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Hi, I'm Robert Vinlewen from New York Times games. And I'm here talking to people about wordle and showing them this new feature you all play. Wordle.




I have something exciting to show you. It's the Wordle archive.






And if I miss it, I can, like, go back 100%. Oh, that's, so now you can play every wordle that has ever existed. There's like a thousand puzzles.


Oh, my God. I love it, actually.


That's really great. What date would you pick?


May 17. Okay. That's her breath.


What are some of your like habits for playing wordle?


I wake up, I make a cup of coffee. Coffee. I do the wordle and I send it to my friends in a group chat.


Amazing. Thanks so much for coming by and talking to us and playing. New York Times game subscribers can now access the entire Wordle archive. Find out games you don't understand.


About which wordle means to us. We need to take a selfie. From the New York Times, I'm Michael bobaro. This is the daily for the past three days, Joe Biden has fought to save his reelection campaign as panicked congressional Democrats returned to Washington and openly debated whether to call on him to step aside. Today, my colleagues in Washington go inside the 72 hours that could make or break Bidens nomination. Its Thursday, July 11. As the sun rose on Monday morning, President Bidens they say is a threat to democracy. The other possibility is that you're totally wrong and that Biden stays on the ticket. He wins the race. You were among a handful of doubters who tried to take him out, and you were just wrong and wrong in an epic, historic way. I want you to just sit with both possibilities for a minute.Sure. And let me just tell you one thing. I'm not wrong, okay? I'm not wrong at all. It's not debatable at this point that we can do better than Joe Biden for a candidate in the fall. What is possible is that he could still win. I'm not going to say he can't win. What I am saying and what I challenge any sentient being to disagree with me on is we would have a better chance of winning, a much better chance of winning if we had a different candidate at the top of the ticket. That's my argument.How vocal do you intend to be? How far are you gonna keep sticking your neck out in a world where the rest of the party is looking at you with a little bit of a stink eye and as a little bit of a lonely anomaly, like a cassandra standing there, you know, shouting into the wind?Sure. First of all, literally hundreds of people have thanked me for doing what I did all across the board. People, you know, just across the board. So I, you know, I don't have a problem in terms of a couple people looking at me aghast. A lot of people looking at me say, thank God somebody said something. Okay? Second of all, as I said earlier, until he is the official nominee of this party, I'm of the opinion that he shouldn't be, and I'm going to keep doing that once he becomes the official nominee of the party. I'll tell you what I'm going to do. What I'm going to do is I'm going to say, vote for Joe Biden, okay? He needs to win this election.So you will fall in line at that point.It's not falling in line, okay? There are five people on the ballot, all right? And I'm going to support somebody for president and not going to be Donald Trump. It's not going to be whatever crazy stuff RFK junior is talking about, not going to be Cornel west. It's going to be Joe Biden.Do you think that this debate over the president's candidacy is now over?Not quite. I'm the guy who keeps looking back on. Okay, yeah, I know they're down three touchdowns since mid fourth quarter, but maybe if they throw a bomb and they fumble the kickoff, you know, so it ain't over till it's over, as they say. And like I said, it ain't over until he's officially nominated.Well, congressman, thank you very much for your time. We appreciate it.Thanks. Thanks for your main chance.After we spoke with Congressman Smith, an 8th member of the House Democratic Caucus, Representative Pat Ryan of New York asked Biden to end his campaign. Soon after, Peter Welch of Vermont became the first us senator to ask Biden to quit. Meanwhile, in an interview on Wednesday, an unexpected voice said that he hoped Biden would remain in the race. Former President Trump well be right back. Heres what else you need to know today. The leaders of NATO have agreed that Ukraine should have an irreversible path to membership in the military alliance and plan to enshrine that commitment in a document to be released this week during a NATO summit in Washington. The plan is motivated in part by fears of a Trump victory this fall. Trump openly admires Russian President Vladimir Putin, who ordered the invasion of Ukraine, is skeptical of us military aid to Ukraine, and has repeatedly questioned the point of NATO. As a result, NATO leaders are trying, in their words, to Trump proof both NATO and Ukraine's ability to join it. Today's episode was produced by Lindsey Garrison, Jessica Chung, and Diana Wynn. It was edited by Paige Cowett, contains original music by Sophia Landman and Dan Powell, and was engineered by Alyssa Moxley.Our theme music is by Jim Brunberg and Ben Landfirk of Wonderly. Special thanks to Katie Rogers, Luke Broadwater, Carl Hulse, Julie Davis, and the rest of our colleagues on the congressional team. That's it for the daily I'm Michael Barborough. See you tomorrow.


they say is a threat to democracy. The other possibility is that you're totally wrong and that Biden stays on the ticket. He wins the race. You were among a handful of doubters who tried to take him out, and you were just wrong and wrong in an epic, historic way. I want you to just sit with both possibilities for a minute.


Sure. And let me just tell you one thing. I'm not wrong, okay? I'm not wrong at all. It's not debatable at this point that we can do better than Joe Biden for a candidate in the fall. What is possible is that he could still win. I'm not going to say he can't win. What I am saying and what I challenge any sentient being to disagree with me on is we would have a better chance of winning, a much better chance of winning if we had a different candidate at the top of the ticket. That's my argument.


How vocal do you intend to be? How far are you gonna keep sticking your neck out in a world where the rest of the party is looking at you with a little bit of a stink eye and as a little bit of a lonely anomaly, like a cassandra standing there, you know, shouting into the wind?


Sure. First of all, literally hundreds of people have thanked me for doing what I did all across the board. People, you know, just across the board. So I, you know, I don't have a problem in terms of a couple people looking at me aghast. A lot of people looking at me say, thank God somebody said something. Okay? Second of all, as I said earlier, until he is the official nominee of this party, I'm of the opinion that he shouldn't be, and I'm going to keep doing that once he becomes the official nominee of the party. I'll tell you what I'm going to do. What I'm going to do is I'm going to say, vote for Joe Biden, okay? He needs to win this election.


So you will fall in line at that point.


It's not falling in line, okay? There are five people on the ballot, all right? And I'm going to support somebody for president and not going to be Donald Trump. It's not going to be whatever crazy stuff RFK junior is talking about, not going to be Cornel west. It's going to be Joe Biden.


Do you think that this debate over the president's candidacy is now over?


Not quite. I'm the guy who keeps looking back on. Okay, yeah, I know they're down three touchdowns since mid fourth quarter, but maybe if they throw a bomb and they fumble the kickoff, you know, so it ain't over till it's over, as they say. And like I said, it ain't over until he's officially nominated.


Well, congressman, thank you very much for your time. We appreciate it.


Thanks. Thanks for your main chance.


After we spoke with Congressman Smith, an 8th member of the House Democratic Caucus, Representative Pat Ryan of New York asked Biden to end his campaign. Soon after, Peter Welch of Vermont became the first us senator to ask Biden to quit. Meanwhile, in an interview on Wednesday, an unexpected voice said that he hoped Biden would remain in the race. Former President Trump well be right back. Heres what else you need to know today. The leaders of NATO have agreed that Ukraine should have an irreversible path to membership in the military alliance and plan to enshrine that commitment in a document to be released this week during a NATO summit in Washington. The plan is motivated in part by fears of a Trump victory this fall. Trump openly admires Russian President Vladimir Putin, who ordered the invasion of Ukraine, is skeptical of us military aid to Ukraine, and has repeatedly questioned the point of NATO. As a result, NATO leaders are trying, in their words, to Trump proof both NATO and Ukraine's ability to join it. Today's episode was produced by Lindsey Garrison, Jessica Chung, and Diana Wynn. It was edited by Paige Cowett, contains original music by Sophia Landman and Dan Powell, and was engineered by Alyssa Moxley.


Our theme music is by Jim Brunberg and Ben Landfirk of Wonderly. Special thanks to Katie Rogers, Luke Broadwater, Carl Hulse, Julie Davis, and the rest of our colleagues on the congressional team. That's it for the daily I'm Michael Barborough. See you tomorrow.