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You're listening to Comedy Central. Hello, and welcome to the Daily Show, Ears Edition. I'm Michael Costa, member of the news team here at the Daily Show. We're talking Daily Show Dogs today because we recently held an event called InDog Cision: Rescuing democracy, where we partnered with Headcount and Animal Haven here in New York to register people to vote and to get some dogs adopted. I'm here with Walter, who is a currently He weighed 14 pound Havanese mix, rescue, we think. We think he's Havanese mix.


Yeah. He's 14 pounds?


He was 22 before the thyroid medication.


He looks so tiny to me.


He's tiny. I know, especially when he gets a haircut.


Wait a second. I'm hearing voices, but I don't even know who these people are.


Well, I'm Jen Flans. I also work with you at The Daily Show. And Walter. And my dog Vivian is not here today, but she is The Daily Show dog and a rescue.


Where is she, though, today?


She's having a much better life than we are. She's out and about in the city with her dog walker. She stays with him. I got a few pics earlier that she's toting around the city. She looks great. Looks like she's having a good time.


She's beautiful. She's like a model.


She's a model. She's a long, leggy blonde. She's clearly adopted. A clear adoption.


And who are you? And what's this on your lap?


This big guy, he's 50 pounds. I'm Jocelyn Khan. I also work with Walter Vivian, Jen, and Michael Costa. And this is my dog, Ryan. He's a rescue dog. I've been told he came from Kentucky, from Kentucky to Long Island. And yeah, he's 50 pounds. He's the sweetest-You're a Southern gent.little fluffy guy. You're a Southern gent. He probably wouldn't have survived long in the south with this thick fur. But here we are in an air-conditioned podcast studio.


And Ryan has grown up with us. Yeah, he sure has. Ryan has been here since he got to you. He's been here almost every day.


Yeah, he knows you're talking about him.


When I came on the show, Ryan was a fixture already, and Quelley.




Rest in peace. But long as your You would have a straw if you hated Parker.This guy attacked Parker a few times because Parker was curious and energetic and would bounce around. And if he was eating his food, he didn't like that someone was checking him out.Listen, they get territorial. If it's their office, it's their office. But, yeah, so there can be scuffles. Most of the dog owners here are really responsible, I would say. They know their dogs, and they know not to... If your dog's resources You don't let them around the other dogs. But then there was like, some of the dogs just do weird things. Like, Wally used to rub up on leather couches. Remember? A leather fetish.A leather fetish and a towel fetish, too. He would go in to John's office and just take the towel off the towel rack, rub around on the bath mat.Which John's fine if you're a dog, but I did that once, and he was not cool.And he did not like it.Not for people. Dogs are totally fine. Yeah, I'm trying to think of the other... Parker stole a meatball off the catering table.Yeah, that's an epic Parker's dog legendary story.We didn't know who... We used to remember when dogs would steal food out of the garbages, and we'd go back and watch security footage to figure out which dog ate it. Not because we wanted to get them in trouble, but we wanted to tell the owner, your dog's going to have diarrhea tonight, just so you know.You just reminded me there was a big dog turd in the Edit Bay hallway. Oh, my God. Someone told me it was Walter, and I didn't believe them. And I went, this was back when- Did you watch the footage? I went for the footage. Nick was at the front, and we were like, rewinding. I'm like, It must have been a slow day because he was very generous with his time with me. And I watched my dog do it.That happened with Ryan recently, too. Oh, interesting. Ryan got sick. He got sick. Then we had to get a new carpet at the upstairs.I will say this show puts the dogs at such a level of importance here. It's really nice. It's like, nobody gets mad.Everyone couldn't have been nicer about it. I felt terrible. I was sweating. Oh, my God. Any time, you see the sweat.Everyone was so nice because Ryan's just a sweet dog. You were really that upset about it? Because your dog is such a well-behaved dog.It was in the most trafficked area of the building. During the busiest part of the day, I will spare the details, but I'm on my knees just scooping up stuff.Jen was helping me because Our showrunners taking time on the day. Parker, when she got older, got sick. Everybody was cleaning up Parker. It's like, okay. I remember people. Any time I got paged in the last two years of her life, I'm like, oh, God, she barfed her poop somewhere in the building.It's like when school or daycare calls. It's never to say, We love your kid. She's so smart.She's so good.The dog park across the street. I feel like I go there sometimes I don't ever see Daily Show dogs there. Is that a... By the way, Walter just lays underneath the bench there. It's like, Why did I do this? But I don't see a lot of Daily Show dogs there.I'll tell you my experience with it, which has been a couple... When he was younger, I used to go once. I try to go every day.Sometimes in the morning to burn them out. Or in the evening or whatever.You might know this, and you definitely know this. Dog parks can get real dicey. The owners.The people. The humans. It's the humans. Sometimes.There's some stuff that goes down that you're like, You know what? I don't know if I want to be a part of this. Maybe not. And then there's some questionable dogs that come in, and neighborhood politics come into play. There's signs up about passive-aggressive signs about this one dog that came in and ate my little dog.Yeah. I mean, you don't want to get... I've seen some crazy things in dog runs.And I got two some ass.Explore more shows from The Daily Show podcast universe by searching The Daily Show, wherever you get your podcasts.Watch The Daily Show weeknights at 11:10 central on Comedy Central, and stream full episodes anytime on Paramount Plus.Paramount Podcasts. If you're listening to this ad, it's no accident unless you forgot to hit skip. But for marketers, finding the right audience matters. We worked hard for your attention, but you don't need to for your business. With Paramount Ads Manager, now you can reach huge audiences on the hottest shows on TV. That's right. Big shows aren't just for the big brands. You can get 30 second views on TV instead of three in their social feeds. Best of all, it's easy. Sign up today, be on TV tomorrow with Paramount Ads Manager. Go to adsmanager. Paramount. Com. That's adsmanager. Paramount. Com to learn more.It's been a three-year wait, but the Olympics are back, and the CBS Sports Podcast Network has you covered with everything happening in Paris. It's a new era for the US women's national team, and attacking third will tackle all the women's soccer action. First Cut will keep close tabs on golf, while Beyond the Arc will follow the US men's basketball team on a quest for another gold. We need to talk now. We'll provide comprehensive coverage of women's athletes of women's athletes at the Olympic Games. Follow and listen to all CBS Sports podcast for free on the Odyssey app and wherever you get your podcast.


your You would have a straw if you hated Parker.


This guy attacked Parker a few times because Parker was curious and energetic and would bounce around. And if he was eating his food, he didn't like that someone was checking him out.


Listen, they get territorial. If it's their office, it's their office. But, yeah, so there can be scuffles. Most of the dog owners here are really responsible, I would say. They know their dogs, and they know not to... If your dog's resources You don't let them around the other dogs. But then there was like, some of the dogs just do weird things. Like, Wally used to rub up on leather couches. Remember? A leather fetish.


A leather fetish and a towel fetish, too. He would go in to John's office and just take the towel off the towel rack, rub around on the bath mat.


Which John's fine if you're a dog, but I did that once, and he was not cool.


And he did not like it.


Not for people. Dogs are totally fine. Yeah, I'm trying to think of the other... Parker stole a meatball off the catering table.


Yeah, that's an epic Parker's dog legendary story.


We didn't know who... We used to remember when dogs would steal food out of the garbages, and we'd go back and watch security footage to figure out which dog ate it. Not because we wanted to get them in trouble, but we wanted to tell the owner, your dog's going to have diarrhea tonight, just so you know.


You just reminded me there was a big dog turd in the Edit Bay hallway. Oh, my God. Someone told me it was Walter, and I didn't believe them. And I went, this was back when- Did you watch the footage? I went for the footage. Nick was at the front, and we were like, rewinding. I'm like, It must have been a slow day because he was very generous with his time with me. And I watched my dog do it.


That happened with Ryan recently, too. Oh, interesting. Ryan got sick. He got sick. Then we had to get a new carpet at the upstairs.


I will say this show puts the dogs at such a level of importance here. It's really nice. It's like, nobody gets mad.


Everyone couldn't have been nicer about it. I felt terrible. I was sweating. Oh, my God. Any time, you see the sweat.


Everyone was so nice because Ryan's just a sweet dog. You were really that upset about it? Because your dog is such a well-behaved dog.


It was in the most trafficked area of the building. During the busiest part of the day, I will spare the details, but I'm on my knees just scooping up stuff.


Jen was helping me because Our showrunners taking time on the day. Parker, when she got older, got sick. Everybody was cleaning up Parker. It's like, okay. I remember people. Any time I got paged in the last two years of her life, I'm like, oh, God, she barfed her poop somewhere in the building.


It's like when school or daycare calls. It's never to say, We love your kid. She's so smart.


She's so good.


The dog park across the street. I feel like I go there sometimes I don't ever see Daily Show dogs there. Is that a... By the way, Walter just lays underneath the bench there. It's like, Why did I do this? But I don't see a lot of Daily Show dogs there.


I'll tell you my experience with it, which has been a couple... When he was younger, I used to go once. I try to go every day.


Sometimes in the morning to burn them out. Or in the evening or whatever.


You might know this, and you definitely know this. Dog parks can get real dicey. The owners.


The people. The humans. It's the humans. Sometimes.


There's some stuff that goes down that you're like, You know what? I don't know if I want to be a part of this. Maybe not. And then there's some questionable dogs that come in, and neighborhood politics come into play. There's signs up about passive-aggressive signs about this one dog that came in and ate my little dog.


Yeah. I mean, you don't want to get... I've seen some crazy things in dog runs.


And I got two some ass.Explore more shows from The Daily Show podcast universe by searching The Daily Show, wherever you get your podcasts.Watch The Daily Show weeknights at 11:10 central on Comedy Central, and stream full episodes anytime on Paramount Plus.Paramount Podcasts. If you're listening to this ad, it's no accident unless you forgot to hit skip. But for marketers, finding the right audience matters. We worked hard for your attention, but you don't need to for your business. With Paramount Ads Manager, now you can reach huge audiences on the hottest shows on TV. That's right. Big shows aren't just for the big brands. You can get 30 second views on TV instead of three in their social feeds. Best of all, it's easy. Sign up today, be on TV tomorrow with Paramount Ads Manager. Go to adsmanager. Paramount. Com. That's adsmanager. Paramount. Com to learn more.It's been a three-year wait, but the Olympics are back, and the CBS Sports Podcast Network has you covered with everything happening in Paris. It's a new era for the US women's national team, and attacking third will tackle all the women's soccer action. First Cut will keep close tabs on golf, while Beyond the Arc will follow the US men's basketball team on a quest for another gold. We need to talk now. We'll provide comprehensive coverage of women's athletes of women's athletes at the Olympic Games. Follow and listen to all CBS Sports podcast for free on the Odyssey app and wherever you get your podcast.


some ass.


Explore more shows from The Daily Show podcast universe by searching The Daily Show, wherever you get your podcasts.


Watch The Daily Show weeknights at 11:10 central on Comedy Central, and stream full episodes anytime on Paramount Plus.


Paramount Podcasts. If you're listening to this ad, it's no accident unless you forgot to hit skip. But for marketers, finding the right audience matters. We worked hard for your attention, but you don't need to for your business. With Paramount Ads Manager, now you can reach huge audiences on the hottest shows on TV. That's right. Big shows aren't just for the big brands. You can get 30 second views on TV instead of three in their social feeds. Best of all, it's easy. Sign up today, be on TV tomorrow with Paramount Ads Manager. Go to adsmanager. Paramount. Com. That's adsmanager. Paramount. Com to learn more.


It's been a three-year wait, but the Olympics are back, and the CBS Sports Podcast Network has you covered with everything happening in Paris. It's a new era for the US women's national team, and attacking third will tackle all the women's soccer action. First Cut will keep close tabs on golf, while Beyond the Arc will follow the US men's basketball team on a quest for another gold. We need to talk now. We'll provide comprehensive coverage of women's athletes of women's athletes at the Olympic Games. Follow and listen to all CBS Sports podcast for free on the Odyssey app and wherever you get your podcast.