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And then he calls me right after we come out of the room and he's just like, What did you do? What the fuck did you do? Because he was watching it on channel 11 or whatever in Tampa.But not everyone knew that it was The Daily Show right away.No, not right away. No.It was just like they were like, Oh, a reporter asked Rick Scott's a peanut cup. Then it went, It's a Daily Show. But also one of the really funny visuals in that is passing the cup. You're like, Could you pass? Because you're all the way in the back of the room. You're like, Could you pass the cup? And all these people just keep passing it down through eight people. It gets to the front. The guy in the front is like... He just like... He steps forward, gets out of his seat, he steps forward, and he puts it on the floor in front of Rick Scott's podium, and then he sits back down.It's so great. I remember I said to him, I said, Don't worry, you compete in the cup. We'll turn around. It's okay. I was like, We could all just turn around so you could have some privacy. That's right. I forgot about that. Oh, my God. It was such a great... That was so great. Those moments, I do miss. Just those moments when you caught somebody in that way or you got someone to... Those were things that always felt incredibly satisfying.And your signature move was to look to the camera. Oh, yeah. I used to do the look to the camera. At those moments when you're like something crazy, you just look over the camera. Yeah.Can you believe this shit?Break the wall. Yeah, it was good. Now, there was something else you and Miles were involved in. What? Which was, I believe to this day, the most expensive... What? Field piece, not really a field piece, but the Quasby show.Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.Love that. Remember the Miles was all in on this thing? You went to a sound stage in Connecticut, right? Yeah, we shot this thing. To shoot it. Shot this thing like a real... Like a real sitcom. For the listeners, it was a parody of the Cosby show, Muslim family, living in a white neighborhood. It was called the Kua-Ozby Show.It was called the Kua-Ozby Show. The Q-U-O-Sby. Q'o'sby Show. Q'o'sby Show. Then we did that.It was a massive budget. I don't remember exactly, but I remember at the time, it was a huge budget. It was like the I don't remember how we were using it in the context of the show, but it was a 12-minute edit that Miles did. I did not cut it, but I remember the time. He did this ridiculously long, and he was so in love with it and would not make it short. And John comes in and just like, All right, this needs to be three minutes, you guys. And then he leaves. He goes, Figure it out. Miles is heartbroken. Miles, he was just heartbroken. Then they had to trim it down and down. There it is. It was three-minute monster.Because then we had to do a whole thing with the- Then it turned into a web series. Then Miles and I ended up turning it into a web series called Halal and the Family.Halal and the Family because you changed it after the- After Cosby got himself in a little bit of hot water.We had to change it to Halal and the Family. Then we won a Peabody for that web series, which is still out there.You can still watch it. It's on Funny or Die.Funny or Die. It's on YouTube. You can watch it. Miles got his dream because he wanted to make a full-on… We did four episodes of this, and it was all based around Islamophobia and anti-Muslim bigotry.Because you're in a white neighborhood.The premise was that it was a Muslim family who was terrified that anybody would find out that they're Muslims, so they're the whitest, most American Muslim family. They The father comes in and he's like- Aren't the kids rebelling against that? The kids are, yeah, but the father- Because they're like, What are you doing?The dad is trying to be as white as possible.The dad is like, Let's have our pork juice, everyone. He's serving pork juice and trying to be like, We're not dangerous. But it was great.We actually ended up- I don't even remember how that got approved or even how we got it into the show. You were just like, Okay, let's just do this.Well, the premise was that we did it, and then we showed it to a focus group, and the whole idea was we had this focus group of people-No, I mean in the original Daily Show, it was like that was something that was It was like that was something that was pitched. Oh, and then they were like, You mean how did it even get green-lit? Like on the Daily Show.Because I don't know if it was... It must have been a reaction to some news story.No, it was a reaction to Katie Couric saying, said that what Muslims need is their own Cosby show. Oh, okay. There you go. There was a sound bite that was based on- Like a little headline, a little shot from her. It seems that what Muslims need right now is their own Cosby show because it solved racism.And we were like, Guess what? The Daily Show has one.That's what it was. That's what it was. Then we were like, We're going to make that, and then we're going to show it to people and see what they think. I just remember, we showed it to all this focus group, and I remember one of the guys was like, I don't believe this family. We were like, Why not? He was like, Well, because they're just too American. They're like, They're not... They need an uncle in the basement who lives with a goat and has a gun or something. Like, literally, it was like that. We got the response was that if they were too American, then we didn't believe that they were Muslim. That was the takeaway from the Daily Show version of it. Then we did the Halal and the Family, which is a longer version.It's an election year. Do you remember going to the convention? Oh, my God. Your convention memories.Yeah.Would you like to be back doing it this year? Honestly, I don't know.All this shit that's going on, man. It's so depressing right now what's happening.It's also different for us. Back when you were doing it, we were still... Well, I guess we- No, we were... You know what? Actually, I take it back. You came in 2006, so we were already on the map.My first convention was the 2008 DNC. Denver. In Denver, when Obama was the nominee. I have yet to experience anything as crazy as that. If there was ever a moment where I felt like being a Daily Show correspondent was like being a Beatle, it was like at the DNC when It was me, Riggle, Oliver, Jones, Sam. I think Wyatt was there.Wyatt, yeah.We couldn't even walk through the DNC. It was crazy. It was like... Because that was our audience. Everybody in that building were Daily Show fans. We walked through that. I remember Lindsay Crystal, and she was one of our-Second Director, yeah.Director producers. She was trying to hold people back. I remember her just shoving people back. She had me do this. Oh, my God, it was horrible because what she had me do was she said, Okay, I want you to go down We should do the fucking worst things. She said, Go down. All these press guys were on their laptops. She's like, I just want you to run through the whole line of people who are all live on there and just shut their laptops as you walk by. I I run through. It was like we were fearless. It was like I would run through this thing and I shot everyone's laptop, and they're live. Some of them are live broadcasting. I just shut them up. People were furious, and a guy got up and started chasing me. I remember Lindsay being like, she's like, Run, run. I'm just running down the hall, and there's a dude, some report.He's like, You motherfucker. He's chasing me, and Lindsay is hiding. I run into I just was running into people, and I'm literally hiding from this guy who was chasing me at the DNNC.It was crazy. And the RNC, I don't think we even had the right credentials because if you remember, that's where Oliver met his wife.Was that when he met her?She hid him. Him and the crew were running from security because they didn't have the proper credentials. They had snuck in or something. She was there with some veterans a group, and her and her people hid him and the crew in some room or something. They were all in there, and they got to know each other while they all waited for security.That's so crazy. That's a movie right there.The RNC was... The Republicans also treated you guys like stars, too.The Republicans also watched the show. That was the crazy thing. When I remember being at the RNC and some Republican person came up. Forget who it was now, but they were basically like, Can we get our client on the show? And I'm like, Are you kidding me? They were fans of the show, and I thought they would hate us. But they were actually like, No, we love The Daily Show.Any publicity is good publicity.Yeah, it was all good.I also threw, I hate to say it, but the Republicans throw a better party.They did. No, it was definitely...They had a way better party. The Democrats don't know how to throw a party the way the Republicans do.Well, the Democrats were... The Democrats Party was all kegs and boos and stuff, and the Republicans had ice sculptures, and it was champagne and stuff. The D&C was all like...Everything was really high-end, and D&C was like... It was like video games. It was like Common Man, and then RnC was like, We're the fucking royalty.I just remember it was like video games and a keg.Now you're doing Evil.I'm.Doing Evil, yeah.Evil..You just finished.Four seasons. Yeah.But you're hoping for more?I think, look, the reality is that we are currently the second most popular streaming show, original streaming show anywhere. The first two seasons were on Netflix, and they're doing incredibly well. I think the cast and the creators would love for the show to get picked up somewhere else.The first couple of seasons were on regular broadcast, CBS, right?The first The first two seasons... Well, no, the first season was on regular broadcast, and then we moved to Paramount. But I think it's a really smart and cool show, and it was actually more of a streamer-type show. I think being on a streamer gave us a lot of leverage and gave us a lot of room to play with things that we might not have been able to... We might have been restricted on network in terms of how much we could play with stuff.Did the Daily Daily Show... How? Help? Well, it's like, so you go from real actor, Daily Show, back to real actor. Do they help each other, or is it just like, this is basketball, this is football, and they're both sports? You know what I'm saying? I've always...Even in my work on The Daily Show, I always considered it an acting gig. It was never not an acting gig. You're playing a character. I was playing a character who had my name. But he was a character. He was way smarter than me and had a bunch of writers who would write stuff for him. But he was a character that I would... So to me, it was always an acting gig. It was a tremendous experience. I think coming off the Daily Show, people knew who I was in a way that I didn't. I went from relative obscurity, a guy who has been on Law and Order and stuff, to people actually knowing my name and knowing who I was. It was a tremendous launching pad for me. Law and Order, man.You're no one in New York. If you're an actor in New York, and you have to have been in at least one episode of Law and Order, or you might as well quit acting. I guess we should wrap this up because it's been a while. Yeah, sure. Well, hopefully, you'll be back again soon. Don't be a stranger, man.Absolutely. Well, it was great. I'm so glad we got to chat.Yeah, always a pleasure. Always a pleasure.Yeah, man.Good. The final season of Evil is streaming now, exclusively on Paramount+. Thank you for listening to The Daily Show, Yours Edition. We'll see you next time. Explore more shows from The Daily Show podcast universe by searching The Daily Show, wherever you get your podcasts. Watch The Daily Show weeknights 11:10 Central on Comedy Central.And stream full episodes anytime on Paramount Plus.Paramount Podcasts. If you're listening to this ad, it's no accident unless you forgot to hit skip. But for marketers, finding the right audience matters. We worked hard for your attention, but you don't need to for your business. With Paramount Ads Manager, now you can reach huge audiences on the hottest shows on TV. That's right. Big shows aren't just for the big brands. Brands. You can get 30 second views on TV instead of three in their social feeds. Best of all, it's easy. Sign up today, be on TV tomorrow with Paramount Ads Manager. Go to adsmanager. Paramount. Com. That's adsmanager. Paramount. Com to learn more. It's been a three-year wait, but the Olympics are back, and the CBS Sports Podcast Network has you covered with everything happening in Paris.It's a new era for the US women's national team, and Attacking Third will tackle all the women's soccer action. First Cut will keep close tabs on golf while Beyond the Arc will follow the US men's basketball team on a quest for another gold. We need to talk now. We'll provide comprehensive coverage of women's athletes at the Olympic Games.Follow and listen to all CBS Sports podcast for free on the Odyssey app and wherever you get your podcast.


5 is covering this. Whatever local stations around Tallahassee and Tampa and Miami and Jacksonville. They're all covering it. And I asked him to pee in the cup, and all the cameras turned on us because they're all in the room going. And so obviously, the whole place goes silent. We come out of the room after we have the interaction with Rick, where he's like, I'm not doing that. And then all the press guys come up to us and they were like, Oh, my God, that was amazing. We wish we could do that. And then it's on the news that we were there. And my My dad in Tampa, he watches the news and sees me on the news asking Rick Scott. And then he calls me right after we come out of the room and he's just like, What did you do? What the fuck did you do? Because he was watching it on channel 11 or whatever in Tampa.


But not everyone knew that it was The Daily Show right away.


No, not right away. No.


It was just like they were like, Oh, a reporter asked Rick Scott's a peanut cup. Then it went, It's a Daily Show. But also one of the really funny visuals in that is passing the cup. You're like, Could you pass? Because you're all the way in the back of the room. You're like, Could you pass the cup? And all these people just keep passing it down through eight people. It gets to the front. The guy in the front is like... He just like... He steps forward, gets out of his seat, he steps forward, and he puts it on the floor in front of Rick Scott's podium, and then he sits back down.


It's so great. I remember I said to him, I said, Don't worry, you compete in the cup. We'll turn around. It's okay. I was like, We could all just turn around so you could have some privacy. That's right. I forgot about that. Oh, my God. It was such a great... That was so great. Those moments, I do miss. Just those moments when you caught somebody in that way or you got someone to... Those were things that always felt incredibly satisfying.


And your signature move was to look to the camera. Oh, yeah. I used to do the look to the camera. At those moments when you're like something crazy, you just look over the camera. Yeah.


Can you believe this shit?


Break the wall. Yeah, it was good. Now, there was something else you and Miles were involved in. What? Which was, I believe to this day, the most expensive... What? Field piece, not really a field piece, but the Quasby show.


Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.


Love that. Remember the Miles was all in on this thing? You went to a sound stage in Connecticut, right? Yeah, we shot this thing. To shoot it. Shot this thing like a real... Like a real sitcom. For the listeners, it was a parody of the Cosby show, Muslim family, living in a white neighborhood. It was called the Kua-Ozby Show.


It was called the Kua-Ozby Show. The Q-U-O-Sby. Q'o'sby Show. Q'o'sby Show. Then we did that.


It was a massive budget. I don't remember exactly, but I remember at the time, it was a huge budget. It was like the I don't remember how we were using it in the context of the show, but it was a 12-minute edit that Miles did. I did not cut it, but I remember the time. He did this ridiculously long, and he was so in love with it and would not make it short. And John comes in and just like, All right, this needs to be three minutes, you guys. And then he leaves. He goes, Figure it out. Miles is heartbroken. Miles, he was just heartbroken. Then they had to trim it down and down. There it is. It was three-minute monster.


Because then we had to do a whole thing with the- Then it turned into a web series. Then Miles and I ended up turning it into a web series called Halal and the Family.


Halal and the Family because you changed it after the- After Cosby got himself in a little bit of hot water.


We had to change it to Halal and the Family. Then we won a Peabody for that web series, which is still out there.


You can still watch it. It's on Funny or Die.


Funny or Die. It's on YouTube. You can watch it. Miles got his dream because he wanted to make a full-on… We did four episodes of this, and it was all based around Islamophobia and anti-Muslim bigotry.


Because you're in a white neighborhood.


The premise was that it was a Muslim family who was terrified that anybody would find out that they're Muslims, so they're the whitest, most American Muslim family. They The father comes in and he's like- Aren't the kids rebelling against that? The kids are, yeah, but the father- Because they're like, What are you doing?


The dad is trying to be as white as possible.


The dad is like, Let's have our pork juice, everyone. He's serving pork juice and trying to be like, We're not dangerous. But it was great.


We actually ended up- I don't even remember how that got approved or even how we got it into the show. You were just like, Okay, let's just do this.


Well, the premise was that we did it, and then we showed it to a focus group, and the whole idea was we had this focus group of people-No, I mean in the original Daily Show, it was like that was something that was It was like that was something that was pitched. Oh, and then they were like, You mean how did it even get green-lit? Like on the Daily Show.


Because I don't know if it was... It must have been a reaction to some news story.


No, it was a reaction to Katie Couric saying, said that what Muslims need is their own Cosby show. Oh, okay. There you go. There was a sound bite that was based on- Like a little headline, a little shot from her. It seems that what Muslims need right now is their own Cosby show because it solved racism.


And we were like, Guess what? The Daily Show has one.


That's what it was. That's what it was. Then we were like, We're going to make that, and then we're going to show it to people and see what they think. I just remember, we showed it to all this focus group, and I remember one of the guys was like, I don't believe this family. We were like, Why not? He was like, Well, because they're just too American. They're like, They're not... They need an uncle in the basement who lives with a goat and has a gun or something. Like, literally, it was like that. We got the response was that if they were too American, then we didn't believe that they were Muslim. That was the takeaway from the Daily Show version of it. Then we did the Halal and the Family, which is a longer version.


It's an election year. Do you remember going to the convention? Oh, my God. Your convention memories.




Would you like to be back doing it this year? Honestly, I don't know.


All this shit that's going on, man. It's so depressing right now what's happening.


It's also different for us. Back when you were doing it, we were still... Well, I guess we- No, we were... You know what? Actually, I take it back. You came in 2006, so we were already on the map.


My first convention was the 2008 DNC. Denver. In Denver, when Obama was the nominee. I have yet to experience anything as crazy as that. If there was ever a moment where I felt like being a Daily Show correspondent was like being a Beatle, it was like at the DNC when It was me, Riggle, Oliver, Jones, Sam. I think Wyatt was there.


Wyatt, yeah.


We couldn't even walk through the DNC. It was crazy. It was like... Because that was our audience. Everybody in that building were Daily Show fans. We walked through that. I remember Lindsay Crystal, and she was one of our-Second Director, yeah.Director producers. She was trying to hold people back. I remember her just shoving people back. She had me do this. Oh, my God, it was horrible because what she had me do was she said, Okay, I want you to go down We should do the fucking worst things. She said, Go down. All these press guys were on their laptops. She's like, I just want you to run through the whole line of people who are all live on there and just shut their laptops as you walk by. I I run through. It was like we were fearless. It was like I would run through this thing and I shot everyone's laptop, and they're live. Some of them are live broadcasting. I just shut them up. People were furious, and a guy got up and started chasing me. I remember Lindsay being like, she's like, Run, run. I'm just running down the hall, and there's a dude, some report.


He's like, You motherfucker. He's chasing me, and Lindsay is hiding. I run into I just was running into people, and I'm literally hiding from this guy who was chasing me at the DNNC.


It was crazy. And the RNC, I don't think we even had the right credentials because if you remember, that's where Oliver met his wife.


Was that when he met her?


She hid him. Him and the crew were running from security because they didn't have the proper credentials. They had snuck in or something. She was there with some veterans a group, and her and her people hid him and the crew in some room or something. They were all in there, and they got to know each other while they all waited for security.


That's so crazy. That's a movie right there.


The RNC was... The Republicans also treated you guys like stars, too.


The Republicans also watched the show. That was the crazy thing. When I remember being at the RNC and some Republican person came up. Forget who it was now, but they were basically like, Can we get our client on the show? And I'm like, Are you kidding me? They were fans of the show, and I thought they would hate us. But they were actually like, No, we love The Daily Show.


Any publicity is good publicity.


Yeah, it was all good.


I also threw, I hate to say it, but the Republicans throw a better party.


They did. No, it was definitely...


They had a way better party. The Democrats don't know how to throw a party the way the Republicans do.


Well, the Democrats were... The Democrats Party was all kegs and boos and stuff, and the Republicans had ice sculptures, and it was champagne and stuff. The D&C was all like...


Everything was really high-end, and D&C was like... It was like video games. It was like Common Man, and then RnC was like, We're the fucking royalty.


I just remember it was like video games and a keg.


Now you're doing Evil.I'm.


Doing Evil, yeah.Evil..


You just finished.


Four seasons. Yeah.


But you're hoping for more?


I think, look, the reality is that we are currently the second most popular streaming show, original streaming show anywhere. The first two seasons were on Netflix, and they're doing incredibly well. I think the cast and the creators would love for the show to get picked up somewhere else.


The first couple of seasons were on regular broadcast, CBS, right?


The first The first two seasons... Well, no, the first season was on regular broadcast, and then we moved to Paramount. But I think it's a really smart and cool show, and it was actually more of a streamer-type show. I think being on a streamer gave us a lot of leverage and gave us a lot of room to play with things that we might not have been able to... We might have been restricted on network in terms of how much we could play with stuff.


Did the Daily Daily Show... How? Help? Well, it's like, so you go from real actor, Daily Show, back to real actor. Do they help each other, or is it just like, this is basketball, this is football, and they're both sports? You know what I'm saying? I've always...


Even in my work on The Daily Show, I always considered it an acting gig. It was never not an acting gig. You're playing a character. I was playing a character who had my name. But he was a character. He was way smarter than me and had a bunch of writers who would write stuff for him. But he was a character that I would... So to me, it was always an acting gig. It was a tremendous experience. I think coming off the Daily Show, people knew who I was in a way that I didn't. I went from relative obscurity, a guy who has been on Law and Order and stuff, to people actually knowing my name and knowing who I was. It was a tremendous launching pad for me. Law and Order, man.


You're no one in New York. If you're an actor in New York, and you have to have been in at least one episode of Law and Order, or you might as well quit acting. I guess we should wrap this up because it's been a while. Yeah, sure. Well, hopefully, you'll be back again soon. Don't be a stranger, man.


Absolutely. Well, it was great. I'm so glad we got to chat.


Yeah, always a pleasure. Always a pleasure.


Yeah, man.


Good. The final season of Evil is streaming now, exclusively on Paramount+. Thank you for listening to The Daily Show, Yours Edition. We'll see you next time. Explore more shows from The Daily Show podcast universe by searching The Daily Show, wherever you get your podcasts. Watch The Daily Show weeknights 11:10 Central on Comedy Central.


And stream full episodes anytime on Paramount Plus.


Paramount Podcasts. If you're listening to this ad, it's no accident unless you forgot to hit skip. But for marketers, finding the right audience matters. We worked hard for your attention, but you don't need to for your business. With Paramount Ads Manager, now you can reach huge audiences on the hottest shows on TV. That's right. Big shows aren't just for the big brands. Brands. You can get 30 second views on TV instead of three in their social feeds. Best of all, it's easy. Sign up today, be on TV tomorrow with Paramount Ads Manager. Go to adsmanager. Paramount. Com. That's adsmanager. Paramount. Com to learn more. It's been a three-year wait, but the Olympics are back, and the CBS Sports Podcast Network has you covered with everything happening in Paris.


It's a new era for the US women's national team, and Attacking Third will tackle all the women's soccer action. First Cut will keep close tabs on golf while Beyond the Arc will follow the US men's basketball team on a quest for another gold. We need to talk now. We'll provide comprehensive coverage of women's athletes at the Olympic Games.


Follow and listen to all CBS Sports podcast for free on the Odyssey app and wherever you get your podcast.