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New York Times, I'm Michael Balboro. This is the daily over the past 48 hours, as the nomination of Vice president Kamala Harris went from theoretical to inevitable, she delivered the first glimpse of what her campaign would look like and sound like over the next 100 days. Today my colleague Reid Epstein on what exactly weve learned from her debut. It's Thursday, July 25.


It has been just one day since you were on the show, but that's a lifetime in this presidential campaign. So just to start, catch us up on what's happened to the vice president's candidacy since you and I last spoke.


Well, it seems like every few hours that the Harris campaign announced she's shattered some other fundraising record.


The cash and the calls are flooding in for vice President Kamala Harris.


The latest number on Wednesday morning was that she'd raised $126 million since the campaign launched on Sunday. In just three days, in less than three days, on her first full day in the race, the vice president securing the support of the more than 1976 delegates she would need to win the democratic nomination. You know, we have seen the entire Democratic Party embrace her. So now that the process has the shoulders of generations of Americans before her, leading the fight to freedom. You know, she's talking about abolitionists and suffragists, but she doesn't have to use those words you want to talk about issues that are good for you and not issues that are good for your opponent. And that's what this was about. So to do that, she talked about abortion rights and gun control and comparing herself to Donald Trump and avoided issues that polls show voters prefer Republicans and Trump on, like immigration and the economy. And that really is the calculus that went into the issues that she addressed and the issues that she didn't address.Well, let's talk about why she wouldn't want to talk about the economy at all, because as we've talked about on the show, Reid, you know, there's a lot that happened under Biden in the american economy, that is pretty good for the Democrats. Unemployment is really low. There's been a lot of job creation, especially if you take the data back to the moment Biden takes office after the pandemic. But there is, of course, the problem of inflation going up, in part because of Biden's response to the inflation, all that stimulus spending. So you're saying that there's no version of a threaded needle that Harris wants to even attempt when it comes to the economy?Well, they do have an economic story to tell. The problem is voters don't believe it. You know, we have seen this over and over again when Joe Biden tried to tell his economic record that voters just did not buy it. And so this is an issue where, you know, the campaign is operating at some level without regard to the actual situation on the ground and more to what voters feel about it.Got it.And voters never really forgave Biden for the inflation that the country saw as Biden helped drive the country out of the pandemic. And that has stuck to him ever since. Even though the rate of inflation has slowed substantially. The prices are nothing below where they were four years ago at the start of the pandemic. And that no matter what the Biden administration, Biden campaign have tried to do to explain that to people, they just never bought into it. And inflation remains a very difficult issue for democrats to explain and to campaign on because they started so far behind. And frankly, voters have said they do not believe them on this.Right. So nuance may not be her friend when it comes to talking about the economy. And so she'll just not talk about it as much as she can. Let's turn to immigration. And the reason why the vice president didn't talk about it in a speech and how she will eventually talk about it if she decides she needs to. And I suspect at some point she will need to.Speaker one yeah, I mean, eventually she will talk about it. You know, it's certain to come up if she and Donald Trump wind up on a debate stage together. She will be asked about it in interviews. Should she submit to them? But I do not anticipate, you know, big applause lines for her on immigration in these dump speeches, at her campaign rallies. It's just a fraught issue that is not great for Democrats. It often is without regard to any of the data on the ground about whether border crossings have slowed or any sort of metric that you want to take that might show an improving situation at the border for Biden is just not something that has sunk in with voters, and she doesn't have very much time left in this campaign to explain that. And so what we have seen in the early returns of her as a presidential candidate is not addressing it well.Reed, let's assume that Kamala Harris keeps giving this stump speech and keeps energizing room after room after room of Democrats and maybe even some moderate Republicans who show up and are very interested in her because they have concerns about Trump. You know, and she navigates her way around immigration and the economy in this 100 and so days left in the campaign. Perhaps that will end up being enough.Speaker one. You know, Michael, as energizing as this speech was and as jazzed as Democrats around the country were by it, she still faces a ton of challenges as the presidential candidate. It's not just the message. It's getting the message out.What do you mean?Well, the Biden campaign was built around an 81 year old candidate who, to this point, had given campaign rallies once or twice a week. He was in his Delaware home every weekend. And it was not a very high energy operation. It's not built for a 59 year old candidate who wants to get out there as much as she can and, frankly, needs to get out there as much as she can to introduce herself to voters around the country. So she needs to repeat that kind of speech multiple times a week from now until November. You know, if you remember, when Barack Obama was campaigning for president, he would do three states a day sometimes. And that's the kind of pace that they need to ramp up to for her. And there's no evidence to date because just because they haven't done it, that the Biden campaign as constituted now is able to pull thatwondering whether there is a strong winning message from Harris that is emerging or will soon emerge for this key group of voters.In these key states.Well, we are going to see, as she does more and more events. You know, one thing that you hear from her people and her campaign is sort of a subtle idea that she may change the demographics of who is a democratic voter. We've already seen an extraordinary amount of excitement for her among black women. There were some 50,000 people on a Zoom call Sunday night, an organizing call for a group called Win with black women. We've seen some evidence that she performs better among black and latino voters, that young people are more interested in coming to vote now that she's on the ticket than Biden. And so that may alter the dynamics a little bit from where they were with Joe Biden on the ticket. And so she may not need to engage on issues like tariffs and some of the things that Trump is talking about as an issue stance. If she's able to energize voters who might have stayed home or not been interested in Biden, if she can build a little bit more out of that Obama coalition and still hold on to some of these moderate the feat given where everything was just a couple of days ago.Over it. Thank you very much.Thank you, Michael.My fellow Americans, I'm speaking tonight from behind the resolutesque in the Oval Office.In an eleven minute speech on Wednesday night, President Biden explained his decision to end his campaign for reelection and endorse Kamala Harris as his replacement, saying that it was necessary to pass the torch to a new generation.You know, there is a time and a place for long years of experience in public life, but there's also a time and a place for new voices. Fresh voices, yes, younger voices. And that time and place is nothing now.We'll be right back.Mister speaker, the prime minister of the state of Israel.Here's what else you need.Mister Speaker, I want to thank you for giving me the profound honor of addressing this great citadel of democracy for the fourth time.In a speech on Wednesday to a joint meeting of Congress, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu forcefully defended his country's military campaign in Gaza, praised both President Biden and former President Trump for their support, and described Israel's deadly war against Hamas as a necessary fight between good and evil.This is not a clash of civilizations. It's a clash between barbarism and civilization. It's a clash between those who glorify death and those who sanctify life.Netanyahu pointedly scolded pro palestinian protesters in the United States, thousands of whom demonstrated against his visit in Washington.Incredibly, many anti Israel protesters, many choose to stand with evil. They stand with Hamas. They stand with rapists and murderers. They should be ashamed of themselves.And he warned that Israel, Israel's battle against Hamas and the country that finances it, Iran, was America's battle as well.My friends, if you remember one thing, one thing from the speech, remember our enemies are your enemies, our fight is your fight, and our victory will be your victory.Today's episode was produced by Luke Vanderbloek, Asta Chatharvedi and Rochelle Banja. It was edited by Mark George with help from Rachel Quester, contains original music by Marion Lozano, and was engineered by Chris Wood. Our theme music is by Jim Brunberg and Ben Landsfirk. Of wonderly. That's it for the daily I'm Michael Balboro.See you tomorrow.Discover the new Mercedes Benz Veto panel van the best veto ever made, equipped with a range of new safety and assistance systems as standard experience the convenience of the voice activated Mbux multimedia system with a fresh interior and exterior design book a test drive today at Mercedesbenz, ie. Best in action the new Mercedes Benz Veto.


the shoulders of generations of Americans before her, leading the fight to freedom. You know, she's talking about abolitionists and suffragists, but she doesn't have to use those words you want to talk about issues that are good for you and not issues that are good for your opponent. And that's what this was about. So to do that, she talked about abortion rights and gun control and comparing herself to Donald Trump and avoided issues that polls show voters prefer Republicans and Trump on, like immigration and the economy. And that really is the calculus that went into the issues that she addressed and the issues that she didn't address.Well, let's talk about why she wouldn't want to talk about the economy at all, because as we've talked about on the show, Reid, you know, there's a lot that happened under Biden in the american economy, that is pretty good for the Democrats. Unemployment is really low. There's been a lot of job creation, especially if you take the data back to the moment Biden takes office after the pandemic. But there is, of course, the problem of inflation going up, in part because of Biden's response to the inflation, all that stimulus spending. So you're saying that there's no version of a threaded needle that Harris wants to even attempt when it comes to the economy?Well, they do have an economic story to tell. The problem is voters don't believe it. You know, we have seen this over and over again when Joe Biden tried to tell his economic record that voters just did not buy it. And so this is an issue where, you know, the campaign is operating at some level without regard to the actual situation on the ground and more to what voters feel about it.Got it.And voters never really forgave Biden for the inflation that the country saw as Biden helped drive the country out of the pandemic. And that has stuck to him ever since. Even though the rate of inflation has slowed substantially. The prices are nothing below where they were four years ago at the start of the pandemic. And that no matter what the Biden administration, Biden campaign have tried to do to explain that to people, they just never bought into it. And inflation remains a very difficult issue for democrats to explain and to campaign on because they started so far behind. And frankly, voters have said they do not believe them on this.Right. So nuance may not be her friend when it comes to talking about the economy. And so she'll just not talk about it as much as she can. Let's turn to immigration. And the reason why the vice president didn't talk about it in a speech and how she will eventually talk about it if she decides she needs to. And I suspect at some point she will need to.Speaker one yeah, I mean, eventually she will talk about it. You know, it's certain to come up if she and Donald Trump wind up on a debate stage together. She will be asked about it in interviews. Should she submit to them? But I do not anticipate, you know, big applause lines for her on immigration in these dump speeches, at her campaign rallies. It's just a fraught issue that is not great for Democrats. It often is without regard to any of the data on the ground about whether border crossings have slowed or any sort of metric that you want to take that might show an improving situation at the border for Biden is just not something that has sunk in with voters, and she doesn't have very much time left in this campaign to explain that. And so what we have seen in the early returns of her as a presidential candidate is not addressing it well.Reed, let's assume that Kamala Harris keeps giving this stump speech and keeps energizing room after room after room of Democrats and maybe even some moderate Republicans who show up and are very interested in her because they have concerns about Trump. You know, and she navigates her way around immigration and the economy in this 100 and so days left in the campaign. Perhaps that will end up being enough.Speaker one. You know, Michael, as energizing as this speech was and as jazzed as Democrats around the country were by it, she still faces a ton of challenges as the presidential candidate. It's not just the message. It's getting the message out.What do you mean?Well, the Biden campaign was built around an 81 year old candidate who, to this point, had given campaign rallies once or twice a week. He was in his Delaware home every weekend. And it was not a very high energy operation. It's not built for a 59 year old candidate who wants to get out there as much as she can and, frankly, needs to get out there as much as she can to introduce herself to voters around the country. So she needs to repeat that kind of speech multiple times a week from now until November. You know, if you remember, when Barack Obama was campaigning for president, he would do three states a day sometimes. And that's the kind of pace that they need to ramp up to for her. And there's no evidence to date because just because they haven't done it, that the Biden campaign as constituted now is able to pull thatwondering whether there is a strong winning message from Harris that is emerging or will soon emerge for this key group of voters.In these key states.Well, we are going to see, as she does more and more events. You know, one thing that you hear from her people and her campaign is sort of a subtle idea that she may change the demographics of who is a democratic voter. We've already seen an extraordinary amount of excitement for her among black women. There were some 50,000 people on a Zoom call Sunday night, an organizing call for a group called Win with black women. We've seen some evidence that she performs better among black and latino voters, that young people are more interested in coming to vote now that she's on the ticket than Biden. And so that may alter the dynamics a little bit from where they were with Joe Biden on the ticket. And so she may not need to engage on issues like tariffs and some of the things that Trump is talking about as an issue stance. If she's able to energize voters who might have stayed home or not been interested in Biden, if she can build a little bit more out of that Obama coalition and still hold on to some of these moderate the feat given where everything was just a couple of days ago.Over it. Thank you very much.Thank you, Michael.My fellow Americans, I'm speaking tonight from behind the resolutesque in the Oval Office.In an eleven minute speech on Wednesday night, President Biden explained his decision to end his campaign for reelection and endorse Kamala Harris as his replacement, saying that it was necessary to pass the torch to a new generation.You know, there is a time and a place for long years of experience in public life, but there's also a time and a place for new voices. Fresh voices, yes, younger voices. And that time and place is nothing now.We'll be right back.Mister speaker, the prime minister of the state of Israel.Here's what else you need.Mister Speaker, I want to thank you for giving me the profound honor of addressing this great citadel of democracy for the fourth time.In a speech on Wednesday to a joint meeting of Congress, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu forcefully defended his country's military campaign in Gaza, praised both President Biden and former President Trump for their support, and described Israel's deadly war against Hamas as a necessary fight between good and evil.This is not a clash of civilizations. It's a clash between barbarism and civilization. It's a clash between those who glorify death and those who sanctify life.Netanyahu pointedly scolded pro palestinian protesters in the United States, thousands of whom demonstrated against his visit in Washington.Incredibly, many anti Israel protesters, many choose to stand with evil. They stand with Hamas. They stand with rapists and murderers. They should be ashamed of themselves.And he warned that Israel, Israel's battle against Hamas and the country that finances it, Iran, was America's battle as well.My friends, if you remember one thing, one thing from the speech, remember our enemies are your enemies, our fight is your fight, and our victory will be your victory.Today's episode was produced by Luke Vanderbloek, Asta Chatharvedi and Rochelle Banja. It was edited by Mark George with help from Rachel Quester, contains original music by Marion Lozano, and was engineered by Chris Wood. Our theme music is by Jim Brunberg and Ben Landsfirk. Of wonderly. That's it for the daily I'm Michael Balboro.See you tomorrow.Discover the new Mercedes Benz Veto panel van the best veto ever made, equipped with a range of new safety and assistance systems as standard experience the convenience of the voice activated Mbux multimedia system with a fresh interior and exterior design book a test drive today at Mercedesbenz, ie. Best in action the new Mercedes Benz Veto.


you want to talk about issues that are good for you and not issues that are good for your opponent. And that's what this was about. So to do that, she talked about abortion rights and gun control and comparing herself to Donald Trump and avoided issues that polls show voters prefer Republicans and Trump on, like immigration and the economy. And that really is the calculus that went into the issues that she addressed and the issues that she didn't address.


Well, let's talk about why she wouldn't want to talk about the economy at all, because as we've talked about on the show, Reid, you know, there's a lot that happened under Biden in the american economy, that is pretty good for the Democrats. Unemployment is really low. There's been a lot of job creation, especially if you take the data back to the moment Biden takes office after the pandemic. But there is, of course, the problem of inflation going up, in part because of Biden's response to the inflation, all that stimulus spending. So you're saying that there's no version of a threaded needle that Harris wants to even attempt when it comes to the economy?


Well, they do have an economic story to tell. The problem is voters don't believe it. You know, we have seen this over and over again when Joe Biden tried to tell his economic record that voters just did not buy it. And so this is an issue where, you know, the campaign is operating at some level without regard to the actual situation on the ground and more to what voters feel about it.


Got it.


And voters never really forgave Biden for the inflation that the country saw as Biden helped drive the country out of the pandemic. And that has stuck to him ever since. Even though the rate of inflation has slowed substantially. The prices are nothing below where they were four years ago at the start of the pandemic. And that no matter what the Biden administration, Biden campaign have tried to do to explain that to people, they just never bought into it. And inflation remains a very difficult issue for democrats to explain and to campaign on because they started so far behind. And frankly, voters have said they do not believe them on this.


Right. So nuance may not be her friend when it comes to talking about the economy. And so she'll just not talk about it as much as she can. Let's turn to immigration. And the reason why the vice president didn't talk about it in a speech and how she will eventually talk about it if she decides she needs to. And I suspect at some point she will need to.


Speaker one yeah, I mean, eventually she will talk about it. You know, it's certain to come up if she and Donald Trump wind up on a debate stage together. She will be asked about it in interviews. Should she submit to them? But I do not anticipate, you know, big applause lines for her on immigration in these dump speeches, at her campaign rallies. It's just a fraught issue that is not great for Democrats. It often is without regard to any of the data on the ground about whether border crossings have slowed or any sort of metric that you want to take that might show an improving situation at the border for Biden is just not something that has sunk in with voters, and she doesn't have very much time left in this campaign to explain that. And so what we have seen in the early returns of her as a presidential candidate is not addressing it well.


Reed, let's assume that Kamala Harris keeps giving this stump speech and keeps energizing room after room after room of Democrats and maybe even some moderate Republicans who show up and are very interested in her because they have concerns about Trump. You know, and she navigates her way around immigration and the economy in this 100 and so days left in the campaign. Perhaps that will end up being enough.


Speaker one. You know, Michael, as energizing as this speech was and as jazzed as Democrats around the country were by it, she still faces a ton of challenges as the presidential candidate. It's not just the message. It's getting the message out.


What do you mean?


Well, the Biden campaign was built around an 81 year old candidate who, to this point, had given campaign rallies once or twice a week. He was in his Delaware home every weekend. And it was not a very high energy operation. It's not built for a 59 year old candidate who wants to get out there as much as she can and, frankly, needs to get out there as much as she can to introduce herself to voters around the country. So she needs to repeat that kind of speech multiple times a week from now until November. You know, if you remember, when Barack Obama was campaigning for president, he would do three states a day sometimes. And that's the kind of pace that they need to ramp up to for her. And there's no evidence to date because just because they haven't done it, that the Biden campaign as constituted now is able to pull thatwondering whether there is a strong winning message from Harris that is emerging or will soon emerge for this key group of voters.In these key states.Well, we are going to see, as she does more and more events. You know, one thing that you hear from her people and her campaign is sort of a subtle idea that she may change the demographics of who is a democratic voter. We've already seen an extraordinary amount of excitement for her among black women. There were some 50,000 people on a Zoom call Sunday night, an organizing call for a group called Win with black women. We've seen some evidence that she performs better among black and latino voters, that young people are more interested in coming to vote now that she's on the ticket than Biden. And so that may alter the dynamics a little bit from where they were with Joe Biden on the ticket. And so she may not need to engage on issues like tariffs and some of the things that Trump is talking about as an issue stance. If she's able to energize voters who might have stayed home or not been interested in Biden, if she can build a little bit more out of that Obama coalition and still hold on to some of these moderate the feat given where everything was just a couple of days ago.Over it. Thank you very much.Thank you, Michael.My fellow Americans, I'm speaking tonight from behind the resolutesque in the Oval Office.In an eleven minute speech on Wednesday night, President Biden explained his decision to end his campaign for reelection and endorse Kamala Harris as his replacement, saying that it was necessary to pass the torch to a new generation.You know, there is a time and a place for long years of experience in public life, but there's also a time and a place for new voices. Fresh voices, yes, younger voices. And that time and place is nothing now.We'll be right back.Mister speaker, the prime minister of the state of Israel.Here's what else you need.Mister Speaker, I want to thank you for giving me the profound honor of addressing this great citadel of democracy for the fourth time.In a speech on Wednesday to a joint meeting of Congress, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu forcefully defended his country's military campaign in Gaza, praised both President Biden and former President Trump for their support, and described Israel's deadly war against Hamas as a necessary fight between good and evil.This is not a clash of civilizations. It's a clash between barbarism and civilization. It's a clash between those who glorify death and those who sanctify life.Netanyahu pointedly scolded pro palestinian protesters in the United States, thousands of whom demonstrated against his visit in Washington.Incredibly, many anti Israel protesters, many choose to stand with evil. They stand with Hamas. They stand with rapists and murderers. They should be ashamed of themselves.And he warned that Israel, Israel's battle against Hamas and the country that finances it, Iran, was America's battle as well.My friends, if you remember one thing, one thing from the speech, remember our enemies are your enemies, our fight is your fight, and our victory will be your victory.Today's episode was produced by Luke Vanderbloek, Asta Chatharvedi and Rochelle Banja. It was edited by Mark George with help from Rachel Quester, contains original music by Marion Lozano, and was engineered by Chris Wood. Our theme music is by Jim Brunberg and Ben Landsfirk. Of wonderly. That's it for the daily I'm Michael Balboro.See you tomorrow.Discover the new Mercedes Benz Veto panel van the best veto ever made, equipped with a range of new safety and assistance systems as standard experience the convenience of the voice activated Mbux multimedia system with a fresh interior and exterior design book a test drive today at Mercedesbenz, ie. Best in action the new Mercedes Benz Veto.


wondering whether there is a strong winning message from Harris that is emerging or will soon emerge for this key group of voters.


In these key states.


Well, we are going to see, as she does more and more events. You know, one thing that you hear from her people and her campaign is sort of a subtle idea that she may change the demographics of who is a democratic voter. We've already seen an extraordinary amount of excitement for her among black women. There were some 50,000 people on a Zoom call Sunday night, an organizing call for a group called Win with black women. We've seen some evidence that she performs better among black and latino voters, that young people are more interested in coming to vote now that she's on the ticket than Biden. And so that may alter the dynamics a little bit from where they were with Joe Biden on the ticket. And so she may not need to engage on issues like tariffs and some of the things that Trump is talking about as an issue stance. If she's able to energize voters who might have stayed home or not been interested in Biden, if she can build a little bit more out of that Obama coalition and still hold on to some of these moderate the feat given where everything was just a couple of days ago.Over it. Thank you very much.Thank you, Michael.My fellow Americans, I'm speaking tonight from behind the resolutesque in the Oval Office.In an eleven minute speech on Wednesday night, President Biden explained his decision to end his campaign for reelection and endorse Kamala Harris as his replacement, saying that it was necessary to pass the torch to a new generation.You know, there is a time and a place for long years of experience in public life, but there's also a time and a place for new voices. Fresh voices, yes, younger voices. And that time and place is nothing now.We'll be right back.Mister speaker, the prime minister of the state of Israel.Here's what else you need.Mister Speaker, I want to thank you for giving me the profound honor of addressing this great citadel of democracy for the fourth time.In a speech on Wednesday to a joint meeting of Congress, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu forcefully defended his country's military campaign in Gaza, praised both President Biden and former President Trump for their support, and described Israel's deadly war against Hamas as a necessary fight between good and evil.This is not a clash of civilizations. It's a clash between barbarism and civilization. It's a clash between those who glorify death and those who sanctify life.Netanyahu pointedly scolded pro palestinian protesters in the United States, thousands of whom demonstrated against his visit in Washington.Incredibly, many anti Israel protesters, many choose to stand with evil. They stand with Hamas. They stand with rapists and murderers. They should be ashamed of themselves.And he warned that Israel, Israel's battle against Hamas and the country that finances it, Iran, was America's battle as well.My friends, if you remember one thing, one thing from the speech, remember our enemies are your enemies, our fight is your fight, and our victory will be your victory.Today's episode was produced by Luke Vanderbloek, Asta Chatharvedi and Rochelle Banja. It was edited by Mark George with help from Rachel Quester, contains original music by Marion Lozano, and was engineered by Chris Wood. Our theme music is by Jim Brunberg and Ben Landsfirk. Of wonderly. That's it for the daily I'm Michael Balboro.See you tomorrow.Discover the new Mercedes Benz Veto panel van the best veto ever made, equipped with a range of new safety and assistance systems as standard experience the convenience of the voice activated Mbux multimedia system with a fresh interior and exterior design book a test drive today at Mercedesbenz, ie. Best in action the new Mercedes Benz Veto.


the feat given where everything was just a couple of days ago.


Over it. Thank you very much.


Thank you, Michael.


My fellow Americans, I'm speaking tonight from behind the resolutesque in the Oval Office.


In an eleven minute speech on Wednesday night, President Biden explained his decision to end his campaign for reelection and endorse Kamala Harris as his replacement, saying that it was necessary to pass the torch to a new generation.


You know, there is a time and a place for long years of experience in public life, but there's also a time and a place for new voices. Fresh voices, yes, younger voices. And that time and place is nothing now.


We'll be right back.


Mister speaker, the prime minister of the state of Israel.


Here's what else you need.


Mister Speaker, I want to thank you for giving me the profound honor of addressing this great citadel of democracy for the fourth time.


In a speech on Wednesday to a joint meeting of Congress, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu forcefully defended his country's military campaign in Gaza, praised both President Biden and former President Trump for their support, and described Israel's deadly war against Hamas as a necessary fight between good and evil.


This is not a clash of civilizations. It's a clash between barbarism and civilization. It's a clash between those who glorify death and those who sanctify life.


Netanyahu pointedly scolded pro palestinian protesters in the United States, thousands of whom demonstrated against his visit in Washington.


Incredibly, many anti Israel protesters, many choose to stand with evil. They stand with Hamas. They stand with rapists and murderers. They should be ashamed of themselves.


And he warned that Israel, Israel's battle against Hamas and the country that finances it, Iran, was America's battle as well.


My friends, if you remember one thing, one thing from the speech, remember our enemies are your enemies, our fight is your fight, and our victory will be your victory.


Today's episode was produced by Luke Vanderbloek, Asta Chatharvedi and Rochelle Banja. It was edited by Mark George with help from Rachel Quester, contains original music by Marion Lozano, and was engineered by Chris Wood. Our theme music is by Jim Brunberg and Ben Landsfirk. Of wonderly. That's it for the daily I'm Michael Balboro.


See you tomorrow.


Discover the new Mercedes Benz Veto panel van the best veto ever made, equipped with a range of new safety and assistance systems as standard experience the convenience of the voice activated Mbux multimedia system with a fresh interior and exterior design book a test drive today at Mercedesbenz, ie. Best in action the new Mercedes Benz Veto.