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My name is Chapel Roon. I'm your favorite artist, favorite artist. I'm your dream girl's dream girl.


And I'm going to serve exactly what you are.


On this episode of the Commercial Break.


One place I played, they would announce on the website of the Comedy Club, we put our comics in, whatever. This hotel. Yeah. And I'm like, it's like, that's just when you haven't... It's like, there's no way a woman would ever have done that. I'm like, No. They have some deal with the local place, which means, here's where you can murder Rachel.


The next episode of the Commercial Break starts now. Oh, yeah, Cass and Kitts. Welcome back to the Commercial Break. I'm Brian Green. This is my dear friend and the co-host of this incredibly dumb podcast, Chris and Joy Holden. Best to you, Chrissy. Best to you, Brian. Best to you out there in the podcast universe. Thanks for joining us on a TCB infomercial day. We're doing a best of today, Chrissy.


Yes, I like it.


We thought we'd take a little breather. We'd take a beat for one week. And while we have a little break in the interviews, we thought what we do is we put together clips from some of our favorite guests over the last, I don't know, what have we been doing this for? Eight months now? Seven months? Eight months? When? October, November, December, January, February, March, April, May. Add the three, carry the one plus two. Yeah, it's about 17 years we've been doing it. Started all off with our good friend, Virdas, who was on the show, followed up by Heather McMahon. Bless our hearts. Yeah, bless our hearts. Bless his heart, bless our hearts, bless everyone's heart. You got to somewhere. Unfortunately, Vierdass was the one we started with, not unfortunately for him or us, unfortunately for him. Yes. Yes, that was when we started with, We love Vierdass, and he'll never be back again. But thanks, Vera, for putting up with us for 40... Putting up with us, nervously asking you questions. Popp our cherry, basically. Oh, yeah, we did pop our cherry in the beer. I'm sure he'd love to hear that. Then we went quickly to Ms.


Heather McMahon. Oh, that.


I didn't know that much about her before we did the interview, and I read up on her, decided I loved her from the get-go. Then when we interviewed her, I was so excited, and then she blew up after that. Absolutely. I mean, it was everywhere.


She blew up one week after we had her on.


Just everywhere.


She was everywhere overnight.


Not because of us, let's be clear on that. No.


But She had things in the works.




I think we'd be relatively assured no one has blown up because of the commercial break, except for maybe the commercial break. That's debatable. Some people debating in our reviews right now. Then we went to Steve-O. Steve-o was while you were out of town.


I was out.


You were out. Tina and I did the Steve-O interview. Poor Tina had never been on a microphone, let alone interviewed anybody.


It took us three years to get there.


It took us three years to get there. I just said, Hey, can you come help me interview Steve-O? She's like, Steve-O, you want me to come with you? She did a great job- She did. By making sure that she didn't say anything that would stop the interview from being a train wreck anyway. But Steve was great. He was very forthcoming, told us about Mike Tyson and his couple hours in a bathroom locked in a cocaine-induced haze with Mike Tyson. I still say, of all the stupid shit that Steve-O has done, of all the ball stapling and anus-related tricks and being dumped inside of a porta-potty, concussions and broken shoulders and nut-related accidents, being in a room with Mike Tyson- In a bathroom. In a bathroom, locked in a bathroom in Vegas with Mike Tyson and 8 Ball of Cocaine is still the wildest stunt Steve-O has ever done. Unfortunately, it's the only one that wasn't taped. But then if you recall, we, I think, hit our stride a little bit with Felicia Day, who was just so easy to talk to and so wonderful. While I knew of Felicia Day before she came on the show, I had no idea what a big deal she really is.


She's a huge deal. People are wild about Felicia Day. Felicia As are we now. As are we. She's a gamer girl. She's been in a lot of sci-fi-related content. She's made her own sci-fi-related content. She is huge. She's one of the people I would really... I mean, I like to have a lot of these people back. Yes. They'll probably never come, but I'd like to have a lot of them back. They probably said once is enough to their agent. I would imagine a few agents have gotten fired after coming on our show. I'm just taking a guess, but I bet I'm right. We enjoyed our time with Felicia. Then we went right into Blaire Saki.


Oh, love I think her...


Listen, she's got a unique voice, and there's a lot... She always gets a lot of commentary about the- She's a California girl. Yeah, she's a California Valley girl. She got a very high voice. It makes her unique in the sense that her voice stands out. But it doesn't bother me one bit. She came on and she was fucking hilarious. Her shit is really funny. Now she's doing very well for herself also. Loved Blaire, another one that I'd love to have back. Then we moved into Rosebud with her incredibly Totally dark sense of humor, which just tickles me in the right places. I watch her Instagram constantly because she puts clips up, and I know it's going to be something twisted, fucked up, and funny. Rosebud, also one of the headwriters on SNL, in case you were wondering. Then we took a chance on a young lady. We took a chance on a young lady named Joanna Housman. Oh, I love it. Who is a writer, a producer, and a well-known Latin American Latina.


Her Instagram is hilarious, too.


Oh, my gosh. She is so funny. She talks a lot about the differences and the co-mingling of Caucasians and Venezuelans and how we all interact with each other. This was an interview where I really feel like a lot of the stuff that we talked about resonated with me because I am married to a Venezuelan, like an actual Venezuelan.


But Astrid was really excited about us having her on, too.


Astrid and all her family were like, Joanna Hausman. Oh, my God. I'll say this. On the back of that Joanna Hausman interview, listen, Here's the little secret in case you don't know. You probably don't because you've never been there because we would have more people following us if you did. But our Instagram is miserable. No one follows us. I mean, no one. We have a few people that are following us of note, but really, I don't care about... I mean, I care about those people, but I care more about the listeners' followers. But no one follows us. No one. Please go follow us on Instagram, please. We've got just under 5,000. We got to that almost 5,000. You know how we got there? Joanna Hausman. Joanna Hausman brought 2,000 new followers to our Instagram just by showing up. That was amazing. Love Joanna. We've been trying to get her on ever since, and she just- Well, she's busy at Disney, right? Yeah, she's busy doing that Disney cartoon, Hamster and Gretel. Brad Williams came on. Brad also is very popular. He is selling out like, arenas and, you know, theaters, small arenas, but arenas and theaters all over the place.


He's on like a 300-night tour or something like that. Go check out Brad Williams. Reggie Watts came in, talked to us about ayahuasca. I got to be honest, Reggie was one of those I got a little nervous about because I really like Reggie, and he's a very brainy- Cerebral. And cerebral and well-thought-out human being. He does not answer questions quickly. He takes a beat to think about it.


But when in doubt, talk drugs.


When in doubt, ask him about LSD, and then we went off. Then he wanted us to try some opium-related, I don't know, some kind, which, by the way, is at the local head store. I should get some. We should follow up on that. Next, unbelievably, Hannah Berner decided she would join us with her massive social media following. She's also an incredibly famous comic now, and she does a- She really segued, right?


Because she was on a TV show, and then- TV show, and then she went into- Segued into comedy.


Into online- And she was a tennis star first. Yeah, that's right. She almost went pro, or she was pro for a couple of years, wasn't she? I think this is correct. Don't Don't ever think that anything that I say is 100% true, because it probably isn't. But I think she did a girl on the street interview with Oprah, if I'm not mistaken. Oh, wow. This girl is on fire. She's all over the place. Love Hannah. Hannah gave us a lot of love back. She's wonderful. Tom Papa came in to talk to us about bread baking. Tom Papa.


Tom Papa. I've loved him long time.


I love you a long time. He was amazing.


He was amazing. And a true professional in the sense that he didn't really show that he could hear Blue.


Barking the entire interview. This instated a new policy here at the house where the studio is, which is anytime a guest is on, Blue has to go somewhere else.


In the dark- Dark corner. In the dark reces of your closet on the way other side of the house.


By the way, the closet is big. We give her water and there is light in there. I know. Okay, I just want to make sure because people always give me a hard time about shitting on Blue, but blue shits on us all the time. And that's literally shits on us all the time. So there you go. Next, Lunel came in. Very famous coming.


Loved her and her just her unique style. She had those sunglasses on. I know. I loved her whole vibe.


She was no holds barred. No holds barred. Lunel was. She told us that she didn't appreciate that Madonna came on late. She then went to the Madonna concert that night.


She went with Paris Hilton and Kathy Griffin. Paris Hilton. And the most eclectic group of people I didn't think would hang out together.


She is always with very famous people. So Lunel is a big deal. She's also, by the way, if you follow her on Instagram, you'll get a notification every 13 minutes that she's going live. She lives her entire life. The legendary Margaret Chow came in and spoke with us. I loved Margaret. Here's the crazy thing.


I was nervous about that one.


Yeah, because it's Margaret fucking Chow. Because it's Margaret Chow. She was named one of the top 50 standup comics of all time by Rolling Stone magazine. You know what? She's broken a lot of molds for a lot of different reasons. But she could not have been more... She was one that ignored the fact that she was talking to two fucking buffoons in Atlanta, Georgia, and just decided to be sweet about it. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, she rolled with it. I have to say something. You and I did a bit with... We did a bit, not a bit, but a segment with Margaret, and she told a story. It sounded like that story that she had told was because of the line of conversation that we were having, like an off-the-cuff story. That story then ended up recently in a Netflix special. Now, it could have been something she had already been planning, and she just decided to break it out while she was here on the commercial break. But I thought it was very interesting, like word for heard almost what she had said.


What part was it?


I'll have to go back and look, but Esther and I were watching it. We're like, Wow, she told that same story right on the... We have anything to do with it. Paul Sheer came in to promote his new book.


Which I just downloaded and listened to on audio because it just came out.


It did just come out, and now it's like a number one best seller. It's so good.


He's all over the place. It's really funny.


I think Vogue did something about it. It's really funny. Yeah, he is amazing. If you don't know Paul Sheer, just Google the name and you'll know you know Paul Sheer. I just want to shout out one more time. What was the name of the book? Lessons from a Sunny Day or something like that?


No, no, no. Recollections. Hold on one second.


I've got it. Painful- Painful Recoll. Joyful Recollections. Of Trauma. Painful recombination. Painful recombination. It's so chou.


It sounds like a real funny bone.


I'm so sorry, Paul. It sounds like a real uplifting noir that you can read lazily on your summer vacation.


That's a beach read. Joyful, joyful recollections of trauma.


It's a quick fun read. You're going to love it. Yeah, absolutely painful recollections of your childhood by Paul Sheer. I actually downloaded the book, too. I'm going to listen to it on my summer vacation. Neil Brennan came in and talked with us. Of course, Neil is one of the One of the two brains behind the Dave Chappelle show.


His stand-up on Netflix is hilarious. It really is very good. I really have it laughed out loud at most everything on a special in a while, and I did with his.


I will say this about Neil. I I'll say this about Neil. Neil is very much the same. He has a persona on stage that's not a persona. No. That is Neil. He is through and through. What you see on the stage is what we got here in the studio, and so we loved having Neil in here. Preacher Lawson, one of my favorites. I loved Preacher. Preacher came in. Preacher is taking the world by storm. He is also all over the place now, too. He's all over the place, yeah. Kyle Kinane, one of my favorite comics of all times. He's an epic storyteller. He's a comic who does not tell punchline jokes. I mean, he does. There's a punchline somewhere, but he takes 10 minutes to get there with many intermingling stories and words, and I love it. I love his brand of humor. He's really funny. Yeah. Kyle is going to come back in also. Leslie Liao, the former HR manager at Netflix, now has a Netflix special.


I love her story so much.


I just saw her on, was it Heather's podcast? I think, maybe. Then we had Henry Hall and Daniel Thrasher from the- Oh, that's right. If you Remember the Friday night dinner remake that they did on Freevie? Now available on Freevie. Watch dinner with parents. That's free with Amazon, by the way. Free with commercials with Amazon. Free with commercials. Yeah, Freevie. Well, I mean, nothing's really free. You got to watch commercials, but you listen to our commercials anyway, too, which we're going to take it here in just a minute. Mo Gilligan showed up. Oh, he's from England. Yeah, he's from England. He's a comic.


He was really fun.


He parlayed a little bit of viral fame into a long and sustained career. He does multiple shows over on BBC. He's really funny. So you have a chance to check him out. Rachel Feinstein, legendary Rachel Feinstein.


She's got a huge special right now on Netflix, too.


That's right. So we had her, and then we also had her aunt came on also.


She popped in, too. That was fun.


That was fun. And thank you, Rachel. Listen, I want to say this, and I totally understand the game here, and I don't expect anyone with a million followers to follow the commercial break for any reason, share our content. That's not how it goes. You don't do some tit for tat. You just do it because they come on, they promote something. We have an interesting conversation, we have content, and we get to meet cool people that we admire in some way, shape, or form. But Rachel was quick to follow us back on Instagram, and I thought that was very nice of her. Gian Marco Sorasi, who it only took six months for us to get his episode. Poor Gian Marco. By the way, Astrid came in yesterday, and we were talking about this, how we're going to do this special episode and trying to figure out who exactly we would take segments from. She goes, Brian, ever since Gian Marco came on the show, I followed him on my personal Instagram. She goes, I find myself lost in his Instagram sometimes because I find him so fucking funny. My wife, a huge Gian Marco, Sourisci fan, Wendy McClendon-Covey, the legendary Sergeant Clementine from- Oh my God.


She's in Bridesmaids. Reno 911.


She's got a new thing coming in the fall. She's just hilarious. Yes.


She He does have a new show, St. Dennis Medical. I will say it correctly this time. It's not St. Patrick's Hospital, whatever I called it.


Painful Hospital.


Yes. Then most recently, the painful hospital of St. Dennis. Then most recently, of course, we had on Joe Dumb Browser. Oh, Joe. Lovely. Him and his boy are getting married. Yeah, that's right around the corner, too. We're happy for fun. Yeah, it was like a week and a half from now, they're getting married. I thought about getting him something from his registry, but then number one, I don't have any money, and then number two, Astrid thought that might be creepy. I'm sure if Joe's listening to this, he'd be like, No, no, no, go ahead. Yeah, please. No, no, go ahead. Give me more stuff. Say congratulations to Joe. Joe was hilarious, and also the person who brought it to our attention, the great division in the commercial break audience right now, the possum. So we're going to leave the possum alone for now. I don't want to rub in salt. And there's only so much you can say about a possum. I mean, it's not like we have them in the studio talking with us.


I need to send you my picture of the baby, and maybe you can put that on something. Okay.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, pick some segments from some of these that we thought were that she thought and we agreed we're good. We're going to let her take the reins here, and then we're going to mash those together in a super best of infomercial for you. We'll take a break, and then when we get back, Christina will take over. She'll give you some best of content from our infomercials. We'll be back.


Well, thank the baby Jesus. Brian took a breath, and now I will use this opportunity to let you know that we've got a brand new phone number. That's right. It's 212-433-3TCB, and you can text us anytime you want, or you can call and leave us a voicemail, and we might just use your message on the show once Brian gets through all the messages he missed last year, of course. Anyway, you can also find and DM us on Instagram at the Commercial Break and on TikTok at TCB Podcast. And of course, all of our audio and video is easily found on tcbpodcast. Com. Now, I'm going to thank G one more time that we have sponsors. So thank G, and here they are. It's the most anticipated WMBA season in history. So you know what that means. Court is back in session with Queens of the Court, a WMBA podcast. I'm your girl, Sheryl Swoops. And I'm Jordan Robinson. All WMBA season long, we'll bring you interviews with star athletes, analysis on your favorite teams, and lots of hot takes. Order in the cour.


Follow and listen to Queens of the Court, free on the Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcast.


Hello, my pretty little princesses. I know you simply cannot get enough of me in the liners, duh. So I'm I'm here to guide you through this best of our guests journey. Cue Brian's little noise. Wow. Yes. So our first clip for this episode is going to be Ms. Heather McMahon, my your queen, your queen. We know her. We love her. She's a star. Tierra Misou, bitch. Here we go.


So you come home, you play your hometown crowd here at the Fox Theater, which when I know that your other special was filmed in Kentucky, I was like, why didn't she do this the Fox Theater. This would have been perfect. But of course, sometimes you got to do what you got to do before you head to the Fox Theater and sell out for two nights. You have an after-party, someone shows up painless. We were just listening to your podcast, and I swear this story is so funny.


Because it is a trend, but only with people that look like Hailey Bieber and Kylie Jenner. Not everybody.


Yeah, I'll tell you right now, not my fat ass.


Not me.


So the trend became popular I think it was Prada or Miu Miu, one of those fabulous Italian brands, had this look where everybody just wore essentially a speedo with tights, and that became a look. Very few people, like you said, can pull that off. Well, a young woman somehow snuck into my after-party, and we thought that that was the look she was going for. She ended up emailing my team on Monday, and I read it a lot on my podcast. She's like, By the way, I was not going for that look. I just lost my pants somehow at the Fox Theater.


How did she fucking lose her pants at the Fox Theater?


She said, I think she took an edible and had drink way too much, and then it just went pantless. I said, That is concerning.


Was this at the Terrace? Was this across the street at the Terrace?


Yes. She had on a bodysuit. A lot of women wear these tight bodysuits underneath a great outfit, but it was a thong bodysuit. When she walked into the party, I just thought, Oh, she's got a leotard on. Then when she turned around, I That's dead ass.


Yeah, that's it. You got some wild fans.


I love it. I do.


They never cease to surprise me. I am always on my toes. I'm like, What's going to happen today? Women don't get out of the house enough is what I learned.


They're all getting crazy. You got to go check out Heather's podcast, which is fucking hilarious. I know how hard it is to do a show, a podcast by yourself. I did exactly two of them at the very beginning of this program. Now we're like 600,000 episodes in or something. But I did two them by myself, and it was terribly unfunny. I started talking about I was a father, I'm a son, I'm a pragmatic pragmatist. I don't even know what I was talking about. I was so nervous.


You jumped the matrix, you were in another dimension. Totally.


The funny thing is I don't know. I don't know how to get into it, but that's probably one of our more popular episodes at first. But is it difficult to do that podcast on your own, or is it just because you're used to musing into the camera by yourself? Do you feel like you can carry it on your own? I'm just curious from, I don't know, like just a minutia question. Is that difficult to carry the podcast on your own?


I'll tell you what, every week I surprise myself. I'm like, I can't do it today. I will. And I've had the podcast for four years where we only recently started doing video elements to it. It It was such a safe space for me to sit in this basement office and literally just let it rip for an hour. And it was just so cathartic. But now I have to be on camera and pay attention to whether or not my bronzer isn't smudged. And that takes it a little bit out of it for me. But I know if, again, I need to see some medical professional, but for some reason for an hour, I can just let it rip, and it's very fun and cathartic for me. There are days where I'm like, What the fuck did I just talk about?We do the same.We.


Do the same We do the same. We do the same thing. Some people listen. They do. They listen. We cannot believe it. We are beside ourselves that anybody chooses to listen, let alone the amount of people that listen. It's just insane to me. The podcast is really fucking hilarious. You have to go check it out. It do. Absolutely not. But here's another question I have. You were, and it makes me laugh to even think about this. You were telling a story about how you had to record two nights for your special because, of course, that's what you do. You got to do pickups and you got to make sure that you hit the lines and you don't want flubs and stuff like that. But you recorded the first night and you had to- One night was different than the other. And you had to reprimand the crowd the second night.


I love it.


Get into this a little bit because I think it's too funny.


So it is a little different when you go to see a taping for a special because there's cameras everywhere. I always like, I tried to warn my audience, Hey, just so you know, if you're talking about something illegal, the camera can pick it up, right? I didn't think this would be a problem. I still had a great time. I still perform. I'm doing my regular stage show, but at the end, then I'll have to do pickups, which is you just come out. If you flubbed a line or chewed on your words, you'll resay stuff just to get a clean take on camera. Sure. Well, Thursday night, we're going back and we're replaying some of the I can literally hear a woman turning to her friend at some point, just being like, You want to do ketamine in the bathroom? I'm like, What is happening?


Who goes into a K-Hole on a comedy show? On that Thursday night. Who does that?


I understand taking mushrooms, being on an edible. The ketamine is probably the last thing I'd want to take, and then have to sit quietly for two hours.




But it was wild. Then Friday, we came out. My director, Jen Zbrowski, she directed my first special. She came out and gave like, it's like a packed house. It's like a packed house, 5,000 people. I think she put the fear of God in them. She was like, Do not mess this up. We have one shot. Hilarious. I came out, everybody was sitting like, crisscross applesauce, like perfect children. I'm like, All right, I don't know how to handle this. It was wild.


Where are you picking that up? Is it because you have microphones in the crowd to catch the crowd noise, and then they're just super sensitive, so they're picking up conversations?


It just so happened that these two rambunctuous ladies were sitting right next to one of the cameras.


So Now, a thousand bucks, it's the two people I knew that went to the show. A thousand bucks, it's the two people I know. They are- I would have thought it was the lady who didn't have pants on.


She came on Friday night.


I only do ketamine under therapeutic circumstances, Heather. I'll have Everyone know that. There you go. And under duress. A K-Hole is not where I want to be during a comedy show or any other public event for that matter.


I try to tell people it's really different. If you're going to see Harry Sals, if you're going to go see Drake at State Farm Arena, get as messed up as you want. But coming to see comedy, it's so wild to me. I'm like, You're paying a premium for a good ticket. I would want to hear what people have to say.


A thousand %. Yeah, you would want to make sure that you actually understand the material that's coming at you. You're there to laugh. Christie and I reviewed this video. Heather, it's so fucking funny. I don't know if you've seen this on TikTok or Instagram. There's a guy, he's at the Raiders game, and there's not much context to the video. It comes on, you literally see a guy, he's laughing and giggling, and then the camera pans down toward his lap, and he is taking a fucking bump of cocaine in the stadium, in the end zone, packed house, Sunday night football. He is just sitting there doing blow, and I'm like, You're ruining it for the rest of us. Stop it. What are you doing?


It was Vegas.


Yeah, it was Vegas.


Fair enough. Was he picked up on the main broadcast or just somebody on TikTok picked him up?


His shithead friend recorded it and then posted it to Instagram. First of all, he's probably divorced without children right now. He has no job.


And he's also... The NFL has banned him from everything. For sure.


But my only thought was, not about the poor bastard who just got videotaped and put up there or breaking all rules of drug etiquette, is that I don't want to be stuck somewhere sitting with thousands of people than I'm high. I just don't. I want to be at home like normal people do. Normal paranoid people.


I'm right there with you. I'm only 36, but I now have in my little clutch, when I go to a concert, I've got electrolyte tablets. I Yes. My biggest vice is I have a couple of drinks that I love, like a vacation cigarette. I'm like, You only live once. Who's got a menthol.


We were at a party in the Hamptons.


My best friend Ray and I were at this place called Surf Lodge in the Hamptons this summer, and I already felt like I was too old. I was like, it was a day party. I'm like, it's loud. Oh, my God, where can I sit? I be hurt. We asked for a cigarette from somebody. Somebody passes over a cigarette, and this young girl, and this shows how different the generations are. This young girl is like, How are you going to light that? And I said, What do you mean? And she said, Well, where does it plug in? And I said, You mean a cigarette? I said, We're going to use fire. We're going to use a match. We're like, Somebody else has a lighter. And I was like, these kids just plug everything in and they hit the gates. They don't even know how to light a real cigarette.


Yes. Have they never seen a movie? You got to light a cigarette to be cool and only do it when you're drunk because that's the only time it really matters.


That is the only time to throw a cigarette is when you've had 40 five dirty martinis because that's the only thing that's going to keep you from throwing up.


I feel like cigarettes and alcohol, they were made in some heaven together. It's like milk and cereal, peanut butter and jelly.


I agree.


You just know in that moment, Brian was absolutely desperate to say cream and cereal. But then he remembered, Heather doesn't know that I'm weird. Heather doesn't know that I'm a crazy person who has cream in his cereal. But he was desperate to say it, and you and I both know it. Anyway, we are moving on. We are moving in a chronological manner. That's just the girl I am. You know how it is. Next up, I have our little Venezuelan angel, Joanna Hausman. This is a very cute and fun combo. So enjoy.


Was your brand of humor spurred on by this, I don't want to say identity crises, but this weird lumping in, everybody thinks everything about the about Central Americans and South Americans are all the same, and they just lump everybody together. So many misconceptions, and it must feel uncomfortable sometimes to be in those situations where you could derive a lot of humor.


Yes. I need to be fully honest here. I do know Paco from Maraca, so this is a little awkward. But having said that- I owe him 60 bucks.


I'm not going to tell you what for, but just tell Paco to calm down.


Okay. I'll talk to Paco. I'll text him on my WhatsApp chat after this. Yeah, for sure. I think what shocked me as I was making comedy was how many people felt represented in someone like me being like, Hey, I'm from Venezuela, and I am also Latina in my own way. You don't know how many people were like, Yeah, man, I am an Afro Nicaraguin, and I totally get you. I'm a Korean Peruvian, and I totally understand. I didn't realize I realized that me being almost so unapologetic on how specific my identity is actually would make people feel relieved. Like, Oh, my God, someone's doing it. Someone's telling these people that we're not all Sofia Vergara copy pasted. We're very different. And I do think it's changed. I think that when I started doing internet comedy, dude, that was like... I hate saying this. I was 10 years ago, okay? I know. I couldn't even say it. It was 10 years ago. And that era of the internet was really different. Totally. And even the barriers to entry to make content on the Internet was very different. Now you have editing software on your freaking phone.


I see Venezuelans in the middle of the Amazon uploading videos with their. Yes. And their. Yes. And so there was a time where it wasn't that easy to access the Internet and publish and edit. And now I I think there's more variety out there. But right when I began, these big companies like BuzzFeed and CollegeHumor, they were making all these really funny sketches. And no one was talking about, Oh, there's other types of people that could be doing this and be very specific about their content. I remember I made a video called the Venezuelan Birthday Song. If you had told me a year before, you're going to make an internet video.


Hold on one second, because my kid was born in July and Astrid's just finishing up the birthday song now.


Oh, now? If you want, we can wait for her. It might be another two hours.


It's fucking unbelievable.


Dude, the Venezuelan... Okay, I'm so glad you know this, Brian. I know. Of course I do. Okay, the Venezuelan... Christie, I don't know if you know this.


I do not know about the Venezuelan Birthday on.


I'm not fucking with you. It is, I think, nine minutes long. It's crazy.


Can you imagine? It's insane. You sit there. You sit there. There's no candle that can outlast it. So don't light the candles until you're halfway through.


You sit there for nine minutes. And people are screaming and clapping. It's not even happy, but it's like... It's like you're being exercised. I love it. So if you had told me a year before, you're going to make a video, you're going to hire opera singers, You're going to hire a cast and crew, and you're going to shoot a video called the Eternal Venezuelan Birthday. So I would have been like, Who would have watched that, though? No one's going to watch that. It had 8 million views in 24 hours because when you're on the internet, you do have your audience. The more specific you get, the better results you have. It showed, I think, a lot of... And many other Latino creators that came out in that era did the same. But I think it showed people like, Oh, you don't have to be general market. You don't have to be, Hi, I am actually the first- Ashley. The first internet video I did was called Middle Class White Chick that I made with my friend because I was like, I guess I can make fun of what I look like. And it didn't do well.


And then, obviously, because I didn't know what I was... I was like, UGGs? What Rimes with UGGs? Let's make a song about UGG. But I feel like that showed people that the audience is out there. It's very diverse. You can get really granular.


There's riches in niches, bitches. That's what they say. There's Riches and Riches. Riches, niches. Sam, did you just come up with that? I did. Well, I've been saying it for a long time, but I just said it out. I love that. I also believe that while a lot of people probably identify very much with what you're saying, they say Hey, I'm Afro Nicaraguin, and thank you for sharing your complicated story because mine's complicated, or it seems complicated once you get out there in the wild. But I also think that there genuinely is a thirst by people to learn more about other cultures. Like, Hey, I'm just dumb about this stuff. Now that I see it, comedy is the-Unifying. It's the unifying. It's a thread. It's an ability to... When people are laughing and learning, there's something really cool about that mix, I think. That's why I really appreciate satirical humor and people who do it well. I think you do it really well. Then there is Tacoma FD. I want to ask you about Tacoma FD. Let me tell you a story. I went to ask her to Spanish. Her dad is Spanish. A lot of Venezuelans are partly Spanish.


We go to Spain often because that's where we have some extended family also. We went to Spain for, I a long time, a month last year in the summer. We went to a series of Airbnbs that seemed like the world's most terrible Airbnbs that looks really pretty. You know what I'm saying? You show up, there's no internet, but they have an indoor pool, and you're like, great. But I can't fucking call anybody. That shit.


Weren't you out with the chickens? Trying to get Internet service?


Yes. I was on some Spanish hillside, and it was the middle of the night trying to get internet from the neighbor, and there were chickens chasing me. I didn't even know they... I didn't even know chickens were nocturnal, but there you go. In a mad dash, to get anything familiar that I could watch at night, when we had internet service, I downloaded one of the only things that was available to me, which was Tacoma TV, and I watched all of it, and I loved it. It was so stupid and fun. I just loved every minute of it. I thought it was great. Oh my God. You write, you have Hamster and Gretel on Disney Plus. You've written for Stephen Colbert. You've written for Tacoma FD. How did you get mixed up with those guys? Is it because you were part of Upright Citizens Brigade?


Dude, I still don't understand. Because I love those guys. So the Broken Lizard guys, they've been around forever. They're icons in comedy, but they're very different than me. Obviously. They're dude comedy, and they're shows about a bunch of firefighters in the rainiest city in America, Tacoma. There's a bunch of dudes called Mike in the writers room. I think there's more Mikes than women. But Steve Lemme, who is one of those show creators, is actually from Argentina. They were looking for a new writer. I think they were specifically looking for a female writer. In the interview, I guess they read my sample, then in the interview, I started making fun of Steve Lemme because he's Argentinian.


I was like, Oh, what now, Steve, you think you're all this shit, right?


Because you're from Argentina. He was like, Wait, why are you tagging me? I'm interviewing you.


I'm actually going to be your boss. You realize that, don't you?


I was like, Dude, Argentinians. I started I started razzing him a little bit. I don't know if that's the reason. I'd like to believe it is. But ironically, it's actually, I think a lot of it was this connection to Latin culture. A lot of people don't know that his dad is from Argentina, and we talked about it, and we still to this day, when we text, I call him Boludo. That is like a secret inn, I think I had, to Tacoma.


Nice. Yeah. What a fun show to watch. I mean, it is certainly white guy down the middle working class comedy, right? Yes. But it is also pretty funny at times. I found myself laughing out.


And they are such nice people. I was overwhelmed because that was out of my comfort zone in many ways. And they were just so nice and sweet. And I had a really great time working on that show, and I learned a lot. They really taught me a lot about structure and how to work in a writer's room. And we did this during the pandemic.


Oh, wow.


It was all remote, and we were able to make a show. Obviously, they bore the brunt of it as the creators and executive producers, but they were able to make a show in the middle of a pandemic. Crazy. Following the rules. They're badass. Yeah.


Not to get too deep about Tacoma FD, but I do have to say this. It's very funny, but it's very sweet also. At the end of the day, I don't feel like anything is... There's mean-spirited comedy out there, which can be good in and of itself. That can be a great deal of fun also. That dark, mean, poke you in the belly thing. But there's something very sweet about Tacoma FD, and I just found it to be great.


Apologies for the abrupt cutoff there, but you know what? Those two literally could have yapped all day long, and someone had to stop them. So let it be me today. Anyway, now we are moving on to Hannah Berner, our little giggling girly. If you know, you know I'm a giggler. Brian's clearly not because he's a senior citizen. So enjoy this convo about dating old men.


I have to tell you something that has been on my mind for the last couple of days. I, or the last day or so. I completely agree with you. For the last five minutes. Yeah, since I just checked your Instagram. I sound way more important than I am. I have to agree with you about something because I do this. I think more men should cry in the shower. Shower. I think that should just be a thing. We should be allowed to just let it out. Let it out there. Whack off, cry. The shower should be our place of solace. Then we can meet up with our bros as your Instagram does and say what's up, dude. You need to go to your showers. Just jacked off and got a good cry in.


No, I definitely have been thinking a lot about the male emotions, the woman emotions. My husband will joke with me because he's like, men are hormonal, as hormonal as women, just in such different ways. I'm like, and we don't talk about that. Sometimes men are just having a PMS moment, and they need to deal with it differently, and we should just talk about it, or they just channel it all into anger because it's more socially acceptable. I'm out here trying to figure stuff out for everyone because we're all coping with emotions we don't want to deal with. And yeah, jerk off and cry at the same time. And maybe that's how you become Gandhi.


Been there, done that. I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid. I'm just a different boy.


No, that's iconic.


I'm built different. I'm built different than most boys.


You are. And you love your showers.


Most people think I'm on the down low. I'm really not. But most people think I'm on the down low. Let's just be real about it. I love it. I think it's a great idea. Are you into The Crown? If you watch The Crown, this little show, Reid Hastings did it. I watched some of it.


I haven't watched. Oh, he did. He did. Yeah, yeah, yeah.


Okay, so the other night, Astrid, my wife and I are watching The Crown. There's a gentle scene between William and Prince Philip, and they're talking about Charles or whatever. This scene, it's about five minutes long. My wife fell asleep during, and I literally wept like a baby for 15 minutes after the episode had concluded. Astrid wakes up and she's like, What's wrong? I'm like, Prince Philip. It was so great in that moment. And she's like, What the fuck are you talking about? I'm like, Great. And my wife was You're such a girl. You are like, such a girl. What are you doing? Crying over the crown. And I'm like, It was just a moment. It was a touching moment. I had to do it. I got to be honest, crying makes me feel better. It does. It's a thing.


You shouldn't cry. I love that. I love it so much. My husband is not a cryer. Except we can't watch Love on the Spectrum without him sobbing the entire time. That's a great show. When he sees the parents be like, I never thought my kid would be able to find a connection with someone and the kids are hugging the guy You're a girl or guy during the day. His body starts shaking. I'm like, What are you shaking for? And he's sobbing. And I find it hot. Not the person I look necessarily.


It's him being in touch with his emotions.


I find it so fucking hot because then a second later, he's cursing off the meds.


He's jerking off. Yeah, jerking off, cursing off the Mets.


I like a full spectrum. I love all that. No pun intended. Yeah.


No pun intended. So your husband is quite the thing, too. I have to say, I am an admirer of your husband. I think he's really funny. Well, he's having a moment right now. He is also having a moment.


He's a huge comedian in Ireland, who when we met during COVID, it was because he wanted to spend COVID in Long Island, where he has a place. And we met, we fell in love. And then he's like, I guess I'll stay in America and build a comedy career here. I love that. And he's like, I guess I'll just... He plays at the cellar all the time. He's like, I guess I'll put out a special on YouTube. It's popping off right now.


I love him. I just think he's great. I think he's so funny. I think his comedy is so... It's like, observe, he always has an angle on something. There's always an observation there that makes me laugh. He is from across the pond, and I just am jealous of everybody from across the pond. I don't know why. I'm into British comedies. I'm not into their food, but I think he's... I think he's...


You're like, Men from the UK make me cry. He's actually from Queens, New York. I know.


I read this, and then he moved.


Yeah, when he was... Look at me just like, I'm his spokesperson. Go for it. But he was really naughty when he was 14. So his parents just sent him abroad to go to a school in Ireland.


You're an asshole.


See you later. I don't want to deal with you. The mom had three boys, and she was like, You're voted off the island, and was sent to Ireland. And he just stayed there and then became an incredible incredible comedian in Ireland, speaking of that fish out of water type thing. Now he has a thick queen's accent, which not a lot of people still have, but then he'll say words like bloody and kwite and lovely.


Which like, strict guys don't say lovely in America.


He's just like, yeah, he's very fascinating. He's an interesting person.


He's very interesting. Go to check him out. We actually wanted him and we got Hannah instead, but she's his spokesperson. You, my wife, and Chrissy all have something in common. You're all attracted to senior citizens. I'd like to applaud... Us senior citizens would like to applaud you.


I like an older gentleman.


He's a silver hair fox. He is.


But It's funny because I never was into older guys growing up. I never had a crush on a teacher, but he was a random... I actually had a psychic tell me I was going to fall for someone who wasn't my type. No way. Really? I was like, Oh, no. I met this guy. He's older, and I At first I wasn't sure, but then I now have all these comedy bits about just how I love an older man because they're tired. They're not even going to fight with you. They're exhausted. They're just like, Yeah, whatever you want. I'm going to take a nap. Can you hand me my Advil? I'm like, Yes, babe. It's a simple, beautiful life that we live.


You are so right about this. I'm too exhausted to fight with my wife about anything. I'm glad that my wife and I met as I got a little older and I had children as I got older because I think that I now know which hills not to die on, which is almost everything. Anything that my wife could possibly be upset about, I'm like, No problem, babe. I got you. I'm an asshole going to go hide in the corner, going to take the kids out for a couple of hours. Go do your thing. Manicure, pedicure, what do you need?


Because you've been pre-trained. You've had previous relationships that just fucking pummeled you to the ground to be like, I've done this fight and it doesn't end well and I don't care. I don't know if we're even compatible, but he's just tired.


I'm the person who's decided to rest his tired head on my shoulder.


But I also like, I learned things from him, which is cool. I just feel like young guys, they have so much... I always compare them to a young puppy. They're cute, but they're just like, untrained, peeing on everything. Every time you touch them, their little red wiener pops out. It's a Tuesday at 2:00 PM. What are we doing? I love an older man. I I think older men are like... Yeah, they know who they are. Yeah, they're trained. That's nice.


Yeah, we're trained. You're so right about this. We've been, I would say beat into submission, but probably beat into submission. Then also, we've just learned our lessons. That time and time again, knocking our heads on a wall. Our weaners don't work like they used to. I'm not getting a fourth-grade boner at the chalkboard. You know what I'm saying? I have some measure of control over my own body parts.


I'm not getting poked all the time. Also, he's seen enough boobs. He's like, I get it.




I don't attack my life. I personally am not a caretaker. You know some girls who are like, Well, he basically went from his mom to me. That's not me. I was never that person. I'm not doing your laundry. I don't do my own laundry. I don't know what's going on. So I think I had to find someone who was really independent on his own. I think when two people live two independent lives, it's healthy unless you find your perfect fucking match and you grow together from childhood just more to one human, which we're not. We're just two people who happen to both be messy and enjoy similar things.


I think that's such... I love that. I think you found the one. I think you found the one, and you can tell him I said so. We stayed pretty early on. It's early on? You guys only been married for what? A year and a half?


Two years? I'm so romantic.


Call me in six years when you're finding us nursing homes. That's what I felt. Well, that's the thing.


We don't have that much longer to last. No, you don't. I think I could do it.


I think I can outlive him. I think I can outlive him.


Also, he's 48. I'm not talking about a 72-year-old. He's 48. No, no, no, no, no, independent in your own way, it could be fun to... I recommend an older man, maybe. When you're younger, I think there is a weirder power dynamic because you don't know what's going on. He has money, you don't. You're 22. So that could be weird. Dating in your 30s, I'm like, Let's see you guys in their 40s. Yeah.


Oh, man, you can always count on Brian to have someone on the show who loves an age gap relationship. Moving on. Okay, sorry. Was Moira Rose in the building? Excuse me. Moving on to Kyle Canane, who had me slapping my knee. Sorry about that joke, but I had to do it. I couldn't stop. I couldn't stop myself. Anyway, like Kyle will say, you got to have someone who keeps you in check. And sometimes that's me, and sometimes that is our reviewer, PossumLover54, who I have a lot of deep respect for, and I don't appreciate possum slander either. This is beside the point, but here's Kyle.


The special I did before, I talk about how my mom will just say these things that He didn't come out of nowhere. But then two weeks ago, I woke up. My girlfriend woke up, I was already up, and apparently the first thing I said is, So I've been putting a lot of thought into these barrel saunas. And that's the first thing. She I didn't know that I'd been laying awake for an hour and a half looking up barrel saunas on my phone. Just waiting for his eyes to open. So I'm like, Anyway, I've come to a conclusion on the barrel saunas.


I was looking into those things, too. They look pretty cool.


Yeah. That's not necessarily what you want to hear about when it's the first time you open your eyes to greet the day.


Good morning.


Yeah. I know this is what you were dreaming about. I wonder if Kyle has come up with a decision of a barrel saunas.


How does she call you out? Is she just like, Hey, honey, listen, it's too fucking early for the rambling. Can we just put it away? Let me get a cup of coffee. We'll get back to it.


Yeah. Or if I've been on the phone with my mom or something like, Oh, she just says stuff. She'll just be like, Well, yeah, barrel sauna. All right, touche. Appreciate it. It's keeping me in check, and I value that.




Well, now I have a question. What is a barrel sauna? Because I did the actual that you just heat up?


It looks like a giant wine cask on its side. Oh. It's a little door on the end, and you just sitting there and you're like, Oh, it's Yeah, it's a sauna. I got real into them being in Portland, and we had a gym membership, or they're a nice sauna, and the winters here are pretty gloomy.


I can imagine.


It was like some body effort, hot tub or sauna. Probably going hot tub, even though the other week I was pretty stoked on the barrel of saunas. Hot tub's just more… It just lends itself to that polycule lifestyle. It does. It really does.


I'm trying to change so much. I'm picturing people with wine, drinks.


But I've taken a stance. I've taken a stance as of late, and that is I only want to go into a hot tub where I understand the chain of ownership, right? It's like, I don't know. It's like DNA evidence inside of a courtroom. I want to know the chain of ownership. Who owns it?


It's like a Bitcoin.


You can never trace it.


Validation. I want to see your Ether ledger. Did you get into Bitcoin? No. No?


No. By the time somebody explained it to me, it was up and down and gone already. My buddy who knew about it 14 years ago or 12 years ago or whatever, I wish I would have listened to him.


Yeah. I know. It just seems too late now to figure it out.


My little brother had this kid that we grew up with. He was like... Derelict would be a nice word to say, but he's a very nice human being. I think he means well, but I'm not sure all the cylinders fire And so he would do stupid shit, take a pound of heroin from one state to another with a gun because someone told him to do it and make $1,000.


You're like, he would do stupid shit. I'm like, Oh, yeah, wacky hijinks. A pound of heroin.


I know. I didn't expect that.


Felony trafficking? Okay.


This crazy.


This crazy ragamuffin and his hijinks.


I know. What do you say?


He'll dispose of a body.


I was like, what?


He's spying for the Iranian government. That's silly little guy. He's always up to something. He would just get himself in these, okay, criminal situations. I don't even want to call them what they are. Criminal situation. But he was dumb. He was just like, and I don't say dumb. I don't want to make the guy feel bad if he's listening, but he was just a little like, he couldn't really put all the things together sometimes. So he moves out to California. And then Because he had a warrant in California, he runs down to one of the islands. I can't remember one of the Virgin Islands. And in the Virgin Islands, he meets a guy who is setting up a server farm inside of one of the houses in this location where he lives, in this neighborhood where he lives. So They're at the pool or at the bar or whatever, and he says, Hey, what are you doing? I see all those big boxes showing up at your house with all the electronics. He says, I'm mining Bitcoin. He goes, What the fuck is Bitcoin? This is years ago. He goes, What the fuck is Bitcoin?


So he explains it. Then this guy, on the advice of his next door neighbor, wherever he lives, he says, Get yourself some of these servers and start mining. I'll even front you the money for it. You can give me whatever, 30% or whatever it is. The guy is now... He sold a lot of that Bitcoin. He got in very He sold a lot of that Bitcoin, and he now never has to work another day in his life. I swear, if you would have looked at him 25 years ago, you would have been like, I just pray he makes it. I just pray he makes it. He's doing stupid shit. He made it?


Yeah. Is he still in the island?


Now he's living in the castle. Yeah, he's got a house there, and he's got a house here, and he's got a house everywhere.


What happened to the warrant?


He paid an attorney to take care of it. He got an attorney cash. Money. Money took care of the warrant. Money, money, money. That's odd.


But you think about it is the people that gamble or would take a risk on some wilder ideas that nine out of 10 of them are foolish and don't work, but it's the fortune favors the bold scenario where everybody else just doing what you're supposed to do and not taking any risks. I wanted a piece of it way too late, but I, unfortunately, am not bold.


I take a lot of risk, but it's on the dumb side. I'm a buy-high seller.


Buy-high, so low.


That's right.


Buy-low. Lose proof that you own the shares in the first place. Forget about it. Call it a wash. I think that's how I get.


I used to have Disney stock. My grandma would buy Disney stock for us for our birthdays and for our Christmases for, I don't know, the first twelve years of my life. They would buy Disney stock, buy Disney stock. And back then, you would get a piece of paper in the mail. It'll be like, Hey, Disney stock. Chairs. Can't for the life of me find that paper. Can't for the life of me find that paper. But I am almost sure that I would not be four episodes a week on this.


I was going to say, I don't know how much does it might pay off a new Nissan Centra. I don't know what you got. How much you got?


It's better than what I got. Yeah, that's what I got. All That's the level of podcast we are, Nissan.


Damn, you all can afford Nissan Centra?


It's tough out here for a podcaster.


I know you're not. I only go once a week. I'm not buying Nissons. I'm not getting Japanese made off of it.


Dear Brian, if we have a Nissan Centra for use, I would like to use it. Thank you. Love, Christina. Now, on to Rachel Feinstein. I loved this interview. I'm sure you guys did, too. She is so wonderful. And honestly, the story she's about to tell is absolutely nutso. So if you did not catch this interview, you should absolutely go back and listen, but give this little preview a go first and see how it is. And this is our last clip. So have fun. Enjoy.


What is the... If you, back when you went out and you hung out with the other comics or just went out on the town, I'm sure there was, at first, at least, a level of excitement about getting to travel around the country and seeing new places. Tell me about the most dangerous situation that you've been in while traveling. You've got to have one of those stories.


Oh, a bunch of those stories. I mean, which one should I pick? There was one time I would say when I was opening for comics, when I was still like a nanny and bartending, I was staying in like 46 dollar hotels. I was like, Oh, look, this one. I could get this for 46. I could get a cocktail of diseases for 46 dollars.


It comes with free syphilis.


Like actively dangerous hotels. But one of the times I know that somebody from the audience, one place I played, they would announce on the website of the Comedy Club, we put our comics in, whatever. This hotel. La Quinta. Yeah. And I'm like, that's just when you haven't... It's like there's no way a woman would ever have done that. I'm like, no. And they have some deal with the local place, which means, Here's where you can murder Rachel.


That's true. I didn't think about that. They're announcing where all of the comics are going to be.


Right. And they have a deal with them that here, if we give you the information so that you can finish whatever your criminal aims are in a more organized fashion, your stalking will be less laborious for you. So one time I was in... Where was I? It was in California. I can't remember. I don't want to say the name of the Comedy Club, but it was probably about an hour or two out from LA. Okay. And I was... Look, I'm still protecting them. Even though they're protecting me. Yeah, that's true. But I had a room with an outside entrance, and my friend, another funny comment, Kelly Price, she was over, spent in the night, and she came and opened for me, and she lives nearby. But she came in, and she was like, Oh, you could just stay here at my hotel if you want to get away. She has five kids. So if you want to get away from your massive family. She came over and all of a sudden there's just this drunk guy from the audience outside the door. We went out to go use the machine or something, and I was like, That's the guy.


We came back in and we shut the door. We were just sitting there trying to plan. Then she's like, Just come to my house. I think we just have to. Yeah, he just let him get in my house. We called downstairs and he was just swaying in the hallway as we ran by with our suitcases. Oh, my God. Then I just went to go live with Kelly. I think I slept in her son's bunk bed. I told the club the next day, they just watched my story. It was an confusing night for us. And I'm like, So, again, the guy from the audience is outside. They're like, Oh, that's crazy. It was not a wacky fun tale. I was almost murdered.


They're like, Oh, that's Ed. He murders all of the comics that open up for the big names. Don't worry about it.


He was just swaying and pointing, and we were like, fleeing in the night. Oh, my God.


Wow, that's scary.


I think that's a good one. Another time, a guy came into my room that was in Vegas.


Oh, into?


Well, a halfway in because he opened up at the top Yeah. That was in Vegas when I was staying at one of the towers for, I think it was Haras Casino. So then he follows me. So he worked for the Casino, I think it was Haras, for sure. So he worked for the Casino. This Comedy Club is no longer in this specific Casino, but he worked for the Casino. So he worked in maintenance. And so my room key thing didn't work. It wasn't... Yeah. He was trying to fix, not the key, but the thing itself, the apparatus on the door, whatever it's Yeah. So he came over, and I just flown across country. You know the fatigue you have when you're just like, you just- Absolutely.


You have an hour flight. Absolutely. You're swollen, you're tired. All you want to do is just lay down and take an uncomfortable nap.


Yeah. Yeah. I was just resting on my suitcase, which I have a name for. That's not a good sign if you have to have a name. What is the name?


What is the name?


The Red Dragon. I was resting on the dragon and so waiting for him to fix the thing. And we were just having a chat. I was talking about being on the road and he was asking me questions. And so I was like, Oh, what a lovely man. And then the next night, I was fast asleep. And then my boyfriend at the time, thank God, flew out and stayed with me the next day and finished out the week with me in Vegas, but he had been working before. I never had locked the top lock because I just wouldn't think about it. I was like, Oh, they have security. It's a casino, whatever. So he locked it. But then And then in the middle of the night, in the middle of the night, 3:00 in the morning, he tries to open the door to the room. Oh my God. And I was like, Oh my God. So my boyfriend jumps up and then he's like, What are you doing, dude? And he's like, Oh, sorry. I thought there was a call for this room. It's like, even if there was a call, wouldn't you have called the...


This doesn't make any sense. So it's like, even if somebody called and said that their toilet was broken or whatever, you would knock first. No.




You just walk in.


Did you report this to Harris?


Yes, I reported. I kept explaining and talking about it. And again, they looked at me with the same expression. I was telling a crazy tale. They're like, Well, I'm sure it was an accident. I'm like, No, it's not an accident.


No. He's like, That's it. He's from California. They were looking at me with a vibe of like, Don't flatter yourself, bitch.


He wasn't trying to kill you. I was giving myself a compliment or something.


That's fucking insane. I tried and tried and talked to everybody at the hotel, the Comedy Club.


I feel like a lot of times, I don't know, they just... I did report it. I hope eventually I finally got a woman to give me the call logs of who called, who did call then. And it wasn't even in the same tower. She said she was the one who just looked at me in the eyes like, I can't say everything right now, but I'm going to do something about this. She, I think, was the one person that was going to follow up on it and make sure that he didn't kill others.


Anyway, Netflix, May 21st, Big guy.


Out now.


Alas, my darlings, we've reached the end of our journey. Thank you for joining me. Cue the sound. Yep, wonderful. Anyway, I'm going to pass you off now to a little another liner from me, me, myself, and I. And then back to Brian and Christie. Have a lovely, wonderful, fabulous day. Bye. What? Oh, hi. It's Christina again, here to remind you to go to tcbpodcast. Com for all things audio, video, and T-C-B-D-O. Give us a follow on Instagram at the Commercial Break and on TikTok at T-C-B podcast. And guess what? We have a new phone number. I know what you're thinking, but I promise this is the last TCB phone number you will ever have to remember. So call us and leave us a voicemail or text us at 212-433-3TCB. Once more for the people in the back, that's 212-433-3-TCB. Oh, and check out our YouTube channel at youtube. Com/thecommercialbreak. That's all for now. Let's listen to our sponsors and get back to the show.


All right, so there you go. There's some of the best ofs from Christina taking some input from the audience and, of course, us. Thank you to Christina for putting this all together for us. I hope you enjoyed our little reminiscing about the good days past, reminiscing about our one chance to have 45 minutes with each of those particular people, never again to come on the commercial break, but they were here while they were here. Exactly. Yeah. And wait until you see the guest lineup coming.


I've seen a little bit of it.


You No, you got it on the calendar. Yeah. We're about to go hot and heavy with guests. We're about to do a three-week run of just guests, guests, guests, guests, guests come on the Commercial Break. All their information is located in the show notes on those particular episodes. How do you know those particular episodes? How do you know the guest episodes? Tuesdays. That's when they came out. On Tuesdays, they have special cover art, so it's easy to tell who they are and when they came on. So go ahead and take a listen. If you found any of those interesting and you haven't heard the interview, please do us a favor. Go back and listen. We could use the download. We could use the support here at the Commercial Break. We could use the 13.5 cents we make on each episode. We appreciate it. Thank you very much. All right, do us a favor. Go to tcbpodcast. Com. That's where you go. You find out more information about Chrissy and I, all the show notes, guest links, advertiser promo codes, all that stuff is located on the show notes of each episode, which you can find on the website.


You can also get your free TCV sticker by going to the Contact Us button. Drop down menu says, I want my free sticker. Send us your address, and away it will go.


I feel like making that sound. Thank you.


That was a good one. Now I lost my train of thought. 1, 2, 1, 2, 4, 3, 3, 3, TCV. 1, 2, 1, 2, 4, 3, 3, 3, 8, 2, 2. That is the text message and phone line. It dials right here into the studio. Someone close to us will answer you back. Questions, comments, concerns, content ideas. You want to be on the show, ask TCB for advice, talk to Brian's mom. You have a question for my mom. She'll be back on the show soon. So please text us. Let us know. Also, we would love it. I mean, just love If you would be one of the five people to follow us on Instagram, make it 6 at the Commercial Break on Instagram, TCB podcast on TikTok and youtube. Com/thecommercialbreak. All right, there you go. Okay, Christie, I think that's all I can do for today. I think so. But I'll tell you that I love you. I love you. Best to you. And best to you. And best to you out there in the podcast universe. Until next time, Christie and I always say, we do say, and we must say, goodbye. If you got a softy in your brain, you're going to have a softy in your pants.


You know what I'm saying?