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Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino.


Welcome to Sunday podcast. This is our chance to play for you some of the best moments from the radio show and some great interviews during the week that you may have missed. If you ever want to check out our show, go to bongino. Com, go to Station Finder and see what radio station we're on near you. You'll love it. I promise you, we put a lot of work into the radio show. Check it out. But before that, let me tell you about our I'm your sponsor. Hey, you're having trouble sleeping or staying asleep? Trust me, I've been there. I'm there a lot. It's not just about feeling tired the next day. It's about the toll poor sleep can take in every aspect of your life. But guess what? There's hope on the horizon. It comes in the form of Beams Dream Powder. The stuff has been a game changer for me. You see, when we're sleeping well, we can be sharper, more focused, and ready to tackle whatever life there is our way. Today, my listeners get a special discount on Beams Dream Powder. It's a science-backed hot cocoa for sleep with no added sugar.


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First, how does that feel? How does that feel when you got the call from President Trump asking you to be on the ticket?


Well, obviously, it feels incredible. It's such a great honor. I grew up in I didn't expect my life to end up like this, certainly to be on a major party ticket at this stage. I think it's just a testament to the fact that we live in a great country. It's funny when the President called, I initially missed the call, called him right back, and he joked with that, he said, JD, you missed a very important phone call. Maybe I'll have to fix somebody else. But luckily, he didn't. Here we are campaigning in Arizona today, head to the border tomorrow morning, and just enjoying it. But I remind myself every day that this is a very important job that we have to win this race and set the country on the right course.


Well, Senator, I want to get to your back story because I'm going to just be candid with you. I've obviously been a big supporter. My audience knows that. It's not a mystery. It's all a matter of public You can go back and look at my shows, but I did not know the exact details of your back story. I spent some time this weekend. I wasn't feeling great. I usually don't have a lot like you. I got things going on. But I sat down and I watched Hillbilly Elegy. I want to get into that because I have to tell you, I was deeply moved. But I got some other things I want to get you first. Your opponent on the ticket, the only opponent we know about, yeah, it is Kamala Harris, current vice president, now presumptive nominee. The position The decisions she's taken, Senator, are not mysteries. She has been open about these things. The fact that she is now, as of yesterday, hilariously running as some strong on the border, authoritarian on the border, has got to be one of the greatest political miscalculations I've ever seen. She's actually bragging about this now. Her record of failure.


The numbers speak for themselves.


Yeah, she's bragging about being a prosecutor, Dan, as if people aren't smart enough to realize that she was a prosecutor in San Francisco, which has seen one of the worst spikes of homelessness, of violent crime, of overdoses on the streets. She's the prosecutor in San Francisco and wants to take those policies nationwide, then every American should run for the hills or at least try to vote her out of office. But you're exactly right. She has realized that her policies, even among Democratic primary voters, were complete failure Nobody wanted to go as far left as she wanted the country to go in 2020. She becomes vice president. Now the media that she's become the presumptive nominee is trying to cover for the fact that she supported a ban on fracking, and she wanted to defund the police, and she wanted to decriminalize illegal immigration. She wanted to end catch and release. She did all of these things, and now we have the terrible border crisis that we have, and she is running as far and as fast as possible from that record. It really is the most important thing we can do in this election that you can do, that your listeners can do, is just to remind people of what she actually said and what she actually did.


If the American people know the truth about how radical she was, they're not going to elect a San Francisco liberal like Kamala Harris to be their next president. But that's part of the job of the campaign over the next few months, is just remind people who she actually is.


We're talking to Senator J. D. Vance. Senator, I am elated you said that because I On my podcast this morning, a listener I really enjoy was in the live chat and said, This isn't going to happen. The media can't make all this go away with Kamala Harris. Senator, I was forced to remind that listener that in the 2020 election, post-election polling, nearly 20% of Biden voters had no idea about the Hunter Biden laptop at all. I think as Conservatives, you and I, we become almost a product of our own knowledge base. We don't realize that a lot of people out there, they're not paying attention as much to politics as a United States senator and a guy who talks about it for a living due. There's an assumption everybody knows Kamala Harris is a far left socialist. Just listen to her own words. We cannot rely on that and assume there's going to be some red wave. It's our job to go out there and evangelize the cause and show who this woman really is.


Yeah, Dan, that's exactly right. If you look at the polling that we have privately and publicly, about half of the country really doesn't have a strong opinion on Kamala Harris. They maybe dislike her a little bit, they like her a little bit, but they have no idea what she's all about. If the American people are aware that she was the most liberal United States Senator, even further to the left from Bernie Sanders, if people know that she wanted to destroy the police and take away people's rights to own a gun, even if she flooded the country with illegal immigrants and criminals, then they would not vote for her. But you're exactly right that a lot of people just don't know that record. Now, this is why, by the way, Dan, I think the media has been so corrupt in promoting this switcheroo that happened. We have to remember that she never got a single Democratic primary vote. She is now the Democratic nominee, and she covered up for Joe Biden's mental incapacity for years so that she could toss him aside and actually take the mantle of the Democratic Party. That is disgraceful. It's wrong.


Her record is a disaster, but the media is not going to tell the truth about Kamala Harris, so we have Now, we're talking to Senator JD Vance, Republican vice presidential nominee.


Senator, you are a Marine, a lawyer, a senator, but you're also a tech investor and an investor. You've done some very successful, made some very successful moves, and your business acumen is sound. But understanding the tech space like no modern vice presidential nominee, are you as concerned with I am as I am about the ramp up in the censorship regime we're seeing again? You've already seen President Trump's iconic fight photo censored under some ridiculous theory that a guy was smiling and some other... Their excuses are just endless. You have AI now suggesting the assassination attempt on President Trump was a fictional event. Senator, I'm concerned. You understand the space like few others. They are doing everything they can to get their thumb on the scale. That's why I'm worried about all this red wave talk. We're going to have to overcome a lot of obstacles here.


Yes, it's exactly right, Dan. If you look at 2020, we know, you mentioned the Hunter Biden laptop story earlier. We know that the big tech industry played a huge role in censoring negative stories about Joe Biden and helping Joe Biden ultimately prevail in that election. Now, a lot of us forgot about it, and the media cycle has been so crazy the last few years that a lot of us don't remember, even though we should, that big tech put its sum on the scale massively, and they're going to try to do the exact same thing in It's why it's so important that we go and evangelize and do our own work here. It's also important why people who are in elected office, obviously, I'm a United States Senator, me and my colleagues have to apply a lot of pressure to the tech industry, and we're doing that, and we'll keep on doing that to ensure that they don't effectively throw the election for Kamala Harris. But this is a major, major issue. And by the way, Dan, it's one of those things where we're going to have to do something about this when we win. Because I feel very confident that despite the headwinds, we are to win this race.


But then we have to actually do something with that political authority that the American people have given us. These companies are too powerful. They control what we're allowed to say in our own country. And if they don't stop this, they're going to get broken up. They're going to get taken on by a future Trump administration.


I'm glad you're on the ticket because, again, as a businessman in this space, they're not going to be able to easily smoke you up on these issues. You know what they do, JD? You see them, they walk in there and they talk jargon. If you don't, I know it, I'm an investor, too. You get lost in it sometimes. You have to go out and say, You've heard this and you've seen it. Let me get to something else because this weekend, like I said, I had some time. I'm sitting there with my wife and we say, It's about time we watched Hillbilly Elegy. I've got the book. I haven't gotten through it yet, but I watched the Netflix movie. Incredibly well done. It's going to be a little hard for me. I'm sorry. I don't mean to get overly emotional, but having dealt with drug use in my family in a very, let's just say, similar situation. I got to tell you, Senator, I got pretty choked up watching a movie. It was really hard for me to get through. Although I've always liked you and respected you, it's impossible to form an opinion about who you are if you haven't seen that movie and the things you went through with your mom and your grandmother and your family.


I got to tell you, it was really a hard movie to watch. I guess my question is, this has to Can I give you a different viewpoint, having been through all of the levels of the socioeconomic scale and seeing the problems there on the working man and their troubles in America with things like deindustrialization and elsewhere? I mean, you've actually seen it. You haven't read about it in a textbook.


Yeah, that's right, man. Yeah, my life was tough in a lot of ways, and I was able to live the American dream. But I ultimately look at it as a great source of privilege to use an overused word, because now I have a perspective that I don't think a lot of people who come from an easy background have. I go and talk to people, and I go and visit food banks, or I talk to middle-class families that are struggling to put food on the table, and I know exactly what they're going through. I know what it's like when you go through your credit card bill at the end of the month and you figure out, well, how much am I going to pay off because I want to be able to afford to buy groceries. That push and pull of figuring out how to basically get through life in times of financial struggle, it does give me a good perspective, and I'm glad that I had that perspective. I think it's one of the reasons why I'm so frustrated with the policies of Kamala Harris and the Biden administration is, look, we know groceries have gone up 40% under this administration.


They have no sympathy or even recognition that they've caused a problem. They want to celebrate the end of inflation. Well, American families are still feeling the effects of inflation every time they go to the grocery I'm a big believer that we ought to encourage our young people to buy homes and to settle down. Well, you can't buy a home in this economy with interest rates at 8% and house prices going through the roof. By the way, one of the reasons why home prices are so expensive is because we let in 20 million illegal aliens who shouldn't be here, who are competing with our young families for scarce homes. I definitely bring a fresh perspective to this stuff, and it just makes me angry at what the Biden administration has done. But it It also gives me just, look, a lot of people out there are struggling. Some of them are Democrats, some of them are Republicans. I think that the American government exists to serve the interests of America's citizens, and hopefully, President Trump and I can get in there and do a much better job than Kamal Harris has done.


Last question for you. There's a scene at the end of Hillbilly Elegy, you with your mom in the hotel room and the drug. It's hard to even talk about, again, because I've been there and I know that conversation, and Unfortunately, I never got the chance to rescue her. She passed. I know you, thankfully, have had a different outcome with your family, and I applaud you for saying that. But we have a fentanyl crisis at our Southern border right now. Kids are being killed. They're being murdered by this poison. That's got to feel a lot different to a guy like you, that scared addiction and the soul death, the slow killing of a person's soul from it. That's got to mean something different to Yeah, it does, Dan.


I'm sorry to hear about your mom, man. I had no idea what happened. It's terrible, and it happens way too much in this country. If I can put a personal I've spent on this, you're right that things worked out for my mom. In some ways, you have this almost guilty feeling over it because when it works out for your family and it doesn't work out for somebody else's, you wonder, why did we get lucky and why did others not? The thing that I try to remind myself is the Fentanyl deprives people of second chances to overcome the addiction once and for all and be good moms and dads to their kids. Look, addiction happens to a lot of different families up and down the socioeconomic ladder. But what was really different 15 years ago was when mom was trying to get clean, the stuff that was on the streets was much less dangerous and much less likely to kill people. Now, it still happened, of course, but it happened a lot less 15 than it does today. The way we should think about this fentanyl is it's depriving American families of second chances. Sometimes addicts get back on the ladder, they get back on the horse and everything's fine, but sometimes they fall off and get back on and fall off and get back on.


When you've got fentanyl in your streets instead of some of the stuff that existed 15 years ago, sometimes those people are never going to get a chance to get back on the horse. We have to think about the orphan children and the grandchildren and the grandparents who are taking care of those grandchildren whose lives have been destroyed because Kamala Harris won't do her job and keep this country safe. I get so frustrated at it, man, because, yeah, it did work out for my family, but it hasn't worked out for hundreds of thousands of American families over the last few years. That's something we've got to change.


Senator, I think you've been doing an amazing job. I appreciate you fighting the left wing media smear. They're shameful and disgusting. They can attack you in whatever policy they want, but attacking you on your character is is freaking disgusting, and I've told my audience that. So thank you so much. We appreciate you accepting the nomination, and best of luck. Obviously, welcome back on the show anytime. Hope things really work out. We got a country to save. Thanks a lot.


Thanks, Dan. Take care, man.


You got it. Folks, I'm telling you, man, just watch that scene and that movie based on his life. A lot of you, sadly, have been there and had that exact conversation, and you know exactly what that looks like. More about the disaster that's Kamala Harris next, but coming up first, our next sponsor. Everybody's talking about these weight loss injections because the results are so dramatic, right? They work by helping to lower blood sugar and reduce appetite. But what if you need to lose weight, but you don't have the money and you don't like weekly shots? Well, there's a solution. Brickhouse Nutrition's doctors created a supplement called Lean, L-E-A-N, and the results are remarkable. The studied ingredients in Lean have been shown to help lower your blood sugar, help burn fat by converting it into energy, and help curb your appetite and cravings. Lean is not for the diet with only a few pounds to lose. The doctors at Brickhouse Nutrition created Lean for frustrated dieters with 10 or more pounds to lose. Let's get started with 15% off in free-rust shipping so you can add Lean to your wellness and exercise plan today. Visit takelean.


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It has resulted in election interference and basically deputizing them, the censor on behalf of liberal authoritarians in the government. You've now got Facebook and Metta, fake fact-checking the Donald Trump fight picture, which I mentioned to JD Vans. Again, there's always an excuse. You've got artificial intelligence now suggesting that the Donald Trump assassination attempt was a fictional event. Folks, you ever notice these, quote, unquote, mistakes on their part? Never, ever hurt the Democrats. They always hurt the Republicans. By the simple law of Occam's razor, keep it simple, stupid, accepting all possible explanations, the only explanation here is that the deep state and this social media regime are working hand in hand to stop a Donald Trump presidency. This doesn't require any jump in legal reasoning. You're also going to see Operation Retcon Kamala Harris continue. I'm going to use that word a lot. It's important you understand that it's a Hollywood entertainment buzz term where you go and rewrite the history of a movie. The Michael Myers Halloween story. Michael Myers is dead. Let's just bring him back. Well, he died. We'll just pretend When that movie didn't happen. They retcon it. Retroactively, they fixed the timeline.


Operation Retcon Kamala Harris is on. New York magazine has a hilarious front cover, Kamalad. Somehow trying to make this some JFK-like figure. Remember Kamalad JFK? No one ever does this for Republicans. It's just for Democrats. Keep in mind, these are the exact same people who trash Kamala Harris because they saw her as an obstacle to Joe Biden getting reelected when was at the top of the ticket. Now that Kamala Harris is their top of the ticket, they don't care if you know that they said she was terrible six months ago. It doesn't matter to them. They believe in hierarchy, not hypocrisy. Hypocrisy to them is irrelevant. If Kamala Harris is a tool to get them power, they don't care what they said six months ago. They'll change at the snap of a finger. I want to play this for you, too, to show you who Kamala Kamala Harris really is. I'll cut five, Jim. This is Tim Walsh, governor of Minnesota. This is one of her leading contenders. I'm hearing a finalist for the VP spot. This is how radical Kamala Harris is. Tim Walsh is a devout leftist socialist. Listen to him talk. This is about 10 seconds.


It's short. About socialism and equating it with neighborliness? No, neighborliness is I voluntarily go over and share an apple pie with my neighbor. Socialism is go over and steal theirs. There's a difference here, Tim. This is one of her finalists. Why? Because she loves liberals because she is one. Check this out.


But we can get out there.


Reach out, make the case.


For one thing, Don't ever shy away from our progressive values.


One person's socialism is another person's neighborliness. No, it's not. One person's socialism is another person's misery and torture and political oppression. This is one of the guys she's considering for VP. Why? Because she loves this stuff. She loves this stuff. This is who she is. We can win this election, and it is not going to be easy. We can win it by simply telling the truth. If that sounds overly simplified, it shouldn't. Folks, listen, I always Let me just bring receipts. When you look at candidates, let me just see, because I know what you're going to say first. You're going to say Barack Obama. I get it. Barack Obama, I'm telling you, did not run as a radical leftist the first time. He is one. Yes, you win. 100%. He's why I left my job. I get it. I don't need that explained to me. He did not run that way. He ran on, Listen, there's nothing I can do with the board or Congress has to act. He didn't support gay marriage. He ran as a left winger, but not like a Walter Mondale type. He governed, forget it, to the left of all of them.


No one who's run Run, run. As a far left, this has won the presidency in 50 years. Mondale got crushed, Dukakis got crushed. The record of leftists, America is not ready for a socialist president. They're not. Kamala Harris would be our first one. All you have to do is show videos of what? People talking about Kamala Harris? No, of actual Kamala Harris. That's all you have to do. It is your job, as JD Vance just said, and ours, as evangelists for liberty and freedom in the conservative cause, if we're going to win this election, to spread this stuff around. There's no excuse like, Well, I only have 300 followers on extra True Social. Fine. That's 300 more people are going to see this. You need to spread things around. Check out this. This is a really powerful ad, Jim Cutforth. Trump put this out the other day on True Social. It's our job to go out and spread this message around. It's clips just of Kamala Harris talking about Kamala Harris stuff. It's not complicated. She is her own worst enemy. Check this out. You're considered the most liberal United States senator. We're not going to treat people who are undocumented across the border as criminal.


Abolish ICE. Yeah. Is that a position that you agree with? We need to probably think about starting from scratch.


Say it loud. Say it clear. Everyone is welcome here.


Raise your hand if you think it should be a civil offense rather than a crime to cross a border. Raise your hand if your government plan would provide coverage for undocumented immigrants. You support giving universal health care, Medicare, for all the people who are in this country illegally? I am opposed to any policy that would deny in our country any human being from access to public Health, period.


You support the Medicare for All bill. I believe it will totally eliminate private insurance.


For people out there who like their insurance, they don't get to keep it. Let's eliminate all of that.


Lost in Marathon bomber.


On death row, people who are convicted of sexual assault, they shouldn't be able to vote? I think we should have that conversation. As President of the United States, I am prepared to pass a green new deal.


Would you ban offshore drilling?


Yes. What is the solution for voters who have jobs and interests in the fossil fuel industry? Transition into the jobs of the future. But would you support changing the dietary guidelines? Reduce red meat, specifically? Yes, I would. We have to have a buyback program, and I support a mandatory buyback program. Folks, again, our best asset in this election against Kamala Harris is Kamala Harris. This is all on the record stuff. And not only that, they are not moderating on a majority of their far left socialist positions. On some, they're trying a retcon. She's trying to claim now she was somehow a success at the border despite being the borders are where 10 million people enter the country illegally, which is hilariously dumb and is going to be one of the worst political miscalculations in history. She's just assuming all of you are stupid. There's always going to be a certain portion of the population, the liberal side, that will fall for anything because they want to. Most people see right through this because their communities have been the ones affected. But they're also appealing to the woke lunatics. This is real audio. This is not a joke.


Now, I want to apologize in advance. You will be dumber after hearing this, but you'll recover. Take some neuroprotective compounds, fish oils, quercetine, bromilane. Jim can't take it. I had a workplace grievance filed this morning by Michael because he couldn't believe he had to listen to this. This is a real call. This is not one of Jim's Dark Web things. Of influencing influencers from the left wing getting together talking about how they're going to get Kamala across the finish line. Listen to this hilariously stupid video that they think is going to appeal to mainstream Americans. They need to push them across the finish line. I promise you, this is not a joke. This is not sarcasm. This is real. Take the fish oil now. Listen to this.


Ariel Fodar, affectionately known as Mrs. Frazel, to her combined audience of over 1.5.


Million followers, is here to help gentle parent us through this election.


Thank you. Hi, everybody. I am so honored to speak today. I am shaking to just be among such incredible company. We are here because if you were here earlier, you've heard BIPOC women have tapped us in as white women to step up, listen, and get involved this election season. This is a really important time, and we all need to use our voices and influence for the greater good. No matter who you are, you are all influencers in some way. So tonight, I'm going to share some do's and don'ts for getting involved in politics online and navigating the toxicity that comes with it. And spoiler alert, As much as the toxicity can come from the outside, it can come from us, too. So first, don't isolate yourself. We can do our best work when we're in community together like we are tonight, because the toxic feels smaller when we support each But don't make it about yourself. As white women, we need to use our privilege to make positive changes. If you find yourself talking over or speaking for BIPOC individuals or, God forbid, correcting them, Just take a beat. Instead, we can put our listening ears on.


Put your listening ears on. Jim hate. Jim is filing a workplace. Theresa. Theresa, Jim is filing a workplace. Is there an official form? Mike, can you get that to Jim? Put your listening ears on. Folks, that actually happened. That's Kamala supporters on a Zoom phone call there. They really believe that, say, a cold a hole miner or a guy in a field that's being hydraulically fracked in Western Pennsylvania, that they're going to watch that and go, Man, how do I be part of that? How do I get my listening ears on? I've got another informative breakdown for you. Things you're not going to hear elsewhere about what really happened with the secret service scandal. But first, a quick break for our next sponsor. Hey, time is our precious commodity, most precious commodity. I've heard from so many of my listeners who've asked about advice about how you can spend time wisely. I even wrote about it in my book. You want to improve yourself and the people around you. That's why I'm really stoked about Hillsdale College. I use them. They're fantastic. They're offering more than 40 free online courses in the most important and enduring subjects.


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These are taxpayer-funded entities. They're not private companies. We are the shareholders and the stakeholders in these companies. We pay for them. Welcoming back to the show, Susan Crabbtree. Susan, thanks for your time today. We appreciate it.


Oh, thanks so much for having me again. Really appreciate your interest.


Yeah, listen, you've been all over this Secret Service story, and you just sent me something really shocking that Secret Service, apparently, has some a podcast, which I've got no problem with. I mean, if they want to do public outreach, fine, great. I mean, do it. I have a podcast. That's great. But they've done a number of episodes. They've shown a particular fascination with this one topic, Susan, and it's not executive protection. What are most of their podcasts on?


If you look at it, just look at it, four out of six of the podcasts that they have put out this year. They don't put them out very often, but four out of six either have to do with LGBTQ plus pride or DEI issues, mainly DEI issues. Direct Dr. Chetel had the audacity to sit there on the dice and testify before the Republican Oversight Committee, before the Oversight Committee last week, which I attended, and say she does not remember, she didn't recall anything about signing on to this 30 by 30 initiative. You know that initiative is trying to get 30% of the force to be women by 2030. I had reported it, Ron Kessler who has chronicled the Secret Service for many, many years in several books, he knew that she signed on to it. The secret service, the now discredited secret service spokesman, Anthony Gugliano, told me, and I quote him in my piece three months ago, saying that this DEI initiative did not have any impact on the quality of the secret service agencies that were getting hired and promoted. So he acknowledged that she signed it. She lied on the dais that day.


But you know what? The problem here is that Director Rao is part of this. He is the Deputy Director, and she chose him. So you can go right on the website. This is public information. Why the mainstream press has not reported on this is strange to me. It's all public information right on the secretservice. Gov/newsrooms, Standing Post. That's the name of their podcast. You can look for yourself.


That's shocking, by the way, that you just said something that I can't really get my arms around. Ron Roe, who is now the acting director of the Secret Service, was the number two under the former director, the Deputy Director, the number two spot. That is the guy or the woman in that spot. That's the guy directly responsible for the decision making on the Daily Protective Operations, making it up the chain to him through the Assistant Director of Protective Operations. The crazy thing is, despite them both being absolute failures at their job, if anybody was going to resign, Roe should have resigned with Cheetal, yet he got a A promotion. Susan, this is a freaking murder scene. Cory Comperito was killed. It's not like nothing happened at that site. Three other people were shot, and he got us a promotion out of this.


Why was the DHS Secretary, Alejandro Mori, was able to just tap him, and there's no pushback on that? None. I mean, that was ridiculous. This is a person, the DHS Secretary, Mayorkas, has been impeached by the House. Why didn't the Republicans push back and say, We're not going to accept her on route. We're not going to accept her deputy as the acting because he is part and parcel of the security problems and the decisions to use outmoded protocols, as you have discussed widely, and you were the first people to report this. In the first 48 hours, we were furiously reporting all of this, and then the mainstream media got onto it.


Six days later- It's breaking news, right? The Washington Post a week later, stealing your stories. Breaking news.


It was unbelievable.


We're talking to Susan Crabbtree.


Republicans in the House, Jim Jordan, tweeting that out from her story. But I guess they are saying, Wow, they finally got around to it. But the issue is that they were using outmoded political protocols saying that former presidents don't require the same level of resources at their events that sitting presidents and vice presidents require. It's not threat-based at all. Donald Trump didn't break the road.


It's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. That's not true, Susan, too. I've told you, as we talked about the last time you were on, when the Pope visits the United States, the Secret Service provides a bigger security footprint, in my experience, and even the President gets. Anyone telling you that because his threat picture is larger, is lying. It's just making it up. They're paulling this off. No private security company would allocate to an up and coming country singer the same assets they would give to Taylor Swift or Morgan Wallen, because you'd be like, Well, they're higher profile. They get more threats. Everybody gets this. The only reason the Secret Service is escaping accountability on this is because it's government. I think everybody just bakes into the cake that the government just can't do anything right. But I want to talk about one particular story that your excellent journalism, Susan Crabbtree, you have managed to independently verify, if not, correct me, but last week, I reported from a source that DTD, Donald Trump detail, that's his security detail, the acronym, DTD was routinely CS assets, counter-sniper assets, were withheld from them, secret service counter-sniper assets, due to stupid, ridiculous, not security-related things.


Like, well, if the site wasn't in driving distance at DC, where the counter sniper unit is based, that they were withheld. Now, you got some independent verification on that, right? Because the guy I got it from, again, it's an unimpeachable source saying, Hey, brother, none of this stuff is new. Seek counter sniper, Overwatch was not at a lot of Donald Trump sites. He just got lucky.


I was actually told the same thing by one very good source within the Secret Service community who has been very I correct on several different aspects of this for the last several years. Dating back to 2014, maybe even 2012, since I've been covering the Secret Service problem. I covered the agency before that, but just when the problems came to a head back in, what, 12 years ago now. So yes, I independently confirmed that from what you said on Friday. And it's troubling. The other troubling aspect that I see about this that I'm trying to emphasize this morning is these new checks that are out from local law enforcement. It's funny to me because New York Times and the Washington Post can only go to local law enforcement because the rank and file will not talk to Carol Leone anymore because she burned them and back with her book. The fact that she has now had two different books, she went on the democracy dies in darkness beat, and now she has two different books trashing the Donald Trump presidency. So a lot of the rank and file doesn't want to have anything to do with her.


But they are relying on local law enforcement, and they got these checks from the local law enforcement showing that they were not in communication with the Secret Service. Well, that is a complete failure of the command center, the command post, like you said on your show. So we need to know what happened on their radio frequencies, on the Secret Service radio frequencies. But what I am told is because of the outmoded protocol saying that they don't need the same resources for the former president, the same exists for those recordings. They did not, from what I understand, it's very likely that the White House communications agency, which provides the frequencies for the radio that the secret services uses on the ground, and you would know more about this, Dan, than I do. So please jump in and correct me. But they did not record those radio frequencies because of this still outmoded protocol that they were using. But they do record them for sitting presidents and sitting vice presidents. That makes no sense.


Which, again, no, it doesn't. Just because another entity outside of the Secret Service backfills a role does not absolve you as the Secret Service of filling that role if it can. Let me explain you what I mean. What you just said is accurate. On the President and Vice President's detail, the military has a branch called WACA, White House Communications Agency, because they provide support and record communications for the Secret Service is not an excuse for the Secret Service at a non-WACA-supported event, a Donald Trump event, because he's not in the White House, is not an excuse. The fact that they're saying, Oh, well, WACA does it. I'll give you another example. The White House mess. There's folks from the Navy, they run the White House Food Service. It's called the White House mess. I don't know how it starts, but whatever. It's called the mess. The White House mess does all the food tasting stuff. Does that mean if Donald Trump is at a site and there's no White House mess, you just let him eat whatever? You understand the logic here is so beyond the pale that I'm stunned the entire management team in eighth floor of the Secret Service and the people at the site that they have not been resigned or forced out in mass.


It's shocking.


Yeah, that's exactly what my point. Ron Rauw, Senator Johnson, had some nice things to say about him because obviously he's taking it seriously because he knows his job is on the line. His entire reputation is on the line because he's going to be testifying tomorrow before the House, the Senate Homeland Security Committee. They don't need to treat him with kid gloves. He was part and parcel of all this decision making, this decision making to reject the additional request from his own Secret Service team assigned to Donald Trump, the details assigned to Donald Trump and members of the Trump former cabinet It, including Robert O'Brien, who was the National Security Advisor for Trump. He requested additional Secret Service resources and was denied. The campaign itself requested. They were denied. The Donald Trump's detailed, the special agents assigned to his detail requested. They were denied. I don't know if that includes. I assume it includes the special agent, Curran, who is one of the lead agents assigned to Trump's detail. Well, he requested it. They were denied. Don't you think Ron Roe has any culpability in denying those requests and these decisions to treat Donald Trump as a former President that doesn't require the same level of resources?


The Homeland Security Committee needs to take off the kid gloves when Ron Roe comes, and they didn't do so in the briefing last Thursday. I believe it was Thursday or Friday, that briefing. It was a private briefing with senators, but they need to tomorrow.


Susan, I'm hearing, and I may have told you this off air, but I'm hearing there's an email trail, not only an email trail, but a substantial one, and a white paper trail of numerous security requests by the DTD, Donald Trump detail, to Roe and Sheetal and others in the management eighth floor, the Secret Service. Eighth floor is their headquarters floor where all the big shots are, so to say. I'm hearing there's a very detailed and substantial email LL trail, that it's going to be impossible to disappear. They may electronically make it disappear, but from what I'm hearing from, let's just say, friends, there's some redundancy built into that system because Because some of these same people knew that this would happen, and we're not going to be thrown under the bus. And let me just tell you, one of these same people... I'm going to have to say, I don't have enough time. I'm not trying to tease this, Susan. I'm going to have to tell you this. One of these same people was involved in a very similar thing a long time ago and only protected himself because of emails. So he was not going to get burned by this again.


I haven't said this before. Susan Crabbtree You are an amazing reporter. Stay on this. Really, I love what you're doing. And thanks for being a real honest journalist, where there's a sadly few and far between. Thanks for your time today. We appreciate it.


Thank you so much, Dennis. Thanks for your devotion to this issue. Take care.


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That's shopmdhearing. Com and use our promo code Patriot and get their new $297 when you buy a pair offer. I talked about the A disastrous testimony from the just hapless acting Secret Service Director, Ron Ro, and how President Trump, sadly, is still indeed. Now, with the benefit of an entire day behind us, I think this is going to be A pretty instructive analysis. Yesterday's hearing was an absolute debacle. I want to tell you right now, up front, as someone who worked at the Secret Service for a long time and loved this job, both in the Treasury Department and later on, the hostile takeover by Department of Homeland Security, I'm ashamed. I'm ashamed. I'm embarrassed. I want to tell you something. So you don't lose faith entirely. Although they're making it hard. I have had hundreds and hundreds of people, former and active agents, friends of mine. Honestly, people I haven't been friends with, but I just knew as professional acquaintances who feel the exact same way. They are horrified, embarrassed, ashamed. That hearing yesterday, I would argue, was worse than Kim Sheetles. The acting director, Ron Roe, this faux indignation when your agency was responsible for an outdoor security event where a man was murdered, three people were shot, including a former president, an active candidate, shot in the head.


The indignation and the moments of self-celebration for uneventful failures, which were not successes. I'm shocked to the core a lot of the American people. You know what is about Ron Roe and the management team that was sitting behind them. I know a lot of these guys. They have egos completely not commensuriant with their skill. As a guy who did their job, literally did their job, and has been in front of television camera and the microphone and podcast for over 10 years. That's just a fact, whether you like it or not, as these guys, is totally irrelevant. And who's been scrutinized six different ways from Sunday for over 10 years, It's insulted every day on social media. There is a way to handle a public relations crisis. Everything the Secret Service did yesterday was not only not the right way, it was as if someone came in and sabotaged the Secret Service by telling them, Hey, here's some great advice. Go out and do this and yell at a bunch of US centers after you got a guy killed at the site. That's a great job. They should be demanding Ron Rose's resignation today. What happened yesterday was a disgrace.


The finger-pointing, the endless efforts to blame local law enforcement, the lack of explanations, the failure of accountability. What I would argue is potential perjury and lying. Really, it's just Just shameful. There's no way Ron Rose should have a job today. The United States senators on both the Democrat and Republican side, you got Peters and some other Democrats up there. I'm going to tell you, we covered it live yesterday. You saw it. We stopped and started it at TVR, so technically not live, but you get the point. Jim, did we not? There were some good Democrat questions. We'll never be a Democrat. Do not support the Democrats. But I think what's going on here is this is a bipartisan matter only because... Not because these guys all of a sudden grown a set or have some integrity on the Democrats side. It's got nothing to do with it. There are Democrats who want to be President, too, who realize that they could be the one on stage getting shot. That's all this is about. But fine, whatever. We need to keep these guys alive. If that's what it takes, skin in the game, for you guys to fix this, some of the questions Their questions were not bad.


I'm going to focus on the Republican side because I thought their questions were a lot better. I have three takeaways from yesterday's hearing because we covered it at length, and I have to get to a lot of stuff, including JD Vance's interview. It is time to show you who Kamala Harris really is, and I need to warn you about election interference happening right now. Let's get to this one first. This was one of the best questions of the hearing. This is Senator Josh Hawley. He's asking Ron Roe why no one's been fired. But I want to just set this up and tell you why this is important from an insider's perspective. Acting Director of the Secret Service, Ron Roe, says something incredible here that managed to escape scrutiny, even by me yesterday, but not today. I had time to go back and listen to this whole thing over again and catch all the little sick, rotten eggs in this thing. He says at one point, Ron Rohe, that I'm not going to tell you who was responsible for the a disastrous security plan at that site because this agent is still on protective visits? What?


Are you kidding me? Here, listen to this exchange. It's a little over a minute long. Listen to the faux indignation. This is the worst handling of a crisis I've ever seen by a government entity. Check this out.


Let me ask you this. Who is the lead site agent who made the decision to leave the AGR building completely outside of the security perimeter? Who was that?


Senator, I cannot give you that name. This person is operational. They're still doing investigations. They're still doing protective visits.


Have they been relieved of duty?


Senator, they have not been relieved of duty.


I know their name, by the way. Why have they not been relieved of duty?


They are still cooperating, not only being interviewed by the FBI, but also by our Office of Professional Responsibility. We will let the facts of the mission assurance and any further the investigations play out.


Isn't the fact that a former president was shot, that a good American is dead, that other Americans were critically wounded, isn't that enough mission failure for you to say that the person who decided that that building should not be in the security The security perimeter probably ought to be stepped down?


Senator, I think you're using the word decided, and I think we need to allow the investigation play out to include- Okay, so who did make the decision then?


If it wasn't the lead site agent who made the decision, not to in the security perimeter.


Senator, you're zeroing in on one particular agent. I want to find out exactly what was the entire decision process. So I think I want to be neutral and make sure that we get to the bottom of it and interview everybody in order to determine if there was more than more than more than one person who perhaps exercised bad judgment. Well, sure.


My question is, why don't you relieve everybody of duty who made bad judgment? So, yeah, you're right. I am zeroing in on somebody. I'm trying to find somebody who's accountable here.


Hawley was fantastic yesterday. You know That's our motto on the show. We don't fall in love with politicians. We fall in love with outcomes. That's it. They are tools for us. I don't mean that in a bad way. I mean it in an instructive way. Politicians are tools for us to advance a conservative It's a collective, liberty-oriented agenda. That's it. However, when they become effective tools, we need to celebrate what happens so we get more of it. That was a fantastic question. My only critique, Which is of me, too, by the way, so I'm critique. I missed this yesterday, too, as it was happening. Is that the questioning was so good and Ron Roe was so slick and deceptive, he just snuck that in that the agent responsible for the site security plan that led to the murder of Cory Comperator and the shooting of Donald Trump and two others is still on protective visits. Shame on me, too, for It's my only if he would have stopped right there. Again, I missed it, too, so don't think I'm throwing myself under the bus. If he would have stopped right there, I should have stopped the DVR yesterday, Jim, right at that point, said, Wait, what did he just say?


How many out there in the listening audience? So it was a rumble I asked before, out there listening, a comment on Facebook or wherever you're out there watching or commenting. How many of you are in the military? I bet it's a good chunk of my audience. 10, 15, 20%? You're heroes. I'll say it now, I'll say it again, I'll say it always. Thank you for everything you do and everything you have done. You are absolutely selfless people, and you will always have a home on this show. Always, always. Anyways, how many of you in the military? Let's just say in the Marine Corps. Say in the Marine Corps, your commanding officer says, Marine, you see that fence line? You're going to stand right there on that fence line. That's your job. This is an order. You're going to be there for the next 10, 12 hours. If the enemy approaches that fence line, you are to neutralize that enemy. Let's just say you fall asleep and the enemy breaches the fence line and rock and rolls right on into your territory. Do you think you would still be put on the fence line the next day?


The answer is you'd be in the break. You would probably be court-martialed. Correct? Am I crazy? Marines, Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, you all know what I'm saying is true. Dereliction of duty, you would probably be court-martialed. You're telling me a security plan so obviously lacking in even basic security fundamentals, was signed off on by a site agent and a supervisor in this field office. Nobody checked for an hour if this rooftop was man. This agent is now on protective visits? You got to be kidding. Tragically, he's not. And notice what he does there, too, Ron Ro. He doesn't want to tell you who made the decision at that site for that security lacking an even basic fundamentals. I'm going to tell you. I'm going to make it really easy for members of Congress and their staff. It is the Pittsburgh field office site agent and the supervisor who signed off on it. That's all you need to know. Ron Ro won't tell you that because he doesn't want anybody to rat him out. This is all a big cover your ass exercise now. He doesn't want it getting out there that he was the Deputy Director and the Deputy Assistant Director in Protective Operations when years of poor security decision making were made about counter-sniper assets or elsewhere.


So he's trying to protect people so they protect him. That's all this is right now. The same exact people are in charge. They are not interested in security enhancements. They're interested in cover your ass enhancements. This site agent is still working on protective visits. Good luck. Now, you see why I'm worried? President Trump's continuing to do out to a rally. You see why I get why he's doing it. I respect the man's cojones. But now, you see why I'm worried? I don't want to lose him. Hey, thanks for listening to the show. Make sure you check out our livestream every single day on Rumbble at rumble. Com/bongino. You can watch the show, join the chat. You can watch a video on demand at any time. Listen to us on the radio, go to bongino. Com/stationfinder to find a station near you. Thanks for tuning in. You just heard Dan Bongino.