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I'm a very romantic person. I love to be in love when I can, and I sincerely believe in the hope there's someone out there for everybody. And the more I date, the more I realize that my person died at birth or something. I don't know. On this episode of the commercial break, fuck. I got taken by the.Shit, man, we could have gone through a whole episode without you having that gravelly voice. But I like it. Astro thinks the smokey voice is. Is good.It can be.Yeah. She thinks our daughter might have a gravelly voice, so I asked her, it goes, do you think that yada yada has a gravelly voice? And I go, yeah, I can see that. You know, she's always crying. Maybe thatfail and all this other stuff. Maybe. Maybe Corey. Maybe. I don't know. He is selling out lots and lots of shows at very small venues, but. Lots and lots of shows. But I think the jokes on him, and I'm not. I'm not always sure he's in on the joke, actually. I don't think he's in on the joke, but it's hard to tell sometimes. Is Corey the biggest troll that has ever lived and is he trolling us all with really bad music and selling out shows and making a living? is lovely. It's what it sounds like. It's a nature center. You go there, and, you know, they.Have a nature center.They have some animals, and they have some information, and they have some people that, you know, tell you about the things. And it's a fun place to take the kids for a couple of hours when it's really hot outside, they have indoors and outdoors, and you can in its shade and whatever. So we decide we're going to take the kids there because we have a pass to go there. So we're like, okay, let's take the kids, and we'll spend a couple hours there, and they'll have fun, and we'll go see the animals and walk through the park and all this other stuff. So we go. When we do the outside thing, it's 99 degrees outside, and we are just about done with the day. Like, we've seen everything outside that we have to see. We know that there's an inside, but it's small, and we've been there before, and it's just, like, some fish and a snake and a frog that's, you know, native to the area. It's not anything impressive. It's not a zoo. It's this studio with a couple of fish tanks in it. You know what I'm saying? It's like, it's not that impressive.So we're pretty much wrapping up the day. We've been there for a couple hours. It's. Everyone's hot and tired, and we're just ready to go. And as we are leaving, astrid, like, turns the corner down a path, and then I can see her, like, walking down that path, and I'm like, hey, babe. Babe, let's go. Come on. Let's get out of here. We're, like, trying to walk the other way. She's gotten caught in a conversation with a lady who is telling Astrid that just a short walk down the nature path, by the way, this lady has, like, a shirt on that says, like, you know, chattahoochee nature center. She's, like, working.Yeah.Astrid has gotten caught in a conversation with a lady who has told her that just a short walk away, you can see a plant that has. That is flowering and only flowers once a year. And it is flowering right now.Whoa.And you can see it now. I am not a botanist. I do not have any interest in flowers, except I buy them for Astrid on occasion. Like, I don't know anything about it. I don't know the first thing about flora or fauna or whatever. I don't know anything. I don't know anything about anything, really. But Astrid is, like, giving me this, like, come here.Come here. I just did a bunch of planting seeds yesterday, so I like flowers and plants.Well, congratulate. You would have loved this lady then, because now this lady, Astrid's giving me that look that only a husband and a wife have, which is like, come here. I need you.Yes.And Astrid knows that I can talk my way in and out of any situation, but that's just not her, right? She's very polite and very nice, and so she's, like, nodding her head to the of the displays, they aren't real animals. They're like, yeah. They're, like, just set up to be. Yeah, they're like a taxidermy.Yeah.So I thought, oh, that's a cute one. But then I noticed it's got, like, food in there and everything. And I'm like, wow, that's. They're taking it to that. You know, they're taking it further on this one, like, chopped up carrots and stuff. I don't know.What did it look like?It looked fuzzy and furry, but I couldn't see its face. So I thought that they had, you know, positioned it in a way where you just see its back. It was, like, fuzzy furry with different, like, you know, muted colored fur. And I'm like, oh, fuzzy furry?Like with the. With, like, four legs?No, it was, like, curled up.Oh, it was like, curled up like a little bear.Yeah, you can only see its back. So all you could see was, like, this little curvature. No, it was small. It was small. It was like, you know what? I could see if it was like a foot, maybe a foot and a half. And so I'm like, okay. And then I keep on looking at it, and I'm like, well, that's a weird display. Let me. And so I step up, and I look down into the glass. It's, like, right at my eye level. So I step down, I look into the glass to see if I could see what kind of stuff, animal they have there. And up pops a little nose. It is a baby possum. I am not fucking kidding you. It's a baby possum. It's a young possum. It is a young fucking possum.It found you.And I'm like, oh, I got scared.You saw what? I saw that.I saw what you saw. It was a little bit bigger than that. It wasn't a baby. Baby but you could tell it was young because. And also its fur was so, like, fresh and fluffy. Like, it didn't look stringy and oily and weird, you know? It was like.It didn't like it been on the road.No, it didn't look like it was. Had been run over by multiple cars in front of my house. And so here it is. Just pokes its head right up. I know. And then it just kind of lays its chin down. Like, it just kind of lays down, but now not curled up. It just, like, lays like a dog, almost like it's paws. And I'm like, fuck, yeah. All right. Yeah. All right. I get it. You're kind of cute.Yeah, they are.And then I'm, like, reading the sign about the possum. Possums play an important part in society. Well, they're known as trash collectors or whatever, right? And I'm like, fuck, I got taken by the possum. I really did. I got taken by the possum. I took a bunch of pictures. I was like, ah, God damn it. I still don't like the old, old possums. But I'll give it to you.These little possums are cute.If they're little and they have been bathed by the people at the Chattahoochee nature center, then they're kind of cute. And they're feeding them, like, carrots and not my daughter's dirty diaper, then, you know, cute. I will give it that. I will give it that.Hilarious. I mean, so right on. Spot on for you.And his name was like, you know, Petey the possum or something. Leave it to Disney and the Chattahoochee nature center to, like, humanize a little animal. Petey the possum. Petey the possum was rescued after its parents were smashed by an 18 wheeler.Maybe that was the one that was crawling around. Probably not.No, no, probably not. This one was.Two nights in a row, but that was it.Wow. Unless it grew two and a half feet in the three days and made.Its way from downtown all the way.Yeah, that's true. That 27 miles trek up the Chattahoochee River. I do have to say it was kind of cute. And then they also had. They also had a beaver in a captivity. And that beaver. I couldn't believe it. Tail. Like, up close, it's a full grown adult. It was huge. First of all, he's a lot of.Shit with that tail.Wow. That tail was like a piece of.Yeah, it's like another wax leather.Yeah. Yeah, it was weird. And poor beaver, he was trying to get inside his habitat. He was like, outside, but, you know, they could tell there was an inside where the keepers, like, feed him and probably a fan or something. He was like, biting the cage. He was like, he's having like a full blown panic attack. And I thought to my. I know. We showed the kids and I was like, this is torture. Stop it. But it was a rescue possum. I mean, a rescue beaver and a rescue possum. All the animals there rescue.Okay.We saw bald eagles, lots of owls, all kind of cool.So you do a bald eagle?Yeah. Every once in a while you got to show the kids there's something besides the Disney Channel.That's true.And video game island I on your iPad.Very true.Not that they cared. They went right back to the video games and iPads when we got home. But whatever. At least. At least for ten minutes, they were away from it and they got a lesson. In particular. In particular, which is not the real terminology she used, so don't text me.And they sell the flower that only flowers once a year.Yeah. I mean, how exciting.When they grow up, they'll understand the importance of.I'm grown up and I don't understand the importance of it. It's all a cog in the wheel, Chrissy. We're all just cogs in the wheel. That's it. All right, that's where you go to find out more information about Chrissy and I. All the audio, all the video right there from one location. you can also get your free sticker by hitting the contact us button drop down menu. I want my free sticker. Give us your physical address and away it will go. Please do us a favor. Follow us on Instagram hecommercialbreak. You can also communicate with us via Dm through that social media platform. We'd be happy to have you. We'd love it if you would follow us. So many of you did after we made our plea. So do it again. Everybody go. Subscribe again. Unsubscribe and then subscribe. Follow and unfollow and follow again. 212433 tcb. 212433 tcb. Questions, comments, concerns, content, ideas? We're taking them all. More information about our live shows coming soon. thecommercialbreak. All right, chrissy, that's all I can do for today.I think so.But I love you.I love you.And best to you.Best to you.The best to you. Out there in the podcast universe. Until next time, chrissy and I always say. We do say, and we must say goodbye, sadeena. I gotta get some cocaine. Driving me crazy. Close.




Shit, man, we could have gone through a whole episode without you having that gravelly voice. But I like it. Astro thinks the smokey voice is. Is good.


It can be.


Yeah. She thinks our daughter might have a gravelly voice, so I asked her, it goes, do you think that yada yada has a gravelly voice? And I go, yeah, I can see that. You know, she's always crying. Maybe thatfail and all this other stuff. Maybe. Maybe Corey. Maybe. I don't know. He is selling out lots and lots of shows at very small venues, but. Lots and lots of shows. But I think the jokes on him, and I'm not. I'm not always sure he's in on the joke, actually. I don't think he's in on the joke, but it's hard to tell sometimes. Is Corey the biggest troll that has ever lived and is he trolling us all with really bad music and selling out shows and making a living? is lovely. It's what it sounds like. It's a nature center. You go there, and, you know, they.Have a nature center.They have some animals, and they have some information, and they have some people that, you know, tell you about the things. And it's a fun place to take the kids for a couple of hours when it's really hot outside, they have indoors and outdoors, and you can in its shade and whatever. So we decide we're going to take the kids there because we have a pass to go there. So we're like, okay, let's take the kids, and we'll spend a couple hours there, and they'll have fun, and we'll go see the animals and walk through the park and all this other stuff. So we go. When we do the outside thing, it's 99 degrees outside, and we are just about done with the day. Like, we've seen everything outside that we have to see. We know that there's an inside, but it's small, and we've been there before, and it's just, like, some fish and a snake and a frog that's, you know, native to the area. It's not anything impressive. It's not a zoo. It's this studio with a couple of fish tanks in it. You know what I'm saying? It's like, it's not that impressive.So we're pretty much wrapping up the day. We've been there for a couple hours. It's. Everyone's hot and tired, and we're just ready to go. And as we are leaving, astrid, like, turns the corner down a path, and then I can see her, like, walking down that path, and I'm like, hey, babe. Babe, let's go. Come on. Let's get out of here. We're, like, trying to walk the other way. She's gotten caught in a conversation with a lady who is telling Astrid that just a short walk down the nature path, by the way, this lady has, like, a shirt on that says, like, you know, chattahoochee nature center. She's, like, working.Yeah.Astrid has gotten caught in a conversation with a lady who has told her that just a short walk away, you can see a plant that has. That is flowering and only flowers once a year. And it is flowering right now.Whoa.And you can see it now. I am not a botanist. I do not have any interest in flowers, except I buy them for Astrid on occasion. Like, I don't know anything about it. I don't know the first thing about flora or fauna or whatever. I don't know anything. I don't know anything about anything, really. But Astrid is, like, giving me this, like, come here.Come here. I just did a bunch of planting seeds yesterday, so I like flowers and plants.Well, congratulate. You would have loved this lady then, because now this lady, Astrid's giving me that look that only a husband and a wife have, which is like, come here. I need you.Yes.And Astrid knows that I can talk my way in and out of any situation, but that's just not her, right? She's very polite and very nice, and so she's, like, nodding her head to the of the displays, they aren't real animals. They're like, yeah. They're, like, just set up to be. Yeah, they're like a taxidermy.Yeah.So I thought, oh, that's a cute one. But then I noticed it's got, like, food in there and everything. And I'm like, wow, that's. They're taking it to that. You know, they're taking it further on this one, like, chopped up carrots and stuff. I don't know.What did it look like?It looked fuzzy and furry, but I couldn't see its face. So I thought that they had, you know, positioned it in a way where you just see its back. It was, like, fuzzy furry with different, like, you know, muted colored fur. And I'm like, oh, fuzzy furry?Like with the. With, like, four legs?No, it was, like, curled up.Oh, it was like, curled up like a little bear.Yeah, you can only see its back. So all you could see was, like, this little curvature. No, it was small. It was small. It was like, you know what? I could see if it was like a foot, maybe a foot and a half. And so I'm like, okay. And then I keep on looking at it, and I'm like, well, that's a weird display. Let me. And so I step up, and I look down into the glass. It's, like, right at my eye level. So I step down, I look into the glass to see if I could see what kind of stuff, animal they have there. And up pops a little nose. It is a baby possum. I am not fucking kidding you. It's a baby possum. It's a young possum. It is a young fucking possum.It found you.And I'm like, oh, I got scared.You saw what? I saw that.I saw what you saw. It was a little bit bigger than that. It wasn't a baby. Baby but you could tell it was young because. And also its fur was so, like, fresh and fluffy. Like, it didn't look stringy and oily and weird, you know? It was like.It didn't like it been on the road.No, it didn't look like it was. Had been run over by multiple cars in front of my house. And so here it is. Just pokes its head right up. I know. And then it just kind of lays its chin down. Like, it just kind of lays down, but now not curled up. It just, like, lays like a dog, almost like it's paws. And I'm like, fuck, yeah. All right. Yeah. All right. I get it. You're kind of cute.Yeah, they are.And then I'm, like, reading the sign about the possum. Possums play an important part in society. Well, they're known as trash collectors or whatever, right? And I'm like, fuck, I got taken by the possum. I really did. I got taken by the possum. I took a bunch of pictures. I was like, ah, God damn it. I still don't like the old, old possums. But I'll give it to you.These little possums are cute.If they're little and they have been bathed by the people at the Chattahoochee nature center, then they're kind of cute. And they're feeding them, like, carrots and not my daughter's dirty diaper, then, you know, cute. I will give it that. I will give it that.Hilarious. I mean, so right on. Spot on for you.And his name was like, you know, Petey the possum or something. Leave it to Disney and the Chattahoochee nature center to, like, humanize a little animal. Petey the possum. Petey the possum was rescued after its parents were smashed by an 18 wheeler.Maybe that was the one that was crawling around. Probably not.No, no, probably not. This one was.Two nights in a row, but that was it.Wow. Unless it grew two and a half feet in the three days and made.Its way from downtown all the way.Yeah, that's true. That 27 miles trek up the Chattahoochee River. I do have to say it was kind of cute. And then they also had. They also had a beaver in a captivity. And that beaver. I couldn't believe it. Tail. Like, up close, it's a full grown adult. It was huge. First of all, he's a lot of.Shit with that tail.Wow. That tail was like a piece of.Yeah, it's like another wax leather.Yeah. Yeah, it was weird. And poor beaver, he was trying to get inside his habitat. He was like, outside, but, you know, they could tell there was an inside where the keepers, like, feed him and probably a fan or something. He was like, biting the cage. He was like, he's having like a full blown panic attack. And I thought to my. I know. We showed the kids and I was like, this is torture. Stop it. But it was a rescue possum. I mean, a rescue beaver and a rescue possum. All the animals there rescue.Okay.We saw bald eagles, lots of owls, all kind of cool.So you do a bald eagle?Yeah. Every once in a while you got to show the kids there's something besides the Disney Channel.That's true.And video game island I on your iPad.Very true.Not that they cared. They went right back to the video games and iPads when we got home. But whatever. At least. At least for ten minutes, they were away from it and they got a lesson. In particular. In particular, which is not the real terminology she used, so don't text me.And they sell the flower that only flowers once a year.Yeah. I mean, how exciting.When they grow up, they'll understand the importance of.I'm grown up and I don't understand the importance of it. It's all a cog in the wheel, Chrissy. We're all just cogs in the wheel. That's it. All right, that's where you go to find out more information about Chrissy and I. All the audio, all the video right there from one location. you can also get your free sticker by hitting the contact us button drop down menu. I want my free sticker. Give us your physical address and away it will go. Please do us a favor. Follow us on Instagram hecommercialbreak. You can also communicate with us via Dm through that social media platform. We'd be happy to have you. We'd love it if you would follow us. So many of you did after we made our plea. So do it again. Everybody go. Subscribe again. Unsubscribe and then subscribe. Follow and unfollow and follow again. 212433 tcb. 212433 tcb. Questions, comments, concerns, content, ideas? We're taking them all. More information about our live shows coming soon. thecommercialbreak. All right, chrissy, that's all I can do for today.I think so.But I love you.I love you.And best to you.Best to you.The best to you. Out there in the podcast universe. Until next time, chrissy and I always say. We do say, and we must say goodbye, sadeena. I gotta get some cocaine. Driving me crazy. Close.


fail and all this other stuff. Maybe. Maybe Corey. Maybe. I don't know. He is selling out lots and lots of shows at very small venues, but. Lots and lots of shows. But I think the jokes on him, and I'm not. I'm not always sure he's in on the joke, actually. I don't think he's in on the joke, but it's hard to tell sometimes. Is Corey the biggest troll that has ever lived and is he trolling us all with really bad music and selling out shows and making a living? is lovely. It's what it sounds like. It's a nature center. You go there, and, you know, they.Have a nature center.They have some animals, and they have some information, and they have some people that, you know, tell you about the things. And it's a fun place to take the kids for a couple of hours when it's really hot outside, they have indoors and outdoors, and you can in its shade and whatever. So we decide we're going to take the kids there because we have a pass to go there. So we're like, okay, let's take the kids, and we'll spend a couple hours there, and they'll have fun, and we'll go see the animals and walk through the park and all this other stuff. So we go. When we do the outside thing, it's 99 degrees outside, and we are just about done with the day. Like, we've seen everything outside that we have to see. We know that there's an inside, but it's small, and we've been there before, and it's just, like, some fish and a snake and a frog that's, you know, native to the area. It's not anything impressive. It's not a zoo. It's this studio with a couple of fish tanks in it. You know what I'm saying? It's like, it's not that impressive.So we're pretty much wrapping up the day. We've been there for a couple hours. It's. Everyone's hot and tired, and we're just ready to go. And as we are leaving, astrid, like, turns the corner down a path, and then I can see her, like, walking down that path, and I'm like, hey, babe. Babe, let's go. Come on. Let's get out of here. We're, like, trying to walk the other way. She's gotten caught in a conversation with a lady who is telling Astrid that just a short walk down the nature path, by the way, this lady has, like, a shirt on that says, like, you know, chattahoochee nature center. She's, like, working.Yeah.Astrid has gotten caught in a conversation with a lady who has told her that just a short walk away, you can see a plant that has. That is flowering and only flowers once a year. And it is flowering right now.Whoa.And you can see it now. I am not a botanist. I do not have any interest in flowers, except I buy them for Astrid on occasion. Like, I don't know anything about it. I don't know the first thing about flora or fauna or whatever. I don't know anything. I don't know anything about anything, really. But Astrid is, like, giving me this, like, come here.Come here. I just did a bunch of planting seeds yesterday, so I like flowers and plants.Well, congratulate. You would have loved this lady then, because now this lady, Astrid's giving me that look that only a husband and a wife have, which is like, come here. I need you.Yes.And Astrid knows that I can talk my way in and out of any situation, but that's just not her, right? She's very polite and very nice, and so she's, like, nodding her head to the of the displays, they aren't real animals. They're like, yeah. They're, like, just set up to be. Yeah, they're like a taxidermy.Yeah.So I thought, oh, that's a cute one. But then I noticed it's got, like, food in there and everything. And I'm like, wow, that's. They're taking it to that. You know, they're taking it further on this one, like, chopped up carrots and stuff. I don't know.What did it look like?It looked fuzzy and furry, but I couldn't see its face. So I thought that they had, you know, positioned it in a way where you just see its back. It was, like, fuzzy furry with different, like, you know, muted colored fur. And I'm like, oh, fuzzy furry?Like with the. With, like, four legs?No, it was, like, curled up.Oh, it was like, curled up like a little bear.Yeah, you can only see its back. So all you could see was, like, this little curvature. No, it was small. It was small. It was like, you know what? I could see if it was like a foot, maybe a foot and a half. And so I'm like, okay. And then I keep on looking at it, and I'm like, well, that's a weird display. Let me. And so I step up, and I look down into the glass. It's, like, right at my eye level. So I step down, I look into the glass to see if I could see what kind of stuff, animal they have there. And up pops a little nose. It is a baby possum. I am not fucking kidding you. It's a baby possum. It's a young possum. It is a young fucking possum.It found you.And I'm like, oh, I got scared.You saw what? I saw that.I saw what you saw. It was a little bit bigger than that. It wasn't a baby. Baby but you could tell it was young because. And also its fur was so, like, fresh and fluffy. Like, it didn't look stringy and oily and weird, you know? It was like.It didn't like it been on the road.No, it didn't look like it was. Had been run over by multiple cars in front of my house. And so here it is. Just pokes its head right up. I know. And then it just kind of lays its chin down. Like, it just kind of lays down, but now not curled up. It just, like, lays like a dog, almost like it's paws. And I'm like, fuck, yeah. All right. Yeah. All right. I get it. You're kind of cute.Yeah, they are.And then I'm, like, reading the sign about the possum. Possums play an important part in society. Well, they're known as trash collectors or whatever, right? And I'm like, fuck, I got taken by the possum. I really did. I got taken by the possum. I took a bunch of pictures. I was like, ah, God damn it. I still don't like the old, old possums. But I'll give it to you.These little possums are cute.If they're little and they have been bathed by the people at the Chattahoochee nature center, then they're kind of cute. And they're feeding them, like, carrots and not my daughter's dirty diaper, then, you know, cute. I will give it that. I will give it that.Hilarious. I mean, so right on. Spot on for you.And his name was like, you know, Petey the possum or something. Leave it to Disney and the Chattahoochee nature center to, like, humanize a little animal. Petey the possum. Petey the possum was rescued after its parents were smashed by an 18 wheeler.Maybe that was the one that was crawling around. Probably not.No, no, probably not. This one was.Two nights in a row, but that was it.Wow. Unless it grew two and a half feet in the three days and made.Its way from downtown all the way.Yeah, that's true. That 27 miles trek up the Chattahoochee River. I do have to say it was kind of cute. And then they also had. They also had a beaver in a captivity. And that beaver. I couldn't believe it. Tail. Like, up close, it's a full grown adult. It was huge. First of all, he's a lot of.Shit with that tail.Wow. That tail was like a piece of.Yeah, it's like another wax leather.Yeah. Yeah, it was weird. And poor beaver, he was trying to get inside his habitat. He was like, outside, but, you know, they could tell there was an inside where the keepers, like, feed him and probably a fan or something. He was like, biting the cage. He was like, he's having like a full blown panic attack. And I thought to my. I know. We showed the kids and I was like, this is torture. Stop it. But it was a rescue possum. I mean, a rescue beaver and a rescue possum. All the animals there rescue.Okay.We saw bald eagles, lots of owls, all kind of cool.So you do a bald eagle?Yeah. Every once in a while you got to show the kids there's something besides the Disney Channel.That's true.And video game island I on your iPad.Very true.Not that they cared. They went right back to the video games and iPads when we got home. But whatever. At least. At least for ten minutes, they were away from it and they got a lesson. In particular. In particular, which is not the real terminology she used, so don't text me.And they sell the flower that only flowers once a year.Yeah. I mean, how exciting.When they grow up, they'll understand the importance of.I'm grown up and I don't understand the importance of it. It's all a cog in the wheel, Chrissy. We're all just cogs in the wheel. That's it. All right, that's where you go to find out more information about Chrissy and I. All the audio, all the video right there from one location. you can also get your free sticker by hitting the contact us button drop down menu. I want my free sticker. Give us your physical address and away it will go. Please do us a favor. Follow us on Instagram hecommercialbreak. You can also communicate with us via Dm through that social media platform. We'd be happy to have you. We'd love it if you would follow us. So many of you did after we made our plea. So do it again. Everybody go. Subscribe again. Unsubscribe and then subscribe. Follow and unfollow and follow again. 212433 tcb. 212433 tcb. Questions, comments, concerns, content, ideas? We're taking them all. More information about our live shows coming soon. thecommercialbreak. All right, chrissy, that's all I can do for today.I think so.But I love you.I love you.And best to you.Best to you.The best to you. Out there in the podcast universe. Until next time, chrissy and I always say. We do say, and we must say goodbye, sadeena. I gotta get some cocaine. Driving me crazy. Close.


is lovely. It's what it sounds like. It's a nature center. You go there, and, you know, they.


Have a nature center.


They have some animals, and they have some information, and they have some people that, you know, tell you about the things. And it's a fun place to take the kids for a couple of hours when it's really hot outside, they have indoors and outdoors, and you can in its shade and whatever. So we decide we're going to take the kids there because we have a pass to go there. So we're like, okay, let's take the kids, and we'll spend a couple hours there, and they'll have fun, and we'll go see the animals and walk through the park and all this other stuff. So we go. When we do the outside thing, it's 99 degrees outside, and we are just about done with the day. Like, we've seen everything outside that we have to see. We know that there's an inside, but it's small, and we've been there before, and it's just, like, some fish and a snake and a frog that's, you know, native to the area. It's not anything impressive. It's not a zoo. It's this studio with a couple of fish tanks in it. You know what I'm saying? It's like, it's not that impressive.


So we're pretty much wrapping up the day. We've been there for a couple hours. It's. Everyone's hot and tired, and we're just ready to go. And as we are leaving, astrid, like, turns the corner down a path, and then I can see her, like, walking down that path, and I'm like, hey, babe. Babe, let's go. Come on. Let's get out of here. We're, like, trying to walk the other way. She's gotten caught in a conversation with a lady who is telling Astrid that just a short walk down the nature path, by the way, this lady has, like, a shirt on that says, like, you know, chattahoochee nature center. She's, like, working.




Astrid has gotten caught in a conversation with a lady who has told her that just a short walk away, you can see a plant that has. That is flowering and only flowers once a year. And it is flowering right now.




And you can see it now. I am not a botanist. I do not have any interest in flowers, except I buy them for Astrid on occasion. Like, I don't know anything about it. I don't know the first thing about flora or fauna or whatever. I don't know anything. I don't know anything about anything, really. But Astrid is, like, giving me this, like, come here.


Come here. I just did a bunch of planting seeds yesterday, so I like flowers and plants.


Well, congratulate. You would have loved this lady then, because now this lady, Astrid's giving me that look that only a husband and a wife have, which is like, come here. I need you.




And Astrid knows that I can talk my way in and out of any situation, but that's just not her, right? She's very polite and very nice, and so she's, like, nodding her head to the of the displays, they aren't real animals. They're like, yeah. They're, like, just set up to be. Yeah, they're like a taxidermy.Yeah.So I thought, oh, that's a cute one. But then I noticed it's got, like, food in there and everything. And I'm like, wow, that's. They're taking it to that. You know, they're taking it further on this one, like, chopped up carrots and stuff. I don't know.What did it look like?It looked fuzzy and furry, but I couldn't see its face. So I thought that they had, you know, positioned it in a way where you just see its back. It was, like, fuzzy furry with different, like, you know, muted colored fur. And I'm like, oh, fuzzy furry?Like with the. With, like, four legs?No, it was, like, curled up.Oh, it was like, curled up like a little bear.Yeah, you can only see its back. So all you could see was, like, this little curvature. No, it was small. It was small. It was like, you know what? I could see if it was like a foot, maybe a foot and a half. And so I'm like, okay. And then I keep on looking at it, and I'm like, well, that's a weird display. Let me. And so I step up, and I look down into the glass. It's, like, right at my eye level. So I step down, I look into the glass to see if I could see what kind of stuff, animal they have there. And up pops a little nose. It is a baby possum. I am not fucking kidding you. It's a baby possum. It's a young possum. It is a young fucking possum.It found you.And I'm like, oh, I got scared.You saw what? I saw that.I saw what you saw. It was a little bit bigger than that. It wasn't a baby. Baby but you could tell it was young because. And also its fur was so, like, fresh and fluffy. Like, it didn't look stringy and oily and weird, you know? It was like.It didn't like it been on the road.No, it didn't look like it was. Had been run over by multiple cars in front of my house. And so here it is. Just pokes its head right up. I know. And then it just kind of lays its chin down. Like, it just kind of lays down, but now not curled up. It just, like, lays like a dog, almost like it's paws. And I'm like, fuck, yeah. All right. Yeah. All right. I get it. You're kind of cute.Yeah, they are.And then I'm, like, reading the sign about the possum. Possums play an important part in society. Well, they're known as trash collectors or whatever, right? And I'm like, fuck, I got taken by the possum. I really did. I got taken by the possum. I took a bunch of pictures. I was like, ah, God damn it. I still don't like the old, old possums. But I'll give it to you.These little possums are cute.If they're little and they have been bathed by the people at the Chattahoochee nature center, then they're kind of cute. And they're feeding them, like, carrots and not my daughter's dirty diaper, then, you know, cute. I will give it that. I will give it that.Hilarious. I mean, so right on. Spot on for you.And his name was like, you know, Petey the possum or something. Leave it to Disney and the Chattahoochee nature center to, like, humanize a little animal. Petey the possum. Petey the possum was rescued after its parents were smashed by an 18 wheeler.Maybe that was the one that was crawling around. Probably not.No, no, probably not. This one was.Two nights in a row, but that was it.Wow. Unless it grew two and a half feet in the three days and made.Its way from downtown all the way.Yeah, that's true. That 27 miles trek up the Chattahoochee River. I do have to say it was kind of cute. And then they also had. They also had a beaver in a captivity. And that beaver. I couldn't believe it. Tail. Like, up close, it's a full grown adult. It was huge. First of all, he's a lot of.Shit with that tail.Wow. That tail was like a piece of.Yeah, it's like another wax leather.Yeah. Yeah, it was weird. And poor beaver, he was trying to get inside his habitat. He was like, outside, but, you know, they could tell there was an inside where the keepers, like, feed him and probably a fan or something. He was like, biting the cage. He was like, he's having like a full blown panic attack. And I thought to my. I know. We showed the kids and I was like, this is torture. Stop it. But it was a rescue possum. I mean, a rescue beaver and a rescue possum. All the animals there rescue.Okay.We saw bald eagles, lots of owls, all kind of cool.So you do a bald eagle?Yeah. Every once in a while you got to show the kids there's something besides the Disney Channel.That's true.And video game island I on your iPad.Very true.Not that they cared. They went right back to the video games and iPads when we got home. But whatever. At least. At least for ten minutes, they were away from it and they got a lesson. In particular. In particular, which is not the real terminology she used, so don't text me.And they sell the flower that only flowers once a year.Yeah. I mean, how exciting.When they grow up, they'll understand the importance of.I'm grown up and I don't understand the importance of it. It's all a cog in the wheel, Chrissy. We're all just cogs in the wheel. That's it. All right, that's where you go to find out more information about Chrissy and I. All the audio, all the video right there from one location. you can also get your free sticker by hitting the contact us button drop down menu. I want my free sticker. Give us your physical address and away it will go. Please do us a favor. Follow us on Instagram hecommercialbreak. You can also communicate with us via Dm through that social media platform. We'd be happy to have you. We'd love it if you would follow us. So many of you did after we made our plea. So do it again. Everybody go. Subscribe again. Unsubscribe and then subscribe. Follow and unfollow and follow again. 212433 tcb. 212433 tcb. Questions, comments, concerns, content, ideas? We're taking them all. More information about our live shows coming soon. thecommercialbreak. All right, chrissy, that's all I can do for today.I think so.But I love you.I love you.And best to you.Best to you.The best to you. Out there in the podcast universe. Until next time, chrissy and I always say. We do say, and we must say goodbye, sadeena. I gotta get some cocaine. Driving me crazy. Close.


of the displays, they aren't real animals. They're like, yeah. They're, like, just set up to be. Yeah, they're like a taxidermy.




So I thought, oh, that's a cute one. But then I noticed it's got, like, food in there and everything. And I'm like, wow, that's. They're taking it to that. You know, they're taking it further on this one, like, chopped up carrots and stuff. I don't know.


What did it look like?


It looked fuzzy and furry, but I couldn't see its face. So I thought that they had, you know, positioned it in a way where you just see its back. It was, like, fuzzy furry with different, like, you know, muted colored fur. And I'm like, oh, fuzzy furry?


Like with the. With, like, four legs?


No, it was, like, curled up.


Oh, it was like, curled up like a little bear.


Yeah, you can only see its back. So all you could see was, like, this little curvature. No, it was small. It was small. It was like, you know what? I could see if it was like a foot, maybe a foot and a half. And so I'm like, okay. And then I keep on looking at it, and I'm like, well, that's a weird display. Let me. And so I step up, and I look down into the glass. It's, like, right at my eye level. So I step down, I look into the glass to see if I could see what kind of stuff, animal they have there. And up pops a little nose. It is a baby possum. I am not fucking kidding you. It's a baby possum. It's a young possum. It is a young fucking possum.


It found you.


And I'm like, oh, I got scared.


You saw what? I saw that.


I saw what you saw. It was a little bit bigger than that. It wasn't a baby. Baby but you could tell it was young because. And also its fur was so, like, fresh and fluffy. Like, it didn't look stringy and oily and weird, you know? It was like.


It didn't like it been on the road.


No, it didn't look like it was. Had been run over by multiple cars in front of my house. And so here it is. Just pokes its head right up. I know. And then it just kind of lays its chin down. Like, it just kind of lays down, but now not curled up. It just, like, lays like a dog, almost like it's paws. And I'm like, fuck, yeah. All right. Yeah. All right. I get it. You're kind of cute.


Yeah, they are.


And then I'm, like, reading the sign about the possum. Possums play an important part in society. Well, they're known as trash collectors or whatever, right? And I'm like, fuck, I got taken by the possum. I really did. I got taken by the possum. I took a bunch of pictures. I was like, ah, God damn it. I still don't like the old, old possums. But I'll give it to you.


These little possums are cute.


If they're little and they have been bathed by the people at the Chattahoochee nature center, then they're kind of cute. And they're feeding them, like, carrots and not my daughter's dirty diaper, then, you know, cute. I will give it that. I will give it that.


Hilarious. I mean, so right on. Spot on for you.


And his name was like, you know, Petey the possum or something. Leave it to Disney and the Chattahoochee nature center to, like, humanize a little animal. Petey the possum. Petey the possum was rescued after its parents were smashed by an 18 wheeler.


Maybe that was the one that was crawling around. Probably not.


No, no, probably not. This one was.


Two nights in a row, but that was it.


Wow. Unless it grew two and a half feet in the three days and made.


Its way from downtown all the way.


Yeah, that's true. That 27 miles trek up the Chattahoochee River. I do have to say it was kind of cute. And then they also had. They also had a beaver in a captivity. And that beaver. I couldn't believe it. Tail. Like, up close, it's a full grown adult. It was huge. First of all, he's a lot of.


Shit with that tail.


Wow. That tail was like a piece of.


Yeah, it's like another wax leather.


Yeah. Yeah, it was weird. And poor beaver, he was trying to get inside his habitat. He was like, outside, but, you know, they could tell there was an inside where the keepers, like, feed him and probably a fan or something. He was like, biting the cage. He was like, he's having like a full blown panic attack. And I thought to my. I know. We showed the kids and I was like, this is torture. Stop it. But it was a rescue possum. I mean, a rescue beaver and a rescue possum. All the animals there rescue.




We saw bald eagles, lots of owls, all kind of cool.


So you do a bald eagle?


Yeah. Every once in a while you got to show the kids there's something besides the Disney Channel.


That's true.


And video game island I on your iPad.


Very true.


Not that they cared. They went right back to the video games and iPads when we got home. But whatever. At least. At least for ten minutes, they were away from it and they got a lesson. In particular. In particular, which is not the real terminology she used, so don't text me.


And they sell the flower that only flowers once a year.


Yeah. I mean, how exciting.


When they grow up, they'll understand the importance of.


I'm grown up and I don't understand the importance of it. It's all a cog in the wheel, Chrissy. We're all just cogs in the wheel. That's it. All right, that's where you go to find out more information about Chrissy and I. All the audio, all the video right there from one location. you can also get your free sticker by hitting the contact us button drop down menu. I want my free sticker. Give us your physical address and away it will go. Please do us a favor. Follow us on Instagram hecommercialbreak. You can also communicate with us via Dm through that social media platform. We'd be happy to have you. We'd love it if you would follow us. So many of you did after we made our plea. So do it again. Everybody go. Subscribe again. Unsubscribe and then subscribe. Follow and unfollow and follow again. 212433 tcb. 212433 tcb. Questions, comments, concerns, content, ideas? We're taking them all. More information about our live shows coming soon. thecommercialbreak. All right, chrissy, that's all I can do for today.


I think so.


But I love you.


I love you.


And best to you.


Best to you.


The best to you. Out there in the podcast universe. Until next time, chrissy and I always say. We do say, and we must say goodbye, sadeena. I gotta get some cocaine. Driving me crazy. Close.