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Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino.


Folks, the Red Line has 100% been crossed.


Listen, don't fall into this trap.


I've seen even a few politicos out there, politicians, put out there on social media.


All of this censorship and fight against free speech and anti-First Amendment stuff, that's It's not coming here. It's not coming here. It's here now. It's here now. However, there's a harbinger of bad things to come that happened this week and that's happening around the world.


I need to make you aware of. I also got a funny clip to open up the show. Kamala Harris, again, just pandering to every audience she gets in front of.


Please don't do what I'm about to show you.


Also got a weekend update. Beem's Labor Day sale is here. There's never been a better time to finally try Beem's Dream Powder. So that's been a game changer for me.


Find it at shopbeem. Com/bongino. Hope you all enjoyed Flag Stock last night on my channel. What a banger of a concert.


Of course, we were off yesterday. We're back live with you today after taking a break for Labor Day. Get back to the show. Huge tech companies in America, They may not do a lot of giving, but they sure do a lot of taken. I'm talking about how they enrich themselves by taking your personal data. Companies aren't just selling products anymore. They're selling you.


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Expressvpn. Com/bongino to learn more. All right, fellows, let's go. I got a weekend update for the Bongino army out there.


Wait, one more thing before I get to it.


Election Night. We are going to be doing a live show on Election Night.


We'll also be covering a debate live that night, so I'll have some nightly shows for the McGroin crew and the Bongino Army out there. I will get some details. We have a very limited number of seating arrangement situation things for Election Night.


We're going to get the information out there soon.


Sorry, I don't have more details now, but we're still working. I want to make this thing really sharp and experience for you.


First of all, here's my weekend. Sec football, college football started this week. Auburn was in a squeaker. I was at the game. Show them, fellows. There we were. Pretty good seat if you're watching, right there. That's not bad, huh? It was a Squeaker. Auburn won by 70, so it was a close game. I play in Alabama A&M.


It was nice for them to show up and all, but I guess they're like the fifth best team in Alabama. But yeah, 73 to three. Congratulations, Auburn and Coach U. Freeze on a big opener. But the season gets real soon with bigger and better talent. The first few weeks, most teams play a couple of out-of-conference week games. It was awesome, though. It was nice to see all you people stop by the tailgate.


And to the lady who drove all the way from Birmingham with her family who say hello.


She found us on campus. You know who you are. God bless you. You have a wonderful family. They were so nice. Two beautiful young kids and a husband. Just great American patriots from Birmingham. God bless you. I know a couple of them are Alabama fans, Roll Tide folks. So God bless you all, too. I'm a Northeastern. I fell in love with Auburn late in life, but I understand the rivalry.


So let's start out with this today. First, because it's de facto Monday, even though it's Tuesday, Kamala Harris is the fakest candidate to ever run for president. Ladies and gentlemen, when Kamala Harris tells you her values haven't changed, she's not lying. She's not lying. What do you mean, Dan? She's not lying. She's not. Kamala Harris has never had any values. Kamala Harris has been full of shit her whole life. So when Kamala Harris says, My values haven't changed, she is not wrong. She's nothing more than a gamer. There's not an ounce of genuine, authentic, any character in her anywhere.




The Democrats know this. This is why they are desperate to hide her. They got her wearing earphones now when she gets out of the limo in the SUV so that she doesn't have to answer any questions. She's the single fakest human being to ever run in a space, politics, occupied by bullshit artists all the time. What does it say that in order to run for office, you have to be in the top 1% of fake people, Republican or Democrat, okay? The only ones who win are the really, really fake ones, with few exceptions. In that top 1% of phoneies, Kamala Harris is the zero, zero, zero, one %. The single fakest human being to ever run. Gee, do you think I made the point?


Thank you.


Play this, if you would. Here's Kamala Harris for those listening on audio.


You're going to hear two speeches back to back.


They are not the same speech. The first one is in Detroit, about 12 seconds or so. Then you're going to hear a quick break. She's going to be addressing the exact same issue, union issues. This time, it's from Pittsburgh. Tell me if you can spot the difference. You better thank a union member for sick leave. You better thank a union member for paid leave. You better thank a union member for vacation time.


Thank unions for sick leave. Thank unions for paid family leave. Thank unions for your vacation time.


Where's that? Do we have that Academy Award? Will gave me that time. Remember that fake Academy Award thing? Folks, this woman is a phony.


She is the biggest fake. She's doing this BS routine. She does all the time.


Democrats, Republicans, please don't ever do this.


Do not be condescending. Do not be a panderer. I'm going to tell you this right now. Now, genuine, authentic people, dirt under the fingernails, carpenters, middle class workers, soccer dads, basketball dads, volleyball dads, people who've worked for a living and raised kids. It doesn't matter race, color, creed, sex, or anything. They see through this bullshit immediately. Please stop with the act. Just be yourself. Imagine Donald Trump, You better.


You better.


You better. You better. Just talk like yourself.


I do that in this morning late.


She's a phony, dudes. She's a fake, a huge fraud. If she wins, the country's finished.


Folks, the red line has been crossed this weekend. Monday was a day off for us. It was a holiday for the team. The team deserves a break, too.


But this is so important that it's almost Most worthy of a special in and of itself. The threat to free speech, folks, is here now.


It's not coming. It's not going to be here tomorrow.


It's here now. If we lose this election, the censorship that's already here, you hear me? Already here is going to be magnified up by a factor of a thousand. So you're going to look back on the Housian days when you were allowed to speak freely in this country. Do you see what What happened this weekend with Elon in Brazil? This is a media outlet, a left-wing media outlet, Overseas, The Guardian. These absolute life losers who really believe like The Washington Post that they're paragons of democracy. The democracy dies in the darkness. I want you to know these people are the darkness. This is an actual piece. It's one of those pieces, I give you my word, I had to go back and look twice to make sure this wasn't fake, because I'm like, no way a media outlet would put this in their own paper, threatening to have Elon Musk arrested for promoting free speech, and these assholes did it. The Guardian, Robert Rice, absolute Communist tyrant. There's no debating that. There's no debating it. He put it down on paper, period. Elon Musk is out of control. Here's how to rein him in.


Keep that up there.


Why is Elon Musk out of control, folks? Because Elon Musk does not promote leftist propaganda on his site, he lets leftists push their own propaganda, which is what free speech is about. He lets them push their own propaganda. Nobody's banned. And he gives the right the opportunity with facts to counter leftist BS. Therefore, he's out of control. Robert Rice, absolute scumbag, actually wrote this in The Guardian, that That regulators around the world, this is a quote, Leftist dumbasses, meaning he said this, Regulators around the world should threaten Elon Musk with arrest. If he doesn't stop disseminating lies and hate on X, i. E. Facts that contradict leftist fascist propaganda. Global regulators may be on the way to doing this. Robert Rice, scumbag, little Napoleon syndrome guy, probably a eunic with no balls either. He notes that This is evidence by the arrest in France of Pauvour d'Aure from Telegram.


He's proud of this, which French authorities have found complicit in his hate crimes and disinformation.


The Guardian goes on to suggest to Richem that this is an a bad idea, that Musk should be threatened with arrest, too. Ladies and gentlemen, stop listening to bullshitters who are pretending to be on our side, to even swampy righties who are like, Oh, stop calling them communists. Stop. They are communists. Please. The reason the Bongino army is growing and we dominate the digital space, and I make zero freaking apologies. We dominate radio, we dominate digital, and we dominate social. Notice I said we, not I. We. That's not a signal for virtue. It's a fact. We dominate is because everybody knows they get the truth here. You want to hear bullshit? Oh, the Democrats, don't call them communists. Read this freaking thing here suggesting the arrest of a guy promoting nothing more than a free speech platform, suggesting he be harassed by regulators and arrested. And tell me again, we're not dealing with communists. Is there a single Democrat of prominence out there, Kamala Harris or anyone else, who's spoken out against this? You know what, Guy? Jump ahead before we get to right. Here's Kamala Harris. You remember this, Kamala Harris with Jake Tapper?


Folks, she's a Communist. Please stop the BS. Stop fooling around, fiddle and around. She's a Communist. The more we delay confronting the inevitable, where we're playing little cutesy time BS, the more you're going to get kicked in the balls when you realize that you just have to listen to these people's own words to find out who they are. Here's Kamalanex. Here she is speaking out against the threatening of the arrest of Elon Musk. Just kidding. Check this out.


He has lost his privileges, and it should taken down. The bottom line is that you can't say that you have one rule for Facebook and you have a different rule for Twitter. The same rule has to apply, which is that there has to be a responsibility that is placed on these social media sites to understand their power. They are directly speaking to millions and millions of people without any level of oversight or regulation, and that has to stop.


Folks, if you elect this imbecile, this Communist imbecile, and that's what she is. I'm not playing cute. I cannot understand why these swampies don't understand what we're up against. Just listen to her. Just listen to her.


That Bonchino, I don't know, henels a lot. He gets really passionate. I'm only yelling about her own words, man.


You've got a major left-wing pseudo no intellectual figure with a following, Scumbag Robert Rice, in an actual op-ed that was allowed to be run in a left-wing paper claiming to be for democracy, suggesting Elon Musk be arrested for using his own money and the money of investors to purchase a platform that now just allows people to speak. Kamala Harris is upset because she falsely and ridiculously claims that there are two sets of rules. There's not two There's two sets of rules. There's a first amendment. Facebook and Twitter are subjected to the same defamation, same libel laws, same everything. There are not two sets of rules. She likes Facebook more because Facebook censored conservative content and recently admitted it. Folks, am I making my point? Do you understand the red line? It's crossed. This is That's why I'm so frustrated and pissed off at the fake, phony frauds co-opting our movement who have no concept of the fight we're in at all and are wasting everybody's time. Grow some hair on your balls, you eunic losers, and see what's happening in front of your face. We are fighting a bunch of communists, not progressives or liberals or left-wing Democrats.


Here's Rice, the same scumbag who wrote this piece, Little Napoleon eunic, no balls, castrated loser, recommending Elon must be arrested and harassed. Here's Robert Rice in a video on elections with Eric Swalwell, noted Russia gay PP tape hoaxer and Fang-Fang's boyfriend. Here they are talking about elections. This is the same. This is why I'm worried about an October surprise. You're dealing with communists, folks.


Watch this. It's really no smiling matter.


It's no humorous matter because a lot of Americans are worried that there is, at this moment, some tampering going on with regard to election machinery, and maybe not every vote is going to be counted. How can we be sure that that's not happening?


He's not talking about you, folks. I played that clip very specifically because some of you say, Oh, he's right. No, no, no, no, no, Happy to watch the Friday show. That's not what he's talking about. What he's doing with Eric Swalwell is if Donald Trump wins, he's about to falsely claim, like the Democrats have for 30 years, that there was some tampering with the election machines and that the Russians stole it. That's what that whole segment's about. He's not saying what you would say about election machines. It's totally different. You're an election denier if you said what he said. When he says it on the left, it's considered he's a thought leader.


Look at these headlines, by the way.


Folks, the media is in on this. The censorship communism is here now. Stop pretending. I don't want to sound like I'm lecturing you. I know you all get it. Look, beam in. I get it. I get it. You get it. We all get it. We're all part of the same army here. I understand. But there are still people out there on the sidelines who watch my show who are like, Oh, you know what? A guy, he only yels a lot. A little too much fire for me. Fine. Maybe this show is not for you. I'm asking you just listen to content for a second. Listen to their own words. Look at these media headlines. You think if we lose, free speech is going to survive? How are you going to feel when you donate to a candidate, you find yourself on a watchlist? New York Times, Elections are Bad for Democracy, Adam Grant. New York Times, The Constitution is sacred. Is it also dangerous? Jennifer Zalahaï. New York Times, The First Amendment is Out of Control, Tim Wu. These are real headlines, folks. You think these people are going to protect democracy? Are you kidding me?


The threat to democracy, to this constitutional Republic, is from the media and the left.


I want you to listen to one more. This is Supreme Court Justice, Kuntanji Brown-jackson, who was so dumb at a Congressional... Excuse me, her Senate Confirmation Hearing, that she claimed to not know what a woman is.


Not my words. Just look it up. You don't know what a woman is? A human adult female? You're unaware of that. Here she is at the Supreme Supreme Court hearing. She's apparently unaware of the First Amendment, that the First Amendment is a granting of negative rights, what the government can't do to you, which is restrict your free speech. She appears unaware of this and is wondering why there's a First Amendment constricting what the government is considered. She's a Supreme Court justice.


Listen to this. Justice Jackson. My biggest concern is that your view has the First Amendment hamstrung hamstringing the government in significant ways in the most important time periods.


The First Amendment, Justice Brown-Jaxxon, the idea is to hamstrung the government and their restrictions on free speech. You're a freaking Supreme Court justice. You don't know this?


Again, you're telling me if we lose, it's just going to be SOP, A good operating procedure. Folks, there's a different enemy in front of us now. The sooner we all wake up and realize it, the sooner we'll realize the terrain features of the battlefield we're fighting on. For those of you out there who are awake, not woke, God bless you. For those who are still sleeping or in that fugue state when you get up in the morning, you are running out of time. You better take some smelling salts, man, and stop listening to the stupid people because there's a fight in front of us. For a lot of you out there, not you, the good, hard core, conservative MAGA folks out there, but for those on the fence, that fight is going to kick you in the balls if you don't wake up soon. I'm going to give you some good news, bad news coming up next.


The good news, the fake Kamala AstroTurf effort is over.


Don't believe the left wingers are already panicking about it right now. Quick break. I'll get back to that in a second.


It's tailgating season. Tell me about it.


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Here's the good news, bad news on a de facto Monday, even though it's Tuesday. If you look at the latest Nate Silver forecast, the only reason I put Nate Silver up, folks, is because he's not a conservative. Why would you put up polls from a guy who's not a conservative, Dan? For a very simple reason. Number one, how many times I got to say this?


Folks in the chat, you know I'm going with this.


Polls are shit.


They are garbage. I don't believe them anyway.


The only reason I put them from a relatively left-leaning guy like Silver is you know they're trying to fake the polls because the polls about Trump have always been fake. He ran nine points behind the polls in 2016 and five points behind the polls in 2020. However, if this is the best you can do, even faking it, it says to me, the fake Kamala Harris AstroTurf BS is over. August 14th, chances of winning.


Kamala Harris, 56%, Trump, 42%. August 31st, just a couple of days ago, totally flipped on its head.


Trump, 55%, Harris, 44% chance of winning. You look at the Pennsylvania odds, Nevada, the swing states. Ladies and gentlemen, Trump is ahead. Some of the latest polls I saw from Trafalgar, Trump is ahead in basically all those swing states. I'm going to say this again, and I want you to take this to heart.


Polls are BS.


Do not believe them. They are simply points in time that can be skewed by arranging different soups of voters. Over Oversample Democrats, oversample Republicans, oversample independents. If you get the sample wrong, the poll doesn't mean anything. That's why polls are so frequently off on Donald Trump. The only reason I put them up, again, is these are left-leaning guys. If they are trying to push Paul, they are doing a terrible job because Trump is still ahead or within the margin of error in just about every swing state nationally. What do we have to do now going forward, folks in the chat, put it in the chat. I want to see it. I need evidence everyone's paying attention. Bongino Army, shirt's out in the chat.


I take a sip of my black out. What do we have to do?


Someone get to it. Execute. Who said it first? Bd Nichols. Yes, sir. Execute. Everyone goes to the polls, and yes, 10, 10, and 10.


It's a double answer. You both... Let me see. Okay. Wow, it's going too... I can't even stop it now. Now it's on fire. I'm trying to stop it to point someone out for the 10, 10, and 10.


Ten emails, 10 phone calls, 10 social media posts in the remaining 63 days to the election. And it is an order in the Bongino army. It's an order.


I'm sorry, I don't give orders of it. We're giving one now.


You will have to get 10 people to the polls. It's your job. It's your obligation. It's not voluntary. I'm very sorry. You have to get 10 people to the polls. Drive them, bike them, walk them, carry them. I don't care. Piggy-back them. I don't care what you got to do. Ten people. I'm already up to about 50. If I've seen you in public, to the lady I saw at my Auburn tailgate this week, who drove from Birmingham, What's the last thing I told you? Yes, vote and bring 10 people. I'm up to like a thousand people. I do not speak with fork tongue.


Go and execute, and we'll win.


Don't execute, and we'll lose.


It's that simple? It is. Here's the bad news. I said some good news, bad news.


After showing you the beginning of the show, how Robert Rice, unbelievably, in a paper Riper, proclaiming to be a paragon of democracy, the Guardian, actually wrote an article suggesting outright fascism, that we should start arresting people like Elon Musk with different political ideas. Keep in mind, Elon's not even a conservative. He's What more of a libertarian, left-leaning socialist you've got? Robert Rice wants him arrested. The good news, I think we're ahead.


The bad news is, folks, this October's surprise coming. I don't know what it is, and I don't like to put information. The whole point of a show is to guide you and provide good solid opinions so we're all informed. I don't know what it is. In the past, I had an idea. I knew they were going to do that fact check thing on a Hunter Biden. Anybody didn't have to be... You knew they were going to make that story go away when it came out, the laptop.


2016, the Russia stuff, I was a little slow to respond.


So were others, too, because we were like, This is the... No one's going to believe there's a PP tape. Unshocingly, they ran with it. Then once we realized the threat, it was too late. We had won, and I think everybody figured it would go away, never realizing they were going to run with this.


These people are so sick. I don't I don't know what's going to happen, but we all need to be ready for it.


You need to be ready to double down on volunteering, double down on activism, and double down on donations.


Not to me, I ain't running.


But pick a candidate, Trump or someone, and throw a few bucks out there, folks. The country's at stake. Here's the bad news, too. I think the cheating is going to be significant this time. We still got to vote, folks. We got to swamp this thing. We beat them in 2016. We can do it again. But I think the The cheating is going to be ugly this time. Well, ugly this time as if it wasn't ugly last time when they stole it. However, I think it's going to be even uglier. They've got a pool of illegals in the country they didn't have before. It's clear they're up to no good with them trying to fight the Save Act, which hopefully I'll get to in a few minutes. The Republicans are saying, Hey, show us your proof of citizenship to vote. The Democrats are like, Absolutely not. We'll shut the government down over it. That says to me, with absolute certainty, the cheating is going to be incredible. We're going to have to win by 2-3 points. It's no excuse to back down. But third, I still believe President Trump is in danger. Did you see this tweet by Susan Crabbtree?


Folks, this should scare the hell out of you. The Secret Service just overwhelmed right now. They're just overwhelmed. Exclusive and breaking, Susan Crabbtree, X. The Secret Service is stretched so thin with the campaigns. As I told you, did I not predict this, folks? I told you they had an unprecedented campaign log. No time in modern American history, in modern American history, has a former president run again with a bigger threat profile than the president, while the president refuses to run and his vice President gets the nomination.


They have never had a protectee load like this. I warned you about this. Susan notes they have a deficit for the UN General Assembly in New York of 650 special agents. Folks, that's probably around an eighth to a 10th of the entire workforce. Why is the UN General Assembly a big deal? Because every head of state that the Secret Service must, by law, All Protect is in New York at the same time.


Well, not every, but most of the members of the UN General Assembly.


It's so bad. I've never seen this before, the Department of Defense is now providing personnel for things I've never seen. Now, to be clear, because accuracy and precision matters, the Secret Service using the Department of Defense assets is not in any way new. We partner with them on WACA, the White House Communications Agency. We partner with them with WAMO, White House Military Office. Eod, Explosives Detection Teams. Many of them come from the military.


Canine handlers, a lot of them come from the military.


The pilots A lot of the support staff that help the Secret Service out in their mission are DOD. That's not unusual. However, this US Department of Defense press release from last week, I've never seen anything like this before. They're going to provide assistance with logistics, transportation, and communications.


Put that up there. This is the Secret Service guys talking about the DOD.


A lot of agents, if you read Susan Crabbtree's tweet, I'm just passing on what whistleblowers are telling me, are suggesting that the Department of Defense, that has been invaluable partners in securing the lives of Secret Service protectees, that they may be put into roles They're not accustomed to. It would be the equivalent of asking a secret service agent to go join an infantry unit with no training. It's not that the agent isn't brave or doesn't have valor or isn't capable of learning. But you wouldn't just throw him in an infantry unit with no experience in the space. I am extremely concerned right now the secret service is so shorthanded from poor management that Trump may be in really real danger.


The agency is totally reactionary at this point, folks, and it can't possibly survive like this. I'm going to get back to the good news in a minute. The Kamala Harris Astro Turf efforts have completely collapsed.


She has received no bump whatsoever from that ridiculous Sourya Sarkis, the ridiculous Democrat National Committee. More on her coming up next. Folks, her radical positions are out there. Don't listen to me.


Just listen to her. Last break. We'll get back to this. I got a killer segment coming for you next. Please don't miss it. You What are the reports of nearly $1 trillion of infrastructure and pandemic funds yet to be spent? There's a massive amount of money the lame duck administration is pushing hard to spend in the last few months. The President is able to push these funds out. We could see another prolonged inflation surge, just like during COVID. I'm sure you remember the terrible effects of high prices that are happening right now. But there's hope. A surge in prices can be beaten. A gold IRA from Birch Gold Group can be the ultimate inflation hedge for your savings in uncertain times. I buy my gold from Birch Gold. I have many times B-I-R-C-H. I'm very concerned about the value of our money. To see how to protect your IRA or 401(k), get your free info kit on gold by texting the word Dan to 98989. Birch Gold makes it seamless to roll over your retirement account while preserving your tax advantage status. Don't wait to see if the President's spending spree tanks the dollar further.


Protect your financial future today. Text Dan to the number 98998 for your free info kit from Birch Gold, IRCH message and data rate supply. Our last sponsor today is Blackout Coffee.


Let me get a sip. The official coffee of the Bongino Army, Blackout Coffee.


They also got their skip the Brew ready to Drink, which is totally badass. It gets my badass product of the week, maybe the month, maybe the year. Love this stuff. Absolutely fantastic. Blackout Coffee is great. It is bold. It is never bitter. The flavors are incredible. There's always a fight in my house over what we should make, the dark chocolate-flaved coffee, the blueberry crumble, or the cinnamon French toast. It's absolutely delicious. Why? Why is it different? Because they use premium-grade coffee beans. It's not this woke crap coffee. A lot of these companies that are woke, they put these lower-grade beans into their product line. I'm personally recommending it. The folks at Blackout Coffee, they love the country, they love coffee. That's what they do. They It's going to ship within 48 hours of roasting. It's incredible. Do me a favor, check it out. Go to blackoutcauffy. Com/bongino. See what I'm talking about? They're the real deal. Forget supporting those woke crap companies. But here's the deal. Don't just support them because they're not woke. The coffee is damn good, too. I promise you, check it out. Send me your views in the chat. Go to blackoutcauffy.


Com/bongino. We use coupon code Bongino for 20% off your first order. Make the switch to Blackout Coffee. You're going to love it. All right, back to the show. Folks, the Kamala Harris AstroTurf effort is fake.


Left-wing polls can't seem to separate her from the margin of error. Now, why is that happening? Because she's a liar. She is a fraud. She is a fake and she is a phony. Everything she says is a lie.


Listen to me.


Anyone out there in the chat in Pennsylvania know someone in Pennsylvania or know someone who knows someone in Pennsylvania? If you For you, this quick segment is for you. She keeps talking about how she's changed her values on fracking. Hydraulic fracturing of rock is how we get natural gas, largely in the country right now. If we shut down hydrofracking, hydraulic fracturing, then the energy costs in this country will skyrocket even higher than they are now. Kamala Harris is on the record saying she wants to support fracking. She's now saying...


Excuse me, that she supports eliminating fracking.


She's now milk toast-wise, trying to walk it back. She said in a CNN interview, Oh, I cast a deciding vote, basically it's a pro-fracking thing. That's not what happened. This show brings the receipts.


Wall Street Journal, Alyssa Finley, does great work. Kamala Harris was making a reference to the Inflation Reduction Act.


It includes a provision that requires the government to hold offshore oil lease sales as a condition for auctioning offshore wind farm leases. Joe Manchin inserted the provision in an effort to force the Biden administration to hold more oil lease sales, which is slow walk. But the bill didn't increase fracking. You know why? The Biden-Harris Administration undermined the spirit of the law by consolidating win lease sales to minimize the number of auction for oil leases. As the New York Times themselves pointed out, Biden administration offers fewest offshore oil and gas leases in history. Everything this lady says is a lie, folks. She is full of crap. This is who this woman is. Here she is with Al Sharpton, noted race hustler, grifter, and total life loser. I I remember this guy in New York when I was a cop, when I was a young man. I remember his anti-Semitic attacks. The guy is disgusting, and he always has been. Have you ever seen the videos of this guy? Here's Kamala Harris, kissing his ass, telling him straight up she supports reparations, where Americans who did nothing wrong are going to pay other Americans for a sin generations ago that they had nothing to do with.


I can't imagine a more divisive policy to support. But don't listen to me. Listen to Kamala Harris. Check this out.


But in the area reparations for descendants of Africans of slave.


If you elected President, would you sign that bill if it came across your desk?


When I am elected President, I will sign that.


I left the laughing in because was the woman ever stopped cackling? So So just to be clear, she wants you to forego your hard-earned money in an inflation-riddled struggling economy that her and Joe Biden caused to other people you did nothing wrong to. And she thinks it's funny?


He said the Wall Street Journal piece was a little confusing. The bottom line is this.


She keeps saying she voted for the bill to support fracking. The inflation reduction did nothing of the sort. And even what they pretended to do, increased oil leases, they screwed everyone over and issued less, not more. This is the most anti-energy, anti-American, Communist, anti-free speech, anti-constitution candidate we have ever seen. She's also a genuinely awful, ego-maniacal human being. Folks, obviously, I'm not going to say who.


Hold on, put everything down and listen for a second.


You're a lefty watching the show.


You're an independent who's up in the air in the election. Whether you believe me or not is your call. I can't force you to believe me. I'm not a Communist lefty. I'm going to hold your head underwater until you believe me. Leave what I tell you or I'm going to ban you. I'm getting from multiple people. This woman is a genuinely awful person. She is really, really bad.


Not a shred of dignity or character to this woman. It airs itself often, and you just have to watch it.


Here she is.


They were about to ask her about the 13 heroes killed at Abbeygate in Afghanistan after Biden's cowerly withdrawal.


I want you to watch her first inclination is to do what? Her first inclination is to laugh about it. Check this out.


What's your response to report to the American. Hold on, hold on. Slow down, everybody. I want to talk about two things. First, Afghanistan.


What's funny about that? We had just lost 13 patriots, brutally murdered after a cowardly withdrawal You're all done in the most tactically inefficient, deadly way possible. Kamala Harris, again, her first instinct is to cackle. It's to cackle. This is not a serious person. This is not a person with any character or dignity at all. This is not a person who cares at all about you, middle-class voters, earners, working class Americans. She does not care. Everything to her is a joke. It is all about her personal ambitions, folks. Did you hear about this, too?


There's a plan in California which now Kamala Harris has adopted. She's only changed the amount. In California, they want to give $150,000 to illegals, criminals in the country who broke our immigration laws as their first act of coming here, chose not to do it the right way, but break the law. California wants to give $150,000 for them to buy a home. No. Oh, yeah.


But don't worry, folks. Kamala Harris only wants to give 25. Here's the great Peter St. Ange explaining exactly this. It's about 20 seconds. Kamala Harris probably thinks this is funny, too. Check this out.


The State of California just approved $150,000 loans to illegal migrants to buy houses, where, get this, they don't have to make any payments until they sell the house. Can you imagine? $150,000 loan you never have to repay. Well, you can if you are every single human on Earth who is not American. There we go, folks.


How does that make you feel? You're struggling to sell your house or buy a house. Come here illegally, get yourself a nice 150K. You don't have to pay back till you sell the home.


Would you ever sell the home? No.


What I would do is I would take the 150K. I would buy a house with the government's money, which they steal from the taxpayers.


I would then rent the house out forever and use it as a source of income and then bequeath it to my kids later and then see if you could buy another house for another 150K. What a deal, huh?


Don't worry, Kamala Harris only wants 25,000.


Yeah, he's thinking maybe they should implement this policy in Mexico.


You go to Mexico, they give American citizens 150K to buy a house.


That'd be a great idea, right?


Look at this one, too.


In case you think, by the the way that, Oh, no, at least it's not going to impact the election.


Folks, this is why I'm worried.


I said I'd give you the bad news. They are going to cheat. That's not news. We know they cheat. They cheat all the time. It's obvious. However, just listen to their own words and watch their actions. It's the do that matters more than the talk. Here's the Associated Press doing their best to make sure the cheating is covered up.


David Lieb, AP, illegal voting by non-citizens is rare, yet Republicans are making it a major issue this election.


If it's rare, like you say, number one, you can't prove it counter factual. If you didn't catch them voting, you don't know it's rare. But second, if it's rare, then why are the Democrats so worried about it? Occam's razor, folks. If the Democrats are really concerned about something they claim it's rare, that means it's not rare. That That means they want to use illegal immigrants to vote. Here's a tweet by Mike Lee. Speaker Mike Johnson is going to attach the Save Act, which does one simple thing, folks.


Says, You have to prove you're a citizen to register to vote. The Democrats had noted it's a nonstarter.


They're getting ready to shut down the government, the Democrats, to make sure illegals vote.


Listen, I get a little emotional We're all talking about this because we have been covering this since 2016. We covered it extensively in 2020, the efforts to undermine our Republic with elections that lack integrity, folks, If you don't have free and fair elections, you don't have a Republic, it doesn't matter what happens next.


I don't want Republicans cheating. I don't want Democrats cheating. I don't want anyone cheating. If the Democrats are willing to shut to down the government over a simple proof of citizenship verification thing to register to vote, it says to me, they are resolutely committed right now to cheating in this election. The only question is not if it's the degree. Is it going to be enough to overcome the massive swamp of MAGA voters I see that are just going to flood to the election boots as we bring 10 people with us? I hope not.


But they're going to try. That's why you got to talk to your local officials and stay on top of them and ask them today, what are we doing to make sure only American citizens vote and we can secure this election? Folks, this gets even worse. Kamala on the Gold Star families. This has been an absolute disaster. I put this down. What was the next video, Guy? I put it down. Kamala turned out... I got it. Oh, yeah, yeah. The CNN. Oh, yeah, this is even worse. Kamala Harris, who wants to be the Commander-in-Chief of our military, folks, doesn't seem to understand the destruction they've caused overseas.


Watch your CNN clip.


You'll see what I mean. Check this out.


We invited both President Trump and the Biden-Harris administration, and we didn't hear back from the White House. We were happy to welcome President Trump to lay reefs with all three of our families and our wounded some of our wounded from that day. And when he came to Section 60, it was at our request to spend time with our loved ones. There was not a press presence there. We privately took pictures among ourselves. And it was a more celebratory feeling for that day because we want to celebrate our loved ones, and it's very hard to find ways to do that.


I'm not done with this story. A lot of you are asking me about what happened at Arlington. Donald Trump showed up because he cared. Kamala Harris and Biden, who's cowardly retreat from Afghanistan, got 13 heroes killed, has chosen the route of attacking Donald Trump, and I promise you this is going to blow up in her face. I got more on that coming up, so don't go anywhere. I'll try to get to it. I got a lot more stuff. There's a bunch of Republicans counts on this, too, because the media is trying to cover it up. I want you to watch this ad, folks. This is another ad just with the families of people who have been killed by the devastating policies of the Biden-Harris regime.


These are the ads that are going to sway persuadable minds. All you've got to do with Kamala is show people who she really is. And once their eyes are open, it's impossible to unsee it.


Watch this. I was a Kamala Harris supporter. That changed after an illegal alien murdered my son, running him over, then driving back and forth over Drew's body three times. The man who killed my son had been arrested previously, but Kamala Harris let him go. As San Francisco's DA, Kamala was soft on crime. As a senator, she supported releasing criminal aliens back into our neighborhoods. Kamala Harris is dangerous.


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This is why the more people get to know her, the more people dislike her.


That's why she's got ear buds in, pretending to talk on the phone with the ear buds in when she exits the Secret Service motorcade, because nobody likes her.


Let me prepare you for the debate a bit, too. Show you who the real Kamala is because she so lacks in any substance.


When she says her values haven't changed, she's not kidding. She's always been full of shit. She was full of shit then, she's full of shit now. Her values haven't changed at all.


This is what she's waiting for. Was this Amaze More? I want to give an appropriate hat tip. I think this was Amaze More video.


She's waiting in the debate for this moment.


There was a big fight over leaving the microphones on while the other candidate is speaking. Kamala Harris wants to change the rules now to allow that to happen. The reason is she's waiting for this moment. This is all she has, the I'm speaking This is all she has, nothing else.


I'm going to tell you how the Trump team should respond in a second, but I want you to watch this compilation when she was debating Mike Pence, where she, even after her, I'm speaking moments over and over, still got smoked in the debate. This is what she He's going to try to produce against Donald Trump, this content for the media. I'm going to tell you guys how he should respond in a second.


Watch this first.


Mr. Vice President, I'm speaking. I have to wait. I'm speaking. Mr. Vice President, I'm speaking. I'm speaking.


It'd be important if you said the truth.


Mr. Vice President, I'm speaking. I'm speaking. If you don't mind letting me finish, we can- This is all she has.


Do you understand she has nothing different? Are you ready? Here's how the Trump team should respond. Again, they don't need my advice.


They're doing fine on their own. I get that. I am not their campaign spokesman. I am a supporter of Donald Trump.


I'm just humbly and respectfully offering a piece of advice here. She is going to do this. It is a distraction mechanism. The minute she doesn't, give me your feedback in the chat.


Tell me if I'm crazy.


Donald Trump should say, There it is. Media people, did you get it? That was for you. Left wingers, commies in the media. That was for you. Spread it around now. The microphones will be live. Remember, everybody got it? Spread it around. We're going to hear that five or six more times tonight. The problem is she wasn't speaking when our border was invaded and 13 of our patriots were killed over in Afghanistan and a bunch of sex trafficking and fentanyl was crossing our Southern. She wasn't speaking then. But then, you got your moment? Okay, can we move on now?


Done. She'll be finished.


That's all she has. He's got to be ready for it. And I'm sure he is.


He's got some good debate preppers. I think Tulsi Gabbard is helping him.


He'll be fine. They don't need my advice. I just say that humbly as a guy who talks 20 hours live and you debate people live on talk radio and TV for decades. Liberals live for the talking point. There is nothing worse when you point out to them and everyone else listening that their talking point is It's, in fact, the talking point. Everyone get it, the media? Everyone get that on tape? There you go. That's her moment. Okay, good. You got it. Now, can we speak about the things she actually did wrong?


Getting back to the Gold Star families, by the way, who were treated so horribly by this disgusting Biden-Harris administration that got their loved ones killed. Here's the New York Times running cover for the Biden-Harris administration that got these heroes killed at Abbeygate in Afghanistan.


Trump campaign uses statements from Gold Star families to attack Harris.


This is the worst Republicans pounce I think we've ever seen in our lives. Trump campaign uses statements from Gold Star families to attack Harris. How about Kamala Harris attacks Trump and gets immediately corrected by Gold Star families? That's actually the appropriate way. But because it's the filth, Chris Cameron at the New York Times, filth, the absolute filth, communists at the New York Times, this is what they write. Here's Biden. Here's a video of Biden who asked about this situation.


Biden's cowardly retreat from Afghanistan got our patriots killed. Of course, the media wants to give him an opportunity for a sound bite, so they ask him a question, and he can't even get this right. Check this out.


Mr. President, what do you think of President Trump's behavior at Arlington Cemetery with the visit to the fallen soldiers? I don't want to answer the question.


Did you watch your vice president's interview on CNN? Notice there's no sympathy for the families. There's no recognition whatsoever that the families come first. It's Joe Biden with this oatmeal for brains, lack of a cognitive connection.


He's like, I'm not going to tell you what I say about Donald Trump.


Hinting that there's something really bad coming. I want you to watch this, too. Here's the media again running interference. Kristen Walker, who I knew a long time ago and tried to pretend to be a journalist, has now gone full-blown known Communist. Here she is with Tom Cotton. The Biden-Harris administration has never recognized fully the 13 patriots who died at Abbeygate. Donald Trump has. Here's Kristen Walker falsely claiming that Kamala Harris greeted them at the dignified transfer ceremony. Kamala Harris wasn't there, and Joe Biden was checking his watch.


Watch this. Bottom line, though, I guess, Senator, is it ever appropriate to make campaign content at military gravesites.


He didn't take campaign photos there. These families, Gold Star families, whose children died because of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris's incompetence, invited him to the cemetery, and they asked him to take those photos because as they told me yesterday, when I spoke to Kelly Barnet and Darren Hoover, the parents of Taylor Hoover, who has Arkansas ties, they don't get to go to the beach on Labor Day. They don't get to have barbecues. This is their one chance to have a memory of their children to commemorate their service and to honor their sacrifice. They wanted President Trump there. They wanted to take those photos. You know who the family's also invited? Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Where were they? Joe Biden was sitting at a beach. Kamala Harris was sitting at her mansion in Washington, DC. She was 4 miles away, 10 minutes. She could have gone to the cemetery and honored the sacrifice of those young men and women, but she hasn't. She never has spoken to them or taken a meeting with them. They did meet with them during the dignified transfer. They were with them at the dignified transfer. It's because of her and Joe Biden's incompetence that those 13 Americans were killed in Afghanistan.


Okay, number one, at the dignified transfer ceremony of the bodies of these heroes, Joe Biden was checking his watch.


And what Kristen Welker, or whatever her name has just said, is bullshit. Kamala Harris was not there. She's never recognized these families. Here's the correction by Meet the Press. That was only forced into correcting it because Because fact checkers won't do their job.


Throw that tweet up from them.


On our broadcast this morning, we incorrectly implied that Biden and Harris attended the dignified transfer. Biden was in attendance, but Harris was not. Nothing these people tell you is true. Here's left wing Snopes, the straight up commies. This was so bad, even they had to recognize it. Did Biden check his watch multiple times during transfer of fallen soldiers? Fact check. True. Imagine the commis having to say this.


Nothing these people tell you, ladies and gentlemen, is true. Nothing. I promise you truth as a home base here, okay? I'm not going to lie to you to protect anyone or anyone's agenda. You have my word, okay? And walk away from a job I loved over a decade ago to bullshit you, okay? We have built this army because It matters. It's built around a foundation of truth, and I mean that. Now go and execute. Let's win this thing in 63 days. I'll see you guys here in a radio show in a little bit on Rumbl. If you want to watch it live, rumble. Com/bongino. Please give us a follow. Rumbl is free, by the way, folks. You can download the Rumbl app. It's absolutely free.


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