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My first ever kindergarten roundup, this little girl shows up, and they told me that I had to do this reading assessment with her. That's called chunking and blending. So I did it with her, and I was like, okay, what is this word? Tall? And she looked at me and she goes, um, is it titties?


On this episode of the commercial break.


I was like, your high energy. Stay put. See what happens. So I just. I happened to have the glass of sharks, which. Cause I'm a cheap bitch, and I was just. I'd like, do it. And I was f loving it. They were loving it, and I was just like, this is some shit.


The next episode of the commercial break starts now. Oh, yeah, cats and kittens. Welcome back to the commercial break, huh? I'm Brian Green. This is the Jojo Siwa of the group. Kristen Joy hoadly. Best to you, Chrissy.


Best to you, Brian.


Best to you. In the podcast universe, Chrissy going through her hyper sexualized awkward phase right here on the camera.




Shake it like an epileptic.


Oh, that's right. That's right.


Yeah. Jojo Siwa, our favorite, our new friend, Jojo Siwa. Yeah. New friend of the show.


Yes. Let her live.


Poor girl. Poor girl. Just getting it left, right and sideways. That girl can. That girl cannot catch a break. And, yeah, whatever goes. So I wanted to share that today's TCB infomercial I'm very excited about. I'm very excited to talk to Joe Dombrowski. I've been a big fan of his since his viral video about teaching came out and he sustained popularity. You know, we'll talk to him about this. But, like, a lot of people today, they get a little pop of notoriety because of whatever they do on social media or YouTube or whatever. Like Andy Warhol said, they get. Everybody gets their 15 minutes, but can some people make it to 1617, 1820 minutes? Like, Hanna Burner has done it. Joe Dombrowski has done it. Mo Gilligan did it. Like, there are people who can extend, who really have talent. They have something to push them behind. Like us. We have no talent behind us. So we're gonna. It's better to sparkle and f. What is it that's better to, I don't know, blow up and shine to the sparkle and fade or something like that.


Blow up and shine.


It's better to light, fuse and get away than to sparkle and fade? I don't know. Anyway, Joe is one of those people, very talented comedian. He's on a tour right now. He's got a bigger tour coming along in the fall where he'll be everywhere. I just looked through his website. He's going to be in a lot of different places. The Joe you can follow him on his socials. I will put all of the links in the show notes. We're super excited to have this conversation. Actually, we've been planning this one for a while and I'm very happy to finally connect with him. A couple fits and starts. My fault. This is the first, this is the first time I've had to cancel a guest and I canceled them because of my tooth.




And. Yeah. And I don't need to tell him that, but I don't need to tell you that. Why am I telling anybody that? Anyway, he's here today. We'll see.


And we're excited.


And we're excited. But before we get to that, I wanted to share that. I just read Lenny Kravitz. Lenny, you know, Lenny Kravitz is. I do remember Lenny Kravitz.


I've heard of him.


Okay. He's, he's a mildly popular musician who's been around for a long time. And I am just reading that Lenny Kravitz has opened up about a new, like, spiritual journey that he's gone on for the last about decade and in that spiritual journey. And I think this is fucking criminal. And I'm gonna talk to Lenny about this when he comes on the show. I think it's fucking criminal. For a decade, for almost a decade, he has been celibate. Celibate. He has not been having sex for nine plus years.




Let me read the story byline TMZ, where you get all the good information. Lenny Kravitz might be a well known sex symbol, but that's kind of fading in the light of the news, namely him being celibate for a whopping nine years while on a spiritual journey. The music icon says he's ditched casual flings for nearly a decade until he finds the right woman move inspired by his dad, NBC producer Sigh Kravitz NBC News producer Cy Kravitz I didn't know that. Was his dad cheating on his mom, Roxy Roker, a well known actress famous for her starring role in the Jeffersons. Reflecting on the infidelity, Lenny told the Guardian that his dad predicted he'd end up living the same lifestyle. And it turned out to be true after his marriage to Lisa Bonet. Unbelievable that you would ever leave. Lisa Bonet fell apart in 1991, Lenny acknowledged he began acting like a player Lenny says he was for. He wasn't fond of that lifestyle, and it took him years to take responsibility and shed the label, making sure his own desires did not take over. And all this discipline has incredibly led him to a nine year streak of celebi celibacy, saying it's a spiritual thing.


I become very set in my ways and in the way that I live. It goes without saying he hasn't been in a serious relationship for those nine plus years. So basically no sex. After the notorious heartthrob's marriage to Bonet ended, he charmed his way through Hollywood, going on dates with Vanessa Paradis. He was even engaged to bombshells and Adriana Lima and Nicole Kidman before things fizzled out. At 60 years old, it looks like Lenny's mission is to find the one, but it's still ongoing. Seems like he's loving the celibate life too much to, too much to rush into anything at this point. Even a casual bang, however, nothing like a good TMZ report to put a casual bang, however, he's looking for a serious, if he's looking for a serious contender. GAYLE King from the morn. Oh, please, stop with this bullshit. Okay, I'm gonna leave it right there.




Lenny Kravitz ain't gonna ever marry Gayle King. GAYLe King, I think, is in her seventies. I know she, like, hit on him on some, at some event that they were at, like publicly. She was interviewing him and whatever.


Anyway, who hasn't hit? Who hasn't hit on, want to hit on Lenny Kravitz? Men. Men love him.


Women want to be. Women love him. Men want to be him. Yeah. He's the real player in the group. I mean, Lenny Kravitz, even at 60 years old, yes, he looks older than he did because he's older than he was, but yes, he looks older than he did, but he is legitimately a very handsome man.


Oh, yes, he is.


Very handsome man. He's got an incredibly unique look, an incredibly unique style, and his body is always fucking rock hard. I know I am not even close to Lenny Kravitz age, and my body is like a q tip. His is like one of those ginseng knives that, you know, can cut through steel. And, I mean, I feel like I would hurt myself just knocking into Lenny. Like he would cut me or I would just fall right over. He is a solid rock of a human being. And while I can appreciate that, everyone is on their own journey, and I went on a spiritual journey too. And I did stay celibate for about nine months. That's about as long as I could take it. Nine years. Nine years. That is a long time to be Lenny Kravitz and celibate. I'm not saying it's a long time for most people to be celibate. I'm saying it's a long time for Lenny to be celibate.




Do you know what I'm saying?




I'm not here to, like, cast dispersions or tell anybody what to do. But, Lenny, you're 60. You maybe got another 15 good years of fucking left. You know what I'm saying? Good, solid, organic fucking without a lot of medications or having to break a hip or something like that. Let's go. What are we doing? Come on, buddy. Get back on the horse.


I know. It's hard to believe, too. He hasn't at least found someone special.


I like if we.


Like, he would just have access to everybody. Yeah, Danny, of course.


Anybody which. Even if you were married, even if you had a boyfriend, it doesn't matter. It seems like anybody would leave anybody for Lenny Kravitz. Like, if Lenny Kavitz came within 5ft of my wife, I just know it was over. I just know it was over. It's over.




It's been great.


Thank you for everything.


But you know what I'd say, well, at least it's Lenny fucking Kravitz.




I'm not embarrassed. If I go, well, my wife left me, took the children. She's living with Lenny Kravitz in fucking Oahu or wherever. Aruba. I would feel like a stud. I'd feel like, yeah, she left me for Lenny Kravitz. Who'd your wife leave you for, Bob? And accounts payable. Fuck you. Honestly.


Yeah. It would be understandable.


Yeah, listen, I would have sex with Lenny to break the celeb. That's all I gotta say. That's all I gotta say. That's it. That's it. All right. So, Joe Dombrowski, I just had to mention that. I don't know why it surprised me. It shocked me.


It is surprising.


If I want to pull back the. Like, the Brian on the commercial break sheet just a little bit. I do appreciate where he's coming from. He realizes that maybe there was some, like, ego value or ego, you know, falsity, whatever, wrapped up in his ability to have sex with women and how attractive he was and all that. I can see that he. Maybe the wall just broke down and he was like, it's just a facade.




He probably said to himself, you know, I'm a human. I'm never going to look like, you know, I'm not always going to look like, yes, you are. You are. You are looking like that at 60. It's not a falsity. You're all, you're still super hot.


Yes, that's it.


All right, so Joe Dombrowski, our guest today, also a super attractive young man. Joe absolutely is a former teacher who has parlayed his love of comedy and his many years in the teaching industry into a wildly successful comedy career. He is selling out multiple nights at multiple places.


A fun teacher. Can I just say that for sure?


For sure. I mean, just watch him. Just go look at Joe Dombrowski, some of his social media stuff. A lot of it is about teaching. And you can just tell, like, he was the, he was the guy that you wanted teaching you. Yes, I think he taught the young children. We'll ask him. But I think he taught like younger children, so they may not have realized just how good they had it. Right. Quite frankly, if he taught young kids, I think his talents have been wasted on the young kids. He should teach high school kids because maybe they would get it. But Joe is on tour currently. But then he is also going on another tour, starting another tour in fall. He has many dates. He has. He has multiple nights in many places. He's selling out coliseums and it's like a big deal. And millions of social media followers. We're so happy to have him. Joe Dombrowski is here with the commercial break. I don't know how these people get here.


I really don't.


I have no idea how anybody gets here. But we're just grateful to have him here.


Right? We're rolling with it.


Right. So, Chrissy, I've got an idea. I've thought about this. Let's go into our weird, awkward transition phase. And let's say if we take a break, maybe through the magic of telepodcasting, we can have Joe right here with us. We can talk to him. But first we need to take that break.


Let's do it.


Okay. We'll be back with Joe.


Well, thank the baby Jesus. Brian took a breath. And now I will use this opportunity to let you know that we've got a brand new phone number. That's right. It's 212433 TCB. And you can text us anytime you want, or you can call and leave us a voicemail and we might just use your message on the show. Once Brian gets through all the messages, he missed last, of course. Anyway, you can also find and dm us on Instagram, at thecommercial break, and on TikTok, ecBpodcast. And of course, all of our audio and video is easily found on now, I'm going to thank g one more time that we have sponsors. So thank g, and here they are. It's the most anticipated WNBA season in history.


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Wherever you get your podcasts.


And Joe's here with us now. Thank you, Joe, for spending some time with us. How are you?


Hi, Joe.


I'm great. Anytime, anytime.


Live from Seattle. And what's behind you? Is that your. From all your teaching days, you've got your kids stuff up behind you?


First of all, what's behind me is a hodgepodge of my trauma. I taught for ten years, elementary school, taught everything, kindergarten to 6th grade. And this is some artwork that some of the kids made me over the years, the ones that I liked. Yeah, it's pretty cute. Now, I had a vision for this, and it just didn't execute well. Cause when I was a teacher, the whole wall behind my desk was a collage of student artwork that just went floor to ceiling. It was so great.


So cool.


That'll be the background for my studio. It looks like shit. Looks like shit. So we're in the middle of redoing my studio down here right now while planning a wedding. That's in three weeks. It's. Wait, your wedding? Yeah.




Thank you.


And who is the lucky human you're getting married to?


What's Morgan? It is a man, I assume.


I just wanted to make sure.


Couldn't hear me right. And he is fantastic. He's why we're out here, so. Yeah, he's from North Carolina. I'm from Michigan. So we are bringing all of our family to Seattle to experience all of the curiosity.


Is this a big wedding, or is it a small wedding, or is it.


A medium sized wedding to you?


Well, I did a wedding. I did two weddings, actually, with two different women.


I did them. They were.


Had them. Yeah. I had two different weddings. I was involved in two different weddings.


You were married?


I'm like, oh, he's a vendor. I'm a player with an ice cream.


Truck in his garage. I don't know. And so the first one was like a destination wedding. 250 people. I considered that rather big. It was a. It was an affair. Right. And then the second one was more like 100 people, local wedding, and less of a to do, let's put it that way. It wasn't five days long. It was, you know, one night and we had a good time.


We're right in the middle of that. We're at 163 right now.


Oh, yeah. That's not. It's. That's perfect.


You can have your three part wedding, though.


There's a lot. What are you into? Is he indian?




Yeah. That's three weeks.


That's a three week wedding, so. Okay, first of all, we wanted our guests. 95% of our invite lists are not from here, so we really wanted them to have a good time when we invited them in. And it was. We want it to be from the time you land, from the time it's over, the weekend's over. We covered it all for you. So day one, which is on Friday, we have a cocktail cruise that we have, you know, chartered out.


Fucking fantastic.




How fun in the sound for cocktails with. I'm sorry. We're actually doing it on Lake Washington, going through for a sunset cruise to have drinks and hang out and see everybody. When everyone first gets in, the next day is the wedding, and the third day is a traditional polish after thing called a Pope rovini, which is the after thing.


Pope Rovini. This sounds familiar from when I grew up in Chicago. What does a Pope ravini say?


Yeah, you've probably heard of it being Chicago guy. It's like, it's the day after a wedding, and it's just like a reminiscing situation where it's a come as you are open house, if you will, and usually another relative will host it at their house for the couple getting married. And for mine, it is at my house, and my aunts are hosting it at my house.


Oh, that's lovely.


Alice lives here, so. Yeah.




So it's three days of drinking, but, yeah.


You're not trying to get too aggressive on the timing with the third day, right? You're going to give people a chance to wean off their hangover or just.


Jump right back in.


Or just jump right back in.


Yeah. So that was a funny thing, too, because Morgan's very much a planner and an executor. That's where he thrives, and he could not understand that I wouldn't let him put an RSVP on the pope. Ravino. Well, how are we going to know how much food to get how we get everybody? And I was like, listen, pause. We can't have an RSVP because that's not what it is. If you wake up in the morning and you want to go, you come. If you wake up in the morning and you're too hungover or still drunk, you don't.


Don't come.


Like, yeah, I don't want people to ever think I RSVP. I have to go. I didn't RSVP. I can't go. It's not that. So that I talked him off a ledge.


Yeah. Good for you, Joe. I think you're playing the voice of reason in this one. Because there's nothing pisses me off more than a destination wedding where I have something planned the morning after the wedding. Do you know what I'm saying? Like, you know, oh, the brunch that everybody comes to the brunch and it's at, like, starts at 930. First of all, that's not brunch, it's breakfast. Second of all, who in their right mind thinks I'm going to be sober enough to go to a brunch at 930 in the morning? You just gave me free booze all night long and now you want me to. I mean, I'll take the free booze and we push it back 3 hours so I can get some sleep.




It's not till eleven. Make it 1130.


And it's super. It's super laid back, too. It's like a come as you are situation. So wear whatever you're wearing. I don't care if you roll up in the same outfit. Yeah, come eat, have a drink if you want, have coffee if you want. And just hang out before you take off like that.


That's fun.


Now, is there going to be a lot of hooking up? Do you have a lot of, like, single people that are coming? I need to know. We love the drama here at the commercial break. We have a lot of people that have written in with wild wedding stories. Like, I hooked up with. Yes. One of them. What was the wildest one? The groom. They had a, like an engagement party and the groom got seduced by the mother of the bride and she took a picture of him in a compromising picture, in a compromising position, then showed.


That to his asshole. Just up to the sky.


Yes, exactly. He was nude on a bed, drunk passed out nude on a bed, and she took pictures of it and then gave it to the. To the fiance to convince her not to marry him.






So can I say something? Go. That's illegal?


Probably yes. Probably yes.


That's against the law.


But you know what is not illegal is making up a story and texting it to the commercial break. So we don't know if it's true or not.


Very true, but I would say that that one is true. Yeah, I think.


Oh, me too. Yeah. We've heard Wilder shit.




Via other text messages. But the wedding stories just tend to get out of control. Do you expect a lot of hooking up going on at your wedding? Is going to be a while.


Looking up, hooking up? I don't know, because I'm 35, Morgan's 38. And I would say that we're, like, older than when most of our friends got married. So most of the people that we're inviting are coming with their husband or wife.




We do have large quantities of homosexual men coming, and given the track record, there could be some tummy slaves. You never know. But I think the bigger thing that will happen is we are. We're both party guys, and we are inviting our party families and our party friends. So I was at a wedding years and years ago, and I ended up knees deep in the lobby koi pond like that. That's the type of shit that could happen.


That's awesome.


We have a very large insurance policy that we got the bases covered.


Okay, so for our audience who might be new to Joe, Joe does a lot of comedy around his years of teaching. So I have a couple of questions about your years of teaching. I'd like to understand just a little bit more, but the first question I have inquiring minds want to know. Christy and I were talking about this off air. What did you do as a teacher when one of your furry students needed to use the litter box? Did you point them in the right direction or did you.


I did not take a Xanax.


Chrissy's got plenty. She'll send them over.


Jesus Christ, this fucking animal situation. I'm so crazy.


It's so ridiculous.


Can I.


Can I share with you that I have a relative that keeps on perpetuating a story about a woman that she knows that was a teacher, that someone was using the. Someone needed a litter box to use it. And I'm like, will you stop repeating that dumb fucking story that no one believes? It's not true. I don't. I mean, she's just that kind of person anyway. But you know what kind of person I'm talking about. But I'm like, why are you. Why are you perpetuating this dumb fucking story? No one in their right mind in the history of any public school has ever put a litter box out for a fucking furry. It's never happened, and I don't know where it came from, but it's got to stop. And it's good and sense, good story.


It's a great way to have a triggered mindset about it. Yeah, it is true. The litter box thing is clearly not. If any teacher in the right mind said, oh, yeah, you need a litter box, here's one in the corner, then that person deserves to be fired. But the whole kids being animals thing is cute and fine to a point. But the last year that I taught, my very last year that I taught, I taught kindergarten, it was one of the best years of my career. And there were absolutely kids who came in, and I blame the parents. Not the kids with a tail attached to the belt loop, with the gloves, with the claws on the end, with the ears. And then you talk to them and just be like, I need words. It's like, what the fuck are your fucking parents doing? Literally, there's a time for this. And it's called at your own house.




It's not right now. And also, I am so fucking sorry. Whatever happened to being like, you're gonna get your ass kicked? Like, this will not end good for you. That's okay to tell your kid?




Like, this is not gonna be what you think it is. So we need to start, like, assimilating into society. Like, I don't understand it.


There needs to be guardrails, and the parents are in charge of those guardrails. It's not the responsibility. I mean, obviously, as a teacher, you spend a lot of time with those students, so you have to. You also have to help with those guardrails as a teacher. Yeah, but I agree with you. Like, darwinism is going to take hold, and so somebody is going to get their ass kicked for meowing at the, you know, class presentation. It's just the way that. At least that's how I grew up. It was like, you know, those kind of behaviors got weeded out because you didn't want to be the kid who got this ass kicked in the middle of hallway.




Nothing against people dressing up like animals. Nothing against it. But there's a time and a place for it, and it's not a very.


Hard fight to battle, but you can tell your kid, too. Like, yo, your shit's in your backpack. That's for recess. Yeah. That's for Latchkey or whatever. But, like, you gotta make these boundaries. You can't just have your kid going to fucking graduate school. Hissing what the hell?


What? When you taught, were you teaching mainly kindergarten? Mainly younger students?


I taught everything. Kindergarten to 6th grade, with the exception of first and second.




So I've kind of been a little bit all over the place. Yeah.


God bless you.


The longest was fourth grade, where I spent most of the time, but it was. It was wild. Fifth and 6th grade, not my shit.


Yeah, that's when they turn into. That's when they really turn into animals. Like, real live animals. Jaguars. Ooh.


They're just like tiny Regina Georges. Just rip into you and say the one thing that you're so self conscious about.


It's terrible. They will make fun of you. Huh. Did you teach in public or private school?


Both. Predominantly public. Title one, if you're familiar with the term.




Title one is a school where over a certain percentage. I don't remember the exact percentage. It might be 50, but over a certain percentage of the schools house income, housing income, qualifies them for free and reduced lunch. Because of that, they get additional government funding that can be used for different activities and technology and things that the school needs to provide for that. So the majority of my years were in title one schools.


And so what? And so tell us a little bit about the journey. Were you always into comedy? Was like, obviously you're a funny human being. Like, we spent a few minutes with you before you came on here, and you're. Obviously, you're that guy. You're the funny guy, right? You. You can make a joke out of anything, and you've got a. Got those sensibilities, the quick wit. Were you always interested in being a comedian even while you were teaching?


Yes. So the common misconception is that I had a video blow up online, and then I just kind of, like, turned it into stand up, but it's actually not true. I. So I did stand. I grew up in a very, like, stand up family. We were always comedy consuming. Stand up. Like, I went. We saw Kathy Griffin when I was, like, super young because she was an up and coming comic performing at Disney world on new year.


Oh, my God.


How funny is that?


Wait, like an epcot? Like, on the epcot stage? I remember that. I remember not Kathy Cat was, like.


Sitting in front of us. It was crazy. I'll never forget. But we were there for New Year's. And my parents were like, oh, there's a comedy show happening here. Like, let's go do see stand up. We watch. You know what I mean? So we went. And I remember her act outs were insane, and they were just so visual. And I remember being like, how the fuck am I laughing at her when he's, like, doing something but doesn't have any props or set or scenery and so funny. And I then did stand up for my third grade talent show when I was eight.


Oh, wow.


Yeah. And then I always was, like, trying to be funny, figuring out how to be funny. Wanted to be funny. I was very Jim Carrey, Robin Williams at that age. So very in your face.


Very fazzoid.


Yeah, right. And then come college, I, like, really started to get into it, and I started trying to figure out comedy as a whole. So I was experimenting with improv, sketch and stand up. Just, what am I good at? What do I like?




And then I had time when the video went viral, so people didn't know that I had about 40, 45. 40 minutes that I could stretch in a 45 crowd work. But that was. I was able to use that moment to headline and headline outside of Detroit because I had a little bit of a fan base locally. Detroit's still my biggest, biggest demo. I'm playing the Fox theater in Detroit coming up next year, 4000 cedar.


Look at you.


Very cool. Very cool. But. But, yeah, I was able to use that moment for leverage to be like, no, no, no. Like, this video went viral, and now I have an audience outside of my hometown, but I have the time. I'm a stand up.


Yeah. There you go.


Congratulations. I went, but what's so funny is I think about that moment and, like, think about who that comic was. And I watch back my old shit, and I'm like.


We do the same thing. Yeah.


So hard to watch. But it got me where I am right now. Yeah.


Yeah. You know, I think you're. You were liking it. They love it. You're extraordinarily popular on. On social media, and you're. You are a really funny human being. And I gotta say this. Like, I think about your story. We've had a couple of other comics that have been on that have had a viral moment that they have parlayed into a larger career. And everyone has a very similar story, which is. And Hannah Brown, I think, was one of the people we were talking. Hannah Burner, excuse me, was one of the people we were talking to. And it's like, yeah, that viral moment only took me 26 years to make right. It only took 26 years of hard work to get that one moment in the sun. It's what you do with it afterwards that really fucking counts. It's like, do I parlay this into sustained success, or am I a one hit wonder? And you're still here long after the viral video went viral. And so congratulations to you, my friend.


Yeah, there's, there's two types of people, and I don't knock anybody because I, like, I'm a, I'm stand up is my heroine. I'm obsessed with it. I could talk about it forever. It's, like, my favorite thing in the world. And it's such an honor to be able to do this professionally for people. Like, I'm always on stage, and I'm like, holy fuck, that's a thousand people who rearrange their day to come listen to me.


Yeah. Wow.


Tell things that I wrote in my head like, that I'll never, that'll never go way less on me. But I. There are other people who do have, like, the viral moment, and then, like, their agents are like, you know what? Live performance. And then they go and they biff it and they're, like, not into it. And then that kind of makes a bad reputation for stand up as a whole. But there are other people who have the viral moment who are not familiar with stand up and then get bit with the bug and want to get better and ask questions and network with other comics and, like, learn what it means to be a host and then a feature, then a headliner and, like, really ingrained themselves in the community, which. That I can fuck with. Like, I definitely respect that hustle, but there are other people who I'm just kind of like, ah, fuck. You know.


You know what? I think that my observation is, and this is just, I'm speaking more about the podcast industry because while I am certainly, like, a comedy addict, I love the art of comedy comedy. I love learning about the history of comedy, the lineage of comedy, how you do it. How you do it. Well, I'm not claiming to be good at it because I have never done any stand up. It's just behind this silly microphone in my own home in the studio. But what I've noticed is podcasting is very similar in this sense, is that people get a podcast, it starts to do well. They go out and they do live shows that doesn't do well. And things kind of fall apart because they have zero interest in the hard work that comes afterwards to sustain it or to be, like you said, a student of whatever it is they're doing. Do you think that social media and viral moments like that make the comedy world in general a little bit more noisy? Or is it easy or is it better? Because now you can find talented people, can find their voice quicker and current.


Directly with their audience that likes them.


I think that, you know, what's happening right now is still unprecedented and I will, I'll straight up say I think that if social media was not real and it didn't exist, I don't know that I would have the success that I have right now.


Fair enough.


Because I was able to connect with people in their home whenever they wanted and build off of that. And like one of the best things about social is there's a lot of comics who knock it and they're like, oh, we're just putting out these 32nd clips now. And that's what our art form has been dwindled to. And it's like, well why don't you refill frame the thinking. You have the opportunity to take 30 seconds of your best shit, put it online and show it to the world which then generates ticket sales to come see the 45 to an hour of material that you wrote and care about. Like how about that? You know, so I think that it really is amazing that we're able to for free put our shit out there and we don't have to wait to get a Comedy central half hour anymore or an HBO or whatever it is. You know, we can just prove to people online I'm good, spend money on me, come see me and watch me grow.


Yeah, yeah. And you have sustained that success through the viral moment. And people say you talk about what you know, write about what you know is like the old adage about being an author, right? Write about what you know. And so you do a lot of comedy around teaching because that's what you know, that's what you were doing, that's what you love. That's another passion of yours. Did you or did you not? This is a tough line of questioning. I'm gonna go all, you know, inside edition on you. Did you or did you not one time have a podcast named Mister D? Something Mister D?






You didn't know?


You really didn't. Oh, then I read something that was completely wrong. I thought you had a podcast named something Mister D like isn't Mister Dombrowski. I read somewhere that you, that you had some podcast that's, that was named something Mister D like learning with Mister D. So I guess I'm just 100% wrong about this. Not everything you read on the Internet is true. There was a television show, a canadian television show named Mister D, and I was like, did you take any inspiration from Mister D, the other guy who talks about teaching in his comedy special? Well, listen, you don't know this show because you probably have never listened to an episode, but I'm wrong about almost everything. So this is just par for the course.




Just par for the course.


Well, there you go. There you go. I do have a podcast called social Studies, which is with one of my very good friends, who's a comedian and also a high school teacher, but we. It's not called Mister D. Well, I.


Was going to say brilliant marketing move, but now I'm just wrong about everything.


But that was a good try. You did great, sweetie.


Thank you, honey.


I'm doing great.


So, you're going on a big tour this fall. Tell us more about your tour. Do you love the travel part of it, or is this the part where you're like, I think I. I think I would feel half and half about the.


Yeah, it'd be, like, exciting to go.


From city to city, but then I'm just living inside of a hotel room.


We also get to connect with all of your fans and, you know, meet them and talk to them and be live.


That is one of the best parts, too. And it's also very cool to see all these different corners of the country and world that. Places you've never thought you'd go or wanted to go. And then you see the cool uniqueness that, in beauty, that what's. What blows my mind is just how drastically different the United States is depending on where you are. And in, like, all forms. Specifically for me, the geography of this country is incredible. Like, I'll go from Tampa and see dolphins, then I'll go to Maine and see a grizzly bear in the same week. Like, that is unbelievable. But this upcoming tour is big. I am playing some bigger venues that I haven't before. I'm playing town hall in New York, which is very cool. Very cool for that one. Yeah, it's a good one. I've played the Wilbur in Boston before, but I'm playing it more times this upcoming trip.


Are you doing multi nights at the. At the. In Boston?


Girl, I've already sold in a row.


Baby, I love to hear.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So I. It's a cool one. And there's. There's cities I haven't done. There's some of my go to cities that I love, and all over the country, tip to taint.


I love it.


We're doing it.


Are you taking Morgan with you?


No, he comes to some of the ones. Like, we live in Seattle, so he'll come to a lot of the sunny beach places.


Right. The fun. The fun cities.


Yeah. He says, I'm on my way to Tampa, but fuck Maine.


Yeah. It goes to, like, Honolulu Avenue, obviously. San Diego. He came with me to Fort Lauderdale. Yeah.


I wonder if they. I wonder if when you're putting together a tour, you just put in places like Honolulu because you can. You know what I'm saying? Like the Honolulu. Honolulu. Let's go there.


Yeah. It's so crazy. Like, you want to go to these places and it's. And you're so excited to do it, and then your agent will be like, okay, you want to go to Australia? Well, actually, you have to do it in our summer, which sucks, because you're missing your summer. Yeah, that's their winter, which sucks because you're not there in their summer.




So it. He's like, but that's when tickets move there. Because tickets move. Are indoors. Like, I'm like, well, fuck, yeah.


And everything can kill you in Australia, so don't worry about it. Just stay indoors anywhere. Did you play? Have you played Australia?


Yeah, an australian tour a few years ago.


And where did you. Where did you play? Did you, like, go all around the country?


Yeah. Perth, Sydney, Melbourne, other places. It was like four cities. And then I did a little travel on my own.


And what did you think about all. I'm just curious to your opinion, your take on Australia. Can everything kill you there? I've never been. I'm just curious.


Yes. Including alcoholism?


Holy shit.


I've heard they're big drinkers. Big drinkers, yeah.


Which is why I was like, all right. Okay. Yeah.


All right. So you all are party years. What do you do after a show? Are you the kind of guy who likes to sit around and have a couple of cocktails after the show, or do you go back to the hotel and have the cocktail there? That would be lifestyle.


It depends on my mood. Who's there? Do I have friends in the city who my feature was? It depends. Like, Amy Miller is a very good friend of mine. Her and I will go out on the road together. I'm always drinking with Amy. Friends, you know, and now we're good friends, another city. And we get to, like, do things together, so it's fun. Like, we'll experience it. And then. But then I have another very, very cool up and coming comic everyone should keep their eye on. Sam Salem is a very funny.








Who I take on the road with me as well. And he's like a comedy savant. Like, I am too. So we'll just sit and have a beer, like, at the club, and will tell the owner, like, come have a beer with us and we'll just, like, talk to them forever about comedy and who's come here and who's coming here and horror stories and fun. Just like, really into it like that. But then also, like, I've made a second home for myself in Rochester, New York. I've made some amazing friends. Another amazing comic, Todd Youngman. So funny. Took me under his wing, and now I. Not under his wing, like, we're peers, but, like, he really showed me the city and I got to know his family and I got to know his friends. Now his friends are my friends. So when I go to Rochester, I have, like, a little family that I.


Go out with there.


It's like, great. So it just depends where you're at and what you're doing.


I've got one friend. It's Chrissy. I wish I had a life where I, like, get jetted off to places and I had families there and families here. Everybody's got that. Everybody's got that friend, like, that friend who's like, you know, oh, I was in Spain and I met this nice couple and they took me to the house and they spent a week with their family and, you know. Yeah, they find family anywhere they go.


I feel like you might be one or New York.


It's a lot less expensive to fly to Rochester than it is. Than it is to Spain. And so let me ask you this about being on stage. Tell me, do you still get. Have you ever. Do you still get the jitters before you go on stage?


No, I never have.






Fuck you.


Since third grade. You fucking this?






I don't like Joe anymore. Joe's out. He's like, from outer space.


Never. It could be like the biggest steaks on the table too. There could be like a. The audience could be all industry, and I would just be like, fuck it. Yeah, I don't care, but my body cares. Not so much anymore. It's been a while, but I used to get. I would just have to shit, like, a second before I've heard that before. And I'd be like, I have to shit. But, like, I wouldn't mentally feel nervous or anything like that. Just be like, I need to shit now. Right now.


Yeah, yeah.


And I. That would happen. But, like, no, no nerves, no sweating, no jitters, no shaking. I love it.


Joe, what is wrong with you?


The more I don't give a fuck, the better the show. Yeah, I've actually, this is so crazy. I kind of, like, re recently, you know that, you know, in comedy, comics will say, like, you got to find your voice.


Yes, yes.


We've heard it 3000 times on this show.


I had a comedic midlife crisis recently.


Why? And you're not even midwife.


But listen, okay? I actually love that this happened. I am high energy on stage. Very high energy. I'm all over the place. I'm very expressive. I'm very, I'm very gay. Sebastian maniscalco.




Yeah, I'm very physical. Yeah. Very physical on stage. But I would say two weeks ago, I went out on stage with a glass of chardonnay, and I was just holding it, and I was at the mic, and I didn't move my feet once, and it felt like I was at a dinner party just holding court with my friends, and I'd hit a sarcastic punchline, roll my eyes, and take a drink, which increased the laugh again. I was like, oh, fuck. I got off stage, and I was talking to Todd because I was in Rochester, and I was like, bitch. I just like, is this, like, who I am now? He's like, it might be. Do it again. And then I did the Late show like that, and it was even better. And I was like, oh, fuck, is this my thing? Is this happening? Am I evolving into something else? And I was like, you know what? I think I like it. Yeah, go with it again this weekend in Pittsburgh.


Go with it.


Drunkest audience I've ever had.


We're just talking about Pittsburgh. Aptly named. Wait, so this just happened? There was no intention. There was no planning, no God, the universe, no mother Gaia, whatever you want to call her. She just planted your feet solidly and said, it's now time to.


And a glass of wine.


And a glass of wine.




Okay. Now that you say that, it was a little more calculated than I may have let on. Okay, so, Gary Goleman, you know the tweets, I don't know if you are familiar with the tweets that he let out during the pandemic. He let out a tweet a day that was, like, advice for comedians. And then vulture picked it up and kind of formatted it. Whatever. Think what you want. It's my Bible. I read it all the time. I'm super grateful that he took the time to do that. And one of the things that he put in there, it was challenge yourself and say your closer as your opener and your opener as your closer, just to see how it goes and kind of like, maybe dig yourself a hole and try to get out. And I remember thinking about that, and I was like, what's the equivalent to my that? Because both my opener and closer are phenomenal. So. So I was like. I was like, your high energy. Stay put. See what happens. So I just. I happened to have the glass of Chardonnay, which, because I'm a cheap bitch. Like. And I was just.


I was like, do it. And I was fucking loving it.




They were loving it, and I was just like, this is some shit.


Wow. And so now have you followed up with this? Is this like, is this your thing now?


So now you just did four times in a row.


No shit.


Four times in a row. I just kept going. So fully planning on doing it again.


Do it again. Go with it.


You're gonna do it again in. In Denver the following weekend. I'm just gonna see what this comes, because I really do think I have a clear vision for. Do you want this? I want it all.


Yes, of course.


I have the clearest vision of what my career is and where it's gonna be and what it's going. Okay. I am going to be, and I'm say going to because it's happening. I'm gonna be like the gay dad family comic. I am going to be like the gay Jim Gaffigan.




Yeah, gayer, but a Nate Bergazzi. Or, like a. Or, like, kind of like a Burt crash. Like, talking about family. Talking about, like, being a dad. Talking about this, but, like, through the gay perspective. And you know why it's gonna happen? Cause who the fuck's doing it?


No one.


It's gonna be me. It's gonna catch on, like wildfire. And when I was sitting there with the Chardonnay, I was like, this is gay dad bitching about his shit and relate. You can relate to this. Even if you're not gay, you relate to family. Right now, I'm talking about my wedding planning and, you know, our plans to be dads eventually. And I'm talking about all that, and people are just eating it the fuck up, and I'm just doing it very. Just like, oh, well, my neighbors, huh? And neighbors, like, you know, so, like, that is gonna be who I'm. Who I'm evolving into. And I'm like, these hose ain't ready.


You heard it here first.


You heard it here first.


You heard it here first.


I love this for you, actually. I get this. I see this vision. It's like an every man kind of comic with a gay twist, right. And a little bit dirtier. And, you know, Gaffigan doesn't do all the, you know, he doesn't work blue, quote, unquote, but. Right. That's okay. Gaffigan has blue.


I wouldn't say that. Work blue. My biggest thing, too, is that I'm me on stage, and I'm not a clean mouth guy. I never have been, and I'm never gonna try to be like, we're gonna drop a couple fuck shits and bitches, right? It's just how I talk. And I'm not gonna go on stage and try to be clean, but I'm also not, like, grossly dirty talking about, like, the inner workings of a vagina, which I know nothing about. You know, I'm not that guy either. So when I say, like them but dirtier, like, I mean, like, in the language.


Yeah, sure.


Conversation doesn't swear at all.




Right, right. But I will. I could tell stories like that, but just like me.


Listen, I love it when you cuss. It's scientifically proven. You're more intelligent. I'm not saying anything about Nate. Nate's got a great thing going. Like, Nate, I think he's coming on the show at some point. But here. Here's the thing. When you can say fucking shit on ABC at 08:00 at night, now, I think it's just like, I don't think it's all that risque anymore to put a couple fucks and shits in there. I think the more. The bigger headline here is that I like your vision, and you're transforming physically into that right before our eyes. He's like, I'm going to plant my feet. It's just like one of the guys out there having a beer in his hand or a cocktail. Carlin walking around with a stogie or whatever it is.


Yes, exactly.


And, you know, as a person who also enjoys the history of comedy, Carlin invented himself, reinvented himself, reinvented himself, reinvented himself. And he was one of the best that ever lived. And it just happened because he pushed himself to do things differently and organically figure it out, do something different, shake it up on board. Now. Let's do something different. And he evolved into this. I mean, almost like, you know, almost like a political pundit. He wasn't even doing comedy at the end. He was just being really so I know. Yeah, yeah.


And intellectual. It was like the first TED talk.


That's a good way to put it.


Yes. A very blue Ted talk. But.


It was, it was. Yeah, yeah.


Who are some of the comics that you watch? Who are the. Some of the comics that you take inspiration from?


Oh, God, I. A lot of women. A lot of women. Because personally, I connect with the plight of a female comic even. And I, and I don't even use that because people hate that term. But, like, I get it. People are like, gay comic and I'm like, just a comic. But that was cute. Yeah. But I could try. I I reson with that on, like, a very deep level. Like, I'll do podcasts and, like, the comments will only be about my voice, and it's like, shut up. Or like, oh, about what I'm wearing or about my subject matter. It's like, literally their guest the week before me said the same fucking thing, but it was about their wife, and I'm saying it about my husband. And you're like, pissed about that.




It's so bizarre. But because of that, I connect with early Kathy Griffin, Joan Rivers, Ellen DeGeneres. I could quote her shit cover to cover. Wanda Sykes, Kathleen Madigan, genius.




I mean, Rachel Feinstein. Holy shit.


We just had her on last week.


She was our guest last, guys, it's so well written and so amazing, and I just want it to be in the top ten so everybody can.


It is in the darling. One of the best is in the ten.


I watch. Oh, it is good. Oh, the number five. Yeah, good, good. Beth stelling. Beth stelling. Put out what I will. You could, I will go to jail. How much I will talk about this. One of the best specials this year.




It was unbelievable. The writing, the creativity, the connection. And I just, like, I just connect to these women and I love their voice and I hear my struggle and their struggle and so on. And I love it. I love, I love it. I've always been drawn to it, too.


Listen, I think we all do this to ourselves, but I hate in 2024 that we feel the need to categorize and alienate everything that doesn't look like us, talk like us, act like us, speak like us. I think it's childish. I think it's ridiculous. I think it's. I think thank social media for doing that. We're all in these little boxes. Gay comedian fucking cares if the guy is gay. It doesn't really matter. He's funny. Who cares what he does on his own? That's none of my fucking business. And I really dislike it really drives me crazy when people spend their, their time, which they don't have a lot of, here on this earth, pointing out what is different from them. That's what makes life beautiful, that everybody's different and chooses their own way and does their own thing. Don't wear your furry costume to kindergarten. But besides that, everything's good. You can do whatever the fuck you want to do.


That's one of the things that I love about comedy. And I correct, you know, normal people, which is what I call a non comic. I correct normal comics all the time because they'll be like, oh, I watched this comic, or I went to the show, and they weren't funny. And I'll always say to you, to you, if you can, if you are a comic and you are able to cultivate an audience that is willing to come see you, you are funny. You are funny to that group of people. You go to a Burt Kreischer show. It's blue collar, beer belly drinking dudes. That's what it is. You go to a Sebastian maniscalco show, they are dressed up. They spent over a $100 on that ticket, and they got their, they got their, their Chanel ever top to the bottom with the Louboutin heals, those women and their mob husbands. You go to, you know, geez, you go to my show, it's half gays, half suburban moms. That's my shit, and I love it. I went to Ellen DeGeneres show. It was like a fucking softball convention. Like, it's just, this is what. This is what it is.


And it's because you connect to groups of people because they like about you, what connects within them. And that's. That does not mean that that comic is not funny. Just means it's not for you. So it drives me fucking nuts is when people take the time to write about it. That's like going, yeah, you're into. Yeah, just keep going. Like to comment. Not funny. Not funny to you, you dumb bitch.


Oh, my gosh, Joe, I want to spend another hour with you. I feel like you're watching.


Oh, my God. Can I. Yeah, go ahead. Before we go, I have one thing.


No talk. We got time, you guys.


This, I found this comment on. This was a review that somebody left for y'all, and I. This is exactly what I'm talking about.


Oh, good.


Exactly what I'm talking about. It's a one star. I used to love your podcast until you talked bad about possums. They deserve to be on the earth more than humans. They have existed for more than 70 million years. Do your research before talking negative about species. Took the fucking time.


Someone took the time to write down all the time. We're like, you took the time to write that?


Okay, possum lover 44. Just go. Go back down your possum rabbit hole on YouTube and don't watch this podcast anymore. Yeah, we're on for you. Keep walking. But. And also, fuck you two. I'm Possum and Sarah McLaughlin, animal abusers.


I love that you brought that up.


You want to know what?


Did you.


Had you read that before?


No, we didn't.


We do.


Yeah. Because you know what? The haters are probably listening to more hours of our show than the people who don't like haters.


Famous. That's a honey boo boo quote that I want tattooed to my.


That's whole. But also our tagline for many. I mean, there's. We're 550 episodes into this, almost 700 hours of this show. And you know what our tagline for about a hundred hours of this was?


It's not for everyone.


It's not.


That came for me talking to, like, a family member at Thanksgiving, and they were like, we listened to your podcast.


And then they said nothing else. Yeah, well, yeah, just dropped out for everyone.


But thanks for watching.


Yeah, I tell that to people all the time. Okay, I know. We gotta go. One more thing.


No, you don't. No, no.


We moved into this new neighborhood, and we're the youngest in this neighborhood by like, 30 years. And now we're very good friends with all of our neighbors. They're all in their sixties, and they are our legitimate friends now. And at first I was like, fuck, Morgan, they're gonna find it. They're gonna find out. And then they all found out, and they thought they liked it. And I was like, okay, you're looking at the online version. So if you come to a show, like, it's whatever. Neighbor across the street has seen me four times. Now she's coming to her fifth show with her boyfriend. They're gonna be at my show. Neighbor across the street has seen me three times, one including Hawaii. They all. All five of the neighbors around here came to my show at the Moore theater, where I sold out 2000 seats. They were all there. They like, maybe they'll come and they'll realize it's not for them, and that's that they genuinely, like, love it. And they bring more friends every time they. They love it. And I'm like, see, that's the thing, it's not for everybody. But if it is for you, it's for you.


You're gonna love it. Yes, yes, I agree. Listen, there are. So if this is part of what we agreed to do, we put out this content. Good, bad, indifferent. There's a lot of it. There's some of it's crap, some of it's great. I even don't like a lot of it. But at the end of the day, we also understand it's gonna come with the territory that there are gonna be a lot of people who love the show. They text us every day, they call us, whatever. And there are gonna be plenty of people who just feel in their loins somewhere that they're miserable sad sacks of shit or that opossums are their best friend. And the possum queen needs to let us know that opossums should be on earth and we shouldn't. And that's okay. Yeah, go do your thing, possum queen.


Go do exactly. Live your life.


But thank you for pointing that out because I'm now putting that on the website as the header. It's going to say hate this show. They hate possums.


We used to love you until you talked about possum show.


Until we talked about possum.


That's the thing.


That's insane. That's insane. You know you got something going when people are literally hanging on your every word. And they felt so upset by my possum comments because it probably was me that talk show.


I don't even remember what we talked about.


I don't even remember we talked about possums either.


I have no idea. Oh my God.


Why possums came. We do do 5 hours a week so we're bound to talk about possums at some point. Joe is on tour this fall. I'm gonna put a link to his website in the show notes so that you can go and check it out. Joe is hilarious. We've spent a number of days now embracing and diving into everything. Joe, Joe, you have been an absolute delight and we will see you in Atlanta. When you eventually make. When you come. When the tickets go on sale, we will buy them.


A little sneak for the fans listening. It will be on this tour. I just can't announce the date yet for a very random reason. But stay tuned. Specifically in December.


Perfect. Keep looking at your website.


Actually it's the Joe dot so that you don't have to worry about spelling his last name. I'm going to put the link in the show notes. We'll have it on the website. You can go check it out as we always do. Joe, you're going to be back because we love you.




And that's just the way that it is. And you just pointed out our favorite new comment, so we have to bring you back. We'll see which. We'll see what kind of review we have next time, Joe.


Exactly. Hopefully it's even worse when. Than that.


You know what? Come back when you're doing the tour, when you got some downtime one day, you should come back and we'll. Everybody knows.


We'll hit the claremont. We'll hit the claremont.


Joe dobrowski, we love him. He's a teacher, a gay man and a comic. And we don't give a shit about any of that. He's a nice guy. So. Thanks, Joe. We appreciate it. Thank you for joining us.


Thank you.


I know you're already on your phone, so pull up instagram and follow us at thecommercialbreak and then follow us on TikTok. Done. Perfect. Thank you. Since you're at the ready, why not text us? Hello at 212433 TCb. Or if you've got some drama in your life, a little fun story or anything, really, we're desperate for content. Call and leave us a message at 212433 TCV. And don't forget to check out because that's got it all. Speaking of having it all. Now let's listen to our fabulous sponsors and get back to the commercial break.




Joe dombrowski.


I'm a huge fan. I was already a huge fan. But after that. Yeah, he's incredible. We could just. I mean, I want to hang out with him.


Well, I mean, we did. We spent a collective 38 additional minutes with him before it and after the interview. At one point, I just had to go, wait, guys, we're saving all the good talk. Let's go. We gotta get. Let's. Let's. Let's go. Let's record, uh, Joe Dombrowski, super funny human being. I think. I mean this really sincerely. I think he's just one of those people who is naturally funny. Like, he lights up a room. You could go there. He would be funny no matter what circumstance that he was in. And now you can see him live at a city near you. I promise you, he's coming close to you. So let's just hold on 1 second and let me do something real quick because I was at the. Joe just a second. Ago, the Joe and let me tell you that he's on tour currently. So he's going to be in Pittsburgh. He's going to be in homestead, Pennsylvania. He's going to be in Colorado at the Greenwood Village comedy works. And then June in Tacoma, Washington. Multiple nights in Tacoma, Washington. Multiple nights in Irving, California, multiple nights in San Jose, Sacramento, Charlotte.


I think he's going to be coming here to Atlanta. He alluded to it, but it hasn't. The date hasn't been set yet. Boston, multiple nights, as he mentioned, Winnipeg, Atlantic City. He's playing the borgata. Okay, cool. Toronto, Chicago. He's all over the place all through the end of the year. Check out his podcast, social studies, all his social media. I will link all of that in the show notes so you don't have to worry about how to spell his name or where to find him on social media because Dombrowski is not an easy one to spell right off the top of your head. But we're super grateful that we had him.


And cheers to his upcoming nuptial.


Cheers to him and Morgan. I hope they have a, you know, happy life together.




Congratulations. I want all the dirty wedding stories. I told all the dirty wedding stories. You have to come back.


We want details.


I have a feeling we'll see Joe again. I have a feeling we're going to see Joe again.


I hope so.


And I hope. And when he comes to Atlanta, we are. If he comes to Atlanta, we are definitely going to go to that show together. For sure.


Yes, for sure.


That's gonna be a you and me kind of thing. That is you and me going to the show.


It'll be team building.


Yeah. You know, it's team building exercise. I think we'll probably be bigwigs. I imagine, you know, once they know that we're coming, they'll probably give us seats right on the stage. That's just how I imagine it all going down. Yeah, yeah. Box seats or something like that will sit, like, in the. I don't know. They'll do something very special for us. Yeah. They'll rope off like a 50 by 50 foot area right in the middle of the club.


Bottle service.


Bottle service.




Yes, indeed. And I'm really embarrassed that he never had a podcast called Mister T.




That'S kind of like, didn't you?


And he said, no.


I felt like I had egg on my face instantaneously. Cause you didn't see it. Cause you're listening to it. But the look that he had on his face. He was like, what in the good fuck are you talking about, dude? I did my homework. Did you do yours? Yes, I did.


You need to send him where you found that.


Yeah, I just found the article. And it's true. There is an article out there that mistakenly said his podcast is called hanging with Mister D or something, which is actually a television show. So I think they also got it messed up. Never believe what you read on the Internet. Never believe what you read on the Internet, kids. But thanks to Joe, we really appreciate him coming in. And congratulations on the wedding three weeks from now.




Wow. That's right.


Coming up.


Yeah. Why is he hanging out with us?


Excited. Yeah.


I would be doing.


I know.


If I was getting married again. I take, like, they call it a doughnut. I'd have a donut, like a six week donut around the commercial break. I'd be like, no, I don't want to embarrass my family and friends. Period. The end. All right.


What are you doing, Brian?


Oh, I'm an advertising sales. That's what I do. That's my go to answer. Advertising says, right? Yes.


Compasses a lot of things.


It does. Well, it's true. That's what we do. That's how we make money. Advertising sales. But I'm an idiot. And then people choose whether or not they want to pay me. Still can't believe anybody chooses to pay me to talk about their product. But that's. That is what it is. All right, so here's what you do. You want any of those links that we talked about? Joe's Instagram, Joe's website, Joe's podcast, it's all in the show notes. Just go down there. We hyperlinked it for you. Ease of convenience. Or you can go to the website TCB podcast. That's where you get all of our shows audio and video. We also have all of our guests links, all of their information, you know, links to tour tickets and all that stuff. It's all there. So if you're listening to an old episode or if you want to go back and listen to old interviews and episodes, we've got all of those links. So they're pertinent information. And you can get your free TCb sticker. Go to the website, hit the contact us button. There's a drop down menu that says, I want more. My free sticker.


Give us your physical address, and then we will send it to you. If you want us to sign something for you, please let us know, and we'll be happy to do that. Also, 212433 tCb. That's 212433 TCB. I'd like to hear from the lady who's decided not to listen to us because of the possums. I would like you to come on and have a hilarious I can't believe he found that. We didn't even know about it. So if you are that person, text me. I'd like to talk it through with you. Like, I don't understand how I offended you so bad. We'll talk more about that on tomorrow's show. So, 212433 tCb. Questions? Comments? Concerns, content, ideas? You want to be on the show? Go ahead. Text or voicemail at the commercial break on Instagram and thecommercialbreak all right, chrissy, I guess that's all I can do for today.


I think so.


But I'll tell you, though, I love you.


I love you.


I'll say best to you, best to you, and best to you out there in the podcast universe. Until next time, Chrissy and I always say, we do say, and we must say goodbye.