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You may be tempted to skip this ad, but don't. Marketers want their audience to stick around. And with Paramount Ads Manager, you can advertise your business on the biggest shows on TV for 30 unskippable seconds. Run your ads in premium content on Paramount Plus and over 15 major networks with hit shows, movies, sports, and more, all on the biggest screen in the house. Put your business in show business with Paramount Ads Manager. Go to adsmanager. Paramount. Com. That's adsmanager. Paramount. Com to learn more.


Finding great candidates to hire can be like trying to find a needle in a haystack. You might get a lot of resumes, but not enough candidates with the right skills or experience. But not with ZipRecruiter. Ziprecruiter finds amazing candidates for Antartic wildlife conservation. One of the weird things that they've been hitting them on is this comment Vance made in 2021.We're effectively run in this country via the Democrats, via our corporate oligarchs, by a bunch of childless cat ladies who aredidn't say on Colbert.It is true. Yeah, I see you have a lot of blue spikes right now all over your head. I don't know what it means, so I cannot actually tell you what it is.I think it's just the lighting, man. It's true. But you don't know what it means.I'm on edibles, so no, I'm not.Yeah, but you are always relentlessly very positive. That was a tough film to make. When you were making it, did you know that it was going to become what it was?No, I don't think any of us could have known. I think when we were there and we were all together, we're talking about our experiences of being an Asian person in entertainment from all around the world, wherever anyone came from. I think we shared something that was really powerful that, Hey, this is actually really important. Whether people see it or not, we didn't know. We didn't really care. It was for us to show off what we could do. We could make fun of ourselves and our culture and our people, and we could show them as beautiful and as heroes and as villains in any way we wanted. I think it was when we were making it is when I felt like, If people get a load of this, they're not even you could feel it on set?I could feel it on set. But you don't know until the audience shows up in that first weekend when people brought their grandmothers and people who hadn't gone to the movies for all these years and were crying outside and would just congregate in the lobby. You just felt that we were part of something bigger than us.I guess I want to talk about this relentless positivity that I felt back then and I still feel now. I guess I don't know if you have any words of how to stay positive in these times because I feel like, if anything, the world has gotten less positive after we made this movie, but you never stopped with the positivity. I don't know if you have any perspective on that.That's part of the reason why I wrote the book is I grew up in an America where people believed in their dreams that you could achieve these things. My parents have a Chinese restaurant. I grew up as a restaurant kid doing my homework at the bar. I go there all the time. Yeah, you go there all the time. Chef Chou, Paulo Alto.That's right. Hello, Uncle.I feel like the American dream still exists. Yes, it wasn't maybe not what our parents said it was, and maybe not what we hoped it would be, but the idea of it still exists. We have the power to control what that narrative will be in the I really wanted in the book to show any young dreamer out there or old dreamer, when you're on the cusp of chasing your dream, that it can happen, and that it's hard, and that there's ups and downs, and it's not overnight. But if you just keep walking, you'll end up at some place. I think that's necessary in this world right now. Cool.I did read this, and it's a page. I did read it. I was looking for my name. I was like, Hold It's already at the end, so I had to read the whole book before I could find out what you said about me. But no, this book is a very positive book. I almost feel like you wrote it for kids to read, almost, in a way, for them to read and see how to navigate dream chasing.I also think everyone has a camera now. Everyone's a creator. Everyone has on their phones or editing for TikTok or whatever it may be. That's power. That is a very powerful awful thing in your hand. When I started making videos, it was for weddings and bar mitzvahs in high school, and I was the only kid doing it. Now everyone does it. I think there's a responsibility when you realize the power that you have. I think there's understanding what that grammar is of audiovisual storytelling and what you want to say is more important than ever and owning who you are. That's why it's called viewfinder, is to find who you are and how you want to express that. You may have mistakes that you make along the way, but that's okay. It's a It's a routine. Chasing your dream is a routine. It isn't a goal or destination.I do want to talk about this next project you're doing. You've helped Asian representation in film, and you've helped Latino representation in film, and now you're helping green people be represented in film. So this next movie project, Wicked. When is it coming up?It's coming out November 22nd, and we have Ariana Grande, Cynthia Arivo, playing the Two witches.And I mean, just set it up. What made you want to choose to work on Wicked?Well, it's about the backstory of the Wicked Witcher of the West. Cynthia Arivo plays Elphaba, who in the story of The Wizard of Oz, which is probably one of the greatest American fairy tales out there, she is seen as the Wicked Wish. But there's a deeper plan, a darker plan that has made her the Wicked Wish. When you get to meet her as a young dreamer, that you find out that she's more than meets the eye. Seeing that story in a totally different point of view is fascinating, interesting, and you get to almost take apart the American story and put it back together. I loved it. It had a lot of meaning to me in terms of anyone who feels different and what does it feel like to come through. Also for Galinda, who's Galinda the Good in Wizard of Oz, that she goes through a transition, that she could live in a bubble her whole life and never have to fight for anything because she has that privilege. But at some point, Galinda also has to pop her own bubble. I I think that is as much bravery as anyone else to get off your privilege for a moment to confront some of the things that we have to confront these days.It's the way you talk about all your projects. It's all like that. That's how he talks about everything on set. It's real. It's real for him. It's in here. I just want to say thanks so much for believing in me on your project. I love you so much. You changed my life by putting me on. Thanks for trusting me. Thanks for making all these really great films. John Chuh, everybody. John's Memoir, you find this available now. We're going to take a quick break and we'll be right back after this.John Stuart here. Un unbelievably exciting news. My new podcast, The Weekly Show. We're going to be talking about the election, economics, ingredient to bread ratio on sandwiches. Listen to The Weekly Show with John Stuart wherever you get your podcast.That's our show for tonight. Now, here it is, your moment of Zen.Remember the Bowery boys? Saturday morning, she used to hear that we watched on television growing up was quirky and weird. That's what made them special, right? Starting then. And so I just think that weird is cool, actually. I don't have any problem with weird. Explore more shows from The Daily Show podcast universe by searching The Daily Show, wherever you get your podcasts. Watch The Daily Show weeknights at 11:00, 10:00 Central on Comedy Central, and stream full episodes anytime on Paramount Plus.Paramount Podcasts. You may be tempted to skip this ad, but don't. Marketers want audience to stick around. And with Paramount Ads Manager, you can advertise your business on the biggest shows on TV for 30 unskippable seconds. Run your ads in premium content on Paramount Plus and over 15 major networks with hit shows, movies, sports, and more, all on the biggest screen in the house. Put your business in show business with Paramount Ads Manager. Go to adsmanager. Paramount. Com. That's adsmanager. Paramount. Com to learn more.Hey, everybody. Jon Stewart here. I am here to tell you about my new podcast, The Weekly Show, coming out every Thursday. We're going to be talking about the election, earnings calls. What are they talking about on these earnings calls? We're going to be talking about ingredient to bread ratio on sandwiches. I know you have a lot of options as far as podcasts go, but how many of them come out on Thursday? Listen to The Weekly Show with Jon Stewart, wherever you get your podcast.


Antartic wildlife conservation. One of the weird things that they've been hitting them on is this comment Vance made in 2021.


We're effectively run in this country via the Democrats, via our corporate oligarchs, by a bunch of childless cat ladies who aredidn't say on Colbert.It is true. Yeah, I see you have a lot of blue spikes right now all over your head. I don't know what it means, so I cannot actually tell you what it is.I think it's just the lighting, man. It's true. But you don't know what it means.I'm on edibles, so no, I'm not.Yeah, but you are always relentlessly very positive. That was a tough film to make. When you were making it, did you know that it was going to become what it was?No, I don't think any of us could have known. I think when we were there and we were all together, we're talking about our experiences of being an Asian person in entertainment from all around the world, wherever anyone came from. I think we shared something that was really powerful that, Hey, this is actually really important. Whether people see it or not, we didn't know. We didn't really care. It was for us to show off what we could do. We could make fun of ourselves and our culture and our people, and we could show them as beautiful and as heroes and as villains in any way we wanted. I think it was when we were making it is when I felt like, If people get a load of this, they're not even you could feel it on set?I could feel it on set. But you don't know until the audience shows up in that first weekend when people brought their grandmothers and people who hadn't gone to the movies for all these years and were crying outside and would just congregate in the lobby. You just felt that we were part of something bigger than us.I guess I want to talk about this relentless positivity that I felt back then and I still feel now. I guess I don't know if you have any words of how to stay positive in these times because I feel like, if anything, the world has gotten less positive after we made this movie, but you never stopped with the positivity. I don't know if you have any perspective on that.That's part of the reason why I wrote the book is I grew up in an America where people believed in their dreams that you could achieve these things. My parents have a Chinese restaurant. I grew up as a restaurant kid doing my homework at the bar. I go there all the time. Yeah, you go there all the time. Chef Chou, Paulo Alto.That's right. Hello, Uncle.I feel like the American dream still exists. Yes, it wasn't maybe not what our parents said it was, and maybe not what we hoped it would be, but the idea of it still exists. We have the power to control what that narrative will be in the I really wanted in the book to show any young dreamer out there or old dreamer, when you're on the cusp of chasing your dream, that it can happen, and that it's hard, and that there's ups and downs, and it's not overnight. But if you just keep walking, you'll end up at some place. I think that's necessary in this world right now. Cool.I did read this, and it's a page. I did read it. I was looking for my name. I was like, Hold It's already at the end, so I had to read the whole book before I could find out what you said about me. But no, this book is a very positive book. I almost feel like you wrote it for kids to read, almost, in a way, for them to read and see how to navigate dream chasing.I also think everyone has a camera now. Everyone's a creator. Everyone has on their phones or editing for TikTok or whatever it may be. That's power. That is a very powerful awful thing in your hand. When I started making videos, it was for weddings and bar mitzvahs in high school, and I was the only kid doing it. Now everyone does it. I think there's a responsibility when you realize the power that you have. I think there's understanding what that grammar is of audiovisual storytelling and what you want to say is more important than ever and owning who you are. That's why it's called viewfinder, is to find who you are and how you want to express that. You may have mistakes that you make along the way, but that's okay. It's a It's a routine. Chasing your dream is a routine. It isn't a goal or destination.I do want to talk about this next project you're doing. You've helped Asian representation in film, and you've helped Latino representation in film, and now you're helping green people be represented in film. So this next movie project, Wicked. When is it coming up?It's coming out November 22nd, and we have Ariana Grande, Cynthia Arivo, playing the Two witches.And I mean, just set it up. What made you want to choose to work on Wicked?Well, it's about the backstory of the Wicked Witcher of the West. Cynthia Arivo plays Elphaba, who in the story of The Wizard of Oz, which is probably one of the greatest American fairy tales out there, she is seen as the Wicked Wish. But there's a deeper plan, a darker plan that has made her the Wicked Wish. When you get to meet her as a young dreamer, that you find out that she's more than meets the eye. Seeing that story in a totally different point of view is fascinating, interesting, and you get to almost take apart the American story and put it back together. I loved it. It had a lot of meaning to me in terms of anyone who feels different and what does it feel like to come through. Also for Galinda, who's Galinda the Good in Wizard of Oz, that she goes through a transition, that she could live in a bubble her whole life and never have to fight for anything because she has that privilege. But at some point, Galinda also has to pop her own bubble. I I think that is as much bravery as anyone else to get off your privilege for a moment to confront some of the things that we have to confront these days.It's the way you talk about all your projects. It's all like that. That's how he talks about everything on set. It's real. It's real for him. It's in here. I just want to say thanks so much for believing in me on your project. I love you so much. You changed my life by putting me on. Thanks for trusting me. Thanks for making all these really great films. John Chuh, everybody. John's Memoir, you find this available now. We're going to take a quick break and we'll be right back after this.John Stuart here. Un unbelievably exciting news. My new podcast, The Weekly Show. We're going to be talking about the election, economics, ingredient to bread ratio on sandwiches. Listen to The Weekly Show with John Stuart wherever you get your podcast.That's our show for tonight. Now, here it is, your moment of Zen.Remember the Bowery boys? Saturday morning, she used to hear that we watched on television growing up was quirky and weird. That's what made them special, right? Starting then. And so I just think that weird is cool, actually. I don't have any problem with weird. Explore more shows from The Daily Show podcast universe by searching The Daily Show, wherever you get your podcasts. Watch The Daily Show weeknights at 11:00, 10:00 Central on Comedy Central, and stream full episodes anytime on Paramount Plus.Paramount Podcasts. You may be tempted to skip this ad, but don't. Marketers want audience to stick around. And with Paramount Ads Manager, you can advertise your business on the biggest shows on TV for 30 unskippable seconds. Run your ads in premium content on Paramount Plus and over 15 major networks with hit shows, movies, sports, and more, all on the biggest screen in the house. Put your business in show business with Paramount Ads Manager. Go to adsmanager. Paramount. Com. That's adsmanager. Paramount. Com to learn more.Hey, everybody. Jon Stewart here. I am here to tell you about my new podcast, The Weekly Show, coming out every Thursday. We're going to be talking about the election, earnings calls. What are they talking about on these earnings calls? We're going to be talking about ingredient to bread ratio on sandwiches. I know you have a lot of options as far as podcasts go, but how many of them come out on Thursday? Listen to The Weekly Show with Jon Stewart, wherever you get your podcast.


didn't say on Colbert.


It is true. Yeah, I see you have a lot of blue spikes right now all over your head. I don't know what it means, so I cannot actually tell you what it is.


I think it's just the lighting, man. It's true. But you don't know what it means.


I'm on edibles, so no, I'm not.


Yeah, but you are always relentlessly very positive. That was a tough film to make. When you were making it, did you know that it was going to become what it was?


No, I don't think any of us could have known. I think when we were there and we were all together, we're talking about our experiences of being an Asian person in entertainment from all around the world, wherever anyone came from. I think we shared something that was really powerful that, Hey, this is actually really important. Whether people see it or not, we didn't know. We didn't really care. It was for us to show off what we could do. We could make fun of ourselves and our culture and our people, and we could show them as beautiful and as heroes and as villains in any way we wanted. I think it was when we were making it is when I felt like, If people get a load of this, they're not even ready.

[00:24:44] you could feel it on set?


I could feel it on set. But you don't know until the audience shows up in that first weekend when people brought their grandmothers and people who hadn't gone to the movies for all these years and were crying outside and would just congregate in the lobby. You just felt that we were part of something bigger than us.


I guess I want to talk about this relentless positivity that I felt back then and I still feel now. I guess I don't know if you have any words of how to stay positive in these times because I feel like, if anything, the world has gotten less positive after we made this movie, but you never stopped with the positivity. I don't know if you have any perspective on that.


That's part of the reason why I wrote the book is I grew up in an America where people believed in their dreams that you could achieve these things. My parents have a Chinese restaurant. I grew up as a restaurant kid doing my homework at the bar. I go there all the time. Yeah, you go there all the time. Chef Chou, Paulo Alto.


That's right. Hello, Uncle.


I feel like the American dream still exists. Yes, it wasn't maybe not what our parents said it was, and maybe not what we hoped it would be, but the idea of it still exists. We have the power to control what that narrative will be in the I really wanted in the book to show any young dreamer out there or old dreamer, when you're on the cusp of chasing your dream, that it can happen, and that it's hard, and that there's ups and downs, and it's not overnight. But if you just keep walking, you'll end up at some place. I think that's necessary in this world right now. Cool.


I did read this, and it's a page. I did read it. I was looking for my name. I was like, Hold It's already at the end, so I had to read the whole book before I could find out what you said about me. But no, this book is a very positive book. I almost feel like you wrote it for kids to read, almost, in a way, for them to read and see how to navigate dream chasing.


I also think everyone has a camera now. Everyone's a creator. Everyone has on their phones or editing for TikTok or whatever it may be. That's power. That is a very powerful awful thing in your hand. When I started making videos, it was for weddings and bar mitzvahs in high school, and I was the only kid doing it. Now everyone does it. I think there's a responsibility when you realize the power that you have. I think there's understanding what that grammar is of audiovisual storytelling and what you want to say is more important than ever and owning who you are. That's why it's called viewfinder, is to find who you are and how you want to express that. You may have mistakes that you make along the way, but that's okay. It's a It's a routine. Chasing your dream is a routine. It isn't a goal or destination.


I do want to talk about this next project you're doing. You've helped Asian representation in film, and you've helped Latino representation in film, and now you're helping green people be represented in film. So this next movie project, Wicked. When is it coming up?


It's coming out November 22nd, and we have Ariana Grande, Cynthia Arivo, playing the Two witches.


And I mean, just set it up. What made you want to choose to work on Wicked?


Well, it's about the backstory of the Wicked Witcher of the West. Cynthia Arivo plays Elphaba, who in the story of The Wizard of Oz, which is probably one of the greatest American fairy tales out there, she is seen as the Wicked Wish. But there's a deeper plan, a darker plan that has made her the Wicked Wish. When you get to meet her as a young dreamer, that you find out that she's more than meets the eye. Seeing that story in a totally different point of view is fascinating, interesting, and you get to almost take apart the American story and put it back together. I loved it. It had a lot of meaning to me in terms of anyone who feels different and what does it feel like to come through. Also for Galinda, who's Galinda the Good in Wizard of Oz, that she goes through a transition, that she could live in a bubble her whole life and never have to fight for anything because she has that privilege. But at some point, Galinda also has to pop her own bubble. I I think that is as much bravery as anyone else to get off your privilege for a moment to confront some of the things that we have to confront these days.


It's the way you talk about all your projects. It's all like that. That's how he talks about everything on set. It's real. It's real for him. It's in here. I just want to say thanks so much for believing in me on your project. I love you so much. You changed my life by putting me on. Thanks for trusting me. Thanks for making all these really great films. John Chuh, everybody. John's Memoir, you find this available now. We're going to take a quick break and we'll be right back after this.


John Stuart here. Un unbelievably exciting news. My new podcast, The Weekly Show. We're going to be talking about the election, economics, ingredient to bread ratio on sandwiches. Listen to The Weekly Show with John Stuart wherever you get your podcast.


That's our show for tonight. Now, here it is, your moment of Zen.


Remember the Bowery boys? Saturday morning, she used to hear that we watched on television growing up was quirky and weird. That's what made them special, right? Starting then. And so I just think that weird is cool, actually. I don't have any problem with weird. Explore more shows from The Daily Show podcast universe by searching The Daily Show, wherever you get your podcasts. Watch The Daily Show weeknights at 11:00, 10:00 Central on Comedy Central, and stream full episodes anytime on Paramount Plus.


Paramount Podcasts. You may be tempted to skip this ad, but don't. Marketers want audience to stick around. And with Paramount Ads Manager, you can advertise your business on the biggest shows on TV for 30 unskippable seconds. Run your ads in premium content on Paramount Plus and over 15 major networks with hit shows, movies, sports, and more, all on the biggest screen in the house. Put your business in show business with Paramount Ads Manager. Go to adsmanager. Paramount. Com. That's adsmanager. Paramount. Com to learn more.


Hey, everybody. Jon Stewart here. I am here to tell you about my new podcast, The Weekly Show, coming out every Thursday. We're going to be talking about the election, earnings calls. What are they talking about on these earnings calls? We're going to be talking about ingredient to bread ratio on sandwiches. I know you have a lot of options as far as podcasts go, but how many of them come out on Thursday? Listen to The Weekly Show with Jon Stewart, wherever you get your podcast.