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You're listening to Comedy Black people know each other. In order to find out how all black people felt about Trump, I got six from the tri-state area to ask, do we vote for Trump? Okay, so who will you be voting for in 2024? Darryl. Do I have to say his name? I don't want to, but more than likely it's going to be Trump.Yeah, unbelievable.Yeah, unbelievable.Who are you going to be voting for? Biden. And then, Victor? I'm with her. Oh, Biden, okay. Trump. Eric, Trump? Biden. Biden? Trump. Okay, we're an even split, which... Yeah, I didn't see that coming. Do you think there's going to be a big shift, any change? I think it's going to be a big shift. Me, too. Big shift? Yes. Really? Okay. For me, I've always been a Democrat, and it's like, for the most part, with the Democratic Party, they always make a bunch of promises that they can't deliver. They use the issues of the African-American community as a soapbox to stand on and make promises just to get us to come out and vote. Then once we vote and everyone's in place, it's like, Well, what happened? Would you say it's anything like somebody's in your DM and they're really laying it down, I'm going to take you over here. Girl, I'll take you to the top. Do you know what I mean? Then you finally go on the date and his Burger King. Or you get catfish. If the polls are right and Trump is going up with black voters, what changed?I wish I knew.I am not a huge fan of Trump. He don't respect the black person. Biden does? Has Biden issued an apology for the things that he's been caught saying? He said, If you don't vote for me, you're not black. You're not black. What is that? They have both said things that were questionable and unsavory. But when you start looking at facts, it's like, Biden, you didn't drop the ball, brother. Okay, so some black voters feel let down by Democrats, but I wasn't sure if they knew about how Trump liking himself to black Americans. So I showed them some footage of Trump at the Black Conservatives Federation gala.I'm being indicted for you, the black population.I wanted to play a little game, all right? Now, the game is going to be either fist or finger, If you like what's happening, you're going to put up your your black fist. Now, if you don't like what's happening, there's a finger. You all ready? We're ready. Okay.Good. These lights are so bright in my eyes that I can't see too many people out there. But I can only see the black ones.I can't see any white ones.You see, that's how far I've come. That's how far I've come.I have dark hair. That's the problem is sound bites in the media will say your answer. Okay. I'll play the next clip for you real quick.Black Conservatives understand better than most that some of the greatest evils in our nation's history have come from corrupt systems that try to target and subjugate others. You understand that? I think that's why the black people People are so much on my side now because they see what's happening to me happens to them.He had me at the first question.He messed up. Then he messed up at the end.Okay, can we get our signs up? It's the same. Okay, let's go on to the next clip real quick.But I got indicted for nothing, for something that is nothing. A lot of people said that that's why the black people like me because they have been hurt so badly and discriminated against. And they actually viewed me as I'm being discriminated against. It's been pretty amazing.All right, so still a on the same party lines. Now, do you think Trump is being discriminated against? Not at all. It's not one side. It's the legal system. No matter who you are, if you do these things, you get charged for it. That's it.There are two systems of justice. We cannot get away with the same thing white folks get away with.But with this different accountability system, does it feel like Trump is bad at being white? She was 91? I noticed how, when I was incarcerated, how the white incarcerated people seemed to be more angrier than the black incarcerated to people.Trump is like the same thought pattern. It ain't supposed to happen to me. I'm not supposed to be indicted. People are not supposed to tell me I committed a crime because I am privileged.Damn. I had no idea the appeal process for incarcerated white people was to ask it's like. But Trump is fighting close to 100 felony charges. How much of a criminal is too much of a criminal? If more charges get racked up, maybe things that start to become a bit more egregious, is that going to start to weigh on whether or not you're going to change your vote? You Start, you pay attention, you listen to the facts, not the fluff, and then you actually have to start doing some research to make sure that what's being presented to you is actual facts. It takes some digging. Okay, so if you dug and you did your research and you found out what Josh just said was true, that's where you're vote? Probably not. I definitely did not sit down with this panel to change any minds, and I clearly have not.Clearly So, yeah, I guess some black folks do vote for Trump.But was there anything I could get this panel to agree on? Can we keep these? This is so useful in everyday life. I was thinking the same thing. Thank you, Josh. Can we come back? But off of Monday, we'll be joining us on this show.Choosing a credit card can get overwhelming. A lot offer great perks like free burritos or access to fancy airport louanges, but they can also come with huge interest rates that cancel out those perks pretty quickly, especially on big purchases. If you want to knock down those rates but still get everyday perks like cashback, which you can totally use to buy burritos, Avon has a credit card that can help you do that. Avon works like a regular credit card, but taps into your home equity to get you really low interest rates. It's the convenience of a credit card with the savings of a home equity line of credit. And just like any other card, you can make everyday purchases and earn unlimited 2% cashback. Plus, now, Avon lets you use your rental or investment properties towards that home equity line of credit. You just need to verify employment and rental income, upload your tax return, verify your home is in good condition, and you're on your way to having a credit card with an interest rate that doesn't eat up all your burrito money. Head to avon. Com to learn more. That's aven. Com to learn more.Finding great candidates to hire can be like trying to find a needle in a haystack. You might get a lot of resumes, but not enough candidates with the right skills or experience. But not with ZipRecruiter. Ziprecruiter finds amazing candidates for you fast. Right now, you can try it for free at ziprecruiter. Com/zip. Ziprecruiter's smart technology identifies top talent for your roles quickly. Immediately after you post your job, ZipRecruiter's powerful matching technology starts showing you qualified people for it, and you can use ZipRecruiter's pre-written, invite to Apply message to personally reach out to your favorite candidates and encourage them to apply sooner. Ditch the other hiring sites and let ZipRecruiter find what you're looking for, the needle in the haystack. Four out of five employers who post on ZipRecruiter get a quality candidate within the first day. Try it for free at this exclusive web address, ziprecruiter. Com/zip. Again, that's ziprecruiter. Com/zip. Ziprecruiter, the smartest way to hire. Welcome back This is The Daily Show.You may know our guest tonight as a former Daily Show correspondent who currently stars in the Paramount+ series, Evil. Please welcome back Asif Monvi.I'm Oh, boy.Boy, oh, boy. Welcome home.Really eating it up over there, with that entrance.You know, it was the entrance I always wanted when I worked here that I never got. Yes. So here we go.There you go. You did it beautifully. Thank you. We miss you around here. Now, quick question. How many hosts did you have while you were here?Yeah, we used to... So there used to be this show called The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. And you know that old guy that does it on Mondays now? He used to do it every day. Every day? He was a young guy, and he used to do it every day. He was the only host for a long, a long time. How odd. Yeah. Then another guy took over for a long time, a guy named Terry. Trevor. That sounds right. Now it's just whoever's free, I guess. Yeah, that's right. Yeah, I think so. I think so. You guys- That's how we got here. No, I- Not even.I got to work with you for a little bit. We were here together, and I wanted to go back and watch some old pieces because I really remember so little of your work. Just not... Not memorable in any real sense. I don't remember it. They took down The Daily Show archives online. Yeah.So now nobody... Yeah, exactly. The young kids are now like, Have you seen this new show? It's called The Daily Show. They have no idea that it has existed for a long time. You know what?They don't say show. They say content. Content. They say there's new content. I don't know.I was able to find a little piece from a field piece you did with then governor of Florida, Rick Scott. Do we have that piece? You had a simple request for the governor at that point, who I believe was making a simple request for the governor at that point, who I believe was making a simple request for the governor at that point, who I believe was making a the institutes of his own at the time. Can we play that?Yeah. Governor, you benefit from hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars every year. So would you be willing to pee into this cup to prove to Florida taxpayers that you're not on drugs? You're not using that money for drugs? I'm doing it plenty of times. You would? I'm doing it plenty of times. Would you pass this call to the governor?There it is. Now, begging a politician for their urine. High point, low point.How do you view that? You know what? I loved that moment because we were actually at Rick Scott's press conference. And so all of the reporters from the entire state of Florida were in that room. And when I asked him to pee in the cup, you could see there was just this silence that went over the entire room. And people were like, Who is this? What is happening? And nobody knew. And then you see the piece and he doesn't do it, and I pass the cup down. And the poor guy in the front row, he's like, He's left holding the cup, and then he just puts it on the floor. But then when we left that room, every reporter from the state of Florida came up to me afterwards and was like, Oh, my God, we wish we could do that. They were so jealous that I got to do that.Did you like that part of it? It's so funny being we all come from the correspondence background, which means sometimes you're sitting in poorly lit rooms interviewing people, but sometimes you're out there- Changing in a Burger King bathroom to go in to talk to some senator.Sometimes it is run and gun. You don't have credentials.I actually did a piece once where I went into a bathroom in a bodega in DC and came out in a Batman costume. I went in in my suit and then came out a few minutes later in a Batman, and you could just see people in the just being like, Is that real? What is happening? Did that guy just go in? So that was what it was.You almost got arrested, too, right?I did almost get arrested in Boise, Idaho. We walked into the EPA offices. The EPA is something that won't exist soon.I was going to say, yeah.R-i-t-e.Historically speaking, yes.It's going to go away. But back then, we walk into the EPA offices. I am dressed in a two-headed fish costume.We have a picture. Oh, there it is.Because of the pollution, the fish in the river was turning up with two heads. So this is the piece that we were doing. And so there we are. I walk into the EPA office. The poor man who works there comes out from behind, and they've got a crew with me and our producer, Brenan, and we're all standing there. And the guy comes out and he says, I'm sorry, you You can't be here. And I said, No, I have a complaint. I have two heads now, and I did not start out this way. And he was like, No, you can't be here. And I kept playing the role of the fish, to which he finally said to me, Sir, you are not a fish.That's the good stuff.You have to leave. And then they called Homeland Security. Oh, my Because apparently, like, trespassing in a federal... Epa is a federal office, so the Homeland Security. So we walk out and it's into the parking lot and it was like, these Homeland Security guys show up, they get out, and they're ready to arrest us. And my producer, Brennan, was like, Listen, we're with The Daily Show. And it was literally good cop, bad cop, because one guy was about to arrest us, and the other guy was like, I love The Daily Show. He was like, You guys are with The Daily Show? And I was like... And at that point, I was like, Yeah, I can get John Stewart on the phone, and he can explain to you what we're doing. And so while he's like, I'd love it. And so I'm pretending because I don't know. I don't have John's number. So I'm pretending like I'm going to try and get John on the phone. And Brandon is sweet-talking the other guy, trying to be like, Listen, we can get you tickets to the show.And the angry cops talking to the other fish head at the time, not getting a response.So they eventually let us go, but it was touch and go for a bit. And Brandon is like, I can't be in jail because his wife was pregnant, I remember at the time. And he was like, I got to get home. She's going to kill me if I end up in jail tonight. So it all worked out. But there was a moment there where we actually really thought we were going to go to jail.Terrifying. You have gone from Battling Demons in DC to now Battling Demons on Paramount Plus with your show, Evil. Yes.Now in the fourth season. Fourth season, yeah.It's such a good show. Oh, thanks. It's so fascinating. It's a horror dramedy. But the Kings, who created the show, Brilliant Writers, are known for really exploring political and societal issues. Is that what interested you in working with them?Well, I mean, many reasons. A, they're incredible writers and incredible creators. They created The Good Wife and The Good Fight. The Good Fight was one of my favorite shows before I even... Just their take on societal issues and politics and the absurdity and the satire that they use in their shows. And so when I got this script, it was just a great script and a great premise, and it's turned out to be such an amazing experience. And we've roleplay as Ben? Yeah. I took a lot of the clothes from the show just so that I could wear them in the bedroom. Well done.I remember. It's interesting. I remember we did a piece on the show called The Stack. We have a picture of it here where we were all sitting in a chair behind the desk. There's you at the front. That's me at the back, if you recall. Yeah, there I am. Were you exercising your sexuality on this one? Did you get your demons out there?Yeah, I have no memory of that, by the way. Really?That was before we had HR.Right, exactly. Was that when John was leaving, we were doing that?I think we were a We were campooning the setup on CNN where they had so many people around a roundtable. So we said, What if we just put everybody into one chair and built it all up?The budget was very low back then.It is.Yeah, we used to have good times. We used to have good times.Well, I'd love to say you should come back anytime, but I've talked to people around here, and that isn't the sentiment. But this has been fun, right? This has been really fun.This has been really fun. This will be the last time we ever see each other. Yeah.So thank you. Let's not spoil it. Let's not spoil it. Just keep it here, and that's it. That's it. It's lovely to see you. Have a great life.Yeah, you as well. The final season of evil is screaming right now.That's what's going to happen. We're going to take a quick break and we'll be right back after.Choosing a credit card can get overwhelming. A lot offer great perks like free burritos or access to fancy airport louanges, but they can also come with huge interest rates that cancel out those perks pretty quickly, especially on big purchases. If you want to knock down those rates but still get everyday perks like cashback, which you can totally use to buy burritos, Avon has a credit card that can help you do that. Avon works like a regular credit card, but taps into your home equity to get you really low interest rates. It's the convenience of a credit card with the savings of a home equity line of credit. And just like any other card, you can make everyday purchases and earn unlimited 2% cashback. Plus, now Avon lets you use your rental or investment properties towards that home equity line of credit. You just need to verify employment and rental income, upload your tax return, verify your home is in good condition, and you're on your way to having a credit card with an interest rate that doesn't eat up all your burrito money. Head to aven. Com to learn more. That's A-V-E-N. Com to learn more.That's our show for today. Now, here it is. You're moving a bang.I don't care if he's pooped his pants.I have poopy days all the time.I step in so much pool you can't even imagine.Explore more shows from The Daily Show podcast universe by searching The Daily Show, wherever you get your Paramount Podcasts. Watch The Daily Show weeknights at 11:10 central on Comedy Central, and stream full episodes anytime on Paramount Plus.Paramount Podcasts. You may be tempted to skip this ad, but don't. Marketers want their audience to stick around. And with Paramount Ads Manager, you can advertise your business on the biggest shows on TV for 30 unskippable seconds. Run your ads in premium content on Paramount sports, and more, all on the biggest screen in the house. Put your business in show business with Paramount Ads Manager. Go to adsmanager. Paramount. Com. That's adsmanager. Paramount. Com to learn more.


Black people know each other. In order to find out how all black people felt about Trump, I got six from the tri-state area to ask, do we vote for Trump? Okay, so who will you be voting for in 2024? Darryl. Do I have to say his name? I don't want to, but more than likely it's going to be Trump.


Yeah, unbelievable.


Yeah, unbelievable.


Who are you going to be voting for? Biden. And then, Victor? I'm with her. Oh, Biden, okay. Trump. Eric, Trump? Biden. Biden? Trump. Okay, we're an even split, which... Yeah, I didn't see that coming. Do you think there's going to be a big shift, any change? I think it's going to be a big shift. Me, too. Big shift? Yes. Really? Okay. For me, I've always been a Democrat, and it's like, for the most part, with the Democratic Party, they always make a bunch of promises that they can't deliver. They use the issues of the African-American community as a soapbox to stand on and make promises just to get us to come out and vote. Then once we vote and everyone's in place, it's like, Well, what happened? Would you say it's anything like somebody's in your DM and they're really laying it down, I'm going to take you over here. Girl, I'll take you to the top. Do you know what I mean? Then you finally go on the date and his Burger King. Or you get catfish. If the polls are right and Trump is going up with black voters, what changed?


I wish I knew.


I am not a huge fan of Trump. He don't respect the black person. Biden does? Has Biden issued an apology for the things that he's been caught saying? He said, If you don't vote for me, you're not black. You're not black. What is that? They have both said things that were questionable and unsavory. But when you start looking at facts, it's like, Biden, you didn't drop the ball, brother. Okay, so some black voters feel let down by Democrats, but I wasn't sure if they knew about how Trump liking himself to black Americans. So I showed them some footage of Trump at the Black Conservatives Federation gala.


I'm being indicted for you, the black population.


I wanted to play a little game, all right? Now, the game is going to be either fist or finger, If you like what's happening, you're going to put up your your black fist. Now, if you don't like what's happening, there's a finger. You all ready? We're ready. Okay.


Good. These lights are so bright in my eyes that I can't see too many people out there. But I can only see the black ones.


I can't see any white ones.


You see, that's how far I've come. That's how far I've come.


I have dark hair. That's the problem is sound bites in the media will say your answer. Okay. I'll play the next clip for you real quick.


Black Conservatives understand better than most that some of the greatest evils in our nation's history have come from corrupt systems that try to target and subjugate others. You understand that? I think that's why the black people People are so much on my side now because they see what's happening to me happens to them.


He had me at the first question.


He messed up. Then he messed up at the end.


Okay, can we get our signs up? It's the same. Okay, let's go on to the next clip real quick.


But I got indicted for nothing, for something that is nothing. A lot of people said that that's why the black people like me because they have been hurt so badly and discriminated against. And they actually viewed me as I'm being discriminated against. It's been pretty amazing.


All right, so still a on the same party lines. Now, do you think Trump is being discriminated against? Not at all. It's not one side. It's the legal system. No matter who you are, if you do these things, you get charged for it. That's it.


There are two systems of justice. We cannot get away with the same thing white folks get away with.


But with this different accountability system, does it feel like Trump is bad at being white? She was 91? I noticed how, when I was incarcerated, how the white incarcerated people seemed to be more angrier than the black incarcerated to people.


Trump is like the same thought pattern. It ain't supposed to happen to me. I'm not supposed to be indicted. People are not supposed to tell me I committed a crime because I am privileged.


Damn. I had no idea the appeal process for incarcerated white people was to ask it's like. But Trump is fighting close to 100 felony charges. How much of a criminal is too much of a criminal? If more charges get racked up, maybe things that start to become a bit more egregious, is that going to start to weigh on whether or not you're going to change your vote? You Start, you pay attention, you listen to the facts, not the fluff, and then you actually have to start doing some research to make sure that what's being presented to you is actual facts. It takes some digging. Okay, so if you dug and you did your research and you found out what Josh just said was true, that's where you're vote? Probably not. I definitely did not sit down with this panel to change any minds, and I clearly have not.


Clearly So, yeah, I guess some black folks do vote for Trump.


But was there anything I could get this panel to agree on? Can we keep these? This is so useful in everyday life. I was thinking the same thing. Thank you, Josh. Can we come back? But off of Monday, we'll be joining us on this show.


Choosing a credit card can get overwhelming. A lot offer great perks like free burritos or access to fancy airport louanges, but they can also come with huge interest rates that cancel out those perks pretty quickly, especially on big purchases. If you want to knock down those rates but still get everyday perks like cashback, which you can totally use to buy burritos, Avon has a credit card that can help you do that. Avon works like a regular credit card, but taps into your home equity to get you really low interest rates. It's the convenience of a credit card with the savings of a home equity line of credit. And just like any other card, you can make everyday purchases and earn unlimited 2% cashback. Plus, now, Avon lets you use your rental or investment properties towards that home equity line of credit. You just need to verify employment and rental income, upload your tax return, verify your home is in good condition, and you're on your way to having a credit card with an interest rate that doesn't eat up all your burrito money. Head to avon. Com to learn more. That's aven. Com to learn more.


Finding great candidates to hire can be like trying to find a needle in a haystack. You might get a lot of resumes, but not enough candidates with the right skills or experience. But not with ZipRecruiter. Ziprecruiter finds amazing candidates for you fast. Right now, you can try it for free at ziprecruiter. Com/zip. Ziprecruiter's smart technology identifies top talent for your roles quickly. Immediately after you post your job, ZipRecruiter's powerful matching technology starts showing you qualified people for it, and you can use ZipRecruiter's pre-written, invite to Apply message to personally reach out to your favorite candidates and encourage them to apply sooner. Ditch the other hiring sites and let ZipRecruiter find what you're looking for, the needle in the haystack. Four out of five employers who post on ZipRecruiter get a quality candidate within the first day. Try it for free at this exclusive web address, ziprecruiter. Com/zip. Again, that's ziprecruiter. Com/zip. Ziprecruiter, the smartest way to hire. Welcome back This is The Daily Show.


You may know our guest tonight as a former Daily Show correspondent who currently stars in the Paramount+ series, Evil. Please welcome back Asif Monvi.


I'm Oh, boy.


Boy, oh, boy. Welcome home.


Really eating it up over there, with that entrance.


You know, it was the entrance I always wanted when I worked here that I never got. Yes. So here we go.


There you go. You did it beautifully. Thank you. We miss you around here. Now, quick question. How many hosts did you have while you were here?


Yeah, we used to... So there used to be this show called The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. And you know that old guy that does it on Mondays now? He used to do it every day. Every day? He was a young guy, and he used to do it every day. He was the only host for a long, a long time. How odd. Yeah. Then another guy took over for a long time, a guy named Terry. Trevor. That sounds right. Now it's just whoever's free, I guess. Yeah, that's right. Yeah, I think so. I think so. You guys- That's how we got here. No, I- Not even.


I got to work with you for a little bit. We were here together, and I wanted to go back and watch some old pieces because I really remember so little of your work. Just not... Not memorable in any real sense. I don't remember it. They took down The Daily Show archives online. Yeah.


So now nobody... Yeah, exactly. The young kids are now like, Have you seen this new show? It's called The Daily Show. They have no idea that it has existed for a long time. You know what?


They don't say show. They say content. Content. They say there's new content. I don't know.


I was able to find a little piece from a field piece you did with then governor of Florida, Rick Scott. Do we have that piece? You had a simple request for the governor at that point, who I believe was making a simple request for the governor at that point, who I believe was making a simple request for the governor at that point, who I believe was making a the institutes of his own at the time. Can we play that?


Yeah. Governor, you benefit from hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars every year. So would you be willing to pee into this cup to prove to Florida taxpayers that you're not on drugs? You're not using that money for drugs? I'm doing it plenty of times. You would? I'm doing it plenty of times. Would you pass this call to the governor?


There it is. Now, begging a politician for their urine. High point, low point.


How do you view that? You know what? I loved that moment because we were actually at Rick Scott's press conference. And so all of the reporters from the entire state of Florida were in that room. And when I asked him to pee in the cup, you could see there was just this silence that went over the entire room. And people were like, Who is this? What is happening? And nobody knew. And then you see the piece and he doesn't do it, and I pass the cup down. And the poor guy in the front row, he's like, He's left holding the cup, and then he just puts it on the floor. But then when we left that room, every reporter from the state of Florida came up to me afterwards and was like, Oh, my God, we wish we could do that. They were so jealous that I got to do that.


Did you like that part of it? It's so funny being we all come from the correspondence background, which means sometimes you're sitting in poorly lit rooms interviewing people, but sometimes you're out there- Changing in a Burger King bathroom to go in to talk to some senator.


Sometimes it is run and gun. You don't have credentials.


I actually did a piece once where I went into a bathroom in a bodega in DC and came out in a Batman costume. I went in in my suit and then came out a few minutes later in a Batman, and you could just see people in the just being like, Is that real? What is happening? Did that guy just go in? So that was what it was.


You almost got arrested, too, right?


I did almost get arrested in Boise, Idaho. We walked into the EPA offices. The EPA is something that won't exist soon.


I was going to say, yeah.




Historically speaking, yes.


It's going to go away. But back then, we walk into the EPA offices. I am dressed in a two-headed fish costume.


We have a picture. Oh, there it is.


Because of the pollution, the fish in the river was turning up with two heads. So this is the piece that we were doing. And so there we are. I walk into the EPA office. The poor man who works there comes out from behind, and they've got a crew with me and our producer, Brenan, and we're all standing there. And the guy comes out and he says, I'm sorry, you You can't be here. And I said, No, I have a complaint. I have two heads now, and I did not start out this way. And he was like, No, you can't be here. And I kept playing the role of the fish, to which he finally said to me, Sir, you are not a fish.


That's the good stuff.


You have to leave. And then they called Homeland Security. Oh, my Because apparently, like, trespassing in a federal... Epa is a federal office, so the Homeland Security. So we walk out and it's into the parking lot and it was like, these Homeland Security guys show up, they get out, and they're ready to arrest us. And my producer, Brennan, was like, Listen, we're with The Daily Show. And it was literally good cop, bad cop, because one guy was about to arrest us, and the other guy was like, I love The Daily Show. He was like, You guys are with The Daily Show? And I was like... And at that point, I was like, Yeah, I can get John Stewart on the phone, and he can explain to you what we're doing. And so while he's like, I'd love it. And so I'm pretending because I don't know. I don't have John's number. So I'm pretending like I'm going to try and get John on the phone. And Brandon is sweet-talking the other guy, trying to be like, Listen, we can get you tickets to the show.


And the angry cops talking to the other fish head at the time, not getting a response.


So they eventually let us go, but it was touch and go for a bit. And Brandon is like, I can't be in jail because his wife was pregnant, I remember at the time. And he was like, I got to get home. She's going to kill me if I end up in jail tonight. So it all worked out. But there was a moment there where we actually really thought we were going to go to jail.


Terrifying. You have gone from Battling Demons in DC to now Battling Demons on Paramount Plus with your show, Evil. Yes.


Now in the fourth season. Fourth season, yeah.


It's such a good show. Oh, thanks. It's so fascinating. It's a horror dramedy. But the Kings, who created the show, Brilliant Writers, are known for really exploring political and societal issues. Is that what interested you in working with them?


Well, I mean, many reasons. A, they're incredible writers and incredible creators. They created The Good Wife and The Good Fight. The Good Fight was one of my favorite shows before I even... Just their take on societal issues and politics and the absurdity and the satire that they use in their shows. And so when I got this script, it was just a great script and a great premise, and it's turned out to be such an amazing experience. And we've roleplay as Ben? Yeah. I took a lot of the clothes from the show just so that I could wear them in the bedroom. Well done.I remember. It's interesting. I remember we did a piece on the show called The Stack. We have a picture of it here where we were all sitting in a chair behind the desk. There's you at the front. That's me at the back, if you recall. Yeah, there I am. Were you exercising your sexuality on this one? Did you get your demons out there?Yeah, I have no memory of that, by the way. Really?That was before we had HR.Right, exactly. Was that when John was leaving, we were doing that?I think we were a We were campooning the setup on CNN where they had so many people around a roundtable. So we said, What if we just put everybody into one chair and built it all up?The budget was very low back then.It is.Yeah, we used to have good times. We used to have good times.Well, I'd love to say you should come back anytime, but I've talked to people around here, and that isn't the sentiment. But this has been fun, right? This has been really fun.This has been really fun. This will be the last time we ever see each other. Yeah.So thank you. Let's not spoil it. Let's not spoil it. Just keep it here, and that's it. That's it. It's lovely to see you. Have a great life.Yeah, you as well. The final season of evil is screaming right now.That's what's going to happen. We're going to take a quick break and we'll be right back after.Choosing a credit card can get overwhelming. A lot offer great perks like free burritos or access to fancy airport louanges, but they can also come with huge interest rates that cancel out those perks pretty quickly, especially on big purchases. If you want to knock down those rates but still get everyday perks like cashback, which you can totally use to buy burritos, Avon has a credit card that can help you do that. Avon works like a regular credit card, but taps into your home equity to get you really low interest rates. It's the convenience of a credit card with the savings of a home equity line of credit. And just like any other card, you can make everyday purchases and earn unlimited 2% cashback. Plus, now Avon lets you use your rental or investment properties towards that home equity line of credit. You just need to verify employment and rental income, upload your tax return, verify your home is in good condition, and you're on your way to having a credit card with an interest rate that doesn't eat up all your burrito money. Head to aven. Com to learn more. That's A-V-E-N. Com to learn more.That's our show for today. Now, here it is. You're moving a bang.I don't care if he's pooped his pants.I have poopy days all the time.I step in so much pool you can't even imagine.Explore more shows from The Daily Show podcast universe by searching The Daily Show, wherever you get your Paramount Podcasts. Watch The Daily Show weeknights at 11:10 central on Comedy Central, and stream full episodes anytime on Paramount Plus.Paramount Podcasts. You may be tempted to skip this ad, but don't. Marketers want their audience to stick around. And with Paramount Ads Manager, you can advertise your business on the biggest shows on TV for 30 unskippable seconds. Run your ads in premium content on Paramount sports, and more, all on the biggest screen in the house. Put your business in show business with Paramount Ads Manager. Go to adsmanager. Paramount. Com. That's adsmanager. Paramount. Com to learn more.


roleplay as Ben? Yeah. I took a lot of the clothes from the show just so that I could wear them in the bedroom. Well done.


I remember. It's interesting. I remember we did a piece on the show called The Stack. We have a picture of it here where we were all sitting in a chair behind the desk. There's you at the front. That's me at the back, if you recall. Yeah, there I am. Were you exercising your sexuality on this one? Did you get your demons out there?


Yeah, I have no memory of that, by the way. Really?


That was before we had HR.


Right, exactly. Was that when John was leaving, we were doing that?


I think we were a We were campooning the setup on CNN where they had so many people around a roundtable. So we said, What if we just put everybody into one chair and built it all up?


The budget was very low back then.


It is.


Yeah, we used to have good times. We used to have good times.


Well, I'd love to say you should come back anytime, but I've talked to people around here, and that isn't the sentiment. But this has been fun, right? This has been really fun.


This has been really fun. This will be the last time we ever see each other. Yeah.


So thank you. Let's not spoil it. Let's not spoil it. Just keep it here, and that's it. That's it. It's lovely to see you. Have a great life.


Yeah, you as well. The final season of evil is screaming right now.


That's what's going to happen. We're going to take a quick break and we'll be right back after.


Choosing a credit card can get overwhelming. A lot offer great perks like free burritos or access to fancy airport louanges, but they can also come with huge interest rates that cancel out those perks pretty quickly, especially on big purchases. If you want to knock down those rates but still get everyday perks like cashback, which you can totally use to buy burritos, Avon has a credit card that can help you do that. Avon works like a regular credit card, but taps into your home equity to get you really low interest rates. It's the convenience of a credit card with the savings of a home equity line of credit. And just like any other card, you can make everyday purchases and earn unlimited 2% cashback. Plus, now Avon lets you use your rental or investment properties towards that home equity line of credit. You just need to verify employment and rental income, upload your tax return, verify your home is in good condition, and you're on your way to having a credit card with an interest rate that doesn't eat up all your burrito money. Head to aven. Com to learn more. That's A-V-E-N. Com to learn more.


That's our show for today. Now, here it is. You're moving a bang.


I don't care if he's pooped his pants.


I have poopy days all the time.


I step in so much pool you can't even imagine.


Explore more shows from The Daily Show podcast universe by searching The Daily Show, wherever you get your Paramount Podcasts. Watch The Daily Show weeknights at 11:10 central on Comedy Central, and stream full episodes anytime on Paramount Plus.


Paramount Podcasts. You may be tempted to skip this ad, but don't. Marketers want their audience to stick around. And with Paramount Ads Manager, you can advertise your business on the biggest shows on TV for 30 unskippable seconds. Run your ads in premium content on Paramount sports, and more, all on the biggest screen in the house. Put your business in show business with Paramount Ads Manager. Go to adsmanager. Paramount. Com. That's adsmanager. Paramount. Com to learn more.