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Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino. Welcome to Dan Bongino show. Today is a best of on Monday I took a little break for the family. I was at the Morgan Wallen concert this weekend. I'll be definitely giving you a strong weekend update tomorrow on Tuesday. But I really appreciate you tuning in. These are going to be some of our best segments you guys loved. So based on kind of audience demand, gee, put this together. So I really appreciate you tuning in. As always, the show is paid for by our sponsors, so really appreciate your time. Hey, can your savings weather an economic storm? Think about what you put away for the future. Inflation can render cash worthless. Real estate can crash like in 2008. Economies built on a mountain of debt can fall like a house of cards. There are very few physical assets you can invest that can stand the test of time. Gold as we stood as a valued form of money for millennia. It's why people are flocking to it now and why Birch gold, the company I buy my gold from, is busier than ever through a little known tax loophole.


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Keep your number, keep your phone or upgrade. Their team will help you find the best plan for your needs. Just go to dan or call 972 Patriot. Get a free month when you use the offer code. Dan, join me and make that switch today., Dan. dan. Or call 972 Patriot. You're going to love these segments, I absolutely promise you. Spread the word. These are some of our best. Check this out. This is a segment I've been dying to play for a long time. You know, the media are socialists. They're obviously communists. We get all that. They're agit prop people. Agitation propaganda. That's what they specialize in. Did you guys catch the radio show yesterday? I had a really cool guest on if you missed it, don't worry. Jim's putting together the weekend show. I think it's next week. Not this week, but we had Carol Roth on. Carol with a c. You can look her up on social media. If you're not following her, you should. She's really excellent. She does a fantastic job at just fileting dopey socialists on the media. Want more of your money. I don't want to give you any more of my money.


I work hard. There's an easy way to get more money. The demo is pretty simple. You have this thing, it's called an ass, okay? Right here. Here. You use it. You get up with the ass, okay? You remove it from. Here's the chair, okay? You don't lift the chair with the ass, okay? The ass separates from the chair. And then you go to work and you get a thing called a freaking job. You bozos out there, you lazy bums, go get a freaking job. I don't want to give you any more of my money. I got no problem paying for our military, roads, cops. I get it. Taxes are not a horrendous thing when we're limited to a constitutional limited role of government. However, I don't want to pay you 50% of my money because other people just take my money and do jack shit with it. Go get a freaking job. Like. But do we need the whiteboard again? Yeah, this is a good point. Here. Here's the whiteboard. I have still not erased it. Here. We were talking about loan repayments, Tony, you haven't said you weren't here. We actually did this live on Fox News, on the show.


Remember that key? We did this here. Here's the loan repayment plan for people who want student loans and government handouts. It's called don't be a bum. You see? Get your rump. Also known as an ass to a freaking job and you'll get money. Bond genomics. Bond genomics. There you go. Ass. Ass to job, and you'll make freaking money. It's not hard. I don't want to give you shit. Go get your own money. We don't need to get a row, buddy. We can get it from, you bum. We'll steal it from. That's what fagazi thinks. Freaking loser. Go get a freaking job. Why do Republicans have to play candy ass with this bullshit all the time? Go get a freaking job. They played his wussy game with everyone. Just go get a job. Go get a freaking job, you lazy bums. Get a job. I'm sorry. I don't want to give anybody any more money. Okay, okay. That segment took. That segment took a turn. I was. This is important. Socialism is shit. It is simply stealing from people to give to other people that don't want to work. This is one of the best segments you're ever going to see.


The Carol Roth got me going yesterday in a radio interview. It was awesome. I'm going to put on a weekend show. This is John Stossel on socialism. I got two quick cuts from this for all the people out there who lie to you about socialism. And they're like, oh, no, socialism that's killed, you know, hundreds of millions of people throughout the years. It's not bad. It didn't destroy Venezuela. It didn't destroy. It was really just greedy people, really. Everywhere socialism has been tried, it has killed people. It's got a 100% success record of failing. Watch this clip. It's really good.


The problem isn't socialism, says John Oliver.


It's a story about epic mismanagement.


But mismanagement is what happens under socialist governments. It always happens because no group of central planners is wise enough to manage an entire economy. Even if they have good intentions, the socialists eventually run out of other people's money. The socialist solution then, is to print more. That caused massive inflation.


The nation's failed economy is expected to hit 10 million% inflation this year.


When business owners raised prices to keep up with inflation, government often took away their businesses. This man just had his business taken. Socialists say government can run businesses better than greedy owners who just want profit. And even though that led to tyranny and Venezuela and China and Russia, Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Cuba, there are plenty of.


Socialist countries that look nothing like Venezuela. When I talk about democratic socialism, I'm not looking at Venezuela. I'm not looking at Cuba. I'm looking at countries like Denmark and Sweden. I love that. I hear that from moron liberals who don't want to work because they're lazy bums and want more of my money all the time. We need to do more of what Denmark and Sweden do. I mean, they're like socialist countries. Socialist, really, they are. Here's part two of this, where actual leaders, political leaders from Denmark, try to tell these idiots, we're not a socialist country. We're actually market economies. They may have a big government footprint, but they're not socialist countries. Here, I know a lot of liberals, you're hearing this for the first time, but don't forget this clip because you can make your liberal friends look really dumb when they tell you. But what about Denmark? Check this out.


Yes, those countries do have bigger welfare programs than America does, but they are not socialist. They make a point of saying that. Here's Denmark's prime minister.


Denmark is far from a socialist planned economy. Denmark is a market economy.


Not only that, lately they've reduced government control of their economy. They privatized the national phone system and the railroads, and they sold Copenhagen airport to a private company. It's the same story in Sweden.


We did have a period in the 1970s and 1980s when we had something that resembled socialism. A big government that taxed and spent heavily. And that's the period in swedish history.


When our economy was going south.


Folks, these people lie to you all the time. I want you to understand why these people who say, oh, we need to be more socialists, like Denmark and Sweden, which are in no way socialist whatsoever. There are big government footprints there. Those are largely homogenous societies, though, as well. These very same people are only making that argument because they want an excuse to steal your stuff. They don't want to work. And we as a republican party, have to stand behind the dignity of work. And the problem with taxing people and taking their money at confiscatory levels, which I'm tired of. I'm tired of giving idiots money, is that it's not just that you're not helping them, okay? It's that you're actually stealing from them the dignity of work. God gave you the ability using your hands, your legs, your butt, your elbows, your head, whatever the hell you need to do. Your gluteus maximus up from the seat gave you the ability to transform the world in your own little special way. Whether you're a plumber building a bathroom, an h vac guy putting in a ventilation system, or a pilot transforming the world by flying a plane.


No one else can fly on that plane but you. That's like magic, man. And you steal from them their ability to do that by giving them money. To do what? Not that. To do anything, but that universal basic income, all of these ridiculous, you know, safety nets that turn into hammocks. You're paying people to not do what God gave them, the ability to do. Your life. Listen, I'm not a philosopher, brothers and sisters, and I'm not trying to be one, but your life is not meant to be a series of routines. You'll remember none of it. Your life is going to be a series of big, bold things you did. That's what you're going to remember. You will do none of it. If you take other people's money and just sit back and sit in your hammock your entire life, waiting on other people to shower hundreds on you like you're making it rain at a strip club or something, go to freaking work. And us as a party should cut the bullshit and start telling people that, go to work. Go do something. Stop stealing from other people so you can do jack shit.


So you remember the Texas border dilemma? And I use the word dilemma and say it that way for a reason, because it creates this bifurcated path. Governor Greg Abbott said, listen, we are going to put concertina wire on our border and we're going to secure our border. And the Biden administration said, no, you're not. And Doug, Governor Greg Abbott from Texas said, well, what are you going to do about it? And they said, well, we're, like, going to do some stuff. And Governor Greg Abbott said, okay, go ahead and do some stuff. Do you remember the show chatsters? I know you do. And I said, Governor Abnett is engaging in some advanced political game theory here, whether you knew it or not at the time, because he put Joe Biden in a corner. The corner was very simple. You could have seen it from miles away. And I was actually shocked more people didn't pick up on what a brilliant tactical move this is. Whether you like Abbott or not, I don't kiss politicians asses, but when they do something effective, I want to know it and incorporate it so we can use it again.


He created a dilemma for Biden because Biden only had two choices. Abbott secures the Texas border, Biden says, rip it down. And Abbott says, or what? What were the two choices? You remember? The two choices were very simple. Either Abbott could have won full police state. I mean, Biden full police state, and started arresting Texas. DP's sent shock troops to the governor's mansion to arrest Governor Abbott. Right. I mean, pull it down. Or what? Are we going to arrest you? Or the second option was what? Slither away like a little punk and do absolutely nothing? Because you can't. Ladies and gentlemen, it was a dilemma for the Biden administration because either option sucked. I'm going to tell you straight up here, I don't know what options worse. I really don't, because I can't anticipate what the counterfactual would look like. Biden backed down and looked like a big wuss as governor, Greg Abbott is now expanding this operation across most of the Texas border, which is great, because he gave the double barrel to Biden. So now every other state understands that Joe Biden is a feckless chump and a coward, and there's nothing he can do about it.


Nothing. And it's glorious to watch. What does that have to do with JK Rowling, folks? Author JK Rowling in the famous Harry Potter series, she did the same thing. There's this hate speech law in Scotland that's supposed to prohibit, like, misgendering or whatever kind of crap the left makes up for the day or whatever. And JK Rowling said, you know what? I'm going to call a man a man, because a man is a man. And if you'd like to come arrest me under this scottish hate speech law, then how about you go do it? Matter of fact, again, I don't kiss people's asses. You don't have to like JK Rowling's, but I never read a Harry Potter book. I obviously know what they are. However, this took some moose nuts. Here's JK Rowling's tweet. I totally agree. I've been deliberately defiant. Notice she puts it in all caps. In spite of some random blokes advice, she notes a full investigation into her butt must be mounted. All caps must. Hashtag arrest me. Also visit Scotland, land of the free, she says sarcastically. Hmm. She said, I'm going to call a man a man. I don't really care what you tell me to do.


You see how this is the exact same scenario, game theory wise, the exact one that Governor Abbott created for Biden? Now, of course, what happened? Well, what happened was scottish authorities immediately had to back down because they were in the same corner Joe Biden was. What are they going to do, lock up JK Rowling and throw her in the clink? Here's the follow up. She says, I hope every woman in Scotland wishes to speak up for the reality and importance of biological sex will be reassured by this announcement. And I trust that all women, irrespective of profile or financial means, will be treated equally under the law. It was the announcement basically, the JK Rowling hate law posts are not criminal. The police say, I mentioned this to Evita before the break because Evita and I were chatting about this story earlier, and there were some weird complaints about JK Rowling that I found quite odd. Avita said that someone had tweeted out or something like, well, this only works because she has power. Yeah, that's the point, folks. That's the whole point. The whole point is only. I wish this weren't the case, by the way, but I don't live in the fake world.


I live in the real world. Scars and all, bad elbows, you know, hearing falling apart. That's the real world. In the real world, yes. You are 100% correct. If you did, if this was not JK Rowling or Governor Greg Abbott doing that, it was John Smith, some dedicated, hardworking h vac guy just getting by with his family, you are correct. He would probably be in jail. I'm not disputing that. But you see how you're making the perfect, the enemy of the good JK Rowling. I don't even know. I've never met her in my life. I don't read her books. She's definitely not a trumper. She doesn't even like Donald Trump. JK Rowling doesn't need this at all. JK Rowling can sit back like this, write a few books. Resurrection of Harry Potter. Is he dead? I don't even know. How many books are there? 25. Who the hell. No. Is Harry Potter still alive in the books? Is that. I don't even know. Harry Potter returns. Is it like, as you have, like, the force with Luke Skywalker? I have no idea. She could write another book and make another billion dollars. He's okay. He says he's.


At least in our thought he has. Yes. This information. Bill McCarthy's writing a fact check right now. You get my point, folks, that if we don't use people in power. So here's a quick example for you. The left loves using people like George Soros. You don't hear the left going, ah, f. That guy. He's one of those rich guys we hate. He's got money. They love him. He's the best. Why? Because Soros a billionaire, he doesn't have to go and screw up big cities, but he chooses to. He chooses to mess with democracy, don't alienate these people. If J. K. Rowling is with us on 5% of the issues and is willing to put her weight behind that 5% of issues so that we don't have to spend other time on it, and she can take on the brunt of it. Then let her do it. And they are way too nervous about the November election to wait for an October surprise. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you on the damn Bongino show, what's today's date? April 2. April 2. The October surprise in April. Put it up on the screen, please. New York Times.


China is advancing efforts to influence the US election. Raise lines. That looks like the Russia hoax. Except this has China it even. They even mentioned Russia in the first paragraph. In an echo of Russia's effect marketing campaign early in an echo of Russia's effect marketing campaign earlier than the 2016 election, China seems to be attempting to harness partisan, partisan divisions to undermine the Biden administration's insurance policies, regardless of the latest efforts by two international locations to decrease the temperature of their relationship. It's like a Hollywood spinoff. It is. It's like, isn't that, you know, they had that Batman movie where Colin Farrell played the Penguin. I just heard the penguins coming out with Colin Farrell hasn't been. This is what this is. You're like, wait, wait, wasn't that the Batman movie? It is, but it's about the other guy now. Wasn't that the russian movie? It was, but now it's about China. Here's what they're doing, folks. There's a little field out there, right here. The seeds, they want to see. Take the water, which put the water on a little bit of water. Hmm. Waters. Couple seeds. They want to see which one sticks.


Now, in case you're thinking, ah, you know what, Dan? China is a malevolent force. They've been interfering in our elections forever. Okay, sure, I get it, but why is it a Trump thing now? Well, it's a Trump thing because they're looking for a reason to censor you to interfere with the election. That's why I always bring the receipts to back it up. May I present to you again an article right here. If you think this is an accident, this article in the New York Times, by the way, that China is going to interfere in the election to help support Trump, which sounds like the Russia hoax, just with China. You'd be correct. Because it's connected to this piece by reclaim the net, shifting election narratives and tech collusion, federal government continues outreach to tech companies. Keep this piece up a second. I want you to read this really, really carefully. Read it with your Trump glasses on because the media doesn't think straight. You have, like, the Trump decoder glasses. Put your Trump decoder glasses on. You know, I have the blue light blockers at night. You got to put, like the media bullshit narrative blockers on and read this.


This type of brazen behavior where now the federal government right now the Biden administration is colluding with social media companies again, could mean that the ruling apparatus is sure of itself and the ability to get away with pretty much anything, and that it's not confident Biden can get reelected in making risky and perhaps desperate moves. Listen to this and tie it to what I just told you. The US intelligence community is ramping up work with tech companies ahead of November elections as cybersecurity professionals search for new ways to combat foreign threats to the american electoral system that appeared unthinkable four years ago. Listen to me. We all together, the crew, the posse here. Listen to Dan. So to Uncle Dan for a second, my uncle, no, a little too young for that, but sorry, nothing the left does is by accident. Nothing. All of a sudden, they want to start censoring again. They've got a problem, though. They've got this supreme Court case, Murphy versus Missouri, where they were colluding with tech companies on COVID and other stuff, and they got exposed. So what happened? They needed another excuse because they want to keep censoring.


How do I know? I just read it to you and reclaim the net piece. Hey, man, we got a censor. We got a bunch of foreigners trying to steal the election again. And as if on cue, throw it up again. A New York Times article. As if on cue, look at what drops. New York Times, China. They're coming for us. They're colluding with Trump to steal the election. Look at that. Look at that. Look at here. Why are they panicking now? It's on October, yet they usually wait till October. It's why it's called an October surprise. You know the term October surprise, right? They dropped some bull in October right before the election because October is before November, so they want to make sure they hurt the candidate. September, October, November. I'm sorry. There are liberals that they're very confused about the calendar. They're like, really? There's always an October surprise. The reason the October surprise is here now, I saw a bunch of people flagging it there. The red flags. Get ready for it. You'll be way, way ahead of your friends who are getting ready to drop this bomb soon. The reason they're panicking now is this video.


I'm going to play this for you. This is James Carville. Jim Carville is, is a Democrat operative forever they call him like the raging Cajun or whatever. The guy's been around for eons. He's a little crazy. But one thing about him on the Democrat side of the fence, I'm a Republican. I don't have any relationship with this cat. No. Would I? The one thing about him is he's not afraid to call out the Democrats and their bull when he thinks they're going to lose. And he's very concerned about Biden. I want you to listen to this clip and you'll see why the October surprise is happening now in April to freak out China. Collusions coming next, because, ladies and gentlemen, they're running out of options with Biden. They're about to get smoked. Watch this. I've been very vocal about this. It's horrifying our numbers among younger voters, particularly younger blacks, younger Latinos or whatever.


But whatever.


Younger, I don't know. Younger people are color, particularly males. We're not shedding them. They're leaving in the droves. Hey, hope you're enjoying the show. Like I said, these are some of our hottest segments. You guys seem to like them and we really appreciate it. It's got done with a workout. That's why I'm a little out of breath today, man. Got to take care of the body. The mind comes, you know, mind goes. If the body goes. Hey, nothing says summer like the taste of a juicy, tender burger. Take care of the body. Feed it good food. Burgers grilled to perfection with our friends at Omaha steaks right now, you can taste burger perfection for yourself with the burger perfection flight. This exclusive package includes 20 of their mouthwatering steak burgers for each of their pure ground filet mignon burgers, New York strip burgers, my favorite, the rib eye burgers, brisket burgers and sirloin burgers. You get all this deliciousness for just $79.99. That's 20 beefy, juicy steak burgers for just $79.99. Go to omaha and order today. These are the kinds of burgers could only come from Omaha steaks. From the mild and tender filet mignon burger to the rich and buttery ribeye burger.


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And I thought something may be afoot. So we decided to have the congresswoman on to get her side of the story, which I believe is the right one. Congresswoman Lauren Boebert, thanks a lot for joining us. We really appreciate it.


Dan, it is wonderful to be on with you and, you know, try to, try to bring some understanding to the confusion that Ken Buck's resignation has brought to not just Colorado, but to the country.


Yeah, it's really crazy because I. Last night, there was a segment of my show that made its way around social media, and I noticed you picked up on it where I said, this is kind of strange. You've got this pro America, relatively non establishment Maga, Congresswoman Lauren Boebert, who's going to run in Ken Buck's district in November, election day, like every other member of the House. And you probably have good duty or name id, and you got a pretty good name in Colorado. You probably had a good chance of winning that seat. So he leaves early, which creates a special election, which means there's going to be a primary for the November election and a special election on the same day. Now, congresswoman, call me crazy, but you can't run in both of those, can you? That's.


That's correct. Because if I were to run in both of them, I would need to resign from my current seat, and that would take away our majority in the House of Representatives more than that.


Timeout. So it would take. So that way. Wait, wait. My audience is shocked. So you. I mean, I don't mean interrupt you. You know, I don't do that, but. So some DC swampies opened up a seat early in a safe republican district that you're running in, knowing that if you wanted to get a leg up in that seat, other than do it the right way, you would have to leave another seat, which may give Hakeem Jeffries the gavel. Is it. I know this sounds crazy, but is that what you're telling me?


That's what I'm telling you. You know, I would. I would leave my current constituents without representation for three months, like Ken Buck is doing here in Colorado's fourth district. They won't have a representative for three months and we would lose a second vote in the House of Representatives. And that is absolutely not something I'm doing. I'm not leaving my constituents abandoned and without representation, and I am not hindering our majority in Washington, DC. So that is what eliminates my ability to run in the special election. Besides that, I don't want to play their swampy games. I made a statement yesterday and I said, I get it. You have a candidate that you like. That is Ukraine first, Ken Buck knows that his endorsement of him only hurts that candidate. And so they did this backroom deal to have Ken Buck resign. And, you know, Ken Buck knew a week before he resigned that he was doing it because his staff all got big bonuses and raises and promotions. So then he announced, and now here we are. So this gives their choice, the establishment choice, a leg up in this race, because now he can raise double the money, one into a special election fund and another into his regular campaign, and he could raise double the money, get the name recognition, say I am the nominee, that the Republican Party is chosen.


Vote for me, and his name will appear two times on the same day. And we are, we are waiting to hear from the secretary of state if that's going to be one ballot or two ballots. I believe it will be two. The way I understand it, it has to be two. But that's also going to cost the taxpayers money to have two ballots sent on the same day. All of this is a mess. It's selfish. It is why we hate Washington, DC. It's why we hate politicians. And this has caused such chaos and confusion in Colorado and throughout the nation. And it's going to take a lot of resources, certainly on my part, to explain, explain the voters exactly what is going on, because I am running this race. Now, I talked for a long sent there, but I just want to make one more point clear. The one thing that could help alleviate some of this confusion is if the vacancy committee who nominates this person for the special election chooses someone who's not currently running for the seat. So I have ten opponents right now who I am running against in this primary for June 25.


And if they were to go outside of us, candidates who are running for the fourth district, that would help alleviate a lot of confusion. This is a different name. This person is a placeholder, will be there just a few months, and then we can continue on with our race and move forward. So right now, it's our job to put pressure on the vacancy committee to do something like that.


We're talking to Congresswoman Lauren Boebert. Congresswoman, you know, the mercenary thing to do if you were that type of person would be to leave your current constituents behind and say, you know what? I've got a safe seat over there. I'm leaving now. I'm out. But you're not doing that. And I appreciate that because that's, that that would really you, that would be doing significant damage to this already fragile majority. But I think what you just said is important. That seems like if Ken Buck is going to screw over America and you don't. I'm just going to. I don't like this guy. I've never liked this guy. You don't got to say, I can't stand this guy. I met him a couple of times up on the hill when I was given testimony. I don't like politicians at all, present company excluded. But that guy I genuinely don't like. He did this to give the double barrel middle finger to America. It's the only reason there is no, it's not a health thing, thank God. I don't wish bad health on anyone. He's not coming out and going, I've got a fatal disease, someone died. And no, he's basically saying, I'm just leaving to throw the Republican Party into chaos and screw over Boebert.


That's the only reason he's doing it. So that this election committee that's listening, that's fair. It's a horrible situation he created, but that's perfectly fair. Put a placeholder in there who says, I'm not going to run. It's not going to be one of these candidates. And, and, congresswoman, you and the rest of the other candidates can duke it out like you have been, and the voters will pick. Nothing wrong with that. Right?


Exactly. That's exactly how it should be. We should run the race that we are in. And I don't believe that anyone should be stepping up and saying, I will sacrifice myself to be in this special election. I have three opponents who have currently thrown their name in before the vacancy committee. But I'm making phone calls. A lot of Coloradans are making phone calls. We're reaching out to the vacancy committee and first of all, informing them, because this is pretty unprecedented here. And we're informing them of the process, but then also encouraging them to choose someone who's not currently a candidate.


Congresswoman, I interact with my audience a lot. I don't detach myself from. I follow them. We have a live rumble show. They message me on Facebook, and I read all their messages during the show. I haven't. There's not a single Colorado voter who doesn't see through this. Now, granted, this is not an accurate sample size. My audience is unusually politically active, so I don't want to act like this is some kind of independent poll. However, even with issues like this, there's usually a few people who have something to say. On the contrary, every single person, and there's quite a few here, understands this was a nakedly political move to keep you out of that seat. Now, here's what worries me. Ken Buck. This is not a conspiracy theory. These are Ken Buck's own words, not mine. Gave an interview, apparently, and told one of these outlets that he knows it, or he, he says there are three more resignations coming up that are going to surprise, I guess, Speaker Johnson in the House even more. If that's the case, congresswoman, this isn't just an attack on you. This is an attack on hopefully soon to be president again, Trump.


Because they want Hakeem Jeffries to have the gavel during this president elect period from November to January.


Speaker one yes. Well, and if that's the case, if we get those three resignations, then Congress may not gavel in, we may not provide a quorum, because if we did, that would be the day that Hakeem Jeffries got the gavel. So that means we are in, we are essentially more ineffective than we already are in Washington, DC and won't get anything done because as soon as we gavel in, then they would vacate Mike Johnson and give the gavel to Hakeem Jeffries. So to those members who are considering resigning, I mean, that's a pretty devastating blow to our country, to America. And, you know, I mean, Dan Bongino, can you imagine the post offices that won't get named for the rest of the year?


Oh, I know. Listen, I don't know about my life would definitely change for the, I mean, if Congress isn't in session, Congresswoman, I don't even get up in the morning because I can't, I mean, I'm totally incapable of feeding myself or anything like that. I totally expect some ranking member or congressman to come over and feed me. Everybody. No, I'm glad you feel that way and the fact that you can poke fun at this. But, you know, I say to my listeners all the time, I, you know, I know you've occasionally heard clips from the podcast and this, but I say, listen, these people hate you. I'm sorry, but they do. They use you for power, and you should use them for the same thing. You should view Congress as political tools. Are they plus ones or minus ones? I don't mean it in a bad way. Do you have a congresswoman, say, like, Lauren Boebert, who's going to vote with us, plus one or not? I don't care. I mean, listen, I personally like you. I've liked you for a long time. But that's not what influences who I have on the show. You vote for stuff I care about the majority of time.


That's it. If you don't, you can be the nicest person on planet Earth. I'm not going to disrespect you, but you're a useless tool to me. And the thing is that they're trying to keep you. This is definitely directed at you out of this seat. Should really infuriate the voters of that district because make no mistake, this is targeted at you directly and everybody knows it.


You know what, Dan? Even democrats know that this is an attack against me directly. When I was on the House floor, I had several democrats, you would cringe if I said their names. But they came up to me with sincere compassion and said, we see right through this. We know this is an attack on you. And they were asking how this affects me. These people don't want me in Congress anymore than Ken Buck does. And they see how dirty this is.


Speaker one. And I wonder sometimes, we're talking to Congresswoman Lauren Boebert. Folks, folks, you have to go by the kind of, you have to do the dipsy do, flip a roo dam bongino theory. If they like you in Congress. I'm sorry. I think you probably agree, Congresswoman, if the media likes you, you're probably not an asset to us, the conservative movement. If the media hates you, you should be asking why. They really just don't like you. And you should consider that a personal badge of honor. They really hate your guts, just like they hate me. I've never seen a positive media piece about me or you or Jim Jordan or anyone else, and that's for a reason. They really dislike you.


That's exactly right. Because we are there for the right reasons. You have your podcast for the right reasons. You are engaging with the american people to inform them, to say this isn't over. And you are the ones who hold the power. And, you know, they don't want the general public to be educated on what is actually going on and how much influence people at home actually have. They want them to feel helpless and hopeless and like Washington DC is the only end all, be all. And whatever happens there happens. So those of us who are exposing the dirty deeds in DC, the corruption in DC, we are the ones who get attacked. I'm fine with that. I didn't go to DC to make, I had plenty of friends in Colorado. I didn't go there for a lifelong career. I went there to save our country. I was tired of sitting at home and complaining about what was going on. I wanted to be part of the solution. And with that comes a lot of attacks on a daily basis. But, you know, I've learned crisis comms and I have learned how to manage through that.


And I do it with joy. And that is the key because that is where we get our strength. We get our strength from joy. And joy is not just a suggestion. It is a battle plan. And if we're going to live by faith, first Timothy, chapter six says, fight the good fight of faith. So if you're going to live by faith, you know that there is a battle ahead. So you better be ready to fight. And, Dan, I think you and I are the types that are in this for the battle. We are ever ready to fight, and we are not going to give up on the american people.


Yeah. Yeah, man. You're 100% correct. There's nowhere else to go. We only got one country to save. Congresswoman, I got to run. I wish I could say, what's your website if people want to help you out?


Lauren, for Dan, I don't come on your show peddling for money often, but you know, this is going to take a lot of resources to educate Coloradans on what is going on.


That's all right. I'll do it for you because I'm brutally honest with my audience. Lauren, for freedom, I am. Listen, money, I wish it weren't a part of running for office, folks. It sucks. I did it. You want me to lie to you? No, no. Don't donate. No, they need it. I'm sorry, Lauren. For, Lauren Boebert, thanks a lot for your time. Really appreciate it.


Thanks, Dan.


You got it, folks. You heard it from her. Everything we said yesterday was going to happen happened. Total scam. Don't get played by this. We were kind of joking around before the show, but you've been doing this for a while. You appear on Tucker Carlson show. Tucker is a massive platform, and you expose kind of start to finish the massive operation that's been going on for a long time. About the blob, I think that I hate the term the deep state. I don't know if you agree, Mike, because they're not all state actors, so maybe that's a good place to start. You know, what exactly is the blob and how are they altering electoral politics in the United States and elsewhere?


Yeah, that's exactly right. So the blob is not my term. That's actually a term that came from Obama's deputy national security adviser, Ben Rhodes in the second half of the Obama term when there started to be pushback from the substructures underneath Obama within the permanent Washington and its outer rim in the private sector, where he referred to the foreign policy establishment as being the blob. That is what Obama wanted to do domestically he could basically do. But anything on foreign policy had to get the permission of this, you know, alien. It gets its name from the 1950s movie the blob of this sort of amorphous, invincible, swallow you hole, you know, semi mindless but indestructible force that just can't be stopped. And what it really refers to as the foreign policy establishment. And I'll break down more specifically those component parts. But what we're really talking about here are the managers of the american empire, which are a distinct group from the citizens of the american homeland. You know, we all who are concerned about the welfare of what's happening in our town or our state or our city, think of the american homeland as being America.


But, you know, we have been in empire, an overseas empire, since, you know, at least 1898, you can argue even in the early 18 hundreds with Monroe doctrine, you know, we have relied on our control of foreign territories and our manipulation of foreign political systems to be able to get our sugar, our wheat, our agricultural crops, our oil, our gas, our lithium, our uranium, our, you know, cobalt, you name it.




Every plot of dirt has an asset hidden within it that can be useful to the american people if it can be exploited or if it can be traded. And the people who are responsible for doing that are our foreign policy establishment. Now, those within the government are housed within three principal agencies, sort of using that agency loosely because it's the State Department, the Defense Department, and the intelligence community. So often, you know, I'll say CIA, but I'm really referring to the whole intelligence community. And you can think of that as being defense, diplomacy, and intelligence. And these three things move as one through the interagency process of the government every single time. So anytime you see the CIA taking an action in a particular territory, that means that the CIA's action is being synchronized with the State Department and the Pentagon. If the State Department is operating in a region, that means the CIA and the Pentagon are being synced as well. And same thing. When you see the Pentagon taking action, there's always going to be a role of the state Department for diplomacy and for economic soft power projection, and for the intelligence community to do the plausibly deniable dirty work that can't be officially attributed to the US military.


And so these three sort of houses within the federal government constitute that sort of inner sphere of the blob. And the outer rim of it are the donors and drafters on the outside who sort of draft off the battering rim of the foreign policy establishment's activity. So our oil and gas companies are highly reliant, for example, on the Pentagon or the State Department or the CIA, in order to militarily control or engage in diplomatic relations or to overthrow the government of a particular country where we need oil and gas. Same thing with copper, aluminum, every material we have. Us national champions. The issue is, sometime by the 1990s in this country, there began to be a serious divide between the economic interests of the managers of the empire and the citizens of the homeland. And there is now essentially a kind of occupation by the empire managers where they're not letting the citizens of the homeland vote their way out into a different foreign policy.


So, Mike, is this where, you know, it is Super Tuesday? We're watching the results. Looks like we got something coming in from Virginia here. Less than 1% of the votes. That doesn't mean anything, especially with Virginia. You know, you don't know if that's from northern Virginia or southern Virginia. Might as well be two separate states. So we'll keep our eye on this, Mike and I, for the remainder of this hour and forever long we're here. But, Mike, that blob, the blob. You know, in my time running for office, I learned a lot. I think I obviously lost, and I'm glad I did it. But it's amazing how when you run in the first race, I wasn't competitive, so nobody really bothered with me. I won the republican primary in Maryland, but nobody gave a damn for the Senate. Cause they knew I was going to get blown out. But the second race where I ran for Congress, we only lost by a point. And in about the last month or so, everybody started to say, like, wait, this guy could win this race. Like, this is bananas over here. And it was interesting how many people came out of the woodwork.


You know, all kinds of different lobbyists, people who suggest, oh, you need to meet this guy. You need to meet this retired general. And when you're new at this, you don't realize you're getting kind of, I hate the word because it's got, you know, but you're getting groomed for some. You knew exactly where I was going with this. You're getting groomed for something. You, as a guy who studied this forever, I'm not crazy when I tell my audiences, right? Like, this is why Trump is such a threat to them, because these little political groomers, he doesn't need these guys. He doesn't need the name id. He doesn't need the money. He doesn't need any of it. No.


And I actually sent you a link before the show of how even folks like Mitt Romney, for example, went through that grooming process when they were running for president. You know, the cofer black, who spent 30 years at the CIA and one distinguished medal award, he was a Republican CIA titan for decades in the Bush and Cheney era. And Kofer Black was. The Daily Beast even describes him as being Mitt Romney's sort of Sherpa and envoy to have the intelligence community bless Mitt Romney's run for president. Now, Kofer Black happened to have sat on the board of a tiny little natural gas company in Ukraine known as Burisma. And Mitt Romney himself was on the board of the International Republican Institute, which was created as a CIA cutout in 1983, while Hunter Biden was sitting on the chairman's advisory board of the National Democratic Institute, which was a Democrat CIA cut out. So you had both cover black, this sort of groomer of politicians into the, into the world of intelligence to make sure that they were on board with the intelligence consensus. And then you had Hunter Biden, whose dad was vice president, running the Ukraine portfolio, and spent 30 years on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, basically overseeing foreign relations in the Senate.


So you had basically the Democrat side of the CIA and the Republicans side of the CIA in a consensus to build up this tiny little ukrainian gas company and reap the spoils of that.


The Democrats, they will defend their people to the death. Now. You guys will. But swampy Republicans throw Trump under the bus at the first sign of trouble, even when the allegations are fake. Here's what I mean. More testimonies come out about Hunter Biden. Here's Jamie Raskin again. Same bullshit artist. This guy is zero credibility at all. Suggesting now that the informant who said that the Biden family was taking bribes, who was an FBI informant for 1010, hit my microphone. Ten years. Ten years. If it was Joe Biden, math, ten years. He was not a GOP informant. He was an FBI informant deemed credible by the FBI. Listen to Jamie Raskin frame this as if this is some kind of republican thing, not an FBI thing. Check this out.


Your colleagues on the oversight committee, you know the ones I'm talking about, they brought in Hunter Biden this week for a closed door deposition after he said he would do it publicly. Now they want him to come back and do it publicly. It's all completely ludicrous. But this is just a week after we found out that their key witness has been receiving information from a russian. From russian sources.


Well, I mean, Alexander Smirnoff started the whole thing. Yes, with this so called 1023 form. Okay, the bullshit here again is legendary. It's my job to correct peppermint Patty and pee pee hoax or Jamie Raskin. Folks, nothing they tell you is real. Nothing. They were all bullshit all the time. Nothing they tell you is real. The guy was not a Gop source. How do I know that? Anyone in the audience have any idea how I know that? Chancers. Because the GOP asked the FBI for the identity of the source. You remember this just a few months ago. And what did the FBI say? We can't disclose this sensitive source. He's a credible source for us and you're going to destroy this guy? How the hell is it a GOP source? They didn't even know who he was. You doubt me? Liberal. Liberal imbeciles. I know you're all stupid. I get you're all morons. Right now if you're in my chat, I'm begging you. I'm begging you because I want to show you how stupid your guys really are. Go to your favorite search engine, scruggle. It's your favorite lefty search engine bias to the hill.


So you can't say it's a republican thing and put in house. GOP asks about Hunter source 1023. Oh, look, you'll see a bunch of articles how the FBI wouldn't give up the source to the GOP because they said he was so credible. So how is he a Gop source? I love Psaki's other line again. Psaki, a career liar, a disgraceful, disgusting liars. Fits right in an MSNBC. Their whole case was built around this guy. They didn't know who he was. They did not know who he was. How did they build a case around him? And then Jamie Raskin responds and says that this source was the beginning of their case. Oh, really? That's fascinating because I pulled up, as I always do, what a left wing source for you. Because I actually do my homework, unlike moron leftists who are so stupid. If this was the beginning of the allegations against Hunter Biden taking money from Ukraine, then how did this article appear in. Did you guys get that date wrong? December 8, 2015. No, I'm messing with. No, the date is right, I promise you. Look at that. Look at that date. That date, Joe.


So strange. December 8, 2015. 2024. By my mark, that's a. This December will make it, what, 99 years that. Beth, New York. New York Times, New York. Does that say New York Post? Did you get the. No, no, that is the New York Times. The New York Times, Joe Biden, his son, and the case against the ukrainian oligarch James risen. December 8, 2015. Oh. Mentions Burisma, how Hunter was getting all this money. He joined the board and parted. And they note that that month, as part of an investigation into money laundering, british officials froze London bank accounts containing 23 million that allegedly belonged to Chesky from Burisma. He was the ecology minister under Yanukovych. Show never lets you down. I don't pat myself on the back because it's stupid and lame and if you have a good show, it speaks for itself. But, folks, I have no special investigative skills. That segment right there took me. If you go to my emails, show prep emails took me less than five minutes to put together. If the source, who the GOP never knew the identity of and asked about and was deemed credible by the FBI, was the GOP source, how was he the source if they didn't know him?


And secondly, if he was the beginning of the investigation the source, then how the hell was he the beginning of the GOP investigation when the New York Times, certainly not a conservative allied, reported the identical information about Hunter Biden's issues in Ukraine, which no one has disputed nine years ago? You, I just want you to know, if you're a liberal watching my show, because I know media matters watches it. You're freaking stupid. Everybody knows you're stupid. Hey, tore that red state thing up too, by the way. One more thing. I just wanted to add this one more thing before I move on. It's perfect timing for you. Take a quick break. Red state, by the way. Oh, the chinese doctor who paid Hunter Biden a million dollars for legal services. He wants a refund. Is that. Is that the source too? Is that the source? We just managed to figure out who he was, if he decided him to, because he had information about Ukraine. I don't recall being about China. You see how these people lie to you all the time. And by the way, this is about Patrick Ho, who's alleged to be connected to people in China that have connections to the Chinese Communist Party.


So Hunter Biden may have been bought off by people with really, really dangerous connections. You understand? Nothing happens in China without the Chinese Communist Party. I wrote this down. This is a threat from the CCP. Give us our money back or we're going to start releasing the goodies. I don't want any information from the CCP. I don't trust anything coming out of them. However, I do want the truth. And if these guys were bought off by the Chinese Communist Party, the Biden crime family. Then I want a full investigation into what's going on because make no mistake, this is a threat. Absolutely. Why would the New York Times write an obvious hit piece about the Biden family in 2015? Now, I need you to keep in mind as you're thinking this through, this is the New York Times. They're there to do what? I got liberals in the chat. Like report the news. That's a good one. No, they're not here to report the news. The New York Times is here to protect liberalism. You mean protect Democrats. No, I mean protect liberalism. Joe Biden was a weak candidate for president in 2015. 2015 was a weaker candidate later, too, but he was a hugely weak candidate.


Joe Biden wanted nothing more than to run for president in 2015. He did? Yes. Ask anyone who worked in the White House, Barack Obama. How does Barack Obama feel about Joe Biden? Anybody know Joe? Anyone in the team? Do they like each other? Oh, they hate each other. How do you know that, Dan? Because I work there. Obama hates Joe Biden, and Biden is jealous of Obama. Fact, I've already quoted left wing sources that have confirmed what I'm telling you. Obama did not want Biden to work to run for president. Why? Because they knew about. Because Biden, obviously, Obama has access to intelligence. He knew Biden was up to no good in Ukraine. I will guarantee you the Obama team leaked that story to the New York Times to wink at Biden. Hey, if you run for president over Hillary in 2015, if you do it, we're going to take you out with your kid. Bank on that. Bank on it. Cash that check. That was 100% a Barack Obama team hit job. There is no way this piece you're looking at in the screen gets printed in 2015 in the New York Times. Zero chance without the full consent of Barack Obama's team.


It was a hit. It was a hit, plain and simple. And when they had no viable candidate in 2020, Crazy Bernie and the other lunatics, Biden. Obama backed off because they felt like Joe would run for one term as a caretaker. They never thought this lunatic would run again. You just heard the Dan Bongino show.