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Hey, it's Michael Costa. The Daily Show is taking a break this week, but we put together some special highlight episodes just for you. We'll be back with brand new episodes of The Daily Show next week. In the meantime, enjoy this episode. Welcome back to The Daily Show.


By now, we're all familiar with Nathan Wade, the special prosecutor on the Trump election interference case. He had to step down when it was revealed that he had a secret relationship with the district Attorney, Fannie Willis.


Lots of people have been wondering how they could have been so reckless with such an important trial. We had our friend Marlon Weyand send his friend, Kwan, to sit down with Nathan Wade and figure out just what the hell he was thinking.


Yo, what's up? Welcome to Chopping It Up with Kwan. This is me. You know what I'm saying? I'm a real given the real questions that the real people want to know. Here today, I got my man Nathan Wade. Looking smooth. What was your first thought when you had the affair with Fannie? Come public between you and her.


I don't label it an affair. Wifey? Da Willis is a respectable mother, a brilliant legal mind. We spent countless hours preparing this case, investigating this.


I see all happened. Countless hours. I need a foot rub. You know what I mean? She rubbed your foot. She's like, Hey, let me give you a massage. And all of a sudden, we up on this desk. Man.


No, not even close. Not even close.


Great question. Is she liked it at you or you liked it at her?


Well, that's a great question, right? During the course of the investigation, we would meet early mornings, weekends, spend full days. How can you not hit that? How can you not?


We spending that much time together. We doing everything. We might as well.


In terms of workplace romances, how many places have you worked?


I probably worked like three or four places, and everywhere I went, it was a mess.


Well, so she your boss?So.


You on that indecent proposal? No. You on that indecent proposal shit? You on that Demi, what's that white girl named that married to the dude from Die Hard?


So that's a common misconception, right?


Disclosure. You on that disclosure shit?


No, that's a common misconception. She's not my boss. She's never been my boss.


You wasn't he-tued.




She didn't he to you. No.


I was a contract attorney. She was more analogous to a client to me.


So you're saying she was a client? Yes. So you served her well.


I did. I did my job. Let's talk about some of the successes I did while I was on the job.


I think we're talking about the success.


No, we didn't. We're talking about securing an indictment, talking about getting people to inter-please.


Right. a police. You got to in a police.


We're talking about other jurisdictions even following suit.


So let me ask you, when O'Girl was like, Hey, babe, you want to be in charge of this prosecution of the President of the United States who did this insurrection, did you think like, This could get messy, or you was like, No, I'll be all right.


We did not have that type of relationship at the outset, and we were interviewing other people For the position.


What position was it?


It was the position of special prosecutor.


Did that position look like this? Or did that position look like this?


So no.


After Wade resigned as special prosecutor, Trump's law dog still tried to use their relationship to get the case thrown out. They compelled his ass to testify and grilled this hard.


Did you go to a cabin with Ms. Willis ever?


But the homie had answers.








You're not the booking a cabin.


I book lots of cabins.


My question is, were you booking all these cabins?


So how many district attorneys you be smashing in cabins? Zero.


Is it Airbnb or Verbo? Where you be getting all these cabins from? That's what my people want to know.


Where do I get them?


All right. All right. So some people are saying this ordeal might have ruined the best chance to hold Trump accountable for trying to end democracy. Now, what would you say to all the haters out there who can't get laid.


Well, I don't know what the haters are thinking, but what I will say is under my leadership, we successfully secured a valid legal indictment, the charging document.


All right, young black men need a role model. What's your advice to kids in the hood that's out there that want to grow up and have their dick potentially in democracy? That's some lethal shit, you guys.


We're talking about... I don't know that I have advice for any young black men to have workplace romances. Okay. What I do have advice for young black men is simply this. You can do whatever you put your mind to. I am a black father, was a black husband. I took care of my family. I took care of my children. My children are young adults now. Black fathers are positive. I take pride in being a black man. following this many legal cases. This is the one. Which one is This was this one?This is the one where he stole the classified documents, like many, many boxes. He took them to Florida. The government nicely asked for them back. He said, No, these are my things. He's like a five-year-old. And then they subpoenaed him for the documents, and he said, Oh, here are some of the documents back. And then he had his lawyer's lie about the fact that he hadn't given all the documents back. And then he moved the documents around to hide them from the FBI. And finally, the FBI had to execute a search warrant and take all the documents away from him. And that's basically, it's like a drug bust case. It's like somebody's running a meth factory, and they come in, and there's all the meth.But in other words, that should be open and shut, too.That case should have been tried already. And the charges in that case, a lot of the charges got 10 years in jail, espionage act. He should be in jail for that already.For that. Okay.But that's probably not going to-Yeah, they have a problem. He got lucky. He drew this judge who, I mean, to put it charitially, doesn't really know what she's doing. It seems to be favoring him. Sure. She's made a mess of the proceedings and is continuing to make a mess of the proceedings. I think that what's going to happen at some point is if she does one more thing that's insane, and she's been reversed by the Court of Appeals in Atlanta twice on very harsh grounds, frankly. If she makes one more big mistake, I think there's a chance that they can get her thrown off the case. But there's no way this case is going to get tried this year. I mean, look, the bottom line is, and this is always going to be true, the way that Donald Trump is going to get beaten is at the ballot box. I'm pretty confident he will be.You're confident he will be? Yeah. Well, I mean, thank you for your optimism. I'm a little... But speaking of breaking at the ballot box, the other thing that's fascinating, I think, about your political journey is that you come from that world. You're bona fides. Sorry, you don't come from that world, but you've been a conservative-The world's got a little messy right now, but you're a bona fide, conservative Republican. I think you worked on the case against Bill Clinton, and you've been a Republican most of your adult life. That's fair to say.In fact-For the time I was from the first time I first voted in college.In fact, you celebrated when he won the first election. There's documentation of you celebrating it.Yes, and that's being held against me by Donald Trump himself for some reason. For some reason, he knows how to hurt a guy. I don't know.Right. But to me, that gives even more credibility to what you're saying in a way, because you're from there and you've seen it. I guess the question is, when When we go back to the ballot box, what would you say to other conservative people to convince them that, Hey, maybe there's Conservatives there who are like, Look, I don't care what he says. He's good for my tax reasons. He's good for business. He's tough. What is your argument against that?I think there is a large swath of Republican Trump supporters who are beyond persuasion. I think we We have to accept that. I do think there's a large percentage of people who are uncomfortable with Trump, and especially uncomfortable with his attempt to overthrow the government of the United States and the Constitution of the United States.But why?Why are they there? We once believed in law and order, and now we have this party that's devoted to lying for a criminal. I think there are a lot of Republicans who have deep concerns about that, as they should. I think those concerns are going to come to the fore more as we focus on Donald Trump more, as people are reminded of the things that he has done, the fact that he is now a convicted felon, that he is an adjudicated rapist, that he attempted to overflow the Constitution of the United States, and that he's just downright nuts. I think one of the odd things about this trial is there's a lot of suggestion by Republicans that, Oh, this trial helps him because it just binds him closer to his base because of the convictions and how he's being persecuted. There is some truth to that, but the thing is, he was disadvantaged by the trial in the sense that it took him off the radar screen. He has been advanced over the last three years since January sixth, because we We're going to see less of him, but we're going to see more of him.Like he was a couple of weeks ago. I don't know how many of you people saw this, but he was in Wildwood, New Jersey, talking about what a great guy Hannibal Lector was.So you're saying that- You're saying the more we see Because remember, during coronavirus, they were having these 4:30, 4 o'clock press conferences every day, and they got crazier and crazier.And finally, people in the White House said, We got to take them off. And they're not going to be able to do that.Sure. Well, you're trying to give us reasons for optimism, which I appreciate because I need some reasons for optimism. Just call me anytime.You have my number.But I do want to know, what would you say to... What is the argument to... Because we're preaching to a choir here a little bit. We all know. I think we were watching this. We're pretty sure the algorithm has directed us to you because we all think this guy is nuts, regardless of your actual political-You got to actually say it.We have not had a full national conversation about this man's psychological condition.Have we I feel like we've been talking about every single day. No, we haven't.The mainstream, we say, Oh, he's nuts. He's nuts. He's literally, if you look him up in the Diagnostic and Statistical manual of Mental Disorders, DSM 5, he's a narcissistic sociopath. He has narcissistic personality disorder, and he has sociopath. What needs to be done is that needs to be talked about openly. It needs to be pointed out when he is doing things that meet those criteria. Area, and it's got to be pointed out, and it drives him nuts when people do that. That's the other thing is what you could do is you can have this cycle where you drive him nuts by saying, he's crazy, he acts nuts. Then you have more video and say, look at how nuts he is. That's what has to be done. The other thing that I would recommend to liberals is, don't get mad. The people who support Trump like when Liberals get mad. That's why they like Trump. They say, oh, he makes all these people, these snotty liberals, mad. It's like, make fun of him. You can make fun of him and mock him. This is what these shows do.You're addressing the whole premise of the show right now. Exactly. What we're trying to do here, I don't know.No, you guys, you all play an important role. Kimmel at the Oscars plays an important role. Laught at him. Now, that doesn't mean you don't appreciate the seriousness of what would happen to this country, which is the other message to the rich people who want their taxes cut. It's like, if this guy's elected President, we're going to have civil disorder like you've never seen because he's going to try to violate every law and people are going to start objecting. You're going to see people on the streets. What that's going to do to the economy is not great. We're going to see capital flow, both human and financial, like you've never seen from the United States before. All of these reasons, I think we're going to be able to explore this between now and November I think that's the reason why ultimately, I think common sense will prevail and this guy will win. But the problem will still be. There will be 60, 70, 80 million people who will vote for the guy, and we still have to live with those people, and we're going to have to de-program them at some point. Okay.Well, as always, thank you for the analysis. Thank you for being an intelligent, reasonable person. I appreciate it. Be sure to check out this podcast, John Conway explains it all to Sarah Alonwell. John Conway, everybody. Explore more shows from The Daily Show podcast universe by searching The Daily Show, wherever you get your podcasts. Watch The Daily Show weeknights at 11:10 Central on Comedy Central, and stream full episodes anytime on Paramount Plus.Paramount Podcasts.It's been a three-year wait, but the Olympics are back, and the CBS Sports Podcast Network has you covered with everything happening in Paris. It's a new era for the US women's national team, and attacking tackle all the women's soccer action. First Cut will keep close tabs on golf, while Beyond the Arc will follow the US men's basketball team on a quest for another gold. We need to talk now. We'll provide comprehensive coverage of women's athletes at the Olympic Games. Follow and listen Follow and listen to all CBS Sports podcast for free on the Odyssey app and wherever you get your podcast.


following this many legal cases. This is the one. Which one is This was this one?


This is the one where he stole the classified documents, like many, many boxes. He took them to Florida. The government nicely asked for them back. He said, No, these are my things. He's like a five-year-old. And then they subpoenaed him for the documents, and he said, Oh, here are some of the documents back. And then he had his lawyer's lie about the fact that he hadn't given all the documents back. And then he moved the documents around to hide them from the FBI. And finally, the FBI had to execute a search warrant and take all the documents away from him. And that's basically, it's like a drug bust case. It's like somebody's running a meth factory, and they come in, and there's all the meth.


But in other words, that should be open and shut, too.


That case should have been tried already. And the charges in that case, a lot of the charges got 10 years in jail, espionage act. He should be in jail for that already.


For that. Okay.


But that's probably not going to-Yeah, they have a problem. He got lucky. He drew this judge who, I mean, to put it charitially, doesn't really know what she's doing. It seems to be favoring him. Sure. She's made a mess of the proceedings and is continuing to make a mess of the proceedings. I think that what's going to happen at some point is if she does one more thing that's insane, and she's been reversed by the Court of Appeals in Atlanta twice on very harsh grounds, frankly. If she makes one more big mistake, I think there's a chance that they can get her thrown off the case. But there's no way this case is going to get tried this year. I mean, look, the bottom line is, and this is always going to be true, the way that Donald Trump is going to get beaten is at the ballot box. I'm pretty confident he will be.


You're confident he will be? Yeah. Well, I mean, thank you for your optimism. I'm a little... But speaking of breaking at the ballot box, the other thing that's fascinating, I think, about your political journey is that you come from that world. You're bona fides. Sorry, you don't come from that world, but you've been a conservative-The world's got a little messy right now, but you're a bona fide, conservative Republican. I think you worked on the case against Bill Clinton, and you've been a Republican most of your adult life. That's fair to say.


In fact-For the time I was from the first time I first voted in college.


In fact, you celebrated when he won the first election. There's documentation of you celebrating it.


Yes, and that's being held against me by Donald Trump himself for some reason. For some reason, he knows how to hurt a guy. I don't know.


Right. But to me, that gives even more credibility to what you're saying in a way, because you're from there and you've seen it. I guess the question is, when When we go back to the ballot box, what would you say to other conservative people to convince them that, Hey, maybe there's Conservatives there who are like, Look, I don't care what he says. He's good for my tax reasons. He's good for business. He's tough. What is your argument against that?


I think there is a large swath of Republican Trump supporters who are beyond persuasion. I think we We have to accept that. I do think there's a large percentage of people who are uncomfortable with Trump, and especially uncomfortable with his attempt to overthrow the government of the United States and the Constitution of the United States.


But why?


Why are they there? We once believed in law and order, and now we have this party that's devoted to lying for a criminal. I think there are a lot of Republicans who have deep concerns about that, as they should. I think those concerns are going to come to the fore more as we focus on Donald Trump more, as people are reminded of the things that he has done, the fact that he is now a convicted felon, that he is an adjudicated rapist, that he attempted to overflow the Constitution of the United States, and that he's just downright nuts. I think one of the odd things about this trial is there's a lot of suggestion by Republicans that, Oh, this trial helps him because it just binds him closer to his base because of the convictions and how he's being persecuted. There is some truth to that, but the thing is, he was disadvantaged by the trial in the sense that it took him off the radar screen. He has been advanced over the last three years since January sixth, because we We're going to see less of him, but we're going to see more of him.


Like he was a couple of weeks ago. I don't know how many of you people saw this, but he was in Wildwood, New Jersey, talking about what a great guy Hannibal Lector was.


So you're saying that- You're saying the more we see Because remember, during coronavirus, they were having these 4:30, 4 o'clock press conferences every day, and they got crazier and crazier.


And finally, people in the White House said, We got to take them off. And they're not going to be able to do that.


Sure. Well, you're trying to give us reasons for optimism, which I appreciate because I need some reasons for optimism. Just call me anytime.


You have my number.


But I do want to know, what would you say to... What is the argument to... Because we're preaching to a choir here a little bit. We all know. I think we were watching this. We're pretty sure the algorithm has directed us to you because we all think this guy is nuts, regardless of your actual political-You got to actually say it.


We have not had a full national conversation about this man's psychological condition.


Have we I feel like we've been talking about every single day. No, we haven't.


The mainstream, we say, Oh, he's nuts. He's nuts. He's literally, if you look him up in the Diagnostic and Statistical manual of Mental Disorders, DSM 5, he's a narcissistic sociopath. He has narcissistic personality disorder, and he has sociopath. What needs to be done is that needs to be talked about openly. It needs to be pointed out when he is doing things that meet those criteria. Area, and it's got to be pointed out, and it drives him nuts when people do that. That's the other thing is what you could do is you can have this cycle where you drive him nuts by saying, he's crazy, he acts nuts. Then you have more video and say, look at how nuts he is. That's what has to be done. The other thing that I would recommend to liberals is, don't get mad. The people who support Trump like when Liberals get mad. That's why they like Trump. They say, oh, he makes all these people, these snotty liberals, mad. It's like, make fun of him. You can make fun of him and mock him. This is what these shows do.


You're addressing the whole premise of the show right now. Exactly. What we're trying to do here, I don't know.


No, you guys, you all play an important role. Kimmel at the Oscars plays an important role. Laught at him. Now, that doesn't mean you don't appreciate the seriousness of what would happen to this country, which is the other message to the rich people who want their taxes cut. It's like, if this guy's elected President, we're going to have civil disorder like you've never seen because he's going to try to violate every law and people are going to start objecting. You're going to see people on the streets. What that's going to do to the economy is not great. We're going to see capital flow, both human and financial, like you've never seen from the United States before. All of these reasons, I think we're going to be able to explore this between now and November I think that's the reason why ultimately, I think common sense will prevail and this guy will win. But the problem will still be. There will be 60, 70, 80 million people who will vote for the guy, and we still have to live with those people, and we're going to have to de-program them at some point. Okay.


Well, as always, thank you for the analysis. Thank you for being an intelligent, reasonable person. I appreciate it. Be sure to check out this podcast, John Conway explains it all to Sarah Alonwell. John Conway, everybody. Explore more shows from The Daily Show podcast universe by searching The Daily Show, wherever you get your podcasts. Watch The Daily Show weeknights at 11:10 Central on Comedy Central, and stream full episodes anytime on Paramount Plus.


Paramount Podcasts.


It's been a three-year wait, but the Olympics are back, and the CBS Sports Podcast Network has you covered with everything happening in Paris. It's a new era for the US women's national team, and attacking tackle all the women's soccer action. First Cut will keep close tabs on golf, while Beyond the Arc will follow the US men's basketball team on a quest for another gold. We need to talk now. We'll provide comprehensive coverage of women's athletes at the Olympic Games. Follow and listen Follow and listen to all CBS Sports podcast for free on the Odyssey app and wherever you get your podcast.