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It is exhausting being the baddest bitch alive. You can't always be standing on business. You need to rest as well. On this episode of the commercial break.


It'S me again, producer Christina here. And unfortunately, Brian and company are still out of commission, but we will be back in action tomorrow, mark my words. So they've left me with no choice but to air an episode that we were never supposed to air. Enjoy.


The next episode of the commercial break starts now. So sorry, I'm. Morning. Oh, yeah, guys and kittens. Welcome back to the commercial break. I'm Brian Green. This is the ketchup to my mustard. Kristen joy, only. Best to you, Chrissy.


Best to you, Brian.


Best to you out there in the podcast universe. Get your hot dog help. So I was telling the story about how I went to the Braves game a couple days ago, and I just quickly want to mention that in, as a part of some new weird tradition that the Atlanta Braves broadcasters are trying to throw out there, I guess. Listen, 7th inning stretch has been around for a long time. It's a tradition that in this, in the middle of the 7th inning, you sing take me out to the ballpark. Ballpark. And it's been going on for a long time, but Harry Carrey perfected it. The former sportscaster for the Chicago Cubs where I grew up. And if you lived in that time when Harry Carey was around, no one will ever do it better. There's nothing like it. They try and replicate it, but there's only one original Harry Carrey, and he was the king of sausage, king of Chicago for a long time. But they have these two guys in the broadcast booth now at the Atlanta Braves stadium. And what they do is after they sing the song take me out to the ball, ballgame.


Ballpark, they throw cracker jacks out into the crowd like big bags or boxes of cracker jacks. They do bags now filled with air, like, you know, just a little bit of cracker jacks in there because apparently they were hucking. My brother told me they were hucking boxes and they hit a kid, I'm sure. Now, wait, why can the broadcasters throw their bags of nuts out there but my boy can't throw his bags of nuts out there? What is going on?


I know he got stopped.


He got stopped a long time ago. And I didn't hear any hot dog guys at, at the ballpark. I didn't hear not one of them, not one person.


That's a bummer.


I know. It really is. You got, when you go to the ballpark, that's what you expect. Get your hot dog hair, Colbert. Hot dog foot long. Put a mustard on your dong. $5.


Yep, yep.


Give you cold but like water, but more. Mainly Bud light. That's why I make my money. Am I doing this for myself? Yes.


I loved that.


I know I didn't hear one of them. I was listening for it, but I was also, like, kind of in a part of the ballpark where maybe that just doesn't happen. It was behind home plate. Kevin's got great tickets behind home plate, but upper level, first balcony.


Plus, you were focused on the guy's porn.


I was focused on the soft core japanese porn that somebody was watching. Season ticket holders were watching because the Braves won seven to nothing. And admittedly, it got kind of boring after the third inning because it was like, eh, whatever comes aren't that good. I'm going to get right into it today because I got a special episode. It's Friday, I think, when you're listening to this. So God bless America. I have been talking. It's Friday or Wednesday, one of those two days when we release this episode.


Similar days.


It's similar, except one sucks and one doesn't suck. I've been talking about one's called Hump day, though. No, that's true. Hump day. I took on a whole new meeting at that Whole Foods, if you know what I mean. I read that story. Chrissy gave me a story from the local news where a lady went to Whole Foods. She bent over to check out some fresh produce, and someone jizzed on her back. That is nothing that I am in no way exaggerating. That's what happened. And he's been arrested. So follow up to that story. The guy has been arrested and charged with indecent exposure, sexual assault, all this other stuff, as he should be. The guy should go away to jail for a long time. You just can't jizz on people. No, a come and go. It's not appropriate unless someone understands that you're about to come consensual. Come and go all about it. Been there, done that. But now that the whole Foods produce aisle to an unsuspecting, you know, shopper, and she was, she's like a famous plastic surgeon here in Atlanta. So I feel really bad for her. That's got to be traumatic.


Very traumatic. I can only imagine. Gross. So anyway, onward and upward with the gross and disgusting stories. Let's move on to other gross and disgusting stories. Two things. Three things I want to mention before we get into today's meat and potatoes. Number one, our good friend Allison Hare, who may or may not be partly responsible for the commercial break, actually being in your ears right now. Alison Hare is a dear friend of ours, has been for a long time a big supporter of the show. Even when we had no listeners, she just kept telling, blowing smoke up our ass, basically telling us we were good and we knew we weren't and told us to keep going and pushed us. And pushed us. And pushed us. She is now on her fifth year of podcasting. She celebrates five years of podcasting, the podcast anniversary, I know used to be called culture changers, now called late learner. I think I've referred to it as culture changers in the past. It's called late learner. It is not anything like the commercial break, but, and it is mainly focused on females who are burnt out, looking for something new in life, some purpose, some meaning, and they're burnt out on their, their corporate jobs.


And that's Alison's whole gig. She quit her corporate job a couple of years ago and decided just to follow life's passions. She's a constant pursuer of knowledge. She actually has facts and experts on her show.


Yes, she does.


Yes. Yeah. It's not a fucking hambone and hose.


Not guessing.


No. No guessing going on there. So, anyway, if you're so inclined, late learner, I just want to give her a shout out because she's been so good to us over the years. Years. And I don't usually like shouting out other podcasts, but I will do it here because this is an exception. Okay, go listen to late learner. Do it right now. Late learner, anywhere you find your podcasts. Number two, you have responded. We made a call about, would you come to our shows in the southeast if we had them? And you have responded. So, whoop, whoop. So thank you very. So thank you to all those who have been writing in the and telling us that they would come see the shows in the southeast. So I'm just going to open it up. If you're anywhere in the world, let us know. I'm kidding. So if you're in New York or Chicago, let us know. If you would go to the shows New York, Chicago, Miami. If you're in those three cities and you would like to see a commercial break live show, please let us know. We believe in late summer, early fall. We may announce some.


We may announce it. We may.


We're not writing in the notes.


Subject to change. Yeah, everything's subject to change. We're not writing it in the book. So we're trying to actually get it off the ground. If you're in any of those three places, or Charlotte, Nashville, Atlanta, Orlando, Tampa, or even, what do we say? Huntsville.




Huntsville. Let us know. And you would like to come see a commercial if you're in those cities or around those cities and you would come see a commercial break live show. Let us know. Text US 212433 TCB. More information to follow. That's why we're asking. We're trying to secure those dates. The promoter is on my ass to get some, some more information to him. So I know we're going to be in central Florida. I know we're probably going to be in Atlanta. I believe we'll be somewhere in the Carolinas. So if you're out there and you'd like to see our shows, please let us know. And number three, just a little segue into our meat and potatoes here. All season, all television season, I have been talking about this show seeking sister wives. You have seeking sister wives. For those of you that don't know and cannot read, sister Wives is exactly what it sounds like. It's a show about polygamy and TLC makes it bright and shiny and puts little bits and drama in it because that's what they do. They're a television station. They have to make everything, you know, interesting to the viewer.


So who knows if half this stuff is real or not. But what I am sure is real is some of the dipshits that are trying to get additional wives on this show under the guise of what? Anything else except for. I just want additional ass, which is really what I think this is all about. That's my personal opinion, is that they want to have their cake and eat it, too, literally, all the time. And so rather than me trying to explain it for 20 minutes, what happened on last season or who these people are, what they are, I am going to take a gamble here, and I'd like to review, like, the introductory episode for this season, introduce you to the characters I've been talking about so you have a better idea of who they are and what they're all about.


Let's dive.


So we usually don't do 40 minutes of a show, but I like to break this down. I think I'm doing this under fair use. If I'm not, my attorney will call me shortly, or TLC will call us shortly, one of the two. But I would like to break this down. We'll do a little running commentary as we go by. I'll give you my opinion you give me your thoughts. And so if you're watching, and I want to preface this also, because if you're watching this on the YouTube, we have changed the studio yet again. It used to be a nice.


Also, we have a new phone number. I'm kidding.


Oh, God. Don't say that. People are gonna go crazy. We're still getting text messages on three phone numbers ago. How they're getting to me, I have no idea. I haven't paid a bill for that in years. But, okay. I can still remember our first phone number. I'm not gonna say it, but I can still remember it, probably cause I said it three and a half million times over and over again. But if you're watching this on YouTube, the reason why we will be turned around is because we took the tv off the wall behind us. At my wife's urging. She. That's her lane. Strictly her lane. She does that. She's in charge of studio and design and creative. And she said it looked like shit. And I said, you're the one who told me to put it there. There you go.


You're the one redecorating.


Yeah, a little redecorating here in the studio. thecommercialbreak. And I don't know that I'll be able to play all of these clips video wise, because I think then I do get into some trouble and territory. So just listen to it. Just if you're here listening to the podcast, stay right here. It'll be clear to you what's going on. Okay, so without further ado, let's get started because I think this is going to take up the whole episode. Let's get started on seeking sister wives. This is. We're nine episodes into this particular season, but let's do the first episode.


I like it.


So you get an introduction.


Get you hooked.


Get you hooked. Get an introduction.


Just a little tasty, Tina. For free. Just get you started.


Just a little tasty, Tina. Four tits instead of two. You know what I'm saying? Six vaginas instead of one. It feels so good. And by the way, can you do all the work and can you pay the bills? And I'll be here whacking off with a vagina, not yours. All right, let's take a listen straight from the beginning. Here we go. Sorry. I was trolling on the Internet, as you do. I was trolling on DirecTV.


As you do.


I was glued to TLC as I do.


You do do.


Okay. And I found. I didn't find this. It just showed up, and I like it.


Would you be interested in.


Okay, these are the, like, this is the little intro that they do to.


Every show dating my husband.


As far as the amount of sexual attention that each of my wives receive. And you might not be close enough. It's kind of like in the solar system, each of the planets revolves around the sun in its own orbit, at its own distance.


And what in the fuck does that mean? Exactly? What does that mean in reference to all of my wives vaginas? Sometimes Pluto is in the third arc of Mars, and sometimes the earth is revolving around the moon. And my tongue is up third wife's ass. Just like the planets. Sometimes, I mean Uranus, and sometimes I'm in her anuse. This is the character.


That bed is huge.


So they have a bed that is literally would fit three magic johnsons. I mean, it is huge.


I know. Those have to be two pushed together.


No, it's not. They bought a specialty mattress. You'll hear about this, I think, later.


On the episode, different bed in the house for that reason.


This guy, just to give you a thing, just to talk about that. There's four wives.


There's four wives. They're showing what is going to happen on this season. So I don't think you'll hear it in this, but instead of marrying the wives, this particular gentleman takes a different tie. The wives. The wives do all the work. His name is on the house. He does nothing but sit at home all day and think. That's literally what he does. He says it on camera. I'm in charge of thinking. That's what I'm in charge of. He's in charge of thinking.


Somebody in the group needs to be.


Instead of legally marrying any of these women, the women get legally married to each other.


They're not thinking. So somebody needs to do.


Oh, my God. I mean, I just don't. And these women seem pretty bright, and I don't get it. But listen, it's 2024. I don't put anything past anybody.


Yeah, we can't be calling it that.


You okay? Some people live this lifestyle.


This is Garak. This is the guy I've been talking about for a long time.


Well, just to have sex freely. But that would be, like, wrong and evil. No, those aren't the reasons, guys.


That's not the reason.


Oh, my God.


My ass. Garrick, I was kind of interested in getting to know you.




Every time we're dating a woman, I.


See a glow in him that I don't see when we're not of course you gotta worry about jealousy.


Hi, this is Shane.


Hi. If my wife was sitting next to me on a couch and said that it would be a certain red flag that our relationship was over.




Every time my husband is dating another woman, he gets a certain glow. He gets a certain glow that he doesn't get with me.


We're a plural family. We're super open and excited to meeting new people. Have you been to a therapist before?


Have not.


That shows.


Holy crap. Red flags all over the place.


I just don't know if, you know, the seriousness of the impact you had. That's not fair. You know, it's not fair at all.


What do you think about that? Yeah, see, there's always going to be some drama. Let me do this. Let's get started on the episode. How's that? Because I fear that people who are just listening may not fully grasp what's going on here. So we're gonna start.


Basically, they just. We're doing a montage.


Yeah. Montage of coming up this season. Yeah, coming up this season.


You know, plural families.


Okay, so now we're gonna actually get started on the episode. We're starting with the family where the gentleman was talking about his sex life orbiting something. I don't know how that made any sense. I'm Nick.


I'm April. I'm Nick's first wife. I'm Jennifer. I'm Nick's second wife.


She looks ten.


She's ten. She's got braces on.


She's got braces and looks young. Yeah.


Let's take a guess at who gets the most sex out of all these women.


Okay, so there's three wives.


Oh, my God. This the third wife here? Yeah, there's three wives right now. They bring it up fourth later on in the season. But this girl who's about to talk right now, I think you can run a train through.


You said they were bright. This one, not all.


Yeah, there's always one in the group, you know?


I'm Danielle. I'm Nick's third wife.


We've been to this toy store before. Have we?


No, I don't think so. See if they got something.


Oh, they've got kids.


Yeah. We've been to this dildo store before, haven't we? Nope. Proves of.


I'm interested to see what we might find. Yeah, we're gonna find Vera a toy. Then I might pick something out for myself.


They've got a baby.


Y'all are paying the bills, so what do I give a shit? Did you bring your credit cards?


I'm sure there's a lot of things that have played into my affinity for a plural lifestyle. I used to grow up watching Three's company, so I would see the way that man live. And it never occurred to me that those weren't actually his wives. I just saw this man with all these women that seemed to care about him, and I'm like, yeah, that's great.


You know what I mean?


That seems like what a great fucking.


Reason to get into polygamy. Three's company.


Because I didn't understand the show three's company.


If you ever watched an episode of Three's company, Jack was gay. That was the whole fucking. He pretended to be gay. So Mister Schroeder, or whatever his name. Mister Roeder. I don't even remember his name, was the guy from Gilligan's island, you know? I'm talking about Barney.


Barney, Barney, Barney from Gigglen's, from Andy Griffith, wasn't it?


Oh, yeah, it was. You're right. That's right. You're right about that.


Mister. Furley.


Mister Furley. Oh, drill. I didn't know you had a guy. I'd like to live.


I want some women to care about me.


Me too. You know what I mean?


So it just seemed like a great way to live your life.


I mean, these women are following this most unconventional way of life, where they feed this guy, they house him, they pay his bills, they do everything for him. And his whole entire philosophy on polygamy comes from a television show from the seventies that never made any sense in the first fucking place.


Benefit of having a sister wife is like having a best friend. As much as I love Nick, and I truly do, there are some things that they understand better, because we are all women. And so I think that's big.


And we're all fucking the same guy.


Yeah. We all have the same dick in our ass.


Oh, God.


Some of us more than others, I might add. This is. Listen, if you're into polygamy, by the way, I want to make it clear, Chrissy, if I have said this a million times more, power to you. I have seen it not work a number of times in my own personal sphere of influence. My friends, my circle of friends. But that doesn't mean that it doesn't work. And I know there's a lot of people for which it probably does work. These might be some of those people, but I just find that the reasoning behind it a little thin on this show. But I think that's part of, like, the allure of the shore two show, too, is that it's always, like, one step away from being just total fucking disaster.


All right.




Hi, there.


I. You looking for anything special today?


Yes, we are.


We're looking for a fourth wife.


You have any wives?


You have any wives? Would you like to be a wife?


We got a birthday girl here from the natural.


Her birthday's coming up, so we decided to come get her presents.


Really cute kid.


Yeah, she is a cute kid. They only have one kid. He's in charge of taking care of her, so I guess he's a stay at home dad. And that is a hard job. I didn't want to knock on that.


I was able to have a baby with Nick.


She's almost a year old.


Her name is Farrah.


I am here live at the birth center. Are you pulling my mother to me? Does the mother's day.


She's the one that looks ten.


Yeah, she does look ten. She's. But she's not. She just has braces and she has a really young look. Obviously, I don't think that Nick is sleeping with underage women. I don't. I want to make that clear, too. I want to point out what's correct about this so I can point out what's incorrect about this or what I interpret to be incorrect about this. Here they're showing some home video from the birthing center where the mother to be is in a bathtub full of water. Aw.




She has a little headband like you.


Aw. Say the love.


So nice.


The fact that.


So nice. All the mommies agree.


We can.


This girl Vera is like, which one of you is my mommy? I know, because, by the way, Nick is black. All of his wife's are white. The childhood is black. So I don't know which one of these. You know what I'm saying? Like, he's. She certainly takes on the traits of her father.


Eraser from the beginning.


The physical attributes together, you know, I.


Think is really important. Vera calls me and Jennifer and Danielle all mom, and it's the best thing to see.


Oh, that kid is cute as a fucking button man.


Oh, so cute.


So hard to.


The kid is really cute, but nothing like messing the kids.


Yeah, nothing like fucking the kid up.


From the get go.


Three mommies. That's right. Let's get the kid out of the way so we can have fun with adults.


And Danielle, be a mother to Vera. Just to know that I can fully rely on another, like, fully loving parent to take care of Vera. I couldn't ask for more.


Well, I do have to say there is some logic behind that.


There is logic to that.


You know, they say it takes a village to raise a child, and that is 100% true. And it used to be that you'd, like, call up your name. I mean, from what I hear, you'd call up your neighbors, they'd come over, they'd take care of the kid. Now, obviously, that led to some problems with some people, but at the end of the day, it's really hard to raise a child on your own or even with, like, a conventional nuclear family, like, two people raising a child, you know? And I do have to say, if I had an extra adult in this house to take care of my kids like I do right now with my in laws, it's like happy days, because at least I get a five minute break at some point. And God bless my wife, by the way. I have to say this. Astrid said to me the other day, she goes, I listened to your episode about when I went to Miami. And she goes, you said none of that stuff to me directly. And I want you to know I loved it. I loved that you got a taste, that you need me so much.


Yeah. That you got a taste and that you need me so much and that you're so grateful for everything. And I said, consider that your mother's day present. A love letter to you. It's a love letter to you, baby. I love everything you do. Okay, let's take a break and then we'll come back. We're just getting into it. Hi.


No, you're not dreaming. And yes, this is a new promo. See, I made you wait. And now look how happy you are. I know. I know. You're smiling. Anyway, since we're here, why don't you just hop on over to Instagram and give us a follow at the commercial break? Seriously, please. It's getting hard for me to listen to Brian and Chrissy Begg. So just follow us on Instagram again. That's he commercialbreak. You can also follow us on TikTok, ecBpodcast, and of course, you know where to go for all things TCB. That is, baby. And of course, you can always text us or call us and leave us a voicemail at 212433 TCB. Yep, that phone number is no longer new, but it is still around, and that's a win. 212433 tCv. Love you. Bye.


Get your laugh on with me, Chris Jericho. And the Talk is Jericho podcast. We've got guns n Roses hall of Famer Duff McKagan and his joke of the week every Friday. Plus regular visits from the hilarious Brad Williams. And special appearances by everyone from Gabriel, Fluffy Iglesias, Mark Marin, Dennis Miller, Cheech Marin, Kevin Nealon. If they're funny, they're on talk is Jericho. So listen to and follow talk as Jericho now on the free odyssey app or wherever you get your podcasts. All right, right back into it with seeking sister wives.


Look at these. Oh, yeah, we got math games. We got math games. That's what I was looking for.


Or this picture matching.


Oh, that would be fun.


That would be good. You can match all your mommies together.


That's something to kind of stimulate the intellect a little bit. You know, my wives work outside the home, so I'm a stay at home dad. Give it a try.


Oh, my God, Chrissy, this chaps my hide. I'm sorry, it does.


She's not letting this thing go. Okay, all right. As far as me not having a job, they've always seemed to prefer my time to be spent in the activities that I find most enriching.


How nice, masturbating and playing call of duty.


Sing. Say yeah, baby, sing. We have enough people dedicated towards earning wages. We need more people here thinking and feeling and trying to really understand what this life experience is about.


Oh, my God.




Oh, my God.


He's a philosopher.


Chrissy, I know we don't make any money on this show, but when we do, you don't mind if I just take a couple months, maybe a year or two off, you do the show and let me think about the show and make sure that I understand what's going on here at this show.


Sounds fair.


I love you. I love you for it. You're my new sister wife.


We might have to get another host in here, though. Sister host?


Yeah. Astrid. You and Astrid take over and Jeff and I are gonna sit around and mansplain to each other how life's supposed to work.


Maybe you should go to mommy for a second. Daddy wants to look at some more toys.


And of course, now Danielle has moved in with us as well.


Of course, of course. Danielle's the one that I don't think is like the brightest of the bunch. But that's just my personal observation. Hey. Hi, baby.


That's nice to see you.


He's picking her up from work, I guess.


Yeah, he's picking her up from her twelve hour shift at the factory so he could drive around her car and get back to her house so we can have sex with her vagina.


Dating Danielle for about eight months. And so we decided to make it official. The four of us were married.


I know the world will say what is going on.


The four of us were married, but that's not really true.


We had a very intimate wedding local in Denver and we had all of our close family there. I wouldn't change anything.


All our close family there. Really? Other people are on board?


No. When they say that, they mean friends who also friends who are sticking around because they find your situation entertaining.




Yes. Shivera decided on this.


Cool. Cool. I love how every, by the way, in all of these, these TLC shows, I've noticed something. When they go out in the world and they interact with somebody, let's say it's seven little Johnstons, right? Or seeking sister wives or 90 day fiance. They have to tell the cashier or the attendant or whoever exactly what they're doing. It's almost like TLC requires them to explain to everybody what's going on to get their reaction to the situation. Watch. I guarantee they're going to do it all together.


Yes, yes, yes. Some people, if we're out in public, they'll look at us and try to figure it out and rationalize the association, the association between us. And so, yeah, we have no. No problem.


And that's just when I kiss every one of them.


Yeah. That's when I stick my tongue down each of their throats one by one.


So show the people.


And I said, hey, baby, you want to be my Uranus tonight? You're in my orbit.


We're all together.


It's a lot of fun for having so many moms.


We don't usually have families from different structures. It seems like we usually have, like, the nuclear family. I come from a big family, too.


Oh, do you?


Yeah, I've got siblings.


You have three moms.




Adding more wives.


No, I don't. I'm just trying to get tv time. I'm the next Kurt Cobain.


It's part of our family vision.


I ideally would want at least four, maybe five different sister wives.


There's one in the group who clearly does not like this, and that is the newest one. She has no idea what's coming her way because Nick and the other two are just perfectly fine keeping the wives rolling in. And I think Danielle, the one that maybe isn't so bright, just joined this family situation, has. She's so not into this idea.


No, that's time away from her.


Of course she came in and there were already two wives there. But now she doesn't want any additional wives, to be fair to the other people. Like, this is what you signed up.




Potentially bringing someone into the household. It's kind of hard to picture, like, someone being with us that is compatible, like, how we are with each other. And I'm so used to dating monogamous that, honestly, like, when you look at it, it's just such a big adjustment.


Yes, I.


You think. You think bringing a whole nother spouse into an already crowded bed is gonna be a big adjustment? Danielle, I see that light bulb going off right above your head.


I just don't know if I'm ready for that. So something I'm kind of working on.


Nick's like, damn, no more new pussy. Ain't gonna get no new pussy.


Oh, there's a new family.


New family. The Sherwood family. Ashley and Shane.




What are you gonna do with daddy tonight?


I watch movies and then have some dinner.


Now, I should say this about this family. It is the wife that is driving the relation, the new relationship here. She wants a sister wife because she considers herself bisexual.


Lean night.


I'm Shane.


I'm Ashley.


And we're the Sherwoods.


We've been together for almost three years, married for two years, and talking about adding another partner into our family for, I would say, maybe two and a half years.


I think that we've.




That's a long time to be looking for a new wife.


We'll think that we're just not monogamous people.


I feel strongly that it's unfair to expect any one person to fulfill 100% of your needs. If it doesn't work for you, that's fine. If it's not what you want to do, that's fine. If you're a monogamous person, which the significant majority of our world is, that's fine. For some people, it's just not the right fit.


I agree with you 1000%. Couldn't agree with you more. And by the way, you should never expect another human being to have 100% of your needs covered. That's a ridiculous premise. In the first place, I'm excited we're.


Going to get to spend some time together, bud.


They've got a baby.


Yeah. He's cute as a button, too.


I know. Yeah.


Geez, all these kids. I wish I had got my dick clipped. Maybe I could have the 14th child.


Ashley and I met through competitive ax throwing, and we actually got to know each other through social media, so we made kind of a plan to meet up at an ax ring tournament. What were the first words that I told you when I saw you in person.


You're so much hotter in real life.


She was just this. Just this angel. Hey, how's it going?


It's hot in here.


Oh, you look happy. Thanks.


Are you excited?




She's going on a date.


She's going on a date.


Yes, she's going on a date.


And by herself.


By herself. Because she's driving this. Now I'll share a little bit about this season with. With you, about these two. About Shane. Shane apparently had a serious cancer scare. He had cancer. He got treatment. And so there is, like, this one. I'm almost like, I'm almost on board with this one. And I'll tell you why. She's the one driving this. She says, I would like to go explore my sexuality and my need for female companionship. And Shane is supportive of that, though he's still, you know. I don't know. You'd have to watch a whole season to understand Shane. But middle of the season, you realize or you hear that Shane actually had this cancer scare. And part of the reason why they're looking for someone else in the relationship is to make sure that she has a partner if he should pass away something.


We definitely are fast trackers. We kind of really officially started dating.


And logically, that does make sense.


Yeah. I mean, listen, if I could pick someone to be with Astrid because I knew I was going to pass away, that, you know, I pick somebody without a working penis. But, you know, besides that, I'd like to find somebody. I'd pick hoadly. That's what I do. I'd say hoadly. You don't have a working penis. Jump in there, Jeff. Hands off.


Married in September of 21. Pregnant in October of 21. And here we are. We have a wonderful, you know, one year old son. We have another on the way.


They look like they're doing well for themselves. They've got a big, huge house. They're out on the lake on their boat.


Yeah. She's pregnant with a second child.




I am currently six months pregnant. Oh, you're pregnant? Is like. You're doing what?


Yeah, that seems way out of it. Like, Jesus.




It was like two months when Astrid couldn't even get out of bed without throwing up twice. I can't imagine being six months pregnant and dating. But I also can't imagine being six months pregnant. So there you go.


Very taboo. I'm hoping for someone who can come into our family as another mom for the boys. As another.


A helper.


Yeah, a helper. I'm looking for a nanny to have sex with.




Me too. I've been all wrong about this the whole time. I'm looking for a sex nanny. Do you have one of those available?


Just someone to kind of grow our love that we have for our family and for each other.


Somebody who's.


How do you grow your love for each? Okay.




Doesn't have to be with a career, but just have some kind of goals.


I would say the only hard line or rule is that there, she's accepting of our children. She has to be open to having Sheen's biological child, and that's an important thing for us to kind of.






I mean, you're throwing a lot of things on somebody.




At this point.


I know.


She, they already have one kid. She's pregnant with a second one, and they want the new person to have sex with Shane to have another child, but also her.


Yeah. Right. And by the way, if you get to know this storyline a little bit, there is no middle ground with these people. You're either, like, dating them immediately, like, steady boyfriend, girlfriend, whatever, or you're not at all involved in their lives. They want a girlfriend right away.


That's a piece of all of us.


I would think there's an easing in period for most people. Yeah. Like, hey, let's see what happens.


You gotta kind of wait before the next baby comes. Oh, God bless America.


Yeah, I know, I know.


All right, what am I wearing?


Uh, I mean, definitely something cute.


So our process right now is a.


Great job being a man. Something cute. So hot. Sounds like me.


I know.


Honey, what should I wear? Do you like this outfit? Yes. Do you like this outfit? Yes. Which one's better? Honey, which one do you think is better? I want your honest opinion. Well, the one you're wearing looks better. Are you sure that she changes into the other outfit?


Is that I get to know the woman before I introduce her to Shane. I don't want to say, like, I prioritize my relationship with her over Shane's, but I don't want to waste Shane's time. So I've been seeing grace at this point for about a month.


How about that one black top with the flowers?


Oh, Grace is a funny story, Grace.


It's always a funny story. Yeah, this whole podcast is a funny.


Story for Brian, hair and makeup artist that I selected for our wedding. And after the wedding, that was that, never talked to or heard of from her again until we matched on a dating app like a month or two ago.


Yeah, I think that'll make everything look good.


And how do you do that on the dating app? Looking for extra wife.


Maybe there's an app for that.


Oh, there's got to be an app for that. You know there's an app for that.






But apparently what I've heard and what I've read because now I've done a lot of research on polygamy and like, you know, how you, what I've heard is it's been mainly men that are on the polygamy dating apps. For the apps for polygamy, it's mainly men.


Sounds good. Perfect.


Going by what Ashley's telling me about Grace, I mean, I can obviously see that they're having these deep, really intellectual conversations, really about how this dynamic would work and kind of kids in the future. So I'm actually, I'm really excited to meet her.


Oh, okay. So they were dating for like a month.


They've been eating for a month and Shane hasn't met her.


To exploring things, bringing in another partner, it is definitely something that will make Shane happy. I mean, maybe the right person will come along tomorrow. Maybe the right person is grace.


Remember when you did our makeup for the wedding?


Yeah. Remember when you did makeup for the wedding? Can you do my vagina for my husband?


Our person that wants to have another baby, have sex with both of us and help with the other kids.


And by the way, you have to move in tomorrow and do my makeup. Tell your parents. All right, let's meet Garak. Okay. Garak having many vaginas. Here comes Garak with his creepy look. Going down to South America to steal young women. It's not technically kidnapping if they agree.


The producer is saying, okay, you guys ready to do this again?


Because they, I've been on this show for now, three seasons.


This again, time to get going.


Okay. We're the mayorfield and we have been practicing polygamy now for five years. Grab a box.


I would say practicing polygamy is a little bit of a stretch. They've had multiple young girlfriends, all of south american descent.


Yeah. Out to the garage, huh?


Yeah. I think polygamy is something different to everybody when you ask them.


Having sisters and, you know, best friends around and you know, it doesn't happen in a monogamous relationship.


Oh, you can have a best friend.


No, but see, Garrick, you can have a sister. Yeah, that's right. Garak cannot be the creepy fucking nut job that he is unless he papers this all. He talks for her. He's the quieter one, but he talks for her. He gives her all her opinions, she is clearly puppeting everything that Garak says. And listen, I relation, I understand that these relationships can happen to anybody. Anybody can kind of be in that relationship. Someone is controlling, manipulating, whatever. But I just find her to be very smart, but she doesn't seem to get it. That Garrick is just in this for the pooty tang. That's it. That's all he cares about. Young, hot south american women to begin with.


We really did not have any idea that this is the lifestyle we would be living. God had plans for us.


Yeah, I think we just thought it was wrong and evil because that's how we were raised.


At first.


Yeah, yeah, at first, until I got a boner for other chicks.


And then we found the religion that said it was okay.


God literally talked to my dick one night and said, hey, what about some other pussy? And I don't ignore God.


But we searched the scriptures for years and finally came to a conclusion. We're like, we can't say it's wrong. It's a reflection of Jesus and his church. Because a lot of the scriptures, the terms were, says he fills you with the Holy Ghost. It's actually a sexual term.


Wow, Derek.


Oh, my God. I hate this guy with a passion. I just do. He just gets on my fucking nerves. Fills you with the Holy Ghost, fills you with his holy host. Jizzes right on your back. He's a come and go. This guy's a come and go. Way to happen. I just know it. I just know it. That is insane. We searched the scriptures for years. For years. By the way, the Bible is like a 1200 pages long. In some versions. You could search the scriptures and find anything that suits you. And it's written in not even Old English, like old Arabic. It's like you can't decipher some of that shit from Shinola. You really are just interpreting a bunch of words, literally hundreds of thousands of words, and you can twist it any way that you fucking want to. Go ahead, search the scriptures for a common goal at whole foods, and you could probably fit a scripture that gets it right. Hold on, let's take a break and we'll be back with Garak because I want you to focus in on this story. I think this is the best one of all of them.


Hold on, we'll be back.


What's up, haters? Now let's get down to business. If you've got something to say, say it to our faces. And by that I mean text us or call us at 212433 TCB. That's 212-43-3822 you can and should also find us on Instagram, hecommercial break and on TikTok TCBpodcast, unless you want to fight me, in which case don't. And if you're just desperate to see our shining faces in person, keep your ears peeled for ticketing information about TCV live. As always, don't forget that you can find everything you could possibly need to find on our beautiful website,


Bye. All right, we're Rebecca reviewing seeking sister wives, and we're currently listening to my favorite couple of this entire series, which is Garak and Danielle.


It actually means, like, sperm going into, like, intimacy that way.


Okay, so if we rewind a little bit, we'll hear that Garak believes that the term filling you with the Holy Ghost means jizzing inside of you. Oh, my God. That is crazy.


Even scientifically, we found that when a man and a woman become one and his sperm goes in the woman, that his DNA becomes part of her. It actually goes into her brain and she becomes one with him.


Why is that good? Fuck, Chrissy.




Scientifically, they have done the study. Garak and Danielle have done the study. And when Garak fills her womb with sperm, then instantaneously her brain becomes Garak. They are one together. Ah, man. If I had only known this in my early twenties, I would have been a whole different mandev.


But yet, look at.


Look at her face. She is like, I don't even believe this. Yeah, we did not scientifically do any studies.


Woman can't transfer her DNA back to the man.


Oh, my God. Look at her. She's rolling her eyes.


So it, like, showed the proof of how Christ is with his church. Like, he transfers to us, we don't transfer to him.


What does that even mean? I don't even know.


Yeah, he does.


That's a long way of saying, I want young, hot, american tail.


South America.


South american tail. Well, America tail too. He'll take it any way you can get it, quite frankly. But the south american girls are all over the dating apps.


It's. It's a beautiful thing when it's done right.


We started seeking in February of 2018, and then in October of that year, we met Roberta.


We really connected with Roberta to be.


Roberta was on the. The last two seasons, by the way. She backed out of the whole relationship just talking online.


Once we knew that she was supposed to be a part of our family. Garrick and I got divorced to bring Roberta to the US with a fiance visa.


Do you believe that your marriage is irretrievably broken here?


They're showing them in court divorce proceedings.


Yes. Which they actually showed in the first. In the second season of seeking sister wives, they showed how Garrick suggested that they get a divorce so he could proceed with the fiance visa to marry this woman, Roberta, and bring her here to the United States. They're in. They're showing the video from the divorce court where Danielle is totally bawling. She's very upset about this, as she should be.


Yes. It was hard for me, like, because we went through a lot of struggles and considered actually, like, truly divorcing a few times throughout her marriage. So, like, I think that, wow, this is not.


It's like, so instead, let's bring a new person in.


Yeah. You know, that's like, people who think a baby's gonna fix all their problems. It won't. It's just gonna tie you two together for the next 18 years. You hate each other now. You're gonna hate each other then it doesn't really matter.


You know, I had to kind of separate those feelings and emotions and realize, yeah, we're not in that same spot. We were.


I think looking back at some things, you know, there was definitely some red flags that came up.


Roberta said to me one time that she hoped it was just me and her as sister wives, just the two of us, that there wouldn't be anybody else. And when we tried dating someone else, Roberta was not happy about that.


Oh, God. Oh, my God.


When does it stop? When does it stop?


They couldn't even focus in on Roberta.


No, they couldn't. They could not focus long enough to get it to the finish line with Roberta before they started dating other people. Because God told Garak to date other people. Fill her with the Holy Ghost.


They didn't have to get intimate. Have a date.




There was no intimacy.


No kisses. Friends.


Yeah. See, she agrees. You shouldn't kiss friends.


I think that made me more apprehensive if she really wanted it or nothing. Other family members were skeptical. Maybe, but that's one of the things that we've really prayed about.


Roberta talked about getting them.


Now they're showing her brother, Danielle's brother.


When she's planning on coming or. No, she wants to get her mom to her diabetes appointment, blood pressure appointment before she leaves.


Like, is she really committed to coming out here?


We were very concerned, so I was like, we have to make this happen. We need Roberta to, you know, make a decision, move forward. She's been prolonging coming here and she's gonna lose her visa.


Please don't let anything stop you from.


Getting on the plane.


Danielle was really into it.


Yeah, I think Danielle and her really had a bond. If you watch the show, like, Danielle and her were really bonded together. They did seem like best friends. Like sister wives, if that. If you can call it that. Like sister wives. And in a lot of ways, they did a lot more communicating than her and Garak did. And it seemed like the only thing Garak wanted was to get a ring on her finger so he could have sex with her alone and then bring her here to the United States. That's why he divorced Danielle.


Then she broke her heart.


How could she? They're showing home video of Danielle absolutely going bananas.


Because that's what the moments you want to remember.


Yeah. That's what you want to give TLC for distribution to millions of people worldwide. She said it was my sister. Oh, my God.




Overdramatic much?


Roberta didn't come to America. She just didn't have any intention of coming.


No, you scared her off by continuing to sleep with additional women after she thought that you had set up a situation that was safe and welcoming for her and this very odd setup. And then you start fucking additional women and lie about it to her. And guess what she said? You know what? I'm not into it. I'm sorry. It's just. That's not what I'm bargaining for. It's Garak's fault.


We have not spoken to Roberta since.


I don't think Roberto will come back in her lives. I mean, it would be like somebody raising from the dead.


Oh, my gosh. I forgot. My dad made this.


Now they're looking through boxes and they found a pillow. One of those pillows you put the pictures on. And they have a picture of them in Roberta.


She says, I forgot. My dad made this.


My dad. Your dad's into it? I don't think so.


That's what she said.


I know, but the dad is like, he's accepting of whatever. He's kind of like us. He's like, oh, whatever. You know, as long as you guys are happy.


You made a pillow.


They made a pillow with their pictures on it so that they could, you know, so Garrett could dry hump it.


Sweet of him. He really loved Roberta.


Yeah. He was gonna give it to her when she came, wasn't he, when she got here?


Gotta move on.




It was hard after she didn't come. I was depressed. I went through it. But I think my pastor really encouraged me. He just said, garrett, quit crying over spilt milk. Gotta move on.


The pastor.


Curious. The pastor said, garrett, you gotta find more pussy. I mean, come on, man. There's lots of pussy out there. Don't worry about Roberta. Let's get on with the job.


Oh, my gosh. That was all the stuff we got for when we were gonna pick her up at the airport.


Airport? The brazilian flags and then welcome to America flags. Well, it's nice to get rid of all this.


By the way, that's not a welcome to America flag. It's just an american flag. Yeah. I don't think there's such thing as a welcome to America flag.


Yeah. Forward.


I think we were both kind of on different pages a little bit at first. Garrick wanted to just dive back into dating right away, and I was like, maybe we should wait a little bit.


But, yeah.


So, yeah. So anyway, enough with that. Three years of my life. I just wanted to dive right back into Tinder.


We started dating again, and we ended up meeting a girl named Natalia. She's sweetheart.


Look at that, Chrissy. Look at that.


Wow. Yeah.


You see where this is going, right?


Of course. You see where the bikini picture of Natalia.


Very voluptuous, very young, very lovely, beautiful South America girl.


She's a beautiful girl. She's a little younger. She's only 26.


Geez. Geez.


She's very pretty, I think. And sweet. She's very intelligent and smart also.


Yeah, no, I'm sure she is. As the throwaway. Yeah. She also happens to be intelligent. She's very pretty and sexy, and I love her ass. She's got great tits. And from what I've seen, her labia is fantastic. I masturbate all the time to her. She's smart also.


Sometimes talking to Natalia, about four and a half months. I'd say about two months, it started getting serious where we thought, wow, there's something special here. Well, I gotta get going to meet Sam.


Well, I gotta get going to find more wives. I'll be back later.


Yeah, Samantha should be here any minute, too, to tie in. I'm gonna break the news to her about Natalia. So we have been holding off on telling Sam and Samantha about dating Natalia.


Sam and Samantha? It's her brother. No, it's her brother and his wife.


It is kind of fresh still, everything that happened with Roberta, and I'm sure they're gonna be a little apprehensive.


He'll be nice and feisty.


I'm sure he always is. They both are. Samantha, too.


A little he's like spunky, sassy, feisty. She's just a little bubbly.




He's like your girlfriend. I tell you that.


He's like your girlfriend, only he has a girlfriend.


You know, I feel like Garak and I usually are kind of on the same page, I think, for the most part.


Usually kind of.


Usually kind of. Except for when it comes to adding a wife to the family. When it comes to having a wife to the family, we have our disagreements, like, I don't think so.


And he does, of course, there comes these fears and worries that are we rushing it? Are we moving too fast? But then sometimes those fears and worries can hinder you at the same time, you know? So I don't know. Just a lot of questions and. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.


Yeah. Okay. So there, now you've met them. I mean, there's more to the episode. Maybe I'll cut some more clips and we'll do it later on this week. But I just wanted everyone to get a, to get, like, introduction, a starter course to seeking sister wives because I'm so fascinated by this show, actually. It's like one of the only shows I'm still watching on, on TLC.


Of course, now I've got to go watch it.


Yeah, you do. You really do. But started from season one. That's my suggestion. Yeah. There's five seasons. You'll get through it quickly. Listen, I watched better call Saul in like a day and a half while you were gone. I just watched all of better call Saul. I mean, not all of it the last two seasons. What a great show that was. Did you watch better call Saul? So brilliant.


Great show.


What a, what a, that director and that writer is such a master. Vince Gillian is such a master of that format. He really is.




And, you know, I don't know there's any more.


Odenkirk played a great role, too.


You know, my, one of my brothers said, oh, I don't think Bob Odenkirk's a great actor. And I'm like, listen, maybe not all round, but he was born to play Saul. Yeah, he is Saul. He is Saul. And I just think that show is fantastic. Baby reindeer. I want to talk about that in an upcoming episode. Watch it. Yeah, watch baby Reindeer. And when you do, we got to talk about it. Okay. Baby reindeer is fantastic. So super excited about our guest this week, Rachel Feinstein. Go to Rachel Dash for more information about her tour, her new special drop this week. Please go watch a big guy. Big guy. And what a lovely, lovely human being. I really had a lot of fun with her. Lots more. Yeah, lots more. Great interviews coming up. I think you're going to be surprised. I think you're going to be surprised at who agreed to come on the commercial bank. It has been fun. So I want to tell you,, that's where you go. You find out more information about the show, all the audio, all the video right there from one location. No need to go anywhere else.


You can listen to it and watch it right on the website. You can also get your free TCB sticker. Put it wherever you want, doesn't matter. We call it a bumper sticker, but doesn't need to be a bumper sticker. No one has a bumper anymore. No one's bumpers on things. It's nothing like 1972 when you put it on a bumper, go to the website, hit the contact us button drop down menu. I want my free sticker. Give us your address and we'll send you a sticker. If you're going to be or you are living in Chicago, New York, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, any of those places. Let us know if you'd like us to come to a live show there. We certainly would be interested in hearing from you at the commercial break on Instagram TCB podcast on tick tock and 212433. All right, Chrissy, I guess that's all I can do for today.


I think so.


But I'll tell you that I love you.


I love you.


I'll say best to you, best to you, best to you out there in the podcast universe. Until next time, Christy and I always say, we do say, and we must say goodbye.