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Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino. Oh, man. This show, like a pregame on this show is crazy. Man, folks, did I have a weekend? It was so bad. I recorded the rundown for the show. I sent them all a voicemail, and it was all wrong. I'm like, You don't even want to know why it was wrong. I'm like, Go back and listen to the voicemail again. Maybe it'll make sense. You ever wake up from the night before, and it's still the night before, if you know what I mean? It was one of those rundown. He's like, Man, we recorded this three-minute video. I'm like, I never sent a three-minute video. Yeah, you did. It says on the voicemail. I'm like, Listen again. It'll all make sense. I had a crazy weekend update. Court has begun. Michael Cohen is on the stand, still trying to fabricate a crime to go get Donald Trump. It is amazing how bad this case is backfiring. Swing State Paul showing. Folks, the evidence is everywhere. This thing is blown up in their faces so catastrophically.


Expect now the October surprise coming tomorrow. Folks, mypatriotsupply. Com. Another day, another breaking news story buried. They'd rather talk about anything else and what's really going on. It's not because they don't know what's happening. It's that they're just hiding it from you, and they were always lying to you. Here's the real story. You may have to look beyond the headlines for them, and it seems like the truth is being covered up. Sometimes emergencies are around the corner. You're not going to see them coming. Prepare for what will happen with My Patriot Supply. Since 2008, My Patriot Supplies helped millions of Americans get ready for the worst. Today, their best-selling three-month emergency food kits are flying off the shelves. Get yours right now at my website, mypatriotsupply. Com, mypatriotsupply. Com. The food kit offers over 2,000 calories a day. That's ultra-durable. Four-layer packaging, lasts up to 25 years in storage. Order all the kits you need for $200 off each. Free shipping included. You've been warned about what could happen. Don't live in fear. Just prepare. Have You have this stuff in case you need it. Help take back control of your future. It's not just food, it's freedom.


Stock up on these food kits at mypatriotsupply. Com. Do it today. Mypatriotsupply. Com. All right, fellows. So quick weekend Update I do for you on Monday. Went out Friday night with my wife and my two daughters. My daughter is back from college. Isabel, it is so good to see her. So we're out in this place, Oak and Amber. My friend Kyle G. Owns it. Stuart, highly recommended. Steak was amazing as always. Love the place. And there's this older lady sitting next to us, super nice lady. She's with this guy. There was a gift card thing going on. They couldn't figure out how much was left. They charged the wrong gift card. I felt so bad. So a couple of people had come up and said, Hey, dad, I love your show. What's on? I'm going to walk out. A lady's super nice. She's like, Mister, are you somebody famous? And I never know how to answer that question. How do you answer? What do you say? How do you say to that? You have some You sound like a dork. You say no, though. Are you lying? So I don't know. So I said, Well, it depends your definition of famous, but I appreciate it.


And I said, Yes, we have a podcast. And she was like, What's that? I said, It's like a show. But it was a really great night. Let me tell you why it was a great night, not because of a lady. Folks, there's this thing going around on TikTok, okay? Avita, have you seen this? This dual income, no kids thing. Look, we're dinks, and we get to party on the weekend. Listen, I party You can't party on the weekend. That has nothing to do with kids at all. You can't party on the weekend with your wife. I don't understand. Why did kids stop that? I'm telling you on a very serious note, I'm out to dinner, both last night for Mother's Day, we went to Josephine's down the block in an Oak and Amber, and I'm with my two daughters. And folks, there's nothing like that. There's just no experience spending time with your kids and your family. Just nothing like it. I'm sorry. You can dink it all you want. Do income, no care. It's great. I'm not knocking. You do your own thing. People make their own choices. I'm just I'm telling you, one day you're going to be 80 years old and your spouse passes away before you, and you're going to be sitting around in some house or a home or a hospital, and no one's going to be there.


I would seriously recommend that you have the experience I did. And you know what? Just sitting there talking to him was the greatest thing ever. Went to a 50th birthday party Saturday night. Let me just tell you, it was quite an adventure. They had some magician there who was the most amazing magician I've ever seen. A guy could have been on what? American Idol, whatever the hell that show is. America's Got Talent, whatever the hell it is. I had American house of singing one. We had a great time at the party, but woke up Sunday morning, and let's just say it was still Saturday night. I was in a little bit of trouble. Went in the sauna, though, and then I felt better all of a sudden. Went to the sauna with... I'll leave that for another day. It was a lot of fun. Let's just leave it at that. Okay, back to the news because it was a busy weekend. You don't want to be the dude flying in the helicopter over to Trump rally in New Jersey. If a Democrat looking down going, Holy shit, what just happened down there? This was a really bad weekend.


And it turns out Monday is even worse. Michael Cohen is in court now. We're following the trial live right there. Basically, folks, I'm sorry to tell you, but there's nothing to report. I would love to report to you. Oh, my gosh, Michael Cohen, this case is over. The case was over before it started. Michael Cohen went up there, Trump's lawyer, and basically is saying the same things he always said. Yes, we paid this woman off, and there's still no crime. No one has yet to produce a single freaking crime. That's not the takeaway from this, though, however. This is. Do you guys remember when we said this a couple of weeks ago? Every single day of this Trump trial, some prominent Republican should be behind Donald Trump over his right and left shoulder, showing support. Ladies and gentlemen, snapshots and sound bites win elections. That is it. You want a snapshot? Get freaking prominent Republicans back behind them. We've seen Rick Scott there last week, JD Vance, Tommy Tuberville, Nicole Malletake is there today. I want someone there every day. Eric, Trump is there. These snapshots are a thousand times more powerful than anything the rotting bag of oatmeal in the White House can produce right now.


Here is Trump, just this morning, Monday. Hat tip JD Vance, hat tip Tommy Tuberville, hat tip Rick Scott last week, hat tip Ken Paxton, who was there from Texas the week before, hat tip Nicole Maliotakis. God bless you. Someone there every day. Every day I wanted. Every day. I'm making demands now. Watch this. This all comes from Biden in the White House, by the way. They have their top people here because when he can't put two sentences together, he's the worst president in the history of our country. Can't speak, can't walk off a helicopter, can't walk off a plane, can't walk off a stage. The only way they think they can win is if they can do something with Trump because we have an incompetent, the worst president in the history of United States of America. Folks, I got to tell you, I know we're a really popular show. I have no idea if people are listening to us or not. It doesn't really matter who cares. But do you guys remember the show? Seriously, when we said that? Okay, thank you. That was a good question. They're looking around like, Am I supposed to say, yes, you're supposed to answer that's the point of question.


Yes. I don't know. All I'm saying is I want someone there every day, every day. A show of support. That is a killer snapshot. How do I know? Swing State polls just came out. Donald Trump's ahead in five or six swing states. He only state he's behind within the margin of error in Wisconsin. Folks, if he wins five or six of the swing states, Michigan, Pennsylvania, there's no race. It's over. Donald Trump will get 313 plus electoral votes, and he'll win 31, 32 states. There's just no math for him to win, Joe Biden, at this point. And it just reaffirms what I said to you last week. This guy is not going to be the nominee if this gets worse. They are going to do something at the convention to get rid of this guy. Now, let me put an asterisk in there because it's just a prediction. I'm not the Stygian witches. I don't know the future. There is an obstacle there, and it's the Oatmeal God in the White House is a narcissistic sociopath who, if he's a thousand points behind, I'm sure, will not step aside. The question is, when do the donors pull chalks?


And there's no evidence that they're going to pull chalks yet on Biden. He's doing a fundraiser with what, George Clooney and a bunch of celebrity goofballs in LA this week? I mean, there's no evidence yet. They're done with this guy, which is stunning because at least right now, there are polls, I get it. Take everything with a grain of salt. But the polls have always underestimated Donald Trump's strike. Just look at them, not the other way around. He's up by 10 in Georgia in polls. Ten. If it's underestimating it, what the hell is he going to win Georgia by? Thirty? Folks, this is really bad for them. Axios, left wing outlet, obviously. President Trump drew a rally crowd of 80 to 100,000 people to Wildwood, New Jersey this weekend. New Jersey? You mean New I call. No, I mean New Jersey. Isn't that a blue state? Yes. Eighty thousand people, even at the low end? Isn't that a lot? Yes. But I thought that was a blue... Yes. Now, let's do the deep seat Do, okay. The Dipsy Do flip a row on them. Folks in the chat, love your opinion on this. Do you think Joe Biden could show up to a red state?


A red state with a decent-sized population? Let's say Ohio, leading reds. You think Joe Biden could show up there and get 80,000 people? Just a quick one. The answer is, hell to the... No. And it rimes with stuck. No, he can't. No, he I can't. Trump, five key battlegrounds, things polling. Nothing you're doing is working, folks. Nothing you're doing is working. Joe Biden, I'll bet the Joe Biden campaign, anything. They show up to Ohio. They couldn't get 8,000 people at a rally. Forget about 80,000. Is this stuff this positive? Does it mean Donald Trump is going to win New Jersey? It doesn't. But it certainly means something. Yeah, I think the chat's pretty here. This guy is in deep trouble, folks. He is not going to be the nominee. Now, why does this matter tactically? Again, educational, entertainment. We should learn something together because the Republican Party better well start preparing for three or four different people. Shapiro, Pennsylvania, Whitmer, Michigan, Gavin Newsom, Pritzker. They better start preparing because this guy, he's not in good health. I don't wish any ill will on him, any of that stuff. I'm a liberal nut bag like these lunatics.


Gen Saki, maybe he dies. I'm just saying the guy is in deep trouble. Here's what I see happening to save face. You ready? They're going to cite some health issue. They're not going to say what it is. They're going to say he got some random health report. It's not safe for him going forward. He's going to step aside. It's got to happen at the convention at this point. Folks, look at this crowd shot, man. Look at this snapshot. This is the Look at this. Listen, man, I ran for office. You know how hard it is to get a thousand people to show up for anything? A thousand. This crowd estimates are 80 to 100,000. What is this? Woodstock? This is a Trump rally. I mean, this is insane. Folks, it's not like the guy is new and people haven't been to rallies before. It's not like the Rolling Stones got back together after 20 years. The guy does rallies all the time. He gets 100,000 people in deep blue, New Jersey. He's right. People travel the country like it's like the Dave Matthews banner, like the Grateful Dead. This is what they do. Here now, thank you.


Here's the Biden rally. You're like, Wait, that's an anti-buy. Yes, this is really the Biden fundraiser in Seattle. It's a bunch of the kill the Jews crowd. They're like, Oh, Joe Biden, you suck. That's the Biden rally, man. Look at these snapshots. I'm I'm just showing you the reality, man. Look at this. That's the best he can do. Maybe 100 people saying, F Joe Biden, you suck. Folks, This guy is not going to be the nominee, man. If he is, it's only because... Now, let me address one thing, because there's a couple of things going around Twitter this weekend, and I think it was Matt Gates who said it's going to be hard to steal this one. I want to address this because there was a lot of back and forth. The gist of it being there are so many people now are going to vote Donald Trump, and it's so out of the margin of error. One, it's never impossible to steal anything. However, having said that, folks, it's no excuse not to vote number one. I know we all get that. But we did win in 2016. And yes, they cheat in every election.


So don't tell me we can't win. Also, on the other side, don't come out and be naive either and go, Oh, you know what? Listen, they're not going to cheat. They are going to cheat, of course. However, I'm just telling you what's been passed to me. You do with it what you want, folks. I'm just telling you the guy who passed it onto me has studied electoral cheating forever. He knows exactly how it's done, how the drop boxes work, how the ballot harvesting works, how they use names. All they got to do, all that matters is ballots, not voters. I remember that's his golden rule. If they can print a ballot, they'll make sure they can cheat on it, right? However, he said to me that even in blue states, that it's probably one to one and a half of the vote. If Donald Trump is up five or six points, it doesn't make the cheating, okay, forget it, we'll win. We still have to stamp it out, no doubt about it, and we better watch it and be on it. But folks, he is so beyond the margin of error in a lot of these polls.


I just don't want you to get disappointed. I'm not voting for... I don't care if there's a nuclear war. You better show up in the fallout and vote, because if we don't win and change this shit, we're not going to have a country left. And this stuff matters, too. Look what happened at the rally. You guys You remember Lawrence Taylor, L. T? I mean, the guy was only the greatest outside linebacker in the history of the NFL. Taylor got his issues and all, but whatever, man. I'll take an endorsement. You want to endorse us? Fine. Lawrence Taylor jumped up at the rally. The guy is football royalty in the New York, New Jersey area. Listen, man, it takes a lot of balls for Lawrence Taylor to do this. It's not easy to declare you're a Republican now. You all know that. You've been fighting this fight for a long time. But this is important stuff. I'll take these endorsements. And from what I'm hearing from my friends in the entertainment sports business, I've got a few. I was texting one of them this weekend. There are a lot of athletes out there hoping Donald Trump wins, and it ain't just Lawrence Taylor.


Check out L. T. I just wanted to say I grew up a Democrat, and I've always been a Democrat until I met this man right here. I'll tell you what. He will not I have to worry about nobody in my family ever vote for a Democrat again. Okay. Folks, this stuff matters, man. Gaffe it off at your own peril. I've said this to you over and over. We don't have to idolize anybody, and we shouldn't. Politicians, sports figures, entertainers, forget that. We don't have golden calves, okay? But the bottom line on this whole thing is they're talking to a different crowd. There are people out there who know Lawrence Taylor who may be like, Hey, listen, I hate the Republican Party. And I'm like, Wait, why is he saying that? Maybe it opens their eyes. Maybe it doesn't. I'd rather have it than not. Folks, listen to me. If they have to start spending money in New Jersey and Virginia and New Mexico and Nevada, the Democrats, that is, to defend states that have traditionally gone their way, this thing is over, and they are going to be in a catastrophically bad position. Now, let me get one more thing on this.


A hundred thousand people showing... Let's say 80, just to air on the side of caution. Say 80,000 people showed up in New Jersey. That's the lowest estimate even from the left, okay? Just throw that number out there. Folks, it's not just Trump. You may say to yourself, Oh, he's not going to win New Jersey. It doesn't matter. You are incorrect, and that is dumb. Sorry, I'm not calling it. That's dumb. Don't say that. Why is that dumb? Because folks, if Trump, let's say Donald Trump, gets within five points in New Jersey and Virginia, Virginia, which is likely in Virginia to happen, if he gets within five points of the Democrats, do you have any idea how many down-ballet races where extra Republicans showed up to get him within that five points are going to switch from Democrat to Republican? Get out and vote. I don't care where you are. Donald Trump is not the only one on the ballot. There are no excuses. You got a country to save. Go grab it and take it. It's not going to save itself. And LT is not the only one, man. Look at this. Again, axio. This is a left-wing outlet, folks.


Probably not as radical as Politico, but pretty left-leaning. Trump's strength is largely thanks to gains amongst young Black and Hispanic voters, writes Nate Cohn, the Times chief political and the analyst. These people are not Trump people Well, folks. By the way, more on this cheating stuff coming up later. A story out of Fulton County I want to get to. Hopefully, there's been some changes. But folks, this is going to be the game changer. I want you to remember this before I move on to the law fair and Cohen and everything going on today because they're starting to... The copium is getting crazy. The left doesn't even know what to say anymore. I just want you to remember this. My humble opinion, and I think I'm correct on this, is Donald Trump is going to have a legacy. It's going to last for generations. It's not going to be the tweets and all that other stuff. Yeah, he was a different candidate. There's no doubt about it. Certainly wasn't a politician in the traditional sense. Donald Trump is going to change the Republican Party. The Black, Hispanic, and youth vote that we had forfeited in the past and got I'm absolutely violated on.


Donald Trump's legacy passing that on is going to be to incorporate millions and millions of new people and change the Republican Party forever. You watch. I know I'm right on that. Quick break, and we get back to the copium. Even on MSNBC, folks, they realize this whole thing is blown up in their face. When I tell you this whole thing, I mean everything. The lawfare, the hoaxes, the media bullshit. Even a New York Times guy is starting to recognize like this isn't working. The copium everywhere. They are smoking it, they are drinking it. They don't know what to do. They're all going to be in hospice soon. They're losing their minds. American financing, folks, everyone thinks mortgage rates are extremely high, but that's not entirely true. Mortgage rates are much lower than the average credit card rate of 22%. Think about how much interest you're going to pay on that credit card if you're only paying a minimum payment every month. If you're a homeowner, a cash out refinance with American financing can help you pay off that debt and lower your monthly expenses. And the mortgage interest, it's tax deductible. They're saving homeowners just like you an average of $854 a month.


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This is not ending well at all for them. Check this out. Delay, delay, delay. In Florida, delayed indefinitely. Now, Georgia, it has been a rough few days for Jack Smith and Fannie Willis. Mark Do you think we are going to see any progress here before the election and after the election? Do you think these trials are ever going to happen? Well, I don't know. But I mean, the key question is, anything going to happen before the election? I think the answer is no. The days of magical legal thinking are over. The cavalry is not coming. The legal cavalry is not coming to the rescue of Joe Biden. Folks, you understand these were the same people celebrating this thing the whole time? Receipts matter. One of the things we do on this show, because we never want to waste your freaking time, Because I don't say things we can't back up. We said to you a long time ago that there was no way this is going to work, that this law fair campaign was going to be seen transparently for what it was, an attempt to stop this guy from running for office. You can't claim to be the Democrats, the party of democracy, while simultaneously not engaging in democracy and trying to interrupt the democratic process.


Here's another one. Here's Jim Carville again. This guy has been a Democratic focus group consultant dude forever. Here's Carville Absolutely losing his mind after seeing the swing state polls. But here's the kick in the nuts. The kick in the balls here is he hasn't even seen the new swing state polls that came out this morning. New York Times, Siena, five or six states, Donald Trump's winning. This is before that. Watch this. It's going the wrong way. It's not working. Everything that we're throwing is spaghetti at a wall, and none of it is sticking, me included. It's hard when you start in your 80th year. Like anybody else, I have an opinion of myself. The opinion I've come to is, I don't matter. It doesn't matter. You can prepare, you can be on TV, you can write pieces, you can have a YouTube channel, you can have a podcast. And nothing. We I got to try to think of something different because what we're doing is really, really not working. You dips shit should have thought of that before. It's not our job to save you, to save you from your stupidity? You engaged in obvious welfare, judicial tyranny.


You totally effed up. And now what? You think someone's going to come in and save you? Good. Well, just deal with it because keep smoking the copium. How bad do you think this looks? Now, I'm going to play this the next clip for you from MSNBC. But I want you for a second. I know it's hard. It's hard for all of us. I want you for a second to just say to yourself, Okay, imagine you're not a Trump supporter. You're not an anti-Trump guy. You're just agnostic. You're a sanitation worker, a nurse, whatever you are. You're working for a living, and you flip on the news. Try for a second to watch this clip as a not super political person on either side, and Can you tell me how this clip comes off to you, the Democrats pushing a porn star on America who said she contacts dead people. What is this, the sixth Sense? Was Bruce Willis going to pop in? Watch this. As I remind our viewers all the time, Chris and Andrea, I sat through two E. Jean Carroll trials and two cross-examinations of E. Jean Carroll. I have to tell you, I agree with Sue wholeheartedly.


This was very much what I'd call a nuts and sluts defense. There was a portion of the cross-examination where Susan Necklace was focused on the fact that Stormy Daniels now claims that she is a medium and that she communicates with dead people and has participated in a TV series about the Paranormal, where she explores things, including the fact that at one point, an ex-boyfriend of hers was inhabited by spirits. How the how do you think this sounds to the not crazy people? The ex-boyfriend was inhabited by spirits. What the hell is going on here, Man, folks, this is insane. This is so bananas at the Democrats. This was their entire election strategy. In 2016, the whole election strategy was there's a PP tape out there, no one's seen. In 2020, it's There's a laptop of Hunter Biden doing the... But don't worry, the Russians did it in 2020. And then now in 2024, it's a porn star says she talks to dead people who, by the way, can't seem to keep her story straight. How bad does it have to be when Bill Maher, again, this guy's like a devout leftist, is going, Wait, wait, listen.


The Stormy Daniel story, it's evolved. In other words, this isn't what she's saying now. Which story is real? Here, don't listen to me. Listen to Stormy. Change the story. Check this out. First, I asked her why she had sex with Trump. Listen to that, and then listen to what she says after that, and then we're going to talk about the trial because it's quite a variance of what she said to me in 2018. Why did you fuck Donald Trump? I have no idea. Okay, but you say it's not a me too case. It is not a me too case. I mean, I wasn't assaulted. I wasn't attacked or raped or coerced or blackmailed. They tried to shove me in the me too box to further their own agenda. First of all, I didn't want any part of that because it's not the truth, and I'm not a victim in that regard. That's not what she's saying She's talking about he was bigger and blocking the way. It's all the me too buzzwords. She said there was a imbalance of power for sure. My hands were shaking so hard. She said she blacked out. Blacked out?


She's a porn star. Folks, this leftist Me Too movement is not real. They don't care about women. You actually care about women. They don't care about This is nonsense. I got a story coming. I'm going to get to either today or sometimes today. This FDIC story. Fdic? Trust me, it is so indicative how full of shit the left is. Is this story real or not? Would Are you just making stuff up now? Which story is real? The one you told Bill Maher on TV or the one you told... One of them is not real because they're both different stories. Which one's not real? I told you I was going to get back to this cheating stuff because, again, another conspiracy theory comes true. We're up to, I don't know, our success rate is like 100% right now. Again, totally out of conspiracy theories. We mentioned election shenanigans, and everybody's like, Oh, my gosh, that sounds so crazy. Not so much. Stay tuned to that, and everything's fallen apart for them. A Border Patrol whistleblower, a lot more to talk about. Folks, MD Hearing. It feels like everything's gotten more expensive these days, but not the best and most affordable hearing aids on the market.


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Why would Democrats not want voter ID? Because they love cheating. They openly love cheating. They worship cheating. It's their thing. It's the only way these bullshit artists can win. Just the news. This will be in a newsletter today, bongeto. Com/newsletter. Check it out. Fulton County, Georgia, 2020 election problems now confirmed. Challenged media fact checkers. Turns out Georgia election officials recently confirmed the issues that occurred in Fulton County in a 2020 election, resulting, thankfully, in more oversight for 2024. Now, is it perfect, the oversight and the fixes? No. Is it better than what we had in 2020? Yes. The Georgia State Election Board said on Tuesday, they found Fulton County had likely scanned more than 3,000 ballots twice during the 2020 presidential election recount, according to the Atlanta Journal Constitution. You guys know that right wing outlet? The Atlanta Journal. Yeah, the Atlanta Constitution. How bad does it have to be when left wing outlets have to report on it? This stuff is real. We have to win to fix it or else we're done. Your choices are done or not done. I picked not done because Cutsy time is over. By the way, I have an idea.


Can you guys help me out? What are you doing? Folks in the chat, you guys are like my loyal diehards here. I need your help. Paul Baccino, get ready to go. You know what the liberal sucks We have on our website. Can some of you guys just pick up the shirt? I'd love to send them out for free because it costs a lot of money. Can you pick up the shirt and then go in like CNN and MSNBC Live Shots and just pop in the background with the shirt? I would love you forever. It would be the greatest thing. I'm not saying... I'm just saying, you don't have to yell or get thrown out. Just sit there and act like nothing happened. Sit there like you're drinking your coffee or whatever. It would be the greatest thing ever with the liberal suction shirt background. We could go viral and take over the whole country. They'll be like, Who are these Bonjito R. B. P. They won't even know me. With the liberal suck shirts everywhere, it would be the greatest thing ever. Do whatever you can to get on camera with that liberal suck shirt on.


We can start a movement, man. I am totally down. It'll be great. Just a side note. They didn't see that one coming. Folks, everything's fallen apart for them. Absolutely everything. There is nothing going right. We told you about the welfare, the rallies, the snapshots, the sound bites, the media copium. Everybody's losing their mind. However, this weekend, showing you again how this Rolling Stones story, the one we discussed last week about Trump sending special forces down to whack and kill the cartels. They thought it was a hit job. We were like, Yes. Here, you want to hear how bad it is? Here's a Border Patrol whistleblower. It came out this weekend. Here, his voice has obviously been changed. Talking about how these cartels are completely running the border right now. You think Trump threatening to go kill these guys is a bad thing? What are you, crazy? Take a look at this. The biggest thing is that we do not control the border. The cartel controls the border. Everything that we do is a reaction to things that they have planned. Usually, we're chasing around ponds while the Kings and Queens are doing whatever they want.


Nothing is going right for them. Not foreign policy, not the economy, not the border, not health care, not schools, nothing. That's why this Rolling Stone article by Asawin Subasang, this thing has got to be a joke. Is this a paid ad for Donald Trump? Trump is planning to send kill teams to Mexico to take out cartel leaders. Now you see why this guy's up in five or six swing states. Why would you think this would play badly? To an American population who is sick of illegal immigration, fentanyl poison in their communities? And what about this? This is the story, folks, by the way. They thought it was a video for because I was like, I woke up the next day, a total train wreck. Cbs 12 News. Undocumented immigrant arrested for kidnapping and assaulting an 11-year-old in Lakeworth. I don't live too far from Lakeworth, folks. Not that the tragedy of the story matters on the location, but it's that much more real when it's legit, not far from where you live. How many more of these stories you think they're going to take? People are reading this stuff every day. You can't hide it anymore.


Do you ever see... Folks in the chat, do you ever see that those apps, like neighbor's apps and whatever, where people can talk? You go in, it's an app, and it'll be whatever, Hammond Creek, some community, whatever it may be, and everybody talks. You understand people post these stories in there, right? I know because I see it. People are like, Did you see this story about what happened? Who do you think they're blaming for this? Trump, the guy who ran on build the wall? You can't possibly win this way. There are finger stick issues that matter. Remember my idea, the finger stick issue? You have got to digest this, take it and tattoo it on your brain. Not every issue is a game changer. It's not. The Democrats are overrelying on the abortion issue. It is not a finger stick issue. It just isn't. It isn't the thing that affects that many people. It doesn't. A lot of the people it affects are women who are pro-life, too. We don't kill babies. That's it. Inflation is a finger stick issue. You know the finger sticks to diabetes? They hurt enough that it bothers you, but not enough that you won't do it.


That's the thing inflation is. It sticks every single day, and you continue to go out and buy stuff, but it's so annoying. After a while, you're just like, I'd rather seek an alternative, and they have those patches instead now you can put on. That's what inflation is. That's what this border stuff is. When you drive down the community and you see people in parking lots looking for work, these people aren't even here legally. It's driving people nuts. Look at this Wall Street Journal article on inflation. In case you think like anybody's making this up, why Biden is losing on the economy. This guy, Dan Clifton, put together this chart on inflation. There's never been anyone worse outside of Jimmy Carter. Bar graphs are not hard to read, folks. You can read it yourself. Carter and then Reagan, the Reagan early years, he was fixing Carter's mess. Luckily, he cleaned it up. Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump, and then Biden's far worse. Look, he's worse than anyone other than Jimmy Carter. Look at the graph. It's not hard to figure out. People are suffering. I love this. This is from Bloomberg. If these media people told the truth on the economy, folks, we would be in a far different spot.


Joe Biden's spending is not debt for the media, right? The Inflation Reduction Act, all this other shit we spend all this money on. Government spending isn't spending, but tax cuts are. Here's Bloomberg, Trump and individual estate tax cut renewal to cost 4.6 trillion. How the hell does a tax cut cost the government money? If you don't rob me and don't take my money, you are not poorer. You're not supposed to take my money. By the way, tax cuts don't even do that. These tax cuts typically generate more government revenue to a growing economy. You could just look that up. I need a little comic relief. As you can tell, it's Monday, and we're wired up today, ready to rock and roll, slept good last night. I'm really We're digging these comedians. How bad does it have to be for Biden when the entertainment and sports community start to rapidly turn on this guy and poke fun on him left and right? You got Lawrence Taylor. You got people like Bill Maher out there exposing this guy. I played this He was a comedian last week, and this is a new one this week. Biden's just become a laughing stock.


And folks, remember the Alinsky rule? Humor is the most powerful weapon because there's no natural comeback for it. Devastating, devastating stuff. Watch this. We love Mocking middle America, don't we, New York? Don't we? They're so fucking stupid, aren't they? They also grow all your food, don't they, you little fuckers, don't they? You little soft-handed liberal scum. You'd bleed if You looked at a shovel, you little cunts, wouldn't you? You don't do a single useful thing for the planet, you little fuckers. Isn't that true? You'd die in a day without Republicans, wouldn't you? You can't eat a podcast, can you? There's no protein in slam poetry, is there? I don't agree with Republicans, but good luck finding a woke plumber. Jeffrey Asmis. I don't know the guy, folks, but the liberals have become the focus of mockery. Woke culture, cancel culture, boys are girls, girls are boys, all this stupid stuff. It's building, it's building. It's building to a crescendo. You're witnessing right now a generational change in politics. Be proud to be part of it, folks. It's happening. It's happening right now because sooner or later, a Democrat comes along that's so bad and so destructive.


That eyes open, man, clockwork aren't stopped. Just like that with the little pincers in there keeping them open. People start to say, My gosh, this is really what they're about. Look at this guy. They're sticking behind this guy. Then they said, as the guys met... See, the thing about Obama, in contrast to Biden, Obama had enough rhetorical flourish and enough speaking skills that he could hide the bullshit he was doing in the background. Joe Biden has none of that. He has zero political skills. The reason people are waking up is because what was outstanding, this big elephant that was standing there, is no longer obscured by a bigger elephant. That's why they're seeing it, because Biden has no ability to hide it. Everything he does just draws attention to his own failures. Folks, this isn't comedy here, but this is absolute gold. This clip went viral this weekend. Have you seen these Oxford debates? This is a guy by the name of Winston Marshall. This guy's got... Someone said Someone sent this balls of steel thing to National Insurance. It's just funny. This guy's got balls of steel. This guy, Winston. So Nancy Pelosi, I thought this was a joke when I first saw Jim send it over to me.


Nancy Pelosi goes and sits in on this Oxford debate. It's very nice formal things. Nancy Pelosi, you're going to hear her first here, so you got to pay attention right at the beginning of the shoot. This guy absolutely eviscerates her and is We're making the point that you, losers on the Democrat side, have basically denied every election result you've lost at the presidential level since George Washington. And how dare you guys make a thing out of election denier? You're going to hear Pelosi hilariously say, Oh, yeah, yeah. Well, we may not have agreed with the election, but we accepted it. Well, Biden said in the oval office, What did we do? We don't agree with it either. We think it was all bullshit. So it's no different. And then watch this guy just lay out a series of headlines right to Nancy Pelosi's face, showing how full of shit they are. They have never accepted the results of elections they've lost. Watch this. What about the mainstream media? Let me read you some mainstream media headlines. The New Yorker, the day before the 2016 election, The Case Against Democracy. The Washington Post, the day after the election, The problem with our government is democracy.


The LA Times, June 2017. The British election is a reminder of the perils of too much democracy. Vox, June 2017. The Two The eminent political scientists say the problem with democracy is voters. New York Times, June 2017. The problem with participatory democracy is the participants. Mainstream media elites are part of a class who don't just disdain populism, they disdain the people. If the Democrats had put half their energy into delivering for the people, Trump wouldn't even have a chance in 2024. He shouldn't have a chance. You've had power for four years. From the fabricated steel dossier to trying to take him off the ballot in both Maine and Colorado, the Democrats are the anti-Democrat Party. Folks, that's things like 18 minutes long. Watch every second of it. It's so worth your time. This guy does an amazing job. But that's the hard reality. I need you to understand that, that these Democrats in the past, the Bill Clinton's and the Barack Obama's, they've had the gift of bullshit. It's the only way to say it. There's no for cutesy times over. Stop trying to pretend to be funny about it. You know it's true. They bullshitted people and they bullshitted their way through.


Everybody's done that, right? You've hired employees or stuff, and you get a guy in there in an interview and he bullshits his way through the whole thing, and you get a money, can't do anything. Everybody's been through that experience. These guys were bullshitters. The reason everybody's waking up to this fact now is that Biden just has no ability to cover up the nonsense. He just doesn't. But to Be fair, because I owe you that, because we're not going to be partisan hacks here either. We have not done a great job either on the Republican side cleaning up the mess. I asked last week, and I'll ask you again, what is conservatism conserving? The whole idea behind conservatism Conservatism is to take the most valuable components of the American body politic. Individual liberty, freedom, prosperity-inducing tax rates, personal control of your health care, excellent school systems where school choice is a fortress, protecting human life. Those are the things we want to conserve. Conservatism has not done a great job. We have had some successes. The Second Amendment, there is no disputing. We went from relatively no constitutional carry states to right now, huge numbers of them out there.


So we have had some successes. Denialism, I had no sense denying the obvious item. But in the large majority of issues, we've been getting our asses kicked. And it's time for us to establish a set of inviolable principles and move on. Now, Maria Bartaromo, if you saw this clip, it went viral this week, and she's got a congressman on. Maria Bartaromo is like, Hey, man, listen, the hearings, these are great and all. We're doing it, but we need some results. It's time to start doing stuff. I want to play the I want to say I'm 50/50 on this clip, and you're probably like, Why? Just trust me for a second. Listen to the clip, and I'll tell you why. Check this out. That's all fine and good, congressman, but why aren't you being louder about this? Why aren't I hearing anything from this committee? I had to just ask you about it. Just let me be clear. Viewers are sick and tired of hearings. They're sick and tired of letters. They're sick and tired of hearing complaints. They want action. President Trump is in a trial all day long, every day in New York City.


Where is this committee of weaponization and what are you doing about it? Okay, why would you be 50/50? I'm 50/50 on this clip because, yes, they do need to be called out. The conservative movement inside of Congress is not conserved a lot. We've got a lot of talking and not a lot of doing. Fact, I get it. That's a dispositive statement. We're moving on. However, on the other side of it, these hearings, ladies and gentlemen, are not pointless. You got to remember, these elected members of Congress, even though they've been unaffective and ineffective on a lot of issues, they're not cops. They can't go out and arrest people. They don't have that ability. The best they can do with the Biden case is hearings. Merrick Garland is running the DOJ into the ground. And because I believe in evidence, and I'm sorry if this is an unpopular opinion, the hearings have not been useless. How do I know that? Look at the polls. Look at the number of people who thought Joe Biden was corrupt before a lot of those hearings started, and look at the polls now. I love Maria I think she's one of the best on Fox, maybe the best.


And yes, she does need to light a fire under their ass. But the hearings part have not been totally useless. There's a reason Biden's down 5 to 6 points. It's not just the hearings. It's not just the warfare. It's everything. It's a slowly... You ever get a tattoo? I got a lot of them. I got one here, got one here, got one here, down here. Got one on my back. I got way too many tattoos. Tattoos don't hurt when you first start. An hour in, when they're scratching up your skin with that thing, it freaking hurts. The same thing works for hearings. Yeah, one or two were just a scratch. By the 100th or 150th hearing where people are hearing how bad Biden sucks, it starts to ding in. Would you rather not have them? I mean, they're not doing anything anyway. Congress, what are they conserving? Nothing. They haven't passed a single piece of legislation that benefits us. We might as well have hearings. We might as well say to the American people, Here's how bad Biden sucks, too. Listen, just my opinion, man. Just my opinion. You got to bring receipts for this stuff.


Hey, a little bit of palace intrigue, too. Listen, I talked to the President once in a blue moon. I'm not going to pretend we're best buddies. I'm going to tell you something. I love him to death, but he's got things to do. I don't bother him. I wish we could hang out some more, but he's got this thing like running for President and stuff. I'm going to tell you something, and I don't think he'd have a hard time with me telling you some passing this on as a friend to this guy. He does not typically talk about who his VP candidate is going to be. He doesn't. They keep a super close hold. He'll talk about the vice president position and what he's looking for. But I'm telling you, I'm giving you some inside info. I'm 100% confident he wouldn't care if I was sharing. He does not talk about it. Anybody telling you they know who the vice presidential candidate is going to be, I'm serious, man. It's probably lying. So Axios broke this story this week, and oh, my gosh, Trump is considering Nikki Haley, which within seconds this happened. Donald Trump denies Nikki Haley is being considered for vice president.


Folks, I don't know who he's going to pick. I don't even want to get into Nikki Haley versus anyone. Who cares? It doesn't matter. We'll know soon. The point I'm trying to tell you is take every single thing with a grain of salt. There are a lot of self-serving people out there who are trying to pretend to be in the Trump orbit, and they're like, I got inside info on who the VP is going to be. They don't. Trust me, they don't. There's probably two or three people, Melania and others, who have any idea who he's leaning towards and who he's going to pick. All the rest is total bullshit. It. Throw those stories out the window. All right, we're going to end with this story today, but this is a serious one. Folks, this is another one of those stories where it's like the Maria I'm part of Romo story. I hate to play clips and say I'm 50/50 on it because it sounds like I'm not trying to take a definitive opinion. I don't mean 50/50. I mean like, I don't want you to fall in either trap here. One trap I don't want you to fall in is, Yeah, these hearings suck.


And then The other trap I don't want you to fall in is, Well, we should leave the Republicans alone. They're doing their best. No, they're not. They're not conserving Jack shit. This is one of those clips, okay? This is Dr. Robert Redfield, who candidly, folks, does not have the best history on the COVID thing. He's come around lately, but this is one of these guys who was a mask guy early on. I don't dislike the guy. I don't like the guy. I'm just very skeptical of any of these COVID people who all of a sudden see the light. I mean, I got freaking thrown off YouTube for telling you that, which turned out to be a great thing for Rumbel, but it still happened for telling you the masks don't work. Not many people... And all these COVID people out there who attacked me, by the way, Hey, you took the vaccine. Yeah, mother. I had cancer. I had two choices. Take the vaccine or fucking die. That's the choice. So you can shut the... You have no idea what you're talking about. You think I didn't know that things sucked? However, I got thrown off these platforms for taking a stand on this stuff while these other shit talkers didn't do any...


Sorry, I got to calm down. The story just pisses me off. Because again, everybody pretends to be so pure on this thing, and nobody sees the light. Here's Redfield talking about Bird flu. So here's my 50/50. Number one, I don't really trust this guy that much. But on the latter portion of it, too, what he's saying about bird flu, I've had a number of doctors who I really trust who are very skeptical of COVID, say, Hey, this bird flu thing, I wouldn't freak out about it as always. They're always looking for the next big panic thing. However, if they're doing gain a function on this bird flu, it would be really different than COVID. Check this out. I'm obviously most worried about bird flu. Right now, it takes five amino acid change for it to be effectively infecting humans. That's a pretty heavy species barrier. But this virus is already now in 26 mammals species, as you saw, most recently, cattle. But But in the laboratory, I could make it highly infectious for humans in months because it's been published, the five amino acids that I need to change. And so I don't think that research should be done.


That's the real threat. That's the real biosecurity threat that these university labs are doing these bio-experiments that are intentionally modifying viruses. And bird flu, I think, is going to be the cause of the great pandemic, where they are teaching these viruses how to be more infectious for humans. All right, yes or no answer. I know you believe it was a lab leak. Do you think we will ever know for sure? Absolutely. I hope so. Boy, do I hope so, because scientists like you need to better protect all of us. I was watching the chat there during a break. A couple of comments. One guy said, take a breath. You're right. You were correct. Then another one said, the hearings didn't do anything. You're wrong. I just told you Joe Biden's losing five or six swing states. I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, I'm really sorry. Where do you think those numbers came from? Why do you think so many people think Biden is corrupt now? It's because we got the message out there. That's why. I'm sorry, you're wrong. You're wrong. I have evidence, and you don't. I appreciate you being in the chat.


I love the comments, but you are incorrect. On the bird flu thing, I see a bunch of comments on this, too, both in both directions. It's a sci-op all the time. Well, bird flu is very real. Is there a reason to panic now? Hell no. Would I totally see them doing another panic thing before an election? Absolutely. However, the bird flu thing is real, the lab leak thing is real, and the gain of function stuff was real. So you don't want to fall in this trap where the Democrats, because they're so messed up, if some signs were to come out later on that say some manipulated gain of function bird flu, where we're all sitting there like, Oh, nothing's going to happen, and boom, something happens. I'm just telling you to be careful with these people. Don't trust anything they say, and follow the facts, and you'll be okay. I will never forget Paula sitting right where Gee is right now. My wife used to produce the show, and the COVID thing was starting early, early. It was barely a thing in China. I swear on my life, my wife was like, something's up, and a bunch of people were like, No, no, it's no big deal.


She was like, No, something's up. And she went and ordered a bunch of stuff from Walmart. Com. The driver drops off towels and all this other emergency stuff. And I swear, he looks at my wife and says, Do you know something? Because it was all this preparedness stuff. I'm just saying, man, don't buy anything these people say. Follow the truth. It's out there. And just be cautious. Just be cautious. These people bullshit you and be very cautious about people who've had this new enlightening about the COVID thing. Not saying what they're telling you is a lie. I'm just saying they haven't earned your credibility. They haven't earned your to trust them yet. They got to get that back. Wow, huge crowd. Considering we had a crash in the middle of the show, 126,000 people. That's freaking amazing. Hey, thank you all for tuning in. I really appreciate it. Please download the Rumbl app. We would really appreciate it. It's free. Join us every day at 11 AM live Eastern Time, rumble. Com/bongino. I'll be back here for the radio show in just a few minutes right on this channel right here. I'll see you back here tomorrow in a radio show in a few minutes.


Take care. You just heard the Dan Bongino Show.