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You're listening to Comedy Central from the most trusted journalists at Comedy Central. It's America's only source for news. This is the Daily show with your host, Jon Stewart. Hello, everybody. Welcome to the Daily show. My name is Jon Stewart. And we are back, baby. By the way, I want to start off very quickly and mention a very quick congratulations to England and France who held their elections to great success. We would talk about them tonight, but we're in America. So last week we did a live show after the debate. Wait, wait, where did we, where did we leave off? This cannot be real life. It just can't. We're America. God. Ah, yes, anger and despair. By the way, for those of you at home, the scripts are printed on Kevlar, which is why I had trouble. It's no way. Weak fingers. Now, since the debate, it's been quite interesting, actually. Many Democrats have expressed concern that the president has a hard time expressing thoughts. And then there is this other camp who thinks that those people should shut the up. Stop this whining. Stop the complaining. Stop trying to be the cool, cynical kids.


I would not want to be in a foxhole with any of the people.


Who, you know, were clutching their pearls.


All of a sudden. Pearl clutching and hand wringing were bedwetting.


And soaking all the way through the mattress.


We panic and piss our pants. First of all, I'm not sure incontinence is the metaphor you want to go with. And second of all, when are we going to free Senator Federman from the turkish prison he's being held in? That's, I don't know, kisses, pants. But to those of you who say these concerns are simple pearl wetting and bed clutching, we all make mistakes. I thought I would take a moment to explain to where the concern about Biden's performance might be coming from and why these concerns may be seen as a more foundational issue. You see, even before the debate, there had been some troubling moments of disconnect from the president. You know, perhaps this chart could, if I may. Sorry, the pen caps are made of Kevlar. Very difficult to. Perhaps this chart will illustrate and illuminate the point more clearly. For instance, in 2022, when we saw Biden give a shout out to Representative Jackie.


Representative Jackie, are you here? Where's Jackie? I didn't think she was going to be here.


Jackie was dead. It's something that the president seemed to have known six weeks earlier when he released a condolence statement about her death. So. Huh. Then there was the recounting of a recent conversation that the president had had with his counterpart, the president of France.


And mate Ron from Germany, I mean, from France, looked at me and said, you know, how long are you back?


Fortunately, Mitterrand is also dead. For longer even than that first night.You know, the president traveled six time zones forward to g seven. And he was also doing, continued to do his presidential duties.And also, he had a cold.He was jet lagged. He'd been home for almost two weeks. He was jet lagged. How big is that jet. The point is, for a campaign based on honesty and decency, the spin about the debate appears to be blatant bullshit. And the redemption tour hasn't gone that much better. Whether it's been and you revisit sort of the mindset of the founding, are you struck by how human they were? You know, we've deified them to a large extent, but when you learn about them, do you think, like, oh, a couple of these guys might be idiots? Like, what was the thought?Well, yes, the constitution is amazing because parts of it are so inspiring. The preamble 52 of the greatest words ever written about the general welfare and blessings of liberty. But then there are, it is a flawed document. There are actual misspellings in the constitution. The word Pennsylvania is spelled two different ways, Penn and P e n. So it is not perfect. And I ran the constitution through Grammarly and Grammarly found. It found 600 mistakes. 600 mistakes. So it is not perfect.Were the Grammarly mistakes, did you correct it or did you think, oh, that one. No, let's pass that one to it. How did you, did you dismiss the Grammarly questions?Well, I couldn't go in and change.It on the, the actual document spells Pennsylvania two different ways.That's right. And it's, and the, its actually should be an it apostrophe s. So if Ben Franklin had invented social media, they would have gotten a lot of flack for that. Brilliant, but so it is. And they knew it was flawed. That's what's amazing. The founding fathers knew this is a flawed document and they said, would they.Be surprised at how we've deified them?I think so. I think many of them would be.Now, in their discussions, did you, as you looked back and saw the discussions that they were having, my understanding is they never really thought that partisan politics would, you know, be the thing we were fighting over. They thought the branches of government would fight each other, that the executive would fight the judicial, judicial would fight the legislative. I don't think they thought parties would try and weaponize each department against the other.No, they did not see this rigid two party system coming. And James Madison, he knew there were going to be factions, but he thought there were going to be lots of factions, like, and maybe six or eight more like a european parliament. And they would have been shocked by so much of what we have now, including the president. I bring that up because it's kind of time.And they, they were very understated in the 17 hundreds. It is somewhat timely.Well, they, when the idea of a single presidency came up in the convention, a lot of the delegates said, are you jesting? That is a terrible idea.Wait. They said, are you jesting?I'm paraphrasing. I'm paraphrasing.Are you jesting?But they said, we just fought a war to get rid of a king. Why do we want to know? One of them said, this is the fetus of monarchy. If we do this, we should have three presidents, twelve presidents, almost like the court.The presidency and the court would be similar. Not a unitary executive, not a single person.Right. And in the end it was fought for weeks. In the end, the unitary executive won. But I have to say that fetus of monarchy, common, I mean, it's not a fetus anymore. It's like a teenager.It is like we are 200 and some years later.Right. It took a while, but it's here.What do we mistake about them, you know. Now, do you watch the arguments that you see about the founders intent differently? Does it make you a little crazier knowing what the actual arguments were?Oh, absolutely. I mean, it was. Their mindset was so different in so many ways. It was like a foreign country. And just to give you one example, their idea of rights were very different. Rights were not trump cards. Sorry about that. But they were.They thought there were responsibilities with them.Exactly. They had. They should have had a bill of responsibilities in addition to a bill of rights, but they just assumed that we were all going to be part of and contribute to the betterment of our community. And you saw this all over in the first amendment, the second amendment, and they would be shocked by. They would be shocked by how focused we are on individual rights, which I love. I love them. But we need the balance.Right. And that we've in some ways, exploited those conversations to just get what we want or do what we want.Right. Exactly. And they talked about virtue. They loved that word. And this is before it had sort of a negative tendency.How many of them do you think banged porn stars? How many of them do you, when they talk about virtue?Well, I talked to many constitutional scholars, and I never, none of them have ever said that.But what about the level of discourse? Because I'm always struck by, you know, even in this situation that we face now with the debate and all that, the way the gaslighting that occurred, the lack of trust in Americans instincts or ability to take complex issues and hear about them honestly.Right.But I imagine their conversations were very frank and very direct, but also sophisticated.Absolutely. I think it was a genuine difference. I wrote this book, a lot of it, with a quill pen. And I'm not saying everyone needs to go back to a quill pen.You wrote the book with a quill pen.Yeah, because I was trying to live the constitution. I had my musket. I carried it around New York. I wrote a quill with a quill pen.Just out of curiosity, do you consider yourself a method writer? Is that what this is?That's exactly it. I love that phrase. Thank you.So you did. So it was a quill pen. And is there something about using the quill that is more deliberate and allows you to think differently?I really believe that there were no dings and chimes from the Internet and maybe come up with some subtle thoughts. And I can. If the constitution were written on an iPhone with emojis, that would not be good.Can you imagine with the, you know, all men are created equal. Lol. It would have been a nightmare.Nightmare. They love cold takes, not hot takes. They were all about. Let's take a look at the pros and cons. And one of my favorite founding, Ben Franklin, said at the constitutional convention, he said, the older I get, the less certain I am of my own opinions, which I love. I mean, exactly.And they even, they baked it into the cake. As far as they really thought amendments will be necessary. This has to be a document that can change with the consent of the governed.Yes, exactly. They knew it was imperfect. They said, let's figure out ways to change it. But as you said, they didn't see this rigid two party system. Now, the last amendment we had was 1992. And I mean, you had to get two thirds of Congress to agree. You can't get two thirds of Congress to agree on the color of a green pepper. You know, you just can't. It's impossible.Yeah. Cause they are reddish.That's a good point.Thank you very much for being. The year of living constitutionally is available now. AJ Jacobs quick break around for this.Choosing a credit card can get overwhelming a lot. Offer great perks like free burritos or access to fancy airport lounges. But they can also come with huge interest rates that cancel out those perks pretty quickly, especially on big purchases. If you want to knock down those rates, but still get everyday perks like cashback, which you can totally use to buy burritos, Avon has a credit card that can help you do that. Avon works like a regular credit card, but taps into your home equity to get you really low interest rates. It's the convenience of a credit card with the savings of a home equity line of credit. And just like any other card, you can make everyday purchases and earn unlimited 2% cashback. Plus. Now, aven lets you use your rental or investment properties towards that home equity line of credit. You just need to verify employment and rental income, upload your tax return, verify your home is in good condition, and you're on your way to having a credit card with an interest rate that doesn't eat up all your burrito money. Head to to learn more. to learn more.Be greener and save with Panasonic time to save on energy bills with a Panasonic heat pump. Our Aquarius service plus ensures long life and top performance for your system. Enjoy flexible payments and quick response times. Search Panasonic heating and cooling solutions to learn more. Be green, be energy efficient and save with Panasonic.Ourselves over tonight Desi Riedik and Jordan Klepper. They'll be hosting the rest of the week. Here it is, your moment of the.46Th president of the United States and presumptive democratic nominee Joe Biden. Calling in to Morning Joe right now. Good morning, sir.Hey Mika. I'm more of them. Presumptuous. I'm going to be the democratic nominee.Explore more shows from the Daily show podcast Universe by searching the Daily show wherever you get your podcasts, watch the Daily show weeknights at 1110 Central on Comedy Central and stream full episodes anytime on Paramount plus.Paramount podcasts. If you're listening to this ad, it's no accident unless you forgot to hit skip. But for marketers, finding the right audience matters. We worked hard for your attention, but you don't need to for your business. With Paramount ads manager now, you can reach huge audiences on the hottest shows on tv. That's right, big shows aren't just for the big brands. You can get 32nd views on tv instead of three in their social feeds. Best of all, it's easy. Sign up today beyond tv tomorrow with Paramount ads manager. Go to adsmanager dot that's adsmanager Dot to learn more.It's been a three year wait, but the Olympics are back and the CB's sports podcast network has you covered. With everything happening in Paris, it's a new era for the us women's national team and attacking third will tackle all the women's soccer action. First cut will keep close tabs on golf, while beyond the arc will follow the us men's basketball team on a quest for another gold. And we need to talk now. We'll provide comprehensive coverage of women's athletes at the Olympic Games. Follow and listen to all CB's sports podcasts for free on the Odyssey app and wherever you get your podcasts.




You know, the president traveled six time zones forward to g seven. And he was also doing, continued to do his presidential duties.


And also, he had a cold.


He was jet lagged. He'd been home for almost two weeks. He was jet lagged. How big is that jet. The point is, for a campaign based on honesty and decency, the spin about the debate appears to be blatant bullshit. And the redemption tour hasn't gone that much better. Whether it's been and you revisit sort of the mindset of the founding, are you struck by how human they were? You know, we've deified them to a large extent, but when you learn about them, do you think, like, oh, a couple of these guys might be idiots? Like, what was the thought?Well, yes, the constitution is amazing because parts of it are so inspiring. The preamble 52 of the greatest words ever written about the general welfare and blessings of liberty. But then there are, it is a flawed document. There are actual misspellings in the constitution. The word Pennsylvania is spelled two different ways, Penn and P e n. So it is not perfect. And I ran the constitution through Grammarly and Grammarly found. It found 600 mistakes. 600 mistakes. So it is not perfect.Were the Grammarly mistakes, did you correct it or did you think, oh, that one. No, let's pass that one to it. How did you, did you dismiss the Grammarly questions?Well, I couldn't go in and change.It on the, the actual document spells Pennsylvania two different ways.That's right. And it's, and the, its actually should be an it apostrophe s. So if Ben Franklin had invented social media, they would have gotten a lot of flack for that. Brilliant, but so it is. And they knew it was flawed. That's what's amazing. The founding fathers knew this is a flawed document and they said, would they.Be surprised at how we've deified them?I think so. I think many of them would be.Now, in their discussions, did you, as you looked back and saw the discussions that they were having, my understanding is they never really thought that partisan politics would, you know, be the thing we were fighting over. They thought the branches of government would fight each other, that the executive would fight the judicial, judicial would fight the legislative. I don't think they thought parties would try and weaponize each department against the other.No, they did not see this rigid two party system coming. And James Madison, he knew there were going to be factions, but he thought there were going to be lots of factions, like, and maybe six or eight more like a european parliament. And they would have been shocked by so much of what we have now, including the president. I bring that up because it's kind of time.And they, they were very understated in the 17 hundreds. It is somewhat timely.Well, they, when the idea of a single presidency came up in the convention, a lot of the delegates said, are you jesting? That is a terrible idea.Wait. They said, are you jesting?I'm paraphrasing. I'm paraphrasing.Are you jesting?But they said, we just fought a war to get rid of a king. Why do we want to know? One of them said, this is the fetus of monarchy. If we do this, we should have three presidents, twelve presidents, almost like the court.The presidency and the court would be similar. Not a unitary executive, not a single person.Right. And in the end it was fought for weeks. In the end, the unitary executive won. But I have to say that fetus of monarchy, common, I mean, it's not a fetus anymore. It's like a teenager.It is like we are 200 and some years later.Right. It took a while, but it's here.What do we mistake about them, you know. Now, do you watch the arguments that you see about the founders intent differently? Does it make you a little crazier knowing what the actual arguments were?Oh, absolutely. I mean, it was. Their mindset was so different in so many ways. It was like a foreign country. And just to give you one example, their idea of rights were very different. Rights were not trump cards. Sorry about that. But they were.They thought there were responsibilities with them.Exactly. They had. They should have had a bill of responsibilities in addition to a bill of rights, but they just assumed that we were all going to be part of and contribute to the betterment of our community. And you saw this all over in the first amendment, the second amendment, and they would be shocked by. They would be shocked by how focused we are on individual rights, which I love. I love them. But we need the balance.Right. And that we've in some ways, exploited those conversations to just get what we want or do what we want.Right. Exactly. And they talked about virtue. They loved that word. And this is before it had sort of a negative tendency.How many of them do you think banged porn stars? How many of them do you, when they talk about virtue?Well, I talked to many constitutional scholars, and I never, none of them have ever said that.But what about the level of discourse? Because I'm always struck by, you know, even in this situation that we face now with the debate and all that, the way the gaslighting that occurred, the lack of trust in Americans instincts or ability to take complex issues and hear about them honestly.Right.But I imagine their conversations were very frank and very direct, but also sophisticated.Absolutely. I think it was a genuine difference. I wrote this book, a lot of it, with a quill pen. And I'm not saying everyone needs to go back to a quill pen.You wrote the book with a quill pen.Yeah, because I was trying to live the constitution. I had my musket. I carried it around New York. I wrote a quill with a quill pen.Just out of curiosity, do you consider yourself a method writer? Is that what this is?That's exactly it. I love that phrase. Thank you.So you did. So it was a quill pen. And is there something about using the quill that is more deliberate and allows you to think differently?I really believe that there were no dings and chimes from the Internet and maybe come up with some subtle thoughts. And I can. If the constitution were written on an iPhone with emojis, that would not be good.Can you imagine with the, you know, all men are created equal. Lol. It would have been a nightmare.Nightmare. They love cold takes, not hot takes. They were all about. Let's take a look at the pros and cons. And one of my favorite founding, Ben Franklin, said at the constitutional convention, he said, the older I get, the less certain I am of my own opinions, which I love. I mean, exactly.And they even, they baked it into the cake. As far as they really thought amendments will be necessary. This has to be a document that can change with the consent of the governed.Yes, exactly. They knew it was imperfect. They said, let's figure out ways to change it. But as you said, they didn't see this rigid two party system. Now, the last amendment we had was 1992. And I mean, you had to get two thirds of Congress to agree. You can't get two thirds of Congress to agree on the color of a green pepper. You know, you just can't. It's impossible.Yeah. Cause they are reddish.That's a good point.Thank you very much for being. The year of living constitutionally is available now. AJ Jacobs quick break around for this.Choosing a credit card can get overwhelming a lot. Offer great perks like free burritos or access to fancy airport lounges. But they can also come with huge interest rates that cancel out those perks pretty quickly, especially on big purchases. If you want to knock down those rates, but still get everyday perks like cashback, which you can totally use to buy burritos, Avon has a credit card that can help you do that. Avon works like a regular credit card, but taps into your home equity to get you really low interest rates. It's the convenience of a credit card with the savings of a home equity line of credit. And just like any other card, you can make everyday purchases and earn unlimited 2% cashback. Plus. Now, aven lets you use your rental or investment properties towards that home equity line of credit. You just need to verify employment and rental income, upload your tax return, verify your home is in good condition, and you're on your way to having a credit card with an interest rate that doesn't eat up all your burrito money. Head to to learn more. to learn more.Be greener and save with Panasonic time to save on energy bills with a Panasonic heat pump. Our Aquarius service plus ensures long life and top performance for your system. Enjoy flexible payments and quick response times. Search Panasonic heating and cooling solutions to learn more. Be green, be energy efficient and save with Panasonic.Ourselves over tonight Desi Riedik and Jordan Klepper. They'll be hosting the rest of the week. Here it is, your moment of the.46Th president of the United States and presumptive democratic nominee Joe Biden. Calling in to Morning Joe right now. Good morning, sir.Hey Mika. I'm more of them. Presumptuous. I'm going to be the democratic nominee.Explore more shows from the Daily show podcast Universe by searching the Daily show wherever you get your podcasts, watch the Daily show weeknights at 1110 Central on Comedy Central and stream full episodes anytime on Paramount plus.Paramount podcasts. If you're listening to this ad, it's no accident unless you forgot to hit skip. But for marketers, finding the right audience matters. We worked hard for your attention, but you don't need to for your business. With Paramount ads manager now, you can reach huge audiences on the hottest shows on tv. That's right, big shows aren't just for the big brands. You can get 32nd views on tv instead of three in their social feeds. Best of all, it's easy. Sign up today beyond tv tomorrow with Paramount ads manager. Go to adsmanager dot that's adsmanager Dot to learn more.It's been a three year wait, but the Olympics are back and the CB's sports podcast network has you covered. With everything happening in Paris, it's a new era for the us women's national team and attacking third will tackle all the women's soccer action. First cut will keep close tabs on golf, while beyond the arc will follow the us men's basketball team on a quest for another gold. And we need to talk now. We'll provide comprehensive coverage of women's athletes at the Olympic Games. Follow and listen to all CB's sports podcasts for free on the Odyssey app and wherever you get your podcasts.


and you revisit sort of the mindset of the founding, are you struck by how human they were? You know, we've deified them to a large extent, but when you learn about them, do you think, like, oh, a couple of these guys might be idiots? Like, what was the thought?


Well, yes, the constitution is amazing because parts of it are so inspiring. The preamble 52 of the greatest words ever written about the general welfare and blessings of liberty. But then there are, it is a flawed document. There are actual misspellings in the constitution. The word Pennsylvania is spelled two different ways, Penn and P e n. So it is not perfect. And I ran the constitution through Grammarly and Grammarly found. It found 600 mistakes. 600 mistakes. So it is not perfect.


Were the Grammarly mistakes, did you correct it or did you think, oh, that one. No, let's pass that one to it. How did you, did you dismiss the Grammarly questions?


Well, I couldn't go in and change.


It on the, the actual document spells Pennsylvania two different ways.


That's right. And it's, and the, its actually should be an it apostrophe s. So if Ben Franklin had invented social media, they would have gotten a lot of flack for that. Brilliant, but so it is. And they knew it was flawed. That's what's amazing. The founding fathers knew this is a flawed document and they said, would they.


Be surprised at how we've deified them?


I think so. I think many of them would be.


Now, in their discussions, did you, as you looked back and saw the discussions that they were having, my understanding is they never really thought that partisan politics would, you know, be the thing we were fighting over. They thought the branches of government would fight each other, that the executive would fight the judicial, judicial would fight the legislative. I don't think they thought parties would try and weaponize each department against the other.


No, they did not see this rigid two party system coming. And James Madison, he knew there were going to be factions, but he thought there were going to be lots of factions, like, and maybe six or eight more like a european parliament. And they would have been shocked by so much of what we have now, including the president. I bring that up because it's kind of time.


And they, they were very understated in the 17 hundreds. It is somewhat timely.


Well, they, when the idea of a single presidency came up in the convention, a lot of the delegates said, are you jesting? That is a terrible idea.


Wait. They said, are you jesting?


I'm paraphrasing. I'm paraphrasing.


Are you jesting?


But they said, we just fought a war to get rid of a king. Why do we want to know? One of them said, this is the fetus of monarchy. If we do this, we should have three presidents, twelve presidents, almost like the court.


The presidency and the court would be similar. Not a unitary executive, not a single person.


Right. And in the end it was fought for weeks. In the end, the unitary executive won. But I have to say that fetus of monarchy, common, I mean, it's not a fetus anymore. It's like a teenager.


It is like we are 200 and some years later.


Right. It took a while, but it's here.


What do we mistake about them, you know. Now, do you watch the arguments that you see about the founders intent differently? Does it make you a little crazier knowing what the actual arguments were?


Oh, absolutely. I mean, it was. Their mindset was so different in so many ways. It was like a foreign country. And just to give you one example, their idea of rights were very different. Rights were not trump cards. Sorry about that. But they were.


They thought there were responsibilities with them.


Exactly. They had. They should have had a bill of responsibilities in addition to a bill of rights, but they just assumed that we were all going to be part of and contribute to the betterment of our community. And you saw this all over in the first amendment, the second amendment, and they would be shocked by. They would be shocked by how focused we are on individual rights, which I love. I love them. But we need the balance.


Right. And that we've in some ways, exploited those conversations to just get what we want or do what we want.


Right. Exactly. And they talked about virtue. They loved that word. And this is before it had sort of a negative tendency.


How many of them do you think banged porn stars? How many of them do you, when they talk about virtue?


Well, I talked to many constitutional scholars, and I never, none of them have ever said that.


But what about the level of discourse? Because I'm always struck by, you know, even in this situation that we face now with the debate and all that, the way the gaslighting that occurred, the lack of trust in Americans instincts or ability to take complex issues and hear about them honestly.




But I imagine their conversations were very frank and very direct, but also sophisticated.


Absolutely. I think it was a genuine difference. I wrote this book, a lot of it, with a quill pen. And I'm not saying everyone needs to go back to a quill pen.


You wrote the book with a quill pen.


Yeah, because I was trying to live the constitution. I had my musket. I carried it around New York. I wrote a quill with a quill pen.


Just out of curiosity, do you consider yourself a method writer? Is that what this is?


That's exactly it. I love that phrase. Thank you.


So you did. So it was a quill pen. And is there something about using the quill that is more deliberate and allows you to think differently?


I really believe that there were no dings and chimes from the Internet and maybe come up with some subtle thoughts. And I can. If the constitution were written on an iPhone with emojis, that would not be good.


Can you imagine with the, you know, all men are created equal. Lol. It would have been a nightmare.


Nightmare. They love cold takes, not hot takes. They were all about. Let's take a look at the pros and cons. And one of my favorite founding, Ben Franklin, said at the constitutional convention, he said, the older I get, the less certain I am of my own opinions, which I love. I mean, exactly.


And they even, they baked it into the cake. As far as they really thought amendments will be necessary. This has to be a document that can change with the consent of the governed.


Yes, exactly. They knew it was imperfect. They said, let's figure out ways to change it. But as you said, they didn't see this rigid two party system. Now, the last amendment we had was 1992. And I mean, you had to get two thirds of Congress to agree. You can't get two thirds of Congress to agree on the color of a green pepper. You know, you just can't. It's impossible.


Yeah. Cause they are reddish.


That's a good point.


Thank you very much for being. The year of living constitutionally is available now. AJ Jacobs quick break around for this.


Choosing a credit card can get overwhelming a lot. Offer great perks like free burritos or access to fancy airport lounges. But they can also come with huge interest rates that cancel out those perks pretty quickly, especially on big purchases. If you want to knock down those rates, but still get everyday perks like cashback, which you can totally use to buy burritos, Avon has a credit card that can help you do that. Avon works like a regular credit card, but taps into your home equity to get you really low interest rates. It's the convenience of a credit card with the savings of a home equity line of credit. And just like any other card, you can make everyday purchases and earn unlimited 2% cashback. Plus. Now, aven lets you use your rental or investment properties towards that home equity line of credit. You just need to verify employment and rental income, upload your tax return, verify your home is in good condition, and you're on your way to having a credit card with an interest rate that doesn't eat up all your burrito money. Head to to learn more. to learn more.


Be greener and save with Panasonic time to save on energy bills with a Panasonic heat pump. Our Aquarius service plus ensures long life and top performance for your system. Enjoy flexible payments and quick response times. Search Panasonic heating and cooling solutions to learn more. Be green, be energy efficient and save with Panasonic.


Ourselves over tonight Desi Riedik and Jordan Klepper. They'll be hosting the rest of the week. Here it is, your moment of the.


46Th president of the United States and presumptive democratic nominee Joe Biden. Calling in to Morning Joe right now. Good morning, sir.


Hey Mika. I'm more of them. Presumptuous. I'm going to be the democratic nominee.


Explore more shows from the Daily show podcast Universe by searching the Daily show wherever you get your podcasts, watch the Daily show weeknights at 1110 Central on Comedy Central and stream full episodes anytime on Paramount plus.


Paramount podcasts. If you're listening to this ad, it's no accident unless you forgot to hit skip. But for marketers, finding the right audience matters. We worked hard for your attention, but you don't need to for your business. With Paramount ads manager now, you can reach huge audiences on the hottest shows on tv. That's right, big shows aren't just for the big brands. You can get 32nd views on tv instead of three in their social feeds. Best of all, it's easy. Sign up today beyond tv tomorrow with Paramount ads manager. Go to adsmanager dot that's adsmanager Dot to learn more.


It's been a three year wait, but the Olympics are back and the CB's sports podcast network has you covered. With everything happening in Paris, it's a new era for the us women's national team and attacking third will tackle all the women's soccer action. First cut will keep close tabs on golf, while beyond the arc will follow the us men's basketball team on a quest for another gold. And we need to talk now. We'll provide comprehensive coverage of women's athletes at the Olympic Games. Follow and listen to all CB's sports podcasts for free on the Odyssey app and wherever you get your podcasts.