB. Yep, that phone number is no longer new, but it is still around, and that's a win. 212433 tCv. Love you. Bye.Hey, I'm Rhett. And I'm link. Maybe you know us from our daily YouTube show good mythical morning, but this is a little trailer for our podcast, Ear Biscuits, where two lifelong friends talk about life for a long time and nothing is off limits. We talk about our sex lives, our mental health journeys, but we try to never take ourselves too seriously. So we invite you to not do the same or to do the same, we invite you to listen, follow, and listen to ear biscuits now for free on the odyssey app and everywhere you get your podcasts. Okay, ovoo Andre, all Paul, we're here talking about cougars, and I've got another video lined up. This is a more recent video, not much more recent, but more recent than this one. And what we are discussing is how to pick up a cougar.Oh, how to pick up a cougar?How to pick up a cougar. But this is not from the same group. This is from a lady on the Internet who does cougar related content. And this is probably a decade old.So just like, how to pick up her friends.Yeah, how to pick her up, basically.Right? Okay. What she wants.Yeah.Yeah.I thought I'd share something very private. Up until now, I haven't really talked about it on my show. And that is how I actually was picked up by my current boyfriend. As you all know, I'm in a committed life partnership with my boyfriend. We met at a company party. I saw him across the room. He motioned over to come to his vip area where he was at. What?Really attracted.At a company party, there was a vip area.And he motioned.He motioned. He said, hey, go get me.Yeah.Hey, you. Come over here.Hey, you. I'm 21 and rock hard. Get over here. Nothing like dipping in my pen in the company ink when I first met.Him was his drum roll. Confidence. He had confidence to come up to me and say, can I get you a drink? And we started a conversation. Offer me a drink is always a great opening line. It's not a pickup line.It's not an opening line. Here's something for free. You gotta be careful about that, I think.Yeah, exactly.You gotta be careful about just buying women drinks. I think buying anybody drinks, quite frankly, I think you gotta be. You gotta. You gotta feel it out a little bit. It's not for everybody. Right.I agree.Because they think you're. You're think. They think you think that they're obligated to sit there and talk to you because of whatever.Can I get you a drink? But what struck me about him and what he told me back on that night was both of our personalities really clicked together. And it wasn't just about the chemistry or, you know, being attracted to my boobs or whatever else.Look beyond the boobs.Wa baaam.It says on the screen, quantum witch says, that's wrong. Look into the boobs and wham. Instant attraction.He saw that night. Yes. The physical chemistry was there, but it's really about the personality. So what I thought I would share with you is some of the do's and don'ts of trying to pick up a cougar. So many guys have written it to me. Karen Lee, where can I find a cougar like you? If you really think about it, Karen Lee.Karen Lee, where can I find a cougar like you? Oh, look, so many people have written.In my oovu is ringing. Hello? How did pick up chicks like you? I can't look past your boobs. I can't stop staring.Cougars everywhere. There's lots of older women that would love to be with younger guys. It's just that the manner that the younger guy approaches them is the problem. So here are some of the things that have not cougars.Cougar don'ts.Let's get into it, Chrissy.This is when we get serious, the past.If you walk up to Cougar and you say something like, is your last name Campbell? Because you are mm mm. Good. That's one of the worst.What?I've never heard that.Is that, like, an old cigarette reference? I mean, that's.It's the Campbell's soup.Oh, Campbell's soup. I thought she said, if you look like a camel. And I was about to say, cause your toe is. I don't know. I don't know.No, Campbell's.Oh, Campbell.Is your last name Campbell? Cause you're.Mm mm.That's ridiculous.23 year old remembers a Campbell's soup commercial.Oh, so no one says that.Yeah, they're saying Riz on the chuggy in the things you can do. Meet me in the out of face space or whatever. That oculus. Let's get on my oculus and let.Me look at your boobs because'm not looking that up. The government can find the bush. Push, push in the bush is a song. Push, push in the bush is a song by music. What a name.Delta PI epsilon. Apparently, if you drink diet soda with vodka, it intensifies the buzz, and people are not supposed to do that. But why wouldn't you do that?Wait, I don't. What? Why would you put out this video? What's that?Is that a real disclaimer? Apparently, you're not supposed to do that, but you do it.I skipped through this video, and I knew this was gonna be, like, classic shitshow video. And I love it. I love every second of it.I have to do is drunk texting, and I'm gonna do it. Thank God I don't need reading glasses. I'm gonna text my old boyfriend from college. I wonder. I don't even have a number. Shit.Oh, my God. You're only on shot number two. You're only on shot number two.I got root beer intensified thing.Well, that's true. I forgot about that. I forgot you were in the root beer, too. You're in the suds and in the root beer.I was in a sorority called Epsilon. Every Friday, I'm gonna tell you right now what I have on Facebook. I don't like that you find out that you weren't invited to shit on Facebook.Well, Carl, you got your own party going on.This is the musings of an old lady, white lady. This is what? This is the musings of an old, drunk white lady. I don't like when I invited this shit on Facebook. Well, maybe you should jump over to Instagram, where people actually are.You know what it's time to do? Call my kids first. I will call my youngest son.Call my kids.Leave me alone, mom. He's there for four more house. And she's calling him. When I says calling him, I thought she was gonna pick up her iPhone and she's actually yelling for him.Jess. Jess. I gotta leave a message at the beep. Hi, Jess, it's your mother. Hello? I gotta call.My classes are breaking in the class.I was gonna say, are they doing dishes? Off to the Sabbath.Karen Lee's my new favorite. We found a new one.Camp.Hi.Why are you acting so weird? Am I hammered? Yes, I'm hammered. Oh, hold on, Jess. Yes, I'm drunk and I'm not crying. I'm not with anybody. I didn't drink much.Not crying.Chrissy.Holy crap.This reminds me of, like, ten of our friends. I sort of got into it. Her sons are calling her, and she said I got, like, some weird, sultry, sexy voice on. Huh? Yeah, I love you, too.I'm not literally alone. I'm never alone. I got cam out of the line. I'll talk to you later. Love you. Bye. Camden. Yeah. I hate when kids move to California. I'm not hammered.I hate when children go to liberal states. Fuck those lip tars off.I'm not hammered at all. What good is it having kids if they hang up on you? Did I mention that I was in a sorority? I was actually Delta Phi Epsilon in a university for four years. The best time of my life. I always say that the kids, when they go off to college and I mean it, I feel like looking at my college album.Oh, my God. This is like. I feel for the life partner here who has now gone into official, like, I don't know what I'm doing with my life territory. I really hope that whoever her life partner is, is getting, like, a good free ride out of this, because this, if you had to deal with this every single night of your life. By the way, I want to remind everybody who's listening to this train wreck, and it may end up sounding muffled to you, but I want to remind you she's only on shot number two. Two. Chrissy.Yeah, she keeps holding up the glass. You know, it's just empty.Pretending. That's right.When I went to Fort Lauderdale. One of the most fun times in my life. See, I'm so fun.Not when I had my kids or family.No, no, no. Back to college. Fort Lauderdale. I did a four way in Panama City. I knew then I wanted to do hyper sexualized content on the Internet.She started a picture of herself back when she was brunette. Oh, yeah.God, those pictures gotta be in the, what, late sixties, early seventies?It looks like it.Both these guys. Both of these guys treat me like shit. I don't need to put up with this crap. So I'm not looking Don.For that.I'm not looking at college.Wow. Don't. I'm gonna call them later and explain to them what trade reggae really were. Hey, Bob.I'm gonna call him because I don't have his number.I'm gonna call information. You have Bob's phone number? I dated him in college. I was Delta fire salon. The whitest white, the whitest smarty in all of Illinois. And you didn't invite me on Facebook to your fuck a rama. I'm pissed.Elves anymore?Done.I'm empowered. And you know what? I'm gonna do a shot of Cheetah's backup whenever I get empowered.Oh, she had a spill.She poured half the bottle into that chicken hot glass.Oh, my God, Chrissy.Oh, my God. This is you and me, like ten years ago.She put this. She put this out.She put this out and left it out. That's the worst, right? Maybe. Maybe the next morning you're a little hungover, and you go, it's gonna be fun for the people. And now she's left it out. And now the commercial break has found it. She's gonna find new found fame, be fried.Did I mention I love this already? I gotta talk to you about men.Find about menstruation. What did she say?I don't know. She's talking about her sorority again.Oh, God.Benjamin Franklin apparently was into cougars.Benjamin Franklin?Ben Franklin was not into cougars. I think you've got that wrong. I'm not gonna go into what Ben Franklin was into, but it wasn't cougars. I think you've got that one wrong. All right, listen.Oh, Lord. Okay, only so much a surprise sneak attack from Karen Lee.I thought, you know, I did skip through this video. Look at her staring at the camera, high as a kite on two and one half shots of vodka.Well, look, that glass of root beer is gone.Boom.Kicked it in.The root beer is really where you get the. That's really where you get drunk when you start drinking root beer. I've never heard that. I haven't even had heard that. But now people are putting Mister Pib with all kinds of stuff. Sorry, I had to throw my socks away over there. It got so hot, I had to take my socks off. Oh, my God. Karen Lee Poder, you're. You are our new favorite friend on the commercial.We need to explore more of her.Oh, there's ton of it out there, Chrissy. We'll get there. We'll get there. Don't you worry. Frankie B. Karen Lee, over. We found you. We found that you two are a match made in heaven. Maybe we'll just do, like, a marathon. Back to back to back to back. Karen Lee and cranky B. Oh, man. So good. So good. Hey, thanks, everyone who has been texting and calling and leaving nice reviews. We really appreciate it. If you haven't yet, what are you waiting for? How can you listen to this episode and not think? I want to give those guys a pat on the back. Saved you from Karen Lee. We meet her at a bar. Run, don't walk. Run away. You too can get in contact with us. 212433 TCB. That's 212433 TCB. Questions, comments, concerns, content, ideas, we are taking them all right there at the text message or voicemail. I will respond. I promise. I can't get over that face. We've got Karen Lee on pause in the two tvs, in the studio, at the commercial break on Instagram, TCB podcast on TikTok. Please do us a favor. Follow us on Instagram. You can also communicate with us there.You can dm us. And someone on the team will respond. I sound like. I sound like an infomercial. Someone on the team will respond immediately, if not sooner. And TCBP, where you find all the information about the show, including live shows and dates and tickets, video, audio, free sticker at the contact us button. And please do us a favor. If you get a chance, go to thecommercialbreak for all of our guest interviews and selected episodes. Okay, chrissy, I think that's all I can do for today.I think so.But I'll tell you that I love you.I love you.I'll say best to you and best to you out there in the podcast universe. Until next time. Christy and I always say, we do say, and we must say goodbye.


to listen to Brian and Chrissy begatk, so just follow us on Instagram again. That's hecommercialbreak. You can also follow us on TikTok. And of course, you know where to go for all things TCB. That is, baby. And of course, you can always text us or call us and leave us a voicemail at 212433 tCB. Yep, that phone number is no longer new, but it is still around, and that's a win. 212433 tCv. Love you. Bye.


Hey, I'm Rhett. And I'm link. Maybe you know us from our daily YouTube show good mythical morning, but this is a little trailer for our podcast, Ear Biscuits, where two lifelong friends talk about life for a long time and nothing is off limits. We talk about our sex lives, our mental health journeys, but we try to never take ourselves too seriously. So we invite you to not do the same or to do the same, we invite you to listen, follow, and listen to ear biscuits now for free on the odyssey app and everywhere you get your podcasts. Okay, ovoo Andre, all Paul, we're here talking about cougars, and I've got another video lined up. This is a more recent video, not much more recent, but more recent than this one. And what we are discussing is how to pick up a cougar.


Oh, how to pick up a cougar?


How to pick up a cougar. But this is not from the same group. This is from a lady on the Internet who does cougar related content. And this is probably a decade old.


So just like, how to pick up her friends.


Yeah, how to pick her up, basically.


Right? Okay. What she wants.






I thought I'd share something very private. Up until now, I haven't really talked about it on my show. And that is how I actually was picked up by my current boyfriend. As you all know, I'm in a committed life partnership with my boyfriend. We met at a company party. I saw him across the room. He motioned over to come to his vip area where he was at. What?


Really attracted.


At a company party, there was a vip area.


And he motioned.


He motioned. He said, hey, go get me.




Hey, you. Come over here.


Hey, you. I'm 21 and rock hard. Get over here. Nothing like dipping in my pen in the company ink when I first met.


Him was his drum roll. Confidence. He had confidence to come up to me and say, can I get you a drink? And we started a conversation. Offer me a drink is always a great opening line. It's not a pickup line.


It's not an opening line. Here's something for free. You gotta be careful about that, I think.


Yeah, exactly.


You gotta be careful about just buying women drinks. I think buying anybody drinks, quite frankly, I think you gotta be. You gotta. You gotta feel it out a little bit. It's not for everybody. Right.


I agree.


Because they think you're. You're think. They think you think that they're obligated to sit there and talk to you because of whatever.


Can I get you a drink? But what struck me about him and what he told me back on that night was both of our personalities really clicked together. And it wasn't just about the chemistry or, you know, being attracted to my boobs or whatever else.


Look beyond the boobs.


Wa baaam.


It says on the screen, quantum witch says, that's wrong. Look into the boobs and wham. Instant attraction.


He saw that night. Yes. The physical chemistry was there, but it's really about the personality. So what I thought I would share with you is some of the do's and don'ts of trying to pick up a cougar. So many guys have written it to me. Karen Lee, where can I find a cougar like you? If you really think about it, Karen Lee.


Karen Lee, where can I find a cougar like you? Oh, look, so many people have written.


In my oovu is ringing. Hello? How did pick up chicks like you? I can't look past your boobs. I can't stop staring.


Cougars everywhere. There's lots of older women that would love to be with younger guys. It's just that the manner that the younger guy approaches them is the problem. So here are some of the things that have not cougars.


Cougar don'ts.


Let's get into it, Chrissy.


This is when we get serious, the past.


If you walk up to Cougar and you say something like, is your last name Campbell? Because you are mm mm. Good. That's one of the worst.




I've never heard that.


Is that, like, an old cigarette reference? I mean, that's.


It's the Campbell's soup.


Oh, Campbell's soup. I thought she said, if you look like a camel. And I was about to say, cause your toe is. I don't know. I don't know.


No, Campbell's.


Oh, Campbell.


Is your last name Campbell? Cause you're.


Mm mm.


That's ridiculous.


23 year old remembers a Campbell's soup commercial.


Oh, so no one says that.


Yeah, they're saying Riz on the chuggy in the things you can do. Meet me in the out of face space or whatever. That oculus. Let's get on my oculus and let.


Me look at your boobs because'm not looking that up. The government can find the bush. Push, push in the bush is a song. Push, push in the bush is a song by music. What a name.Delta PI epsilon. Apparently, if you drink diet soda with vodka, it intensifies the buzz, and people are not supposed to do that. But why wouldn't you do that?Wait, I don't. What? Why would you put out this video? What's that?Is that a real disclaimer? Apparently, you're not supposed to do that, but you do it.I skipped through this video, and I knew this was gonna be, like, classic shitshow video. And I love it. I love every second of it.I have to do is drunk texting, and I'm gonna do it. Thank God I don't need reading glasses. I'm gonna text my old boyfriend from college. I wonder. I don't even have a number. Shit.Oh, my God. You're only on shot number two. You're only on shot number two.I got root beer intensified thing.Well, that's true. I forgot about that. I forgot you were in the root beer, too. You're in the suds and in the root beer.I was in a sorority called Epsilon. Every Friday, I'm gonna tell you right now what I have on Facebook. I don't like that you find out that you weren't invited to shit on Facebook.Well, Carl, you got your own party going on.This is the musings of an old lady, white lady. This is what? This is the musings of an old, drunk white lady. I don't like when I invited this shit on Facebook. Well, maybe you should jump over to Instagram, where people actually are.You know what it's time to do? Call my kids first. I will call my youngest son.Call my kids.Leave me alone, mom. He's there for four more house. And she's calling him. When I says calling him, I thought she was gonna pick up her iPhone and she's actually yelling for him.Jess. Jess. I gotta leave a message at the beep. Hi, Jess, it's your mother. Hello? I gotta call.My classes are breaking in the class.I was gonna say, are they doing dishes? Off to the Sabbath.Karen Lee's my new favorite. We found a new one.Camp.Hi.Why are you acting so weird? Am I hammered? Yes, I'm hammered. Oh, hold on, Jess. Yes, I'm drunk and I'm not crying. I'm not with anybody. I didn't drink much.Not crying.Chrissy.Holy crap.This reminds me of, like, ten of our friends. I sort of got into it. Her sons are calling her, and she said I got, like, some weird, sultry, sexy voice on. Huh? Yeah, I love you, too.I'm not literally alone. I'm never alone. I got cam out of the line. I'll talk to you later. Love you. Bye. Camden. Yeah. I hate when kids move to California. I'm not hammered.I hate when children go to liberal states. Fuck those lip tars off.I'm not hammered at all. What good is it having kids if they hang up on you? Did I mention that I was in a sorority? I was actually Delta Phi Epsilon in a university for four years. The best time of my life. I always say that the kids, when they go off to college and I mean it, I feel like looking at my college album.Oh, my God. This is like. I feel for the life partner here who has now gone into official, like, I don't know what I'm doing with my life territory. I really hope that whoever her life partner is, is getting, like, a good free ride out of this, because this, if you had to deal with this every single night of your life. By the way, I want to remind everybody who's listening to this train wreck, and it may end up sounding muffled to you, but I want to remind you she's only on shot number two. Two. Chrissy.Yeah, she keeps holding up the glass. You know, it's just empty.Pretending. That's right.When I went to Fort Lauderdale. One of the most fun times in my life. See, I'm so fun.Not when I had my kids or family.No, no, no. Back to college. Fort Lauderdale. I did a four way in Panama City. I knew then I wanted to do hyper sexualized content on the Internet.She started a picture of herself back when she was brunette. Oh, yeah.God, those pictures gotta be in the, what, late sixties, early seventies?It looks like it.Both these guys. Both of these guys treat me like shit. I don't need to put up with this crap. So I'm not looking Don.For that.I'm not looking at college.Wow. Don't. I'm gonna call them later and explain to them what trade reggae really were. Hey, Bob.I'm gonna call him because I don't have his number.I'm gonna call information. You have Bob's phone number? I dated him in college. I was Delta fire salon. The whitest white, the whitest smarty in all of Illinois. And you didn't invite me on Facebook to your fuck a rama. I'm pissed.Elves anymore?Done.I'm empowered. And you know what? I'm gonna do a shot of Cheetah's backup whenever I get empowered.Oh, she had a spill.She poured half the bottle into that chicken hot glass.Oh, my God, Chrissy.Oh, my God. This is you and me, like ten years ago.She put this. She put this out.She put this out and left it out. That's the worst, right? Maybe. Maybe the next morning you're a little hungover, and you go, it's gonna be fun for the people. And now she's left it out. And now the commercial break has found it. She's gonna find new found fame, be fried.Did I mention I love this already? I gotta talk to you about men.Find about menstruation. What did she say?I don't know. She's talking about her sorority again.Oh, God.Benjamin Franklin apparently was into cougars.Benjamin Franklin?Ben Franklin was not into cougars. I think you've got that wrong. I'm not gonna go into what Ben Franklin was into, but it wasn't cougars. I think you've got that one wrong. All right, listen.Oh, Lord. Okay, only so much a surprise sneak attack from Karen Lee.I thought, you know, I did skip through this video. Look at her staring at the camera, high as a kite on two and one half shots of vodka.Well, look, that glass of root beer is gone.Boom.Kicked it in.The root beer is really where you get the. That's really where you get drunk when you start drinking root beer. I've never heard that. I haven't even had heard that. But now people are putting Mister Pib with all kinds of stuff. Sorry, I had to throw my socks away over there. It got so hot, I had to take my socks off. Oh, my God. Karen Lee Poder, you're. You are our new favorite friend on the commercial.We need to explore more of her.Oh, there's ton of it out there, Chrissy. We'll get there. We'll get there. Don't you worry. Frankie B. Karen Lee, over. We found you. We found that you two are a match made in heaven. Maybe we'll just do, like, a marathon. Back to back to back to back. Karen Lee and cranky B. Oh, man. So good. So good. Hey, thanks, everyone who has been texting and calling and leaving nice reviews. We really appreciate it. If you haven't yet, what are you waiting for? How can you listen to this episode and not think? I want to give those guys a pat on the back. Saved you from Karen Lee. We meet her at a bar. Run, don't walk. Run away. You too can get in contact with us. 212433 TCB. That's 212433 TCB. Questions, comments, concerns, content, ideas, we are taking them all right there at the text message or voicemail. I will respond. I promise. I can't get over that face. We've got Karen Lee on pause in the two tvs, in the studio, at the commercial break on Instagram, TCB podcast on TikTok. Please do us a favor. Follow us on Instagram. You can also communicate with us there.You can dm us. And someone on the team will respond. I sound like. I sound like an infomercial. Someone on the team will respond immediately, if not sooner. And TCBP, where you find all the information about the show, including live shows and dates and tickets, video, audio, free sticker at the contact us button. And please do us a favor. If you get a chance, go to thecommercialbreak for all of our guest interviews and selected episodes. Okay, chrissy, I think that's all I can do for today.I think so.But I'll tell you that I love you.I love you.I'll say best to you and best to you out there in the podcast universe. Until next time. Christy and I always say, we do say, and we must say goodbye.


'm not looking that up. The government can find the bush. Push, push in the bush is a song. Push, push in the bush is a song by music. What a name.


Delta PI epsilon. Apparently, if you drink diet soda with vodka, it intensifies the buzz, and people are not supposed to do that. But why wouldn't you do that?


Wait, I don't. What? Why would you put out this video? What's that?


Is that a real disclaimer? Apparently, you're not supposed to do that, but you do it.


I skipped through this video, and I knew this was gonna be, like, classic shitshow video. And I love it. I love every second of it.


I have to do is drunk texting, and I'm gonna do it. Thank God I don't need reading glasses. I'm gonna text my old boyfriend from college. I wonder. I don't even have a number. Shit.


Oh, my God. You're only on shot number two. You're only on shot number two.


I got root beer intensified thing.


Well, that's true. I forgot about that. I forgot you were in the root beer, too. You're in the suds and in the root beer.


I was in a sorority called Epsilon. Every Friday, I'm gonna tell you right now what I have on Facebook. I don't like that you find out that you weren't invited to shit on Facebook.


Well, Carl, you got your own party going on.


This is the musings of an old lady, white lady. This is what? This is the musings of an old, drunk white lady. I don't like when I invited this shit on Facebook. Well, maybe you should jump over to Instagram, where people actually are.


You know what it's time to do? Call my kids first. I will call my youngest son.


Call my kids.


Leave me alone, mom. He's there for four more house. And she's calling him. When I says calling him, I thought she was gonna pick up her iPhone and she's actually yelling for him.Jess. Jess. I gotta leave a message at the beep. Hi, Jess, it's your mother. Hello? I gotta call.My classes are breaking in the class.I was gonna say, are they doing dishes? Off to the Sabbath.Karen Lee's my new favorite. We found a new one.Camp.Hi.Why are you acting so weird? Am I hammered? Yes, I'm hammered. Oh, hold on, Jess. Yes, I'm drunk and I'm not crying. I'm not with anybody. I didn't drink much.Not crying.Chrissy.Holy crap.This reminds me of, like, ten of our friends. I sort of got into it. Her sons are calling her, and she said I got, like, some weird, sultry, sexy voice on. Huh? Yeah, I love you, too.I'm not literally alone. I'm never alone. I got cam out of the line. I'll talk to you later. Love you. Bye. Camden. Yeah. I hate when kids move to California. I'm not hammered.I hate when children go to liberal states. Fuck those lip tars off.I'm not hammered at all. What good is it having kids if they hang up on you? Did I mention that I was in a sorority? I was actually Delta Phi Epsilon in a university for four years. The best time of my life. I always say that the kids, when they go off to college and I mean it, I feel like looking at my college album.Oh, my God. This is like. I feel for the life partner here who has now gone into official, like, I don't know what I'm doing with my life territory. I really hope that whoever her life partner is, is getting, like, a good free ride out of this, because this, if you had to deal with this every single night of your life. By the way, I want to remind everybody who's listening to this train wreck, and it may end up sounding muffled to you, but I want to remind you she's only on shot number two. Two. Chrissy.Yeah, she keeps holding up the glass. You know, it's just empty.Pretending. That's right.When I went to Fort Lauderdale. One of the most fun times in my life. See, I'm so fun.Not when I had my kids or family.No, no, no. Back to college. Fort Lauderdale. I did a four way in Panama City. I knew then I wanted to do hyper sexualized content on the Internet.She started a picture of herself back when she was brunette. Oh, yeah.God, those pictures gotta be in the, what, late sixties, early seventies?It looks like it.Both these guys. Both of these guys treat me like shit. I don't need to put up with this crap. So I'm not looking Don.For that.I'm not looking at college.Wow. Don't. I'm gonna call them later and explain to them what trade reggae really were. Hey, Bob.I'm gonna call him because I don't have his number.I'm gonna call information. You have Bob's phone number? I dated him in college. I was Delta fire salon. The whitest white, the whitest smarty in all of Illinois. And you didn't invite me on Facebook to your fuck a rama. I'm pissed.Elves anymore?Done.I'm empowered. And you know what? I'm gonna do a shot of Cheetah's backup whenever I get empowered.Oh, she had a spill.She poured half the bottle into that chicken hot glass.Oh, my God, Chrissy.Oh, my God. This is you and me, like ten years ago.She put this. She put this out.She put this out and left it out. That's the worst, right? Maybe. Maybe the next morning you're a little hungover, and you go, it's gonna be fun for the people. And now she's left it out. And now the commercial break has found it. She's gonna find new found fame, be fried.Did I mention I love this already? I gotta talk to you about men.Find about menstruation. What did she say?I don't know. She's talking about her sorority again.Oh, God.Benjamin Franklin apparently was into cougars.Benjamin Franklin?Ben Franklin was not into cougars. I think you've got that wrong. I'm not gonna go into what Ben Franklin was into, but it wasn't cougars. I think you've got that one wrong. All right, listen.Oh, Lord. Okay, only so much a surprise sneak attack from Karen Lee.I thought, you know, I did skip through this video. Look at her staring at the camera, high as a kite on two and one half shots of vodka.Well, look, that glass of root beer is gone.Boom.Kicked it in.The root beer is really where you get the. That's really where you get drunk when you start drinking root beer. I've never heard that. I haven't even had heard that. But now people are putting Mister Pib with all kinds of stuff. Sorry, I had to throw my socks away over there. It got so hot, I had to take my socks off. Oh, my God. Karen Lee Poder, you're. You are our new favorite friend on the commercial.We need to explore more of her.Oh, there's ton of it out there, Chrissy. We'll get there. We'll get there. Don't you worry. Frankie B. Karen Lee, over. We found you. We found that you two are a match made in heaven. Maybe we'll just do, like, a marathon. Back to back to back to back. Karen Lee and cranky B. Oh, man. So good. So good. Hey, thanks, everyone who has been texting and calling and leaving nice reviews. We really appreciate it. If you haven't yet, what are you waiting for? How can you listen to this episode and not think? I want to give those guys a pat on the back. Saved you from Karen Lee. We meet her at a bar. Run, don't walk. Run away. You too can get in contact with us. 212433 TCB. That's 212433 TCB. Questions, comments, concerns, content, ideas, we are taking them all right there at the text message or voicemail. I will respond. I promise. I can't get over that face. We've got Karen Lee on pause in the two tvs, in the studio, at the commercial break on Instagram, TCB podcast on TikTok. Please do us a favor. Follow us on Instagram. You can also communicate with us there.You can dm us. And someone on the team will respond. I sound like. I sound like an infomercial. Someone on the team will respond immediately, if not sooner. And TCBP, where you find all the information about the show, including live shows and dates and tickets, video, audio, free sticker at the contact us button. And please do us a favor. If you get a chance, go to thecommercialbreak for all of our guest interviews and selected episodes. Okay, chrissy, I think that's all I can do for today.I think so.But I'll tell you that I love you.I love you.I'll say best to you and best to you out there in the podcast universe. Until next time. Christy and I always say, we do say, and we must say goodbye.


house. And she's calling him. When I says calling him, I thought she was gonna pick up her iPhone and she's actually yelling for him.


Jess. Jess. I gotta leave a message at the beep. Hi, Jess, it's your mother. Hello? I gotta call.


My classes are breaking in the class.


I was gonna say, are they doing dishes? Off to the Sabbath.


Karen Lee's my new favorite. We found a new one.






Why are you acting so weird? Am I hammered? Yes, I'm hammered. Oh, hold on, Jess. Yes, I'm drunk and I'm not crying. I'm not with anybody. I didn't drink much.


Not crying.




Holy crap.


This reminds me of, like, ten of our friends. I sort of got into it. Her sons are calling her, and she said I got, like, some weird, sultry, sexy voice on. Huh? Yeah, I love you, too.


I'm not literally alone. I'm never alone. I got cam out of the line. I'll talk to you later. Love you. Bye. Camden. Yeah. I hate when kids move to California. I'm not hammered.


I hate when children go to liberal states. Fuck those lip tars off.


I'm not hammered at all. What good is it having kids if they hang up on you? Did I mention that I was in a sorority? I was actually Delta Phi Epsilon in a university for four years. The best time of my life. I always say that the kids, when they go off to college and I mean it, I feel like looking at my college album.


Oh, my God. This is like. I feel for the life partner here who has now gone into official, like, I don't know what I'm doing with my life territory. I really hope that whoever her life partner is, is getting, like, a good free ride out of this, because this, if you had to deal with this every single night of your life. By the way, I want to remind everybody who's listening to this train wreck, and it may end up sounding muffled to you, but I want to remind you she's only on shot number two. Two. Chrissy.


Yeah, she keeps holding up the glass. You know, it's just empty.


Pretending. That's right.


When I went to Fort Lauderdale. One of the most fun times in my life. See, I'm so fun.


Not when I had my kids or family.


No, no, no. Back to college. Fort Lauderdale. I did a four way in Panama City. I knew then I wanted to do hyper sexualized content on the Internet.


She started a picture of herself back when she was brunette. Oh, yeah.


God, those pictures gotta be in the, what, late sixties, early seventies?


It looks like it.


Both these guys. Both of these guys treat me like shit. I don't need to put up with this crap. So I'm not looking Don.


For that.


I'm not looking at college.


Wow. Don't. I'm gonna call them later and explain to them what trade reggae really were. Hey, Bob.


I'm gonna call him because I don't have his number.


I'm gonna call information. You have Bob's phone number? I dated him in college. I was Delta fire salon. The whitest white, the whitest smarty in all of Illinois. And you didn't invite me on Facebook to your fuck a rama. I'm pissed.


Elves anymore?




I'm empowered. And you know what? I'm gonna do a shot of Cheetah's backup whenever I get empowered.


Oh, she had a spill.


She poured half the bottle into that chicken hot glass.


Oh, my God, Chrissy.


Oh, my God. This is you and me, like ten years ago.


She put this. She put this out.


She put this out and left it out. That's the worst, right? Maybe. Maybe the next morning you're a little hungover, and you go, it's gonna be fun for the people. And now she's left it out. And now the commercial break has found it. She's gonna find new found fame, be fried.


Did I mention I love this already? I gotta talk to you about men.


Find about menstruation. What did she say?


I don't know. She's talking about her sorority again.


Oh, God.


Benjamin Franklin apparently was into cougars.


Benjamin Franklin?


Ben Franklin was not into cougars. I think you've got that wrong. I'm not gonna go into what Ben Franklin was into, but it wasn't cougars. I think you've got that one wrong. All right, listen.


Oh, Lord. Okay, only so much a surprise sneak attack from Karen Lee.


I thought, you know, I did skip through this video. Look at her staring at the camera, high as a kite on two and one half shots of vodka.


Well, look, that glass of root beer is gone.




Kicked it in.


The root beer is really where you get the. That's really where you get drunk when you start drinking root beer. I've never heard that. I haven't even had heard that. But now people are putting Mister Pib with all kinds of stuff. Sorry, I had to throw my socks away over there. It got so hot, I had to take my socks off. Oh, my God. Karen Lee Poder, you're. You are our new favorite friend on the commercial.


We need to explore more of her.


Oh, there's ton of it out there, Chrissy. We'll get there. We'll get there. Don't you worry. Frankie B. Karen Lee, over. We found you. We found that you two are a match made in heaven. Maybe we'll just do, like, a marathon. Back to back to back to back. Karen Lee and cranky B. Oh, man. So good. So good. Hey, thanks, everyone who has been texting and calling and leaving nice reviews. We really appreciate it. If you haven't yet, what are you waiting for? How can you listen to this episode and not think? I want to give those guys a pat on the back. Saved you from Karen Lee. We meet her at a bar. Run, don't walk. Run away. You too can get in contact with us. 212433 TCB. That's 212433 TCB. Questions, comments, concerns, content, ideas, we are taking them all right there at the text message or voicemail. I will respond. I promise. I can't get over that face. We've got Karen Lee on pause in the two tvs, in the studio, at the commercial break on Instagram, TCB podcast on TikTok. Please do us a favor. Follow us on Instagram. You can also communicate with us there.


You can dm us. And someone on the team will respond. I sound like. I sound like an infomercial. Someone on the team will respond immediately, if not sooner. And TCBP, where you find all the information about the show, including live shows and dates and tickets, video, audio, free sticker at the contact us button. And please do us a favor. If you get a chance, go to thecommercialbreak for all of our guest interviews and selected episodes. Okay, chrissy, I think that's all I can do for today.


I think so.


But I'll tell you that I love you.


I love you.


I'll say best to you and best to you out there in the podcast universe. Until next time. Christy and I always say, we do say, and we must say goodbye.