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If you're listening to hanging out behind the bleachers. Like, hey, after we finish not having sex, let's fund offshore fracking. And as an Asian, I just want to make it clear that Vivek Ramaswamy does not represent me, okay?Because Indians are not Asians. But if Vivek didn't convince young people that it's cool to be Republican. Hey, check out this sick beat.It's the mayor McAville, baby.In Bru.Hey, you know who we voting for? We voting Donald Trump, baby. America needs safe. America needs safe.I didn't think it was possible to dishonor vanilla ice, but they did it. In fact, I wish I got shot in the ear so I don't have to listen to that shit. But do. Like, do republicans not remember they have kanye? Like, I know, I know he's a bit of a Nazi now, but I really don't think this room will mind. Now, the main theme of night two was making America safe again, which got off to a bad start when Rudy Giuliani, he did an impression. When he did an impression of his net worth and plummeted to the ground. I mean, don't worry, everyone. He's fine. Okay? Fortunately, the only thing that can hurt Rudy is garlic and holy water. But the theme was meant to highlight crime and drug use in America. And some speakers came out to talk about how much real tragedy they've suffered these last few years. My son, murdered with a knife on the streets of New York City. My beloved sister Rachel, murdered by a suspected illegal immigrant. I was insulted as a guest at the White House correspondents dinner. Okay, one of these stories wasn't quite as tragic as the other ones.And, hey, I'm not saying it wasn't painful that someone made fun of you while you had a free dinner, but maybe next time, just go before the widows and the orphans so that it's, like an escalation of tragedy. But you know what? Sarah Huckabee Sanders was probably just ramping up. I'm sure she suffered a much worse tragedy. My family was denied service and kicked out of a restaurant. Okay, lady, you heard the speeches before you, right? There are people who are like, my whole family is addicted to fentanyl. And you're like, I know, right? And Chipotle totally skimped on my guac. Come on, you gotta give me something tragic. Make me cheer up. And a parent at my three year old son's preschool spit on my car. Okay, Sarah is like, what is happening to America when someone can just walk up to my car and to us. Spit on that thing. Why are you even. Don't applaud it. Don't applaud it. Why are you even mad about that? You're in Arkansas. Isn't that just a car wash there? For more on the second night of the RNC, we go live to Milwaukee with Michael Kostam.Thank you, Ron.Thank you.Thanks, Ron. Michael. Michael. How's it going over there?Thanks, Ryan. It is great to be here in Milwaukee. You know, I know we canceled all our shows here this week, but I'm glad that I got to stay here in Milwaukee, which is where I am.Okay, so Republicans and the media were really talking about how this country needed unity. What happened?Yeah, well, it's boring. So they stopped. Back to you, Ronnie.Wait, that's it? All that talk of bringing the country together and lowering the temperature, and they couldn't do it? Yeah.You know, old habits are hard to change. It's human nature. I do it. I'm always telling myself, Michael, you gotta read more books. Day one, I'm cracking open war and peace. But day two, I'm like, you know, Pornhub has a comment section that's reading.Yeah, look, I know it's hard, but isn't it worth making the effort to try and bring the country together?No, it's not. It's actually un american. Division has always been a part of american identity. Hamilton versus Burr. The north versus the Confederacy. Tits versus ask, still dividing families. Today, we're a nation built on disagreement. Where did this idea come from that the United States has to be united?Okay, I fault that I'm rich and you're poor. You can't do anything about it. But what can people do about it? I mean, first of all, I mean, kudos to, you know, you're the first boomer I've heard in the last decade to give young people some props, you know, to be like, hey, it's not, because all I've heard for last decade is boomers yelling at millennials for being lazy and eating avocado. So you're all like a refreshing voice.Here, look, the average 70 year old is 72% wealthier than they were 40 years ago. The average person under the age of 40 is 24% less wealthy. The child tax credit gets stripped out of the Infrastructure Act. $40 billion with $120 billion increase. Annual increase in cost of living adjustment for seniors flies right through.Okay, anytime I want to say boomers, I'll just link to this part of the 100%. This is what this guy said. So, I mean, I'd love to continue making the case against boomers, but I also like to figure out, like, so what can we do about. Yeah, what can we do about it?There's a variety of things. One, lower taxes on. Put more money in. Put more money in the pockets of young people. Education count up fourfold.Highest crowd.That was pretty populous. Housing's gone up four x, education's gone up two x. Meanwhile, minimum wage, if it had just kept productivity upward, productivity inflation would be in $23 an hour. But it's 725. We need a series of policies that make it easier for people to get ahead. 60% of people aged 30 to 34 used to have kids. Now it's 27%. They're literally opting out of America. They look up, they look down, they see prosperity everywhere. And 210 times a day, they get a notification of someone vomiting their faux wealth in their face. It's no accident that we have. We are raising a generation of the most obese, anxious, depressed, suicidal generation in history.So, wait, you were doing so well there with appraising the young people, and you took a hard turn, and I just wasn't ready for it. I'm sorry. Are we good or not? It's our fault or not.But I do think it's our fault.Okay, but, like, besides being civically engaged and caring about the world, what can a young person do to make money?Well, again, I think it's. I think it's.Nobody got that one. But it's because what you're describing is policies. Right? And I think a lot of young people feel disenfranchised and voting.And so besides agency, everyone needs to have a sense of agency. You do have agency. One, recognize how fast time is going. Go between the ages of 20 and 30. If you just save three to 6% of your salary, you're going to end up wealthy by the time you're my age. Recognize the time is going to go faster than you think. Diversify. And also recognize that your twenties is about workshopping. Don't be so hard on yourself. But also recognize you're going to live a lot longer than you think. And so just try to develop a savings muscle and put a little bit of money away in case you don't go double platinum or sell a business. Most of us, because our species hasn't lived past 35, for 99% of our time on this planet, we have trouble believing that you're going to be my age. That's why we're so horrified when we look in the mirror past 35. We're just not used to saying it.I'm kind of horrified looking in front of me right now.You just made my wife your best friend. Anyways, this is essentially start early and so you can save, you can control. Control your spending, spend less than you make. Develop a savings muscle, and then really lean into your strengths and try and become great at something. And pick a non vanity industry that has greater than the 90 plus percent employment rate.Okay, so your advice, young people, is that the boomers are screwing you over. Try to vote people in who can hopefully reverse that a little bit.Our elected officials are a cross between the golden girls and the walking dead, the average age.That is true, but, and I'm asking you as a person with more experience than me and much more. Well, read on this. Do you feel like this is kind of like the last death grasp of the boomers trying to hold on, and if we just can wait them out another five years, we can regain control and balance things out? Hopefully.I think that's hopeful. But the average age is now the oldest elected populace of any democratic institution. What happens in a democracy if you're not forward leaning like our ancestors and invest in middle class? Old people have figured out they can vote themselves more money. Does a person, speaker of the House, when she had her first child, Castro had declared, just declared, martial law in Cuba, two thirds of houses did not have a tv. Does she really understand the challenges facing a 25 year old single mother or a 22 year old male who has a lack of economic or romantic prospects? The average age of Americans is 35. We need a representative democracy. We need more young people that will vote for money and make forward leaning investments.Man, you just said they're done. When these boomers just won't die. They just won't die. Keep holding on, making decisions. They're, like, entrenched in decision making positions. They're lowering the capital gains tax. Our net worth essentially compounds the year.So you got it. 92%. There's an incumbency rate of 95%, or between 92 and 95%. In addition, because the gerrymandered, we essentially send to Washington hard right crazies and hard left crazies who have one thing in common, and that is they're really old and they keep voting themselves more money. If we don't start investing in the future, democracy is literally going to collapse on itself. When we get to these levels of income inequality, they always self correct through war, famine, and revolution. We need to do something about this.Okay. So we'll be fine, is what you're saying.That's right.So the solution is find people who speak this language and vote them in. Right. That sounds like what you.We absolutely need a younger electorate, but we also need fiscal policies that do what our previous generations do, invest in the future, investment in the middle class technologies.But as someone who speaks. I'm sorry to cut you off, but as someone who speaks. Boomer.Yeah.When you talk to your fellow boomers and you tell them, like, you're kind of taking away the things that you benefited from, can we put them back in? How do you convince these old people to do that. You know what I mean.The key to progress with FDR, Teddy Roosevelt is having a series of class traders. If you don't make these forward leaning investments, the reality is people, you have your world of work, you have your world of friends, you have your world of kids. When something comes off the track with one of your kids, the whole world shrinks to that kid. So the question is, are we willing to make the same sort of forward leaning investment that your father and our grandparents made in America? Moving forward, we have lost that sense of comedy of man. One solution that I think will help us get back to that is that I think we need mandatory national service such that we can develop more connective tissue and young Americans can meet people from other ethnic groups, other sexual orientation, and realize that they can build something great in the agency of others and not see each other as Republicans, not see each other as Democrats or trans or non trans, but see each other as Americans and start making these forward leaning investments that have made America well.As a young person. Thank you for trying to look after the next generation. I hope more old people can be like you. I appreciate that the old Gibraltar Welf is available now. Scott Galloway, we're going to take a quick break. I'll be right back after this.Choosing a credit card can get overwhelming a lot. Offer great perks like free burritos or access to fancy airport lounges. But they can also come with huge interest rates that cancel out those perks pretty quickly, especially on big purchases. If you want to knock down those rates but still get everyday perks like cashback, which you can totally use to buy burritos, Avon has a credit card that can help you do that. Avon works like a regular credit card, but taps into your home equity to get you really low interest rates. It's the convenience of a credit card with the savings of a home equity line of credit. And just like any other cardinal, you can make everyday purchases and earn unlimited 2% cash back. Plus, now Avon lets you use your rental or investment properties towards that home equity line of credit. You just need to verify employment and rental income, upload your tax return, verify your home is in good condition, and you're on your way to having a credit card with an interest rate that doesn't eat up all your burrito money. Head to to learn more. That's to learn more.It's been a three year wait, but the Olympics are back and the CB's sports podcast network has you covered with everything happening in packaging. It's a new era for the us women's national team and attacking third will tackle all the women's soccer action. First cut will keep close tabs on golf, while beyond the arc will follow the us men's basketball team on a quest for another gold and we need to talk now. We'll provide comprehensive coverage of women's athletes at the Olympic Games. Follow and listen to all CB's sports podcasts for free on the Odyssey app and wherever you get your podcasts.Hey, that's our show for tonight. Tune in tomorrow when we'll be live at 11:30 p.m. no matter what, explore.More shows from the Daily show podcast universe by searching the Daily show wherever you get your podcasts, watch the Daily show weeknights at 1110 Central on Comedy Central and stream full episodes anytime on Paramount plus.Paramount podcasts. You may be tempted to skip this ad, but don't marketers want their audience to stick around? And with Paramount ads manager, you can advertise your business on the biggest shows on tv for 30 unskippable seconds. Run your ads in premium content on Paramount plus and over 15 major networks with hit shows, movies, sports and more, all on the biggest screen in the house. Put your business in show business with Paramount ads manager. Go to adsmanager dot that's adsmanager dot to learn more.It's been a three year wait, but the Olympics are back and the CB's sports podcast network has you covered. With everything happening in the its a new era for the us womens national team and attacking third will tackle all the womens soccer action. First cut will keep close tabs on golf, while beyond the arc will follow the us mens basketball team on a quest for another gold and we need to talk now. Well provide comprehensive coverage of womens athletes at the Olympic Games. Follow and listen to all CB's sports podcasts for free on the Odyssey app and wherever you get your podcasts.


hanging out behind the bleachers. Like, hey, after we finish not having sex, let's fund offshore fracking. And as an Asian, I just want to make it clear that Vivek Ramaswamy does not represent me, okay?


Because Indians are not Asians. But if Vivek didn't convince young people that it's cool to be Republican. Hey, check out this sick beat.


It's the mayor McAville, baby.


In Bru.


Hey, you know who we voting for? We voting Donald Trump, baby. America needs safe. America needs safe.


I didn't think it was possible to dishonor vanilla ice, but they did it. In fact, I wish I got shot in the ear so I don't have to listen to that shit. But do. Like, do republicans not remember they have kanye? Like, I know, I know he's a bit of a Nazi now, but I really don't think this room will mind. Now, the main theme of night two was making America safe again, which got off to a bad start when Rudy Giuliani, he did an impression. When he did an impression of his net worth and plummeted to the ground. I mean, don't worry, everyone. He's fine. Okay? Fortunately, the only thing that can hurt Rudy is garlic and holy water. But the theme was meant to highlight crime and drug use in America. And some speakers came out to talk about how much real tragedy they've suffered these last few years. My son, murdered with a knife on the streets of New York City. My beloved sister Rachel, murdered by a suspected illegal immigrant. I was insulted as a guest at the White House correspondents dinner. Okay, one of these stories wasn't quite as tragic as the other ones.


And, hey, I'm not saying it wasn't painful that someone made fun of you while you had a free dinner, but maybe next time, just go before the widows and the orphans so that it's, like an escalation of tragedy. But you know what? Sarah Huckabee Sanders was probably just ramping up. I'm sure she suffered a much worse tragedy. My family was denied service and kicked out of a restaurant. Okay, lady, you heard the speeches before you, right? There are people who are like, my whole family is addicted to fentanyl. And you're like, I know, right? And Chipotle totally skimped on my guac. Come on, you gotta give me something tragic. Make me cheer up. And a parent at my three year old son's preschool spit on my car. Okay, Sarah is like, what is happening to America when someone can just walk up to my car and to us. Spit on that thing. Why are you even. Don't applaud it. Don't applaud it. Why are you even mad about that? You're in Arkansas. Isn't that just a car wash there? For more on the second night of the RNC, we go live to Milwaukee with Michael Kostam.


Thank you, Ron.


Thank you.


Thanks, Ron. Michael. Michael. How's it going over there?


Thanks, Ryan. It is great to be here in Milwaukee. You know, I know we canceled all our shows here this week, but I'm glad that I got to stay here in Milwaukee, which is where I am.


Okay, so Republicans and the media were really talking about how this country needed unity. What happened?


Yeah, well, it's boring. So they stopped. Back to you, Ronnie.


Wait, that's it? All that talk of bringing the country together and lowering the temperature, and they couldn't do it? Yeah.


You know, old habits are hard to change. It's human nature. I do it. I'm always telling myself, Michael, you gotta read more books. Day one, I'm cracking open war and peace. But day two, I'm like, you know, Pornhub has a comment section that's reading.


Yeah, look, I know it's hard, but isn't it worth making the effort to try and bring the country together?


No, it's not. It's actually un american. Division has always been a part of american identity. Hamilton versus Burr. The north versus the Confederacy. Tits versus ask, still dividing families. Today, we're a nation built on disagreement. Where did this idea come from that the United States has to be united?


Okay, I fault that I'm rich and you're poor. You can't do anything about it. But what can people do about it? I mean, first of all, I mean, kudos to, you know, you're the first boomer I've heard in the last decade to give young people some props, you know, to be like, hey, it's not, because all I've heard for last decade is boomers yelling at millennials for being lazy and eating avocado. So you're all like a refreshing voice.Here, look, the average 70 year old is 72% wealthier than they were 40 years ago. The average person under the age of 40 is 24% less wealthy. The child tax credit gets stripped out of the Infrastructure Act. $40 billion with $120 billion increase. Annual increase in cost of living adjustment for seniors flies right through.Okay, anytime I want to say boomers, I'll just link to this part of the 100%. This is what this guy said. So, I mean, I'd love to continue making the case against boomers, but I also like to figure out, like, so what can we do about. Yeah, what can we do about it?There's a variety of things. One, lower taxes on. Put more money in. Put more money in the pockets of young people. Education count up fourfold.Highest crowd.That was pretty populous. Housing's gone up four x, education's gone up two x. Meanwhile, minimum wage, if it had just kept productivity upward, productivity inflation would be in $23 an hour. But it's 725. We need a series of policies that make it easier for people to get ahead. 60% of people aged 30 to 34 used to have kids. Now it's 27%. They're literally opting out of America. They look up, they look down, they see prosperity everywhere. And 210 times a day, they get a notification of someone vomiting their faux wealth in their face. It's no accident that we have. We are raising a generation of the most obese, anxious, depressed, suicidal generation in history.So, wait, you were doing so well there with appraising the young people, and you took a hard turn, and I just wasn't ready for it. I'm sorry. Are we good or not? It's our fault or not.But I do think it's our fault.Okay, but, like, besides being civically engaged and caring about the world, what can a young person do to make money?Well, again, I think it's. I think it's.Nobody got that one. But it's because what you're describing is policies. Right? And I think a lot of young people feel disenfranchised and voting.And so besides agency, everyone needs to have a sense of agency. You do have agency. One, recognize how fast time is going. Go between the ages of 20 and 30. If you just save three to 6% of your salary, you're going to end up wealthy by the time you're my age. Recognize the time is going to go faster than you think. Diversify. And also recognize that your twenties is about workshopping. Don't be so hard on yourself. But also recognize you're going to live a lot longer than you think. And so just try to develop a savings muscle and put a little bit of money away in case you don't go double platinum or sell a business. Most of us, because our species hasn't lived past 35, for 99% of our time on this planet, we have trouble believing that you're going to be my age. That's why we're so horrified when we look in the mirror past 35. We're just not used to saying it.I'm kind of horrified looking in front of me right now.You just made my wife your best friend. Anyways, this is essentially start early and so you can save, you can control. Control your spending, spend less than you make. Develop a savings muscle, and then really lean into your strengths and try and become great at something. And pick a non vanity industry that has greater than the 90 plus percent employment rate.Okay, so your advice, young people, is that the boomers are screwing you over. Try to vote people in who can hopefully reverse that a little bit.Our elected officials are a cross between the golden girls and the walking dead, the average age.That is true, but, and I'm asking you as a person with more experience than me and much more. Well, read on this. Do you feel like this is kind of like the last death grasp of the boomers trying to hold on, and if we just can wait them out another five years, we can regain control and balance things out? Hopefully.I think that's hopeful. But the average age is now the oldest elected populace of any democratic institution. What happens in a democracy if you're not forward leaning like our ancestors and invest in middle class? Old people have figured out they can vote themselves more money. Does a person, speaker of the House, when she had her first child, Castro had declared, just declared, martial law in Cuba, two thirds of houses did not have a tv. Does she really understand the challenges facing a 25 year old single mother or a 22 year old male who has a lack of economic or romantic prospects? The average age of Americans is 35. We need a representative democracy. We need more young people that will vote for money and make forward leaning investments.Man, you just said they're done. When these boomers just won't die. They just won't die. Keep holding on, making decisions. They're, like, entrenched in decision making positions. They're lowering the capital gains tax. Our net worth essentially compounds the year.So you got it. 92%. There's an incumbency rate of 95%, or between 92 and 95%. In addition, because the gerrymandered, we essentially send to Washington hard right crazies and hard left crazies who have one thing in common, and that is they're really old and they keep voting themselves more money. If we don't start investing in the future, democracy is literally going to collapse on itself. When we get to these levels of income inequality, they always self correct through war, famine, and revolution. We need to do something about this.Okay. So we'll be fine, is what you're saying.That's right.So the solution is find people who speak this language and vote them in. Right. That sounds like what you.We absolutely need a younger electorate, but we also need fiscal policies that do what our previous generations do, invest in the future, investment in the middle class technologies.But as someone who speaks. I'm sorry to cut you off, but as someone who speaks. Boomer.Yeah.When you talk to your fellow boomers and you tell them, like, you're kind of taking away the things that you benefited from, can we put them back in? How do you convince these old people to do that. You know what I mean.The key to progress with FDR, Teddy Roosevelt is having a series of class traders. If you don't make these forward leaning investments, the reality is people, you have your world of work, you have your world of friends, you have your world of kids. When something comes off the track with one of your kids, the whole world shrinks to that kid. So the question is, are we willing to make the same sort of forward leaning investment that your father and our grandparents made in America? Moving forward, we have lost that sense of comedy of man. One solution that I think will help us get back to that is that I think we need mandatory national service such that we can develop more connective tissue and young Americans can meet people from other ethnic groups, other sexual orientation, and realize that they can build something great in the agency of others and not see each other as Republicans, not see each other as Democrats or trans or non trans, but see each other as Americans and start making these forward leaning investments that have made America well.As a young person. Thank you for trying to look after the next generation. I hope more old people can be like you. I appreciate that the old Gibraltar Welf is available now. Scott Galloway, we're going to take a quick break. I'll be right back after this.Choosing a credit card can get overwhelming a lot. Offer great perks like free burritos or access to fancy airport lounges. But they can also come with huge interest rates that cancel out those perks pretty quickly, especially on big purchases. If you want to knock down those rates but still get everyday perks like cashback, which you can totally use to buy burritos, Avon has a credit card that can help you do that. Avon works like a regular credit card, but taps into your home equity to get you really low interest rates. It's the convenience of a credit card with the savings of a home equity line of credit. And just like any other cardinal, you can make everyday purchases and earn unlimited 2% cash back. Plus, now Avon lets you use your rental or investment properties towards that home equity line of credit. You just need to verify employment and rental income, upload your tax return, verify your home is in good condition, and you're on your way to having a credit card with an interest rate that doesn't eat up all your burrito money. Head to to learn more. That's to learn more.It's been a three year wait, but the Olympics are back and the CB's sports podcast network has you covered with everything happening in packaging. It's a new era for the us women's national team and attacking third will tackle all the women's soccer action. First cut will keep close tabs on golf, while beyond the arc will follow the us men's basketball team on a quest for another gold and we need to talk now. We'll provide comprehensive coverage of women's athletes at the Olympic Games. Follow and listen to all CB's sports podcasts for free on the Odyssey app and wherever you get your podcasts.Hey, that's our show for tonight. Tune in tomorrow when we'll be live at 11:30 p.m. no matter what, explore.More shows from the Daily show podcast universe by searching the Daily show wherever you get your podcasts, watch the Daily show weeknights at 1110 Central on Comedy Central and stream full episodes anytime on Paramount plus.Paramount podcasts. You may be tempted to skip this ad, but don't marketers want their audience to stick around? And with Paramount ads manager, you can advertise your business on the biggest shows on tv for 30 unskippable seconds. Run your ads in premium content on Paramount plus and over 15 major networks with hit shows, movies, sports and more, all on the biggest screen in the house. Put your business in show business with Paramount ads manager. Go to adsmanager dot that's adsmanager dot to learn more.It's been a three year wait, but the Olympics are back and the CB's sports podcast network has you covered. With everything happening in the its a new era for the us womens national team and attacking third will tackle all the womens soccer action. First cut will keep close tabs on golf, while beyond the arc will follow the us mens basketball team on a quest for another gold and we need to talk now. Well provide comprehensive coverage of womens athletes at the Olympic Games. Follow and listen to all CB's sports podcasts for free on the Odyssey app and wherever you get your podcasts.


fault that I'm rich and you're poor. You can't do anything about it. But what can people do about it? I mean, first of all, I mean, kudos to, you know, you're the first boomer I've heard in the last decade to give young people some props, you know, to be like, hey, it's not, because all I've heard for last decade is boomers yelling at millennials for being lazy and eating avocado. So you're all like a refreshing voice.


Here, look, the average 70 year old is 72% wealthier than they were 40 years ago. The average person under the age of 40 is 24% less wealthy. The child tax credit gets stripped out of the Infrastructure Act. $40 billion with $120 billion increase. Annual increase in cost of living adjustment for seniors flies right through.


Okay, anytime I want to say boomers, I'll just link to this part of the 100%. This is what this guy said. So, I mean, I'd love to continue making the case against boomers, but I also like to figure out, like, so what can we do about. Yeah, what can we do about it?


There's a variety of things. One, lower taxes on. Put more money in. Put more money in the pockets of young people. Education count up fourfold.


Highest crowd.


That was pretty populous. Housing's gone up four x, education's gone up two x. Meanwhile, minimum wage, if it had just kept productivity upward, productivity inflation would be in $23 an hour. But it's 725. We need a series of policies that make it easier for people to get ahead. 60% of people aged 30 to 34 used to have kids. Now it's 27%. They're literally opting out of America. They look up, they look down, they see prosperity everywhere. And 210 times a day, they get a notification of someone vomiting their faux wealth in their face. It's no accident that we have. We are raising a generation of the most obese, anxious, depressed, suicidal generation in history.


So, wait, you were doing so well there with appraising the young people, and you took a hard turn, and I just wasn't ready for it. I'm sorry. Are we good or not? It's our fault or not.


But I do think it's our fault.


Okay, but, like, besides being civically engaged and caring about the world, what can a young person do to make money?


Well, again, I think it's. I think it's.


Nobody got that one. But it's because what you're describing is policies. Right? And I think a lot of young people feel disenfranchised and voting.


And so besides agency, everyone needs to have a sense of agency. You do have agency. One, recognize how fast time is going. Go between the ages of 20 and 30. If you just save three to 6% of your salary, you're going to end up wealthy by the time you're my age. Recognize the time is going to go faster than you think. Diversify. And also recognize that your twenties is about workshopping. Don't be so hard on yourself. But also recognize you're going to live a lot longer than you think. And so just try to develop a savings muscle and put a little bit of money away in case you don't go double platinum or sell a business. Most of us, because our species hasn't lived past 35, for 99% of our time on this planet, we have trouble believing that you're going to be my age. That's why we're so horrified when we look in the mirror past 35. We're just not used to saying it.


I'm kind of horrified looking in front of me right now.


You just made my wife your best friend. Anyways, this is essentially start early and so you can save, you can control. Control your spending, spend less than you make. Develop a savings muscle, and then really lean into your strengths and try and become great at something. And pick a non vanity industry that has greater than the 90 plus percent employment rate.


Okay, so your advice, young people, is that the boomers are screwing you over. Try to vote people in who can hopefully reverse that a little bit.


Our elected officials are a cross between the golden girls and the walking dead, the average age.


That is true, but, and I'm asking you as a person with more experience than me and much more. Well, read on this. Do you feel like this is kind of like the last death grasp of the boomers trying to hold on, and if we just can wait them out another five years, we can regain control and balance things out? Hopefully.


I think that's hopeful. But the average age is now the oldest elected populace of any democratic institution. What happens in a democracy if you're not forward leaning like our ancestors and invest in middle class? Old people have figured out they can vote themselves more money. Does a person, speaker of the House, when she had her first child, Castro had declared, just declared, martial law in Cuba, two thirds of houses did not have a tv. Does she really understand the challenges facing a 25 year old single mother or a 22 year old male who has a lack of economic or romantic prospects? The average age of Americans is 35. We need a representative democracy. We need more young people that will vote for money and make forward leaning investments.


Man, you just said they're done. When these boomers just won't die. They just won't die. Keep holding on, making decisions. They're, like, entrenched in decision making positions. They're lowering the capital gains tax. Our net worth essentially compounds the year.


So you got it. 92%. There's an incumbency rate of 95%, or between 92 and 95%. In addition, because the gerrymandered, we essentially send to Washington hard right crazies and hard left crazies who have one thing in common, and that is they're really old and they keep voting themselves more money. If we don't start investing in the future, democracy is literally going to collapse on itself. When we get to these levels of income inequality, they always self correct through war, famine, and revolution. We need to do something about this.


Okay. So we'll be fine, is what you're saying.


That's right.


So the solution is find people who speak this language and vote them in. Right. That sounds like what you.


We absolutely need a younger electorate, but we also need fiscal policies that do what our previous generations do, invest in the future, investment in the middle class technologies.


But as someone who speaks. I'm sorry to cut you off, but as someone who speaks. Boomer.




When you talk to your fellow boomers and you tell them, like, you're kind of taking away the things that you benefited from, can we put them back in? How do you convince these old people to do that. You know what I mean.


The key to progress with FDR, Teddy Roosevelt is having a series of class traders. If you don't make these forward leaning investments, the reality is people, you have your world of work, you have your world of friends, you have your world of kids. When something comes off the track with one of your kids, the whole world shrinks to that kid. So the question is, are we willing to make the same sort of forward leaning investment that your father and our grandparents made in America? Moving forward, we have lost that sense of comedy of man. One solution that I think will help us get back to that is that I think we need mandatory national service such that we can develop more connective tissue and young Americans can meet people from other ethnic groups, other sexual orientation, and realize that they can build something great in the agency of others and not see each other as Republicans, not see each other as Democrats or trans or non trans, but see each other as Americans and start making these forward leaning investments that have made America well.


As a young person. Thank you for trying to look after the next generation. I hope more old people can be like you. I appreciate that the old Gibraltar Welf is available now. Scott Galloway, we're going to take a quick break. I'll be right back after this.


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