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Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host Dan Bongino. Welcome to this special Weekend podcast we do for you every other weekend we like to highlight some of the really great interviews we do on the radio show. It's not due to me, but great guests and you deserve to hear from them. If you'd like to listen to the radio show live, go to any weekday. Click on station Finder to find out whether there's a station near you. We've got a report that? Monday of last week at the RNC. Steal it. Take it. I don't care. This is not about me. It is not about anything. I mean it. Don't ever quote me, ever. I don't give a damn. I'm just asking you to please get this stuff out in a timely manner.Making people wait seven days for a story I told them seven days ago is ridiculous. I told you. People who were familiar with the breakdown, I told you on Monday said exactly this. This explains everything. They did not want to go up on the roof because it was hot. You're probably shaking your head like, no way. Yes way. I told you last week that's going to be important because if you would have listened to me last week, media people, I'm not talking about you and the listening audience who love you. Thank you for sticking with this show. For a source of breaking news, you guys have been way ahead of it. The media folks. The rest of what I'm about to tell you, as you get your pens out, as we tell you again, what happened that day for like the 10th time will make sense. When you understandre not wrong. From a third weapon. But listen to Ron Johnson. And he's not wrong when he says this, but I'm not sure. He may know now who that third shooter is. Check this out. So are you questioning whether or not there was a second shooter? Is that what you're questioning? Or if the shooter had a different gun?You know, I saw an extremely convincing video online. I know it's all over the place. You know, there were three distinct shots early on, followed by another five in more staccato, more rapidly fired and then the final one, which we believe took the shooter out. How do you explain that? I don't know. I'm not an expert. But the individual putting that video out says it clearly shows that there are at least three different weapons fired that day.Okay. This has been your home for breaking news. I challenge you out there. If you don't like me, hate my show, or you're a liberal, and find out, give me a story we've been wrong on about this case. We broke the ladder story that that was not a ladder. Climbed up on the AC unit, that there were only three secret service units at the agents at the site as post standards that there was no drone at the site. You heard that first here. Because our sources have been pretty good on this. There's a number of working theories out there. When they're theories, I've told you clearly, they're theories. They're not facts. These theories may be based on evidence, but that we haven't drawn any conclusions on it regarding this. The current evidence is it was not a second shooter. There's no. There's no available evidence that that's the case. None. That third shot was from a local counter sniper team. They shoot and they shot, engaged the assassin on the roof and missed. So Senator Johnson is absolutely accurate, but don't draw any conclusions about that being a second gunmande. So far, there's no evidence of that.If any evidence emerges, be the first to hear it. But again, the Bongino rule here applies. Give yourself 24 to 72 hours when you hear something on the Internet to kind of sift through what's garbage and what's not. The reason I say that, folks, is there are a lot of people out there, I'm telling you for a fact, who are in our business, who are nothing more than provocateurs. They are not conservatives. They secrete ourselves, themselves into our social media conversations, and they plant nonsense. So filibusters will happen and no one will ever get to the bottom. It's a pretty sick tactical technique to distract you from the truth. I'm convinced that what, it's what happened in the 2020 election, too, that we had a legitimate case for a compromised election. Absolutely. And we still do. And there were people out there secreting narratives into our movement to distract you from stuff we absolutely knew was true. Don't let it happen again. Ron Johnson continued on Maria Bartiromo. And this is an interesting clip about a mysterious guy in a gray suit on the roof. Folks, Occam's razor typically applies at these things. But I'm going to tell you straight up from trusted sources on this, it's still kind of up in the air who this person was, but I'll give you some working theories on it.And again, you're all very smart people. You can decide what sounds sensible and what doesn't take a listen. So this is the guy in the suit who walks up the ladder, goes to the roof, and tells the local, the locals send those pictures to this cell phone. Who was that person?Well, again, I'm not sure that was the guy. I think another county law enforcement gave the number to the other county law enforcement, the snipers, to send the text. Some guy in a suit walks up the ladder, they believe you. Secret Service. I'm not sure where they gave credentials, but that's part of, again, Maria, this is so preliminary. I'm issuing this, I'm providing this information, a much more detailed timeline to prompt others to come forward. We need to complete this picture. We have a lot of puzzle pieces to fill in here.Is it odd to you that the locals were being told to send the pictures to the alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Agency, ATF?Where does ATF gets very, the oddity starts with the fact that local law enforcement were just tasked with securing the perimeter, told to go cover that AGI building, not really told where to set up. So they set up on the second floor. They went to that AGR building at 1030 in the morning.Folks, I don't know who that individual in the gray suit was, but it should not be hard to identify that person based on the available video at the site. There are going to be a number of people who should be able to just pick him out if he was local police, say state police, Butler county or secret Service. Now, regarding the ATF question, you know, I'm hearing from some people on the ground that the picture may have been sent over there for some facial id purposes. If that comes out in the wash. I'm nothing putting that out there as a firm conclusion. I'm just telling you what I've heard from some people as to what they think that may have been. But it's my job to give you what I know and to, to stick with trusted sources on this so we don't get spun up on stuff, because I'm telling you, there's effort, there are efforts out there right now to get you distracted. You know what? I want to play this clip. I'm going to go a little bit out of order, but Jim, the cut eight, if you would. Mike Cernovich a good follow on x.Great account. Nice guy. Cernovich was interviewing with Tucker Carlson. Maybe you don't believe me. Maybe you think I'm kidding. Having been in this business for a long time, I can tell you right now I am absolutely certain there are people who are pretending to be us who interjecting conversations on social media with the strict intention of directing you down a path they know is fake so that you'll never ask them real questions. Here's Cernovich and Tucker talking about exactly this phenomenon. Maybe you don't believe me. Maybe you'll believe them. Check this out. Do you think there are, like, lots of feds running around?Actually, oh, I think there are all kinds of feds embedded within the right wing movement and the conservative movement.You think that's real?Oh, yeah. To discredit people. That was the CIA. There was a book called Intel Pro. You can read the CIA manual on how you disrupted movements, which I read. And what they would do, the CIA would do. At the time, they were doing it to the Black Panthers, but now they're doing it to anybody who is deemed christian or goes to a catholic church, is they have variousI find baffling, which still we have not been given a candid, honest answer on, is from multiple sources that are feeding me and others information the Secret Service knew between 15 and 20 minutes out. Conclusive. I would say it's probably earlier, but let's just work with that timeline for now, because that's enough. About 15 or 20 minutes out that there was an unmitigated threat out there, a man outside of side what they claim is their secure perimeter roaming around rangefinder, backpack. I mean, these are all furtive type suspicious movements which should have stopped President Trump, to protect you that day from walking out on stage. There's a room at these sites called the holding room everybody knows about. The president goes there to hold when there's a threat. I can't think of one possible reason why this wasn't relayed to the shift to say, hey, just keep them in the limo, keep them in the truck, or keep them in the holding room until we can figure out what's going on. I mean, it's not like the networks weren't going to wait a few minutes on these speeches.They're late all the time.Yeah. You know, we're starting to see, with this significant failure in the plan, all the other cracks starting to be exposed, and we're going to see it significantly in communications in that area. Like me, I can't figure it out because, as you and I both know, this is nothing elaborate. It's the counterpart system, literally sitting side by side with law enforcement agencies that are participating in the security plan. So for the life of me, like you, I still can't figure out how the communication didn't flow here in this situation. But you're right. You should have never gone the stage based on the timing that you're saying. And you're right, it was probably longer.Yeah. Sorry to mean interrupt. Yeah, I'm having a tough time because people like you and I did this for a living. I was on a my friend Glenn, Glenn Beck show this morning. You know, Glenn has no Secret Service experience whatsoever. And Chuck, he's asking questions that both guys like you and me can't. I can't answer without attributing to malice or stupidity. I really can't find an option c, and it's driving me bananas. Let me ask you another question. So there are friends of ours who I think you and I both know there's a significant email trail here about security requests for enhancements to the Donald Trump detail of the DTD. Right. There's an email trail. There were bit. There have been white papers out there. I have . Hey, we're doing too much. Hey, give us more. It doesn't work that way. Chuck Marino. You've been fantastic. Follow him. Charles Marino on X. He's had some really, really super insightful commentary. You see him on Fox, on cable news. Just really great work, Chuck. Thanks for telling the truth. I'm getting a lot of feedback from mutual friends who appreciate you being an honest voice, man. We got to fix this thing and not just complain about it. Thanks for your time. We appreciate.Well, likewise. You too, Dan. Thanks. You're the best. Thank you.You got it, buddy. I worked with that guy, folks. That guy's legit. I'm telling you, there are good guys who really, really are absolutely 100% committed to fixing this apocalyptic security failure. They are embarrassed. They are horrified. If I could, I would read you the hundreds, more than hundreds of texts from people I've worked with in law enforcement in the service who are absolutely, I don't even have the words, the modifiers and adjectives and adverbs to describe how disgusted they are about what happened. Fix it or someone's going to die. Thanks for listening to the podcast. I hope this show answered a lot of questions for you about this just horrific tragedy. We got to prevent this from happening again. If you want to listen to our radio show during the week, go to station finder. Or you can always listen on Rumble from noon to bongino thanks for tuning in. You just heard Tan Bongino.


report that? Monday of last week at the RNC. Steal it. Take it. I don't care. This is not about me. It is not about anything. I mean it. Don't ever quote me, ever. I don't give a damn. I'm just asking you to please get this stuff out in a timely manner.


Making people wait seven days for a story I told them seven days ago is ridiculous. I told you. People who were familiar with the breakdown, I told you on Monday said exactly this. This explains everything. They did not want to go up on the roof because it was hot. You're probably shaking your head like, no way. Yes way. I told you last week that's going to be important because if you would have listened to me last week, media people, I'm not talking about you and the listening audience who love you. Thank you for sticking with this show. For a source of breaking news, you guys have been way ahead of it. The media folks. The rest of what I'm about to tell you, as you get your pens out, as we tell you again, what happened that day for like the 10th time will make sense. When you understandre not wrong. From a third weapon. But listen to Ron Johnson. And he's not wrong when he says this, but I'm not sure. He may know now who that third shooter is. Check this out. So are you questioning whether or not there was a second shooter? Is that what you're questioning? Or if the shooter had a different gun?You know, I saw an extremely convincing video online. I know it's all over the place. You know, there were three distinct shots early on, followed by another five in more staccato, more rapidly fired and then the final one, which we believe took the shooter out. How do you explain that? I don't know. I'm not an expert. But the individual putting that video out says it clearly shows that there are at least three different weapons fired that day.Okay. This has been your home for breaking news. I challenge you out there. If you don't like me, hate my show, or you're a liberal, and find out, give me a story we've been wrong on about this case. We broke the ladder story that that was not a ladder. Climbed up on the AC unit, that there were only three secret service units at the agents at the site as post standards that there was no drone at the site. You heard that first here. Because our sources have been pretty good on this. There's a number of working theories out there. When they're theories, I've told you clearly, they're theories. They're not facts. These theories may be based on evidence, but that we haven't drawn any conclusions on it regarding this. The current evidence is it was not a second shooter. There's no. There's no available evidence that that's the case. None. That third shot was from a local counter sniper team. They shoot and they shot, engaged the assassin on the roof and missed. So Senator Johnson is absolutely accurate, but don't draw any conclusions about that being a second gunmande. So far, there's no evidence of that.If any evidence emerges, be the first to hear it. But again, the Bongino rule here applies. Give yourself 24 to 72 hours when you hear something on the Internet to kind of sift through what's garbage and what's not. The reason I say that, folks, is there are a lot of people out there, I'm telling you for a fact, who are in our business, who are nothing more than provocateurs. They are not conservatives. They secrete ourselves, themselves into our social media conversations, and they plant nonsense. So filibusters will happen and no one will ever get to the bottom. It's a pretty sick tactical technique to distract you from the truth. I'm convinced that what, it's what happened in the 2020 election, too, that we had a legitimate case for a compromised election. Absolutely. And we still do. And there were people out there secreting narratives into our movement to distract you from stuff we absolutely knew was true. Don't let it happen again. Ron Johnson continued on Maria Bartiromo. And this is an interesting clip about a mysterious guy in a gray suit on the roof. Folks, Occam's razor typically applies at these things. But I'm going to tell you straight up from trusted sources on this, it's still kind of up in the air who this person was, but I'll give you some working theories on it.And again, you're all very smart people. You can decide what sounds sensible and what doesn't take a listen. So this is the guy in the suit who walks up the ladder, goes to the roof, and tells the local, the locals send those pictures to this cell phone. Who was that person?Well, again, I'm not sure that was the guy. I think another county law enforcement gave the number to the other county law enforcement, the snipers, to send the text. Some guy in a suit walks up the ladder, they believe you. Secret Service. I'm not sure where they gave credentials, but that's part of, again, Maria, this is so preliminary. I'm issuing this, I'm providing this information, a much more detailed timeline to prompt others to come forward. We need to complete this picture. We have a lot of puzzle pieces to fill in here.Is it odd to you that the locals were being told to send the pictures to the alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Agency, ATF?Where does ATF gets very, the oddity starts with the fact that local law enforcement were just tasked with securing the perimeter, told to go cover that AGI building, not really told where to set up. So they set up on the second floor. They went to that AGR building at 1030 in the morning.Folks, I don't know who that individual in the gray suit was, but it should not be hard to identify that person based on the available video at the site. There are going to be a number of people who should be able to just pick him out if he was local police, say state police, Butler county or secret Service. Now, regarding the ATF question, you know, I'm hearing from some people on the ground that the picture may have been sent over there for some facial id purposes. If that comes out in the wash. I'm nothing putting that out there as a firm conclusion. I'm just telling you what I've heard from some people as to what they think that may have been. But it's my job to give you what I know and to, to stick with trusted sources on this so we don't get spun up on stuff, because I'm telling you, there's effort, there are efforts out there right now to get you distracted. You know what? I want to play this clip. I'm going to go a little bit out of order, but Jim, the cut eight, if you would. Mike Cernovich a good follow on x.Great account. Nice guy. Cernovich was interviewing with Tucker Carlson. Maybe you don't believe me. Maybe you think I'm kidding. Having been in this business for a long time, I can tell you right now I am absolutely certain there are people who are pretending to be us who interjecting conversations on social media with the strict intention of directing you down a path they know is fake so that you'll never ask them real questions. Here's Cernovich and Tucker talking about exactly this phenomenon. Maybe you don't believe me. Maybe you'll believe them. Check this out. Do you think there are, like, lots of feds running around?Actually, oh, I think there are all kinds of feds embedded within the right wing movement and the conservative movement.You think that's real?Oh, yeah. To discredit people. That was the CIA. There was a book called Intel Pro. You can read the CIA manual on how you disrupted movements, which I read. And what they would do, the CIA would do. At the time, they were doing it to the Black Panthers, but now they're doing it to anybody who is deemed christian or goes to a catholic church, is they have variousI find baffling, which still we have not been given a candid, honest answer on, is from multiple sources that are feeding me and others information the Secret Service knew between 15 and 20 minutes out. Conclusive. I would say it's probably earlier, but let's just work with that timeline for now, because that's enough. About 15 or 20 minutes out that there was an unmitigated threat out there, a man outside of side what they claim is their secure perimeter roaming around rangefinder, backpack. I mean, these are all furtive type suspicious movements which should have stopped President Trump, to protect you that day from walking out on stage. There's a room at these sites called the holding room everybody knows about. The president goes there to hold when there's a threat. I can't think of one possible reason why this wasn't relayed to the shift to say, hey, just keep them in the limo, keep them in the truck, or keep them in the holding room until we can figure out what's going on. I mean, it's not like the networks weren't going to wait a few minutes on these speeches.They're late all the time.Yeah. You know, we're starting to see, with this significant failure in the plan, all the other cracks starting to be exposed, and we're going to see it significantly in communications in that area. Like me, I can't figure it out because, as you and I both know, this is nothing elaborate. It's the counterpart system, literally sitting side by side with law enforcement agencies that are participating in the security plan. So for the life of me, like you, I still can't figure out how the communication didn't flow here in this situation. But you're right. You should have never gone the stage based on the timing that you're saying. And you're right, it was probably longer.Yeah. Sorry to mean interrupt. Yeah, I'm having a tough time because people like you and I did this for a living. I was on a my friend Glenn, Glenn Beck show this morning. You know, Glenn has no Secret Service experience whatsoever. And Chuck, he's asking questions that both guys like you and me can't. I can't answer without attributing to malice or stupidity. I really can't find an option c, and it's driving me bananas. Let me ask you another question. So there are friends of ours who I think you and I both know there's a significant email trail here about security requests for enhancements to the Donald Trump detail of the DTD. Right. There's an email trail. There were bit. There have been white papers out there. I have . Hey, we're doing too much. Hey, give us more. It doesn't work that way. Chuck Marino. You've been fantastic. Follow him. Charles Marino on X. He's had some really, really super insightful commentary. You see him on Fox, on cable news. Just really great work, Chuck. Thanks for telling the truth. I'm getting a lot of feedback from mutual friends who appreciate you being an honest voice, man. We got to fix this thing and not just complain about it. Thanks for your time. We appreciate.Well, likewise. You too, Dan. Thanks. You're the best. Thank you.You got it, buddy. I worked with that guy, folks. That guy's legit. I'm telling you, there are good guys who really, really are absolutely 100% committed to fixing this apocalyptic security failure. They are embarrassed. They are horrified. If I could, I would read you the hundreds, more than hundreds of texts from people I've worked with in law enforcement in the service who are absolutely, I don't even have the words, the modifiers and adjectives and adverbs to describe how disgusted they are about what happened. Fix it or someone's going to die. Thanks for listening to the podcast. I hope this show answered a lot of questions for you about this just horrific tragedy. We got to prevent this from happening again. If you want to listen to our radio show during the week, go to station finder. Or you can always listen on Rumble from noon to bongino thanks for tuning in. You just heard Tan Bongino.


re not wrong. From a third weapon. But listen to Ron Johnson. And he's not wrong when he says this, but I'm not sure. He may know now who that third shooter is. Check this out. So are you questioning whether or not there was a second shooter? Is that what you're questioning? Or if the shooter had a different gun?


You know, I saw an extremely convincing video online. I know it's all over the place. You know, there were three distinct shots early on, followed by another five in more staccato, more rapidly fired and then the final one, which we believe took the shooter out. How do you explain that? I don't know. I'm not an expert. But the individual putting that video out says it clearly shows that there are at least three different weapons fired that day.


Okay. This has been your home for breaking news. I challenge you out there. If you don't like me, hate my show, or you're a liberal, and find out, give me a story we've been wrong on about this case. We broke the ladder story that that was not a ladder. Climbed up on the AC unit, that there were only three secret service units at the agents at the site as post standards that there was no drone at the site. You heard that first here. Because our sources have been pretty good on this. There's a number of working theories out there. When they're theories, I've told you clearly, they're theories. They're not facts. These theories may be based on evidence, but that we haven't drawn any conclusions on it regarding this. The current evidence is it was not a second shooter. There's no. There's no available evidence that that's the case. None. That third shot was from a local counter sniper team. They shoot and they shot, engaged the assassin on the roof and missed. So Senator Johnson is absolutely accurate, but don't draw any conclusions about that being a second gunmande. So far, there's no evidence of that.


If any evidence emerges, be the first to hear it. But again, the Bongino rule here applies. Give yourself 24 to 72 hours when you hear something on the Internet to kind of sift through what's garbage and what's not. The reason I say that, folks, is there are a lot of people out there, I'm telling you for a fact, who are in our business, who are nothing more than provocateurs. They are not conservatives. They secrete ourselves, themselves into our social media conversations, and they plant nonsense. So filibusters will happen and no one will ever get to the bottom. It's a pretty sick tactical technique to distract you from the truth. I'm convinced that what, it's what happened in the 2020 election, too, that we had a legitimate case for a compromised election. Absolutely. And we still do. And there were people out there secreting narratives into our movement to distract you from stuff we absolutely knew was true. Don't let it happen again. Ron Johnson continued on Maria Bartiromo. And this is an interesting clip about a mysterious guy in a gray suit on the roof. Folks, Occam's razor typically applies at these things. But I'm going to tell you straight up from trusted sources on this, it's still kind of up in the air who this person was, but I'll give you some working theories on it.


And again, you're all very smart people. You can decide what sounds sensible and what doesn't take a listen. So this is the guy in the suit who walks up the ladder, goes to the roof, and tells the local, the locals send those pictures to this cell phone. Who was that person?


Well, again, I'm not sure that was the guy. I think another county law enforcement gave the number to the other county law enforcement, the snipers, to send the text. Some guy in a suit walks up the ladder, they believe you. Secret Service. I'm not sure where they gave credentials, but that's part of, again, Maria, this is so preliminary. I'm issuing this, I'm providing this information, a much more detailed timeline to prompt others to come forward. We need to complete this picture. We have a lot of puzzle pieces to fill in here.


Is it odd to you that the locals were being told to send the pictures to the alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Agency, ATF?


Where does ATF gets very, the oddity starts with the fact that local law enforcement were just tasked with securing the perimeter, told to go cover that AGI building, not really told where to set up. So they set up on the second floor. They went to that AGR building at 1030 in the morning.


Folks, I don't know who that individual in the gray suit was, but it should not be hard to identify that person based on the available video at the site. There are going to be a number of people who should be able to just pick him out if he was local police, say state police, Butler county or secret Service. Now, regarding the ATF question, you know, I'm hearing from some people on the ground that the picture may have been sent over there for some facial id purposes. If that comes out in the wash. I'm nothing putting that out there as a firm conclusion. I'm just telling you what I've heard from some people as to what they think that may have been. But it's my job to give you what I know and to, to stick with trusted sources on this so we don't get spun up on stuff, because I'm telling you, there's effort, there are efforts out there right now to get you distracted. You know what? I want to play this clip. I'm going to go a little bit out of order, but Jim, the cut eight, if you would. Mike Cernovich a good follow on x.


Great account. Nice guy. Cernovich was interviewing with Tucker Carlson. Maybe you don't believe me. Maybe you think I'm kidding. Having been in this business for a long time, I can tell you right now I am absolutely certain there are people who are pretending to be us who interjecting conversations on social media with the strict intention of directing you down a path they know is fake so that you'll never ask them real questions. Here's Cernovich and Tucker talking about exactly this phenomenon. Maybe you don't believe me. Maybe you'll believe them. Check this out. Do you think there are, like, lots of feds running around?


Actually, oh, I think there are all kinds of feds embedded within the right wing movement and the conservative movement.


You think that's real?


Oh, yeah. To discredit people. That was the CIA. There was a book called Intel Pro. You can read the CIA manual on how you disrupted movements, which I read. And what they would do, the CIA would do. At the time, they were doing it to the Black Panthers, but now they're doing it to anybody who is deemed christian or goes to a catholic church, is they have variousI find baffling, which still we have not been given a candid, honest answer on, is from multiple sources that are feeding me and others information the Secret Service knew between 15 and 20 minutes out. Conclusive. I would say it's probably earlier, but let's just work with that timeline for now, because that's enough. About 15 or 20 minutes out that there was an unmitigated threat out there, a man outside of side what they claim is their secure perimeter roaming around rangefinder, backpack. I mean, these are all furtive type suspicious movements which should have stopped President Trump, to protect you that day from walking out on stage. There's a room at these sites called the holding room everybody knows about. The president goes there to hold when there's a threat. I can't think of one possible reason why this wasn't relayed to the shift to say, hey, just keep them in the limo, keep them in the truck, or keep them in the holding room until we can figure out what's going on. I mean, it's not like the networks weren't going to wait a few minutes on these speeches.They're late all the time.Yeah. You know, we're starting to see, with this significant failure in the plan, all the other cracks starting to be exposed, and we're going to see it significantly in communications in that area. Like me, I can't figure it out because, as you and I both know, this is nothing elaborate. It's the counterpart system, literally sitting side by side with law enforcement agencies that are participating in the security plan. So for the life of me, like you, I still can't figure out how the communication didn't flow here in this situation. But you're right. You should have never gone the stage based on the timing that you're saying. And you're right, it was probably longer.Yeah. Sorry to mean interrupt. Yeah, I'm having a tough time because people like you and I did this for a living. I was on a my friend Glenn, Glenn Beck show this morning. You know, Glenn has no Secret Service experience whatsoever. And Chuck, he's asking questions that both guys like you and me can't. I can't answer without attributing to malice or stupidity. I really can't find an option c, and it's driving me bananas. Let me ask you another question. So there are friends of ours who I think you and I both know there's a significant email trail here about security requests for enhancements to the Donald Trump detail of the DTD. Right. There's an email trail. There were bit. There have been white papers out there. I have . Hey, we're doing too much. Hey, give us more. It doesn't work that way. Chuck Marino. You've been fantastic. Follow him. Charles Marino on X. He's had some really, really super insightful commentary. You see him on Fox, on cable news. Just really great work, Chuck. Thanks for telling the truth. I'm getting a lot of feedback from mutual friends who appreciate you being an honest voice, man. We got to fix this thing and not just complain about it. Thanks for your time. We appreciate.Well, likewise. You too, Dan. Thanks. You're the best. Thank you.You got it, buddy. I worked with that guy, folks. That guy's legit. I'm telling you, there are good guys who really, really are absolutely 100% committed to fixing this apocalyptic security failure. They are embarrassed. They are horrified. If I could, I would read you the hundreds, more than hundreds of texts from people I've worked with in law enforcement in the service who are absolutely, I don't even have the words, the modifiers and adjectives and adverbs to describe how disgusted they are about what happened. Fix it or someone's going to die. Thanks for listening to the podcast. I hope this show answered a lot of questions for you about this just horrific tragedy. We got to prevent this from happening again. If you want to listen to our radio show during the week, go to station finder. Or you can always listen on Rumble from noon to bongino thanks for tuning in. You just heard Tan Bongino.


I find baffling, which still we have not been given a candid, honest answer on, is from multiple sources that are feeding me and others information the Secret Service knew between 15 and 20 minutes out. Conclusive. I would say it's probably earlier, but let's just work with that timeline for now, because that's enough. About 15 or 20 minutes out that there was an unmitigated threat out there, a man outside of side what they claim is their secure perimeter roaming around rangefinder, backpack. I mean, these are all furtive type suspicious movements which should have stopped President Trump, to protect you that day from walking out on stage. There's a room at these sites called the holding room everybody knows about. The president goes there to hold when there's a threat. I can't think of one possible reason why this wasn't relayed to the shift to say, hey, just keep them in the limo, keep them in the truck, or keep them in the holding room until we can figure out what's going on. I mean, it's not like the networks weren't going to wait a few minutes on these speeches.


They're late all the time.


Yeah. You know, we're starting to see, with this significant failure in the plan, all the other cracks starting to be exposed, and we're going to see it significantly in communications in that area. Like me, I can't figure it out because, as you and I both know, this is nothing elaborate. It's the counterpart system, literally sitting side by side with law enforcement agencies that are participating in the security plan. So for the life of me, like you, I still can't figure out how the communication didn't flow here in this situation. But you're right. You should have never gone the stage based on the timing that you're saying. And you're right, it was probably longer.


Yeah. Sorry to mean interrupt. Yeah, I'm having a tough time because people like you and I did this for a living. I was on a my friend Glenn, Glenn Beck show this morning. You know, Glenn has no Secret Service experience whatsoever. And Chuck, he's asking questions that both guys like you and me can't. I can't answer without attributing to malice or stupidity. I really can't find an option c, and it's driving me bananas. Let me ask you another question. So there are friends of ours who I think you and I both know there's a significant email trail here about security requests for enhancements to the Donald Trump detail of the DTD. Right. There's an email trail. There were bit. There have been white papers out there. I have . Hey, we're doing too much. Hey, give us more. It doesn't work that way. Chuck Marino. You've been fantastic. Follow him. Charles Marino on X. He's had some really, really super insightful commentary. You see him on Fox, on cable news. Just really great work, Chuck. Thanks for telling the truth. I'm getting a lot of feedback from mutual friends who appreciate you being an honest voice, man. We got to fix this thing and not just complain about it. Thanks for your time. We appreciate.Well, likewise. You too, Dan. Thanks. You're the best. Thank you.You got it, buddy. I worked with that guy, folks. That guy's legit. I'm telling you, there are good guys who really, really are absolutely 100% committed to fixing this apocalyptic security failure. They are embarrassed. They are horrified. If I could, I would read you the hundreds, more than hundreds of texts from people I've worked with in law enforcement in the service who are absolutely, I don't even have the words, the modifiers and adjectives and adverbs to describe how disgusted they are about what happened. Fix it or someone's going to die. Thanks for listening to the podcast. I hope this show answered a lot of questions for you about this just horrific tragedy. We got to prevent this from happening again. If you want to listen to our radio show during the week, go to station finder. Or you can always listen on Rumble from noon to bongino thanks for tuning in. You just heard Tan Bongino.


. Hey, we're doing too much. Hey, give us more. It doesn't work that way. Chuck Marino. You've been fantastic. Follow him. Charles Marino on X. He's had some really, really super insightful commentary. You see him on Fox, on cable news. Just really great work, Chuck. Thanks for telling the truth. I'm getting a lot of feedback from mutual friends who appreciate you being an honest voice, man. We got to fix this thing and not just complain about it. Thanks for your time. We appreciate.


Well, likewise. You too, Dan. Thanks. You're the best. Thank you.


You got it, buddy. I worked with that guy, folks. That guy's legit. I'm telling you, there are good guys who really, really are absolutely 100% committed to fixing this apocalyptic security failure. They are embarrassed. They are horrified. If I could, I would read you the hundreds, more than hundreds of texts from people I've worked with in law enforcement in the service who are absolutely, I don't even have the words, the modifiers and adjectives and adverbs to describe how disgusted they are about what happened. Fix it or someone's going to die. Thanks for listening to the podcast. I hope this show answered a lot of questions for you about this just horrific tragedy. We got to prevent this from happening again. If you want to listen to our radio show during the week, go to station finder. Or you can always listen on Rumble from noon to bongino thanks for tuning in. You just heard Tan Bongino.