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I have no secrets. I'm mad. I have to go to work.


I have to earn a living.


I'd rather have a private income and.


Get laid well, in office on this episode of the commercial break, it's not a great look for them to have all these videos all over the place of people crawling through the air conditioning vent. Yeah.


I mean, that's something you see on, like, you know, spy shows, cartoons.


You see it on cartoons. That's where you see it.


Or spy shows, you know, like mission impossible.


I know. Can you imagine taking a pisser or, like, taking a piss and then some guy just falls out of the air conditioning vent? Hola. Hola. Go Colombia. The next episode of the commercial break starts now. Hey, catch the kittens. Welcome back to the commercial break. I'm Brian Green. This is my dear friend and the co host of this show, Chris. Enjoy. Totally. Best to you, Chris.


And best to you, Brian.


And best to you out there in the podcast universe. Thanks for joining us. Breaking news as we come on air today. Doctor Ruth Westenheimer has died.


Quite a few people died over the weekend.


Yes, Shanna Doherty.


Who else, Doctor Ruth? It was Shelly Winters.


Shelly Winter. Shelley Winters. No, she died a long time ago, I think.


No, it was the girl, olive oil.


And that is Shelley Winters. Shelley Duvall. Not Shelly Winters. Shelley Duvall.


You heard it your last, folks, and incorrectly.




And so there was one more.


Yeah. I thought they happened in trifectas.


Yeah, they do. But there was one more. I can't remember.


I can't remember either. But Doctor Ruth Westingheimer, for those of you that are not of that generation, taught a lot of us about sex and a lot of us about sex in great detail because she was like the first. She's a doctor. She's got a weird accent that everybody loves. She's like your cute old grandma. She was like 86 when I was six.


I know.


How did she make it to 86 if she was 86 when I was six? I don't know. She was an old lady when I was a very young man. But I remember seeing her on certain talk shows and television shows, and she would be describing sex in great detail. And my mom loved it. She thought it was the greatest thing when Doctor Ruth came on. She'd be like, kids, come in here. Doctor Ruth is out. And you'd be like, oh, she's gonna show. She's gonna show us something.


Oh, yeah. She was very descriptive and like a clinical but funny.


Yeah, she was. She was because of her accent, her german or austrian accent. Whatever she was.


And she would laugh and talk.


She would giggle it up, and people would ask her silly questions.


People that were calling in about questions. I think that's what it was.


The Doctor Ruth show.




Which, you know, she would do the talk show circuit, like Oprah, Jenny Jones, Phil Donahue. You know, that. That's when I was like a kid. Kid, like six, seven, 8910 years old, whatever it was. And then she had her own show called the Doctor Ruth show.




And then she would get highly descriptive. But the thing was, is that because of her disarming nature, she would be. It would. I don't know. She would be very descriptive on the nose. She would use the proper terminology, you know, the Maz Venus and the blah blah blah and the clitoris and on the next episode or this week I'll tell the story about the kids birthday party.Oh, this weekend that happened.But in the group, I mean, in the total group that came over to the house, there were a few smokers in the group. Okay, still smoking cigarettes. And, man, I'll tell you what, I've said this before, it's. I just love that smell when someone else is smoking. When I put it in my mouth, I quickly reminded of how I never want to smoke a cigarette again because it's kind of gross. And I was always sick when I was smoking cigarettes. Like, always sick when I was smoking cigarettes.True.So anyway, you know, I remember going.To get you some chicken noodle soup one time from fresh market and I put it by your office door.Office door. Clear channel. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I do remember that. I do remember that. Yeah, I was sick a lot there. Probably because we got no sleep and alcohol and cheeseburgers were the only stress. Yes.Between the stress and the partying, it was just. Which is why we partied, because we were so stressed.But yeah, it was a pressure cooking recipe for disaster. And that's back when we still had. Back when I was my wife's age.I know I was in my twenties.I know, it's crazy, isn't it? Yeah, I think I had. I think I had just turned 30 when I got that job. But anyway, I digress. So. Or no, maybe I was in my twenties too, in my late twenties when I got the job. Anyway, I know I'm trying not to get on a giggle roll here because I don't want to hurt you.Anytime I think about that era makes me laugh.Yeah, it was kind of calamity of errors with the gang that couldn't shoot you've.Been saying that phrase a lot.I know. I think it's funny. I don't know. I've said it before in the past. It's been in my. You know, the Lexicon.Yes.But I don't know. All of a sudden, I just started saying it. So when Astrid and I met, we just never talked about the age difference.Well, wait, we were going back to the party on cigarettes?No, I was just sharing with you.Oh, that was just that.Yeah, that someone.Someone smoked a cigarette. Well, I liked it.Well, a couple people were. Yeah, someone smoked a cigarette. I liked it. So Astrid and I never talked about the age difference, and therefore, I don't think it ever really manifested itself into an issue. Now, it could become an issue when I'm in the old people's home and. Shh. He wants to go travel. Bye. Bye, Brian.The convertible.I'm only 51. Yeah. It's time. It's time. It's been time for a long time. Your youngest is now two. I'll take it from here. Don't worry about it. You relax.It's been time for a long time.Yeah. You relax in the hospital bed. Let me take care. Okay. Bye. Bye. I love you. Kind of. I did.I used to.I used to. I meant it when I said I do, and now I don't.I can picture it now.Can I change my vows? Uh.I'm so picturing this retirement home, but.I firmly believe that the age difference, you know, if you're talking about it, problematic problemo. If you're not talking about it, no problemo. Because age difference is a state of mind at the end of the day. But when there's 62 years difference, that's a little. However long it is, 50 years or something like that. That's a little bit different. It's got to be. I can't imagine. And then, you know, you got a. Your parents. Neighbors are seeing that Bill Belichick, your parents are probably younger than the guy that you're dating. That has got to be a little bit strange. That, in my opinion, has got to be a little bit strange. What kind of dinner is that? You know. Oh, I watched you when I was a kid. I used to watch you coaching football. Thanks for screwing my daughter.Oh, yeah. That's a. Like you said, I think it's a relationship of mutual benefits that are happening. I don't see how you can get super, super deep and close yet.I could see how you could have, like, intimate moments. Right? Like where you shared. You know? I don't know, desires and dreams. I got to get more depends. I got to get more depends. I got to register to vote for the first time. You know, there could be, like, things that could be going on. I can see, like, intimate moments, and who knows? We're not inside the room. But I agree with you. Like, you know, when she's got. When I imagine if she's like any other 23 year old, like, I want to go out and party. I want to go to the club. I'm going to go have dinner. The girls are going to dress up. We're going to go on a girls trip, whatever. And he's like, yeah, I'm gonna go get my prostate checks. It's just a little. It's gotta be a little bit weird. Anyway, good luck to you, Bill. I hope that everything does. I I'm rooting for you. I am. They met because they were many blessings. They. Yeah. I mean, blessings. Happy trails.The text message that I got over the weekend that I sent to you.Oh, yeah. Many blessed, many happy blessings. You got a job opportunity?I did. I was recruited by someone from the company. Investor.Investor? Yeah, an investor in capital letters. Like it had been filled in by AI.I'm recruiting for this company. Investor.Investor, quote, unquote.You only have to be 20 years old. You could make $50 to day and get paid that same day.Yet.Boom. Damn, Brian, this is our chance.I wish we got paid the same day here at commercial break. Solve a lot of our issues.Be our side hustle.This could be our side hustle.I've always heard about that company, investor.Look it up. It's great. Investor, Inc. All right, let's give you a break. Let's give your voice a break for a.Okay.I'm feeling for you now because I know what that's like because I've been in here in this studio. It's like an episode I listen to. I don't know, a couple months ago, I was listening to an episode back, way back, season two or something like that, and I was sick. Maybe I was dealing with that salmonella or whatever. Yeah, man, I can't believe that we decided to. That's why we were doing one episode a week, so we could have gotten away with just not doing it that particular day. And I sounded terrible. I couldn't even listen to myself in general. I can't listen to myself anymore.I can't either. It's hard for me to go back.I used to, like, turn it on and get excited. I'm like, whatever. Now I just find like rando podcasts, you know what I'm saying? And press play and hope that I find a gem.I like listening to other ones too.I'm hoping that just like the commercial break, I find it listenable. But we'll see. Best of luck to bail, Belichick. Yeah, girlfriend. And, you know, condolences to doctor Ruth's family, I guess. I'm sure she has. I think she has children and. Yeah. Rev down. Rev down. Everybody. Take the. You got to take that steaming kettle off the pot, off the fire, whatever they say. Yeah, the stove. It's too much. It's too much. It's officially gotten out of control., that's where you go. You find out more information about Chrissy and I, including our age difference, all the audio, all the video, right there. One location. You can also get your free TCB sticker. Hit the contact us button and we will send you a sticker. If you get the drop down menu says, I want my free sticker. Give us your address, we'll send it off with a nice note if that's what you'd like. That's what we often do. You can also dial us up. 212433 TCB. 212433 TCB. Questions, comments, concerns, contents, ideas, we are taking them all. You can also leave us a voicemail if you so dare. We would just love to hear from you.I know we need to listen to play some of those.Yeah, we will. I just gotta get around to editing them. You know, in all my free time we have an editor. I don't. I don't know why, I just don't give it to her. Also, please follow us on Instagram at the commercial break. You can communicate with us there. Also just dm us. We'd love to hear from you. And the commercial break for all the interviews and selected episodes. Okay, Chrissy, that's all I can do for today. That's all you can do for today?I think so.I'll tell you that I love you.And I love you.Best to you. Best your voice. Best to you out there in the podcast university. Until next time. Chrissy and I always say, we do say and we must say goodbye.


on the next episode or this week I'll tell the story about the kids birthday party.


Oh, this weekend that happened.


But in the group, I mean, in the total group that came over to the house, there were a few smokers in the group. Okay, still smoking cigarettes. And, man, I'll tell you what, I've said this before, it's. I just love that smell when someone else is smoking. When I put it in my mouth, I quickly reminded of how I never want to smoke a cigarette again because it's kind of gross. And I was always sick when I was smoking cigarettes. Like, always sick when I was smoking cigarettes.




So anyway, you know, I remember going.


To get you some chicken noodle soup one time from fresh market and I put it by your office door.


Office door. Clear channel. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I do remember that. I do remember that. Yeah, I was sick a lot there. Probably because we got no sleep and alcohol and cheeseburgers were the only stress. Yes.


Between the stress and the partying, it was just. Which is why we partied, because we were so stressed.


But yeah, it was a pressure cooking recipe for disaster. And that's back when we still had. Back when I was my wife's age.


I know I was in my twenties.


I know, it's crazy, isn't it? Yeah, I think I had. I think I had just turned 30 when I got that job. But anyway, I digress. So. Or no, maybe I was in my twenties too, in my late twenties when I got the job. Anyway, I know I'm trying not to get on a giggle roll here because I don't want to hurt you.


Anytime I think about that era makes me laugh.


Yeah, it was kind of calamity of errors with the gang that couldn't shoot you've.


Been saying that phrase a lot.


I know. I think it's funny. I don't know. I've said it before in the past. It's been in my. You know, the Lexicon.




But I don't know. All of a sudden, I just started saying it. So when Astrid and I met, we just never talked about the age difference.


Well, wait, we were going back to the party on cigarettes?


No, I was just sharing with you.


Oh, that was just that.


Yeah, that someone.


Someone smoked a cigarette. Well, I liked it.


Well, a couple people were. Yeah, someone smoked a cigarette. I liked it. So Astrid and I never talked about the age difference, and therefore, I don't think it ever really manifested itself into an issue. Now, it could become an issue when I'm in the old people's home and. Shh. He wants to go travel. Bye. Bye, Brian.


The convertible.


I'm only 51. Yeah. It's time. It's time. It's been time for a long time. Your youngest is now two. I'll take it from here. Don't worry about it. You relax.


It's been time for a long time.


Yeah. You relax in the hospital bed. Let me take care. Okay. Bye. Bye. I love you. Kind of. I did.


I used to.


I used to. I meant it when I said I do, and now I don't.


I can picture it now.


Can I change my vows? Uh.


I'm so picturing this retirement home, but.


I firmly believe that the age difference, you know, if you're talking about it, problematic problemo. If you're not talking about it, no problemo. Because age difference is a state of mind at the end of the day. But when there's 62 years difference, that's a little. However long it is, 50 years or something like that. That's a little bit different. It's got to be. I can't imagine. And then, you know, you got a. Your parents. Neighbors are seeing that Bill Belichick, your parents are probably younger than the guy that you're dating. That has got to be a little bit strange. That, in my opinion, has got to be a little bit strange. What kind of dinner is that? You know. Oh, I watched you when I was a kid. I used to watch you coaching football. Thanks for screwing my daughter.


Oh, yeah. That's a. Like you said, I think it's a relationship of mutual benefits that are happening. I don't see how you can get super, super deep and close yet.


I could see how you could have, like, intimate moments. Right? Like where you shared. You know? I don't know, desires and dreams. I got to get more depends. I got to get more depends. I got to register to vote for the first time. You know, there could be, like, things that could be going on. I can see, like, intimate moments, and who knows? We're not inside the room. But I agree with you. Like, you know, when she's got. When I imagine if she's like any other 23 year old, like, I want to go out and party. I want to go to the club. I'm going to go have dinner. The girls are going to dress up. We're going to go on a girls trip, whatever. And he's like, yeah, I'm gonna go get my prostate checks. It's just a little. It's gotta be a little bit weird. Anyway, good luck to you, Bill. I hope that everything does. I I'm rooting for you. I am. They met because they were many blessings. They. Yeah. I mean, blessings. Happy trails.


The text message that I got over the weekend that I sent to you.


Oh, yeah. Many blessed, many happy blessings. You got a job opportunity?


I did. I was recruited by someone from the company. Investor.


Investor? Yeah, an investor in capital letters. Like it had been filled in by AI.


I'm recruiting for this company. Investor.


Investor, quote, unquote.


You only have to be 20 years old. You could make $50 to day and get paid that same day.




Boom. Damn, Brian, this is our chance.


I wish we got paid the same day here at commercial break. Solve a lot of our issues.


Be our side hustle.


This could be our side hustle.


I've always heard about that company, investor.


Look it up. It's great. Investor, Inc. All right, let's give you a break. Let's give your voice a break for a.




I'm feeling for you now because I know what that's like because I've been in here in this studio. It's like an episode I listen to. I don't know, a couple months ago, I was listening to an episode back, way back, season two or something like that, and I was sick. Maybe I was dealing with that salmonella or whatever. Yeah, man, I can't believe that we decided to. That's why we were doing one episode a week, so we could have gotten away with just not doing it that particular day. And I sounded terrible. I couldn't even listen to myself in general. I can't listen to myself anymore.


I can't either. It's hard for me to go back.


I used to, like, turn it on and get excited. I'm like, whatever. Now I just find like rando podcasts, you know what I'm saying? And press play and hope that I find a gem.


I like listening to other ones too.


I'm hoping that just like the commercial break, I find it listenable. But we'll see. Best of luck to bail, Belichick. Yeah, girlfriend. And, you know, condolences to doctor Ruth's family, I guess. I'm sure she has. I think she has children and. Yeah. Rev down. Rev down. Everybody. Take the. You got to take that steaming kettle off the pot, off the fire, whatever they say. Yeah, the stove. It's too much. It's too much. It's officially gotten out of control., that's where you go. You find out more information about Chrissy and I, including our age difference, all the audio, all the video, right there. One location. You can also get your free TCB sticker. Hit the contact us button and we will send you a sticker. If you get the drop down menu says, I want my free sticker. Give us your address, we'll send it off with a nice note if that's what you'd like. That's what we often do. You can also dial us up. 212433 TCB. 212433 TCB. Questions, comments, concerns, contents, ideas, we are taking them all. You can also leave us a voicemail if you so dare. We would just love to hear from you.


I know we need to listen to play some of those.


Yeah, we will. I just gotta get around to editing them. You know, in all my free time we have an editor. I don't. I don't know why, I just don't give it to her. Also, please follow us on Instagram at the commercial break. You can communicate with us there. Also just dm us. We'd love to hear from you. And the commercial break for all the interviews and selected episodes. Okay, Chrissy, that's all I can do for today. That's all you can do for today?


I think so.


I'll tell you that I love you.


And I love you.


Best to you. Best your voice. Best to you out there in the podcast university. Until next time. Chrissy and I always say, we do say and we must say goodbye.