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Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino.


Friday is always a loaded news day, as you know, because we got to get to all the stuff we didn't get through throughout the week. But today is a very loaded news day because there's a lot going on that somehow managed to seep beneath the surface because mainstream media is ignoring it, because it reflects poorly on the Biden administration. What do I mean by things going on? Amnesty is back, it's back amnesty, the sequel talking about immigration, amnesty, you know about that gun grabbing.


It's back to that's not the sequel. That's the. Quinn, well, who knows how many times they've tried to take your guns, earmarks are back to you know about that. I also have the single worst op ed by a liberal I have ever seen written in human history, comparing home school parents and others who believe in crazy things like school choice, Joe, comparing them to Middle Eastern terrorists, their words, not mine.


Today show about you, about friends that express VPN, you don't like big tech and government spying on you, me either. Go get a VPN Express, VPN, Dotcom Bungeni. Welcome to Dan Bongino. So let's get right to it. I've got that. Also going to open the show today with one of my. Burgeoning rock stars in the conservative movement government, Christie, Governor Christie Noem, excuse me, of South South Dakota with another terrific appearance.


All right. Today's show, a bunch of our friends at, as I said, express VPN. You don't have to give big tech websites access to your data. Why would you do that? Why would you do that? I choose to protect my online activity using Express VPN. So does my whole household ever wondered how free to access social media companies make all their money? Well, they track your searches, video history and everything you click on and then they sell your valuable data.


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It is Friday from. Today, yes, it is always shocking to me to hear that brings back the halcyon days of talk radio pre the great Rush Limbaugh.


Rest in peace, my friend, and let's hit the bell because we, you know, be very nice.


We will call that now on the Rush Limbaugh bill that OK, I think we should do that every day.


Yeah, we have the Kenny Bell right here at the way our new video producer guy was suggesting that we should maybe go to our two shot cameras so you can see the whole desk sometime. We have all kinds of props from listeners and stuff here. The Kenny right there. Maybe we'll incorporate that into the future. All right. Some just quick news here. First, a couple of personal privilege items. Number one, folks, because I have a public profile, there are a ton of scams out there using my name.


I have repeatedly posted this on Facebook, on my social media. I have warned people getting scammed left and right. Let me be clear about a couple of things. I do not have a CBD oil company. I have a sponsor with a product that includes CBD oil, if you get an email or a video or a Facebook thing or a link from Dan Bongino, CBD oil, it is a scam. It is a scam. OK, I'm not talking about one of my sponsors that has a product.


I'm talking about a product using my name. It is a scam. You got it. If you see a video, look, Dan Bongino, CBD oil. It is a scam. They are stealing your money. Again, I'm not talking about the sponsors on my show. I'm talking about a separate entity. You'll if you get it, you'll know it. Secondly, if. Yeah, our sponsors are on the website Bungeni that sponsors. Secondly, if you are on my Facebook page and someone responds to a comment you made pretending to be me and says you've won five thousand dollars or a thousand dollars, it is a scam.


It's not real. I can't believe I have posted this repeatedly. I have a pin posted on of my page. Do not give your credit card number to anyone on my Facebook page. It's a scam. They do it everywhere. On Ben Shapiro's page, it is a group of scammers from Indonesia. It's a scam. They do it on Shapiro's page down juniors page, former President Trump's page or what's left of it and his team. It's a scam.


Listen to me. I want to be crystal clear, really, because I love you to death and you have no idea how many people think they want. Ten thousand dollars for commenting on my Facebook page. Why don't you block them down? Because the minute you block them, they come right back up again is nothing you can do. They will not stop. It's a team of people who do it. There will never, ever, ever be a giveaway on my Facebook page.


Ever, ever. Please. I hate to waste time on this, but I cannot watch another person lose money. They are stealing your credit card number. I do not comment on my Facebook page. I comment on posts. I do not comment in the comments section. That is not me. It's a scam. I'm sorry, but I just can't see you lose any more money. Second, a personal request. The great Don Jr. Donald Trump Junior is now on Rumball.


Please go subscribe to his account as videos. There are awesome rumball dotcom slash Donald J. Trump Jr. J.R. So Donald J. Trump J.R. Rumble Dotcom slash. Donald J. Trump Geragos subscribe to. Let's get him over one hundred thousand subscribers. He's been kicking butt. All right, let's get into the content. Here is one of my rising stars in the growing conservative bench, Governor Christie Noem of South Dakota, who's been setting the world on fire, refusing to cave to liberal tyranny.


Got them. All right. Sorry, we haven't done that in while little fruit fly on the desk. My apologies. I cannot let that sucker get away with he's just harassing me at this point, flying in my face, letting them know who's in charge. No more. I'm in charge now. Here is the great Governor Christie Noem. If Donald Trump does not run into, what, in twenty twenty four, I'm getting a look from politics then a descent this.


Kristi Noem ticket would be spectacular. Here's Kristi Noem asked by a member of the media in South Dakota. If there should be not only a massive mandate, but a double mask mandate, you should have to wear a deuce a to ski. Check out her response. She's terrific.


You've been resistant to implement mask mandates. You're skeptical of their efficacy.


I never said that. Joe, don't put words in my mouth. Well, humor me here.


What I've said is the appropriate mask at the appropriate time, utilized correctly and kept sanitary can make a difference. But I also don't believe it's my role to mandate that people wear a mask. I've left for the entire year up to personal responsibility to make the best decisions for them and their families.


And I'll continue to do that now that the CDC is recommending to me as well.


The CDC has changed their recommendations many, many times. In fact, we've seen the CDC change their recommendations based on political pressure in the past. I choose to rely on science and data and facts and masks can work in certain situations if you're wearing the right kind and you're doing it appropriately. But I'm not going to mandate it. It's not an argument over whether masks work or if they don't work. I've never argued that what I argue is the mandate.


I think the mandate is inappropriate for government to come in and mandate that somebody wear a mask. And I think it's inappropriate for us to shame people who choose not to wear a mask. That's not what America is about and it's not what South Dakota's about. So no double mask mandates coming, not coming in South Dakota.


So I will not be doing that, that's for sure.


I I'm starting to really love Kristi Noem in the political way. Political love, political. The love is growing by the day. She is up there with Ron this at this as two of the finer conservative thought leaders responsible. Almost like the field generals we need right now in this movement. She's just doesn't cave to these dopey, you know, nonsensical liberal talking point questions, are you going to mandate why not mandate seven masks? Why not twenty two masks?


Why not mandate 47 masks? Why not have like a mask beak that goes out to here? I burn myself real. Do you see that on camera. I burn myself so bad. The other day I put some more. I like to drink green tea and I put the I must have put the thing on like twenty two minutes instead of two minutes or something. So the water came out like on fire. Can water go on fire like in flames.


And I went and grabbed the teacup and it hit the, the, the thing and it was like a third.


You got to look at this. This is bad. Check this out. OK, now it looks a little that was like but that's a nasty burn. Sorry, yeah, skin masks and medical problems and dilemmas. That's pretty gross, right? I love Kristi Noem in the what, most political professional way possible because, you know, cancel culture and stuff. Oh, my gosh. You can't say that. I could say whatever I want on my show.


But I'm telling you, in twenty twenty four, if Donald Trump doesn't run again, Ronda Santurce from Florida and Kristi Noem from South Dakota should seriously consider venturing into national politics. They have just been terrific on these issues. You want to wear a mask, wear a mask, you want to wear to wear, too. You want to wear 10 conehead. We used to have this expression in the Secret Service, right? You know what it was called?


Get ready for a job. This is very scientific. You could write a book and leadership about this one topic. You know, the expression was Armacost. It was big boy rules, folks. In other words, when you go overseas on a big advance, it was a very dangerous trip and you were part of the Secret Service team, there was nobody watching you every day. Everybody sent you out to do your little task. We had an airport guy secured the airport, a site guy who secured the major site, a lead advance, a technical security guy, a motorcade guy.


And shockingly, Joe, you know what? No one was breathing over your shoulder because we were all big boys. So we used to call it big boy rules. If you're an adult who can think straight, I know liberals can't. You want a government mandate for everything because you have intellectual IQ is in the double low double digit range. I might add, you know, like 10 and 11 and stuff. Not like ninety nine and ninety eight.


I get it. You need the government, your daddy daddy government to tell you everything. Oh, daddy government. I need to wear a mask so wear a freaking mask. Why do you need a government bureaucrat to tell you we have a mask of people. Put the mask. I have bad elbows. I literally cannot reach my own ears. This is not a joke. This is me. I cannot. That's how far my arms and shoulders go.


Not a joke. I'm not trying to be funny. This I cannot reach my own ears. Here's how I put a mask on. Because I don't need daddy government to tell me, OK, I have to take it with my right arm. If you've see me do this in public, you know I'm not messing with it. I have to expand the thing. Get it on this here. Hold the bottom with a little bit of my my left.


If you watching on Rumball Dotcom, you can see the darn mess dynamic's. I then have to take the other one because I can barely reach the ear, but I have to go. I push the ear back. It's like a twenty second embarrassing process because of my arthritis. My joints don't work. I don't need daddy government to put a video together showing me how to wear seventy two masks. If you love masks and you think it is going to save you from the coronavirus, great.


Good for you. Follow whatever guidance you like. You don't need daddy government to tell you everything and the reporting you got on top of that, she's like that. You want to just why do you need a mandate? Just wear it. And, you know, I said a long time ago and liberals lost their minds because they're losers and idiots, a lot of them in the media. I said, I'm not anti mask, I'm anti stupidity, and of course, Dan Bongino, because they just can't listen.


They're not dumb. You can play them the clips. Dan Bongino says he's not anti masculinity. Stupide. What's the quote? Dan Bongino is the best because they're morons.


Kristi Noem is not a. m. you just told you you want to wear a mask, wear a mask. The CDC guidance has been all over the place on it. You want to wear one women, I don't need to mandate it, she says I'm not at the mask, I'm anti stupidity. Amen, sister, I'm with you. You all love met, wear masks. I've worn them. I wear them. Now, there are businesses down here in Florida, even though there's no statewide mandate that, say, wear a mask to come in.


I put the back where I kept my food. I walk out. Why is this such a big deal to grown adults? You don't want to go into business with a Maska. Don't go with the business. Just don't go. Oh, my gosh. Has there ever been a debate in American history which dumbs down the population as much as much as this alleged mass dispute? There's no dispute. You love them. You're really convinced it helps. Good.


Where it terrific. I'm not against you. I don't shame mask wearers. I know I'm high risk, I don't to look at you here, I go back. So leave us alone, you think the people who don't have a mask on outside, not even indoors, walking their dog, you think they're an existential threat to your life? Work on the other side of the street? This isn't hard. Of course, this whole segment, again, because liberals have low double digit IQ as we have high quality bias, despite me clearly just saying the opposite, I'm anti stupid.


If you really are convinced this is your salvation, then just wear it. What's that? What's so hard about this? Oh, my gosh, it's just really complicated. You need the government to tell you everything. The news guy got a foul 30 seconds mandate. Next thing you know, it'll be seven mask's, seven masks. Well, have you remember the Spanish flu masks, Joe? Back in the day, they they had the long beaks on them.


You see them. And like these like remember those at the time they were loaded with, like, flowery stuff because they thought it would keep the disease out. Yeah, that's going to be next. It's just going to be the paper masks. I mean, Glenn Beck did a segment where he tried to see if it was really funny how many masks he could put on to his ears folded. I think he got up to like 20 masks. I mean, folks, you got to breathe at some point.


Can we bring some reason back to this that really this segment, this is horrible because I was supposed to spend not the segments horrible, but this was a last minute throw in the Kristi Noem thing. And it's seriously, you know, like the cadence of my show is supposed to be like video and like a minute of commentary and move on. It was more effective in my notes, but you can see him. That's gross. That was just when I was playing with it.


He was playing with me and he now is suffering the consequences, just felt like blew away. The segment was supposed to be about Kristi Noem, not about masks. But I you know, I'm sorry. I just got off on a little bit of a tangent. I'm getting a hint here that we have to do another spot, so this is the new hint, they throw the stuff up on the teleprompter. It's like a new routine here. I don't know how cool I am with this kind of dictate when my show goes.


But that's all right. I play along a little while. All right. After this spot here. You have a say on radio. I've got to get to this Washington Examiner amnesty, Amnesty's back, Amnesty's back out a little bit of a blowout with Geraldo Rivera last night on the Hannity show. I love debating harangue wrong about immigration because. Yeah, shocker. I know the big guys are all those typically wrong on immigration. And he uses emotion all the time.


He doesn't seemingly use reason. And we had a pretty fiery debate last night. So I'm going to get to that in a second. I going to replay it. I'm just going to get the right into the content. Right. Today's show brought to you by our friends at Personal Defense Network. What is Personal Defense Network and why does it matter to you? Well, it should matter because 20/20 has brought a lot of unforeseen upheaval to our society, a lot of people realize that sadly the police may not always be there and the ability to defend yourself and your families never mattered more.


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I'm I'm just messing with you. I like everybody to be part of the show I was just messing with. He could throw the spots in any time.


So I totally get back to this amnesty thing because it's kind of a big deal, folks. You know, immigration is a process, right? Can we all agree, Joe? Immigration is a process. If it wasn't a process, we would call it just border crossing, correct? Right. Yeah, you would just cross borders. So why do we call that immigration? Because it's meant to. Indicate that there's some process for doing it or else we would just call it again, border crossing and traveling.


So immigration is a process, so the Democrats hate the process. The Democrats have always loved open borders, national security be damned. They don't really care about a lot of that stuff. They'll put seventy two thousand National Guard troops in the capital. But God forbid you put any on the border. We don't want that. So they're back, of course, the minute Biden got. Elected, it pains me to say. He moved radically to the left.


Look at this article in The Wall Street Journal. This is the beef I had with Geraldo last night on ABC's Not Wall Street Journal. I'm sorry, Washington Examiner, about amnesty. It's back. It's back. Folks like Jason Voorhees and Friday the 13th, Part 76, amnesty is back. Washington Examiner will be in the show notes. You can check out our show notes every day. Bunshiro dot com newsletter, the newsletter. As the show notes, I encourage you to subscribe to the newsletter, get all these terrific articles by the great Paul Bedard.


Biden backed immigration bill to let the deported back in an amnesty for 20 million. What could possibly go wrong there, Joe? I'd like to make a few points I made in my dispute last night with Geraldo Rivera on Hannity about this.


Folks, arguments about immigration tend to get emotional and this is what this new Democrat package is going to do, and I'm going to give you three points to debate your liberal friends about immigration. That would seem like common sense if you're listening to my show again. But if you have a liberal friend, the IQ is are probably on the low side. So it may be tough to explain. So I'm going to give you three three. Some of you get the joke doing that all week.


Three things, three takeaways to debate your friends on the immigration issue. First, from the Washington Examiner piece, what's this new amnesty Biden amnesty proposal going to do by name? Don't call it any different. Always make your arguments very simple. No need to talk yourself into a Wheaties box. OK, you have to make your arguments simple. The Biden amnesty program. This is what a new Democratic immigration package backed by President Biden is already coming under fire because it would extend amnesty and citizenship to nearly 20 million immigrants, a population five times out of Los Angeles and would even extend an invitation to return to those recently deported.


How exactly does that one work? So you come here illegally because. You don't like the process, the process not that's not for me, Joe. So you're from another country, wherever it may be, South America, Central America, Canada, Europe, Russia, for that matter. You say to yourself. I'm just going to cross the border, sir. There's a process for that you have to go through a legal process on access. You have to show a visa passport for me.


I'm not interested in the process. I'm going to do me your rules be damned. Double barrel, middle finger. I'm not interested, Joe. I'm just going to do my own thing. Interesting how the Democrats loved centralized government power. They just don't like government power when it stops people from entering the country. According to the government's own edict, mandates and laws that they don't like government power, then they just want you to be you are the sovereign Joe of your own body in your own travels that you shouldn't have to answer to government at all.


Is that apply to taxes in Obamacare? No, no. Only on immigration do you have individual liberty. You should be able to do what you want. I should be able to not pay taxes if you'll go right to jail. Big government matters, big government knows more than you. But what about immigration? No, no, no big government that no matter and you just do your own thing, no one really catches that hypocrisy. So here's what I find in immigration debates.


And you have to you can't get into the weeds with liberals on immigration because, one, they don't know the weeds. They don't know anything. You just have to keep it high level and get out of the emotion, because what happens is they typically make it an emotional argument like Araldo did last night during the Hannity segment. They'll say things, Joe, like brother said last night, but Dan. I don't have a good Araldo voice and pretend this is a problem for me, but then what a painful I know.


What about the dreamers? What about the dreamers brought here when they were children? They had by no fault of their own. I love this country. They deserve a path to citizenship. A lot of emotion in there, Joe. Yeah, fair enough. Not nothing, he said, is inaccurate, there are people who were brought to the country very young. Nothing to do. They know six, seven years old and walk across themselves.


They've been here their whole lives, probably not inaccurate either, large numbers of them probably probably have no nothing else in the United States. But ladies and gentlemen, that's not a policy debate. That's you injecting personal stories to elicit an emotional response so we don't have a policy debate.


Because then it becomes about that, you get what I'm saying, Joe, and then it becomes about the emotion where if you propose a policy. That would lead to a more efficient immigration process, people who engaged the way Heraldo does on immigration using emotion. So you're just an uncompassionate conservative and you're clearly a xenophobe and you're like way.


Wait. I'm just asking questions every time. So lesson number one, when you're debating immigration policy and never, ever, ever forget this. Emotion is not a policy fix, and you have to handle those stories and anecdotes, Faraldo used to elicit an emotional response. You have to handle them with the same response every time. Listen, I appreciate it, although I appreciate you bringing it up. And what you're saying is not inaccurate. There are a lot of really hard cases in the United States of people who've been brought here by no fault of their own.


But we have a process for that. Joe. It's called the court system, right? Yes, chequing, yes, that's it. We have immigration courts for really hard cases where judges can determine if that person given the circumstances. Is legally eligible to stay in the United States or not. We have a court system. And the court system doesn't run on emotion, it runs on policy. So no one don't ever get caught up in the emotion.


You can say I respect your position, whatever it may be, but that's not a policy fix, and don't let them get you into the emotional argument. It's about policy policy. When other law breaking happens because illegal immigration is a violation of the law. Liberals do this all the time with emotion to do they say something like. You know, listen, the guy got caught on tape beating a guy with a bat in Flatbush, Brooklyn. That actually happened.


It was a viral video. But we have to remember, you know, people there have been subject to discrimination forever, low socioeconomic status. And that specific area, people said, yeah, OK, nothing you're saying is inaccurate. That doesn't excuse, you know, an attack on someone and a violation of law is a violation of the law and should be discussed as a violation of the law. And we should discuss the law as to how it leads to a more equitable society for everyone.


Don't get lost in emotional arguments. That's not a fix, emotion is not a policy fix. Second point on immigration. Araldo brought up the fact that, well, the dreamers deserve a path to citizenship. We have a path to citizenship, Joe. You know what it's called. And it's called citizenship. There you go. And certainly we do have that. I know we went through it in my household here, there is a path to citizenship.


It's called the citizenship path or to make it easier for liberals, it's called the path to citizenship. We actually have one. So when you say things like dreamers and the lies then about, by the way, what people deserve, that's not what the law is about, OK? Because what people deserve is a subjective measure, not an objective one, because Joe's a smart guy. I'm sometimes a smart guy. Joe thinks he deserves a lot of things.


That's right. So do I. But that doesn't mean we get them. You know, I think I deserve a salary of seventy two million a year. It doesn't mean I get to impose that on other taxpayers. Pay me seventy two million. Don't ask me where I got that number from. I just a lot of 70s in today's show. I just made it up. Joe's skills are legendary for Joe. Probably thinks he deserves at least. Seven hundred twenty mil, but that doesn't mean taxpayer support goes like, yeah, that's fair.


I like that deal yet. Doesn't mean taxpayers should have to pay it. The law is not about what people deserve. So saying dreamers deserve stop, stop, time out. I don't argue what people do. That's not the law, that's an emotional argument. I'm not arguing with you about what you think people deserve. That's an emotional argument, not a legal one. So I'm going back to rule number one, don't get don't let them do emotional arguments, talk policy, but second.


You know, and you recognize the emotion because you don't want to look completely non compassionate, but this is important. I'm not messing with you folks. This is how we've got to learn to be better debaters here. But second, when people say things like someone deserves a path to citizenship, responded immediately by saying we have a path to citizenship called the path to citizenship. And until you recognize that it's useless to engage in this debate any further, if you want to debate changing the path to citizenship, fine.


But making nonsensical talking points like dreamers deserve a path to citizenship. It's not a it's a talking point, not based in reality. There is a path to citizenship. Again. Called citizenship. He did something else yesterday, too, and something we have to be hip to and savvy to. I see this in the immigration debate all the time. When using emotion, they'll say things like, well, what are you going to do with them? The millions who are here by no fault of their own worked hard.


And I said there, although last night. I said, you know, Haraldur, you're missing the what we'll call the and then what effect? The great Thomas Sowell is famous for this, asking questions like, OK, you want to propose an immigration amnesty because you believe a lot of children are here by no fault of their own then one.


What happens then? Liberals never do the and then what question, because liberals are not deep thinkers, that's why they're liberals. If they were deep thinkers, they wouldn't be liberals. CNN, what effect is this? So let's say you do give amnesty to 20 million people and a million are kids who were brought here by, quote, no fault of their own or whatever it may be. Then what happens? Have you thought through the consequences of that for other people, Central South America, Canada or any other country in the world, because immigration and illegal immigration is not only from Central America and South America.


Matter of fact, large populations of people in the country illegally. Ah, here on visa overstays to. But then what happens to those people who say to themselves, Joe, because these aren't stupid people, they can figure things out. Liberals like to treat everyone like they're idiots. They're not. They say to themselves, like, wow, that was pretty cool. So my friend Bobby entered the country illegally into the United States, brought his kids.


Bobby just e-mailed me and said, hey, this is great. I'm going to be a citizen next week. Meanwhile, you're a sucker standing on line at the consulate or embassy somewhere waiting to come into the United States through the legal process. And, Joe, fairly enough, right. Are you not, like, scratching your head, going, yeah, what the hell am I doing this stupid thing for right now? Am I missing something? Not because people are smart and then people say, and then what?


OK, so they're granting amnesty to people who entered the country illegally. And then what does that mean for me, it means I'm an idiot for standing on line, paying ten thousand dollars in visa applications and other associated fees to get my citizenship the right way and get it to the United States. Why am I doing that? I should just enter the country illegally. Liberals don't do. And then what? Ever.


Ever. But we haven't done that, the head scratching effect, because you can't guarantee that Joe's mechanical head. We're going to call all our effects. We're going to name them after that is the official Rush Limbaugh head scratching for liberals. Everything's going to be named after Rush from now on.


So tip number one, again, don't let them bathe in emotion, stop them. Emotion is not a policy fix. Respect what you're saying, but that is not an argument about policy. You're talking about anecdotes. Second. Stop them when they say things like path to citizenship. There is one called citizenship on the immigration debate. Third, always say to them, OK, you want amnesty, then what? Then what? What happens to the millions of people around the world who then logically, because the rational.


Rational maximizers, what happens to those people say, well, why am I going through the legal process if the rewards are just as great? Do the illegal process, what what happens and watch your liberal friends go? I don't know. I never really thought that one through. Of course you did. And you're a liberal. You don't think things through. That's the hallmark of being a liberal. Dan, you sound awfully bitter, you think? Having grown up in New York and Maryland, two great states full of great people, but I have a lot of liberals and you're bathed every day in liberal stupidity, makes you a little better as you get older because you can't believe people can be so stupid to believe this mean we're going to let people in the country illegally.


And in the corner, Joe Biden's plan, even if we deport you, we're going to go bring you back in Haiti. We deport you and come on back. We'll pay for a first class ticket. Saying people are like that doesn't sound like a good idea. But if you're a liberal, henceforth largely insane, you're like, this is a great idea. What could possibly go wrong? All right, listen, on the other side of the break, I got a really troubling story.


I'm not messing with you. I'm being sarcastic here. Anything is a Reuters story popping out there that twenty nine percent of Americans, close to 30 percent, nearly a third of the country support breaking up the United States. Well, it's not an unsurprising story, sadly. But it should start having you all scratch your own heads like we've been down that road before in the country, Joe, and that didn't really go very well. And then I'm going to show you an article and reason reason dotcom, that explains why nearly a third of the country wants a national divorce and a serious one.


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Dotcom Bongino in the search bar. Get the special deal don't miss out you probably get hungry right now. I am. That's the only downside of reading that ad is that I get super hungry in the middle of the show because I love my mom. All right. So this article, this should be a real wake up call. Ladies and gentlemen, this is in Reuters. By the way, this is not some, like, super right leaning out FEJO.


Reuters is a left leaning outfit. Yeah, Reuters. So this is morning one in four Americans, it's actually closer to one in three the way want their state to secede from the United States. But why? It's actually closer, it's twenty nine percent, so it's closer to a third. Well. Proposal on why that's happening is interesting, but I'm going to give you mine. Talk about political divisions, this Manichean approach to the every single election.


But here's what's really going on, I do a lot of talking and I ran for office a couple of times, I had real jobs like you. It was a police officer, an agent, a business owner. We had a mixed martial arts company for a while, I mean, my wife and I have been around, my wife is a Web designer. You know, we've had real jobs in the real world. My brother's an electrician. My father was a plumber and the brother was a Secret Service agent.


So I talked to a lot of people. I don't live in some isolated, insulated bubble house for the last few months because I've been sick. But, you know, I'm out there in the real world and you talk to people and it's pretty clear why nearly a third of the country wants their state to secede from the union. Again, Joe, that hasn't ended well in the past. Here's my theory on this, No one is the Dan Bongino golden rule number one.


About liberals. And it's. That while conservatives see liberals as people with bad ideas. Although that's changing now based, but in the past, we generally saw liberals as people with really bad ideas, liberals have never seen you that way. And you need to be crystal clear. Clarity on this is an imperative. Liberals see you. As bad people. With ideas. Not people with bad ideas, you get that I've said this before on the show, it is the go it's golden rule number one on the Dan Bongino show.


And litany of golden rules. This is rule number one, because until you understand this, you will understand nothing else. Liberals see you conservatives as bad people with ideas, meaning your ideas don't matter. They just see you as bad people. It doesn't matter what you say. It will always be viewed as xenophobic, racist, awful, evil, whatever it may be. They're not going to debate you on the idea. You get it back to the immigration debate.


What are you going to do about the Dreamers? This is so awful. Well, you know, there's courts for that. And you have the you're evil, uncompassionate xenophobe who hates people from other countries. Where did you get that insanity? Because liberals see you as bad people. With ideas. That's why we have to get out of that box and bring them back to discussing ideas and not make it about bad people all the time, see how we tie things in.


What does that have to do with a third of the country wanting to secede from the union? Well, folks, conservatives are now getting hip to this and they're starting to figure out that there are a group of liberals, not all but a large swath of the Democrat Party right now. That it doesn't matter what you say, they see us as bad people and want to harm us. In some cases, physically antifa some of the BLM protesters who engage in violence, the videos are everywhere.


You don't need to take my word for it. Thankfully, not all of the liberals want to do that, but many liberals, if they don't want to harm you physically and you know, it's a small group who want to do that, but not not in a relevant part of the group either. They want to harm you professionally when they want to cancel you reputation. They want to destroy your reputation. They lived to do this many liberal. And conservatives are like.


I'm done. I don't want to be part of this anymore. I've tried to debate my liberal friends about school choice, economic growth, taxes. Identity politics, affirmative action, whatever it may be, and everything I say, they respond with, you're a racist, I hate you, you're a xenophobe, you hate women, you clearly don't like immigrants. You hate people from Europe, Mexico, Canada, everywhere. And you're sitting there scratching your head like, I didn't I didn't say any.


I didn't say any of that. I don't know what you're talking about. You just made that all up. And they're like, I'm done, I want out. Can we just go back to a place where sanity reigns and we can debate back and forth and not be threatened with career cancelation and reputational damage, because I dare think that maybe we should have a sensible immigration process. That's reason number one. Second is the reason I mentioned before this.


Manichean fight where everything is existential. Everything now in a lost election is at stake for you, everything. That's not the vision of the country the founding fathers had, folks. We were supposed to be. A country where federalism was the was the dominant governing system, where there were relatively limited powers to the federal government, where what they did would impact everyone, it's the federal government. What the federal government does impacts the whole country that was supposed to be limited.


And the idea was that states rights would be preserved, local governments would be predominant, and therefore you would have an impact on policy because it's your local government. Your vote would matter more. The principle of subsidiarity, look it up, means a lot here, that the most effective government is managed at the local level for a couple of reasons. Number one, local governments know the local issues pretty obvious right now, but number two, your vote matters more at the local level.


Your vote for your board is far more significant if there's only three hundred homes than your vote for president. So the idea of keeping government local meant it was manageable and more accessible to people and understandable and more subject to public pressure to change. If they do something stupid, the federal government doesn't care. They just don't because they know your personal vote is meaningless. Matter of fact, the federal government now probably thinks the entire state of Florida's votes are meaningless.


So every election we lose is seen as this Manichean end of the world fight because we're like, oh, my gosh, now that we lost Joe Biden and his administration are going to open up the borders to the country, raise my taxes, destroy my health care and keep my kids out of school, none of those decisions should be made at a national level because those policies you want should be tailored individually to states. If a state wants to engage in some, you know, keep the schools closed policy and local government, let the local governments vote them out.


I didn't explain that well, I can tell. The first part's easy. Conservatives are sick of being called racists and stuff by liberals who see them as bad people, so they want to separate from the union and get away from it. But the second part's really critical. It's the more important argument here. That if we had a system which respected federalism and the federal government did very few things, a national court system, our military. Post roads, taxes, duties, imposts and excises, where am I getting that from the Constitution for the liberals listening?


They haven't read it. But didn't do much else. Left local schooling policy to locals. Left health care policy to the states, things we were supposed to do in a federalist system. Then the loss of an election, Joe, wouldn't be that much of a horror for your life. Do you get what I'm saying? Oh, yes, I do. If you lived in Florida and you lost the presidential election and all it meant was maybe some changes in foreign policy, some minor tweaks to the tax code, you'd be like, all right, it sucks.


We lost to the Democrats, but it's not going to change my entire life. Because the federal government now does everything, every lost election does change your entire life. And therefore, people who don't want. This stuff in their lives, government intervention in their wallets and their church everywhere, like, I'm out, I'm out. Look at this chart. This is amazing. Check this out. People support for secession from the United States, for people who want to join new regional unions, the Heartland Union, the Northeast Union, the South Union, the Pacific Union and the Mountain Union support is off the charts.


People really want out. Folks, this should really freak you out. Of course, there's an easy solution, not easy to implement, candidly, it's probably impossible to implement on many people any guts, but the solutions are simple. And I'll get to the recent article. I got a break I got to take you, but I'll get to the recent article after that as to, again, why this is happening. Why everybody sees every lost national election as some end of the world fight.


Because liberals just won't leave you alone. But the solutions are easy, just reassert federalism. Of course, I say easy almost being flippant about it, because no one has the guts to do that but reassert the Constitution. Let the states do what benefits their states and pull the government out, pull it out to its constitutional role. And that sound that easy, that's because it is it's never going to happen because we don't have anybody when it cuts in government, but reinstitute our Constitution, states rights and let the government do at the federal level what the government was authorized to do by the Constitution.


My gosh, that sounds simple. Yeah, it is. And then everybody wouldn't see every lost national election as an end of the world fight. Secondly, maybe states should start to band together, not talking about in some regional secession movement, but maybe states should start doing what Democrats figured out a long time ago. Maybe state attorneys general should start getting into regional co-operatives and start suing the federal government, taking back some of their powers. I'm just saying.


Liberals do it all the time. All right, on the other side of this break, a final sponsor, Deleware, I want to get to this reason. Our guy had so much more man, I got to talk about this West Virginia Gazette. So we're going to we're going to motor through this. I got a lot of good stuff I hate when I put so much stuff together and I can't get to it because I. Fall in love with a topic on the show that was not intended, God forbid I ever had a scripted show in the teleprompter.


The executive producers of the show would go, well, I'd never use the teleprompter. I would get through the first sentence and they'd be like, I would throw the teleprompter. This makes no sense. All right. Our final sponsor day, our friends at the Daily Wire, the Hollywood elite, refused to produce this film. What film? I'll tell you in a minute. Why? Because it didn't fit their political agenda. Well, The Daily Wire doesn't believe in censorship.


So now you can stream a terrific film, run, hide, fight at daily Run, hide fight follows the story of Zoe Hall, a high school senior whose school becomes under comes under siege by four gun toting students.


Check out this trailer here. Today, the ground animal friends back there. Is it safe to say that this might be our guardian angel? You have no idea who you're dealing with. Isn't it ironic that after all your hard work, people aren't going to remember you? No, they're going to give me. Folks, the movie Spectacular, Spectacular. Daily wire subscribers can stream, run, hide, fight today at daily for free. You're not a member of the daily wire use promo code.


Dan Dan save 25 percent run hide. Fight is rated TV viewer discretion advised and I want to just had tipped The Daily Wire Ben Shapiro's operation, Jeremy and others over there for getting involved with Gina Carano, who's really been an advocate for liberty and freedom and against council culture. They're doing a lot of great things, so we should support them. All right. Just quickly, this recent article, it's in the show notes, but you need to read it again, explaining why a third of the country nearly wants to secede from the union.


Because reason, JD Tessio, forgive me if I'm saying your name wrong, JD Politics is seeping into our daily life and ruining everything. That's the actual headline. Americans are choosing jobs, brands and friends for partizan reasons, say researchers. The articles fantastic again in the show notes up on geto dot com slash newsletter. It is worth your time. I have warned you about this that liberals obsession. This is a liberal phenomenon. I'm telling you, this is a liberal phenomenon.


Accusing people. Let me restate that introducing politics into everything is a liberal phenomenon, conservatives response to it is just them fighting back to try to preserve their reputations. Liberals Hester printing with the Scarlet Letter, any conservative everywhere on Twitter at their Jobs Council culture, people, they did this. So now conservatives are responding by not wanting to associate with liberals, making job decisions, social media decisions. And you've got to read the article based purely on politics.


Well, I'm going to that car is really great, it's a really well-made car in a functioning economy full of rational maximizers. Folks, people buy a car. You know, based on what? This is not a trick question. How good the car is. Yeah. Not a joke. Jojo's a handy mechanic. So that's not what's happening now. Economic resources are being allocated in our society because liberals have pushed companies to be woak. Topi ends to quote Matt Gates from Florida.


And conservatives are responding, saying, I'm not supporting that because the same liberals supporting BLM and Antifa and companies that support them are attacking us literally in the streets. So I'm going to buy a substandard car. That's not a particularly good car because the owners of the company at least are saying. That's not how a society can continue, it's just not it is not going to happen that way. Therefore, third of the country says, you know what, they hate us.


I've made my economic decisions, my car purchasing decisions and my job decision based on economics to get away from liberals. I got a better idea. How about we just secede and get away from them altogether and start our own country here in Florida?


You're wondering what's behind this. Not hard to figure out, just open your eyes, clockwork. A Clockwork Orange, though, Stanley Kubrick. Oh. See that movie, remember that one? Oh, yeah, younger kids are like, what the hell are you talking about? That movie is a classic classic. Was Malcolm McDowell in that I think he was I think it was a young one. I'm not a culture guy always. He was right, so I always screw this stuff up.


I asked I read the book to in high school and I try to be Captain Smarty Pants, but the movie's very good. All right, can we jump ahead to the West Virginia? Is that possible? Guys screwing everybody up here on my show looking at it like that?


Oh, right away. Keep picking it up like that. Money. Money. Why am I covering this article in this op ed, because it's the I'm not kidding, folks, possibly the dumbest opinion piece I've ever read in the history of humankind. It's in the Charleston Gazette Mail. This is the most offensive piece of garbage article I have ever seen. And I'm not kidding by a bite how this got passed. And Ed, I don't know. All right.


Let's get to what's the gist of it? So there's a bill in West Virginia that's moving rapidly. It may have already been signed. Haven't got an update that allocates funds, taxpayer funds to students and not to schools. Pretty simple idea, Joe, parents are paying the taxes that fund the public schools, so crazy idea, Armacost let's give the parents the ability to control where their kids go to school and give them the money so they can actually go to a school they choose.


Crazy idea. I know if you're a liberal, that idea makes no sense because liberals are totalitarians, double digit IQ most of the time. And Joe, their take on it is what? Shut your darn mouth will tell you where your kid goes to school, you numb nuts. That's their approach. Rarely, though, do they write OP Ed's like this piece by Susan Johnson, where they it's her name, she's making herself out there, putting herself out there in the public where they actually vocalize this stuff.


You parental idiots will tell you where to send your kids to school. You better shut that pie hole. So here's the article. I'll put it up in the show notes for you to read because it's in all of its horror. Susan Johnson.


Charter schools and vouchers will erode what unites us. That's a nice title. Wow. Joe, Susan's apparently interested in uniting us a lot when you get to the piece. So here's screenshot number one from this piece in the Charleston Gazette. Quote, In public schools, the public decides the curriculum, the public votes to elect school boards who decide the facts. Our children will be taught, Joe. The public decides that Armacost, you don't teach Little Joe what he's going to be taught.


Do you understand? Shut your mouth, Armacost. OK, you will not teach Little Joe. The public decides that that was not in the piece.


I had to kind of jump off course, but back to the piece and I quote, We leave high school and enter college or the workforce with a common set of civic norms and agreed upon facts that are derived from reasoned, critical thinking in the scientific method we do. How's that working out, Joe?


The public determining what Little Joe learns. And my daughter Amelia and daughters Amelia and Isabella, not you. Shut your mouth, Armacost. You will not teach Little Joe anything. The public decides that. How exactly is that working out in West Virginia for them? Well, I just did a little Internet search where I put West Virginia schools. How are they doing? So while it all became up while at Hub dot com, here's a screenshot out of 50 states.


Fifty two if you're Barack Obama. West Virginia is a stellar thirty nine thirty nine ers, not the forty Niners, the thirty Niners. So they're not in the top half. They are at the bottom half and half way down the bottom half, meaning there are thirty eight other states out of Barack Obama's fifty two that are doing better than West Virginia. So you'd think you'd eat a little bit of humble pie if you were Miss Johnson and say, hey, this public deciding what our kids learn, you dopey parents, this may not be going so well.


What's bad enough is Virginia's 39 out of 50, Joe, you don't have to be a mathematician to say that's not good, right? Not good. Not bad. No, thank you. You know, I need the audience ombudsman sometimes here to square that away.


Crappy. Yeah. Kind of crappy, right, but it's not only in the United States where West Virginia schools aren't doing so great. The schools in the United States in general also aren't doing that great compared to the rest of the world. So not only are US public schools suffering in comparison to other wealthy countries around the world, but West Virginia, within that realm of Sukkari is at the bottom half of Sukkari. Actually, the top half of Sukkari, the bottom half of of of hope would be here.


What's the opposite of Sukkari non Sukkari? I don't know. I can't come up with a fancy word. I'm not that slick. Limbaugh would have thought of it. That's why he was the great one of the events, the great one, but he was the greatest one. Here's an article by Pew Research. US students academic achievement still lags that of peers in many other countries, Drew de Silva, Pew Research Center. But Joe, again, no sense of humility by big advocates for the public school infrastructure in the United States, no sense of humility at all, and definitely not a sense of humility from Susan Johnson wrote this piece at the Charleston Gazette, who then goes on to say later in the piece, after instructing you that you will not teach your kids, Joe, it'll be us.


Darn it. Soup cooler, shut it. She then goes on later in the piece to make a comparison between parents who actually would like school choice and things like that to Middle Eastern terrorists, the all about unity, Joe. They are all about unity. The unity is everywhere. The unity is all over. This is an actual quote from the piece. Many children are home using private instructional programs, some that are online that are marketed for a particular religious and political persuasions.


Oh, my gosh, that sounds like a scandal. Parents get to pick homeschool programs. Oh, my gosh. We better look into that immediately. Unfettered conversations and you'll get the joke if you watch the show earlier in the week, go back to the piece. For instance, one might teach that the founding fathers were white men and therefore only white men should be deciding things. This is an actual I'm not messing with you. This is an actual op ed by Miss Susan Johnson goes on the state whose reason for funding education is to have an.


I can't read this. This is a real sense from the state whose reason for funding education is to have an enlightened citizenry. Yeah. Thirty nine out of the states and at the bottom of the rich countries around the world. That's really light. By the way, Susan, we'll be spending our tax dollars on a mishmash of ideologies and alternate facts.


Did I miss the Middle Eastern terrorist portion of that piece? I did I totally missed that in my screenshot. Wait, wait, wait, hold on. Do I have that up? Because that's critical. I'm not kidding because how are you going to think like Dan? What are you talking about? I missed it. Totally my fault, folks. There is a portion of that, but you'll have to read it now. It's in the show notes.


Yes, post-production, Paula, and will stick it in there. There is a portion of this piece where she actually makes a comparison, Middle East and teret Middle Eastern terrorists to people who believe in things like school choice. Hard to believe, folks. Believe. Now you see why up to a third of the country. Says, Yeah, let's just go at it on our own. All right, a couple of final notes here, I always ask you at the end of my show to subscribe to my Rumball channel, right rumble dot com slash Bongino and I'd appreciate if you do that, it's free.


I enjoy the video version of the show. We're almost at one point five million subscribers. But I'm going to ask you for another favorite. I I asked you in the beginning, please subscribe to Don Junior, Channel two in talking so long, my MacBook almost turned off there. This is like the longest show we've done. Or Don Junior has a channel up on Rumble, Rumble, Dotcom Slash, Donald J. Trump, J.R., Donald Trump, Junior Rumble, Dotcom slash, Donald J.


Trump. J.R., check that out. Thanks, folks. We appreciate you tuning in. We'll see you all on Monday. Good day, sir.


You just heard Dan Bongino.