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Hey, best of you out there in the podcast universe. It's me, Brian, bringing you a very rare Saturday morning version of the Commercial Break. But I want to do something different. I want to introduce you to another podcast on the Odyssey Network that I have really been enjoying. It's called Psychopedia. Psychopedia is a true crime podcast infused with comedy, making it what they call a crime video. All right, not bad. I like that. I'll take that. You probably already know one of the hosts, Tanks Sinatra, as one of the most prolific topic, original meme creators on the Internet, and now he has teamed up with his podcast partner, Investigative Slater. Investigative Slater, she is actual expert in true crime and investigative law. And here's how the podcast goes. Each week, Investigative Slater will introduce a new crime story to Tank for the first time. He's never heard it before in all its gory and gruesome details. And then we get to hear Tank's thought-provoking and oftentimes very hilarious feedback on that particular true crime story. And if you like the Commercial Break, I think you're going to like this show. And I'll tell you one of the reasons why Tank and Investigative Slater are actually friends for 20 years.


So they bring a lot of friendship, a lot of hysterical stories to the table, just like Christie and I do here at the Commercial Break. When they do come together to discuss these true crime stories, you can count on a well-researched, very funny, and entertaining new volume of Psychopedia. So here's what I want to do. Instead of being all cheer, I'd love to put it in your ear. Why don't we listen to a little bit of Psychopedia? You'll get a tasty teener. So let's do that now, and then I'll be back.


All right, welcome to the Psychopedia Sizzle Reel. I'm your co-host, Tanks & Natcha, here with my micro co-host.


Investigators later.


And we would like to tell you a little bit about our show.


It's true crime.


And comedy. It's a crime-ity, and nobody else can use that word. Thank you. You may know me from my Instagram pages, Tanks & Natcha, Tanks Good News, or influencers in the wild.


And I'm an actual investigator by day and a true crime investigator by night.


The cases always start with me completely in the dark. I'm listening to it for the first time, just like you are.


I do exhaustive research to bring all the fascinating details that you can't just find doing a basic Google search, and maybe some things you didn't know, even if you've already heard the case before.


She keeps you on my toes with pop quizzes like this, which I fail miserably. And upon their arrival at Julia's home, the officers were utterly astounded by the shocking revelation they encountered.


Pop quiz. What did law enforcement discover in Julia and Wright's home? A, jars of human saliva and de-winged insects.


Gross. B. If you came up with that, I'm going to lose my mind.


Why don't you hear the others?


Oh, God. B.


A. A used condom collection and dead animals. C. Blood stained walls and photos of men.


I mean, the grossest one is A.




That's what I'm picking. Wrong. Thank God.




No, that means you came up with it. You are gross. Dude. Jars of...


I'm literally a little sick right now.


I'm a little proud of myself.


Her writing and delivery is poetic in the best sense of the word. I constantly call her Winston Churchill, and everyone else thinks it's hilarious, but I am dead serious when I say it, listen to this.


To be wrongfully accused of a crime is to be trapped in a nightmare with eyes wide open. It's a relentless storm of confusion, fear, and disbelief, raging in the core of your being. Each whispered rumor, each pointed finger feels like a knife twisting deeper and deeper into your soul. The world you once trusted turns hostile and becomes a foreign landscape where trust is lost and your voice screaming innocence is muffled by the deafening drumbeat of judgment. You're drowning, yet you're the only one who feels the water. It's a suffocating solitude, a battle against an invisible enemy where your only ally is the truth that no one else seems to see.


I'm hooked.


I bring the gravity to these cases, and Tank brings the levity, though never at the expense of the victims. He just gets hung up on weird things like rap lyrics and me mispronouncing words, which distracts him from the heinest details I'm putting forth with passion and compassion always.


Jane received a chilling phone call from Jamie, one that would forever haunt her. During this particular call, he uttered the following horrifying words, Put on the news, bitch. I just killed a woman at the Morocco motel.


Why did he say, Turn on the news?


He was trying to suggest that it would come light because like any hotel typically has cleaning staff coming in daily.


Why would you call her and say, Turn on the news now?


If someone says, Turn on the news now.


It's not his room. It was the victim's room.


Okay, yeah. I mean, if you booked the hotel for a week, they're not coming in there. Or maybe they are. I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about. What are you talking about? I don't know. I'm trying to imagine someone calling me and saying, Turn on the news. I'm turning on the news now, and if I don't see anything, I'm going, Why did I just turn on the news?


If he had said, Hey, turn on the news at some point between seven days from now.


That would be like, I'd get that.


Hey, turn on the news as background noise and pay attention, so that if you hear anything about the Morocco Hotel, you'll know I did some shit.


And Tank really does always have something to add. No matter how random or strange the subject matter, he always adds to it, either with his humor, his insight, or with the story from his life. But he always makes sure that it ties into the case.


At the end of the episode, we want you to feel like you've heard true crime in a way you never have before.


The best part is that we bring 20 years of friendship and memories to the table, so you will wind up feeling like you've been hanging out with friends for the last hour or so.


Hopefully, you'll join us for an episode or two and find out whether or not you like it for yourself. Don't take our word for it.


We'd love to have you join our family of Little Psychos over on Psychopedia.


What do you think? Pretty gruesome, pretty gory, pretty funny. I actually do see a lot of similarities in the two shows. I mean, besides all the true crime stuff, the friendship between those two really resonates with me and my friendship with Chrissy. There's so much more where that came from Cases Like The Cocaine Cowboy, Face-Eating Frat Boy. What is that? I got to listen to that one. Dow House of Death. You're going to be hooked if you take a listen. I know you will. Follow and listen to Psychopedia on the free Odyssey app and wherever you get your podcast. So let me bow out for now. Thanks for listening. Psychopedia is another great podcast from our great network at Odyssey. Go take a listen to Psychopedia, and we will be back back on Tuesday.