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Cougars and chokers. Okay, all right. I got to be honest, cougar is not really into being choked. The young girls, though, ain't one choking. All that bear legal and up, right before you get to 27, when you become a milf, into it. Love being choked. Love, over 27, don't fuck me after I eat, and don't choke me because I have to go to work tomorrow.


On this episode of The Commercial Break.


Christina is going to be part of my entourage.


Okay. She's going to be part of your entourage. I'm assuming my wife would probably be part of your entourage, too. Yes. You need the inside information. Got the heavy. Limp dick, motherfucker.


How do they know that about you?


My wife.


I was like, Oh, the local glory Hole has been talking. That's right.


Yes. I've got to practice one at my house. The next episode of the Commercial Break starts now. Yeah, boy. Oh, yeah, I got Welcome back to the Commercial Break. I'm Brian Green. This is the Springer to My Wilcox. Chris and Joy, only best to you, Kristin. Best to you, Brian. Did you get that one? I did.


You did?


Yes. All right. Just checking in on you, making sure. I'm just dropping like weird to my this to my that. This to my that. This to my that. I'm bringing it back. I do it sporadically. Springer to the Wilco. Springer to the Wilco's. Wilco's. Wilco's. Oh. Think of that. Think of that one through. Somebody will know. Text us in. Let us know, and I'll send you something, like a handwritten note. Thank you. I'll just text you back. Thank you. I got a personal response. No personal response. Just for you. All right. So it's Tuesday. We're super excited. We're always super excited to have a guest here because, quite frankly, we're nobody.


They're always fun.


They are always fun. We always find something interesting. 98% of the interviews that we have done have just gone off swimmingly, and we've really loved the personalities that we get to meet. Let's be real honest about it. Christie and I are nobodies. Shit on a shoe. The fact that anybody with any relevance whatsoever decides to come in.


I know. It's surreal sometimes when I'm looking at these people while we're doing the interviews and it's like, what?


It's way surreal. And now I've gotten to the point where- They're seeing us and talking to us. Yeah, they're like the people that we see. It's like two-dimensional. They're not supposed to respond to us. They're supposed to be on a television or in a comedy club or whatever it happens to be. But this one's got my goat because this one is a different... Well, let me put it this way. We've all heard the roast. We've all seen the roast battles.


Yeah, you know what a roast is.


Yeah, it's a genre of comedy. You're not that dumb. It's a roast, like roast battles. And this guy is the puppeteer behind a lot of the roast battles that have made note. I'm not talking about the Comedy Central roast. I'm talking about the roast battles, like the one with Jeffrey Ross that was on Comedy Central for a while, and now he's got a lead. Brian Moses is a funny comedian/writer who hosts at the Comedy Store in LA every Tuesday night, Roast Battles. And he's been doing it for, I think- Eleven years.


Eleven years.


Yeah. I think I saw something about 11 years today, actually, as we're recording this, 11 years today. We'll talk to him more about that. But now he's got an international Roast Battle League. There are clubs all around the world that host Roast Battles. Then Brian Brian and- In Comedy Clubs. In Comedy Clubs. And then Brian and the Commissioner of the Roast Battle League.


I love that there's a Commissioner. Yes.


They will break it down afterwards on their YouTube channel, RBL. So if you go and look up Roast Battle League or RBL, you're going to find their channel. Go ahead and subscribe. They show the roasts, then they break it down. It's like they're doing a little comedy critiquing. I'm so excited to dig into this version of because we've talked to a lot of stand-up comedics. We've talked to people who do really good stand-up comedy. We've talked to writers like Neil Brennan, who have been a part of famous shows. We have talked to people who do really good crowd work like Hannah Burner or Heather. We have had all of it. But the Roast is not the Roast battle. This is not something we've touched on yet.


We haven't dipped in there.


But now, I know Brian is somehow, and we'll get to this, but intermingled with Kill Tony, which is the extraordinarily popular right now. Roast battle of all roast battle. It's not really a roast battle. If you've seen Kill Tony, you know what it is.


You had to tell me what it was.


Kill Tony is, right now, very hot, very famous. Even though he's been doing this for a long time, he is selling out arenas. Kill Tony is a comedy show that's got live music, and then he brings up people from all different walks of life: gay, straight, transgendered, able-bodied, non-able-bodied, able-minded, non-able-minded. All walks of life. All walks of life. Anyone you can imagine, and if they want to be funny or they have an interesting story to tell, he gives them a couple of minutes to do that, and then his dais of professional comedians, like Kyle Canane has been on there. A lot of our comedian friends have been on this dais, and Brian has, too, many times, then they will give critiques, and they will also roast each other back and forth. It is funny. It is really even-handed. It is sweet in some sense, sometimes. They have that guy, Ryan Adam Comedy, who comes up and he does Dr. Phil. He does the impression of Dr. Phil. My opinion, my impression is better, but we'll go toe to toe sometime on that. You should. Maybe we can battle each other as Dr. Phil.


Dr. Phil off.


A Phil off. A Fill your Hole off or something like that. Yeah. I would be blessed to have Ryan, who does has no idea who I am, decide to do a fill-off.


Who knows? You never know. One day, you might meet him.


Maybe. We'll see how it all rolls out. But I'll say this, Brian is the puppet master behind a lot of this stuff and lead writer on The Roast Battle. He's the President. Yep, The Roast Battle.






I want to ask how he came up. I mean, how this started.


Well, of course, we need the origin story. It's been going on for 11 years. Maybe it happened on accident, but there's some Everything has a story. We have a story, right? I'm interested to hear that.


Our story.


We have a story. We felt drunk into each other at the Clear channel Hallways. Exactly.


It became best friends. You want more beer?


Who He needs this work? Bullshit. Put it on your protection. No one wants radio spots anyway. Let's go. Anyway, Brian is the puppeteer behind a lot of this, and he was also one of the head writers on Roast Battles with Jeffrey Ross, which aired on Comedy Central, if you remember. For three or four years, we'll ask him, and then they had a UK version also. But go to Roast Battle League, go on YouTube, go type in Roast Battle League, and then subscribe to that channel, and you'll get updates as every week, the roasters around the world try and one up each other by giving a good roast battle, and then they get points based on- Let's get it on. Let's get it on. Roast your roast. Drop the roast. Drop the roast. All right, so why don't we do this? Let's take a break, and then when we come back, we will have Brian Moses here with us and excited to do that. Are you good with that, Chrissy? I'm good with that.


Let's do it.


Checking in during the awkward transition phase. Let's do it.


All right. We'll be back.


Hi. No, you're not dreaming. And yes, this is a new promo. See? I made you wait, and now look how happy you are. I know. I know you're smiling. Anyway, since we're here, why don't you just hop on over Instagram and give us a follow @thecommercialbreak? Seriously, please. It's getting hard for me to listen to Brian and Christie beg. So just follow us on Instagram. Again, that's @thecommercialbreak. You can also follow us on TikTok at TCB Podcast. And of course, you know where to go for all things TCB. That is tcbpodcast. Com, baby. And of course, you can always text us or call us and leave us a voicemail at 212-433-3-TCB. Yep, that phone number is no longer new, but it is still around. And that's a win. 212-433-3-tcb. Love you. Bye.


Hey, I'm Rhett. And I'm Link. Maybe you know us from our daily YouTube show, Good Mythful Morning. But this is a little trailer for our podcast, Ear Biscuits, where two lifelong friends talk about life for a long time. And nothing is off limits. We talk about our sex lives, our mental health journeys, but we try to never take ourselves too seriously. So we invite you to not do the same or to do the same. We invite you to listen. Follow and listen to Ear Biscuits. Now for free on the Odyssey app and everywhere you get your podcasts. Brian's here with us now. Brian, grateful for your time this morning.


Hi, Brian.


Hey, guys. Hey, congratulations on 11 years of the roast battle out there in LA last night with the show. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, glory Hole.


That's us, man. We are, yeah, Roast Battles is a pre-team now. I think next year, Drake is going to slide into the Roast Battles DMs. Oh, hot take.


That's she's pre-team now. She's going to start wearing those. Let's roast. Roast. Let's get it on. Not for us. For 11 years, you have been doing this. Brian, for those of our audience who may not understand what the Roast... I mean, everyone's seen a roast, obviously. It's a hugely popular comedy format. Tell us how you got started, because you are the man behind the machine in some sense, or what I understand.


The Presidente. Yeah.


About 11 years ago, literally to the day, I was running this open mic at the Comedy Store. I was a door guy there. I was working there. And then we had lost an open mic night. They call them potluck nights. So I used to run two of them, Sunday, Monday. That got rid of Sunday because they were losing so much money. They were like, We had to put real shows or real comedians on. I said, You idiot of a biker. So we're going to bring all the real guys back on Sundays. And then I had just been starting out there for two or three years. I was like, Oh, all my friends are going to lose a day. I'm only going to see them once a week, the thing. I'm working here so much. And so then I started this mic on Tuesday Tuesdays, right around the time Kill Tony started on Mondays. Me and Tony were both working. Tony actually trained me at the Comedy Store. Really?


I know you guys go way back, just from doing my research on you. I know that you and Kill Tony are intermingled in ways. But so you guys started at the same time.


You guys were doing-Legitimately. I think Tony starts six months before I do in Los Angeles. I start down in San Diego in La Hoya, and he would come down all the time doing spots, opening up for big name guys. Big name guys, I guess it was Jeff Garland and Pauley Shore at the time. But those were good. There was a time when Pauley Shore was not the weasel and would sell comedy clubs because it was my very first comedy show was Pauley Shore.


Really? He bummed a camel light off me. That's right. Yes, it's a weird story. He told that story. But anyway, go ahead. That's very cool. You and Kill Tony are doing back-to-back nights. You lose a night, and then you're like, I have to find a different format so I can hang out with my friends.


Yeah, it became a renaissance, really. He just wanted to give notes. He had this thing. It was basically Hinchcliff's Notes. That's what the original title was, basically, of Kill Tony. He wanted to just give notes to comics who were aspiring and trying to do their thing because he was the king of the open mic. He was the king of the back of the room. You got to kill Tony if you want to go forward, especially at the Comedy Store. Then I didn't even really see Kill Tony too tough because I wasn't really trying to get an open mic scene anymore. I was trying to get out of it or just leave my own open mic.


You're trying to pay your rent? Exactly. Exactly.


Open mics don't pay anything. Those are free things. But yeah, so then I started mine. Then we had this thing at midnight where two guys who didn't like each other would want to just battle each other. The origin of that is there was an employee there named Josh Martin and a new comic who was underage, we didn't know, named Kenny Lion. Kenny was very annoying to Josh, and Josh was very annoying to everybody. Josh is drunk one night. He comes in, he's Hey, that kid on the stage, he's not even 21. He's got to go. We're like, Wait, what? He's been here for six months. Oh, no. Don't shut me down. Then the kid says, Well, I turned 21 on Wednesday. He's like, I'm going to come back and beat your ass. I was like, Hold it. Wait till next Tuesday. Do it on stage. I wanted them to slap box. That was the original roast battle. I wanted them to get on stage and slap box each other, whoever It wins. Yeah, that's what we're going to do. Every midnight, we're going to have that slap box.


Last man standing. Yeah.


Holy shit. Then you couldn't have an actual fight club in a comedy club. Then we had to get shut down for real. Was Mitzy running the store at that time? No, no, no. Mitzy was She was running it in spirit.


Oh, okay. She had passed away at that point.


No, she was still alive. In spirit, she was running it. Got you. Yeah. Yeah. Like, Pauley and Peter and Sammie and Sandy. I think the kids were running it at that point.


Got you.


Taking over. Yeah, she'd never seen it, but we had met before. She's funny.


Yeah, by all accounts, a wonderful woman who helped a lot of people.


Yeah, there was that documentary.


Especially in the '80s. I mean, I've never met her, but obviously, in comedy history, she wouldn't go down. Oh, yeah. Legend. So these two slap box. Then does it just slowly start to take off? People are like, Oh, what do you want?


They don't slap box. They don't slap box. Oh, I'm sorry. They roast. Because they just installed cameras. It's a That's the crazy thing. In 2013, they installed security cameras finally for the first time at the coffee store. I was like, and that's the only reason that didn't happen. The only reason that we didn't slap box, the reason that Roastbell exists is because the coffee store a week prior had put cameras up, and I was like, Well, I don't want these guys to see me fighting in here. I'm going to get banned.


You're like, Wait a second. We could get sued. And what happened to all the Coke dealers, right? Yeah, where did they go? Where did they go?


So then basically I said, Actually, you know what, guys? Don't slap box. They just put cameras in this thing. How about this? You guys, we're comics. You guys talk shit to each other. And then since it's like 50 of us in this room, we'll treat it like a Roman Coliseum. And if it's good, we'll yay, and if it's bad, we'll yay. So that's how it really happened. And then those guys were so bad at it. Literally, there was a line of comics who just emailed me or DM me at the time. We were like, Hey, I could do that. I don't like this guy. Can I battle this guy? Me and my friend want to do this. Can we battle this guy? That's how it happened. Every Tuesday since July 23rd, 2013, we've been roast battling at the Comedy State.


That's incredible.


That just grows super organically. Now, for those of you who don't know, the Roast Battle League, and stop me if I'm wrong, has clubs, so to speak, all around the world. Those clubs fight to be the best roast battle of the week, gathering points, and then there's some championship, whoever. Do you guys have a The final roast off? Oh, yeah.


This is the second season. Season one, yeah, I think, runs from March first to November first. It's like a baseball season. It's crazy. Yeah, right. But we get so much content, so we had to make it that long. Sure. There were so many factions of roast battle happening all around the world. Instead of just being like, Hey, you can't use it. We're just like, Let's just brand it. If you're good, we'll put you in the league. If you're shitty, we'll just be like, Maybe next year, the thing. There was eight really good clubs we had seen initially last year, or 12, really. We said, You know what? Let's make this a league, like a league of just roast battling. They would send their console. I know. Brilliant. It was fun, man. Me and my boy Pat Barker, he's the lead commissioner. I call him the LeBron James of Roast Battling. He's just really good at it. He knows how to break it down. He can run plays and roast by the way he does.


He's got the teleprompter. He's going, Look at this guy. Scared shitless, not going to... Brain's working over time. He's really good. I now watch a number episodes of RBL. I really enjoy it because you guys literally break down the teams every week, and then you're showing clips or sometimes entire battles, like the entire thing. You're showing it and then breaking it down and saying, Well, this is why it's good, this is why it's bad, and this is why it's just fucking strange. Exactly.


It's a joke writing. It's a joke writing showcase. So we get to really just dissect joke writing. Why jokewriting works, why charisma can work sometimes over joke writing? Why joke writing can work over charisma? How crowd work or interaction can work sometimes in a roast battle, how that might not work in a roast battle, how being awkward can work to your opponent, how it can create inertia and momentum. There's so many elements of it. That's why the roast battle is its own genre of the comedy. I mean, it's still a pillar in the comedy genre because it really does incorporate a lot of elements, but really, at the end of the day, it's just a joke writing showcase. It's just you and your subject writing about each other. And then everything around you is doing everything else in comedy from You've got standup punch. You've got improv happening, you've got prop comedy, you've got sound effects. There's all kinds of stuff happening around.


To some degree, it's crowd work, not necessarily with the crowd, but you're working with another human being and reacting to what's going on in the moment. Correct. I think that roasting, when it's done beautifully, you just laugh so hard. I know. Some of those roasts that everyone has seen on Comedy Central, whatever channel you've been watching them on. Some of those, when it hits, when someone's on roll and they're hitting and the jokes are well-crafted, it's really fucking funny. I mean, it can be really fucking brutal, but funny. It's a work of art. Yeah. Yeah, it's a work of art. Do you do roasting? Do you get up there a lot, too?


I don't. I like the writing element of it. Back in the '2010s, back in the old days.


Back in the when I was a kid.


Back when TV was still a thing. Back before glory holes. Those will never leave. No, they'll live forever.


They've been getting their cats out of the bag. It's not going back yet.


No, we'll have AI glory holes. I'm excited about that.


Oh, it's coming. Sex, Robot, Space Opera, next big tent pole movie, I'm calling it.


It's coming, and So am I. What was I saying? No, we're talking about joke writing. Yeah, so really, it's just more about the joke writing for me. I've done a lot of writing on roasts. I hate to say this, but that Jonas Brothers family roast.


I wrote on that though. That's on that though, yeah.


The thing that broke up... Yeah, what's his name? Not nick, the other one. Yes. Joe. Joe. Joe. Joe and Sophie. Yeah. Those Sophie jokes? Yeah, I wrote a lot of those Sophie jokes. Oh, you did? Yeah, because she was the only one that wanted anything remotely hard.




Everybody else wanted to be safe, and nick wanted to write his own jokes. But for the most part, Sophie was like, Give me the hardest jokes you have. I'm trying to break my marriage up.


Oh, and then it worked.


Obviously. Did she say that? No, she was like, I'm game for anything.


That was the joke we had in the writers room. It was just like, Oh, she doesn't like him. They're not going to be together very well. Nobody wanted to... It was me and another guy It was just the darkest jokes. They were like, Nobody's going to take these. Then Sophie was like, What are these? I'll take those.


Love it.


That's amazing.


Divorce by roast. Divorce my roast.


Divorce my roast.


We should have a checklist on the divorce paperwork. People was like, in irrerequisible differences, infidelity.


Roasted me too hard.


Roasted me too hard.


It's all the truth.


It's all the truth in front of millions of people. I think Joe's doing okay for himself.


Yeah, he's fine. Everybody's ever seen his middle-sized penis on the internet. We had to bring that up a lot. That was tough for him.


I love a good Joe roast because my wife loves him. I roast Joe all the time on the show. But if you want to come on, we'll talk about it.


Oh, that's on theme. Okay, good. Glad I brought it up. Yeah, you did.


It's good. You didn't know, but now you know.


But yeah, man. No, I don't get in the ring a lot. A buddy of mine who used to be a roast battler, Hormos Rachida, used to say, Oh, yeah, those who can't roast, host.




I'm hosting a lot and just doing some things off the cuff. For Roast Battle, season 1 through 3 on Comedy Central back in through 2019. I was in the Writers Room. Roast Battle UK with Jimmy Carr, I was a brand for four seasons. I was in the Writers Room for that. Writing the roast jokes are fun. Actually getting in there and feeling them. I don't want to know things about me that people think about me. I'm not a gladiator like that. He's just a gladiator.


You're the man behind the gladiator.


If you were a gladiator, you'd get an opportunity to pin the dick in the ass, but since you're not, because that's where the glory Hole started. For the listener that doesn't know why we're talking about glory Hole. The listener has no idea why we're talking about glory Hole. We had a whole thing about glory Hole beforehand. Brian, who notoriously spends 90% of his time on the internet ignoring his children. Brian with a Y. Brian with a Y.


I'm going to say Brian. Brian spends most of his time, 90% of his time at glory Hole.


Yeah, I thought I should clarify.


I'm old. I couldn't spend 90% of my time. Brian just- Seven 10% of my time.


Brian with a Y just watches documentaries about glory holes. About glory Hole.


Yes, something weird turns me on about a glory hole. I think the mystique is pretty obvious. Stick it in and see what comes. Yeah, surprise.


What's that phobia of people who are scared of holes?


Oh, yeah. Yes, I know about this. I read about it one time. Some people are really fearful of anything round, like round holes. They hate it. That's right. Isn't that weird? People are fucked up. I think it's all the microplastics. I swear to God, I think. When my dad, your dad, everybody's dad or mom or whatever, we didn't grow up and hear like, Oprah Winfrey talking about the fear of holes. You know what I'm saying? There's just like so many manifestations of weirdisms that all of these children are presenting now and young adults.


Just leave it to TLC.


It's all about, it's all fucking TLC's fault. They all point out all the weird bullshit.


If I can get my scientist hat on, I mean, we are a species that's made to survive. I think we're not running from lions, tigers, and bears. We have to make stuff up like, Oh, my God, this person's love bombing me, or, Oh, my God, this person's love.


That's a pretty smart observation, actually. Makes sense. I like that one. You're probably right about this. We don't have any inherent fears anymore. We are certainly the alpha. There's nothing that we're afraid of except for white guys with machine guns. The Apex Predator, yeah.


The Apex Predator, the white man with the AR-15.


Oh, that's an Apex Predator right there, for sure. Do you still stay in touch with Tony? I think I saw you on one of his episodes.


Yeah, I was just with Tony over the weekend, actually. Were you on Kill Tony? No, he was playing, just hanging out. He was doing a club down in San Diego before I went to Austin for the weekend to go do the Arsenal game. We said the first ever Rosetal All-Star game. Before we did that, I was hanging out with Tony in San Diego. He doing the La Hoya Comedy Store. The same one? Yeah, where we met.


There we met. Full circle. When he's not filling arenas, he's at the La Hoya Comedy Store. It's funny because- That kill Tony has taken off. It's crazy.


Yeah, the La Hoya Comedy Store fills 200 people. But I think Tony had a, not a bet, but a deal with the owner of the club, Peter Shore, and he was just like, If you can get me the condo that you don't give to comics anymore, I will do your club. He was like, Deal. He's like, done. Yeah. It's just a free big money weekend for them, basically. Yeah.




He did it. He did it for no reason. He just said, Yeah, I just want your condo on the beach, and I'll do six shows.


Wow. Yeah. Now, give me the condo like, I stay there for the time I'm there?


Or give me the condo like, give me the condo. It's in La Hoya. It's just a condo in La Hoya, so that says it all. Yeah, that's true. I love La Hoya. It's so beautiful.


You hear it. Yeah. This condo, it's on Pacific Beach, right on the Coast. You wake up, I mean, so much nonsense has happened on that thing. I remember Steve Rana Zizi and Sebastian Manescal call you to throw water balloons full of who knows what on people. The stories of just some of the guys used to work in the store. I mean, just the things they would do at that comedy, at that Comedy Condo, the Robin Williams of the World. Yes. Yeah.


It's great. The history. Sam Kenison fucked a fish, did blow off his eyeballs, and then threw it out into the ocean.


No, he fucked the bandfish.


Well, those guys are a little crazy. They're probably into something like that. But you're no slouch yourself. I mean, 11 years of doing something consistently at that such a famed Iconic club has got to feel accomplished in some way. I mean, you must be proud of yourself. You now had two Comedy Central shows, one here and then one in the UK, right? Was the one with Russell Brandt. How How did Comedy Central... Did you pitch them the idea? Did they come to you and say, Hey, let's do this?


No, it took a long time, actually. It was Jeff Ross. Jeff Ross comes in about six months after we start. He had a girlfriend at the time who was one of our best roast battlers. I remember asking because we were friends mutually through our buddy Sarah Silverman. She's like, You got to bring Jeff in over there. I was like, I would love to bring Jeff. I emailed. She's like, Here's his email. I emailed Jeff, and he was like, I'm busy, man. I'm not He said, by the way, he didn't even know the day I was always asking. He was like, I'm busy. I was like, Oh. Maybe later. Well, just so you know, it's going to be on this date, and Virginia's battling. That's his girlfriend at the time. I was like, She's battling. So if you could be there, it'd be great. He's like, I'm not going to be there. I'm on the road. And then just by chance, Brett Ernst, who's on Cobra Kai, he was going to be in the judge that night. He drops out because he was like, I don't want to do this. He's like, This is late. He's like, What is this?


This is crazy. And then Jeff Ross came in with his girlfriend. He completely forgot he said no to me. He completely forgot I had emailed him, came up and said, Hey, can I judge this? This looks awesome. I was like, Of course you can. Yes, they were accepting the invitation. Then, yeah, two of his favorite roast writers, Yasser Lester and Benji Aflalo were both battling. Then the next day, I remember this yesterday, December 18th, 2023. I'm sorry, 2013. He gets me up. He's Hey, my show just got canceled in Comedy Central called The Burn. So I'm moving back to New York, but I just saw this show you have. And this is something I haven't seen in a long, long time. It makes me feel like I could put this on TV. He's like, Give me two weeks till the new year. I'll let you know if I want to make this a TV show with you.Wow.Oh.


My God. Were you so excited?


It was literally January sixth. It was actually January sixth.


January sixth, 2:34 PM.


It was January sixth, 2014, he hit me up and he was like, Hey, I want to do this. Then we started working on making it a TV show, and then two years later, Comedy Central put us on air.


Yeah, wow. I do remember. I remember watching it, and Jeff, he's the face of that show. Yeah, I love Jeff. Jeffrey was like, The funny thing is when you're telling us that story, I can hear Jeffrey's voice saying those things. I'm not available. Who are you?


Exactly, yeah.


Yeah, I know Sarah. So does a lot of people. What does that make you? I can't hear him saying that. Jeffrey Ross is a big deal. Then you guys sell at the Comedy Central. Do you enjoy working on television? Is that a good thing for you? Do you like the writing? I mean, obviously, Probably the money is... It's Comedy Central, so I'm sure the money is not $10 million in that. There's no money. There's no money?


There's no money in Comedy Central?


What? You don't say.


There's a platform.


Yeah, it's a platform.


I'll say this, B. When TV TV was a thing, right? Back in the last decade, it was great. As somebody who's never been on there and kids, you all dream to be on TV, right? It's fun, man. The whole process, it's magic, right? You don't really understand the process that you're there and how long and arduous it can be. People are yelling at you because there's so many moving pieces.


There's so many personalities. It depends on everything else. And so if you're one second late or not holding your end to the bargain, they're like, Fuck, dude, you're costing us hundreds of thousands of dollars. You to get going or whatever.


Exactly. Yeah, TV is amazing. I mean, I'll never get over how amazing TV is. It sucks that it's not going to be here anymore, but it was great when we had it for 70 years.


I'm going to push back on this idea a little bit, and I talk about this sometimes on the show. I think television as the way that you and I grew up, television, Sesame Street, ABC, NBC, CBS, is not going to be around for very much longer. There'll be small channels, and certain people will watch it because it's just That's just it. It's got tenure. But I think that all of these streaming giants will soon start to fall one by one because it's really hard to make money. We've seen it. Netflix hasn't made money until three years ago. It didn't make money. And they can't just continue to push out billions of billions of dollars worth of content trying to get everybody. When you're trying to be everything to everybody, you're nothing to nobody. So Netflix may survive, but it will be a more traditional channel. Look, they already have scheduled shows. Now you watch something every Saturday night. Hbo has gone back to doing the same thing. Disney plus, HBO, maybe they survive, but I think everybody's going to start plugging in again to some degree. Maybe it's on the internet or direct TV stream or whatever it is to get, maybe not necessarily live TV in the way that we think about it, but they will have one place where they go to watch all the things.


Netflix will be another channel, and HBO Max will be another channel because you can get everything on demand. That's going to stay. But I think we've proven that paying 79,99 a fucking for 73 different applications is not a sustainable business model because who has that cash? It's just going back to cable. It's essentially cable. There's a provider, a distributor. It comes to your house, you flip the channel. If you can get stuff on demand, that's a thing that will stay. But I don't know. We'll see, but that's my prediction because people like what's easy. And who the fuck wants 75 different streaming places to go watch? They don't.


Anyway, they don't. They don't. But what I mean by the downfall of TV, not That's so much like the streaming is coming up. I mean connected TV. I'm talking about, they say the demographic 15 to 24, within the next 6 to 10 years, that will be the new adults. 32% of them only watch connected TV. That means what? Over 60, almost 70% of them are not watching a connected TV. They're only looking at the TV screen, and they only watch YouTube or things like YouTube. They're watching gaming and Twitch and the other ones. They're all All those things.


I think you're right in this sense. I think you're right in this sense is that there are so many places to divide your attention now that appointment TV is no longer there. It's just not a thing anymore. We're Did you guys... I don't know, did you do well in the ratings specific to Comedy Central when you guys had the Roast battle?


The UK did. Linear overseas still does really well. We still get hit up about like, Hey, you think we could do something with America and overseas? Because Roast does really well over here still. Cable does really well. Connected TV does really well over there. That's traditional. If you've talked to even Amazon, Netflix, and Hulu, they're outsourcing a lot of their projects on all their TV over there because the advertising does really well over there because people are still watching TV like a classic TV over there. Over here, because we're content junkies, we're looking at what's the next YouTube? What's the next Netflix style thing that can be a YouTube? But as far Yeah, it's really just about overseas. We killed it overseas. We were the highest rated television program in Comedy Central history overseas.




Do you still stay in touch with Russell Brand?


No, no, no.


Russell He's like, No, no, no, no, don't even go there. Russell's in a bunker right now. Yeah. I saw him in that bunker a couple of days ago. He was like, Oh, the heck. That's right.


You still have their divorce.


Do you still have contact with Russell? Who does? I know, right? I'm the one guy. Like, Oh, she found a guy.


I found a guy.


We were just together last week. Oh, my God.


Oh, Russell. Oh, you naughty, naughty boy, Russell.


You almost got him. You almost got him. We found him.


He came real close. This close. They almost got... Listen, okay, I'll leave Russell Brandon alone so I don't piss more of my listeners off. But I do have to say that at one point, Russell was really He was explosive and funny. He really came on the scene and it was like, Who the fuck is this dude? With the crazy hair and the weird philosophies. He had so much fucking energy, and I'm sure he was good.


He was good for your girl. Then he married into Katie Perry.


Oh, man. He's awesome. When I met him, he's the nicest human you could possibly meet. Very smart. You could tell he's funny and very smart because he's analyzing everything in a very comedic way or a very intellectual a way. Everything he does, he doesn't really waste syllabus a lot, doesn't waste words. He's very intentional with what he says, and he's very dialed in and funny. That guy didn't write anything, and everything he said was A plus.




Off the wall funny. It's just, I mean, this is why you're a superstar, because you're not writing anything down. Everything you're saying sounds like it could be on a script.


Yeah. I tend to think that some of the... There's two different types of comedians to me. There are people who are funny, and there are people who are poignant and funny, like Dave Chappelle. He can sit there for 15 minutes on a stool, or 20 minutes, or 30 minutes, and talk about how HBO or Turner, or whoever was, fucked him. It can come out As important as a president addressing a nation, it's like as if it was written word for word, but none of it's written. It's a cigarette and a bourbon. There are people in our history whose minds work like that. They see things from a It's a perspective that I think most people, it eludes them for their entire life. But these people are so dialed in, they get it. And take away all the controversy around Russell Brandt. He was one of those people where he would just say stuff, and it was like, That's brilliant and funny. You have to think and laugh at the same time.


It was huge to have him, man. And he hadn't been on television in the UK in six or seven years, I guess. So it was his return to television in the UK. So I think that's why it blew up like it did that that first season. Yeah.


Okay, a couple of questions for you. Have you ever had a physical fight happen at one of the roasts around the world? I got to imagine this has happened at some point.


All right, no. But there has been physical context. There's three rules in Roast Battle. There's original material only. You can't do any internet jokes, no your mama jokes, nothing like that.


No Carlos Mencia.


No Carlos Mencia. That was the first rule. I was like, We don't want to hear things we've heard before. We're all We all know exactly. None of that. I go below the surface a little bit. Then number two is nothing's off limits except for physical contact. Then at the end of the battle, we hug to dissipate any- Negativity. Yeah. But there was one time.


But there's one time.


It was one time. It was Kim Congdon and Jen Sturger. Now, Jen Sturger is famous because she's the college reporter who Brett Farr showed his dick to.


Oh, yeah. The opposite of Hawk, too.


She's like, I'm not going to spit on that.


I have no interest in it. Whatever that.Put it back in his hood.Yeah. And Sturger Good.


Yeah, and Jen became a hell of a comic. She tours now. She's very funny, and she was willing to do everything, willing to get made fun of, willing to go into roast, was really into roast writing and joke writing. She was a staple in the roast battle in the early days. She was battling everybody and just willing to take all those jokes, pardon the pun, on the chin. Then Kim is obviously a hell of a roast writer. She wrote in a couple of the Comedy Central roasts. She's been on Roast Battle Season 2 or 3, I think. Kim's a monster when it comes to it. Yeah, I know Kim.


I mean, I'm Kim. I don't know her personally.


They didn't like each other. I think this was like a hot girl beef. It was like, Why do they think you're better looking than me? Kind of a thing. My thirst straps are better than your thirst straps. They They started battling. It was basically, Kim had a crew of other hot girls with her, and Jen came alone. Then at the end of the battle, they hugged or whatever, or they didn't. I think they shook hands. Then one of Kim's entourage pushed Jen. Then Jen called the cops, and then it was the whole thing. Then people thought it was a big brawl that happened.


Why do third parties always get involved with B? You know what I'm saying? What does that do with you, your third party. You see that at the bars a lot.


The only other time I could think of is, I was talking about this last night, actually. The local news had messed up and said that we had caused a murder.


Oh, what?


Yeah. Somebody had gotten somebody. Rest in peace, this person. But there was a beef happening in another show at the Comedy Store, and that thing had matriculated down the street. Then I guess they had come back to the Comedy Store, and then that guy found and then shot that guy at the Comedy Store, murdered him. But because we were the only show going on at the time when the news showed up, it was because of us. I thought it was sad. God. They're like, Local Roast Battle causes murder.


It turns murderous.


There's only two things local news stations know how to do, bullshit and give you inaccurate weather forecast. I'm sure if it is. Oh, my God, that's fucked up. So they It was pretty great. It made some random connection because you happened to be in the building doing a rose battle. That clearly this must have led to some drama. And then were you like the neighborhood nuisance for a while? People were like, I'm not going there.


Yeah, no, it was like that. It It was like, they were like, No, I don't want to get shot. Jesus.


Oh, God.


No, but at that time, we were still on TV, so I think we were good. I remember that point, it was the oddball festival, which was this huge comedy festival going on. Jeff Ross, Anthony Jeselnick, and Tiffany Hadish had all just came in on helicopter, like 15 minutes prior from down the street. This was like, right before this guy gets shot. I'm just like, Wow, I can't believe you guys almost got shot. That was crazy. But they were like, Why did we come here? I'm telling you.


They were like, What's going on? The helicopter touched down and then went back up.


Why exactly did we use our helicopter time to come here?


Right. They didn't know.


Tiffany Hadish showing up in a helicopter. That is a funny image in my head, but one I could see, Tiffany had this huge star. What is the funiest single, I mean, or if you can, whatever, the funiest thing you can remember right now, single roast you've heard, single funiest roast line? God, that's got to be tough.


Oh, he said it.Oh, he said it.


I know he had it. No, I did.


It's always on the top of your mind. Yeah, so there's an able-body battler and a not-able-body battler. The not-able-body battler has cerebral palsy. Then the able-body guy says this to him. He says, Joe is going to hell because there's a stairway to heaven.


Because Joe's in a wheelchair.




Oh, my God.


You just got to see a guy standing up with a guy in a wheelchair saying, This guy's going to hell. It's just a stairway to heaven. It's just like there's so many great layers to that.


Oh, my God.


Oh, my God.


The best part I was explaining to Chrissy what... Because we were talking about you and we were prepping for the show yesterday, and I was telling her what kill Tony is because I was like, Listen, I know Brian has been a part of kill Tony, or he's been somehow intermingled with kill Tony. She's like, What's kill Tony? I said, Well, let me try to explain exactly what it is. It's a little mishmash of everything. But I said, What I like about kill Tony is that there's able-bodied, able persons. It doesn't matter. If you think you're funny- Like all bets are off. All bets are off. I'll give you a couple of minutes. Do your thing. We'll give you some pointers. We'll let you roast us. We'll roast you. All that other stuff. It's all in good fun, and it's all in good fun, and it's all in good spirit, and everyone's in on the joke. And then I think that's part of the brilliance is it's the... Comedy is like a great equalizer in some ways. In golf, they'll say, Putting is the great equalizer. I think that it's the great equalizer in some ways, because if you can laugh at yourself and you can laugh at other people, it's all the same.


The laughter feels good no matter what. And that's what I can appreciate about the roast scene, and that's what I can appreciate about Kill Tony, of what you're doing. Because I was watching some of these people, I think it was in Scotland or somewhere, whatever they were, and it was like, rough stuff. I mean, they were really going at each other. Stuff you would not bring up at a dinner party, but it was fucking funny. Everyone was laughing, including the guy or the guy at the time who was getting roast. He was just laughing because he knew. It's just all in good fun. It's a great equalizer. We're here to have a time.


Yeah. I remember New York during their Their Internet phase in the 2010s, they had this thing called Roastmasters at the stand. New York is just... They had this thing. You just knew a New York style because they were into talk about dead parents or dead siblings. They just would attack. Somebody's brother or sister would die the day before. That joke was fresh the next day. It would help those people grieve a little bit. Because it does just... It gets this tension inside of you. We do say this about the roast battle. It is that great equalizer in the sense of anybody can get it. Everybody's accepting. We've had everybody. We've had people who are with cerebral palsy, HIV-positive, trans, black, yellow, brown, women. We've had everybody.


You had women? I know. That's really… I protest Christie coming in here every day. Yeah, you did. I'm breaking down the walls.


We have a no-touch rule. I'm breaking down the walls. Yes.


I don't know why you're not wearing an apron.


I think we should roast each other. Oh, we'll roast each other.


I think we need to. I would I love to have you guys on.


I would come on and do a roast with you for sure. Would you have us if we decided to come out there and do it? Would you really? Absolutely. A hundred %. Let's go. I feel like you're a new friend of the show. I would come out and do it, and then I would happily have you back to say, You guys suck, and here's why.


We'll break down the battle on your show.


Or better yet, Chrissy, Brian can pick two people who he thinks are good writer because we're not writer-comedians, right? We can We each have somebody on our team that helps us write each other's jokes because we know each other so well. We can go at it. What do you think, Brian? I love this. Okay, we're setting this up.


When can we do this?


This is huge. Next couple of months. We'll do it in the next couple of months. Yes, absolutely. Brian, what do you Moses is going to have us out. We're going to do a rose battle. Oh, my God. I'm so excited. We're going to get someone on our team.


We'll get- No, this is that ass.


We're going to get one day to prepare. One day to prepare, and then the next time we'll come in on a Sunday. One day. We'll have Monday to prepare. Sorry, Chrissy. One day. That's it. I mean, what do you think?


I love it. Brian and Chris, he battle. All right, I'm excited about this. You guys have to do this.


Okay, it's on celluloid. We got to do it now. Of course, there's a lot of stuff we said on the show, but not this.


That's what our show is, though. It's about consent and boundaries. Your subject has to consent to the battle, and then they have to consent to the boundaries or things that you can't or can't say. Fair enough. You can't say something somebody can't say. They'll tell you, usually. That's what's so great about the show is we never pit people against each other. It's usually you have to go find your own food. How do I roast about? Like, Oh, go find somebody who's seen the show and knows the concept of the show, and then we'll get you guys to date. But really, it's about you getting to know this person, understanding their boundaries or if they have any or whatever, and then you go from there.


We've been friends for 20 years. I think I get it. I'll probably push the envelope too far.


I'm going in. Oh, you go in. I'm going in.


Listen, if you listen to the commercial, there's nothing I haven't said.


We go in all the time. I knew.


The person who roasts Brian the most is Brian. That's true. There's not too much you could say that I haven't already said about myself. Brian, we are doing- It's why this show is so successful. Yeah. Listen, and thank you for that, I'm We're doing this. We are doing this. Deal? Deal. Done. All right. I think the audience would really like this, actually. I think the audience would be like, This will be fun.


I think so, too. It'll be super fun and very interesting.


Then we'll have Brian on. We'll tape live there. We're We're going to bring Christina, too. We'll have Brian in either a panel of experts or we're bringing Christina. We'll have a panel of experts or some experts, some people who know this world better than we do.


I'm going to have Christina push you at the end.


Oh, yeah. I'm sure Christina is one of our executive producers, and If you listen to the liners of the show where we transition into the commercial, go to tcbpodcast. Com, whatever, blah, blah, blah. There's always a one-liner in there that talks about what a shit head I am. The listeners love it. They love when Christina talks shit about me. You can have Christina on your side. I'm getting a professional.


I call Brian. I'm not a professional. No, Christina is going to- I call Brian.


I call Brian.


Christina is going to be part of my entourage.


Okay. She'd be part of your… I'm assuming my wife would probably be part of your entourage, too. Yes. You need the inside information. Got the heavy. Limp dick, motherfucker. How do they know that about you? My wife.


I was like, Oh, the local glory Hole has been talking. That's right.


Yes. I've got to practice one at my house. Brian, we're doing this, buddy. No doubt, we are doing this. Next couple of months, before the clock strikes on 2024, we will have this done, wrapped, and out to the audience, and Brian will be- Can we get a La La Hoya? The roast host.


What's it? Do you want to? Yes. We can do it in La Hoya.


Yes, we do.


I want to go to the condo, too.


Well, I don't know. You're in the condo. I don't know for that. Brian and Chris here are coming out. Can we have the condo Pauley Shore.


You never know until you ask.


If you lend me a cigarette.


A Camel light.


A Camel light. That was a weird night. But Pauley did his thing. It was like right out of his weasel phase, right?


Oh, he was primed in this. Oh, yeah.


I was 13, 14 years old, and my friend's mom owned a local theater here called Center Stage Theater, like 500 seats, 600 seats. He came to do a show, and she thought that he was the thing that the teenager was like, which it was because we thought he was the weasel. Was he on MTV then, too? He had... Either he was on or he had just left. Okay, yeah. We went backstage and he was there, and then we happened to be smoking cigarettes at the time. Everybody smoked cigarettes at that time.


What is it? Is it France?


Yeah. Brian, yeah. Atlanta is Paris. France. Yes.. Brian, you can see Brian if you're in LA at the Comedy Store every Tuesday night. Eleven years in running. Please go to support our friend Brian Moses.Go to your website.Go to your website. And the crew. Go to your website. That's Brian. What's your website? I want to make sure because there's so many fucking Brian Moses. I know.


Brian Moses Comedy? Is that?


Yeah, Brian Moses Comedy. Or just go to the Roast Battle League website. Yeah, go to RBL. Yeah, Roast Battle League website, roastbattleleague. Com, I think it's called. But yeah, we have everything there. Everything Brian Moses for the most part. Don't even worry about that. Go to Roastbattle. That's all the fun stuff.


Go to Roastbattle League, RBL on YouTube. I've spent now a couple of days watching those videos, and they're They're really funny. Thank you for the invite. We are doing this. I've got your email. I'll get with you in the next week, and we're going to start planning this out.


Yeah, I'll get you guys some dope writers. I'm actually so excited about this.


I'm sure I will I'm sure I won't be as excited three minutes before we go on stage.


I'm excited right now.


I'm going to be ready. You better be ready. I'm bringing the heat. I'm quick. I got a fast mouth. All right. But you got a fast brain. So together, it should be interesting in some way, shape, or form. Brian Moses. Chris, my friend. Thank you very much for everything.


Thank you, Brian, for coming on.


Thank you for coming on, and thank you for inviting us. We really appreciate it.


Great conversation. Thank you.


Christie and Brian, Brian and Christie, you guys are the best. Love the commercial break. There should be no commercial break. You guys should just go ad-free.


Yeah, Well, we tried that one time. We tried that one time, and the listeners said, I'd rather listen to the advertiser than pay you. You guys are. To be fair, that was four years ago. That's true. But we shied away from it after that experience. We were like, It's too much work. Plus, you have to put out extra content. We're already doing this four days a week. How much more content can we put out? We can't. Four days a week? My God. Four days a week. Listen, that's why we're so popular is because we put out 7,000 hours of content.


You guys aren't married?


This is crazy. No.




If we were married, we'd kill each other. That's for sure. Maybe we will.


We never even dated.


Maybe there's another murder in La Hoya. We'll figure it out.


Well, you guys never dated either?


No. No. No. Never dated. We work together, became best friends. He was married at the time.


I was married. I got divorced. Then we hit Atlanta hard for about five years.


I was dating other people. You were dating other people. Then you got married. So, yeah, just always best friends.


It's a true friendship. It can happen. Believe it or not, it can happen.


So this roast fetal will be the first date.


It will be. It'll be like Chrissy and I getting out all that tension for many years.


Exactly. 20 years.


Oh, my God. Our spouses are going to kill us.


They really are. This is great. I love this.


They're going to love it. They're going to be so many undertones to this, and it's going to live on in commercial break lore, and hopefully it's entertaining for Brian and his crew, too. You're the best. We'll see you in La Hoya. I will email you. Thank you, Brian. We really appreciate it.


Thank you, Brian. Brian Lois. You're the best.


What's up, haters? Now, let's get down to business. If you've got something to say, say to our faces. And by that, I mean, text us or call us at 212-433-3TCB. That's 212-433-3822. You can and should also find us on Instagram at the Commercial Break and on TikTok at TCB Podcast, unless you want to fight me, in which case, don't. And if you're just desperate to see our shining faces in person, keep your ears peeled for ticketing information about TCB Live. As always, don't forget that you can find everything you could possibly to find on our beautiful website, tcbpodcast. Com. Bye.


Well, I think we just got ourselves into a whole shitload of trouble, Chrisy.


We're getting on.


Do not write this in the notebook.


This can never go in the notebook. I'm not touching the notebook.


Don't even look at the notebook.


I'm looking at the notebook, but I'm not touching it.


I'm throwing it on the floor. It's like a hot potato. I'm throwing it on the floor. Get away. Get away, I had a notebook. You're no good for us. You're no good for us unless we don't really want to do it, but we just say we might do it.


That's the treaty.


We must do. You know why we must do this? Every once in a while, you got to release the steam and release the valve. This is a way to do it. We've never done it before. I do think that the audience deserves this roast, actually. It was such a good idea. It was yours. I will remind you for now until the end of time.


I know.


I think it'll be fun. If we end the commercial break at episode number 625 after the roast, I'll just remember that was Christie's fault. Remember, Joe Jonas broke up his marriage because of the roast that Brian did. So he's probably angling for the same thing here. He's like, I'm going to get in Brian's seat, one Brian for another.


We're going to take them down.


Chris is going to be like, You want to do commercial break with me? Not that commercial break, but commercial break with me? What a ride.


And the thing about it, too, is that La Hoya, then I think, deserves a quick trip down to Tijuana.


Oh, my God. I didn't even think about that.


Could we get- If you know, you know.


Okay, N-Y-D-Y-K-N-Y. If we go to La Hoya, we will spend an extra day there so that we can go to Tijuana, and I will recreate for you. I will not be buying those pills, but I will recreate for you the journey that I took up until the sketchy alley. We'll stop there.


Well, I'm going to go as far as Carlos and Charlie's or whatever.


Carlos and Charlie's. Senior Frog. Senior Frog. Okay, you stay at Senior Frogs. You be my friend.


You recreate the thing, and you can call and check in with me. Oh, I'll do it. Now we have better phones and stuff like that.


We will go down to Tijuana. We will videotape every bit of it. This has to be professionally videotaped. We're probably going to have to spend a little bit of money on this, but I think we all deserve it. Let's be honest about it, we've never been invited by any of our guests to do anything. I mean, they all say, Come to our show. But I have my people call your people bullshit, which is like, okay, that means call Ticketmaster. That's what that really means. But we are going to do this. Brian, what a lovely gentleman, by the way.


Oh, my God. He was so easy to talk to. He's so funny down the earth. I love it. I loved it.


And he called me B. He did call you B. He called me Bee. He did call you Bee. He called me Bee. I caught that. And only my really good friends call me Bee. That's like a term of endearment. I don't know if he means it as a term of endearment, but I'll put words in his mouth. It's a term of endearment. I really enjoyed our conversation with him. I think you're going to be hearing a lot more Brian Moses on the commercial break coming up in the back half of the year.


Go to Roast Battles. Go check it out on YouTube.


I'm already so excited about this. It's very exciting. I can't even contain my excitement. Now, that'll be tempered when I tell my wife this, and she goes, What the fuck are you getting yourself into?


Yeah, I was like, What?


Yeah, she's like, You are such a baby. You cannot handle that. You're not going to be able to do that. But I'm not, really. I roast myself all the time on the show.


We also have such shiny object syndrome where we're like, We're doing a live show. No wait, we're going to go away.


But we are going to do this. We are going to do this. We are going to do this.


Why not?


How can we pass up the opportunity?


I mean, it was a direct invite. He seemed excited. Yes. I was surprised. He seemed excited.


The second you said that, he was like, Come, I'll get you the condo.


I had to throw the condo in.


They're not going to get us the condo. I know. I can guarantee that will not happen. I had to ask. If Tony Huncliffe had to do six shows in a row, they're going to be like, who are these fucking nidsnicks you're going to put up in our condo? I don't know, but it wouldn't be- They think they're hot. Yeah, they think they're hot. And they think they're funny. All right. Tcbpodcast. Com. Com. Listen, we finally got the date straightened out for the floor to leg of our live shows. I will be announcing those in the next couple of shows. We did? Yes, we did. I have to talk to you about that after the show. Well, we were so hurried today. I didn't get a chance to tell you ahead of time. Nice. Okay. So, tcbpodcast. Com. We will give you information on how to get the tickets, when the tickets are available. That will be soon because the shows are soon. We have to do that, too. At the commercial... Oh, you can get your free sticker there, too. Tcbpodcast. Com. Go to the Contact Us button Drop down menu. I want my free sticker.


Give us your address. We'll send it off at the Commercial Break on Instagram. Please, please, please follow us there. Dm us. We'd love to talk to you. And we'll also share all the live show information there also. So one of those two places you got to be connected to, or just here, as I'll incessantly say the date over and over again until Kingdom come. 212-433-3822. 212-433-3tcb. As Astrid pointed out, when you text somebody, There are no numbers on the phone. There are no letters on the numbers, so people have been confused. So 212-433-3822. Questions, comments, concerns, content, ideas, we take them all there, voicemail or text message. Also, if you would mind, youtube. Com/thecommercialbreak. Take that right up, Adam. There you go. Okay, Christie, that's all I can do for today. I think so. But I'll tell you that I love you.


I love you.


Best to you. Best to you. Best to you out there in the podcast universe. Get ready for that roast because it's coming. Until next time, Christie and I always say, we do say and we must say, goodbye.