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What are the echoes that are resonating the most?I think it's clearly that's the last time that a president withdrew from the race. He withdrew in March 31 of 1968. And as you say, he was already in the primaries. He wasn't doing well. He had been battered in New Hampshire. He was about to lose in Wisconsin. But much more importantly, what was happening to him was that they'd been told that unless he sent 200,000 more troops to Vietnam, that it would only, and it could only be a stalemate if that was so. And he decided the time had come to wind the war down. So that was the major speech he was going to give, but he knew nobody would believe it if he were still a candidate. So he prepared that speech. It stunned the nation when he not only said that he was going to wind the war down, but that he was going to withdraw from the presidency so he could spend all of his time on the presidential duties. And I remember I was watching that was stunned. My husband was up in New Hampshire, Richard Goodwin, with Theodore White, the great journalist. And White had told him that five days before he had seen LBJ, who looked terrible.He was under such pressure, and he felt like his face was sunken, his voice was so soft. And now he watched him on the screen before he even said he was going to withdraw. And he looked like a different person, composed, relaxed. The tensions had been reduced. So that's what reminded me most, I think, of what's happening now.Now, to be fair, and I think this is, for the historical record, LBJ never looked particularly great. Let's be clear.Oh, wait a minute. I'm going to argue with you. I'm going to argue with him.LBJ was a caricaturist dream. The long, every one of his features would be accentuated and exaggerated. But it's fascinating, fascinating. Now, Eugene, you're in the middle of this. So Doris kind of gives us this historical macro overview. You're the micro guy. You're in there every day. The breakneck speed at which this is all happening has got to be dizzying for anybody who's on the inside trying to cover all the developments.Yeah, I'm hoping you can't see the bags under my eyes or the eyes of the rest of the correspondents or reporters that are trying to cover this story. You know, these are unprecedented times. I could use some more precedent at times myself. Sure, that would be great. But I think, you know, the thing that was really surprising outside of the debate. So we're watching the debate, we go to politicals offices. There's dozens of people there watching. That happens around the country and newsrooms. And immediately people started to be a little bit confused about what was happening. And then when President Biden said, I beat Medicare, that is when our phone started blowing up. So really, that sentence is really what set off kind of this entire firestorm.I beat Medicare.Yeah. And then Trump said, yeah, you did.Eugene, I want to ask you. So reporters and White House correspondents, they're traveling with the president at all times. I feel like we've been watching this in slow motion for two or three years. We understood, you know, there was a sense that Biden was, you know, he and Trump are both, they're older men. There was sort of a sense that Biden was going to be a one term president. He himself said, you know, I'm running to stop Trump, and that's going to be it. That debate couldn't have come as a shock to the people that have been with him day in and day out.No, it did. It did. And this is, and this is why, right. So, you know, we don't get to see President Biden at all. The private moments that a lot of, like now you have members of Congress and governors kind of coming out and having these stories where either he didn't remember their name or he lost his train of thought or he said something a little weird. Some of this is stuff that Biden has always been doing, right. So we're not starting. You know, the bar is already kind of low here for what people are anticipating from him. He's not, you know, this, people don't see him as like this orator. And, you know, if you think about it, the people around him, people who have been doing this for a really long time, if he was like that all the time, why would you debate, they decided that June 27 was the debate that they wanted. They decided that it should be before he had the nomination sewn up. They thought it would focus the american people on the race. It has not in the way that they wanted to. Right.Were they deluding themselves to some extent?I think part of it is like when you have an older person in your life and as things start to change, it's also when you're gaining weight in your house. As I gain weight, me and my husband don't see it, but I go home. I go home and see my grandmother and she's like, what are these 20 extra pounds?They didn't realize Biden had a couple of, he had some love handles had a couple of Dunkin donuts. Things were, things were getting out of control there.That's, that is like the feeling. And when you talk to people, you know, that's what they say. And they knew he was old, but they were moving forward. And I think the most important aspect of this is that you can put blinders on when your focus is no one else can beat Donald Trump. Right?That is, maybe that was the delusion.That's the thing, right? That's the commandment within kind of. Biden wrote and always has been. Only one person has. And, you primaries because he had the party delegates behind him and Lyndon Johnson. Then they decide, we need primaries. We need primaries.All right, we're going to be back in a bit.Choosing a credit card can get overwhelming a lot, offer great perks like free burritos or access to fancy airport lounges. But they can also come with huge interest rates that cancel out those perks pretty quickly, especially on big purchases. If you want to knock down those.Rates but still get everyday perks like.Cashback, which you can totally use to buy burritos, Avon has a credit card that can help you do that. Avon works like a regular credit card, but taps into your home equity to get you really low interest rates. It's the convenience of a credit card with the savings of a home equity line of credit. And just like any other card, you can make everyday purchases and earn unlimited 2% cash back. Plus, now Avon lets you use your rental or investment properties towards that home equity line of credit. You just need to verify employment and rental income, upload your tax return, verify your home is in good condition, and you're on your way to having a credit card with an interest rate that doesn't eat up all your burrito money, head to to learn more. That's to learn more.Finding great candidates to hire can be like trying to find a needle in a haystack. You might get a lot of resumes, but not enough candidates with the right skills or experience, but not with Ziprecruiter. Ziprecruiter finds amazing candidates for you fast, and right now you can try it for zip Ziprecruiter's smart technology identifies top talent for your roles was the assassination attempt or the republican convention or then the fact that Kamala Harris has done so well in the last couple days that that emotion becomes part of what the press covers. And it means that you're changing 90 degrees, as you're saying, or 180 degrees from where you are before. Maybe you can just sort of have a longer view. I mean, the weird thing about the old days was that the political bosses, yes, they may have been in smoke filled rooms, but they were looking for a candidate who could bridge the divides in the party. So they weren't looking for an extreme on either side. The problem with the caucus system now, and the primary system is often a candidate comes from the extreme and then has to work their way back to the middle in order to win at lot of people who are saying reporters are not that. And so you're having folks that are, you know, like, share, are sharing full opinions and on, you know, whether it's cable news, on podcasts, in their own articles, in op eds, like, the american people aren't really, they have so much going on, right. That they are not going to spend a lot of time to go Google.If Joe Bob is an actual reporter at a news organization, or if Joe Bob used to work for the Democratic Party at one point and now he's a consultant. Right.But there are news organizations of great reputation that I just read those headlines from. Those aren't, that's not from, like, Jimmy's blog. That's the New York Times, the Atlantic, Politico. Like, these are reputable organizations.And you know what, John?Yeah.I think that people should have given what we've seen in the last four weeks, where everything changed, a greater respect for the idea that fate could intervene at any time, and maybe that would prevent them from making whatever's happening now a projection for the future. I mean, for example, when Lyndon Johnson pulled out of the race, accolades everywhere he was able, three days later, North Vietnam, said they would come to the bargaining table. It was his happiest day of his life. People on the streets were cheering for him. And then the next day, as the plane was ready to go to Hawaii to bring people to start the negotiations. Martin Luther King was killed, and then the riots happened in the states.Oh, my goodness. That all happened with Kennedy was killed.That's what I'm saying. So that should give you a sense that faith can intervene. Things can change at any moment and maybe even what you're feeling at the moment, Vance, is a great choice. They're heading toward the. You don't have to say where we're going for the future. We should have more understanding that we don't know the future, and the future keeps backing us up every single time, as we've seen in this last four weeks. Who could have predicted the events of the last four weeks? So I think they should feel able. And now Eugene knows this better than I am not a journalist. I know 50 years from now, if I come back, I'll tell you exactly what it was going to be and how it ended. But they can't know that at the time.Doris, did you just say, if I may, did you just make the prediction you're coming back in 50 years to put in context for the american public at that time?Well, look, if my dead presidents are.Alive, I think that's.Wouldn't that be terrific?No, that's a wonderful point.Yeah.All right, we'll be back in a second.Choosing a credit card can get overwhelming a lot. Offer great perks like free burritos or access to fancy airport lounges. But they can also come with huge interest rates that cancel out those perks pretty quickly, especially on big purchases. If you want to knock down those rates but still get everyday perks like cashback that they're going to be able to get very much done because the two parties at loggerheads, we created these problems by the system we created. We can change that system.You know, they talked about, we can't make a change in our candidate even given this most extreme and urgent new information that we've received during a debate because we don't have enough time. Meanwhile, France.We have time.Did their, they did two elections in six weeks. England did it in eight weeks. And, and those, those systems can be applied here. We have an electoral industrial complex that needs to be broken up. It is monopolistic and FTC needs to get involved. Eugene, what say you, sir?I think you're right. I, as someone who's in DC a lot, and I'm not going to prognosticate, but I have not seen enough of the kind of excitement from you and Doris about these kinds of things big enough to see changes actually happen. I can be pretty cynical on some of the political things because people will say one thing behind closed doors, I'm pointing to my door, you can't see it. One thing behind closed doors and then a completely different thing to your face. And you know that both of those things are happening. So our political incentive structure is off, first of all. And so people don't always speak the things that they feel. Many of them do want these kinds of changes. Many of them want money, money out of politics. There are a lot of Republicans who are speaking this language right now, which is really interesting. It used to be more of a democratic message. And so there's a world in which they do come together. That world has to. And this could be one of those moments where maybe the parties are looking around depending on what happens in November.Because anybody who thinks they'll lose advantage in the same way that DC will never become a state, because in the way that our system works, you can't, the Republicans will never go for a democratic area, getting a senator or getting, you know, they're just never going to go for that type of sharing. But I think solving the time problem solves the money problem and it solves.The hatred, and it helps to solve the hatred in the whole country. Right? Like, you know, like the amount of attacks that we all receive come from this. Like the speed, the length of time at which we're hitting each other. There's an attack ads. Everyone's saying this person's the worst person that's ever lived. Exactly. There's a lot of things that if we fix this, one thing could work better in this country. I think the country might be better off for it.Speaker one. Doris.So let us three pledge. Let's pledge that we're going to argue about this. I mean, just think of how much better our lives would be if we only had to focus on these presidential elections over six week period or ten week period. But we just have to believe that we can do it. I mean, we've made bigger changes in our lives and our political lives over time. You know, we ended segregation. We allowed more people to vote that didn't vote. Women couldn't vote for so long, and black people couldn't vote for so long. We've made those changes. We have to change the system as it is now. You've gotten me really riled up right now. I've been to it for another 50 years. I want to be part of this. I want to be part of it.I'm so riled up. And I know that you and Eugene are riled up and we can do this.And we have the technology. This is a road and the media cycle that, like, if in years ago, like if this was the, the sixties or even if it was the 18 hundreds and people had to get on their horse and buggy and go around and introduce themselves to all the Americans, that would be much more difficult. These people can introduce themselves at the drop of a hat. You could have the amount of ads, the amount of Twitter, the amount of information we can get about these people in a short amount of time, two.To three, almost too long. People will already be sick of us. You'll already be in that cycle of I'm tired of this person. I want the next person. The idea that this vetting process is somehow getting us closer to more competent and better leadership is nonsense and insane. And we have created an electoral campaign system that does the opposite of what it is intended to do, which is we've created a system so burdensome, so onerous, so expensive, so hate filled that all it does is drag the worst of us to the highest positions in leadership. And I say it changes now. And I'm proud to announce my co chairs of Eugene Daniels and Doris Kearns Goodwin, and we're going to make this happen. And I didn't. I didn't even curse once, not once during that entire speech.Very good. Very good.You guys are the best. Thank you for joining us today and really helpful and really informative. Doris Kearns Goodwin, it's always an honor to see you and a delight. I don't see enough. And Eugene Daniels, so nice to meet you. Doris Kearns Goodwin, presidential historian, Pulitzer Prize winning author, most recent book, an unfinished love story, personal history of the sixties. Eugene Daniels, Politico White House correspondent, Playbook co author. Thank you both so much for joining us.Thank you for having me.Thank you.Man, that was terrible. For Rob on Sound or Nicole. Man, I'm fired up now. There was an epiphany in the middle of it that it's not about the money follows the time, because the elections are never ending. The money hose is unceasing. If we change the time, we change the money, we change the atmosphere, we change the corrosive and eroding effects that it has on our souls. We shorten the time. We have to endure this nonsense.That is so true. It really gave me hope, because when I think about tackling the money in politics issue, it seems insurmountable. But addressing the time is a secret.Way in, I think. That's right. It's a backdoor hack. It's a. We call it a life hack on the TikTok world.Yes.John, are you on TikTok?I'm in my life hack era. Got it. I'm not on TikTok, but Maggie makes me know.Yeah.Kamala is brat.Doris is brat.Doris is brat. And I didn't know what that was, but I'm assuming it's something. How are we doing otherwise? I know we got some viewer questions or comments. What are we dealing with this week?We put out a call asking for people to send in some questions for you, so we have some for you.Come at me, bro. Come at me, bro.We have someone who is starting college, and their roommates are random, and they want to know how they can avoid opinion, political conflict in a tight dorm room.Oh, you're not supposed to. That's the whole point of the dorm room. The whole point of a dorm room is, and then you got to read, like, catch her in the rye and then, like, just get all fucked up and high and talk about it till six in the morning. The whole point of the college dorm room is not to avoid that, but to learn to navigate your way through it with this person that is really only in there because you guys wake up around the same time. I think that's pretty much how college roommates are now selected, is what time do you wake up? And are you a complete fucking pig? So that's the gradation. But I would suggest you are in close quarters. There is no better. You are now in the dojo. You are in the conversation and topic dojo. A ten by twelve room, two twin beds with plastic covering on it. You haven't slept on shit like that ever. And this is boot camp for learning how to get along with another person that you don't. I think they should switch roommates every six weeks and throw you into a whole other scenario of political and sociological tumult.And it should always end with, like, 630 in the morning being like, in theory, socialism does sound good, but in practice, it just never worked. That's what I don't avoid it. Lean in, dive in, head first, feet first, and invest in a durable bong. Or is that. That's probably old school advice because now the kids probably smoking those, you know, the. Whatever those are.Vapes.Vapes.Yeah.Yeah. Done. Settled.All right, next question. And this is a quote. Oh, my God, babe, you gotta drop your skincare routine.Oh, well, here's my routine. Don't do anything for 61 years and let the chips fall where they may. Terrible. Terrible. Well, so far, I think we've done an excellent job at responding to viewers concerns.Do you want another one?You give me one more, and then. And then we'll move it on.All right, John, here we go.Come on.I need advice on how to end a relationship.Oh, that. It's so interesting to me. You know, we're doing a podcast about social and political issues, and everything we're getting so far is, like, my lifestyle blog. I think they want me to be a get ready with me influencer. Yeah, talk about breakups in skincare. I think I've been doing the wrong show forever.It's the next podcast.The breakup thing is be creative. Nobody wants just a straight thing. Have them come in a room and go, oh, it's so bright in here. And then lower the blinds. And on it is written, get the fuck out. Get out of my house. And then they're going to be like, oh, shit, that hurts. But props to you for the creative endeavor in the way that it. In the way that you did it.It's like a revolver.Yes.That's our show. Solid show. Boy, did I love Doris. Very nice to meet Eugene. As always. I want to thank lead producer Lauren Walker, producer Brittany Medevic, video editor and engineer Rob Vitola, audio editor and engineer Nicole Boyce, our researcher and associate producer, Jillian Spirit, executive producers Chris McShanetain, Katie Gray. You guys are killing it. Great topics, great research, great information. Thank you all so much. And that's it for us. We'll see you all next time on the weekly show. Bye bye and thank you for listening to the episode. If you liked it, please follow the weekly show with Jon Stewart on your favorite podcast app and tune in every Thursday for new episodes because it just fills our heart with gratitude. Thank you. The Weekly show with Jon Stewart is a Comedy Central podcast. It's produced by Paramount Audio and Busboy Productions.Paramount Podcasts if you're listening to this ad, it's no accident unless you forgot to hit skip. But for marketers, finding the right audience matters. We worked hard for your attention, but you don't need to for your business. With Paramount ads manager now you can reach huge audiences on the hottest shows on tv. That's right, big shows aren't just for the big brands. You can get 32nd views on tv instead of three in their social feeds. Best of all, it's easy. Sign up today, be on tv tomorrow with Paramount ads manager. 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the echoes, what's resonating the most? Is it LBJ and him stepping out in 1968 and opening up? That was obviously, I guess, before the primaries or during the primaries. What are the echoes that are resonating the most?


I think it's clearly that's the last time that a president withdrew from the race. He withdrew in March 31 of 1968. And as you say, he was already in the primaries. He wasn't doing well. He had been battered in New Hampshire. He was about to lose in Wisconsin. But much more importantly, what was happening to him was that they'd been told that unless he sent 200,000 more troops to Vietnam, that it would only, and it could only be a stalemate if that was so. And he decided the time had come to wind the war down. So that was the major speech he was going to give, but he knew nobody would believe it if he were still a candidate. So he prepared that speech. It stunned the nation when he not only said that he was going to wind the war down, but that he was going to withdraw from the presidency so he could spend all of his time on the presidential duties. And I remember I was watching that was stunned. My husband was up in New Hampshire, Richard Goodwin, with Theodore White, the great journalist. And White had told him that five days before he had seen LBJ, who looked terrible.


He was under such pressure, and he felt like his face was sunken, his voice was so soft. And now he watched him on the screen before he even said he was going to withdraw. And he looked like a different person, composed, relaxed. The tensions had been reduced. So that's what reminded me most, I think, of what's happening now.


Now, to be fair, and I think this is, for the historical record, LBJ never looked particularly great. Let's be clear.


Oh, wait a minute. I'm going to argue with you. I'm going to argue with him.


LBJ was a caricaturist dream. The long, every one of his features would be accentuated and exaggerated. But it's fascinating, fascinating. Now, Eugene, you're in the middle of this. So Doris kind of gives us this historical macro overview. You're the micro guy. You're in there every day. The breakneck speed at which this is all happening has got to be dizzying for anybody who's on the inside trying to cover all the developments.


Yeah, I'm hoping you can't see the bags under my eyes or the eyes of the rest of the correspondents or reporters that are trying to cover this story. You know, these are unprecedented times. I could use some more precedent at times myself. Sure, that would be great. But I think, you know, the thing that was really surprising outside of the debate. So we're watching the debate, we go to politicals offices. There's dozens of people there watching. That happens around the country and newsrooms. And immediately people started to be a little bit confused about what was happening. And then when President Biden said, I beat Medicare, that is when our phone started blowing up. So really, that sentence is really what set off kind of this entire firestorm.


I beat Medicare.


Yeah. And then Trump said, yeah, you did.


Eugene, I want to ask you. So reporters and White House correspondents, they're traveling with the president at all times. I feel like we've been watching this in slow motion for two or three years. We understood, you know, there was a sense that Biden was, you know, he and Trump are both, they're older men. There was sort of a sense that Biden was going to be a one term president. He himself said, you know, I'm running to stop Trump, and that's going to be it. That debate couldn't have come as a shock to the people that have been with him day in and day out.


No, it did. It did. And this is, and this is why, right. So, you know, we don't get to see President Biden at all. The private moments that a lot of, like now you have members of Congress and governors kind of coming out and having these stories where either he didn't remember their name or he lost his train of thought or he said something a little weird. Some of this is stuff that Biden has always been doing, right. So we're not starting. You know, the bar is already kind of low here for what people are anticipating from him. He's not, you know, this, people don't see him as like this orator. And, you know, if you think about it, the people around him, people who have been doing this for a really long time, if he was like that all the time, why would you debate, they decided that June 27 was the debate that they wanted. They decided that it should be before he had the nomination sewn up. They thought it would focus the american people on the race. It has not in the way that they wanted to. Right.


Were they deluding themselves to some extent?


I think part of it is like when you have an older person in your life and as things start to change, it's also when you're gaining weight in your house. As I gain weight, me and my husband don't see it, but I go home. I go home and see my grandmother and she's like, what are these 20 extra pounds?


They didn't realize Biden had a couple of, he had some love handles had a couple of Dunkin donuts. Things were, things were getting out of control there.


That's, that is like the feeling. And when you talk to people, you know, that's what they say. And they knew he was old, but they were moving forward. And I think the most important aspect of this is that you can put blinders on when your focus is no one else can beat Donald Trump. Right?


That is, maybe that was the delusion.


That's the thing, right? That's the commandment within kind of. Biden wrote and always has been. Only one person has. And, you primaries because he had the party delegates behind him and Lyndon Johnson. Then they decide, we need primaries. We need primaries.All right, we're going to be back in a bit.Choosing a credit card can get overwhelming a lot, offer great perks like free burritos or access to fancy airport lounges. But they can also come with huge interest rates that cancel out those perks pretty quickly, especially on big purchases. If you want to knock down those.Rates but still get everyday perks like.Cashback, which you can totally use to buy burritos, Avon has a credit card that can help you do that. Avon works like a regular credit card, but taps into your home equity to get you really low interest rates. It's the convenience of a credit card with the savings of a home equity line of credit. And just like any other card, you can make everyday purchases and earn unlimited 2% cash back. Plus, now Avon lets you use your rental or investment properties towards that home equity line of credit. You just need to verify employment and rental income, upload your tax return, verify your home is in good condition, and you're on your way to having a credit card with an interest rate that doesn't eat up all your burrito money, head to to learn more. That's to learn more.Finding great candidates to hire can be like trying to find a needle in a haystack. You might get a lot of resumes, but not enough candidates with the right skills or experience, but not with Ziprecruiter. Ziprecruiter finds amazing candidates for you fast, and right now you can try it for zip Ziprecruiter's smart technology identifies top talent for your roles was the assassination attempt or the republican convention or then the fact that Kamala Harris has done so well in the last couple days that that emotion becomes part of what the press covers. And it means that you're changing 90 degrees, as you're saying, or 180 degrees from where you are before. Maybe you can just sort of have a longer view. I mean, the weird thing about the old days was that the political bosses, yes, they may have been in smoke filled rooms, but they were looking for a candidate who could bridge the divides in the party. So they weren't looking for an extreme on either side. The problem with the caucus system now, and the primary system is often a candidate comes from the extreme and then has to work their way back to the middle in order to win at lot of people who are saying reporters are not that. And so you're having folks that are, you know, like, share, are sharing full opinions and on, you know, whether it's cable news, on podcasts, in their own articles, in op eds, like, the american people aren't really, they have so much going on, right. That they are not going to spend a lot of time to go Google.If Joe Bob is an actual reporter at a news organization, or if Joe Bob used to work for the Democratic Party at one point and now he's a consultant. Right.But there are news organizations of great reputation that I just read those headlines from. Those aren't, that's not from, like, Jimmy's blog. That's the New York Times, the Atlantic, Politico. Like, these are reputable organizations.And you know what, John?Yeah.I think that people should have given what we've seen in the last four weeks, where everything changed, a greater respect for the idea that fate could intervene at any time, and maybe that would prevent them from making whatever's happening now a projection for the future. I mean, for example, when Lyndon Johnson pulled out of the race, accolades everywhere he was able, three days later, North Vietnam, said they would come to the bargaining table. It was his happiest day of his life. People on the streets were cheering for him. And then the next day, as the plane was ready to go to Hawaii to bring people to start the negotiations. Martin Luther King was killed, and then the riots happened in the states.Oh, my goodness. That all happened with Kennedy was killed.That's what I'm saying. So that should give you a sense that faith can intervene. Things can change at any moment and maybe even what you're feeling at the moment, Vance, is a great choice. They're heading toward the. You don't have to say where we're going for the future. We should have more understanding that we don't know the future, and the future keeps backing us up every single time, as we've seen in this last four weeks. Who could have predicted the events of the last four weeks? So I think they should feel able. And now Eugene knows this better than I am not a journalist. I know 50 years from now, if I come back, I'll tell you exactly what it was going to be and how it ended. But they can't know that at the time.Doris, did you just say, if I may, did you just make the prediction you're coming back in 50 years to put in context for the american public at that time?Well, look, if my dead presidents are.Alive, I think that's.Wouldn't that be terrific?No, that's a wonderful point.Yeah.All right, we'll be back in a second.Choosing a credit card can get overwhelming a lot. Offer great perks like free burritos or access to fancy airport lounges. But they can also come with huge interest rates that cancel out those perks pretty quickly, especially on big purchases. If you want to knock down those rates but still get everyday perks like cashback that they're going to be able to get very much done because the two parties at loggerheads, we created these problems by the system we created. We can change that system.You know, they talked about, we can't make a change in our candidate even given this most extreme and urgent new information that we've received during a debate because we don't have enough time. Meanwhile, France.We have time.Did their, they did two elections in six weeks. England did it in eight weeks. And, and those, those systems can be applied here. We have an electoral industrial complex that needs to be broken up. It is monopolistic and FTC needs to get involved. Eugene, what say you, sir?I think you're right. I, as someone who's in DC a lot, and I'm not going to prognosticate, but I have not seen enough of the kind of excitement from you and Doris about these kinds of things big enough to see changes actually happen. I can be pretty cynical on some of the political things because people will say one thing behind closed doors, I'm pointing to my door, you can't see it. One thing behind closed doors and then a completely different thing to your face. And you know that both of those things are happening. So our political incentive structure is off, first of all. And so people don't always speak the things that they feel. Many of them do want these kinds of changes. Many of them want money, money out of politics. There are a lot of Republicans who are speaking this language right now, which is really interesting. It used to be more of a democratic message. And so there's a world in which they do come together. That world has to. And this could be one of those moments where maybe the parties are looking around depending on what happens in November.Because anybody who thinks they'll lose advantage in the same way that DC will never become a state, because in the way that our system works, you can't, the Republicans will never go for a democratic area, getting a senator or getting, you know, they're just never going to go for that type of sharing. But I think solving the time problem solves the money problem and it solves.The hatred, and it helps to solve the hatred in the whole country. Right? Like, you know, like the amount of attacks that we all receive come from this. Like the speed, the length of time at which we're hitting each other. There's an attack ads. Everyone's saying this person's the worst person that's ever lived. Exactly. There's a lot of things that if we fix this, one thing could work better in this country. I think the country might be better off for it.Speaker one. Doris.So let us three pledge. Let's pledge that we're going to argue about this. I mean, just think of how much better our lives would be if we only had to focus on these presidential elections over six week period or ten week period. But we just have to believe that we can do it. I mean, we've made bigger changes in our lives and our political lives over time. You know, we ended segregation. We allowed more people to vote that didn't vote. Women couldn't vote for so long, and black people couldn't vote for so long. We've made those changes. We have to change the system as it is now. You've gotten me really riled up right now. I've been to it for another 50 years. I want to be part of this. I want to be part of it.I'm so riled up. And I know that you and Eugene are riled up and we can do this.And we have the technology. This is a road and the media cycle that, like, if in years ago, like if this was the, the sixties or even if it was the 18 hundreds and people had to get on their horse and buggy and go around and introduce themselves to all the Americans, that would be much more difficult. These people can introduce themselves at the drop of a hat. You could have the amount of ads, the amount of Twitter, the amount of information we can get about these people in a short amount of time, two.To three, almost too long. People will already be sick of us. You'll already be in that cycle of I'm tired of this person. I want the next person. The idea that this vetting process is somehow getting us closer to more competent and better leadership is nonsense and insane. And we have created an electoral campaign system that does the opposite of what it is intended to do, which is we've created a system so burdensome, so onerous, so expensive, so hate filled that all it does is drag the worst of us to the highest positions in leadership. And I say it changes now. And I'm proud to announce my co chairs of Eugene Daniels and Doris Kearns Goodwin, and we're going to make this happen. And I didn't. I didn't even curse once, not once during that entire speech.Very good. Very good.You guys are the best. Thank you for joining us today and really helpful and really informative. Doris Kearns Goodwin, it's always an honor to see you and a delight. I don't see enough. And Eugene Daniels, so nice to meet you. Doris Kearns Goodwin, presidential historian, Pulitzer Prize winning author, most recent book, an unfinished love story, personal history of the sixties. Eugene Daniels, Politico White House correspondent, Playbook co author. Thank you both so much for joining us.Thank you for having me.Thank you.Man, that was terrible. For Rob on Sound or Nicole. Man, I'm fired up now. There was an epiphany in the middle of it that it's not about the money follows the time, because the elections are never ending. The money hose is unceasing. If we change the time, we change the money, we change the atmosphere, we change the corrosive and eroding effects that it has on our souls. We shorten the time. We have to endure this nonsense.That is so true. It really gave me hope, because when I think about tackling the money in politics issue, it seems insurmountable. But addressing the time is a secret.Way in, I think. That's right. It's a backdoor hack. It's a. We call it a life hack on the TikTok world.Yes.John, are you on TikTok?I'm in my life hack era. Got it. I'm not on TikTok, but Maggie makes me know.Yeah.Kamala is brat.Doris is brat.Doris is brat. And I didn't know what that was, but I'm assuming it's something. How are we doing otherwise? I know we got some viewer questions or comments. What are we dealing with this week?We put out a call asking for people to send in some questions for you, so we have some for you.Come at me, bro. Come at me, bro.We have someone who is starting college, and their roommates are random, and they want to know how they can avoid opinion, political conflict in a tight dorm room.Oh, you're not supposed to. That's the whole point of the dorm room. The whole point of a dorm room is, and then you got to read, like, catch her in the rye and then, like, just get all fucked up and high and talk about it till six in the morning. The whole point of the college dorm room is not to avoid that, but to learn to navigate your way through it with this person that is really only in there because you guys wake up around the same time. I think that's pretty much how college roommates are now selected, is what time do you wake up? And are you a complete fucking pig? So that's the gradation. But I would suggest you are in close quarters. There is no better. You are now in the dojo. You are in the conversation and topic dojo. A ten by twelve room, two twin beds with plastic covering on it. You haven't slept on shit like that ever. And this is boot camp for learning how to get along with another person that you don't. I think they should switch roommates every six weeks and throw you into a whole other scenario of political and sociological tumult.And it should always end with, like, 630 in the morning being like, in theory, socialism does sound good, but in practice, it just never worked. That's what I don't avoid it. Lean in, dive in, head first, feet first, and invest in a durable bong. Or is that. That's probably old school advice because now the kids probably smoking those, you know, the. Whatever those are.Vapes.Vapes.Yeah.Yeah. Done. Settled.All right, next question. And this is a quote. Oh, my God, babe, you gotta drop your skincare routine.Oh, well, here's my routine. Don't do anything for 61 years and let the chips fall where they may. Terrible. Terrible. Well, so far, I think we've done an excellent job at responding to viewers concerns.Do you want another one?You give me one more, and then. And then we'll move it on.All right, John, here we go.Come on.I need advice on how to end a relationship.Oh, that. It's so interesting to me. You know, we're doing a podcast about social and political issues, and everything we're getting so far is, like, my lifestyle blog. I think they want me to be a get ready with me influencer. Yeah, talk about breakups in skincare. I think I've been doing the wrong show forever.It's the next podcast.The breakup thing is be creative. Nobody wants just a straight thing. Have them come in a room and go, oh, it's so bright in here. And then lower the blinds. And on it is written, get the fuck out. Get out of my house. And then they're going to be like, oh, shit, that hurts. But props to you for the creative endeavor in the way that it. In the way that you did it.It's like a revolver.Yes.That's our show. Solid show. Boy, did I love Doris. Very nice to meet Eugene. As always. I want to thank lead producer Lauren Walker, producer Brittany Medevic, video editor and engineer Rob Vitola, audio editor and engineer Nicole Boyce, our researcher and associate producer, Jillian Spirit, executive producers Chris McShanetain, Katie Gray. You guys are killing it. Great topics, great research, great information. Thank you all so much. And that's it for us. We'll see you all next time on the weekly show. Bye bye and thank you for listening to the episode. If you liked it, please follow the weekly show with Jon Stewart on your favorite podcast app and tune in every Thursday for new episodes because it just fills our heart with gratitude. Thank you. The Weekly show with Jon Stewart is a Comedy Central podcast. It's produced by Paramount Audio and Busboy Productions.Paramount Podcasts if you're listening to this ad, it's no accident unless you forgot to hit skip. But for marketers, finding the right audience matters. We worked hard for your attention, but you don't need to for your business. With Paramount ads manager now you can reach huge audiences on the hottest shows on tv. That's right, big shows aren't just for the big brands. You can get 32nd views on tv instead of three in their social feeds. Best of all, it's easy. Sign up today, be on tv tomorrow with Paramount ads manager. Go to adsmanager dot that's adsmanager Dot to learn more.It's been a three year wait, but the Olympics are back and the CB's sports podcast network has you covered. With everything happening in Paris, it's a new era for the us women womens national team and attacking third will tackle all the womens soccer action. First cut will keep close tabs on golf, while beyond the arc will follow the us mens basketball team on a quest for another gold. And we need to talk now. Well provide comprehensive coverage of womens athletes at the Olympic Games. Follow and listen to all CB's sports podcasts for free on the Odyssey app and wherever you get your podcasts.


primaries because he had the party delegates behind him and Lyndon Johnson. Then they decide, we need primaries. We need primaries.


All right, we're going to be back in a bit.


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The problem with the caucus system now, and the primary system is often a candidate comes from the extreme and then has to work their way back to the middle in order to win at lot of people who are saying reporters are not that. And so you're having folks that are, you know, like, share, are sharing full opinions and on, you know, whether it's cable news, on podcasts, in their own articles, in op eds, like, the american people aren't really, they have so much going on, right. That they are not going to spend a lot of time to go Google.If Joe Bob is an actual reporter at a news organization, or if Joe Bob used to work for the Democratic Party at one point and now he's a consultant. Right.But there are news organizations of great reputation that I just read those headlines from. Those aren't, that's not from, like, Jimmy's blog. That's the New York Times, the Atlantic, Politico. Like, these are reputable organizations.And you know what, John?Yeah.I think that people should have given what we've seen in the last four weeks, where everything changed, a greater respect for the idea that fate could intervene at any time, and maybe that would prevent them from making whatever's happening now a projection for the future. I mean, for example, when Lyndon Johnson pulled out of the race, accolades everywhere he was able, three days later, North Vietnam, said they would come to the bargaining table. It was his happiest day of his life. People on the streets were cheering for him. And then the next day, as the plane was ready to go to Hawaii to bring people to start the negotiations. Martin Luther King was killed, and then the riots happened in the states.Oh, my goodness. That all happened with Kennedy was killed.That's what I'm saying. So that should give you a sense that faith can intervene. Things can change at any moment and maybe even what you're feeling at the moment, Vance, is a great choice. They're heading toward the. You don't have to say where we're going for the future. We should have more understanding that we don't know the future, and the future keeps backing us up every single time, as we've seen in this last four weeks. Who could have predicted the events of the last four weeks? So I think they should feel able. And now Eugene knows this better than I am not a journalist. I know 50 years from now, if I come back, I'll tell you exactly what it was going to be and how it ended. But they can't know that at the time.Doris, did you just say, if I may, did you just make the prediction you're coming back in 50 years to put in context for the american public at that time?Well, look, if my dead presidents are.Alive, I think that's.Wouldn't that be terrific?No, that's a wonderful point.Yeah.All right, we'll be back in a second.Choosing a credit card can get overwhelming a lot. Offer great perks like free burritos or access to fancy airport lounges. But they can also come with huge interest rates that cancel out those perks pretty quickly, especially on big purchases. If you want to knock down those rates but still get everyday perks like cashback that they're going to be able to get very much done because the two parties at loggerheads, we created these problems by the system we created. We can change that system.You know, they talked about, we can't make a change in our candidate even given this most extreme and urgent new information that we've received during a debate because we don't have enough time. Meanwhile, France.We have time.Did their, they did two elections in six weeks. England did it in eight weeks. And, and those, those systems can be applied here. We have an electoral industrial complex that needs to be broken up. It is monopolistic and FTC needs to get involved. Eugene, what say you, sir?I think you're right. I, as someone who's in DC a lot, and I'm not going to prognosticate, but I have not seen enough of the kind of excitement from you and Doris about these kinds of things big enough to see changes actually happen. I can be pretty cynical on some of the political things because people will say one thing behind closed doors, I'm pointing to my door, you can't see it. One thing behind closed doors and then a completely different thing to your face. And you know that both of those things are happening. So our political incentive structure is off, first of all. And so people don't always speak the things that they feel. Many of them do want these kinds of changes. Many of them want money, money out of politics. There are a lot of Republicans who are speaking this language right now, which is really interesting. It used to be more of a democratic message. And so there's a world in which they do come together. That world has to. And this could be one of those moments where maybe the parties are looking around depending on what happens in November.Because anybody who thinks they'll lose advantage in the same way that DC will never become a state, because in the way that our system works, you can't, the Republicans will never go for a democratic area, getting a senator or getting, you know, they're just never going to go for that type of sharing. But I think solving the time problem solves the money problem and it solves.The hatred, and it helps to solve the hatred in the whole country. Right? Like, you know, like the amount of attacks that we all receive come from this. Like the speed, the length of time at which we're hitting each other. There's an attack ads. Everyone's saying this person's the worst person that's ever lived. Exactly. There's a lot of things that if we fix this, one thing could work better in this country. I think the country might be better off for it.Speaker one. Doris.So let us three pledge. Let's pledge that we're going to argue about this. I mean, just think of how much better our lives would be if we only had to focus on these presidential elections over six week period or ten week period. But we just have to believe that we can do it. I mean, we've made bigger changes in our lives and our political lives over time. You know, we ended segregation. We allowed more people to vote that didn't vote. Women couldn't vote for so long, and black people couldn't vote for so long. We've made those changes. We have to change the system as it is now. You've gotten me really riled up right now. I've been to it for another 50 years. I want to be part of this. I want to be part of it.I'm so riled up. And I know that you and Eugene are riled up and we can do this.And we have the technology. This is a road and the media cycle that, like, if in years ago, like if this was the, the sixties or even if it was the 18 hundreds and people had to get on their horse and buggy and go around and introduce themselves to all the Americans, that would be much more difficult. These people can introduce themselves at the drop of a hat. You could have the amount of ads, the amount of Twitter, the amount of information we can get about these people in a short amount of time, two.To three, almost too long. People will already be sick of us. You'll already be in that cycle of I'm tired of this person. I want the next person. The idea that this vetting process is somehow getting us closer to more competent and better leadership is nonsense and insane. And we have created an electoral campaign system that does the opposite of what it is intended to do, which is we've created a system so burdensome, so onerous, so expensive, so hate filled that all it does is drag the worst of us to the highest positions in leadership. And I say it changes now. And I'm proud to announce my co chairs of Eugene Daniels and Doris Kearns Goodwin, and we're going to make this happen. And I didn't. I didn't even curse once, not once during that entire speech.Very good. Very good.You guys are the best. Thank you for joining us today and really helpful and really informative. Doris Kearns Goodwin, it's always an honor to see you and a delight. I don't see enough. And Eugene Daniels, so nice to meet you. Doris Kearns Goodwin, presidential historian, Pulitzer Prize winning author, most recent book, an unfinished love story, personal history of the sixties. Eugene Daniels, Politico White House correspondent, Playbook co author. Thank you both so much for joining us.Thank you for having me.Thank you.Man, that was terrible. For Rob on Sound or Nicole. Man, I'm fired up now. There was an epiphany in the middle of it that it's not about the money follows the time, because the elections are never ending. The money hose is unceasing. If we change the time, we change the money, we change the atmosphere, we change the corrosive and eroding effects that it has on our souls. We shorten the time. We have to endure this nonsense.That is so true. It really gave me hope, because when I think about tackling the money in politics issue, it seems insurmountable. But addressing the time is a secret.Way in, I think. That's right. It's a backdoor hack. It's a. We call it a life hack on the TikTok world.Yes.John, are you on TikTok?I'm in my life hack era. Got it. I'm not on TikTok, but Maggie makes me know.Yeah.Kamala is brat.Doris is brat.Doris is brat. And I didn't know what that was, but I'm assuming it's something. How are we doing otherwise? I know we got some viewer questions or comments. What are we dealing with this week?We put out a call asking for people to send in some questions for you, so we have some for you.Come at me, bro. Come at me, bro.We have someone who is starting college, and their roommates are random, and they want to know how they can avoid opinion, political conflict in a tight dorm room.Oh, you're not supposed to. That's the whole point of the dorm room. The whole point of a dorm room is, and then you got to read, like, catch her in the rye and then, like, just get all fucked up and high and talk about it till six in the morning. The whole point of the college dorm room is not to avoid that, but to learn to navigate your way through it with this person that is really only in there because you guys wake up around the same time. I think that's pretty much how college roommates are now selected, is what time do you wake up? And are you a complete fucking pig? So that's the gradation. But I would suggest you are in close quarters. There is no better. You are now in the dojo. You are in the conversation and topic dojo. A ten by twelve room, two twin beds with plastic covering on it. You haven't slept on shit like that ever. And this is boot camp for learning how to get along with another person that you don't. I think they should switch roommates every six weeks and throw you into a whole other scenario of political and sociological tumult.And it should always end with, like, 630 in the morning being like, in theory, socialism does sound good, but in practice, it just never worked. That's what I don't avoid it. Lean in, dive in, head first, feet first, and invest in a durable bong. Or is that. That's probably old school advice because now the kids probably smoking those, you know, the. Whatever those are.Vapes.Vapes.Yeah.Yeah. Done. Settled.All right, next question. And this is a quote. Oh, my God, babe, you gotta drop your skincare routine.Oh, well, here's my routine. Don't do anything for 61 years and let the chips fall where they may. Terrible. Terrible. Well, so far, I think we've done an excellent job at responding to viewers concerns.Do you want another one?You give me one more, and then. And then we'll move it on.All right, John, here we go.Come on.I need advice on how to end a relationship.Oh, that. It's so interesting to me. You know, we're doing a podcast about social and political issues, and everything we're getting so far is, like, my lifestyle blog. I think they want me to be a get ready with me influencer. Yeah, talk about breakups in skincare. I think I've been doing the wrong show forever.It's the next podcast.The breakup thing is be creative. Nobody wants just a straight thing. Have them come in a room and go, oh, it's so bright in here. And then lower the blinds. And on it is written, get the fuck out. Get out of my house. And then they're going to be like, oh, shit, that hurts. But props to you for the creative endeavor in the way that it. In the way that you did it.It's like a revolver.Yes.That's our show. Solid show. Boy, did I love Doris. Very nice to meet Eugene. As always. I want to thank lead producer Lauren Walker, producer Brittany Medevic, video editor and engineer Rob Vitola, audio editor and engineer Nicole Boyce, our researcher and associate producer, Jillian Spirit, executive producers Chris McShanetain, Katie Gray. You guys are killing it. Great topics, great research, great information. Thank you all so much. And that's it for us. We'll see you all next time on the weekly show. Bye bye and thank you for listening to the episode. If you liked it, please follow the weekly show with Jon Stewart on your favorite podcast app and tune in every Thursday for new episodes because it just fills our heart with gratitude. Thank you. The Weekly show with Jon Stewart is a Comedy Central podcast. It's produced by Paramount Audio and Busboy Productions.Paramount Podcasts if you're listening to this ad, it's no accident unless you forgot to hit skip. But for marketers, finding the right audience matters. We worked hard for your attention, but you don't need to for your business. With Paramount ads manager now you can reach huge audiences on the hottest shows on tv. That's right, big shows aren't just for the big brands. You can get 32nd views on tv instead of three in their social feeds. Best of all, it's easy. Sign up today, be on tv tomorrow with Paramount ads manager. Go to adsmanager dot that's adsmanager Dot to learn more.It's been a three year wait, but the Olympics are back and the CB's sports podcast network has you covered. With everything happening in Paris, it's a new era for the us women womens national team and attacking third will tackle all the womens soccer action. First cut will keep close tabs on golf, while beyond the arc will follow the us mens basketball team on a quest for another gold. And we need to talk now. Well provide comprehensive coverage of womens athletes at the Olympic Games. Follow and listen to all CB's sports podcasts for free on the Odyssey app and wherever you get your podcasts.


was the assassination attempt or the republican convention or then the fact that Kamala Harris has done so well in the last couple days that that emotion becomes part of what the press covers. And it means that you're changing 90 degrees, as you're saying, or 180 degrees from where you are before. Maybe you can just sort of have a longer view. I mean, the weird thing about the old days was that the political bosses, yes, they may have been in smoke filled rooms, but they were looking for a candidate who could bridge the divides in the party. So they weren't looking for an extreme on either side. The problem with the caucus system now, and the primary system is often a candidate comes from the extreme and then has to work their way back to the middle in order to win at lot of people who are saying reporters are not that. And so you're having folks that are, you know, like, share, are sharing full opinions and on, you know, whether it's cable news, on podcasts, in their own articles, in op eds, like, the american people aren't really, they have so much going on, right. That they are not going to spend a lot of time to go Google.If Joe Bob is an actual reporter at a news organization, or if Joe Bob used to work for the Democratic Party at one point and now he's a consultant. Right.But there are news organizations of great reputation that I just read those headlines from. Those aren't, that's not from, like, Jimmy's blog. That's the New York Times, the Atlantic, Politico. Like, these are reputable organizations.And you know what, John?Yeah.I think that people should have given what we've seen in the last four weeks, where everything changed, a greater respect for the idea that fate could intervene at any time, and maybe that would prevent them from making whatever's happening now a projection for the future. I mean, for example, when Lyndon Johnson pulled out of the race, accolades everywhere he was able, three days later, North Vietnam, said they would come to the bargaining table. It was his happiest day of his life. People on the streets were cheering for him. And then the next day, as the plane was ready to go to Hawaii to bring people to start the negotiations. Martin Luther King was killed, and then the riots happened in the states.Oh, my goodness. That all happened with Kennedy was killed.That's what I'm saying. So that should give you a sense that faith can intervene. Things can change at any moment and maybe even what you're feeling at the moment, Vance, is a great choice. They're heading toward the. You don't have to say where we're going for the future. We should have more understanding that we don't know the future, and the future keeps backing us up every single time, as we've seen in this last four weeks. Who could have predicted the events of the last four weeks? So I think they should feel able. And now Eugene knows this better than I am not a journalist. I know 50 years from now, if I come back, I'll tell you exactly what it was going to be and how it ended. But they can't know that at the time.Doris, did you just say, if I may, did you just make the prediction you're coming back in 50 years to put in context for the american public at that time?Well, look, if my dead presidents are.Alive, I think that's.Wouldn't that be terrific?No, that's a wonderful point.Yeah.All right, we'll be back in a second.Choosing a credit card can get overwhelming a lot. Offer great perks like free burritos or access to fancy airport lounges. But they can also come with huge interest rates that cancel out those perks pretty quickly, especially on big purchases. If you want to knock down those rates but still get everyday perks like cashback that they're going to be able to get very much done because the two parties at loggerheads, we created these problems by the system we created. We can change that system.You know, they talked about, we can't make a change in our candidate even given this most extreme and urgent new information that we've received during a debate because we don't have enough time. Meanwhile, France.We have time.Did their, they did two elections in six weeks. England did it in eight weeks. And, and those, those systems can be applied here. We have an electoral industrial complex that needs to be broken up. It is monopolistic and FTC needs to get involved. Eugene, what say you, sir?I think you're right. I, as someone who's in DC a lot, and I'm not going to prognosticate, but I have not seen enough of the kind of excitement from you and Doris about these kinds of things big enough to see changes actually happen. I can be pretty cynical on some of the political things because people will say one thing behind closed doors, I'm pointing to my door, you can't see it. One thing behind closed doors and then a completely different thing to your face. And you know that both of those things are happening. So our political incentive structure is off, first of all. And so people don't always speak the things that they feel. Many of them do want these kinds of changes. Many of them want money, money out of politics. There are a lot of Republicans who are speaking this language right now, which is really interesting. It used to be more of a democratic message. And so there's a world in which they do come together. That world has to. And this could be one of those moments where maybe the parties are looking around depending on what happens in November.Because anybody who thinks they'll lose advantage in the same way that DC will never become a state, because in the way that our system works, you can't, the Republicans will never go for a democratic area, getting a senator or getting, you know, they're just never going to go for that type of sharing. But I think solving the time problem solves the money problem and it solves.The hatred, and it helps to solve the hatred in the whole country. Right? Like, you know, like the amount of attacks that we all receive come from this. Like the speed, the length of time at which we're hitting each other. There's an attack ads. Everyone's saying this person's the worst person that's ever lived. Exactly. There's a lot of things that if we fix this, one thing could work better in this country. I think the country might be better off for it.Speaker one. Doris.So let us three pledge. Let's pledge that we're going to argue about this. I mean, just think of how much better our lives would be if we only had to focus on these presidential elections over six week period or ten week period. But we just have to believe that we can do it. I mean, we've made bigger changes in our lives and our political lives over time. You know, we ended segregation. We allowed more people to vote that didn't vote. Women couldn't vote for so long, and black people couldn't vote for so long. We've made those changes. We have to change the system as it is now. You've gotten me really riled up right now. I've been to it for another 50 years. I want to be part of this. I want to be part of it.I'm so riled up. And I know that you and Eugene are riled up and we can do this.And we have the technology. This is a road and the media cycle that, like, if in years ago, like if this was the, the sixties or even if it was the 18 hundreds and people had to get on their horse and buggy and go around and introduce themselves to all the Americans, that would be much more difficult. These people can introduce themselves at the drop of a hat. You could have the amount of ads, the amount of Twitter, the amount of information we can get about these people in a short amount of time, two.To three, almost too long. People will already be sick of us. You'll already be in that cycle of I'm tired of this person. I want the next person. The idea that this vetting process is somehow getting us closer to more competent and better leadership is nonsense and insane. And we have created an electoral campaign system that does the opposite of what it is intended to do, which is we've created a system so burdensome, so onerous, so expensive, so hate filled that all it does is drag the worst of us to the highest positions in leadership. And I say it changes now. And I'm proud to announce my co chairs of Eugene Daniels and Doris Kearns Goodwin, and we're going to make this happen. And I didn't. I didn't even curse once, not once during that entire speech.Very good. Very good.You guys are the best. Thank you for joining us today and really helpful and really informative. Doris Kearns Goodwin, it's always an honor to see you and a delight. I don't see enough. And Eugene Daniels, so nice to meet you. Doris Kearns Goodwin, presidential historian, Pulitzer Prize winning author, most recent book, an unfinished love story, personal history of the sixties. Eugene Daniels, Politico White House correspondent, Playbook co author. Thank you both so much for joining us.Thank you for having me.Thank you.Man, that was terrible. For Rob on Sound or Nicole. Man, I'm fired up now. There was an epiphany in the middle of it that it's not about the money follows the time, because the elections are never ending. The money hose is unceasing. If we change the time, we change the money, we change the atmosphere, we change the corrosive and eroding effects that it has on our souls. We shorten the time. We have to endure this nonsense.That is so true. It really gave me hope, because when I think about tackling the money in politics issue, it seems insurmountable. But addressing the time is a secret.Way in, I think. That's right. It's a backdoor hack. It's a. We call it a life hack on the TikTok world.Yes.John, are you on TikTok?I'm in my life hack era. Got it. I'm not on TikTok, but Maggie makes me know.Yeah.Kamala is brat.Doris is brat.Doris is brat. And I didn't know what that was, but I'm assuming it's something. How are we doing otherwise? I know we got some viewer questions or comments. What are we dealing with this week?We put out a call asking for people to send in some questions for you, so we have some for you.Come at me, bro. Come at me, bro.We have someone who is starting college, and their roommates are random, and they want to know how they can avoid opinion, political conflict in a tight dorm room.Oh, you're not supposed to. That's the whole point of the dorm room. The whole point of a dorm room is, and then you got to read, like, catch her in the rye and then, like, just get all fucked up and high and talk about it till six in the morning. The whole point of the college dorm room is not to avoid that, but to learn to navigate your way through it with this person that is really only in there because you guys wake up around the same time. I think that's pretty much how college roommates are now selected, is what time do you wake up? And are you a complete fucking pig? So that's the gradation. But I would suggest you are in close quarters. There is no better. You are now in the dojo. You are in the conversation and topic dojo. A ten by twelve room, two twin beds with plastic covering on it. You haven't slept on shit like that ever. And this is boot camp for learning how to get along with another person that you don't. I think they should switch roommates every six weeks and throw you into a whole other scenario of political and sociological tumult.And it should always end with, like, 630 in the morning being like, in theory, socialism does sound good, but in practice, it just never worked. That's what I don't avoid it. Lean in, dive in, head first, feet first, and invest in a durable bong. Or is that. That's probably old school advice because now the kids probably smoking those, you know, the. Whatever those are.Vapes.Vapes.Yeah.Yeah. Done. Settled.All right, next question. And this is a quote. Oh, my God, babe, you gotta drop your skincare routine.Oh, well, here's my routine. Don't do anything for 61 years and let the chips fall where they may. Terrible. Terrible. Well, so far, I think we've done an excellent job at responding to viewers concerns.Do you want another one?You give me one more, and then. And then we'll move it on.All right, John, here we go.Come on.I need advice on how to end a relationship.Oh, that. It's so interesting to me. You know, we're doing a podcast about social and political issues, and everything we're getting so far is, like, my lifestyle blog. I think they want me to be a get ready with me influencer. Yeah, talk about breakups in skincare. I think I've been doing the wrong show forever.It's the next podcast.The breakup thing is be creative. Nobody wants just a straight thing. Have them come in a room and go, oh, it's so bright in here. And then lower the blinds. And on it is written, get the fuck out. Get out of my house. And then they're going to be like, oh, shit, that hurts. But props to you for the creative endeavor in the way that it. In the way that you did it.It's like a revolver.Yes.That's our show. Solid show. Boy, did I love Doris. Very nice to meet Eugene. As always. I want to thank lead producer Lauren Walker, producer Brittany Medevic, video editor and engineer Rob Vitola, audio editor and engineer Nicole Boyce, our researcher and associate producer, Jillian Spirit, executive producers Chris McShanetain, Katie Gray. You guys are killing it. Great topics, great research, great information. Thank you all so much. And that's it for us. We'll see you all next time on the weekly show. Bye bye and thank you for listening to the episode. If you liked it, please follow the weekly show with Jon Stewart on your favorite podcast app and tune in every Thursday for new episodes because it just fills our heart with gratitude. Thank you. The Weekly show with Jon Stewart is a Comedy Central podcast. It's produced by Paramount Audio and Busboy Productions.Paramount Podcasts if you're listening to this ad, it's no accident unless you forgot to hit skip. But for marketers, finding the right audience matters. We worked hard for your attention, but you don't need to for your business. With Paramount ads manager now you can reach huge audiences on the hottest shows on tv. That's right, big shows aren't just for the big brands. You can get 32nd views on tv instead of three in their social feeds. Best of all, it's easy. Sign up today, be on tv tomorrow with Paramount ads manager. Go to adsmanager dot that's adsmanager Dot to learn more.It's been a three year wait, but the Olympics are back and the CB's sports podcast network has you covered. With everything happening in Paris, it's a new era for the us women womens national team and attacking third will tackle all the womens soccer action. First cut will keep close tabs on golf, while beyond the arc will follow the us mens basketball team on a quest for another gold. And we need to talk now. Well provide comprehensive coverage of womens athletes at the Olympic Games. Follow and listen to all CB's sports podcasts for free on the Odyssey app and wherever you get your podcasts.


lot of people who are saying reporters are not that. And so you're having folks that are, you know, like, share, are sharing full opinions and on, you know, whether it's cable news, on podcasts, in their own articles, in op eds, like, the american people aren't really, they have so much going on, right. That they are not going to spend a lot of time to go Google.


If Joe Bob is an actual reporter at a news organization, or if Joe Bob used to work for the Democratic Party at one point and now he's a consultant. Right.


But there are news organizations of great reputation that I just read those headlines from. Those aren't, that's not from, like, Jimmy's blog. That's the New York Times, the Atlantic, Politico. Like, these are reputable organizations.


And you know what, John?




I think that people should have given what we've seen in the last four weeks, where everything changed, a greater respect for the idea that fate could intervene at any time, and maybe that would prevent them from making whatever's happening now a projection for the future. I mean, for example, when Lyndon Johnson pulled out of the race, accolades everywhere he was able, three days later, North Vietnam, said they would come to the bargaining table. It was his happiest day of his life. People on the streets were cheering for him. And then the next day, as the plane was ready to go to Hawaii to bring people to start the negotiations. Martin Luther King was killed, and then the riots happened in the states.


Oh, my goodness. That all happened with Kennedy was killed.


That's what I'm saying. So that should give you a sense that faith can intervene. Things can change at any moment and maybe even what you're feeling at the moment, Vance, is a great choice. They're heading toward the. You don't have to say where we're going for the future. We should have more understanding that we don't know the future, and the future keeps backing us up every single time, as we've seen in this last four weeks. Who could have predicted the events of the last four weeks? So I think they should feel able. And now Eugene knows this better than I am not a journalist. I know 50 years from now, if I come back, I'll tell you exactly what it was going to be and how it ended. But they can't know that at the time.


Doris, did you just say, if I may, did you just make the prediction you're coming back in 50 years to put in context for the american public at that time?


Well, look, if my dead presidents are.


Alive, I think that's.


Wouldn't that be terrific?


No, that's a wonderful point.




All right, we'll be back in a second.


Choosing a credit card can get overwhelming a lot. Offer great perks like free burritos or access to fancy airport lounges. But they can also come with huge interest rates that cancel out those perks pretty quickly, especially on big purchases. If you want to knock down those rates but still get everyday perks like cashback that they're going to be able to get very much done because the two parties at loggerheads, we created these problems by the system we created. We can change that system.You know, they talked about, we can't make a change in our candidate even given this most extreme and urgent new information that we've received during a debate because we don't have enough time. Meanwhile, France.We have time.Did their, they did two elections in six weeks. England did it in eight weeks. And, and those, those systems can be applied here. We have an electoral industrial complex that needs to be broken up. It is monopolistic and FTC needs to get involved. Eugene, what say you, sir?I think you're right. I, as someone who's in DC a lot, and I'm not going to prognosticate, but I have not seen enough of the kind of excitement from you and Doris about these kinds of things big enough to see changes actually happen. I can be pretty cynical on some of the political things because people will say one thing behind closed doors, I'm pointing to my door, you can't see it. One thing behind closed doors and then a completely different thing to your face. And you know that both of those things are happening. So our political incentive structure is off, first of all. And so people don't always speak the things that they feel. Many of them do want these kinds of changes. Many of them want money, money out of politics. There are a lot of Republicans who are speaking this language right now, which is really interesting. It used to be more of a democratic message. And so there's a world in which they do come together. That world has to. And this could be one of those moments where maybe the parties are looking around depending on what happens in November.Because anybody who thinks they'll lose advantage in the same way that DC will never become a state, because in the way that our system works, you can't, the Republicans will never go for a democratic area, getting a senator or getting, you know, they're just never going to go for that type of sharing. But I think solving the time problem solves the money problem and it solves.The hatred, and it helps to solve the hatred in the whole country. Right? Like, you know, like the amount of attacks that we all receive come from this. Like the speed, the length of time at which we're hitting each other. There's an attack ads. Everyone's saying this person's the worst person that's ever lived. Exactly. There's a lot of things that if we fix this, one thing could work better in this country. I think the country might be better off for it.Speaker one. Doris.So let us three pledge. Let's pledge that we're going to argue about this. I mean, just think of how much better our lives would be if we only had to focus on these presidential elections over six week period or ten week period. But we just have to believe that we can do it. I mean, we've made bigger changes in our lives and our political lives over time. You know, we ended segregation. We allowed more people to vote that didn't vote. Women couldn't vote for so long, and black people couldn't vote for so long. We've made those changes. We have to change the system as it is now. You've gotten me really riled up right now. I've been to it for another 50 years. I want to be part of this. I want to be part of it.I'm so riled up. And I know that you and Eugene are riled up and we can do this.And we have the technology. This is a road and the media cycle that, like, if in years ago, like if this was the, the sixties or even if it was the 18 hundreds and people had to get on their horse and buggy and go around and introduce themselves to all the Americans, that would be much more difficult. These people can introduce themselves at the drop of a hat. You could have the amount of ads, the amount of Twitter, the amount of information we can get about these people in a short amount of time, two.To three, almost too long. People will already be sick of us. You'll already be in that cycle of I'm tired of this person. I want the next person. The idea that this vetting process is somehow getting us closer to more competent and better leadership is nonsense and insane. And we have created an electoral campaign system that does the opposite of what it is intended to do, which is we've created a system so burdensome, so onerous, so expensive, so hate filled that all it does is drag the worst of us to the highest positions in leadership. And I say it changes now. And I'm proud to announce my co chairs of Eugene Daniels and Doris Kearns Goodwin, and we're going to make this happen. And I didn't. I didn't even curse once, not once during that entire speech.Very good. Very good.You guys are the best. Thank you for joining us today and really helpful and really informative. Doris Kearns Goodwin, it's always an honor to see you and a delight. I don't see enough. And Eugene Daniels, so nice to meet you. Doris Kearns Goodwin, presidential historian, Pulitzer Prize winning author, most recent book, an unfinished love story, personal history of the sixties. Eugene Daniels, Politico White House correspondent, Playbook co author. Thank you both so much for joining us.Thank you for having me.Thank you.Man, that was terrible. For Rob on Sound or Nicole. Man, I'm fired up now. There was an epiphany in the middle of it that it's not about the money follows the time, because the elections are never ending. The money hose is unceasing. If we change the time, we change the money, we change the atmosphere, we change the corrosive and eroding effects that it has on our souls. We shorten the time. We have to endure this nonsense.That is so true. It really gave me hope, because when I think about tackling the money in politics issue, it seems insurmountable. But addressing the time is a secret.Way in, I think. That's right. It's a backdoor hack. It's a. We call it a life hack on the TikTok world.Yes.John, are you on TikTok?I'm in my life hack era. Got it. I'm not on TikTok, but Maggie makes me know.Yeah.Kamala is brat.Doris is brat.Doris is brat. And I didn't know what that was, but I'm assuming it's something. How are we doing otherwise? I know we got some viewer questions or comments. What are we dealing with this week?We put out a call asking for people to send in some questions for you, so we have some for you.Come at me, bro. Come at me, bro.We have someone who is starting college, and their roommates are random, and they want to know how they can avoid opinion, political conflict in a tight dorm room.Oh, you're not supposed to. That's the whole point of the dorm room. The whole point of a dorm room is, and then you got to read, like, catch her in the rye and then, like, just get all fucked up and high and talk about it till six in the morning. The whole point of the college dorm room is not to avoid that, but to learn to navigate your way through it with this person that is really only in there because you guys wake up around the same time. I think that's pretty much how college roommates are now selected, is what time do you wake up? And are you a complete fucking pig? So that's the gradation. But I would suggest you are in close quarters. There is no better. You are now in the dojo. You are in the conversation and topic dojo. A ten by twelve room, two twin beds with plastic covering on it. You haven't slept on shit like that ever. And this is boot camp for learning how to get along with another person that you don't. I think they should switch roommates every six weeks and throw you into a whole other scenario of political and sociological tumult.And it should always end with, like, 630 in the morning being like, in theory, socialism does sound good, but in practice, it just never worked. That's what I don't avoid it. Lean in, dive in, head first, feet first, and invest in a durable bong. Or is that. That's probably old school advice because now the kids probably smoking those, you know, the. Whatever those are.Vapes.Vapes.Yeah.Yeah. Done. Settled.All right, next question. And this is a quote. Oh, my God, babe, you gotta drop your skincare routine.Oh, well, here's my routine. Don't do anything for 61 years and let the chips fall where they may. Terrible. Terrible. Well, so far, I think we've done an excellent job at responding to viewers concerns.Do you want another one?You give me one more, and then. And then we'll move it on.All right, John, here we go.Come on.I need advice on how to end a relationship.Oh, that. It's so interesting to me. You know, we're doing a podcast about social and political issues, and everything we're getting so far is, like, my lifestyle blog. I think they want me to be a get ready with me influencer. Yeah, talk about breakups in skincare. I think I've been doing the wrong show forever.It's the next podcast.The breakup thing is be creative. Nobody wants just a straight thing. Have them come in a room and go, oh, it's so bright in here. And then lower the blinds. And on it is written, get the fuck out. Get out of my house. And then they're going to be like, oh, shit, that hurts. But props to you for the creative endeavor in the way that it. In the way that you did it.It's like a revolver.Yes.That's our show. Solid show. Boy, did I love Doris. Very nice to meet Eugene. As always. I want to thank lead producer Lauren Walker, producer Brittany Medevic, video editor and engineer Rob Vitola, audio editor and engineer Nicole Boyce, our researcher and associate producer, Jillian Spirit, executive producers Chris McShanetain, Katie Gray. You guys are killing it. Great topics, great research, great information. Thank you all so much. And that's it for us. We'll see you all next time on the weekly show. Bye bye and thank you for listening to the episode. If you liked it, please follow the weekly show with Jon Stewart on your favorite podcast app and tune in every Thursday for new episodes because it just fills our heart with gratitude. Thank you. The Weekly show with Jon Stewart is a Comedy Central podcast. It's produced by Paramount Audio and Busboy Productions.Paramount Podcasts if you're listening to this ad, it's no accident unless you forgot to hit skip. But for marketers, finding the right audience matters. We worked hard for your attention, but you don't need to for your business. With Paramount ads manager now you can reach huge audiences on the hottest shows on tv. That's right, big shows aren't just for the big brands. You can get 32nd views on tv instead of three in their social feeds. Best of all, it's easy. Sign up today, be on tv tomorrow with Paramount ads manager. Go to adsmanager dot that's adsmanager Dot to learn more.It's been a three year wait, but the Olympics are back and the CB's sports podcast network has you covered. With everything happening in Paris, it's a new era for the us women womens national team and attacking third will tackle all the womens soccer action. First cut will keep close tabs on golf, while beyond the arc will follow the us mens basketball team on a quest for another gold. And we need to talk now. Well provide comprehensive coverage of womens athletes at the Olympic Games. Follow and listen to all CB's sports podcasts for free on the Odyssey app and wherever you get your podcasts.


that they're going to be able to get very much done because the two parties at loggerheads, we created these problems by the system we created. We can change that system.


You know, they talked about, we can't make a change in our candidate even given this most extreme and urgent new information that we've received during a debate because we don't have enough time. Meanwhile, France.


We have time.


Did their, they did two elections in six weeks. England did it in eight weeks. And, and those, those systems can be applied here. We have an electoral industrial complex that needs to be broken up. It is monopolistic and FTC needs to get involved. Eugene, what say you, sir?


I think you're right. I, as someone who's in DC a lot, and I'm not going to prognosticate, but I have not seen enough of the kind of excitement from you and Doris about these kinds of things big enough to see changes actually happen. I can be pretty cynical on some of the political things because people will say one thing behind closed doors, I'm pointing to my door, you can't see it. One thing behind closed doors and then a completely different thing to your face. And you know that both of those things are happening. So our political incentive structure is off, first of all. And so people don't always speak the things that they feel. Many of them do want these kinds of changes. Many of them want money, money out of politics. There are a lot of Republicans who are speaking this language right now, which is really interesting. It used to be more of a democratic message. And so there's a world in which they do come together. That world has to. And this could be one of those moments where maybe the parties are looking around depending on what happens in November.


Because anybody who thinks they'll lose advantage in the same way that DC will never become a state, because in the way that our system works, you can't, the Republicans will never go for a democratic area, getting a senator or getting, you know, they're just never going to go for that type of sharing. But I think solving the time problem solves the money problem and it solves.


The hatred, and it helps to solve the hatred in the whole country. Right? Like, you know, like the amount of attacks that we all receive come from this. Like the speed, the length of time at which we're hitting each other. There's an attack ads. Everyone's saying this person's the worst person that's ever lived. Exactly. There's a lot of things that if we fix this, one thing could work better in this country. I think the country might be better off for it.


Speaker one. Doris.


So let us three pledge. Let's pledge that we're going to argue about this. I mean, just think of how much better our lives would be if we only had to focus on these presidential elections over six week period or ten week period. But we just have to believe that we can do it. I mean, we've made bigger changes in our lives and our political lives over time. You know, we ended segregation. We allowed more people to vote that didn't vote. Women couldn't vote for so long, and black people couldn't vote for so long. We've made those changes. We have to change the system as it is now. You've gotten me really riled up right now. I've been to it for another 50 years. I want to be part of this. I want to be part of it.


I'm so riled up. And I know that you and Eugene are riled up and we can do this.


And we have the technology. This is a road and the media cycle that, like, if in years ago, like if this was the, the sixties or even if it was the 18 hundreds and people had to get on their horse and buggy and go around and introduce themselves to all the Americans, that would be much more difficult. These people can introduce themselves at the drop of a hat. You could have the amount of ads, the amount of Twitter, the amount of information we can get about these people in a short amount of time, two.


To three, almost too long. People will already be sick of us. You'll already be in that cycle of I'm tired of this person. I want the next person. The idea that this vetting process is somehow getting us closer to more competent and better leadership is nonsense and insane. And we have created an electoral campaign system that does the opposite of what it is intended to do, which is we've created a system so burdensome, so onerous, so expensive, so hate filled that all it does is drag the worst of us to the highest positions in leadership. And I say it changes now. And I'm proud to announce my co chairs of Eugene Daniels and Doris Kearns Goodwin, and we're going to make this happen. And I didn't. I didn't even curse once, not once during that entire speech.


Very good. Very good.


You guys are the best. Thank you for joining us today and really helpful and really informative. Doris Kearns Goodwin, it's always an honor to see you and a delight. I don't see enough. And Eugene Daniels, so nice to meet you. Doris Kearns Goodwin, presidential historian, Pulitzer Prize winning author, most recent book, an unfinished love story, personal history of the sixties. Eugene Daniels, Politico White House correspondent, Playbook co author. Thank you both so much for joining us.


Thank you for having me.


Thank you.


Man, that was terrible. For Rob on Sound or Nicole. Man, I'm fired up now. There was an epiphany in the middle of it that it's not about the money follows the time, because the elections are never ending. The money hose is unceasing. If we change the time, we change the money, we change the atmosphere, we change the corrosive and eroding effects that it has on our souls. We shorten the time. We have to endure this nonsense.


That is so true. It really gave me hope, because when I think about tackling the money in politics issue, it seems insurmountable. But addressing the time is a secret.


Way in, I think. That's right. It's a backdoor hack. It's a. We call it a life hack on the TikTok world.




John, are you on TikTok?


I'm in my life hack era. Got it. I'm not on TikTok, but Maggie makes me know.




Kamala is brat.


Doris is brat.


Doris is brat. And I didn't know what that was, but I'm assuming it's something. How are we doing otherwise? I know we got some viewer questions or comments. What are we dealing with this week?


We put out a call asking for people to send in some questions for you, so we have some for you.


Come at me, bro. Come at me, bro.


We have someone who is starting college, and their roommates are random, and they want to know how they can avoid opinion, political conflict in a tight dorm room.


Oh, you're not supposed to. That's the whole point of the dorm room. The whole point of a dorm room is, and then you got to read, like, catch her in the rye and then, like, just get all fucked up and high and talk about it till six in the morning. The whole point of the college dorm room is not to avoid that, but to learn to navigate your way through it with this person that is really only in there because you guys wake up around the same time. I think that's pretty much how college roommates are now selected, is what time do you wake up? And are you a complete fucking pig? So that's the gradation. But I would suggest you are in close quarters. There is no better. You are now in the dojo. You are in the conversation and topic dojo. A ten by twelve room, two twin beds with plastic covering on it. You haven't slept on shit like that ever. And this is boot camp for learning how to get along with another person that you don't. I think they should switch roommates every six weeks and throw you into a whole other scenario of political and sociological tumult.


And it should always end with, like, 630 in the morning being like, in theory, socialism does sound good, but in practice, it just never worked. That's what I don't avoid it. Lean in, dive in, head first, feet first, and invest in a durable bong. Or is that. That's probably old school advice because now the kids probably smoking those, you know, the. Whatever those are.








Yeah. Done. Settled.


All right, next question. And this is a quote. Oh, my God, babe, you gotta drop your skincare routine.


Oh, well, here's my routine. Don't do anything for 61 years and let the chips fall where they may. Terrible. Terrible. Well, so far, I think we've done an excellent job at responding to viewers concerns.


Do you want another one?


You give me one more, and then. And then we'll move it on.


All right, John, here we go.


Come on.


I need advice on how to end a relationship.


Oh, that. It's so interesting to me. You know, we're doing a podcast about social and political issues, and everything we're getting so far is, like, my lifestyle blog. I think they want me to be a get ready with me influencer. Yeah, talk about breakups in skincare. I think I've been doing the wrong show forever.


It's the next podcast.


The breakup thing is be creative. Nobody wants just a straight thing. Have them come in a room and go, oh, it's so bright in here. And then lower the blinds. And on it is written, get the fuck out. Get out of my house. And then they're going to be like, oh, shit, that hurts. But props to you for the creative endeavor in the way that it. In the way that you did it.


It's like a revolver.




That's our show. Solid show. Boy, did I love Doris. Very nice to meet Eugene. As always. I want to thank lead producer Lauren Walker, producer Brittany Medevic, video editor and engineer Rob Vitola, audio editor and engineer Nicole Boyce, our researcher and associate producer, Jillian Spirit, executive producers Chris McShanetain, Katie Gray. You guys are killing it. Great topics, great research, great information. Thank you all so much. And that's it for us. We'll see you all next time on the weekly show. Bye bye and thank you for listening to the episode. If you liked it, please follow the weekly show with Jon Stewart on your favorite podcast app and tune in every Thursday for new episodes because it just fills our heart with gratitude. Thank you. The Weekly show with Jon Stewart is a Comedy Central podcast. It's produced by Paramount Audio and Busboy Productions.


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