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Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino.


I told you I was not going to let the attempted assassination of President Trump, who, guy shot him, could have blown his head off on live television. I'm not letting that story go away. It's not going anywhere.


But I'm not going to keep firing at you the same stuff every day either.


Oh, boy, do we have some stuff for you today.


Let me just give you a quick background before you get started. I have been conducting an investigation myself, along with a number of other people, and with the help of numerous whistleblowers and other folks not in the Secret Service, I've come to some interesting conclusions about what happened that day.


Some of this and some of the connections may be new. Folks, we got a lot to cover today. That new Nancy Pelosi January sixth video, Jack Smith, Tyrant Jack Smith. It's just a ton of info.


Stay tuned. Big loaded show. Text your friends. Tell them to join right now.


Beem's Labor Day sale is here. It's ever been a better time to finally try Beams Dream Powder. Get some sleep. Find it at shopbeem. Com/bongino. I've got that.


Also an update on one of the most important President Trump videos you'll ever see.


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All right, fellows, let's go. Everybody ready? Saddle up, buckle up your seatbelts. I've got some information for you. Media people, get your pens out. As the great Rush Limbaugh, the inimitable Rush Limbaugh used to say, Let your show prep begin. The The first thing I want to throw out there is not necessarily new, but I've been working on this for a long time, and a number of people have reached out to me about this. Ladies and gentlemen, the United States Secret Service is going to have a big problem with the current narrative about Donald Trump, which is we didn't really deny security assets in Butler County, Pennsylvania, but we may have denied just a couple of things to President Trump in the past. Media folks, get the pens out. That is It's absolute bullshit. Ladies and gentlemen, I can't tell you how I know this, but the Secret Service is a big problem now. The big problem they have is that the Secret Service isn't the only one who knows about the multiple repeated requests for security. Now, this is something I've been working on for a long time, and some of the people we've been working with are not necessarily even inside the entity themselves, but I got to be careful here.


I'm just telling you this. If you were concerned about a January sixth type thing where they delete the text and emails, remember that story about the pipe bomb? Long story short, Secret Service supposedly misses this pipe bomb.


Kamala Harris, the DNC.


The text and emails magically disappeared. The Secret Service said, Oh, we don't have them. We did a tech transfer. It's going to be almost impossible this of time to do the same thing.


Nothing's impossible, I said, Almost.


But it's going to be really hard. There is a documented, very long, very detailed paper trail of numerous people requesting pretty significant security enhancements to President Trump that were what? Denied. People in the Secret Service, what did they do? If you're listening on audio, Gee, what am I doing right now? We are using the mannequin doll hand middle finger. That is what managers at the Secret Service told the Donald Trump detail, despite numerous people saying President Trump is likely to get hurt or maybe worse if you do not give us these security assets, counter assault teams, technology enhancements, CSU, other things I can't talk about, and Secret Service headquarters, yes, including acting director now, Ron Ro, who was part of it, were like, I don't think so, double barreled middle finger. Now, again, media folks out there, not the good ones of Susan Crabb trees and others out there. But the leftist media hacks who choose to ignore the guy who beats you by, what, fellows, three years on this story. You can ignore this all you want.


You're like, Who are we?


It doesn't matter. I'm never going to tell you who my multiple sources from multiple entities these are, because I don't do that, I'm going to tell you I've been right about everything and you've been wrong. Folks, there's a paper trail. You'll figure out later what I'm talking about. It is a digital and paper trail that cannot easily be deleted.


Here's a second piece of information that you probably haven't heard yet.


Remember the story I told you about a year ago that Secret Service agents and multiple security personnel now, told Secret Service headquarters, folks, We cannot secure Mar-a-Lago like this. This is our protectee. We are obligated to protect him. We need this. And what did they say? They said, We don't... Managers told them, We don't secure social clubs.




What if a social club owner decides to run for president? You're going to give them the middle finger. We don't secure. Is that really in 18 USC 3056, the part of the United States Code that obligates the Secret Service to protect former presidents and presidents? Does it say, asterisk? Have you guys ever read it? Jim, do me a favor. Look that up. Is there an asterisk in there? It says, not night club, social club owners. If it says that, let me know. I never read that. I've never seen that 18, USC 3056. Never seen it. So they told them no. But later, because the Secret Service chooses to constantly be a reactive agency and not a proactive agency, which, guys, chat folks, help me out here, okay?


The McGroin crew and everyone else.


If you are in the security business, especially ERP, executive protection, trying to keep someone alive. Justin, let me throw this out of you. You think it's a better idea to be proactive and prevent a threat or let a threat attack your guy and then react afterwards?


What do you think?


He's going to say, Justin's very... See, this college education is working well for him. He says it's probably better to be proactive and do things beforehand so people don't get attacked. I'm telling you that's not the way the Secret Service thinks.


The management, not the guys in the field. Guys, I work with were great.


They wait for something to happen, and then they do something.


I want you to look back at this story here. This is very, very important.


Very important. A lot of people in the media miss this.


Something Something happened in 2023. Put up that CBS 12 news piece. This article is important. Man wants to talk to Trump, was arrested for trespassing at Mar-a-Lago. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm not even going to tell you how bad this situation really was, but let me just tell you. It was bad. The intrusion part, not necessarily the threat. You may be saying, Well, Dan, aren't they the same thing? No, they're not. If someone intrudes in your house and is drunk and thought it was his girlfriend's house and says, I'm sorry, I leave, the intrusion is really bad, but it wasn't really a threat, correct? May have been disturbing, but it wasn't a threat.


However, if someone barely gets into your house, is kicking in the door and has an accent, is ready to kill you, they may not have intruded totally, but it was a threat. The intrusion portion of this is bad.


Like, bad, bad.


So of course, people in Secret Service headquarters, diapers were full. Why do you think diapers were full in January of 2023 when there was an intrusion at Mar-a-Lago? Some of you are picking up on this. What do you guys think? Maybe because multiple people asked repeatedly in a detailed paper and digital trail for more assets to protect against the very specific way this This guy got into Mar-a-Lago, and people at headquarters were like, We don't secure social clubs. There it is.


Thank you.


I didn't even know you guys were going to close. 18, USC 30 56. Can you scroll down? So you put Search for Nightclub, Social Club, and there is nothing in there, correct? Okay, thank you. So there is no exception for that. It's good to know. Thank you, Jess. I didn't know.


I worked in the Secret Service. I thought I may have missed it or something like Folks, a lot of folks miss this story.


This is, again, another example.


You better start writing about this now and asking questions.


Did that have anything to do with later security enhancements that happened at Mar-a-Lago only after you had egg on your face and realized that the security enhancements you denied before were some of the ways this guy got into Mar-a-Lago, and then you were like, Oh, shit, we better do it now. There's a paper trail, folks. This is all going to come out. Mark the date.


Wait, wait. Flags in the chat.


Flags in the chat. Flags in the chat right now. Want to see them? Get them up. There we go. Thank you on the show. Flag it. Flag the time, flag the date.


When this all comes out, you'll thank me.


I've only been telling you this story for years. Of course, the mainstream media won't write about it because it's the Dan Bongino show, and we constantly beat the mainstream I need to thank you, folks in the chat. Love you. But this is why we are the biggest livestream in the United States, and we beat everyone, MSNBC, CNN, Fox, everyone, every single day, everyone, because you guys are six months ahead of the news cycle every single time.


Spygate, Collusion, The Secret Service story, Ukraine, all of it.


This story is huge. Someone should maybe ask Ron Rohe, the acting director, Hey, did that There's an intrusion in Mar-a-Lago in January 2023? It's public record. It's not hard. I've been conducting this investigation, by the way, for a very long time. Did that have anything to do with security enhancements? Someone should ask this critical question. You ready? Media folks, get ready. Folks in the chat, can we get an emoji pen? This means media people, get your pens out. Time to take notes. Folks, I hate to have to teach these people how to do their freaking jobs. But I'll tell you, because you guys aren't smart.


Except for Susan and other good people, Julie, Darren, others, we get that.


You should probably ask Ron Ro.


Hey, there was an intrusion at Mar-a-Lago, January of 2023, where there were security requests for enhancements to the security terrain features around Mar-a-Lago to secure them.


Made before that? And how quickly were they approved after that? Someone should ask that question. Someone should ask that question. You got your pens, media people? You got Taking notes. No, you guys can't figure this stuff out on your own. It's a big deal, right? Because it would prove the point that Ron Roe, the acting director, is not telling the truth right now. And you would also I'll be find out that the acting director, Ron Roe and others, were part of the plot to withhold security assets from Donald Trump.


When I'm starting to believe, increasingly were political decisions.


You ready for more?


You want some more? Let's just say another friend reached out last night. Another friend reached out and said, I'm disgusted by the Secret Service and what they did. Now, let's just say it's a friend who knows. And he said, Let me tell you something.


When I went through training in the United States Secret Service, I guess one of his classmates asked a question.


You remember David Duke, the Ku Klux Klan guy?


Well, he was going to run for president or did at one point.


Someone in the class says, Well, we have to protect him, too. The instructor in the class, accurately so, said, It's not our business. They're politics however awful they are. It's our business to keep them alive, and that's it. That's all gone now, folks. I'm going to tell you, with almost certainty, at this point, near certainty, that some of the decisions made around President Trump's security were obviously political.


They were either political or just you can write them off to mass stupidity. And the people in charge, Ron Roe is not stupid.


I've known him a long time. He's not dumb. He's actually a very smart guy. But I have zero doubt some of these decisions were political. And that is the most disturbing thing I've told you so far about this. I don't think they wanted to give President Trump. I think they wanted They wanted to starve him. They wanted to make him produce more money for private enhancements in his own security.


Something, by the way, they never did with the Clintons when I was up at their house in Westchester County.


I think they wanted to starve him in money and didn't want to starve them a money. They didn't want to make him look presidential. They didn't want an enhanced motorcade. They just said, Well, that's the way we've always done it with former presidents. Even though this guy was different, he was going to run again. His threat level was through the roof, and he was still incredibly He was relatively popular, and his threat level was through the roof because the Iranians wanted to kill him, and they ignored all of it. They ignored all of it. It's either one of two things. They were really stupid in headquarters, which I don't believe because I know them personally, where these decisions were made based on politics.


There's no other reason. Either you don't know how to do security and secure high threat level protectees, which Donald Trump was, you didn't know, or you did know and you didn't care. There is no option C. I want to tell you one other thing I've been working on for a while that came out through various sources, and I don't like to say anything. The Bongino rule for me matters.


My rule is I'd rather be last and right than first and wrong.


Folks, It appears when you see that...


And this is, by the way, let me just state in advance, anyone who is even going to dare act like this is me excusing what happened that day, you don't know what... Get off the show now, you're a moron.


That is absolutely not what I'm saying. I'm the one who is not letting this thing go ever and has demanded accountability from day one. I'm simply giving you a series of facts. The opinions you draw from said facts are your business, okay? It appears the confusion about where this gunman was. He should not have been on the roof, should not have been in the site, should not have been missed, should not have been there, should not have been allowed near the mag, should not have been allowed near the roof, should have been secured. All of that stands. But But some of the confusion as to where he was was based on someone who put out a clock position that was wrong. I've heard this from a couple of different people who knew people, and now it's a big deal. It's also a major, major, major F-up. I'm looking at you at 12:00, right? If I'm looking at you at 12:00, what's this direction? Anyone know?


Three. I'm not trying to be a smart ass.


Three, nine, six.


That's why I say, watch your six. Someone puts out whatever, nine o'clock, what are you going to do? It doesn't absorb.


I'm just giving you things you likely do not know and have not heard.


There's a lot of blame to go around. Fine. And there must be accountability and a serious criminal investigation based on the negligence. But I promise you, these are things that are not out there, and my investigation will go on. I got more on this secret service thing coming up here in a second, including some clips from Senator Ron Johnson, who's been all over this, and I want to applaud him. He has been on this thing like white on rice, Senator from Wisconsin. He's just concerned with I am about a different angle Teil of the story, which is who the hell was this shooter working with?


Why is everyone so eager to make this thing go away? Conservative media are the only people talking about this.


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Get a good night's sleep. Check them out, our good friends at Beam. Man, 144,000 already. We barely hit our first break there. I love you guys so much. I'd give you the pound over the heart, but My elbows don't work, so it's not worth it. Folks, I'm sorry, but I don't believe this guy was acting alone. I don't. It's based on a body of facts and data that indicate that this guy did not have the requisite skill level to pull off what he pulled off without some form of assistance.


Could he have acted alone? He could have.


I'm not precluding that possibility either.


Again, I don't want to be first to be wrong.


I'd rather be the last to be right, okay?


However, when you look at the I mean, think about it, right? This is only one of the most significant political attacks and assaults on our democracy, genuinely. In modern American history, we're not even two months out, and the media is acting like, Oh, yeah, it's just business as usual. Let's go on. I'm not really concerned what this kid was up to. Is it possible this guy was honey trapped by an enemy of the United States, possibly Iran or someone else? He looked like a young loner type, the exact type of people they target. Are they going to do a press conference ever again? Ron Roe, the FBI. Do we get to ask these questions? No. Here's Senator Ron Johnson. And he's asking a great question, not a good question. What the hell is the rush here to disappear all the evidence? Washing the roof, burning the guy's body? Does this make any sense? If anything, it invites people to engage in theorizing about what happened and to be confused.


Watch this. How was it that within a day, they said the guy was acting alone, Crooks was acting alone? They They didn't do an investigation at that point?


Yeah, I have no idea. I don't know who those five individuals are that were placed on administrative leave, what positions they held, why they were placed on leave. Again, it's baffling to me, for example, that they released the body for cremation before we've seen any autopsy reports, any toxicology reports. You just can't explain these things.


Senator, what would the body tell you? I mean, would there be tattoos? Would there be What would you look for in a body? I mean, why cremated so quickly?


Well, first of all, again, acting director Roe didn't tell the public that it was actually a local law enforcement individual who took the first shot. Was Crooks hit twice? We don't know. The toxicology reports, was he being administered certain types of drugs like SSRIs? Did they want to cover that up? There are reports that he had encrypted accounts in different countries around the world.


We still don't know what they say. What was that about?


That's That's not normal behavior. So again, I agree with you. The FBI immediately said, One guy acting alone, on what basis have they made that call?


Yeah, what basis have they made that call? Folks, you understand the FBI has been spying on us for a long time, right? They can deny it all they want. That Pfizer thing that you and I fought against and are still fighting against, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, where it's not No normal, sane, rational actor can question the fact that there is a backdoor in that to spy on Americans. What I'm getting at is they likely have this guy's metadata, emails, text, and everything. If he's acting alone, then just put the information out there and show us. Listen to me. I have noticed out the idea that he was acting alone. It's possible, correct? It's one of five, six different scenarios. If that's the case, show us. Nobody trusts you. Show us the evidence. Instead, again, put the New York Post article up. I was sitting there with Ben Schafer when I was on the congressional panel. Great guy. Countersniper, Washington Regional SWAT. He was at the scene that day. One of the congressmen asked him on the panel, Hey, do you find it concerning as a law enforcement officer that they quickly scrubbed the roof down, Thomas Crooks' body was disposed of before the official autopsy report could even be released?


And here we go. He was like, Yeah, you're damn right. I absolutely find it concerning. And so do I. Encrypted overseas accounts, the family has this high-powered attorney. I mean, folks, let me just be absolutely clear. They have the constitutional big R God given right to an attorney. That doesn't mean they did anything wrong. I'm just saying, if the information out is that he acted alone, no problem, case is closed, then why is no one telling us why the case should be closed and how they drew the conclusion that he acted alone? Nobody finds this weird You know what? Before I put this tweet up, can you play the other Ron Johnson clip, too? Ron Johnson saying, Here's an additional thing that makes me believe, this is Ron Johnson with Maria Bartaroma. An additional clip that makes me believe they're hiding information. Why would you Stonewall the investigation? Folks, can you get seriously in the chat? Just for a second, I'm asking you to put your investigator hat on. Assume he did work alone. Everything's done. Investigation's over. This horrible thing happened.


Let's fix it.


Can you give me one single sound reason why you wouldn't do a press conference, put out a bunch of charts and data and a PowerPoint, and say, We want to clear this up with the American people. We don't want any conspiracy theories. Why wouldn't you? Why wouldn't you? They're doing the exact opposite. They're not telling Congressional investigators in the Senate anything of significance. Here, listen to this.


I'm part of the Senate Bipart as an investigation. It's led by the chairman of the committee and the subcommittee. All I can really tell you is the Secret Service, FetBI, are basically dragging their feet. They're still hauling us. We've gotten some transcribed interviews, but the documents we request are heavily redacted. They're delivered the day of the interview, so we really can't use the documents to conduct the interviews effectively. We're not getting squat, from my standpoint, from the Secret Service or the FBI. We've requested all their 302s, their transcriptions of their interviews with hundreds of individuals. They're not turning those over to us as well. Maria, if you wanted to design an investigation to raise suspicions and drive conspiracy theories, This is exactly how you do that investigation. I was just jaw-dropping that they released the body for cremation before anybody's seen any autopsy or toxicology reports. Again, it's just driving suspicion and conspiracy theories.


Folks, I'm telling you as an investigator who worked a couple of pretty high-profile investigations, what you do is you get out, and if there's any questions, you answer them.


Why would you be presenting heavily redacted material to oversight members of Congress and the Senate when you can take them in the skiff and explain to the representatives of the people, we do not live in a direct democracy. We live in a Republic, a form of a representative democracy. Ron Johnson is our representative. Yes, he is from the state of Wisconsin. However, he takes very important votes on issues that affect all of us. Why wouldn't the Secret Service and the FBI say, Senator, we deeply appreciate We're going to appreciate your concerns. We're going to meet you in this skiff on such and such a day, if you have time, where sensitive compartmented information facility, and we are going to tell you what happens, and we're going to trust you with this information, so at least we can clear up for you who can diplomatically explain to the constituents why we can't tell them everything right now. Why wouldn't they do that? Folks, the answer, Occam's razor, is because somebody's hiding something. This isn't hard.


Producer Jim, text me the answer to this.


Why do you think the FBI and Secret Service are hiding something?


Do you have the answer, Jim? This is not a trick question. Wait a minute. Okay, here it is. Let's see if he got the answer, folks.


Because they want to. Yes, because they want to. Thank you, producer Why are they hiding information? Because they want to. Do not overthink these things. And Ron Johnson is right. You want to foster a bunch of conspiracy theories?


This is exactly how I would do it.


I would not do it any other way. I would wash the roof off. I would get rid of and dispose of the body. I would make sure that we leak out that he had encrypted accounts overseas, but never mention any reason why, stir up the entire pot. That's what I do. I'd make sure some high power attorneys were involved. That's exactly what I would do. I wouldn't say anything to anyone in Winkie Winkie, nod, nod.


Folks, the story gets even worse, and I'm going to apply... Let me read this tweet, and then I'll contextualize it for you after Our last break. Abigail Jackson put this out, breaking. This is from the other day, just to be clear. Whistleblower tells Josh Hawley, Senator from Missouri, that the Secret Service agents working to Butler rally were told not to request additional manpower resources and were warned any such request would be denied. This, by the way, directly contradicts Ron Roe's testimony, where he said otherwise, Oh, no, we didn't deny assets. I'm going to contextualize this for a minute, and I'm going to show you how Ron Roe and the Secret Service management are playing games right now and how it ties into this CBS story and elsewhere. Don't go anywhere. Last break of the show, and then we got some more just absolute bombshell stories after this.


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There's a constant fight in my house. It's vicious. There's been a near divorce over this. A near divorce over this thing. About what?


John from Blackout decides to introduce this dark chocolate flavor. I don't know what he's doing.


So the dark chocolate is amazing.


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Nobody knows what to do.


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A fireman are heroes, typically. They are. But I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about what firemen do. Firemen put out fires, okay? That's not what we are supposed to do. We're supposed to be fire suppression specialists. The Secret Service is supposed to go out and get rid of brush on the ground to make sure that there aren't fires, because when there are fires, people get shot in the head on live television and a guy gets murdered.


Firemen are heroes in what they do. But that mission is different. That's your responding to an emergency. The Secret Service's job is not to respond to an emergency, it's to prevent one. Sadly, they have become entirely an emergency response team. Something happens in the air, we got to look at the air picture. We've been telling you about the air picture. Something happens from the high ground. My gosh, we got to look at more CS assets, counter-sniper assets. We've been telling you for counter-sniper assets. Something comes in from the sea, we've been telling you about the sea. Now we got to look at water assets. We've been telling you about the damn water assets. So what's behind this tweet and this whistleblower, who is right, with Josh Hawley is this. They have asked the Secret Service so many times for security enhancements on the Donald Trump detail that the answer has been no so many times. They just been told to stop asking. Look at the letter from Hawley's office, and you'll see in this middle paragraph, he He's going to mention specifically this, something I've told you about over and over and over. The Secret Service whistleblower, he's acknowledging that the lead agent for a trip submits a manpower request to the local field office, in this case, Pittsburgh, says, Here's what I need to secure the place.


It includes the number of personnel and other assets needed to secure the event. That then goes up the chain to what I told you, the PO, the Office of Protective Operations for final approval. According to the whistleblower, officials within this office, where Ron Roe and them were, preemptively informed the Pittsburgh field office that the Butler rally wasn't going to get this additional security because Trump's a former president. It has nothing... Do you understand what a catastrophe this is? Him being a former president has It has absolutely nothing to do with his threat level. Nothing. Obama is a former president. Folks, from what I hear from my sources, his threat level isn't that high, thankfully.


Thank the Lord. I'm not using his name in vain.


George W. Bush is, after his presidency was relatively high. There were still some threats I can't get into, so they took measures. There were some infiltrations. It was that thing that happened at his house. Donald Trump is through the roof. So you're now telling me everybody knows, including the professionals on his detail, that they have a really serious security problem, and headquarters are saying, Well, we're not going to address the security problem because he's a former president? Then what's the point? Let him get his own security then. That's why they stopped asking. The Pittsburgh field office was probably so used to hearing no that they were like, Don't even ask. They're just going to tell you no. And what's the Secret Service been wasting their time on? Judicial Watch, August 23rd, 2024. Secret Service records reveal DEI is prioritized for all agency employees in every action, every day. Ladies and gentlemen, this DEI stuff, which is racist. It is unquestionably racist. Judging people by skin color in order to give them a job or a promotion is racist by nature, period. There is no arguing that. And when you start engaging in racist DEI type behavior, which is why the left is running from the term now, if they're so proud of it, when someone says something like, Hey, Joe Biden said that he was going to prioritize DEI, why are you in such a panic if you're so proud of it?


Listen to me. This is going to get someone else killed. Someone else has already been a murder at this site. Something else is going to happen. You're going to remember the day you heard it on this show, and I hope I'm wrong, because that place has fallen apart. Until you get leaders in there with balls that ripped this DEI crap out and say, We are not going to protect the President, the vice president, or a significant presidential candidate with anything but the best in the country, former SWAT guys, former Delta guys, hardened street cops, military officers, people who have the PT and shooting and intellectual abilities to provide complicated security plans and complete them, then don't do the job. And don't do it.


All right, folks, yesterday was a huge news day. I'm not even halfway through the show yet. So much stuff happened. Jack Smith, the Special Counsel, this guy is an absolute Communist.


He has indicted Donald Trump yet again. Again, I'm voting for the outlaw. I know you are, too. If there was ever evidence of just a scum Out of control, authoritarian tyrant, taking power into his own hands and abuse it. I've never seen it more than Jack Smith. Folks, I'm not kidding. I'm starting to believe there's something seriously wrong this guy. There are neurons not connecting you. He doesn't seem to get it. This guy has lost every single significant public corruption case in his life for overreach. The Supreme Court just smacked him in the ass again on his ridiculous theory about Trump trying to steal the election or whatever. And what does he do? He draws up a The superseding indictment that I'm sorry to tell you is mostly the same stuff. Kyle Cheney, who's a lefty, but he's not wrong here, notes the biggest change appears to be the Jeff Clark, co-conspirative for, and Trump's efforts to talk to...


No, he wrote you a commandee or the DOJ.


This is why I put up these lefties.


Just show how stupid these people are.


In support of his effort, have been removed. So they did two things. They got rid of Jeff Clark off the case, who was one of President Trump's attorneys, and his communications with the DOJ OJ, which were unquestionably official, because of the Supreme Court ruling that official acts are protected and immune, they took that out. Here's the thing. Go read the indictment. Nearly everything else in the indictment is an official act, too.


Now, I'm going to put this together for you.


Folks in the chat, are you asking this question? Some of you may be saying, Dan, why is he doing this? It is backfiring. Trump's only going to raise more money off it. Every time they indict him, he goes up in the polls. I even saw lefties yesterday like, Oh, my gosh. I'm not kidding. When is enough enough with these idiots?


Here's why. Jack Smith is a garbage person.


He is human garbage. He knows he's an awful attorney and an awful person, and he knows he's likely to get spanked on this thing yet again. But he wants to drain President Trump before the election. His goal is to somehow, anyhow, pull him off the trail, cost him more money in legal and travel expenses, and keep him bogged down like the awful Judge Merchan, another authoritarian, did in New York. He doesn't have any other way to do it than to go through Judge Chutkin, the Obama-appointed tyrant in Washington, DC, to do it. Smith and Chutkan, in a supposedly independent judicial system, are working together to do two simple things: prolonged of law fare to keep Trump off the trail and preoccupied and to drain him of funds. That is it. That is nothing. There's nothing else involved. This case is garbage. Jack Smith has been legally smacked around so many times. He doesn't care. Jack Smith, there's something not right about this guy. He's not even like your normal authoritarian in that he's too dumb to realize that number one, he's probably going to get smacked down again and look like an idiot and give Trump a big win before the election.


But second, the Trump team's already learned. You're going to do law fair? We'll fundraise off it and we'll use the money to finance ads against you. Good. Everybody should go and donate to the Trump team today just because of this idiot. They are not going to let this go. I told you when this guy was appointed, he is one of the worst legal minds in the entire country. He's either a moron or a Communist. There's no other option here. Or both. Good point.


Another thing that breaks yesterday.


This is your home for news. Another conspiracy theory comes true. What's our batting average?


A hundred thousand. A hundred thousand? Is that even a batting average? I think a thousand is probably that.


We are batting 999.999 with a little bit of room for error, but you can round up. We haven't been wrong yet.


That's a lot of at-bats. You're right. That's a darn lot of at-bats. That's like 4,000 at-bats in a season. That's a lot of extra in the games, folks.


What did we tell you about January sixth?


We've been telling you about... Well, we told you a lot of things. This isn't the pipe, I'm sorry. This is about the Capitol.


That there were people within the Trump administration who warned repeatedly, talk to Cash Patel about this, repeatedly, Hey, there may be instigators in the crowd. We may have an issue on January sixth. Let's get the place secured. And the lefty said, And the company Really? Here's Nancy Pelosi in a video just released, ironically taken by her daughter.


I don't know what they were doing, some documentary or something that day, where Nancy Pelosi basically admits to that exact thing.


She tries to blame Trump, but she's like, Yeah, man, we really should have gotten these people out here. It's incredible how we are like, We just cannot...


We're not even bunting anymore. Here, watch this.


In stopping the validation of the President of the United States? How many times have been the members asked, are we prepared? Are we prepared? When we prepare, Why not? We can't do it once. It's only the National Bar.


Now, it could have been here to see.


You can make stuff with this meeting, but it will have totally failed. We got to take some response to know that we're not here that this is for not to live in this environment, but what could have happened. Is there any clear bit of evidence now that Pelosi...


How many times the members have to ask, Are we prepared?


They knew. They knew there were going to be instigators there. Yet they're trying to pin this on you like you did something wrong. Pelosi's knee deep in this thing. Now does the pipe bomb scandal start to make sense.


Folks, I'm going to put it all together for you. I need you to put down what you're doing, unless it's important. You're feeding your baby, you're doing something critical. If you're operating heavy equipment, do not put it down.


But if you're just sitting around and you're getting ready to put a few lumps in the coffee, take a TO.


I'm going to lay out for you in a paragraph what I am absolutely firmly committed to happened on January sixth. They had to stop They, meaning the Democrats and probably some swampy Republicans. They had to stop certification questioning from happening. Remember, January sixth is certification day where they all certify the vote and you have effectively a president Biden and a vice president-elect, Harris. Everybody track it. I don't mean to restate the obvious, but there are some liberals listening.


That was when they officially became president-elect and vice president-elect. There were significant I have significant problems with the 2020 election, too numerous to listen.


Pennsylvania, mail-in, balloting, all of it. I have zero doubt there was significant cheating involved.


Republicans planned that day to use the legal process to protest the vote, and they all were going to be given floor time to go and make that case.


That case, I believe, was devastating.


The Democrats could not have the entire nation watching the evidence and the dirty laundry get aired. Everybody tracking? Follow me in the chat, please, because this is really important you understand that. They had to have a plan to stop the Republicans from speaking without... I mean, what were they going to do? Jump on the floor. I believe the plan was to place these two pipe bombs at the RNC in the lot near the Capitol Hill Club and at the DNC, and to have a friendly find them while Kamala Harris was there and then say, Oh, my gosh, the MAGA people are trying to kill the first Black female vice president. She was at the DNC for a quick meeting. Shut all. No more objections. Everybody just do the right thing and certify this vote or someone's going to get killed. Does that make sense to everyone? Follow the chat, guys. Put the chat up on the screen. I want to make sure you understand that. Pelosi's mad at what happened at the Capitol, obviously for obvious reasons. But I think she's also pissed off because if she would have got the National Guard to control that, what happened at the Capitol, I think their whole plan would have materialized with them finding a bomb without any of this additional stuff.


Yes, I'm telling you, this is what happened. She knows, and she must have known at that point that I don't... I'm telling you right now, I don't think they expected that to happen at the Capitol. I think they expected Something to happen, and I think there were a lot of instigators there, but I don't think they expected that to happen. And that's what their initial plan was these pipe bombs. And then when the pipe bombs were discovered, they didn't need it because they were like, Now we've got this riot. We'll just use that to shut the thing down. But then everyone was like, Well, what the hell are we going to say about these pipe bombs? We just found them. And someone must have told someone, Stand down. Now, let me put the cherry on the top of this. From an extremely well-placed source, media people. Taking notes. I'll be right again. So you're going to be ready, folks? You're six months ahead of the news cycle right now. Flag it again. Flags in the chat. One more time. The Deuceru today from an extremely well-placed source.


This is how I know they did not want anyone to find who placed the pipe bombs because it was probably some anti-Trump activist working with some of these people.


A friend on the scene who was working in a capacity, let's say on that day, was tasked with finding the pipe bomber quickly when nobody knew who it was and what was going on. The oddest thing happened. Just a short time after he was told, Hey, man, go dispatch and find that guy. He was told, Don't you worry, stand down, and don't you ask any questions.






That happened. Source, again, is unimpeachable.


Photo evidence to prove it, by the way.


Don't doubt me. Don't doubt me. This source was told to stand down.




Because they didn't want you to know anything about these things because the Capitol riot broke out. They said, Hey, we've already got a riot. We don't need these pipe bombs anymore. Let's make it go away. Tell everyone it was a training exercise. I hope you're flagging that because when it all comes out in six months, you'll be like, We already knew that. We heard it on the Dan Bongino show.


That's why we're the number one That's right.


I want to get to this as well because I teased it in the beginning of the show, and I hate teases if I don't come through in the clutch.


Folks, yesterday, I discussed this story Disturbing arrest of the Telegram CEO.


He's being detained in France of Pavel Dora. It is one of the most frightening, authoritarian things I've ever seen.


I'm telling you as a friend, I've been to France.


It's a lovely country. I've been all over the place there. It's very nice. I'm not trying to be a jerk about this or anything. There's a lot of good people in France. They were very nice to us.


I'm telling you as a friend, I would not visit France.


If you are a MAGA hat wearing, conservative, you are seriously at risk.


I can't go back.


I can't.


There is zero chances an equity holder in Rumbel, a free speech platform like Telegram, that I'd probably make it out of there.


I was probably spying on when I was there.


I can't go back, which sucks because my wife really enjoys it over there, and I like my kids to see the world.


I can't go back.


The reason they arrested Pavel is clear. Telegram was being used by by MAGA people and populists around the world to fight the blob and the swamp.


That's it.


That's the top-line message. You want a more thorough review?


Listen to yesterday's podcast where I feature clips by the great Mike Benz, who does incredibly detailed analysis on the blob and the role in Telegram in fighting the blob.


It's basically a mechanism to organize, and the blob hates it. The blob only likes Telegram when they can use Telegram to to advance the blob's causes. One of the blob's causes is the preservation and expansion of NATO with no accountability. Nato, of course, is a military alliance that was designed initially to fight the encroachment of communism, but has now morphed into this military alliance that's become more of a bureaucratic blob than anything. Nato does not want anybody asking questions about what it's doing, ever. When populist movements like the MAGA Movement are like, Hey, what's going on in Ukraine? Nato NATO doesn't want questions. So they go to war through their surrogates and proxies with anyone who asks questions.


Here is why they hate Donald Trump, Telegram, TruSocial, Humble and X. Do you remember when this happened?


Right to NATO's face.


The guy who runs NATO, right to his face on live television. Donald Trump said this about NATO military funding and the German pipeline. And man, this was the end. After this, they realized this guy was a real threat to their little blob bureaucracy. Check this out.


It's very sad when Germany makes a massive oil and gas deal with Russia, where you're supposed to be garnering against Russia, and Germany goes out and pays billions and billions of dollars a year to Russia. So we're protecting Germany, we're protecting France, we're protecting all of these countries. And then numerous of the countries go out and make a pipeline deal with Russia, where they're paying billions of dollars into the coffers of Russia. So we're supposed to protect you against Russia, but they're paying billions of dollars to Russia, and I think that's very inappropriate. And the former Chancellor of Germany is the head of the pipeline company that's supplying the gas. Ultimately, Germany will have almost 70% of their country controlled by Russia natural gas. So you tell me, is that appropriate? I've been complaining about this from the time I got in. It should have never been allowed to have happened. But Germany is totally controlled by Russia because they were getting from 60 to 70% of their energy from Russia and a new pipeline. And you tell me if that's appropriate, because I think it's not. And I think it's a very bad thing for NATO, and I don't think it should have happened.


And I think we have to talk to Germany about it. On top of that, Germany is just paying a a little bit over 1%, whereas the United States, in actual numbers, is paying 4.2% of a much larger GDP. So I think that's inappropriate also.


Folks, I'm asking you as a friend as a soldier in this Bungino army with you, share that clip.


It is the single, probably most important clip. If you'd like to understand why establishmentarians from Republican parties, conservative movements, liberal movements, communist movements, even some swampy Conservatives who've lost their way. This is why they hate him. He went into office and started asking common sense questions. Why are we financing NATO when the countries we're supposed to protect are not only not financing their own defense, but are building pipelines to Russia to enrich a country that later on invaded Ukraine that wants to join NATO, that we would then have to join the war to then fight the Russians who were being financed by a NATO country? Is anybody asking this question? That is the single most important clip you can watch. That clip there set the world on fire, and he did it in front of the entire world. He started asking questions. And there is nothing, the deep state, the blob, the stupid state, the silly state, whatever you want to call it, the international blob, the NGOs, the government, the big liberal money, the swampy Republicans, some defense companies that are read into this. There is nothing they hate more than a guy not only asking questions, but doing it in front of the whole world.


Why are you guys building a pipeline to Russia to enrich Russia? You want us to to spend you at NATO, and you're not even financing your own military? Now, do you see why Telegram, TruSocial, X, and Rumbel, why they've all become public enemy number one in the eyes of the European Union and others that all work together with these other blob entities to make sure the money keeps flowing and nobody asks questions? I'm telling you right now, that is the single most important clip you will ever see of Donald Trump. He was the one guy who picked up on this scam. Nato can be effective. I'm not telling you it's useless.


I'm just telling you, nobody wants anybody asking questions, and something's got to change with our arrangement with NATO now. That's why something big is going to happen before the election. Get ready. This isn't the last arrest.


Folks, thanks again for tuning in. 161,000. Yes. Yes, right. I like 160.


150 was a big deal. Thank you so much. You guys are the best.


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I'll see you on the radio show here on Rumbl in just a few minutes, and back here tomorrow at 11:00 AM. You just heard the Dan Bongino Show.