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I don't think it's funny, Capri. I didn't raise you to wear Birkenstocks. On this episode of The Commercial Break. This relationship is basically headed for a disaster. I don't love it because I love seeing people. Yeah, I do. I love the drama. I love the drama.


That's what you watch it for.


Of course. There's no issue. Why else would I watch it? I'm not watching it so I can see everything turn out great. I'm watching it so I can see the trainwrecks, which is the only two story lines I'm following, are the trainwrecks, because I like that, right? The next episode of the Commercial Break starts now. The 30 in the morning. Oh, yeah. Guys and Kittins, welcome back to the Commercial Break. I'm Brian Green. This is the leg washer of the group, Chris and Joy Hodeley. Best to you, Chrissy.


Best to you, Brian.


Best to you out there in the podcast universe. Why is it that you and I can talk about something and we never get any coverage from TMZ?


Well, I don't think we're on the radar.


But Swellsy, or whatever his name is, the Kelsy brothers talk about it, and it becomes big news all around the country. Were they talking about legwashing? They were talking about legwashing. Travis explained that he does not, in fact, wash his legs every time. He posted something on Squitter, Twitter, X, Twitter? I don't even know what they call it anymore. Whatever it's called. He twotted, All of you have been fed diabolical lies that washing every crevice of your body and hair all the time is somehow better and healthier. Any dermatologist not in bed with big soap will agree. Big soap? I didn't know that was a thing. I'm hoping this is satire. Yeah. Hotspots are all that is necessary and actually leads to cleaner, healthier skin. A byline TMZ, Travis, Kelsey, I don't wash my feet either. Dirty feet are apparently commonplace in the household of the Kelsies. Dirty feet. Because just days after Jason, Kelsey admitted he doesn't wash his feet, Travis, Kelsey, revealed he, too, does not wash his piggies. The Kelsie brothers dove into the topic on Wednesday's episode of New Heights after Jason caused an Internet uproar earlier this week when he posted on X that he does not routinely scrub his tootsies.


It's TMZ.


I know. Piggies and Tootsies.


This is journalism at its best.


It was a slow news day for them.


Jason reiterated on the pod that he thinks it's a complete waste of time telling Travis, who the fuck washes your legs or what psychopath washes their feet? He insisted he Then insisted Travis doesn't wash his either, and the chief star didn't exactly disagree.


Okay, so I'm not going to go on. I don't think you're a psychopath if you don't wash your feet.


No, of course, if you do wash your feet. It's your personal preference. But I think we agree. I get the feet. What are leg doctors? What's a doctor of the legs? Is there a leg doctor? I guess an orthopedic would be as close. Orthopedics and dermatologists agree. Well, I guess an orthopedic doesn't care if you wash your legs or not. They care if your bones are broken. Exactly. But okay, big dermatology She agrees that the soap running down your body can probably suffice for a good leg wash. You don't have to wash your legs every single time you're in. I admitted on this show, years ago, two years ago now, that I, in fact, am not an everyday leg washer. Every shower.


We agreed on that.


We agreed on this. It was something. I think the feet go hand in hand with that. Now, I take care of my feet. I do wash my feet every night because I'm using the pumis to pumify my feet. Oh, that's right. To pumify my feet. Yes. Because if my feet are not pumified, especially in the summer, it's like an alien foot. It just gets weird. With these pretty feet I have, according to the lady of Publix, I got to make sure that my feet stay on fleek. I want to have riz and matos. Riz and matos.


You got to.


Yes, you have to.


It puts a little pop in your step.


Especially when you have sandals. I want you to look at my sandal sunburn right there. I have sandal marks burned into my foot.


I was looking at your foot, though. It does look very smooth.


It does. Look at that. Good Well, that's the pumicing. You just do the pumicing.


I know all about the pumas.


I went and bought a new pumice. I don't know. I've had this same pumice for pumice, whatever the fuck you call it. I've had it for this old one that I had. I've had it for six to eight months. I think a pumas should last as long as a pumice lasts, right?


Yeah. I mean, you should maybe clean them regularly.


Well, I figured putting soap on it would clean it, but I guess that's not right, because when I would go to pumice my feet, I started sensing this increasing smell of musty moldy stuff. I was like, Is that my foot? Does my foot smell like that? Yes. But no, it wasn't my foot. It doesn't smell like that. You know what it is? It's the skin. It's the skin. When you use that pumice over and over again, you got dead skin. It builds up. I threw away the old... I said, Astrid, does this thing smell? And Astrid threw it right away.


This stinks. Smell it.


Pulled my finger. So Astrid smelled it, and she immediately threw it away. I was like, Does my pumas, I need it for my feet. And so I went to the store.


It's time for a new one.


I got a new pumas. I got a new pumas. It's a period product for Astrid. I'm sure the lady at CVS was like, Wow.


That's an exciting purchase.


Shit, how weird is your house. And so I got a new pumas. I feel very excited about this. Good.


Fresh pumas.


Fresh pumas for my nasty ass feet. That's why my feet are so smooth, because I pumas every night. I do wash my feet. Legwashing, not necessarily. That's not a thing. I don't do it every time I'm in the shower. Jason and Travis say it, and it's front page news on TMZ. You and I say it, and Joe Dombraowski wonders who we're connected to to get guests in our show.


I don't think we're on TMZ's radar, which I'm fine with.


No, I don't want to be on TMZ's radar. I'm good with that. You know the second you say that is the second the TMZ starts covering us.


I hope not.


Actually, we could probably use the press. Tmz. We said it first. No, I'm sure it's a common topic that all talk podcast talk about, right, Chrissy? Yeah, got to be. All right. Speaking of Joe Dombrowski, Joe was a great guest. We got a lot of feedback on the Joe Dombrowski interview. Lots and lots of people loved it. I really loved him. Especially his calling us out on the possum. And then I sent you the picture. And then a possum showed up at Chrissy's house. I know. It's unbelievable.


It was a baby possum. It was a baby. We were sitting outside enjoying a beverage in the evening, and all of a sudden, out of the corner of my eye, I see a little baby possum.


You know what?


Running over, and then it just stood there and it was scared.


It's hard to dislike a baby anything.


I know. Do you know what I'm saying? I was like, first of all, this is weird because we just had a whole talk about possums, and I've never seen a possum at my house before, out in the yard. I think it had gotten lost maybe from its family, which I felt bad about, but what am I going to do? I just left it.


Well, it's probably... It's your dad is sitting out in the middle of the road somewhere with a tire mark I mean, those things, they just don't get out of the way. Are those one of the animals that get like, deer in the headlight type thing? I think so. I think so, too. They can't see you. Kind of blinded or something. They're blind or something. But the possum drama continues here at the commercial break because we got someone that wrote in that said, You're saying it wrong. It's opossum. It's opossum, not possum. And so Astrid said, You're saying it wrong because we even say it opossum. In the English translation of opossum is, or opossum is opossum, not possum. And so I said, No, that can't be true. I've been writing it possum my entire life. It's been possum. So when did it turn into O possum? Like, O possum? No, you're not telling me I'm calling it. I'm saying it's a possum. So in fact, Astrid was correct, and I was correct. It can be said either way, O possum or possum. Either way. Either way.


I'm sick of with possum.


Still don't like possums. O possums or possums still don't like them. My mind has not been changed.


I like the baby. I felt bad for the baby.


Well, it's really hard to dislike a baby. Anything. A baby, anything, let alone a baby possum. Do you know what I'm saying? Yes, I do. The drama continues. Commercial break is in fact possum haters. Joe united with this. Except for babies. Except for babies. Okay, baby possums get After they turn one, I hate them. But before one, they're fine. I'll leave them alone.


Small babies, good.


Yeah, small babies, good.


Big ones, no. That's right.


Pee-pee, poopoo in the diaper, good. It's just like kids or dogs. Puppies don't stay puppies forever. They eventually turn into dogs. You know I'm saying? Right. They're cute as a button until they start chewing your legs off your $10,000 furniture. Then you fucking hate them.


Case in point, blue.


Case in point, Blue. I wish Blue was chewing on the furniture. I would accept that as a good alternative to what's actually going on in this house. Blue. Fucking blue, man. Oh, blue. Oh, man. I'm not going to get into it. I'm not going to get into the 3,000 story about blue waking the baby up, shitting on my feet. Whatever. Anyway. Okay, under one year's old, possum, good. Over one year's possum bad. I don't care if you call it opossum or possum. I know that there's one particular person out there who really dislikes our stance on possums, but I'm sorry to say they are weird, strange animals who really skeev me out. They're like roaches. Do you find roaches to be friendly? Are you a roach lover? No one is a roach lover. No. No. What? You want to know why? Because they're weird, disgusting animals. They crawl around your walls. They crawl really fast. Yeah, really fast. They skeev you out. They're like in In the middle of the night, they're crawling against walls. It's the same thing that possums do. The same thing. They're in your trash. They're walking around walls. They crawl out at night.


They're under your porch. You never know where they are until they show up at Christie's house to have a drink with her and Jeff. Okay? Just That's all agree. I'm not saying kill them. I'm just saying... I don't know what I'm saying. What I'm saying is I don't like them. That's what I'm saying.


And that's okay.


And that's okay. And neither does Joe, for the record. I think Joe's on our side about this one.


Yeah, he seemed to be.


Or at the very least, he's on the side of shitty internet commenters leaving dumb reviews. But I think this person actually wrote a long email to us once, and Astrid was trying to find it. I don't know if he'd been successful, and that we haven't because I would have it if we had. But she swears up and down, and I remember her telling me this, that someone had written in and given this long soliloquy on possums and why we should take a second look at our opinion on possums. Now, I put a call out to the earlier this week asking them to, if you can find that clip of us, I'd buy you coffee for a week. That still stands. I haven't had anybody- No one's taken you up on it. No, because no one's listening. All right. I'm just talking to myself.


I'm just talking to myself. We're just talking to each Yeah, but if you do know, if you remember, if you can find the clip of me talking about opossums or possums in my stance on them originally on the show, I'm not talking about when Joe told us about this review, then I'll buy you coffee for a week.


Whatever your favorite coffee shop is, I'll send you a gift card to it. But I'm just...


I'm not sure what their attributes are, and I'm sure they have some, but I'm not quite sure. Because if you have a spider, that can be good for the bugs or a cat running around outside can be good for the rodents.


Let me tell you about spiders. I don't like spiders either. Yeah. But I will deal with them under certain circumstances because I understand that they are eating the creatures that I really don't want. There are house spiders that will eat roaches and flies and rats and stuff that you don't actually want in your house. So they're a necessary evil as far as I'm concerned. Right.


Now, there is- Speaking of spiders, have you ever seen one of those? It's It had all the different colors on it.


They're the Japanese Joro spiders.


I remember seeing this one that was in between two bushes at my grandfather's house, and it had this elaborate web, and it was beautiful. I didn't want to mess with it. It looked like it was doing its work, and it was gorgeous, actually.


Are you talking about this spider, the Joro spider?


Maybe. I remember it being black and it had yellow, bright yellow.


This is it. It's called the Joro spider. It's from Japan. It originally was found here in Georgia. They think because of the Port of Savannah, it got brought over on shipping containers. It's an invasive species, and it's made its way up the East Coast, and they are now flying. The Joro spider can be 4-5 inches in diameter. It's big. It's huge. Maybe the size of my hand. I have seen a number of them on corners on the outside of my house. The pest control guy was like, invasive species, I'm going to kill it. Sometimes I leave spiders alone, but I'm going to kill these because they're invasive species and they'll eat all the other spiders or whatever they do. I don't know. They're poisonous. They eat bugs and stuff like that, but they can also kill the spiders that you really need. So piggybacking on the possum thing, spiders serve a purpose, except for the Joro spider. Except for the invasive one.


Except for the invasive ones.


Except for the invasive ones.


They serve a purpose in Japan.


They serve a purpose in Japan, but they are out of their own element when they're here in the United States. And so now, New York is waiting for what they're calling Spider Epocalypse because they do very well in cities, they breed fast, they lay hundreds of eggs at a time, and they can make parachutes. They actually like tall buildings, and they have been known to make their own parachutes and fly from building to building. What? Not even kidding. Wow. That is a nightmare come alive.




Spider-apocalypse. I am not interested in spiders that build parachutes. Anything that is better at building things than I am, that is not a human being, is pretty much on my shit list. Do you know what I'm saying?


Right. We're just interested in watching Frank Ubi go down in a parachute.


Oh, God, well, I love to see.


Well, no, at the beginning of his new intro- Oh, yeah, he jumps out of the plane. He's doing parasailing, and he just lands on the beach.


He's so crazy. Remind me in the next segment to tell you about Frank Ubi and why I think our listeners may be poking the bear a little bit too much. I'm going to implore our listeners to calm down a little bit on Frankie B. But okay, so let's talk about the possum a little bit. The Virginia possum is the only species found in the United States and Canada. It is often simply referred to as an O possum. In North America, it is commonly referred to as- There's no O on the spelling, is there? Opossum. Oh, okay. You can spell it either way? Yes. It's simply referred to in North America, mostly as a possum, not a possum. Listen, they have definitely They are 20 million years old. They come from their- That's what the review said.


Yes. They're very old. Got it.


Check. They probably came from the Amazon region. Their diet consists of rodents, birds, eggs, frogs, plants, fruits, and grain. In other words, they eat anything that they see. They're like goats, right? Some species may eat the skeletal remains of rodents and roadkill. Oh, God. In captivity, they will also eat dog food, cat food, and human food waste. So this is what they do. They are immune to the venom of rattlesnakes and pit vipers and regularly prey upon these snakes. Okay, all right. Okay, well, I guess you're doing something good out there. All All right. All right. 1.0 possum, 10 points, Brian. Okay, still beating you on this one. Some authors have suggested this adaptation. Oh, wait, hold on one second. Similar adaptations are seen in other small predatory animals such as mongooses and hedgehogs. Opossums, crow of vipers, have been suggested as an evolutionary arms race. Some authors have suggested this adaptation originally rose as a defense mechanism to allowing a rare reversal of evolutionary arms race, where the former prey has become the predator. In other words, they have to defend in themselves. The ferdalance, one of the most venom snakes. That has nothing to...


Oh, no, it has nothing to do with opossums. That's what can kill them. They're found everywhere, North, Central, South America, as far north as Canada. And they eat trash. That's what they do. Look, Miranda's messing with an opossum right now. My daughter's just losing it right now. I know. She's got an earache. She's poor things, miserable. I don't see my mind getting changed on opossums or possums anytime soon, no matter how you say it. I just don't know what purpose they serve in my trash can. Do you know what I'm saying? Now, I'm not going to kill them. I want to be clear. If I haven't yet put Blue down, I'm not going to go out of my way for a possum. They bother me a lot less than Blue does. They do. But I'm telling you right now, they're ugly little alien creatures, and I'm not a fan. If you want to be a fan, be a fan. But what drives me crazy about this one review, what really drives me crazy, is seriously, are you going to choose possums over the commercial break? Are we that bad? That's where we're at. Are we that terrible?


I mean, I realize we are not like the cream of the crop Comedy podcast. I realized we are not like best in class comedy podcast. But possums? We can't be better than possums.


We hit a nerve.


Oh, Christie, we are so fucked. I don't even know. Why are we bothering? Why do we bother? Why do we put so much effort into this And then I say, One thing about possibles, and everybody's running. Imagine I was talking about politics.


Oh, we're not going there.


No, thank you. All right, let's take a break. I'm going to diagnose my daughter and find out what's going on.


Sounds good.


And then we'll be back. What?


Oh, hi. It's Christina again, here to remind you to go to tcbpodcast. Com for all things audio, video, and T-C-B-D-O. Give us a follow on Instagram at the Commercial Break and on TikTok at T-C-B podcast. And guess what? We have a new phone number. I know what you're thinking, but I promise this is the last TCB phone number you will ever have to remember. So call us and leave us a voicemail or text us at 212 4333TCB. Once more for the people in the back, that's 212 4333TCB. Oh, and check out our YouTube channel at youtube. Com/thecommercialbreak. That's all for now. Let's listen to our sponsors and get back to the show.


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Order in the court. Follow and listen to Queens of the Court, free on the Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcast. All right. I do... That took care of nothing. I do want to say to the commercial break audience right now, guys and girls and possums, possum lovers everywhere, we do not want to ruin a good thing. And by leaving Leaving comments on Frankie B's YouTube channel that is clearly coming right out of my mouth onto the comment section is not going to help us stay under the radar. If we want this train to continue, we have to have a little bit of tact. While I appreciate the hilarious, and it is pretty funny, the comments that are being left on some of his videos, while it is pretty funny, can we just calm it down just a little bit? Because now I know that Frankie is deleting comments that are left that are clearly from the commercial break. So, like someone said on the latest video that we did, latest breakdown of how you eat right in your '60s, '70s, where he's making these juice smoothies.


With like 20 ingredients. Yes.


Someone said, high tea, low tea, no hard pea. Someone else said, Can you tell me how I can make a million dollars using your Salon Sweet? They had sweet. Like W-S-W-E-E-E-E- light Franky up. I just want to say, I don't want to ruin it, not quite yet, because my dream, if I pull my curtain back a little bit, if I pull out my dress a little bit, I'll give you a sneak peek. My goal is to eventually have Franky with us in some capacity. Not like a permanent member of the show, but someone that pops in and out and we can have fun with it live. Ask him questions and live. I'm waiting for the perfect moment to pull that trigger, but it's going to be ruined if he thinks he's going to get smashed with just shitty comments all over the place. So let's be a little bit nice. Let me do the talking on behalf of the commercial break, and then you guys send him emails. Don't put it public on his YouTube channel. Go to saonsuis.




Oh, my gosh. All right. Hey, I wanted to talk about something real quick, Chrissy. This is not a commercial, but we did get sent. We were sent a- A game. Cool little game that you can play. It's interactive. It's interactive. It's a music game, music-related game called Hitster. Me and one of my family members were playing this the other day. Hitster is a game that connects to your Spotify. If you have Spotify, you can play with Apple Music or whatever. It connects to your game. Basically, there's two ways to play it. One The way to play it is that you try and put the... Let me give you an example. I'll just show. You take out a card. The card has a QR code on the back. You scan that QR code, it pops up your Spotify. It plays the song that is on the other side of the card, along with the year the song was a hit, right? Here's an example.


We wanted to play it on air, but we don't think we can get the song rights.


I don't think I can legally have the rights to play the songs. But 21 Pilots had a hit called Stressed Out in 2015. I would start making a timeline guessing what years these hits were made. Whitney Houston's I Will Always Love You came out in 1992. I would start to build a little timeline. If I get 10 cards in that timeline, correct, then I win the game. But there's another way to play it, which is like name that tune, which is you scan the QR code and you guess the song title and the artist, not necessarily having to do with the year. You don't have to get the year exactly right. You just have to get a range of years. Can you determine within a year or two on your timeline when that song was a hit? The other way of playing it, which I had a little bit more fun with, was guessing which artist and which name, because they're all hits. It's likely you've heard most of them. There's some random ones in there that I didn't know, but it was a lot of fun. We played for an hour. I had a good time.


I want to thank Hitster for sending the game to us. I just appreciate that they care enough to It says, send us a free game in hopes that I will inspire a million of you to go buy the game. So Hitster, it's a game you can buy. Music games are fun. Music games are fun, especially when you're drinking. I find that once you're over five people at a particular get together, board games, games are probably not the thing to do, but you're having an intimate get together and you've gotten done with dinner and you have a few glasses of wine in you. That's a good time to break to take out the board games. Yes, I agree. And the cocaine. Just letting you know that. Right. Followed by heroine speedballing into some Xanax and you take a good, nice nap for a couple of days. Saturday night. Saturday night. Saturday night at Chrissy Hodeley's house.


No, no, no, no, no, We had a good time.


Check it out. I think it's hitster. Com. You can go to it and check it out. I'll put a link in the show notes. It's hitster-app if you want to check it out. Okay, so I want to talk to you about something, Chrissy. It's very important. I hope you're ready for this conversation.


I guess.


It is Men's Mental Health Awareness Month in June. Okay, that's good. Let's take this with a degree of seriousness that I know the commercial break has inside of it. We have this inside of us. We just need to flex that muscle a little bit. Dig deep. Yeah. I know a lot of men who have suffered greatly, and I think unnecessarily, because they are embarrassed to talk about their mental health. I can think of family members who had took a real long time to admit that maybe they needed to get some professional help. Professional help, yeah. Like a therapist or a psychiatrist or whatever it was because they weren't feeling good. Whether that's temporary depression or a more serious version of a mental health disease, they were afraid to do that because men typically don't talk about this stuff with each other or to anyone else. Their feelings. We're not good at that. I'm putting a broad stroke on this, but you get what I'm saying. I think it's much more acceptable in 2024 to say, I'm going to go see a therapist or I'm having trouble, I'm feeling low, and I'd like to go see a therapist.


It's much more acceptable than it was even 20 years ago. Yes, thank goodness. Thank goodness. But I still think there's a large subset of the male culture that doesn't address these things because they think somehow it's a weakness or somehow it's going to mean I'm not good enough or I'm sick or I'm going to be painted with this.


I can handle it on my own.


Yeah, I can handle it on my own. The truth is that very rarely, I think, can you handle it on your own. When you're really going through a bad time, you need people in your corner. Whether that's professional help or whether that's a friend or a family member, a sibling, whatever it is, I think that we as a gender, as a group, need to admit that we fall short in this way and that we need to up our game and allow each other's space to talk about feelings that are otherwise sometimes just hidden. It's just because I can remember when I was a kid and I look at all the male figures in my life, and all of them were very strong men. They weren't mean men. They were strong men. They very rarely- Stoic. Yeah, stoic. They never really showed emotion, and they never admitted that they were having a hard day. They were like suffer in silence people. That's Irish Catholic male from Chicago. That describes Irish Catholic male from Chicago to a T, suffer in silence. That's what you do. You are the strong one. You're the Jibralcer. You've got to keep steady while everybody else.


But I could also know from some of those same men, years later, that they admit that wasn't the healthiest approach. Exactly. And that it wasn't good. Now, especially my dad, I can think of, has done a 180 three turnaround because he at some point just said, You know what? I can't do this on my own. He had a really difficult period there for about 25 years. It was called Brian from zero to 25. Exactly. When I'm sure he just needed a therapist to guide him through raising such an asshole. But I wanted to share that I go to therapy, Christie goes to therapy, some of my brothers go to therapy, a lot of the men in my wider circle of friends, go to therapy. A lot of us also, once a year, twice a year, we'll get together and just spend a couple of days like, Hey, let it out. Whatever it is, let it out. We're here for you. It doesn't mean I'm going to write you a check if you're having money problems. It doesn't mean I can solve your relationship issues, but it means you can talk about it at the very least.


I think it's an important topic that needs to be discussed because I believe that lonely men who do not know how to deal with their feelings about life in 2024 are dangerous to society. They are dangerous to society. It starts with you. It starts with you admitting that maybe you're not feeling well, maybe you're having some thoughts that are dangerous, that are violent, that are depressive, that are sad, maybe you're lonely. There are people out there who can help you. You don't have to do this alone. Maybe you're feeling even suicidal. You don't have to do this alone. No one has to do it alone. It takes a village to raise a human, period, end of sentence. I encourage everybody out there to hold some space for yourself. It's okay to be aware that you're not doing well. It's okay to reach out and say, I just need some help.


Some people don't know how to get started with it either. They don't. There's definitely local resources in each city, town that, Google it, look it up, start somewhere. No. And not every therapist is going to be right for you. You might have to- You might have to switch. Try a couple of different ones. But eventually, it really does help. It's like a tune up for your car. The car will break down if you don't keep up with the maintenance.


It's a release valve. It's a tune up. It's someone to talk to. It's a third party independent. I'm talking about therapy, specifically, but this is not a commercial, so we're not talking about a specific mental health company or therapist or therapy company, where I'm literally sharing this because I think it's an important topic, and I do believe that lonely men in this country, specifically, are having a really tough time of I think lonely men are dangerous. That's what I think. I think lonely anybody is dangerous. But I think lonely men who don't know how to deal with their repressed feelings are super dangerous to themselves and to other people. I don't mean that necessarily in a violent way, like they're going to be a serial killer tomorrow. What I mean by that is that when the mental health of a community takes a dive in general, that can't be good for anybody that is in relative contact with that community, period, end of sentence. Like It or not, males are here. We're probably going to be here for a hot minute, so I think we need to learn how to deal with some of this stuff.


I agree. I encourage you as a man, specifically since it's Men's Mental Health Awareness Month, I encourage you, specifically, men, to put some self-awareness on it, hold some space for yourself, and get help, reach out, talk to friends, talk to family. You know what really brought this on?


What's that?


I think I've told this story before, but maybe it was like a decade and a half ago, 10, 15 years ago, I got a phone call that I never expected to get, that one of my dear friends, when I worked in the restaurant business, had jumped off a 21-story building here in Atlanta. That's awful. If you had ever met this guy, his name is Burke Boger. If you had ever met Burke, he was the life of every party. He was universally loved. He was a guy that would walk into a bar, maybe 50% of the people already knew him, and the other 50% of the people were going to get to know him. He was just that guy. He wore a suit and a tie everywhere. He dressed like a Blues brother. He wore sunglasses at night. He was an energetic, absolutely the guy you needed on a bad day. If you had a bad day, Burke would make you smile. He was funny, he was engaging, he was personable, he was a great friend to have. And never, not once, maybe with the exception of one time when we were really fucked up one night, did I I never get an inkling that Burke may have been struggling with his mental health?


When I got that phone call 10 years ago, whenever it was, it absolutely devastated me. Devastated me. Burke had called me about a month and a half earlier, and I didn't return his phone call. I was busy. I couldn't get to it. Whatever. I'll call him back, whatever it was. He had called me, and I never answered that phone call, and it sticks in my kra to this day that I never picked up that phone to talk to. He called me at a weird hour. It was like 12:45 at night, 12:45 in the morning, whatever. I understood, reflecting on it, maybe he was drunk, maybe he was whatever. He needed to talk. He needed to talk to somebody. He picked up the phone to call his old friend Brian. Brian didn't answer because Brian was too busy or whatever. Now, I realized that maybe I could have changed the course of history, maybe not. But it just reminded me that if this guy, if this dude, the most unlonely person in the world, the guy who could make a friend with a fucking bar chair, was suffering with his mental health, then there must be so many others that you look at and that you think, That guy's got it together.


That guy, he's on top of the world. The world is his oyster. There are so many more people that suffer in silence needlessly. I know this is not the funiest segment the commercial break has ever put together, but I think it's an important one. I would encourage anybody, male or female or whatever, that is suffering in silence to reach out and get help, whatever that looks like for you. But specifically for men, it's okay to talk about your feelings. It's okay to say, I'm not okay. It's okay to say, I'm not okay. Definitely. Just ask Christie. She gets that phone call from me about three times a week. She called me yesterday. She said, What are you doing? I called her and she said, What are you doing? I said, I'm staring at the bottom of the pool wondering how long it would take me to get to it.


We talked about it.


We talked about it and I I felt a little bit better. Yes. There you go. Yes. Even Brian sometimes suffers with his feelings. My feelings are... I wish I didn't have them, but I do. I wish I had no feelings that would make life easier, but I do. I certainly have strong feelings about opossums, in case you're wondering.


You've got to feel the bad to know what the good is.


That's right. So if you have possum-related mental health issues, you can call me. Otherwise, call a professional. I may not be the guy. Might not be the guy to go to. All right, so there's my spiel. Christie's right. There's lots of local, national, and international help available. If you literally don't know where to start, I'm not feeling mentally healthy in Google or AI or whatever, and it'll shoot you back a number of places you can call or write to or go to. Of course, hopefully you have a friend or a family member, at least you can pick up the phone and say, Hey, dad, I'm not doing good right now. I need somebody to talk to. It's not going to solve all the problems overnight, but at the very least, it's a release valve. It's someone to talk to you, then that person can keep an eye on you. That person can check in with you. That person can say, Hey, how are you feeling today? Take the next step. Do the next thing, get up in the morning, make your bed. It's going to be okay. We're going to figure it out. I'm here for you.


Anyway, that's my once a year, be serious, take life seriously, thing. There you go. I love it. Also, remember to get your 33 ejaculations in. What is it? 21. Well, 21. Yeah, 21 each. Make sure you get your 21 ejaculations. So now that I've given you the PSA of the day, let's take a break and we'll be back with more Hilarity.


What? Oh, hi. It's Christina, again, here to remind you to go to tcbpodcast. Com for all things audio, video, and T-C-B-D-O. Give us a follow on Instagram at the Commercial Break and on TikTok at T-C-B podcast. And guess what? We have a new phone number. I know what you're thinking, but I promise this is the last TCB phone number you will ever have to remember. So call us and leave us a voicemail or text us at 212-433-3TCB. Once more for the people in the back, that's 212-433-3 3TCB. Oh, and check out our YouTube channel at youtube. Com/thecommercialbreak. That's all for now. Let's listen to our sponsors and get back to the show.


Okay, weirdestest thing happened on our text message line. So we have a person, I won't even name the gender, but we have a person who has been texting us pretty frequently for a couple of months, what I would call a fan, if not a super fan, a fan of the show. They texted me after we had been talking about 90 Day Fiance and one of the story lines that was going on on 90 Day Fiancé, The Other Way. 90 Day Fiancé has 75 fucking versions of it. Yes, they do. You can't keep up with all of them, but there's one that I'm paying attention to, and there's two specific story lines. I mentioned this on the show a couple of weeks ago. There's two story lines that I watch it for. I fast forward to those two story lines because I don't care about the rest. I'm over it. I can't have 90 Day Fiancé in my brain 24 hours. They're crazy.


It'll get in there, too.


Oh, man, and it will. Yeah, it'll be in your kra. You'll go through three seasons in a day and you'll be like, What happened in my life? Where am I? That's when you reach out and get help, man. Yes. I should probably get help for my TLC-related mental health issues. All right, so someone texted me and said, I know one of the people, or I'm loosely connected to one of the people that is on this show. Right. So here's the storyline. Dude, I guess the best way to explain it is there's a guy, and he's probably in his 30s, I think, okay? And we first meet him. In Los Angeles, in fucking Los Angeles, he is wearing full fur coat like Sugar Daddy pimp, like a pimp cup. He's got a pimp cup in his hand. He's wearing this fur coat. He's got these sunglasses on, big chains. He's a muscular guy. He's had plastic surgery or at least His face looks plastic, fantastic. He's got this hair that's sticking up. I mean, the guy is straight out of casting, right? Douchebag. That's what it is. Straight out of douchebag casting. Okay. Then, of course, we know what's coming next.


He's falling in love with some smoking hot 20-year-old from some far-flung country in South America, which I think is Brazil. This girl has had plastic surgery of her own. She's had her boobies done. She lives in the nicest apartment. She drives a nice car. She's got all the nice things. She's got her nails done twice a day. A woman that is very pampered, and she's young, so she's a little bit on the immature side. But this guy is in love with her. Not hard to see why. She is a gorgeous woman. It's not hard It's not hard to see why he's in love with her looks at the very least, right? But she's immature and a little bit obnoxious, but he's a little bit immature and obnoxious, too.


Yeah, it sounds like it.


I guess they're a perfect fit, right? We meet this couple on the first episode, and she explains that she's living in the lap of luxury because he's paying for everything. He takes care of all of it. They even have a condo that they've bought in Rio that they rent out. They're living the high life, basically. But at the end of the episode, we come to learn that this guy has lost his job and he has hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not more, in debt from bad investments like cryptocurrency and a failed company after failed company. He's investing in friends' companies. He basically had a little bit of money. He didn't know what to do with himself, and he spent it all. He's Brian Greene, basically, is what he is.


Right. Okay?


Let's buy more podcast advertising with all the money we don't have. You get the deal. He says, I'm going... And he's on his way to go down to Brazil to spend a month with her. So he's telling the camera in this cutaway, he's saying- On his last credit card dime? Yeah. He's saying, I don't have a dime to my... I'm down to my last couple of thousand dollars. I've got to explain to her. I've really only got a month and a half of living expenses left, and then we're done. I lost my job, so I have no income. I'm really worried about going down there and telling her this because I'm afraid that she's in it for them. I'm afraid that she loves me, but the money might be a perk. She may not be able to overlook. Well, you can know how this goes down. It goes down like a wet fart in church. He goes down there, and I got to give the guy credit. From the moment that we meet him, he's absolutely, at least to our understanding, transparent about what's going on. He's not trying to hide it. He's not trying to pretend.


He's not Simon Guabatia, pretending he has money as an oil man and he has not a dime to his name. He is actually sharing that he's really broke. He's broke as a joke and it's stressing him the fuck out. Now he's got this girlfriend, he's paying all his money to rent her a while they own another condo and he's buying flowers, thousands of flowers to fill the rooms and all this other stuff. So he gets down there and he says to her pretty quickly, and by the way, he paid for her to open a nail shop, like a nail salon. Okay. So she's working at the nail salon. It's been open about a month. He says, How many customers per day do we have in here? And she says, Oh, usually about one, maybe two appointments per day. And he said, How many do we need to break even? She's like, 18 to 20. Listen, he may not be the smartest business guy in the world, but he understands, I'm not going to bridge that gap. I don't know how we're going to survive if we're only at two and we need to get to 20.


It's never going to happen in two months. So he starts slowly easing her into the situation, right? And she does not take it well. First of all, he's hiding things from her. He did. He's been not had employment for a couple of months, and he didn't share that with her. This girl basically it was a tantrum, like a five-day long tantrum.


Are they engaged?


They're engaged. Okay. And so fast forward a couple of episodes, and now what this guy wants, or what this girl wants to do is she wants to now start planning the wedding that they are supposedly going to have. She's taking him to these places. That's like $28,000 American dollars just to rent. And then that doesn't even include the food or the booze. And he is stressed the fuck out. He says to her, I don't know where we're going to get this money. We don't have this money. We're not going to be able to do this right now. And she throws a holy shit fit. You don't love me. You never loved me. If you loved me, you would make this happen. And she goes into the back of the car. They're at this wedding, this in a empty wedding facility, and she runs to the back of the car, rolls up on a ball, and starts crying. And he comes in, and he's like, you're trying to calm her down. Baby. And this is what he says to her, Baby, I love you, and I'm trying to make all this happen, but I don't think you get the seriousness of I literally don't have any money.


We don't have any money. The condo is all we got left. That's it. By the way, we assigned a prenup. Oh, my God.


You threw a prenup in there?


It fucking explodes. She goes crazy. But that's not the worst of it. The worst of it is, they're riding down the road. So finally, after all this gets settled down, right? I can't remember if this comes before or after, but I'm telling a story here, so follow me. So they're riding down the road, two are from this wedding facility, and he gets He goes, Hey, honey, I wanted to show you the new sunglasses. And she starts showing her these sunglasses that fold up and have a necklace on them. So you can fold your sunglasses up and then you've got a necklace that he says looks like a pendant. To me, it just looks like shitty sunglasses folded up. But he says, Don't they look great? And she goes, Oh, they look so sexy. Great job, baby. He goes, Yeah, I spent our last $10,000 getting 300 pairs of these made. And she's like, What?


Oh, he was making them.


His brilliant idea to get out of debt is to have a sunglas company. It reminds me of the time I worked for the Olympics, and the genius idea of the owner of the booth that we were standing is was to make a shirt that when it got wet, it turned colors.


Oh, that's right.


It had lizards on it. It was called Lizard Shirt or something. It was the worst name, the worst idea. We did not sell one T-shirt, not one. This guy bought boxes and boxes of T-shirts, not one got sold.


Wait, was it... Hold on. Let's break this down for a second. Side note, but was it just a blank white T-shirt? And then when it rained, it turned colors and made a lizard?


You could tell that there was a lizard on it, but once it got wet, then it activated. That activated. First of all, who's regularly just pouring water on themselves? You want to see a cool trick? I mean, it's like, I don't know, a wet T-shirt contest. Maybe that would come in handy. I'm not sure how else do they even do wet T-shirt contests anymore. I don't know. Somewhere Probably. But it was the dumbest idea from the beginning. And I didn't care. The guy was paying me. So I went to the booth and people would walk by and I'd be like, Color change your T-shirt. And people would come over and I do a demonstration and they'd be like, Yeah, I think that was a thing back in the early '80s. I think I remember something about that back in the early '80s. They had the heat T-shirts. That's right. Yeah, I remember that. This one had to get wet. It had to get hot and wet. It was the dumbest fucking idea. No one was ever... I don't care if they would have put us in the middle of the Olympic Stadium and had a 50-minute commercial on wet, colorized T-shirts.


We would have never sold one because it's a terrible idea. And the only version of the shirt was a gecko. It's like a gecko. Who the fuck cares about the gecko. I know. It has nothing to do with the Olympics. No one gets a shit. You don't go to the Olympics to buy a gecko T-shirt that you can only see when it gets wet. It's dumb.


Yeah, you at least got to have the Olympic mascot on it, but I guess that probably cost more money.


Yes, that's right. Now, while I can believe there's some 62-year-old beef baked up, very red, yacht captain down in Florida that probably wants foldable sunglasses that turn into a necklace, I cannot see how this is going to be a raging hit. I could be wrong. I'm not exactly Mr. Business either. So I'm not casting dispersions. But I mean, in this case, I could see why she was so very angry because it's a dumb thing to spend your last $10,000 on when you have no promise of revenue coming in whatsoever. We know all about this, Christie. And I'm telling you right now, this is a train wreck waiting to happen. So this girl texts in and starts explaining that everything that we're seeing... I said, Girl. Okay, it's a girl. There you go. All right, it's a girl. So this girl takes in and explains everything that we are seeing is true. He is, in fact, a terrible businessman who is just desperately trying to make money by throwing money at other things and hoping that it all works out. And that this relationship is basically headed disaster. I don't love it because I love seeing people...


Yeah, I do. I love the drama. You love that drama. I love the drama. That's what you watch it for.


Of course, there's no issue.


Why else would I watch it? I'm not watching it so I can see everything turn out great. I'm watching it so I can see the trainwrecks, which is the only two story lines I'm following are the trainwrecks because I like that, right?


She knows him.


She knows, loosely knows him. I'll just say that. I don't want to get into too much detail fail because we agreed that I wouldn't. But yes, there's a direct connection there to him and the situation. Sometimes you want to believe that some of these story lines are propped up a little bit, right? They're made more They're made more dramatic by good editing. Embellished. Embellished. But in this case, I think this is the real deal. This is actually what's going on behind the scenes. I did it, so I guess it's hard for me to say this out loud, but what is it about this fucking show? That it's like a rubber stamp. Old White Man Meets Young Latino Girl. Old White Man Meets Young Latino Girl. Old White Man meets Young Latino girl. Old white man meets young Latino girl. Old white man meets young Latino girl. Brian meets Astrid. I know. But in this case, I wasn't rich, never claimed to be rich. We're wearing a fur coat. Yes. Astrid happened to like me on my merits. Now, I'm sure she regrets the decision now, but we're stuck. You can't have 13 kids and get a divorce.


No. That's just a bad idea. You're doing it. That's just a bad idea. I love when 90 Day Fiance turns into a train wreck. I love it. I just love it. I love it. I think it's- Of course. It's high entertainment. It's high entertainment. It's high entertainment. And I can't wait to see what this girl does next. I mean, if you have nothing, what are you worried about a prenup for?


I know. Yeah, that wasn't making things better with the whole dropping a bomb, too, that we have no money.


Well, I was thinking about asking Esther to sign a prenup where I get some of her money. Hey, can you sign a prenup where you pay me some money if we get divorced? Because it's likely I won't have any then either. So if you don't mind. Let's do this. They say potential is just energy not realized. I'm like a big ball of potential. When girls say, Never rely on potential, or he's got potential, or whatever it is, they're talking about I am. He's got so much potential. Look at him.


Has it reached it yet? But it's there. No.


When I'll reach it, I don't know. I'll probably be Wilford Brimley. Good old Wilford. That's like my nightmare is that I ended up being a spokesperson for diabetes strips.


It would pay, though.


Oh, yeah, at least. Well, you think. You'd like to think. You'd like to think Wilfred got paid. But maybe he was just so angry about diabetes. Diabetes. How does he say it? Diabetes. Diabetes. It's not diabetes, it's diabetes. Maybe he's so angry about diabetes that he just decided to do the commercials out of the goodwill of his heart.


Maybe. I don't know. I can't wait for an update on this storyline.


I got to keep watching. I can't watch it now. No, you can't watch it. I already gave you all the juicy parts about the one storyline. What's going to happen is they're going to find a way to... This always happens. They're going to find a way to remedy, and I'll tell you why they're going to find a way to remedy with each other. It's because there are future seasons of 90 Day Fiance at stake here. If you break up, it's unlikely they're going to follow you unless you are some extraordinarily entertaining human being on your own, which a few of the cast members over the years have become a show in of themselves. But these two, I don't see a lot of... I just don't see it. I just don't see that spark. Oh, my gosh, this person I have to watch or that person I have to watch.


Whatever happened to Angela and Michael?


Angela. Angela. So funny that you ask because Astrid had it on in the background the other day. It's like 90-day fiancé the other way after the days, two years later, seven years later.


There's so many versions.


Well, I didn't catch the whole thing, and I have not kept up with the storyline very well, but he is still trying to get his visa to come to the United States seven years later. He's been denied twice, and then he keeps telling her he's got to go to the embassy in Tanzania or wherever he lives.


I think he's Nigerian.


Oh, Nigerian. Yeah. One of the episodes that aired recently, I don't know because I don't actually watch. I've actually decided to watch a good television from now on, so I don't watch a whole lot of 90 Day Fiance. But what I did see in the background was that Angela went through his phone and found out that he was like, Nigerian scamming other American older women and collecting money from them. And she blew up as she does. As she does. As she She always does. As she does. Yes. Angela is a ball of fire. I'm sorry, but I would run, not walk away from Angela in a relationship. She is explosive. That lady, I like her. I think she's highly entertaining, but she is explosive. She's still smoking cigarettes. She's like 77 years old.


She's chain smoking them.


Every time I go down to that island we go to, to vacation, we drive through the town that she lives in. Where she is. I always just want to go run around and try and find it. I know her address is out there somewhere. I'm going to knock on the front door. Angela. Angela.


She's had so many surgeries, too.


Oh, my God. She looks great. I mean, not really, but compared to what she did before. She's looking great. She's looking better.


Let's put it down. She's got that 90 day money.


She's got that 90 day money with that Ozempic face. That's right. I think she actually had Gostic Bifast. I think so, too. Yeah. And boob job and a butt lift and skin removal and all this other stuff. She's like a Frankenstein walking around. I know. Smoking cigarettes, drinking whiskey. Please blood hair. Yelling at Michael. I swear to God, Michael, I see one more bitch on your phone. I'm going to fucking kill you. Don't fucking mess with the horn bowl. You get the horns. She always has those Southernisms. She yelled at him. Don't mess with the bowl. You're going to get the fucking horns. And Michael's like, Angela, Angela. I did not do anything wrong.


I know.


He's sitting there in his robe.


I know.


High class ass, kids. High class ass. All right, tcbpodcast. Com. That's where you go for more information about the show. You can check out all of the links to our guests shit, all of our sponsor codes. All of that stuff is included on the website and in the show notes. So please go to the website, visit, listen, watch, and get your free TCB sticker. All you got to do is go to the Contact Us page, drop down menu, I want my sticker, give us your address, and we'll send it off to you. Be happy to do that. I want to thank a lot of people who have been writing in with content ideas. Nice. And I want to thank those people for writing in with content. You will get a personal thank you. Yes. Keep them coming. Keep them coming.


Four days a week is hard.


Four days a weekend.


It's not.


I mean, we do it under duress, contractually obligated. Contractually obligated. 212 433.


Right away, this is our therapy, too.


Oh, definitely. Oh, for sure. This is probably I'll save my life on more than one, okay? Yeah, me too. No doubt. Me too. 212 433 3TCB. 212 433 3822. Questions, comments, concerns, content ideas. If you want to be on the show, let us know. Text us, and we'll get back to you. Also, I wanted to let you know that you can check us out on Instagram at the Commercial Break and on TikTok, T-C-B podcast. But if you would, if you could, if you don't mind, go to our YouTube channel, youtube. Com/thecommercialbreak, and subscribe to that channel. All the guest interviews and selected videos are up there. We put up great clips on the Instagram, too, if you want to check that out. I really would appreciate it. Okay, Christie, I guess that's all I can do for now.


I think so.


But I'll tell you that I love you. I love you. I'll say best to you. Best to you. And best to you out there in the podcast universe. Until next time, Christie and I do say we will say and we must say goodbye.