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This episode is sponsored by eBay Motors. EBay Motors is here for the ride with the parts you need at the prices you want. And with eBay guaranteed fit. They're guaranteed to fit your ride the first time, every time or your money back. Keep your ride or die eligible items only. Exclusions do apply. Hello, me darling. I just want you all to know, if you need cakes, a bit of back.It's like, in 1992 or something. Was it Kevin Bacon? No, it was that other guy. It was the other guy that was in the movie with Kevin Bacon. I don't know. Was that Apollo 13 or. I don't know. Whatever. Anyway, I don't know what I'm talking about. No, it wasn't him. It was. What was the first.It was that other guy's name.Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It was that other guy.Was he in the Jurassic park?Twister. What's that?Was he in Jurassic park?No, he wasn't in Jurassic Park. Bill Paxton. Helen Hunt movie gets released. And I know why they say that. They say that because they're afraid of people giving their real opinion about the movie. Or they would say, share this with everybody. You can. Because we really want this to be a big hit. It's not original. It's all based loosely on a video game. Never played the video game. I know of it. Never played the video game. It. Yeah, it's loosely based on the video game, but there is no plot to it because when's the last time you had a really good plot in a video game? I mean, let's just be honest about it, right? Super Mario brothers was a better movie. I watched that with my children and I was like, all right, Super Mario Brothers, not the best thing in the world, but at least it's watchable.You know what I'm saying?Yeah.Yeah. This was not. And it's an example of how creativity has just been shot in the foot when it comes to Hollywood. And I really honestly wish that they would take big chances like they used to. Somebody walked in the boardroom in 1990, whatever, and said, I have a movie that I want to do about people who chase tornadoes. And somebody in that boardroom goes, it's a terrible idea. Let's do it because maybe it'll work. And it did. You could have left it at that. But it did. It did work. And somebody walked in and said, work again. Yes. Somebody said, I want to blow up the Nakatomi Plaza. And somebody else said, what the fuck is the Nakatomi Plaza? Well, we're gonna have a guy that rescues everybody on Christmas Eve, and it's gonna be a fun bang em up, shoot em up, you know, action movie. And they took a chance on that, and they spent big money on that, and they almost did blow up the Nakatomi Plaza. And the truth is, it worked like a charm. And then, of course, die hard five. But, you know, you could. One could be forgiven.One could be forgiven. Anyway, I know no one important listens to this show, but if someone important does listen to the show, take big chances, take big risks. That's what creativity and art is all about. That's is called cursive. Griffin, Ajay. Griffin. Ajay.Griffin.Ajay, the doctor.You know, they don't teach cursive anymore in school. So, like, I was writing something for, I think it was my nephew, and he was like, I can't read the cursive.Why even bother teaching kids how to write anymore? I mean, honestly, they can just talk into their iPhone. Like, it's such a. It's such a renaissance thing to teach kids, and I want my kids to learn how to write, and they are. They're learning how to write. But at the end of the day, I don't know if writing will just be something that some people do in the future. You know what I'm saying?Yeah, that's so true. And now. And that. I know cursive, that could be like a yemenite, you know, a lost art.Yeah.Like calligraphy or something.I don't need to know how to blacksmith anymore. You know what I'm saying? Like, but there might have been a time when people just had to know how to blacksmith their own horses. The dot over an I or a j is called a what over an.I or a j?Hey. Tittle. It's called a tittle. A tittle. The sick feeling you get after eating or drinking too much. Is called nauseous crapulants. It's called crapulants.I think that's made up.The metal thing used to measure your feet at a shoe store is called what?The fit measurer.It is called the Bannock device.Anybody that worked at a shoe store would know that.Yeah, probably crapulence sickness caused by excessive drinking or eating.Crapulous.So I'm 70% sure that that was correct. That those words were correct. I thought I was so fascinated by this. I was like, I don't know, a fucking one of these. I mean, I knew boxtent, but really?Yeah.I mean, is that all those other words were really fancy and then box tents. Come on, let's get it together. I'm proud of you for making it through this episode, my friend. I try to keep it easy on you.Thank you. I tried not to give you the gig. Laugh.Yes.Because I would go into a coughing fit, but, yes. Thank you for working with me.You're welcome. I tried not to make you laugh too much, but that's like every episode of the commercial break, even when I'm trying. Oh, man. I'm telling you what, it's going to be a long couple of weeks, Chrissy. A long couple of weeks for me, for you, for the world.Right side.Okay. You find it and let me know. I'll look in that direction.Just get that nice news every day.Yep. Happy news. Happy headlines or whatever. You. What is that website?Happy, nice news.Nice news.It's a newsletter.Okay. I'm gonna have to look into that.You gotta balance it.I do. I know I do. I'm too busy trolling on that Internet. And sometimes it does upset the balance of the force. It really does.You do?Yeah. You just. As I do. You just can't take it anymore. You're like, oh, my God.It's not crappy. Yeah.Yeah.Now you have to get off of it.Okay.Take a break.Yeah. I'm going to that's where you go. You find out more information about Chrissy and I. All the audio, all the video right there from one location, you can also get your free sticker at the website, or you can request your free sticker on the website because I can't give you a sticker through the website. I have crapulence, and I'm not available right now, but I'll be happy to tittle your nebula, your nom bula, or whatever you call it. Gabula gabella. Go to the. Contact us button. Hit it. I want my free sticker on the drop down menu. Give us your address, we'll send it 212433 tcb. That's 212-43-3822 questions, comments, concerns, content, ideas? We're taking them all right there. And make sure you follow us on Instagram at the commercial break. We will be announcing live shows and where to get those tickets very soon on our socials first, and then we'll do it on the website. Also thecommercial break for all of our interviews and selected episodes. Okay, Chrissy, I guess that's all I can do for today.I think so.But I'll tell you that I love you.I love you.I'll say best to you. Best to you out there in the podcast universe, tittles and all. Until next time, Chrissy. And I must say, we do say, and we will say goodbye.




It's like, in 1992 or something. Was it Kevin Bacon? No, it was that other guy. It was the other guy that was in the movie with Kevin Bacon. I don't know. Was that Apollo 13 or. I don't know. Whatever. Anyway, I don't know what I'm talking about. No, it wasn't him. It was. What was the first.


It was that other guy's name.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It was that other guy.


Was he in the Jurassic park?


Twister. What's that?


Was he in Jurassic park?


No, he wasn't in Jurassic Park. Bill Paxton. Helen Hunt movie gets released. And I know why they say that. They say that because they're afraid of people giving their real opinion about the movie. Or they would say, share this with everybody. You can. Because we really want this to be a big hit. It's not original. It's all based loosely on a video game. Never played the video game. I know of it. Never played the video game. It. Yeah, it's loosely based on the video game, but there is no plot to it because when's the last time you had a really good plot in a video game? I mean, let's just be honest about it, right? Super Mario brothers was a better movie. I watched that with my children and I was like, all right, Super Mario Brothers, not the best thing in the world, but at least it's watchable.You know what I'm saying?Yeah.Yeah. This was not. And it's an example of how creativity has just been shot in the foot when it comes to Hollywood. And I really honestly wish that they would take big chances like they used to. Somebody walked in the boardroom in 1990, whatever, and said, I have a movie that I want to do about people who chase tornadoes. And somebody in that boardroom goes, it's a terrible idea. Let's do it because maybe it'll work. And it did. You could have left it at that. But it did. It did work. And somebody walked in and said, work again. Yes. Somebody said, I want to blow up the Nakatomi Plaza. And somebody else said, what the fuck is the Nakatomi Plaza? Well, we're gonna have a guy that rescues everybody on Christmas Eve, and it's gonna be a fun bang em up, shoot em up, you know, action movie. And they took a chance on that, and they spent big money on that, and they almost did blow up the Nakatomi Plaza. And the truth is, it worked like a charm. And then, of course, die hard five. But, you know, you could. One could be forgiven.One could be forgiven. Anyway, I know no one important listens to this show, but if someone important does listen to the show, take big chances, take big risks. That's what creativity and art is all about. That's is called cursive. Griffin, Ajay. Griffin. Ajay.Griffin.Ajay, the doctor.You know, they don't teach cursive anymore in school. So, like, I was writing something for, I think it was my nephew, and he was like, I can't read the cursive.Why even bother teaching kids how to write anymore? I mean, honestly, they can just talk into their iPhone. Like, it's such a. It's such a renaissance thing to teach kids, and I want my kids to learn how to write, and they are. They're learning how to write. But at the end of the day, I don't know if writing will just be something that some people do in the future. You know what I'm saying?Yeah, that's so true. And now. And that. I know cursive, that could be like a yemenite, you know, a lost art.Yeah.Like calligraphy or something.I don't need to know how to blacksmith anymore. You know what I'm saying? Like, but there might have been a time when people just had to know how to blacksmith their own horses. The dot over an I or a j is called a what over an.I or a j?Hey. Tittle. It's called a tittle. A tittle. The sick feeling you get after eating or drinking too much. Is called nauseous crapulants. It's called crapulants.I think that's made up.The metal thing used to measure your feet at a shoe store is called what?The fit measurer.It is called the Bannock device.Anybody that worked at a shoe store would know that.Yeah, probably crapulence sickness caused by excessive drinking or eating.Crapulous.So I'm 70% sure that that was correct. That those words were correct. I thought I was so fascinated by this. I was like, I don't know, a fucking one of these. I mean, I knew boxtent, but really?Yeah.I mean, is that all those other words were really fancy and then box tents. Come on, let's get it together. I'm proud of you for making it through this episode, my friend. I try to keep it easy on you.Thank you. I tried not to give you the gig. Laugh.Yes.Because I would go into a coughing fit, but, yes. Thank you for working with me.You're welcome. I tried not to make you laugh too much, but that's like every episode of the commercial break, even when I'm trying. Oh, man. I'm telling you what, it's going to be a long couple of weeks, Chrissy. A long couple of weeks for me, for you, for the world.Right side.Okay. You find it and let me know. I'll look in that direction.Just get that nice news every day.Yep. Happy news. Happy headlines or whatever. You. What is that website?Happy, nice news.Nice news.It's a newsletter.Okay. I'm gonna have to look into that.You gotta balance it.I do. I know I do. I'm too busy trolling on that Internet. And sometimes it does upset the balance of the force. It really does.You do?Yeah. You just. As I do. You just can't take it anymore. You're like, oh, my God.It's not crappy. Yeah.Yeah.Now you have to get off of it.Okay.Take a break.Yeah. I'm going to that's where you go. You find out more information about Chrissy and I. All the audio, all the video right there from one location, you can also get your free sticker at the website, or you can request your free sticker on the website because I can't give you a sticker through the website. I have crapulence, and I'm not available right now, but I'll be happy to tittle your nebula, your nom bula, or whatever you call it. Gabula gabella. Go to the. Contact us button. Hit it. I want my free sticker on the drop down menu. Give us your address, we'll send it 212433 tcb. That's 212-43-3822 questions, comments, concerns, content, ideas? We're taking them all right there. And make sure you follow us on Instagram at the commercial break. We will be announcing live shows and where to get those tickets very soon on our socials first, and then we'll do it on the website. Also thecommercial break for all of our interviews and selected episodes. Okay, Chrissy, I guess that's all I can do for today.I think so.But I'll tell you that I love you.I love you.I'll say best to you. Best to you out there in the podcast universe, tittles and all. Until next time, Chrissy. And I must say, we do say, and we will say goodbye.


movie gets released. And I know why they say that. They say that because they're afraid of people giving their real opinion about the movie. Or they would say, share this with everybody. You can. Because we really want this to be a big hit. It's not original. It's all based loosely on a video game. Never played the video game. I know of it. Never played the video game. It. Yeah, it's loosely based on the video game, but there is no plot to it because when's the last time you had a really good plot in a video game? I mean, let's just be honest about it, right? Super Mario brothers was a better movie. I watched that with my children and I was like, all right, Super Mario Brothers, not the best thing in the world, but at least it's watchable.


You know what I'm saying?




Yeah. This was not. And it's an example of how creativity has just been shot in the foot when it comes to Hollywood. And I really honestly wish that they would take big chances like they used to. Somebody walked in the boardroom in 1990, whatever, and said, I have a movie that I want to do about people who chase tornadoes. And somebody in that boardroom goes, it's a terrible idea. Let's do it because maybe it'll work. And it did. You could have left it at that. But it did. It did work. And somebody walked in and said, work again. Yes. Somebody said, I want to blow up the Nakatomi Plaza. And somebody else said, what the fuck is the Nakatomi Plaza? Well, we're gonna have a guy that rescues everybody on Christmas Eve, and it's gonna be a fun bang em up, shoot em up, you know, action movie. And they took a chance on that, and they spent big money on that, and they almost did blow up the Nakatomi Plaza. And the truth is, it worked like a charm. And then, of course, die hard five. But, you know, you could. One could be forgiven.


One could be forgiven. Anyway, I know no one important listens to this show, but if someone important does listen to the show, take big chances, take big risks. That's what creativity and art is all about. That's is called cursive. Griffin, Ajay. Griffin. Ajay.Griffin.Ajay, the doctor.You know, they don't teach cursive anymore in school. So, like, I was writing something for, I think it was my nephew, and he was like, I can't read the cursive.Why even bother teaching kids how to write anymore? I mean, honestly, they can just talk into their iPhone. Like, it's such a. It's such a renaissance thing to teach kids, and I want my kids to learn how to write, and they are. They're learning how to write. But at the end of the day, I don't know if writing will just be something that some people do in the future. You know what I'm saying?Yeah, that's so true. And now. And that. I know cursive, that could be like a yemenite, you know, a lost art.Yeah.Like calligraphy or something.I don't need to know how to blacksmith anymore. You know what I'm saying? Like, but there might have been a time when people just had to know how to blacksmith their own horses. The dot over an I or a j is called a what over an.I or a j?Hey. Tittle. It's called a tittle. A tittle. The sick feeling you get after eating or drinking too much. Is called nauseous crapulants. It's called crapulants.I think that's made up.The metal thing used to measure your feet at a shoe store is called what?The fit measurer.It is called the Bannock device.Anybody that worked at a shoe store would know that.Yeah, probably crapulence sickness caused by excessive drinking or eating.Crapulous.So I'm 70% sure that that was correct. That those words were correct. I thought I was so fascinated by this. I was like, I don't know, a fucking one of these. I mean, I knew boxtent, but really?Yeah.I mean, is that all those other words were really fancy and then box tents. Come on, let's get it together. I'm proud of you for making it through this episode, my friend. I try to keep it easy on you.Thank you. I tried not to give you the gig. Laugh.Yes.Because I would go into a coughing fit, but, yes. Thank you for working with me.You're welcome. I tried not to make you laugh too much, but that's like every episode of the commercial break, even when I'm trying. Oh, man. I'm telling you what, it's going to be a long couple of weeks, Chrissy. A long couple of weeks for me, for you, for the world.Right side.Okay. You find it and let me know. I'll look in that direction.Just get that nice news every day.Yep. Happy news. Happy headlines or whatever. You. What is that website?Happy, nice news.Nice news.It's a newsletter.Okay. I'm gonna have to look into that.You gotta balance it.I do. I know I do. I'm too busy trolling on that Internet. And sometimes it does upset the balance of the force. It really does.You do?Yeah. You just. As I do. You just can't take it anymore. You're like, oh, my God.It's not crappy. Yeah.Yeah.Now you have to get off of it.Okay.Take a break.Yeah. I'm going to that's where you go. You find out more information about Chrissy and I. All the audio, all the video right there from one location, you can also get your free sticker at the website, or you can request your free sticker on the website because I can't give you a sticker through the website. I have crapulence, and I'm not available right now, but I'll be happy to tittle your nebula, your nom bula, or whatever you call it. Gabula gabella. Go to the. Contact us button. Hit it. I want my free sticker on the drop down menu. Give us your address, we'll send it 212433 tcb. That's 212-43-3822 questions, comments, concerns, content, ideas? We're taking them all right there. And make sure you follow us on Instagram at the commercial break. We will be announcing live shows and where to get those tickets very soon on our socials first, and then we'll do it on the website. Also thecommercial break for all of our interviews and selected episodes. Okay, Chrissy, I guess that's all I can do for today.I think so.But I'll tell you that I love you.I love you.I'll say best to you. Best to you out there in the podcast universe, tittles and all. Until next time, Chrissy. And I must say, we do say, and we will say goodbye.


is called cursive. Griffin, Ajay. Griffin. Ajay.




Ajay, the doctor.


You know, they don't teach cursive anymore in school. So, like, I was writing something for, I think it was my nephew, and he was like, I can't read the cursive.


Why even bother teaching kids how to write anymore? I mean, honestly, they can just talk into their iPhone. Like, it's such a. It's such a renaissance thing to teach kids, and I want my kids to learn how to write, and they are. They're learning how to write. But at the end of the day, I don't know if writing will just be something that some people do in the future. You know what I'm saying?


Yeah, that's so true. And now. And that. I know cursive, that could be like a yemenite, you know, a lost art.




Like calligraphy or something.


I don't need to know how to blacksmith anymore. You know what I'm saying? Like, but there might have been a time when people just had to know how to blacksmith their own horses. The dot over an I or a j is called a what over an.


I or a j?


Hey. Tittle. It's called a tittle. A tittle. The sick feeling you get after eating or drinking too much. Is called nauseous crapulants. It's called crapulants.


I think that's made up.


The metal thing used to measure your feet at a shoe store is called what?


The fit measurer.


It is called the Bannock device.


Anybody that worked at a shoe store would know that.


Yeah, probably crapulence sickness caused by excessive drinking or eating.




So I'm 70% sure that that was correct. That those words were correct. I thought I was so fascinated by this. I was like, I don't know, a fucking one of these. I mean, I knew boxtent, but really?




I mean, is that all those other words were really fancy and then box tents. Come on, let's get it together. I'm proud of you for making it through this episode, my friend. I try to keep it easy on you.


Thank you. I tried not to give you the gig. Laugh.




Because I would go into a coughing fit, but, yes. Thank you for working with me.


You're welcome. I tried not to make you laugh too much, but that's like every episode of the commercial break, even when I'm trying. Oh, man. I'm telling you what, it's going to be a long couple of weeks, Chrissy. A long couple of weeks for me, for you, for the world.


Right side.


Okay. You find it and let me know. I'll look in that direction.


Just get that nice news every day.


Yep. Happy news. Happy headlines or whatever. You. What is that website?


Happy, nice news.


Nice news.


It's a newsletter.


Okay. I'm gonna have to look into that.


You gotta balance it.


I do. I know I do. I'm too busy trolling on that Internet. And sometimes it does upset the balance of the force. It really does.


You do?


Yeah. You just. As I do. You just can't take it anymore. You're like, oh, my God.


It's not crappy. Yeah.




Now you have to get off of it.




Take a break.


Yeah. I'm going to that's where you go. You find out more information about Chrissy and I. All the audio, all the video right there from one location, you can also get your free sticker at the website, or you can request your free sticker on the website because I can't give you a sticker through the website. I have crapulence, and I'm not available right now, but I'll be happy to tittle your nebula, your nom bula, or whatever you call it. Gabula gabella. Go to the. Contact us button. Hit it. I want my free sticker on the drop down menu. Give us your address, we'll send it 212433 tcb. That's 212-43-3822 questions, comments, concerns, content, ideas? We're taking them all right there. And make sure you follow us on Instagram at the commercial break. We will be announcing live shows and where to get those tickets very soon on our socials first, and then we'll do it on the website. Also thecommercial break for all of our interviews and selected episodes. Okay, Chrissy, I guess that's all I can do for today.


I think so.


But I'll tell you that I love you.


I love you.


I'll say best to you. Best to you out there in the podcast universe, tittles and all. Until next time, Chrissy. And I must say, we do say, and we will say goodbye.