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The less your business spends, the more margin you keep. But today, everything costs more. So smart businesses are graduating. To Netsuite by Oracle Netsuite is the number one cloud financial system, bringing accounting, financial management, inventory, hr into one proven platform, helping you reduce it costs, maintenance costs and manual errors. Over 37,000 companies have already made the move to Netsuite. Backed by popular demand, Netsuite has extended its one of a kind, flexible financing program for a few weeks more head to funny. funny.


Sarah Purser, artist, collector, campaigner, businesswoman and founder, she changed the course of art in Ireland, described as intensely alive, a champion for other artists, and easily the wittiest woman in Ireland. But it's her own words to Sir Hugh Lane, more power to you. That truly capture her trailblazing spirit. More power to you. Sarah Purser, a force for irish art, is now on at the Hugh Lane Gallery, Parnell Square. Admission free. See Hughlane, ie, brought to you by Dublin city Council.


You're listening to Comedy Central.


Hey there. This is desi Lydic. The daily show is on break this week. I know, I know, but don't worry. We picked a of our favorite recent moments from the show, in case you missed them. We'll be back with brand new shows next week, but until then, enjoy today's episode.


Four years ago, America was inspired by an uplifting slogan, yes, we can. Later turned into an insufferable pop song, yes, we can. This year, the slogan is forward, which sounds like the kind of thing that Matthew Broderick shouted at his soldiers in glory before they were shot to pieces. The Democrats clearly needed help. Let's think of a punchy slogan you can slap on a bumper sticker, and that will make everyone excited for the four years ahead. So.


So he didn't create this. He inherited this.


I don't hate it, but I definitely don't like it.


I'm looking for a, like a three word slogan.


Moving on up.


Moving on up. We still have trials and tribulations, and we're going to get through them.


Do you know what a slogan is?


Nobody's perfect.


Nobody's perfect. That's, that's not bad.


It's pretty bad.


I feel worse than I did when we started this conversation.


I do apologize.


That's not bad. I do apologize.


Oh, I'm saying that. Oh, oh, okay.


He's trying the best that he can, right?


He's trying the best that he can. That's, that's a pretty good slogan. Obama 2012. He's trying the best that he can.


He's trying the best that he can. He's trying the best that he can.


Best that he can.


I think that he's been blocked by Congress. I think, I really believe that there has been no compromise there. He's trying the best that he can.


I don't love it and I do hate it. So anything better?


It's just taken longer than we thought. So some people started to lose hope.


I'm not sure that really works as a slogan.


Are you excited to have the president re elected job?


Oh, absolutely. Okay.


Would you mind telling your face, voice and personality about that excitement?


Sure. I'm real excited. It's difficult to be prepared president. It's difficult to be president.


It is a very difficult job being.


President of the United States.


You're responsible for the entire country.


Slogan needs to be. He doesn't know it's difficult to be president.


So difficult.


I told you it was not a good slogan. It's a terrible slogan.


There are no bad ideas at this point. Slogan for future. Go.


Let us do it.


Okay, so that's the bar that we're working from.


So I'm looking for a slogan. What do you got?


Yes, we can.


Yes, we can. Yes, we can. It is 2008. It's an old t shirt you're wearing. What do you got now?


Yes, we can, but we need to.


No, wait, that. That was. That was it. Say that again.


Yes, we can, but no, wait a minute.


That's it. That's it.


Yes, we can, but yes, we can, but the european debt crisis is completely out of its control.


No way. It's nothing.


Yes, we can, but he inherited crap.


I mean, Bush was terrible.


Yes, we can, but with three words.


And an extra word that will ring from coast to coast, from sea to shining sea. Yes, we can, but yes, we can.


But yes, we can, but yes, we.


Can, but.




In Denver, there's only one question on every ridiculously dressed pundits mind.


Will the Clinton forces and the Obama forces unite?


Can the Democratic Party truly come together? We sat down with a diverse group.


Of Democrats to find out we're unified. Than the fact that we don't want Obama to become our next president. I will not vote for Senator Barack Hussein Obama.


Apparently the Clinton supporters are united and they've got the websites to prove it.


Clintonsfor, pumao


It stands for party unity, my ass.


Did you consider


It'S taken. And we looked at a few names similar to that, but they were taken.


They had their reasons and an unassailable logic.


The DNC has betrayed us as Democrats.


There was an abundance of fraud. Florida and Michigan was completely unfair.


Exactly. It's not like she ever agreed to exclude the vote in Florida and Michigan.


She didn't agree to that.


Except in 2007, when she did agree to it. But that was before she needed the vote.


The game is still on. She did not lose.


I couldn't help but feel for them.


I am tired of being called a racist just because I disagree with them.


Oh, you didn't vote for my candidate, therefore you're racist. Give me a break. That's lazy. Give me a better one.


So what explains what happened in the primary?


The media created a dialog that was truly sexist against Senator Clinton.


Her gender child psychologist Wendy Ludlow.That's cheating.You see? They're hurting.Yeah.Sometimes children just aren't group ready. They need a little individual support to develop their pro social skills and behaviors.I found suffering Clinton supporters, who were only too happy to be helped, bring in together.You idiot.And brought them to the celestial seasonings post primary healing center. And here we have Dan, who's doing a picture of. What the.What the.Is that done?The man stealing the election.The man stealing the election. Do you feel less angry than you were this morning?No.We use play therapy techniques to help kids develop coping thoughts. Such as, I can keep my hands to myself when I feel mad, I stomp my feet. When I get upset, I shake my fists in the air, and then I feel better, and I stop acting like such a bitch. Okay. What? You get in there. I don't like using the naughty corner for keeping.Okay, girls, this is the naughty client.That's right. Who's been naughty?I can't do it. Jones. That's not. This is not what we agreed on. We're gonna.Come on.It's weird. Jones.Some play therapists do use animals in their play. That can be a great way to help people learn how to keep calm.Aw.Hi, Turbo. He's so sweet. Yeah.Go, new.Go get him, Turbo. Get him. How was it? Did we get it? Can we do it again?Sure.No problem. Once more.She's good. Sam, mask on. Let's go. Yes. With the proper approach, party unity is within reach.Pennsylvania Democrats. Democrats passed a new law, but not some boring policy. They cooked up a loophole to push last call to 04:00 a.m. not to everybody though, just the DNC delegates. Good times. I have two beers. I have two beers. Yeah, twice as much. Privilege. Yes. Double up on the privilege. All right, what about the people who can't get in have to stop drinking at two em all. Me and these Democrats was getting toe up til four in the morning and we were getting stuff done according to my main man, Pennsylvania senator Bob Casey. You do a lot of networking. For example, someone just bought me this beer and I'm gonna network with that person. Okay, let's role play you be you, okaycard that can help you do that. Avin works like a regular credit card, but taps into your home equity to get you really low interest rates. It's the convenience of a credit card with the savings of a home equity line of credit. And just like any other card, you can make everyday purchases and earn unlimited 2% cash back. Plus, now Avon lets you use your rental or investment properties towards that home equity line of credit. You just need to verify employment and rental income, upload your tax return, verify your home is in good condition and you're on your way to having a credit card with an interest rate that doesn't eat up all your burrito money. Head to to learn more. To learn more. The less your business spends, the more margin you keep.But today, everything costs more. So smart businesses are graduating. To Netsuite by Oracle Netsuite is the number one cloud financial system, bringing accounting, financial management, inventory, HR into one proven platform, helping you reduce it costs, maintenance costs and manual errors. Over 37,000 companies have already made the move to Netsuite. Backed by popular demand, Netsuite has extended its one of a kind, flexible financing program for a few weeks more. Head to funny funny.Sarah Purser, artist, collector, campaigner, businesswoman and founder. She changed the course of art in Ireland. Described as intensely alive, a champion for other artists, and easily the wittiest woman in Ireland. But it's her own words to Sir Hugh Lane, more power to you. That truly capture her trailblazing spirit. More power to you. Sarah Purser, a force for irish art, is now on at the Hugh Lane Gallery, Parnell Square. Admission free. See Hugh Lane ie brought to you by Dublin City Council.There's one key message at the democratic convention that's just not in dispute.We are the big ten party. We represent everyone.We're definitely the arms wide open party.We are the party of inclusion.We have just about everybody you can possibly imagine in the party. Yes, they were open to everybody, basically. We're Latinos, Hispanics, we're blacks. We're the lgbt community. We're women. We're poor. Everyone's welcome. Everyone's welcome. Except. Except? Unless you own a corporation or if you're a hunter, a gun owner. White males, really? All you wanna lose all the white males. There are a bunch of gun tote and hillbilly tea partiers. That's all I have to say. Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang. Right? Bunch of jerk offs, right? Definitely. How open are you? Well, open enough to include everybody. Oh, really? Who wouldn't you include? We wouldn't include those beer toting fakers down in Florida. The Tampa convention guys. You know the types. Potbellied, church going, small minded, anti science, bunch of 70 Sam hillbilly, whack job, evangelical gun well be wearing a dress. Yeah, exactly. When you were a kid, did you always want to be a radio talk show host? No. You want me to turn down the volume? I don't know. Maybe. Your equipment's acting up. Could be. Your mouth's moving. They like. We just. That's much better.Is it?Yeah. Yeah. Okay, keep going.And finally, getting a seat at the table. Internet bloggers. Are any of the big name bloggers here?A lot of the higher or mostly red bloggers have been around. Adrio. Josh Marshall writes talking points. Dave Weiner. Okay.No, no, I'm talking about the big time bloggers. The big time, top tier. Are they here?They are the top tier. Koss.Who else? Oh, koss. Yeah, Koss is here?Yeah.Where are they?He's been around. No, no, no. I think he's in the front row, too. Really? Coss he's distracted.Hi.Hi. Do you think that the Democratic National Committee has treated the nerds? And by nerds, I mean you. Well, as well as nerds can be treated. Yeah. They don't like him, so they gotta hold it up like that. Is that right? Right there. So he's gotta reinvent himself. Yes. Yes.Is this weird for you?No.Overall, one thing's for sure. As journalists, the most rewarding part of the week was being among our peers.Do you think the Democrats have successfully put their agenda out there during this convention? Yeah. Papa booie. Papa booie. Howard Stern is king of all media. Papa booie. Papa booie. Explore more shows from the Daily show podcast universe by searching the Daily show. Wherever you get your podcasts. Watch the Daily show weeknights at 1110 Central on Comedy Central and stream full episodes anytime on Paramount plus.Paramount podcasts.Its been a three year wait, but the Olympics are back and the CB's sports podcast network has you covered. With everything happening in Paris, its a new era for the us womens national team and attacking third will tackle all the womens soccer action. First cut will keep close tabs on golf, while beyond the arc will follow the US mens basketball team on a quest for another gold and we need to talk now. Well provide comprehensive coverage of womens athletes at the Olympic Games. Follow and listen to all CB's sports podcasts for free on the Odyssey app and wherever you get your podcasts.


child psychologist Wendy Ludlow.


That's cheating.


You see? They're hurting.




Sometimes children just aren't group ready. They need a little individual support to develop their pro social skills and behaviors.


I found suffering Clinton supporters, who were only too happy to be helped, bring in together.


You idiot.


And brought them to the celestial seasonings post primary healing center. And here we have Dan, who's doing a picture of. What the.


What the.


Is that done?


The man stealing the election.


The man stealing the election. Do you feel less angry than you were this morning?




We use play therapy techniques to help kids develop coping thoughts. Such as, I can keep my hands to myself when I feel mad, I stomp my feet. When I get upset, I shake my fists in the air, and then I feel better, and I stop acting like such a bitch. Okay. What? You get in there. I don't like using the naughty corner for keeping.


Okay, girls, this is the naughty client.


That's right. Who's been naughty?


I can't do it. Jones. That's not. This is not what we agreed on. We're gonna.


Come on.


It's weird. Jones.


Some play therapists do use animals in their play. That can be a great way to help people learn how to keep calm.




Hi, Turbo. He's so sweet. Yeah.


Go, new.


Go get him, Turbo. Get him. How was it? Did we get it? Can we do it again?




No problem. Once more.


She's good. Sam, mask on. Let's go. Yes. With the proper approach, party unity is within reach.


Pennsylvania Democrats. Democrats passed a new law, but not some boring policy. They cooked up a loophole to push last call to 04:00 a.m. not to everybody though, just the DNC delegates. Good times. I have two beers. I have two beers. Yeah, twice as much. Privilege. Yes. Double up on the privilege. All right, what about the people who can't get in have to stop drinking at two em all. Me and these Democrats was getting toe up til four in the morning and we were getting stuff done according to my main man, Pennsylvania senator Bob Casey. You do a lot of networking. For example, someone just bought me this beer and I'm gonna network with that person. Okay, let's role play you be you, okaycard that can help you do that. Avin works like a regular credit card, but taps into your home equity to get you really low interest rates. It's the convenience of a credit card with the savings of a home equity line of credit. And just like any other card, you can make everyday purchases and earn unlimited 2% cash back. Plus, now Avon lets you use your rental or investment properties towards that home equity line of credit. You just need to verify employment and rental income, upload your tax return, verify your home is in good condition and you're on your way to having a credit card with an interest rate that doesn't eat up all your burrito money. Head to to learn more. To learn more. The less your business spends, the more margin you keep.But today, everything costs more. So smart businesses are graduating. To Netsuite by Oracle Netsuite is the number one cloud financial system, bringing accounting, financial management, inventory, HR into one proven platform, helping you reduce it costs, maintenance costs and manual errors. Over 37,000 companies have already made the move to Netsuite. Backed by popular demand, Netsuite has extended its one of a kind, flexible financing program for a few weeks more. Head to funny funny.Sarah Purser, artist, collector, campaigner, businesswoman and founder. She changed the course of art in Ireland. Described as intensely alive, a champion for other artists, and easily the wittiest woman in Ireland. But it's her own words to Sir Hugh Lane, more power to you. That truly capture her trailblazing spirit. More power to you. Sarah Purser, a force for irish art, is now on at the Hugh Lane Gallery, Parnell Square. Admission free. See Hugh Lane ie brought to you by Dublin City Council.There's one key message at the democratic convention that's just not in dispute.We are the big ten party. We represent everyone.We're definitely the arms wide open party.We are the party of inclusion.We have just about everybody you can possibly imagine in the party. Yes, they were open to everybody, basically. We're Latinos, Hispanics, we're blacks. We're the lgbt community. We're women. We're poor. Everyone's welcome. Everyone's welcome. Except. Except? Unless you own a corporation or if you're a hunter, a gun owner. White males, really? All you wanna lose all the white males. There are a bunch of gun tote and hillbilly tea partiers. That's all I have to say. Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang. Right? Bunch of jerk offs, right? Definitely. How open are you? Well, open enough to include everybody. Oh, really? Who wouldn't you include? We wouldn't include those beer toting fakers down in Florida. The Tampa convention guys. You know the types. Potbellied, church going, small minded, anti science, bunch of 70 Sam hillbilly, whack job, evangelical gun well be wearing a dress. Yeah, exactly. When you were a kid, did you always want to be a radio talk show host? No. You want me to turn down the volume? I don't know. Maybe. Your equipment's acting up. Could be. Your mouth's moving. They like. We just. That's much better.Is it?Yeah. Yeah. Okay, keep going.And finally, getting a seat at the table. Internet bloggers. Are any of the big name bloggers here?A lot of the higher or mostly red bloggers have been around. Adrio. Josh Marshall writes talking points. Dave Weiner. Okay.No, no, I'm talking about the big time bloggers. The big time, top tier. Are they here?They are the top tier. Koss.Who else? Oh, koss. Yeah, Koss is here?Yeah.Where are they?He's been around. No, no, no. I think he's in the front row, too. Really? Coss he's distracted.Hi.Hi. Do you think that the Democratic National Committee has treated the nerds? And by nerds, I mean you. Well, as well as nerds can be treated. Yeah. They don't like him, so they gotta hold it up like that. Is that right? Right there. So he's gotta reinvent himself. Yes. Yes.Is this weird for you?No.Overall, one thing's for sure. As journalists, the most rewarding part of the week was being among our peers.Do you think the Democrats have successfully put their agenda out there during this convention? Yeah. Papa booie. Papa booie. Howard Stern is king of all media. Papa booie. Papa booie. Explore more shows from the Daily show podcast universe by searching the Daily show. Wherever you get your podcasts. Watch the Daily show weeknights at 1110 Central on Comedy Central and stream full episodes anytime on Paramount plus.Paramount podcasts.Its been a three year wait, but the Olympics are back and the CB's sports podcast network has you covered. With everything happening in Paris, its a new era for the us womens national team and attacking third will tackle all the womens soccer action. First cut will keep close tabs on golf, while beyond the arc will follow the US mens basketball team on a quest for another gold and we need to talk now. Well provide comprehensive coverage of womens athletes at the Olympic Games. Follow and listen to all CB's sports podcasts for free on the Odyssey app and wherever you get your podcasts.


card that can help you do that. Avin works like a regular credit card, but taps into your home equity to get you really low interest rates. It's the convenience of a credit card with the savings of a home equity line of credit. And just like any other card, you can make everyday purchases and earn unlimited 2% cash back. Plus, now Avon lets you use your rental or investment properties towards that home equity line of credit. You just need to verify employment and rental income, upload your tax return, verify your home is in good condition and you're on your way to having a credit card with an interest rate that doesn't eat up all your burrito money. Head to to learn more. To learn more. The less your business spends, the more margin you keep.


But today, everything costs more. So smart businesses are graduating. To Netsuite by Oracle Netsuite is the number one cloud financial system, bringing accounting, financial management, inventory, HR into one proven platform, helping you reduce it costs, maintenance costs and manual errors. Over 37,000 companies have already made the move to Netsuite. Backed by popular demand, Netsuite has extended its one of a kind, flexible financing program for a few weeks more. Head to funny funny.


Sarah Purser, artist, collector, campaigner, businesswoman and founder. She changed the course of art in Ireland. Described as intensely alive, a champion for other artists, and easily the wittiest woman in Ireland. But it's her own words to Sir Hugh Lane, more power to you. That truly capture her trailblazing spirit. More power to you. Sarah Purser, a force for irish art, is now on at the Hugh Lane Gallery, Parnell Square. Admission free. See Hugh Lane ie brought to you by Dublin City Council.


There's one key message at the democratic convention that's just not in dispute.


We are the big ten party. We represent everyone.


We're definitely the arms wide open party.


We are the party of inclusion.


We have just about everybody you can possibly imagine in the party. Yes, they were open to everybody, basically. We're Latinos, Hispanics, we're blacks. We're the lgbt community. We're women. We're poor. Everyone's welcome. Everyone's welcome. Except. Except? Unless you own a corporation or if you're a hunter, a gun owner. White males, really? All you wanna lose all the white males. There are a bunch of gun tote and hillbilly tea partiers. That's all I have to say. Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang. Right? Bunch of jerk offs, right? Definitely. How open are you? Well, open enough to include everybody. Oh, really? Who wouldn't you include? We wouldn't include those beer toting fakers down in Florida. The Tampa convention guys. You know the types. Potbellied, church going, small minded, anti science, bunch of 70 Sam hillbilly, whack job, evangelical gun well be wearing a dress. Yeah, exactly. When you were a kid, did you always want to be a radio talk show host? No. You want me to turn down the volume? I don't know. Maybe. Your equipment's acting up. Could be. Your mouth's moving. They like. We just. That's much better.Is it?Yeah. Yeah. Okay, keep going.And finally, getting a seat at the table. Internet bloggers. Are any of the big name bloggers here?A lot of the higher or mostly red bloggers have been around. Adrio. Josh Marshall writes talking points. Dave Weiner. Okay.No, no, I'm talking about the big time bloggers. The big time, top tier. Are they here?They are the top tier. Koss.Who else? Oh, koss. Yeah, Koss is here?Yeah.Where are they?He's been around. No, no, no. I think he's in the front row, too. Really? Coss he's distracted.Hi.Hi. Do you think that the Democratic National Committee has treated the nerds? And by nerds, I mean you. Well, as well as nerds can be treated. Yeah. They don't like him, so they gotta hold it up like that. Is that right? Right there. So he's gotta reinvent himself. Yes. Yes.Is this weird for you?No.Overall, one thing's for sure. As journalists, the most rewarding part of the week was being among our peers.Do you think the Democrats have successfully put their agenda out there during this convention? Yeah. Papa booie. Papa booie. Howard Stern is king of all media. Papa booie. Papa booie. Explore more shows from the Daily show podcast universe by searching the Daily show. Wherever you get your podcasts. Watch the Daily show weeknights at 1110 Central on Comedy Central and stream full episodes anytime on Paramount plus.Paramount podcasts.Its been a three year wait, but the Olympics are back and the CB's sports podcast network has you covered. With everything happening in Paris, its a new era for the us womens national team and attacking third will tackle all the womens soccer action. First cut will keep close tabs on golf, while beyond the arc will follow the US mens basketball team on a quest for another gold and we need to talk now. Well provide comprehensive coverage of womens athletes at the Olympic Games. Follow and listen to all CB's sports podcasts for free on the Odyssey app and wherever you get your podcasts.


well be wearing a dress. Yeah, exactly. When you were a kid, did you always want to be a radio talk show host? No. You want me to turn down the volume? I don't know. Maybe. Your equipment's acting up. Could be. Your mouth's moving. They like. We just. That's much better.


Is it?


Yeah. Yeah. Okay, keep going.


And finally, getting a seat at the table. Internet bloggers. Are any of the big name bloggers here?


A lot of the higher or mostly red bloggers have been around. Adrio. Josh Marshall writes talking points. Dave Weiner. Okay.


No, no, I'm talking about the big time bloggers. The big time, top tier. Are they here?


They are the top tier. Koss.


Who else? Oh, koss. Yeah, Koss is here?




Where are they?


He's been around. No, no, no. I think he's in the front row, too. Really? Coss he's distracted.




Hi. Do you think that the Democratic National Committee has treated the nerds? And by nerds, I mean you. Well, as well as nerds can be treated. Yeah. They don't like him, so they gotta hold it up like that. Is that right? Right there. So he's gotta reinvent himself. Yes. Yes.


Is this weird for you?




Overall, one thing's for sure. As journalists, the most rewarding part of the week was being among our peers.


Do you think the Democrats have successfully put their agenda out there during this convention? Yeah. Papa booie. Papa booie. Howard Stern is king of all media. Papa booie. Papa booie. Explore more shows from the Daily show podcast universe by searching the Daily show. Wherever you get your podcasts. Watch the Daily show weeknights at 1110 Central on Comedy Central and stream full episodes anytime on Paramount plus.


Paramount podcasts.


Its been a three year wait, but the Olympics are back and the CB's sports podcast network has you covered. With everything happening in Paris, its a new era for the us womens national team and attacking third will tackle all the womens soccer action. First cut will keep close tabs on golf, while beyond the arc will follow the US mens basketball team on a quest for another gold and we need to talk now. Well provide comprehensive coverage of womens athletes at the Olympic Games. Follow and listen to all CB's sports podcasts for free on the Odyssey app and wherever you get your podcasts.