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He's so nice, and he's the guy that I should want. But it's like, I need a little bit of like, you're going to send me to the psych ward, and it's just not giving that. On this episode of the Commercial Break. It works if you work it. You know what they say? With my text scripts and Tinder scripts, you'll be knocking out pussy left and right, six, seven times a day. However big you want to get the rotation, you get the rotation. Full-time job, don't worry about it. You fit it all in. What a working hour. Mom in the hospital, don't worry. You take care of it. Multiple kids at home, forget them. This is more important. You need a sexual variety. Sexual variety. The next episode of the Commercial Break starts now. Oh, yeah, cats and kittens. Welcome back to the Commercial Break. I'm Brian Green. This is my dear friend and the co-host of this incredibly silly podcast, Chris. Enjoy all the best to you, Chris.


Best to you, Brian.


The best to you out there in the podcast universe. Thanks for joining. I'm going full morning zoo crew this morning. Beep, beep, beep. This is it. 9:30 in the morning. Yeah. Friday. Tune in today at 9:30 and you can win Jolly Rolls Mercedes-Benz. Be the 15th, call her in. I was just watching one of our old friends on Instagram, someone we knew that worked on air here in Atlanta. Still She works on air here in Atlanta. Legend, but I'm not going to mention her name because I'm sure she wants nothing to do with the commercial break. Probably. But she was saying that she's doing this Instagram reel and it's like, Today, tune in at 6:00 PM. We're packed with prizes. You can win tickets to the Gwynett Stripers. You can win Jolly Rolls Bronco. And I'm like, Jolly Rolls Bronco? What? And then there's a picture of Jolly Rolls head and then a brand new Bronco. Okay. But I've seen this with the Braves also. There's one of the Braves players. They're giving away his Bronco, too. How many people got free Broncos that they're giving away? If I'm one of those guys, I want to keep the Bronco.


You know what I'm saying? Why give away the Bronco? I guess when you're a Jolly Roll, you don't need a Bronco.


Yeah, you don't.


Yeah. I guess when you're a Jolly Roll, the only thing you can fit in is a Bronco. That is one big boy, and he has got a fucking voice.


He does.


Have you heard him sing?


Yeah, I saw his show. He played at Jeff's Festival.


Oh, that's right. Was he as good as he appears to be?


Yeah, he was great. He was great in person.


I think I saw him on, was it Stern? The Serious XM, Nashville Studios, and he did a whole thing, and he did Let It Be or Let Her Cry by Hootie and the Blowfish.


Oh, wow.


Hootie and the Blowfish are having a moment. Hoody and the Blowfish. Anybody who lived through the era will know. It was an incredibly popular album.


Oh, God. It was everywhere.


I hated it, but it was incredibly a popular album. Now, I know Hoody has gone on to be a pretty prolific- Darius Rucker. Darius Rucker. Hoody. I call him Hoody.


Yeah, he was the Hoody.


Was he the Hoody in the Blowfish? He was the Hoody. Okay, just making sure. But Darius Rucker has gone on to have a pretty illustrious career in country. Yeah, he has. As a matter of fact, when Chrissy and I worked for the radio company- Yes, we met him. We met him because he came in and he- I just threw that away the other day.


I was going through stuff and I had all these photos, promotional photos that were signed by different people that we had met. And you threw away the hoody? I did.


We could have put that in the studio. We could have had that right here.


Yeah. Yeah, okay. It had its time.


We met a bunch of people. Jules, Hoody, Taylor Swift, T. Swift, before she was... I mean, she was pretty famous then, but before she was this famous.


The Anabellum crew.


Oh, yeah. Lady El, which is not Lady A. Yes, Lady A. Fair enough. Good move, Lady A. I'm not sure they're as popular as they were as Lady Ellen to Bellum, but whatever. Dixie Chicks came in, too.


What was that one that we drove out to really that far place, like the wind in the the holler?


The wind and the holler? I don't remember that.


We had to drive really far out to, I don't know, Alpharetta.


To see who.


That's what I was saying. Who did we see?


Was it a concert?


Yes. Remember that little series that the Bull was putting on?


Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. A hundred dollar cab ride. It's like $150. You and I were scraping together pennies. Can you charge 30 on this and 20 on this and five on this? I'll give you $15 in cash. And here's a gift card to Domino's.


Good times.


You want some free Braves tickets?


Yeah, that was our favorite.


I could sneak you in the back door. But anyway, yeah, the Jolly Roll has got a voice. But anyway, they sing that song, Let Her Cry, Let Her Be, Let It Be, whatever it is. Let her cry. Let her cry. A lot of tears fall down on me. That was good. Thank you. But wow. It was really good. It was a pop-in version. I got to say it was a pop-in version. I hate that song, but I had to appreciate what was going on in the studio. He's really good. He's talented. He's very talented. Very. Interesting story, too. Very talented, interesting story. But anyway, you can win his Bronco if you live in the Atlanta area and you tuned in to this show yesterday. Nice. Thank you. A day, date, and a dollar short. Story pictures. He's taking selfies.Okay, now I got to ask a question here.They did the red for the thong.Yeah. So now he's just showing picture after picture of girls with red boxes on them. I could probably take pictures It was like that if I had a little bit of money and just gave it to somebody. They're not porn pictures. They're just girls in very revealing outfits.With him creepily taking a selfie. Okay.I wanted to- Behind them. For a little context to the listener. He's going through this basically slideshow of pictures, first of him and Liz, his wife. In one of those pictures, it's Liz and him at the beach taking a selfie where this guy looks ripped. I mean, ripped, a 13-pack. You know what I'm He looks really ripped. Now, in the photographs where he's taking with these other women, the 17 in the rotation, the picture we're stuck on right now, there is full dad bod going on. He's got a belly, he's got no muscles whatsoever. How did he go from that to that?Well, you know you can touch up pictures these days.Yeah, that's true. I want to figure out how he did that because it was like thousands of photographs of me with my kids that I would like to touch up like Others have tattoos or piercings, et cetera.It's almost like having a chemical- Nothing like staring at a woman's tattoo while you're having sex with her. Clomerate supergirlfriend.You know what I want? I want a belly button piercing tonight. I better call up number 18. I like dragon tattoos. Number 13, you're in rotation. Number 13, come on down.Go out to the mound.You're getting my syponis-infected dick tonight.Because the different girls have different personalities and different body types, and it provides a good amount of variety. Now, you might ask yourself, like a lot of people do, why is it so big? Why is it so big?By the way, I think I believe about 5% of what this guy is saying. Do you really think he has 17 women in rotation? Liz used to be in every video. Where did Liz go? Is Liz like this? Is Liz interested in this?No, it's a one way. It's a one way of the marriage. It's just him.Now, I'm not saying it's out of the realm of possibility that Liz is completely cool with this. She's like, Please anybody take him off my hands. Please, exactly. I'll take the money from the YouTube videos, but I don't want to be a part of them. I get it. I totally understand that there may be a real willingness on behalf of both partners to do this. I just don't... 17 at any given time, women in your rotation, you're communicating with them always. How do you nurture your marriage?How do you nurture that marriage or any of these other girls, they're just cool with here, there, whatever.Hey, listen, Chrissy. I don't know, but I want to find out.You know what I'm saying? Also the money that it would take to wine and dine and then the extra apartment.I know. Are you getting a windfall of cash from 1,100 views on your YouTube?Well, he does his dating coaching.Oh, heWhen do they become old girls?Yeah, I know. They're not new after a while.When they turn 19, according to- God. Yeah. He's hitting on people at the mall, like girls who work at the little stands in the mall. I know. I saw that. We've seen a video where that's his favorite place to get girls. Great. No, this is why I'm hiding all my daughters underneath the pool. Yeah.Girls in my rotation are super stacked. They're mostly all above an 8.5. A lot of them are above a nine. They're just fucking eating out of the palm of your hand. You have a whole bunch others like that. So that way it doesn't make you- The way that he talks about women is so disgusting. It's awful.It's disgusting. So disgusting.You know what? It makes me... I don't know.He looks dead behind the eyes, dude, now that we're looking at him.Oh, he's a psycho, dude. There's no doubt this guy is a psychopath to the hilt. Luckily, at least to our knowledge, he's not killing anybody. He's just got a body count in another way. And the truth is that this It makes me sick to my stomach. I think even before I had daughters, this would make me sick. I mean, this would absolutely make me sick to my stomach. This is not how I see the world.It is just awful.It's awful. He must not have parents. He's one of these kids I don't know. They threw him off a turn-up truck or something.You need to eat to any of the particular girls, right? You're not over texting any girl. You're not over thinking about any girl because you have so many.No, because you got so many in rotation.Yes, because you have so many, you can't pay attention to any of them. This is all about- Just hookup. Having your cake and eating it, too. First of all, don't believe it. I don't believe that there's 17 girls. I don't believe you're getting 20 new phone numbers a week. Where do you live? I mean, I guess Rio de Janeiro is a place where- He does live in Brazil, I think. Yeah, he does live in Brazil, and there's a lot There's a lot of people there, so I guess there's quite a few options. But I just don't believe that 10 to 20 women a week are this stupid. Cullible. I think women are more intelligent than guys, actually, in a lot of cases.Yeah. It's more like you're going to give off the attitude like you don't care that much, which is going to help make it work even better. It's not a little game I'm playing. It's not like, okay, I'm going to ignore these girls, ignore these girls. It's just that there's so many. You're working with them.It's not a little game I'm playing. You're gamifying the whole thing. What are you talking about? That's so disingenuous. I can't believe it. The whole process to you is a fucking game, dude.Building that expectation bigger and bigger that no particular girl is really going to get under your skin. You're not going to be thinking about a girl way too much or over texting her way too much because you have so many other girls. You're just sticking to the Tinder and text scripts and then letting everything fall into place.Wait, okay. First of all, second of all, I just can't help but wonder where Liz is.I know. I was thinking the same thing. I'm like, How in the world do you... That's like, Hey, I'm going to work, honey.Yeah, hey, I'm going to... Fuck some girls. I'm going to knock it out real quick. I'm going to go jizz in a bunch of people. I'll see you later. How terrible is The interpersonal relationship, the interpersonal marriage, must be between these two people. And not because it's an open relationship. I get it. Some people do it, they like it, whatever, because he's an asshole, because he has no respect for any female human being. And I doubt he has respect. He doesn't have respect for himself, because if he did, he wouldn't be talking like this. He just wouldn't.And the rotation be built up on the side. To one of those systems for free, potentially, for our giveaway on Thursday on June 27th, I'll remind you one more time, you can just go put in your phone number.God, he sounds like us, reminding people about the shows in Florida. It's like every five minutes.And follow our Instagram.Yeah, follow our Instagram. Well, we only ask for it, to be fair.To whatever end goal that you want. So you can build up the rotation as big as you want. Some guys only want three or four girls. That's totally fine. Some guys just want to find the best one and make that their girlfriend. That's totally fine, too. I prefer to run big rotations because it gives you new sexual variety every single day with different hot girls. It allows you to sleep with multiple hot girls a day, and the whole system just works itself out.It just works like a charm. It just works. It just works. It works if you work it. You know what they say? With my text scripts and Tinder scripts, you'll be knocking out pussy left and right, six, seven times a day. However big you want to get the rotation, you get the rotation. Full-time job, don't worry about it. You fit it all in. What are we working out? Mom in the hospital, don't worry. You take care of it. Multiple kids at home, forget them. This is more important. You need a sexual variety. Sexual variety. Give me a break, dude.Oh, my God. It gets boring or annoying or too bitchy or too dramatic. You can cut her out and you can replace her with one of the new ones that's more interesting.Okay, you're saying the same thing over and over again. It's just too much to take. John Anthony Lifestyle. I can see why the Internet is aflame right now about your bullshit. Dude.It's awful.Buddy. I mean, I don't know you. We don't know each other. You probably never hear this episode, but Just have some respect for yourself and the people around you. Just stop. You got a beautiful wife. I know. She seems lovely enough, except for she's also involved in your scam. With you. But I'm sure she was alone. I'm sure that didn't come along until you came along and you tried to convince her or brainwash her into it. The world is your oyster, dude. You're living down there on the beat. What else do you need? Enjoy yourself. Why don't you teach guys how to really connect with women or partners, whatever it is? Why don't you teach them how to really have emotionally intelligent and deep relationships and the sexual variety can come as you connect with your partner? Ask Christie. That's right. She said it's French Made Friday.Yes, it is. At the household.Man, I love it. I love it. Another fantastic episode of the Commercial Break in the Books. How proud Odecy must be of us. By the way, you can download the free Odecy app and listen to us on that Odecy app. Odecy, of course, the home of the commercial break. I'm sure they love it. We love it. It's actually a great app. I listen to the podcast on that app. So no malarkey. It's a good app, and you can get all your favorite podcasts are available. It's free. There's no subscription. There's no nothing. And then you get all these radio stations, all this video content. It's cool. Also, let me remind you, like Jon Anthony will you about his free giveaway. September 25th and September 26th, we're going to be in Florida, Orlando on the 25th, Tampa on the 26th. We would love to see you. If you're going to be there, let us know. 212-4333-tcb. 212-433-3822. Let us know if you're going to be in those. You want to come to one of those two shows, maybe we'll bring you some schwag. Also, questions, comments, concerns, content ideas, all of them, we accept voicemail or text message.Tcbpodcast. Com for all the all the video and your free sticker. And please do us a favor, @thecommercialbreak on Instagram. Follow us if you would, if you could, you should. All right, Christie. Well, I guess that's all I can do for today.I think so.But I'll tell you that I love you. I love you. I'll say best to you. Best to you. And best to you out there in the podcast universe. Until next time, Christie and I always say, we do say and we must say goodbye. If you got a softy in your brain, you're going to have a softy in your pants. You know I'm saying?


pictures. He's taking selfies.


Okay, now I got to ask a question here.


They did the red for the thong.


Yeah. So now he's just showing picture after picture of girls with red boxes on them. I could probably take pictures It was like that if I had a little bit of money and just gave it to somebody. They're not porn pictures. They're just girls in very revealing outfits.


With him creepily taking a selfie. Okay.


I wanted to- Behind them. For a little context to the listener. He's going through this basically slideshow of pictures, first of him and Liz, his wife. In one of those pictures, it's Liz and him at the beach taking a selfie where this guy looks ripped. I mean, ripped, a 13-pack. You know what I'm He looks really ripped. Now, in the photographs where he's taking with these other women, the 17 in the rotation, the picture we're stuck on right now, there is full dad bod going on. He's got a belly, he's got no muscles whatsoever. How did he go from that to that?


Well, you know you can touch up pictures these days.


Yeah, that's true. I want to figure out how he did that because it was like thousands of photographs of me with my kids that I would like to touch up like Others have tattoos or piercings, et cetera.


It's almost like having a chemical- Nothing like staring at a woman's tattoo while you're having sex with her. Clomerate supergirlfriend.


You know what I want? I want a belly button piercing tonight. I better call up number 18. I like dragon tattoos. Number 13, you're in rotation. Number 13, come on down.


Go out to the mound.


You're getting my syponis-infected dick tonight.


Because the different girls have different personalities and different body types, and it provides a good amount of variety. Now, you might ask yourself, like a lot of people do, why is it so big? Why is it so big?


By the way, I think I believe about 5% of what this guy is saying. Do you really think he has 17 women in rotation? Liz used to be in every video. Where did Liz go? Is Liz like this? Is Liz interested in this?


No, it's a one way. It's a one way of the marriage. It's just him.


Now, I'm not saying it's out of the realm of possibility that Liz is completely cool with this. She's like, Please anybody take him off my hands. Please, exactly. I'll take the money from the YouTube videos, but I don't want to be a part of them. I get it. I totally understand that there may be a real willingness on behalf of both partners to do this. I just don't... 17 at any given time, women in your rotation, you're communicating with them always. How do you nurture your marriage?


How do you nurture that marriage or any of these other girls, they're just cool with here, there, whatever.


Hey, listen, Chrissy. I don't know, but I want to find out.


You know what I'm saying? Also the money that it would take to wine and dine and then the extra apartment.


I know. Are you getting a windfall of cash from 1,100 views on your YouTube?


Well, he does his dating coaching.


Oh, heWhen do they become old girls?Yeah, I know. They're not new after a while.When they turn 19, according to- God. Yeah. He's hitting on people at the mall, like girls who work at the little stands in the mall. I know. I saw that. We've seen a video where that's his favorite place to get girls. Great. No, this is why I'm hiding all my daughters underneath the pool. Yeah.Girls in my rotation are super stacked. They're mostly all above an 8.5. A lot of them are above a nine. They're just fucking eating out of the palm of your hand. You have a whole bunch others like that. So that way it doesn't make you- The way that he talks about women is so disgusting. It's awful.It's disgusting. So disgusting.You know what? It makes me... I don't know.He looks dead behind the eyes, dude, now that we're looking at him.Oh, he's a psycho, dude. There's no doubt this guy is a psychopath to the hilt. Luckily, at least to our knowledge, he's not killing anybody. He's just got a body count in another way. And the truth is that this It makes me sick to my stomach. I think even before I had daughters, this would make me sick. I mean, this would absolutely make me sick to my stomach. This is not how I see the world.It is just awful.It's awful. He must not have parents. He's one of these kids I don't know. They threw him off a turn-up truck or something.You need to eat to any of the particular girls, right? You're not over texting any girl. You're not over thinking about any girl because you have so many.No, because you got so many in rotation.Yes, because you have so many, you can't pay attention to any of them. This is all about- Just hookup. Having your cake and eating it, too. First of all, don't believe it. I don't believe that there's 17 girls. I don't believe you're getting 20 new phone numbers a week. Where do you live? I mean, I guess Rio de Janeiro is a place where- He does live in Brazil, I think. Yeah, he does live in Brazil, and there's a lot There's a lot of people there, so I guess there's quite a few options. But I just don't believe that 10 to 20 women a week are this stupid. Cullible. I think women are more intelligent than guys, actually, in a lot of cases.Yeah. It's more like you're going to give off the attitude like you don't care that much, which is going to help make it work even better. It's not a little game I'm playing. It's not like, okay, I'm going to ignore these girls, ignore these girls. It's just that there's so many. You're working with them.It's not a little game I'm playing. You're gamifying the whole thing. What are you talking about? That's so disingenuous. I can't believe it. The whole process to you is a fucking game, dude.Building that expectation bigger and bigger that no particular girl is really going to get under your skin. You're not going to be thinking about a girl way too much or over texting her way too much because you have so many other girls. You're just sticking to the Tinder and text scripts and then letting everything fall into place.Wait, okay. First of all, second of all, I just can't help but wonder where Liz is.I know. I was thinking the same thing. I'm like, How in the world do you... That's like, Hey, I'm going to work, honey.Yeah, hey, I'm going to... Fuck some girls. I'm going to knock it out real quick. I'm going to go jizz in a bunch of people. I'll see you later. How terrible is The interpersonal relationship, the interpersonal marriage, must be between these two people. And not because it's an open relationship. I get it. Some people do it, they like it, whatever, because he's an asshole, because he has no respect for any female human being. And I doubt he has respect. He doesn't have respect for himself, because if he did, he wouldn't be talking like this. He just wouldn't.And the rotation be built up on the side. To one of those systems for free, potentially, for our giveaway on Thursday on June 27th, I'll remind you one more time, you can just go put in your phone number.God, he sounds like us, reminding people about the shows in Florida. It's like every five minutes.And follow our Instagram.Yeah, follow our Instagram. Well, we only ask for it, to be fair.To whatever end goal that you want. So you can build up the rotation as big as you want. Some guys only want three or four girls. That's totally fine. Some guys just want to find the best one and make that their girlfriend. That's totally fine, too. I prefer to run big rotations because it gives you new sexual variety every single day with different hot girls. It allows you to sleep with multiple hot girls a day, and the whole system just works itself out.It just works like a charm. It just works. It just works. It works if you work it. You know what they say? With my text scripts and Tinder scripts, you'll be knocking out pussy left and right, six, seven times a day. However big you want to get the rotation, you get the rotation. Full-time job, don't worry about it. You fit it all in. What are we working out? Mom in the hospital, don't worry. You take care of it. Multiple kids at home, forget them. This is more important. You need a sexual variety. Sexual variety. Give me a break, dude.Oh, my God. It gets boring or annoying or too bitchy or too dramatic. You can cut her out and you can replace her with one of the new ones that's more interesting.Okay, you're saying the same thing over and over again. It's just too much to take. John Anthony Lifestyle. I can see why the Internet is aflame right now about your bullshit. Dude.It's awful.Buddy. I mean, I don't know you. We don't know each other. You probably never hear this episode, but Just have some respect for yourself and the people around you. Just stop. You got a beautiful wife. I know. She seems lovely enough, except for she's also involved in your scam. With you. But I'm sure she was alone. I'm sure that didn't come along until you came along and you tried to convince her or brainwash her into it. The world is your oyster, dude. You're living down there on the beat. What else do you need? Enjoy yourself. Why don't you teach guys how to really connect with women or partners, whatever it is? Why don't you teach them how to really have emotionally intelligent and deep relationships and the sexual variety can come as you connect with your partner? Ask Christie. That's right. She said it's French Made Friday.Yes, it is. At the household.Man, I love it. I love it. Another fantastic episode of the Commercial Break in the Books. How proud Odecy must be of us. By the way, you can download the free Odecy app and listen to us on that Odecy app. Odecy, of course, the home of the commercial break. I'm sure they love it. We love it. It's actually a great app. I listen to the podcast on that app. So no malarkey. It's a good app, and you can get all your favorite podcasts are available. It's free. There's no subscription. There's no nothing. And then you get all these radio stations, all this video content. It's cool. Also, let me remind you, like Jon Anthony will you about his free giveaway. September 25th and September 26th, we're going to be in Florida, Orlando on the 25th, Tampa on the 26th. We would love to see you. If you're going to be there, let us know. 212-4333-tcb. 212-433-3822. Let us know if you're going to be in those. You want to come to one of those two shows, maybe we'll bring you some schwag. Also, questions, comments, concerns, content ideas, all of them, we accept voicemail or text message.Tcbpodcast. Com for all the all the video and your free sticker. And please do us a favor, @thecommercialbreak on Instagram. Follow us if you would, if you could, you should. All right, Christie. Well, I guess that's all I can do for today.I think so.But I'll tell you that I love you. I love you. I'll say best to you. Best to you. And best to you out there in the podcast universe. Until next time, Christie and I always say, we do say and we must say goodbye. If you got a softy in your brain, you're going to have a softy in your pants. You know I'm saying?


When do they become old girls?


Yeah, I know. They're not new after a while.


When they turn 19, according to- God. Yeah. He's hitting on people at the mall, like girls who work at the little stands in the mall. I know. I saw that. We've seen a video where that's his favorite place to get girls. Great. No, this is why I'm hiding all my daughters underneath the pool. Yeah.


Girls in my rotation are super stacked. They're mostly all above an 8.5. A lot of them are above a nine. They're just fucking eating out of the palm of your hand. You have a whole bunch others like that. So that way it doesn't make you- The way that he talks about women is so disgusting. It's awful.


It's disgusting. So disgusting.


You know what? It makes me... I don't know.


He looks dead behind the eyes, dude, now that we're looking at him.


Oh, he's a psycho, dude. There's no doubt this guy is a psychopath to the hilt. Luckily, at least to our knowledge, he's not killing anybody. He's just got a body count in another way. And the truth is that this It makes me sick to my stomach. I think even before I had daughters, this would make me sick. I mean, this would absolutely make me sick to my stomach. This is not how I see the world.


It is just awful.


It's awful. He must not have parents. He's one of these kids I don't know. They threw him off a turn-up truck or something.


You need to eat to any of the particular girls, right? You're not over texting any girl. You're not over thinking about any girl because you have so many.


No, because you got so many in rotation.


Yes, because you have so many, you can't pay attention to any of them. This is all about- Just hookup. Having your cake and eating it, too. First of all, don't believe it. I don't believe that there's 17 girls. I don't believe you're getting 20 new phone numbers a week. Where do you live? I mean, I guess Rio de Janeiro is a place where- He does live in Brazil, I think. Yeah, he does live in Brazil, and there's a lot There's a lot of people there, so I guess there's quite a few options. But I just don't believe that 10 to 20 women a week are this stupid. Cullible. I think women are more intelligent than guys, actually, in a lot of cases.


Yeah. It's more like you're going to give off the attitude like you don't care that much, which is going to help make it work even better. It's not a little game I'm playing. It's not like, okay, I'm going to ignore these girls, ignore these girls. It's just that there's so many. You're working with them.


It's not a little game I'm playing. You're gamifying the whole thing. What are you talking about? That's so disingenuous. I can't believe it. The whole process to you is a fucking game, dude.


Building that expectation bigger and bigger that no particular girl is really going to get under your skin. You're not going to be thinking about a girl way too much or over texting her way too much because you have so many other girls. You're just sticking to the Tinder and text scripts and then letting everything fall into place.


Wait, okay. First of all, second of all, I just can't help but wonder where Liz is.


I know. I was thinking the same thing. I'm like, How in the world do you... That's like, Hey, I'm going to work, honey.


Yeah, hey, I'm going to... Fuck some girls. I'm going to knock it out real quick. I'm going to go jizz in a bunch of people. I'll see you later. How terrible is The interpersonal relationship, the interpersonal marriage, must be between these two people. And not because it's an open relationship. I get it. Some people do it, they like it, whatever, because he's an asshole, because he has no respect for any female human being. And I doubt he has respect. He doesn't have respect for himself, because if he did, he wouldn't be talking like this. He just wouldn't.


And the rotation be built up on the side. To one of those systems for free, potentially, for our giveaway on Thursday on June 27th, I'll remind you one more time, you can just go put in your phone number.


God, he sounds like us, reminding people about the shows in Florida. It's like every five minutes.


And follow our Instagram.


Yeah, follow our Instagram. Well, we only ask for it, to be fair.


To whatever end goal that you want. So you can build up the rotation as big as you want. Some guys only want three or four girls. That's totally fine. Some guys just want to find the best one and make that their girlfriend. That's totally fine, too. I prefer to run big rotations because it gives you new sexual variety every single day with different hot girls. It allows you to sleep with multiple hot girls a day, and the whole system just works itself out.


It just works like a charm. It just works. It just works. It works if you work it. You know what they say? With my text scripts and Tinder scripts, you'll be knocking out pussy left and right, six, seven times a day. However big you want to get the rotation, you get the rotation. Full-time job, don't worry about it. You fit it all in. What are we working out? Mom in the hospital, don't worry. You take care of it. Multiple kids at home, forget them. This is more important. You need a sexual variety. Sexual variety. Give me a break, dude.


Oh, my God. It gets boring or annoying or too bitchy or too dramatic. You can cut her out and you can replace her with one of the new ones that's more interesting.


Okay, you're saying the same thing over and over again. It's just too much to take. John Anthony Lifestyle. I can see why the Internet is aflame right now about your bullshit. Dude.


It's awful.


Buddy. I mean, I don't know you. We don't know each other. You probably never hear this episode, but Just have some respect for yourself and the people around you. Just stop. You got a beautiful wife. I know. She seems lovely enough, except for she's also involved in your scam. With you. But I'm sure she was alone. I'm sure that didn't come along until you came along and you tried to convince her or brainwash her into it. The world is your oyster, dude. You're living down there on the beat. What else do you need? Enjoy yourself. Why don't you teach guys how to really connect with women or partners, whatever it is? Why don't you teach them how to really have emotionally intelligent and deep relationships and the sexual variety can come as you connect with your partner? Ask Christie. That's right. She said it's French Made Friday.


Yes, it is. At the household.


Man, I love it. I love it. Another fantastic episode of the Commercial Break in the Books. How proud Odecy must be of us. By the way, you can download the free Odecy app and listen to us on that Odecy app. Odecy, of course, the home of the commercial break. I'm sure they love it. We love it. It's actually a great app. I listen to the podcast on that app. So no malarkey. It's a good app, and you can get all your favorite podcasts are available. It's free. There's no subscription. There's no nothing. And then you get all these radio stations, all this video content. It's cool. Also, let me remind you, like Jon Anthony will you about his free giveaway. September 25th and September 26th, we're going to be in Florida, Orlando on the 25th, Tampa on the 26th. We would love to see you. If you're going to be there, let us know. 212-4333-tcb. 212-433-3822. Let us know if you're going to be in those. You want to come to one of those two shows, maybe we'll bring you some schwag. Also, questions, comments, concerns, content ideas, all of them, we accept voicemail or text message.


Tcbpodcast. Com for all the all the video and your free sticker. And please do us a favor, @thecommercialbreak on Instagram. Follow us if you would, if you could, you should. All right, Christie. Well, I guess that's all I can do for today.


I think so.


But I'll tell you that I love you. I love you. I'll say best to you. Best to you. And best to you out there in the podcast universe. Until next time, Christie and I always say, we do say and we must say goodbye. If you got a softy in your brain, you're going to have a softy in your pants. You know I'm saying?