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You already have ambition for your business. It's time to transform it into your reality. As the world's largest professional services firm, only Deloitte can bring together the capabilities and experience your business needs to thrive. From possibility to sustainability, together we will drive changes that are great for your business and good for the planet. Start your journey today at deloitte. Ie and experience the difference we can make together. From New York Times, I'm Michael Barbaro. This is The Daily. Today, on the first day of the Republican National Convention, Donald Trump makes his choice of a running maid. We watched it unfold in real-time from Milwaukee. It's Tuesday, July 16th. You okay? I'm getting phone interference. Oh, no. Maybe that's from your phone. There's like 16 phones in this car. How smart are you? Okay. It is 9:35 AM on Monday morning, and we are driving into downtown Milwaukee to the headquarters of the Republican National Convention. And it's day one, the opening hours of what will be the Republican Party's crowning of their nominee, former President Donald Trump. And the singular event that hangs over this entire convention is the one that none of us expected, which is the attempted assassination of the presumptive Republican nominee.


And the news is just flying at us this morning. We just got word that he's going to be announcing his running mate today, his choice of a VP. So this is a pretty extraordinary day already before 10:00 AM, and we're going to try to make sense of it all. We just went through the first round of Secret Service asking to see our badges. We are now stopped at a giant metal pop-up wall. And in front of us, cars are being slowly and very thoroughly inspected by bomb-snipping dogs and security teams. Hi. Hi, you guys are good? You just have to Can you take your screen through the checkpoint. Perfect. Okay, thank you. Secret service. Can I open the trunk. Get the engine off.


Pop the hood for me, please.


Oh, the front hood? How do I do that? We're in a rental car. Here we go. She's got it. Look at her. It's a pro. Also, I don't run into my barricade. People keep doing that, even that says stop on it. Keep your eyes open. All righty. Be safe, everybody. Great.


Thank you so much.


So we're headed in for deeper security. We have your sunglasses. Can you back up for me real quick? Yeah. Michael. Yeah. Good. Good to go. Carlos. Good to go. Good to go. And- You, too. Rachel. Yes. Good to go. Thank you. There wasn't a single package inside that bag that they didn't search. Hi. Checking over here. Thank you guys for coming.


Hi, Yeah, I can take over snacks.


Once we made it through all that security, we walked into the first official event of the day, a briefing for reporters from the Trump campaign about what this first day of the convention would look like. So we're inside a very big ballroom that has a podium and two flags set up next to it. Wisconsin, United States. There's about 200 journalists in here filling a quarter of the room, and a lot of red-shirted RNC staffers and volunteers who are corralling us. Now we're going to wait and see what they have to say. But just as this briefing was about to begin, we were told that it was for planning purposes only and that we couldn't use any of the audio from it. I just want to summarize what we heard in this news conference. Essentially, what senior advisors to the Trump campaign just told us is that this day is going to be very action-packed. It is going to begin in the early afternoon with the official technical nomination by Delegate of Trump as the Republican nominee. And then in the early afternoon, around three o'clock or so, the nomination of a vice presidential candidate will occur.


What that means is that sometime between now, 10:30 AM or so and 3:00 PM, we will know the identity of who Trump's running mate will be. And finally, we are going to lay eyes on Donald himself at around 9:00 PM in the evening, and the crowd is going to go wild because it's the first time many of them, many of us, will have seen him since the assassination attempt. So it's a really packed schedule filled with a giant piece of news in the middle, which is who Trump picked as his running mate. Mike Bender.




To get inside Trump's decision making, we turn to our colleague, Mike Bender, a politics reporter at the Times who's been on the VP beat for the past few months. Okay, we just want to bug you for a minute about what is the status of the VP choice. Last time we talked to you, you told us that there were three top contenders, Doug Burgum, governor in North Dakota, Florida Senator, Marco Rubio, and Ohio Senator, JD Vance. So where do things sit here at 11:00, at noon on Monday?


Just hours before he's actually supposed to make announcement and nominate the running mate. I mean, I literally ran into a couple of sources who are with other VP contenders who are telling me that they haven't received word led directly to President Trump's attempted assassination. We should say there's no evidence that that's true. We don't know the motivations of the shooter. We don't know that he consumed any of that rhetoric or that Vance is even characterizing it correctly. So what should we make of the fact that Trump chose that running mate who made that statement in this moment?I think Vance, in a lot of ways, embodies the id of Trump and that instinct to fight. And even though these manufactured statements from the campaign are calling for unity and calling for peace, what Trump really wants-Since the attempt of assassination, right. That's right. What Trump really wants is someone who is going to keep fighting. Factual or not, I think this shows the passion and the energy Trump was looking in at running, valuing that interest in fighting more than- Interested in unity and peace. Yeah, or facts on the ground. Right.I want to end, Mike, with something you hinted at earlier, which is when you said that Trump is looking to Vance to set a path for the future of the Republican Party. What is that path with Vance as number two?Vance is only 39 years old. He's barely old enough to be President.Right, 35 is the requirement.Exactly. So he's obviously going to be viewed very much as the heir parent for Trumpism. Trump knows this. And the signal it's sending to everyone, not just in the party, but the rest of the country, is that any remnants of a debate about whether this party snaps back to its pro-business, establishment establishment culture, pre-Trump- The pre-Trump era. The pre-Trump era is exactly that. It's a pre-Trump era. It's over for Republicans. And when it's not Trump, it's going to be JD Vans or someone exactly like him.Right. In other words, Trumpism is here to stay. It is the Republican Party now that I've chosen JD Vans.There's no going back anymore, Michael.Thank you, Mike. This is really helpful.I really appreciate it. Thank you for having me.Are you guys from Michigan? Yeah. Hi. We make a daily podcast. Back at the Convention Hall. We wanted to ask folks from all the big swing states about the selection of JD Vance about an hour ago and what you make of that decision, and if you think it's going to help Trump win this state. Absolutely. Look, I think the key thing in the platform is that it is dedicated to the forgotten men and women, and that is the blue collar workers in the flyover states. Jody Vance gets that. It was clear that Republican delegates saw Jody Vance as helping Trump win those key Midwestern states that will be essential to Trump winning in November. So if Donald Trump wins Pennsylvania, which we're going to make damn sure he does, we're going to work our ass off. You think that Vance helps him do that? Yes. And just make sure. I want to understand why. Because JD Vance is like the common man. He's like the common guy. Even and that like Trump, they do see Vance as the future of Trumpism. The other nice thing is he's young. He's 39 years old. Why does that matter?It's good to have somebody young with somebody that's old in case, God forbid, something ever happens. To Trump. In other words, you already see him as the successor, the inheritor of Trump's message and the party in MAGA. Yeah, he's going to have to carry the mantle. That's probably what's going to end up happening. Trump's only there for four years. You need somebody afterwards for the next eight. You need somebody for the next eight after that. You're from Wisconsin. You're a delegate from Wisconsin. This is important. Trump mentioned Wisconsin in announcing Vance. Why was Vance your number one choice? I think he brings youth to the field, to the vice President. I looked at the upcoming years in '28, what will happen. And I think he was the man that can do it in '28 for the Republican Party. You're already looking forward to the next race. Yes, very much so. We'll be right back. Overtake your expectations with the arrival of the brand new, fully electric Audi Q6 e-tron, available exclusively for 242 ordering. The new launch edition Audi Q6 e-tron, with a range of up to 570 kilometers, also features a complementary upgrade design package, included in the monthly rate of €698.All roads lead to your new Audi Q6 e-tron. Terms and conditions apply. Audi, Vorsprung doch, Technik.If you find yourself bewildered by this moment where there's so much reason for despair and so much reason to hope all at the same time, let Let me say, I hear you. I'm Esra Klein from New York Times Opinion, host of The Esra Klein Show. For me, the best way to beat back that bewildered feeling is to talk it out with the people who have ideas and frameworks for making sense of it. There is going to be plenty to talk about. You can find The Esra Klein Show wherever you get your podcasts.Here's what else you need to know today. In a stunning decision, the judge overseeing Trump's classified documents case, threw out all the charges against him. In the process, she rejected what was widely seen as the strongest federal charges against the former President. Judge Eileen Canon, a Trump appointee, ruled that the special counsel who filed the charges had been given his job in violation of the Constitution. That finding flew in the face of previous court decisions reaching back decades. In response, the Department of Justice said that it plans to appeal Canon's ruling. Today's episode was produced by Carlos Prieto, Claire Tennisgetter, Jessica Cheung, Mujdj Sady, Eric Krupke, and Ricky Nowetsky. It was edited by Brenda Clinkenberg and Rachel Quester, with help from Paige Callen. Contains original music by Dan Powell, Cory Schreppel, Alicia Butte YouTube, and Marion Lozano, and was engineered by Alyssa Moxley. Our theme music is by Jim Brunberg and Ben Lantferk of WNDYRLE. That's it for the Daily. I'm Michael Barbaro. See you tomorrow. Make the bright choice. Discover incredible offers across the full 242 Citroën range at Bright Citroën Airside. Enjoy flexible payment options, five-year warranty, and a deposit contribution of up to €4,000.Browse the full range, including the elegant EC4 electric and the C5 Aircross, available in hybrid, plug-in hybrid, petrol or diesel. Book your test drive today at Bright Citroën airside, or browse our 242 Citroën offers online. See brightmotorgroup. Ie. Terms and conditions apply.


led directly to President Trump's attempted assassination. We should say there's no evidence that that's true. We don't know the motivations of the shooter. We don't know that he consumed any of that rhetoric or that Vance is even characterizing it correctly. So what should we make of the fact that Trump chose that running mate who made that statement in this moment?


I think Vance, in a lot of ways, embodies the id of Trump and that instinct to fight. And even though these manufactured statements from the campaign are calling for unity and calling for peace, what Trump really wants-Since the attempt of assassination, right. That's right. What Trump really wants is someone who is going to keep fighting. Factual or not, I think this shows the passion and the energy Trump was looking in at running, valuing that interest in fighting more than- Interested in unity and peace. Yeah, or facts on the ground. Right.


I want to end, Mike, with something you hinted at earlier, which is when you said that Trump is looking to Vance to set a path for the future of the Republican Party. What is that path with Vance as number two?


Vance is only 39 years old. He's barely old enough to be President.


Right, 35 is the requirement.


Exactly. So he's obviously going to be viewed very much as the heir parent for Trumpism. Trump knows this. And the signal it's sending to everyone, not just in the party, but the rest of the country, is that any remnants of a debate about whether this party snaps back to its pro-business, establishment establishment culture, pre-Trump- The pre-Trump era. The pre-Trump era is exactly that. It's a pre-Trump era. It's over for Republicans. And when it's not Trump, it's going to be JD Vans or someone exactly like him.


Right. In other words, Trumpism is here to stay. It is the Republican Party now that I've chosen JD Vans.


There's no going back anymore, Michael.


Thank you, Mike. This is really helpful.


I really appreciate it. Thank you for having me.


Are you guys from Michigan? Yeah. Hi. We make a daily podcast. Back at the Convention Hall. We wanted to ask folks from all the big swing states about the selection of JD Vance about an hour ago and what you make of that decision, and if you think it's going to help Trump win this state. Absolutely. Look, I think the key thing in the platform is that it is dedicated to the forgotten men and women, and that is the blue collar workers in the flyover states. Jody Vance gets that. It was clear that Republican delegates saw Jody Vance as helping Trump win those key Midwestern states that will be essential to Trump winning in November. So if Donald Trump wins Pennsylvania, which we're going to make damn sure he does, we're going to work our ass off. You think that Vance helps him do that? Yes. And just make sure. I want to understand why. Because JD Vance is like the common man. He's like the common guy. Even and that like Trump, they do see Vance as the future of Trumpism. The other nice thing is he's young. He's 39 years old. Why does that matter?


It's good to have somebody young with somebody that's old in case, God forbid, something ever happens. To Trump. In other words, you already see him as the successor, the inheritor of Trump's message and the party in MAGA. Yeah, he's going to have to carry the mantle. That's probably what's going to end up happening. Trump's only there for four years. You need somebody afterwards for the next eight. You need somebody for the next eight after that. You're from Wisconsin. You're a delegate from Wisconsin. This is important. Trump mentioned Wisconsin in announcing Vance. Why was Vance your number one choice? I think he brings youth to the field, to the vice President. I looked at the upcoming years in '28, what will happen. And I think he was the man that can do it in '28 for the Republican Party. You're already looking forward to the next race. Yes, very much so. We'll be right back. Overtake your expectations with the arrival of the brand new, fully electric Audi Q6 e-tron, available exclusively for 242 ordering. The new launch edition Audi Q6 e-tron, with a range of up to 570 kilometers, also features a complementary upgrade design package, included in the monthly rate of €698.


All roads lead to your new Audi Q6 e-tron. Terms and conditions apply. Audi, Vorsprung doch, Technik.


If you find yourself bewildered by this moment where there's so much reason for despair and so much reason to hope all at the same time, let Let me say, I hear you. I'm Esra Klein from New York Times Opinion, host of The Esra Klein Show. For me, the best way to beat back that bewildered feeling is to talk it out with the people who have ideas and frameworks for making sense of it. There is going to be plenty to talk about. You can find The Esra Klein Show wherever you get your podcasts.


Here's what else you need to know today. In a stunning decision, the judge overseeing Trump's classified documents case, threw out all the charges against him. In the process, she rejected what was widely seen as the strongest federal charges against the former President. Judge Eileen Canon, a Trump appointee, ruled that the special counsel who filed the charges had been given his job in violation of the Constitution. That finding flew in the face of previous court decisions reaching back decades. In response, the Department of Justice said that it plans to appeal Canon's ruling. Today's episode was produced by Carlos Prieto, Claire Tennisgetter, Jessica Cheung, Mujdj Sady, Eric Krupke, and Ricky Nowetsky. It was edited by Brenda Clinkenberg and Rachel Quester, with help from Paige Callen. Contains original music by Dan Powell, Cory Schreppel, Alicia Butte YouTube, and Marion Lozano, and was engineered by Alyssa Moxley. Our theme music is by Jim Brunberg and Ben Lantferk of WNDYRLE. That's it for the Daily. I'm Michael Barbaro. See you tomorrow. Make the bright choice. Discover incredible offers across the full 242 Citroën range at Bright Citroën Airside. Enjoy flexible payment options, five-year warranty, and a deposit contribution of up to €4,000.


Browse the full range, including the elegant EC4 electric and the C5 Aircross, available in hybrid, plug-in hybrid, petrol or diesel. Book your test drive today at Bright Citroën airside, or browse our 242 Citroën offers online. See brightmotorgroup. Ie. Terms and conditions apply.